Newspaper Page Text
The Intelligencer. TERflS, $1.00 PER YEAR. Entered at tne Lexington poatofflce u Mcond class mall matter. I. 0. NEALE, ' Editor and Proprietor, Saturday, October 12, 1901. SO NATIONAL BASK SOW. mgsvmptomsof political dyspepsiaand President RimRprplt. rilil rr marhin nnntravi! utiCunonl Vllna graceful and appropriate thing when) The Mlchlgander should remember w uLvuiitru .nr. AiuirviT. or Illinois, uiai "wnnra inf puns wmim niKTmv c 1 1 o - v V w-vn!)... S 4 1.. A a I 41 41 & i aa wuipiiuirr m me treasury in aecora-1 iney nrst maue maa. Ine with th HacIm a . , .. A NEWSPAPER IN FACT, w-iiv. nmie uiereniiernan aouotiess . . . owe, his appointment to the Influence to " ' V"" ,n" "" of his father-in-law rather than to 10 A Ta,ue " C0B,,V PPr ability of his own. he .ill AM1htli "a P" t,1Bl lh" ,Und"d fill the tuition ,,tkfH., of excellence .hall be I ? w aaio 1 . ... . . -v.. v,.. " coiunin. win orioz to A DANGEROUS PRBCEDE3ST. ICTZ " " 10 Jour ob.err.Uon . under th. . ,j , ... - "ocsiauuMi me tone aiserea tea na. . .. ...... ine Kidnapping ana nomine for....-.,, .. ..... . . caption, "School Money. Annor. " uuiuu mnn ne nn nam t imim to r. .. ... ransom or .miss Mone, an American LIva ,nM . I, llonel. "ow the amount that missionary, by bandit, of either Tun Cll''T"Trnt' fn.h,sU to each of th. dr,ou in ... 1 11 in ri w n wu wi n ion cn ao rnjai..4ii " key or Bulgaria, has stirred up the Lf ' 3 ",c county and of cour.. oodu.d. informs AnTlM i m 1 1 in1 m-ri-l in n innH.. I I r in Aa & a i - . . entire civilized world in a manner that it has seldom been agitated before. LZT t?l Ad lhen ln lh ""'court pre hthe.rnmentsden.vthatthe A "e outrage committed by their sub- M the . ""7- IhtElLIGMCER, on the flm pa(;6 jects, but at the same time they claim w- ' rrCT to be using all the means in their Z 1 ""Z V T " "fr . powertohave the primer 1, !"? " 10 ner people, ine Dajiaits, speaking , 10 ecn road district. through an agent at OonstanUnople! t? ?' , ,ttel ll l"ke. both tin,, and trouble to want ,U0,O0, otherwise they will LTZl 1" -P.e these figure., but mi! r0fC net mar7 0ne Pire, he si.nalized the, !.,0D f .tbe DewsP8Per 10 ui uieir numoer or ronure ana mur- fh mf .7.. . . T .... . I reaaers such fact. ...v. .vu uiiitiijr wmesieu pOilLICai Innnlatr. htti. i 4 1. . wniain. law is aL " : " " "lu: "you would keen M.t.d n j .1.? j iaw.uuc element immea ate v en stAil . . 1 -r unn, 10 oca. witn, out we be- the ration nf f. '"1" P' Jur name on the Intel issuance of an uUimatum to theJLV"11 . U that WSm T0 WL pestiferous powers that if Miss Stone 7 , a"d lmg bcfore A" lntorview with Mr. Charles E, . ... .... . . . . luc "uiiauuii 01 ine cnarter it heran Jiorns. tne New Vnrb ovnn-i . 10 nut nnimpuv noeraiea our naval u . , 1 --rv owium- . r uaal a Camrjaiffn thrnmrh tho nrocc t ant mhn nnt, iij .. . . o rB v..v, j,.., pria- 1 .wiu niwacilt U) .I'liSSOUri 10 1O0K A 1 UlT HIT. f Of course international as these tables the people have everj reaMn to return earnest thanks, has bobbed up again. The colonel claims to be a great sin- gle-taxcr so great, In fact, that he proclaimed himself Wireer than the authorities of bis home county, Ralls, by refusing to par takes on personal property. The county collector, how ever, forgetting Oil. Dalton's irreat- ness, levied upon I valuable horse, whereupon he of the vine clad hills and many political summersaults : ... . i came to time and paid up. It was ever thus with the great colonel. You only need to pinch him to make him squeal. fMAlTC PI IPC 01 1 J Look to u. to supply your need. In tb i disappoint you. Thi. 1. cloak weather Thcr itett, We VVth b""ln!M- EvJ dollar I" to n,' mum jicm you iuu iw cents' worth of ' u '"our, easy to write 150 cent., but we want to be hon honestv hrprdu rnnfli)n- e8' in our ... tateo r?OnO . cnB -: 11 Kn. 1 1 i., a, ma lv inruea loose upon L. u , . .. . them it would go far toward brimL Zl rt'V m them to their senses. If the large " a T piaMM atadisad mnn, iW-nH ,E mm " vantage during the early stages of the incident . 