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C.U;:Oh GET VKX. ) iiluinc of iiiim "l I "' i Parul Chrkj 1ecroase Ea minus. a Bailr&ad's Tne toliowipg story cuwes from Liareuworih, Ks. jtass ago l lie Missouri Pa. cirie railroad isutd an ouhr which jroviiied Uiat a mail agent's pass was ;oud only while be was on duly in his Uhil car: that no conductor could loiior a mail uyenfs pass under any circniKjiauccs except when the mail agent was at work. The mail agents did not co.upiain, but retaliation ws muMutii-j a;ju n pian or action was adopted. 1: flioul.t he understood that (lie government p.i)s ihe railioaus 10 a year lor cveiy hundred pound of mail it carries oach mile. For example, if len pounds of mail were carried by the Missouri Paeiiic one mile lor one year it would receive $10. If n carried len pounds of mail ten miles for a year it would j;et Moo. The more mail the company carried and the farther it car nej it the more the company would get. Therefore, if the mail agent could reduce toe weights, the company would receive less money for carrying me uiaiiS. At the lime tne railroad company took actiou regarding the postal clerks' passes it was customary for the mail agents to carry the surplus empty puuunes la lUeir cars to the end of their ltitis, and then back again. There were usually duz;ns of empty . mail pouches m the cars. The canvas pouches weigh three pounds and the leather or -bull-hide" uoucbes wpioh about eleven pouuds each. After the pass order instead of carry-in the pouches through, the mail agents put loem on at near stations aud sent them back. The mails are weighed every four years by the government, and payment made fnr the following, four years on the basis of these weights. When the time came to'weigh the mails again, the postal department was astonished at the falling off in weights on the Missouri pacific system. The system naa Deen put into practice made a auiereuce of thousands of dollars every year. The postal department me matter up, learning the uuse, ana issued a sweeping order ap plying the same method to every rail road in the United States. In a year or so the Missouri Pacific eu unotber order prohibiting mail agents from sleeping in the car. The mail agents observed thai the leather weighed eleven pounds, while me canvas sacks weighed only three pounds. Therefore as soon as a leather "ouii n.ue sack appeared on the Missouri Pacific it was as quickly as possible switched to another read. The department learned what was going on and about a year ago decided to make a ligtner mail bag instead of the leather or '-bulHs hides." Thus a little game of "getting even" on one railroad is saving the govern ment a million and perhaps more dol lars every year. ulume of poems. She knows how to sew Sue is exceedingly fond of reading. m a good horsewoman. She knows politics like a man. She is an accomplished linguist. "At ber oilioial reception,.," according to Whtelmaa Who Caused Trouble for Him self and Compsoien. Two West skle wheelmen stopped at a th-!? store in vM. an ! ir.nini soda, end while they were drinking a -o - .v, uuu nunc inn ncio uiiiiMiij; a one who knows !,, ..,Uo will be able nan. with a Ilium, on hi back came to chat lo inpir (tftn ntriia fTa wild ... . 1 1 i t . . """iii aiiu ruereu a glass oi mineral wa naif the ambsdor thrw " 4 . n. , , . . .. . . half the, ambasadors there." She has taught her children In fiav Father" and -Moilier." She is dei piy reunions. Mrs. K )oseve!l has brown rre n,l brown hair. She wears her hair in one wv j always brushed a way smoothly from her face, and then coiled ni the back. She dreses simply, especially in tie street, wears no j -wels excepting with u.i-iuuK uress wnicii h always very uauasome 111 ATI v w v iviv tt'V, n lULiillVU and KUjijed his mineral waterand ono of Hie vimmr Wfn ui; K.-mf ,i ... jh i'nr - J o "-' niuivui iinauiug any disrespect to the hunchback, said t 1,;.- iu uia luiiijuuiion; ''Touch that humn nnr? 1 .. . 1 I 1 mi iu uv poou iuck. uieotnervouug man discouraged the advice by a warning shake of his head, and the hunchback went out. An hour Infer. snv thp Mii ,,i-nfl , ... ....... Sentinel, they were wheeling along i.v .... M l 1 1 vi i . . me avenue side by sideandou tec She has tne pnvUii ..,, . L. , ' "'"T"1"11'1 helneH i n .t x, A . 