7' : ; 1 of the mediocrity of the , . , . democratic leaders in conoress Thos. iUTdin: the nrei'edpnt netiH inA i0iras, iiios. be a most dangen.u. one. So Ame T W a?aist ican citizen wil be fre f,,m .w ' he n.k Snd a host in hi". ti .i, ....... . Dut lma Practically no support. Dur aivuj mint iiafuii tturiKKi ann fnr I i Dconle will W., n hlw ' . ,n Jacks,m?s flrst administration the to ti1P iaww ,u,jrrsueum countries "llur the P'Ple, and in his campaign for For ve,r n,.t Tmii. w , -e:tk.n the national bank became wr ,,;,nn: ,,theP;'ra"'nt issue. The bank ..u.jj , (.nuizeo world and Bulgaria is little better. If these powers could be wiped out it would Ik- a victory for both humanity and decency. This 'wipinir out" nrm-ptv .-. lw, re sorted to coercion, intimidation, false- "ood every scheme known to political rascality but failed to overcome the popularity of .Jackson. During the set-ond term the light was continued Willi increased fnrv ;mrl r,,,if,.,i i pn-mptlyand effectivelv attended to ",.'T. . 'T anf' Kv Mite . .. . . . im" """oiiin or ine Danks tef ,:,t::!!!n . administration of Martin Van adhere to ,hei,lief that a sound flog- S7r , "h' irinir would w, further .nlin,i tPefu7' """wnwent into the ofgKKltheovernme Z n" Z .W" With the rPP,,tati"" paying of money to their lawless sul. PZd hfms C," ,"e Kts who outrage GJumhiabvlavlniT , be a brainy, cour. violent hands up.n her .n ' Z SSt' U jects. Station the Oregon, the In- 2 ?, d" IK,lltk"al Sdentists aml diana and other American J ssels off J the -'""ent of Constantinop,e and to tTurk the'uM'u7 one of the most "render unto us our s "ad U w hif " t"tetnn"P ' is safe tosav th.t . i ' " . nieriean history. At first Van Bu- this meh vP;.i a . : , ren PWy alone In his ad vocacy of the measure. Gradually he this much vexed Stone question would be effected at once. A C0MJIENUAKLE VERDICT. The jury that convicted Bud Taylor of the murder of Ruth Xollard in'the criminal court of Jackson county paid a debt it owed to societv and is entitled to the thanks and good opin ion of every law-abiding citizen. The defense set up by the attorneys for the murderer was insanity and for several months past Taylor has played well his part. In addition, his mother, aged and feeble, told with faltering voice of his weak mental condition from the witness stand, and the wife irom wnom lie had been divorced came from another state to swear that he was an epileptic and not responsible for his acts. But all this did not suffice to offset the evidence of the state which showed conclusively that a crime was never more deliberately planned than was the murder of this' defenseless girl while walking along one of the streets of Kansas City. Every move indiieaupto the tragedy was cau tiously made by Taylor and bore more the mark of the shrewd schemer than the man of diseased mind. If ever a man under the laws of Missouri deserved death on the gallows that man is Taylor and the quicker he is hanged and gotten out of the way the tetter. Society demands the removal of all such criminals. secured the co-operation of the democ racy, l pon the expiration of his term he was accorded a renornination. The logic of events should have made the sub-treasury the paramount issue in 184rt- The whigs, however, were un willing to conduct a campaign of rea son. They refused to discuss issues. Clay struck the whig keynote when he said: "This is no time for argu ment." With log cabins and hard cider, with "sound and fury sianifvinir nothing," the whigs swept even-thin,, oeiore mem, and Van Burcn ml. I del penalty of his greatness. ' j When the whigs went into r,,wer uiey repealed the sub-treasury bill hut f,.., . i... v .ui is jaier it was again passed and no administration h:i vnr dared to asrain reneal tim mm,,,,. The national bank has been weM.,.,! i.. r in i ne balance and found wantfn.r The fact that Iiidgely's grandfather vas an officer ln the bank that was exposed and destroyed by Oenemi Jackson will hardly appear as sufficient cause ror its re-establishment now The new comptroller would better iook to the future and let the past aione. over the state's books, with a reDre sentative of the Chillicothe Constitu tion, will be found in another column of this issue of the Intelligencer, and while it is to be hoped that such newspapers as the St. Louis Globe Democrat and other republican sheet of lesser light will now cease their daily nd weekly charges against dem ocratic management in Missouri, it is safe to say that they will keep ri"tit on wiin their mean and truthless flings. About the only way to treat these scurrilous sheets is with silent con tempt, All their utterances bear th, mark of untruth and iioIhkIv knows it netler than the people of this state. MISSOURI POLITICS. P. I). Hastain, for a number of years one of Missouri's most promi nent republican politicians, has set tied at Anadarko, in the new Indian country, for the practice of law. TI-.,...! was at one time mayor of Vdalia and did as much to nush tln.t town to the front as any other living man. At the time that removal was being agitated he stumn. J u. . .. ...... r uie siaie ior.sedalia, traveled nMit ana day and spent his own m.,nov His nack of making friends won men to him wherever he went, and that without regard to politics. It seem strange that Sedalia would consent to give up so valuable a man and it can only be accounted for on the theory of general political ingratitude, Hastain, barring politics, move ' cessrui at nis new home. Of the seventeen holdover state senators who will cast a Tote for a United States senator to succeed George G. Vest it Is encouratrlnir to know that all are democrats with the exception of five and that the seat of one of the five, Jesse L. Jewell, of Jackson county, is being contested. The list of holdover senators will be found appended: William E. Stubbs,D., first district. Tank Costello, I)., third district. Jesse L. Jewell, fifth district. Charles W. Clarke, R., seventh dis trict. Thus. L. Ruhey, I)., ninth district. M. R. K. Biggs, I)., eleventh dis trict. H. Clay Heather, D., thirteenth dis trict. Ernest D. Martin, D., fifteenth dis trict. Nick M. Bradley, D., seventeenth district. "William P. Sullivan. IL nineteenth , district. George T. Lee, !.. twentv-rirst His. i net. John E. Marshall. I)., twent.r.thirri uisuici. Buell L. Matthews. R..twentv.fifth uiMrici. ' ycly, !., twentv-seventh district. Charles A. Smith, R., twenty-ninth district. r..i. ... . "" .u.iiins, I ., thirty-first dis trict. William J. Schoeiilaiili, I thirty third district. honesty breeds confidence. Ladies' Box Coats, Of good quality Melton, neatl .tu.v.. .. ' satteen, new high roll collar lth Ladies' Box Coats, Made of good grades of kersey, bea- ' .. tight fitting back, Lned with fine oualit . an dotk hiirh roll collar anil fa-M,...... t ""enzett natt... high roll collar and fashionable aW retails at M 00 to W.50. , Here the nri i. A coat t , - "i most I Ladies Box Coats, Made 27 inches long, of good Enelihk, lined throughout with silk, neatlv tailor stitching, new high roU collar h htting back and cuff sleeve. 1 Wee, 87.50. Ladies' 42-!nch Automobile. Made of all wool kersev. tailor tit.-t, Iar and lapels lined with splendid quality mercer ized serge, hih roll collar and cuff sleeve. .$10 m Ladies' Automobile. 2 inches Inn.r ..... ocst quality of all wool kcrsev. tri,m...i ...u Panne velvet applique, lined with best Skinnc aun, colors light tan and castor. th 1'KXIN;to. Ixtkllhjknckk 18 now an eight page, iix-coiuoin paper, wtiipriniea, ell edited and ejoying " wu Pironage. It wss on of the last papers in the state to quit tbe old iiue column, four page Bte, and lhe improvement is very uisrked.-Jaekson Examiner. The Lkxist. IsTti.Li.iKNCKit has made son,u decided improvements- re cently that tbouid be appreciated by the readers of a.l sdvertisers in that fP'endid paper Hardin New.. The Lkxinotos 1 s t k l i. i (71c n c k r hp pears Ibis week in greatly improved form. It is now M six eulumn quarto, printed on ., high grade of paper. INrshali Democnt-News. MR. ALOER'S ANGER. General R. A. Aider's book Is nut at last and it Is apparent that the ex-sec- reiary or war would be better off and stand lietter in the opinions of his countrymen if he had never written it. It is simply a rehash of Spanish Amer lean war incidents, known to every schoolboy in the country, with a lot or venom and spite work thrown in One of f.eneral Alger's ereatest mis takes lies in the fact that he cannot understand that the "politician out' Is not as great as the "politician in" in other words, that people irenerallv are slow to pick up the quarrels of ii 'ha-Jk number" official. This mar 1 sometimes unjust, but it is nevcrtlie less true, for In politics nothing so,-. ceedslike success. In his hook General Aluer severeii- criticises General Miles, and If his as sertlons are based upon fact the official nead or the army Is out of place in th,. responsible position he now il,s However, Mr. Alger manifests alarm- In the appointment of JimVe simn Barclay to the vacancy on the hn.-h or tne St. Louis court of aDoeak occasioned by the resignation of jud'e Henry W. Bond, Governor Ix-kerv j made no mistake. Judge Barclay is one of Missouri's most eminent jurists and has hosts of friends throughout me state who rejoice at his recent preferment. In this senatorial district Boone county holds important rank, says the Columbia Statesman. So that it is possible we may have two candidates for state senator. Hon. C. J. v...ii,n. has removed from St. Charles county to Boone, and will he a candidate for re-election. Friends of Hon. Wollln,,. ton Gordon, of Columbia, are urgln- "im to make the race and he Is siuering the matter. Our friends In me eastern end of the district in likely claim that as Is new in me district she has no claims. This is twaddle and amounts to nothing, Some newspaper friend mentioned tbe name of Walter William fn, Columbia Herald, as a candi.I.-.t.. ft.- congress and the popularity of the suggestion Is manifest Ing Itself in all quarters. The newspaper fraternity Is almost a unit for the Columbia editor. The Ixtkllioe.vckh has no Idea that Walter Williams will en run for congress, but the endorse ments he is receiving at tim ha his fellow editors should be highly graurying to him. At ti, snm , int, mm; " is not strange that he should be held in such high esteem, ii-ii. serving of every k1 rH v. . o ".v. mm Hits been spoken of him. Price, 815 and 810.50. A SPLENDID APPOINTMEM County Collector Pnikpr.M "i... made no mistake in - nm, u..,.. Lyons . ,he attorney to coiiectthe delinquent taxes of the county n,.,h county court committed no Prrnr , Jonfirramg .the innnoi,,... Lyons is in every way q,ined" for'.h " "oru thus placed in his hs.rt. --. do bis full duly In ,he ' ,. . - --- j ""niiitB. Ann - a matter of no mal iuipor3Deo to Lafayette county. All .,.. i.. . . .. . . d,iu oear tutlir lliar . ruuiun 01 taxation and mo man wnn niu. . .. r-j ucmaiMiij that "other fellow" h,,i nt 'NTKI..I,iKScKK Conrfl, ' ruiKcrson and thn Ladies' Box Coats, .ulc oi tne best English kersey, lined . ci.: .. . ",ner 8aun- made with plain or yoke back. nign rou collar; comes in black, castor, p-A tan. The Price. 810.00. the The both Court nn .u. . ""'1 ... a is ii r I ninm m Lyon s. Mr Another vigorous stir of the Jacks,,,, county pot of political bu rCIMI h'ls hnnn made resulting in a threat, on thp n-.,t M the S(M:alled Iendergast faction of the democratic party to punish Jud-e Gates in his race for the supreme bench, all on account of a recent necision rendered by him on the cult bench. Judge Gates' enemies now say they will brlmr t i,.,... Mover for the supreme Ihm.cIi which will, torn-the least, mean a divided ''legation from Jackson county. However, this Piece iif Ini .n t,r,..t..,. should startle no one. n..i from the warring fact ions of .i.,,.fl county are decidedly t, ,,... , create a panic. Col. Dick I Hilton, who ...,. ...... croiiKiy near wruriitL' tln ""inlnatlon for governor of MIksohh few years ago and for which escunc i The Boers nrn n,..i,t.... ., , , . 1 iniiiifs very in eresting for the ,r,tisll in"sJ ''tl, I IIP fiII.... - u-, . or Uncle Cd. lllrlir h n , ' "iiucr io conquer a .pewhoaretrugff,inU(irl,lu.rt nuu llieillSCI Ve fr..v. .1.. cliih-h.. ..f .. u,e .? 'J'-innic opprctivirs. The .aoey forge llcidont In !,. me iiinuiry or our . "..U)ui.iry is a in point. The Eillipinos seem kMM i much in evidence, although r(,publicaJ newspapers persist in savim, ...... .,. war Is over. Spain fought these same islanders four hundrorl vniv o.wi i. .. the I'nlted Stalest lie u,, tinning the conflict, buU . ." ,, .... 'iuin-i .'. It was a clear selling us a gold brick. case Furs. longed!0: t "n?'of thera Jear, in both Neck J , lu oiiarettes. Coney Collarettes. 4 ri "tciccrizea satteen. only l chil,a,eX i tVt',"..",'," : ' ' ;:;v ?2-!w w-; from JiHc for a Chott fw!Te haIe ln a11 the different furs and ra j have some enpi-u 1, ' Sh. Up ,to W,-00- At and ?4'M martin, sable an, iSt?l Zlw in e "ctric seal chinchilla.! ocaver scarfs. Children's Jackets. J braU?SisW neatly trimmed , t - Children's Box Coats. T nf I colors castor and navV iMr.C0,lar aud CU'T,, trimmed with ka v-v . . Dress Skirts. Ttln.-U U. , . , . . . I couiiiaTe'Sl X nMjwZmWl dared hottH 4. Aiai -v.B ui Matin and corded. Price '1 X ngurraluthllhJart awav under t,1; I satinandtafTetta; the colors and venations and trimmed - T ' c ciors are black, h no. hr,., -,i ,-n-tnr. X venations and" n,havf.sme very swell irarmcnts in brocadJ " 0IlK8 made and trimmed in the latest t;: an as v ,;"VEiiNit,SToNKslai.dluid at St Luis raised the rent on ,i ., m L1IC candidate for fnlted States senator l" unpiiy moved 01lt t(, ,Vw,S(1 a su luirban ,()wn. Mr. sioP fVldei,llv I k tlu- prizing prms. Mks . KooHKVKir won't" Kiami for Southern (lem.HTats to o.ti, ' , ' Missouri has made a hart , a lnK the past several . rii.i " .. . "v- iiireenor- a n I: T l "ted laf n, , "ian WM k'. ;,f'- "'ty ftn-nished one of APMIHAI. Is we(.k v with the Cnit.,,1 States As yet nothing Important I veloped through the Schley court Inquiry. It seems still to I" opinion of the American p'"P,f ,! Schley and the Brooklin re ' the killin' while Sampson Scut v . hew lork were not. Sehle) w"'k ended 1,1s ..,. " a'V "f I ,alk'd of ",K,p" seems to Have .. u iie ('on nect b in i . ....' ! ut'cmetiiy effective. will happen next? count f one or I w. T"l Ml aiwl i, .... i , ' "....ii iieroes Tn "avy on ne. And thus ! "".-""-n ; "greatest sea flirhi.., . l - pi in 11 4 ..... . ' r J ' ' fill Mil lore, t he vu. lentil, ii... iv .. The Intklmokncku w.i repre1 the Old Men's Club m06li j Aullvill.i by Judge John r ud unintenlionnlly failed to stays credit fur hi inrk lust we1''' illBWl "P again i I .... i ni.d, kilC lt Co I I.. . i,',,, .ii. .. . "ilvlll l'- havo received soventl enmi r.ugns "thiecstiafi,,. . ' ....... nvriiou n.'fi.t , jacllt. Sll:im.-,u.L. ...i.... . . . .... wort " t.-niuiiHnig oi juogfi'i ny1"" licit occasion.