10 acn oUier nelthfr touching the neiped to make Mr nulm,,i . h n , .. . ... pnn,.i..r nf , ""nuicuarotnig whec , but each w th popular, of remeillbenncr not nnlu thn .. l .... , .... Deroniitr nf ,k .k v nana on tne other isliouldcr. Asa personality of those she meets nnn ..... , , . only occasionally. bu, lneir nam,a " " r0ingf0ie f,, ....V . -M.cN rming. Tne sound of an ar LAkGEST STOVE PLANTIN THLWQRLD (makes Happy Homes facts regarding them. with the history Virginia Too Eager. Slamr RusUer. Virginia, the home of patriots of the early history of tbiscountry.has allowed her sentiment in the hour of distress, occasioned by the assassination of the president, to get the better of her judg. ment. It happened that the constitu tional convention of the state was in "iou at the time the president was rdered, and acting on the impulse nf ! I. - .uC moment it voted to omit from the state's bill of rights the guarantee of the "liberty of the press and free, dom f speech." As a matter of fact " 1'berty of the press bad nothing ectiy or indirectly to do vinat,ou, and the past w such crimes is no reflection on the frMdoia the newspapers of thl, country enjoy. Lincolu' assassination due to the animosity occasioned by , cml war- Weld's death to that a disapp0ipted oflice seeker of bis o party, while McKlnley's datb was due to anarchy, which the press of bis country is doincr mn . ..i nlenpt than any other agency. The errestmative. of the constitutional nnventlon of Virgio,. were seemingly 00 eager to express their condemna . jumped ,t a conclusion . eh WilS w'""g and not founded on ttOt 5. Tlielir,tLil(,yoflheLttiia I "n. lioo.sevek i , uj uie ii nest aritan womanhood. She is thoroughly domestic, devoted t Jiubland, children and home. '"' .f the fc.w clubs Jn mhich sbe tiikLS an active interest is the Mothers' W-atiou of New York state, of wkich sbe l8.a member. President osm-It is on the advisory board of .National Association of Mothers. Mls' IWveli b&t published a ARKESTEDFOB I5IWAMV. Rev. Frauk IJ. Roherann U 111 tha Pav . w.,, v au IMV UUf uiumy Jail on that Charge. Last Friday nitrht Rev. Fmnt n uoberson was arrestfid at inn.h,n. " UliJUIIIC) ten miles southwest of Richmond, by onstaote Ki Thompson upon a war rant charging hin with bitramv nH was brought to Ricbmoi d that nitrhi and placed in the Ray county jail, says i k o . mn vuuservaior. Rev.Roberson was married in Parmii county on December 5th. 1897, to Miss T.. r eresa .iaaison, a dsnsrhter of Jnh Madison, a prominent Carroll onnm resming near Stet. In Septem oer, iuu, be left Carroll countv telling bis wife he was eoinr awn m w"uutl revival meeting, and nevpr returned. He located at hunshine where hp nnu -.- r. v.,.,tu lo lDe nieinouist ...... v mimt, congregation at that place and on the DOG AND COON ARE FRIENDS 81st dav of Ontnhor innn k ... . ricd lo Mrs. Marv I. Snowd " Bnt th 0ther Do2 L"c Alike to the of the late Lewis Snowden. n T" . .Pet vieorue lf innvr lini n iwuerson i0. 1 was nfnrm.rf . . . w uc some time ago that her husband w. Wh,Ch 1S about the ni0tintelli- liiog in Ray county'.nTl Zl S V - a . . r inn imvcii i' n itim A i (j- . kvau J. (Ill proaching carrkcp wns harA in iha darkness ah-oad. anr? nr.nfiv n, no t 7 j it.viivij uatai- nage bore down on them. 'Steady now. Boh." miM T-Va1 uc they pedaled alon or cn-iftl smoothJv. "AVe ran cta (rn.j ,i,;s like a top." The horses attachpd in in had evidently been taking a nap, for when thevawoke and RAIT iha Ki-.rlna immediately in front of them 'they snorted and shied. One or both of the riders also shied. One wheel made - I' viuco ill front of the other and in a moment wheels, legs, pneumatic tires and sweaters were mixeil nr. n.wv,r. - . iMtuin vii I.- 1 3 1 . me uaru aspnait. As SOOn as "Rob" nnfanrrlnrl l.Irv, .-".....i. U A J11XII- self and sat up he shook his fist at hi? milieu companion and wailed: "It's all your fault. I told vnn ii i - ----- jv V lUlllll that hump." Xow he is more supej- ffiiuviis man ever before. l;i lllil The peHect Stove and Range is aisunguisnea oy &Dove trade mark. turn m all k Gillen Lexington, Mo. "" aaaawwwwwwuwww rt'Tt n ni(i n n n io u j j iL 4uto, air Banisters, J walnut Coffin Metallic and Wooden bJ We sell the Mound Ciiv fn'c ffno m;j t i . J ww iuiacu i anus, these paints are also entire! V niirp vnnonnnt Kn.i x oaint anvwlifr ,7o ol. i..n . i , ? , t .v v,. .. tairy a iU1J siOCK 01 Alwjs on hand They respectful, be articles nf .k., M,tlS; cubebou"0-! Leads, Oils. Enamel Varnishes, c&c. a ecoud time, but refused to believe mat be was a biiramiat until . weekc ago when the learned all nf ih iu lue case. Rev. Robersun wi and can suddIv vou with I.. 11 ' J v j,uu may neeu in tnts I line at the lowest prices.' CRENSHAW c& "STOU1TC. jH).l.l.10.0tM,l, IHu'lMi,,,,' ( Winkler Furnifc fSii f10"1"" 1 H H II lltfUtmillftftniinnn. t I WILLIAM n. HANiriu r. . .. "J"i it while out hunting one day last' 3 1 ..... i "rung, aim ne brought it home to ex hibit it to his friends. The raccoon was a little fellow, ius-t bsmk- walk, and was put in a cage and placed 41... 1 , , 1. .(ii i 1 Presldout. U. W. Ii. TEV.s VlecPrei. hearing before a justice o t e p TX' TTlT"' T.,a.A a 1. 1 . . . ... peace at the back of he sn onn .-vua, nuu III) case Will fnmo n . I trial at the October term of the circuit f r I WUld 6tand B0 court. ioonng, however, and at the-least at tempt to approach him would snap nmA kU t:i. m i Through tn ii.: TV "Ae iam. ue was well rn nrii 15. .i...... . . . lKU """even-tfiinffdonetomalfoo North Arkan LJa ' ... T. animal comfortable. In time h 1.. opened to Uarrison, Arkansas, esuli- came"10re tame, and at lat he was al- lishinizHn ptnnutinn .;, .t. t. lowed th liif-rt- a4 V, l tt " v.uu mm me rrisco , 'J eaiuon. lie lifle from Selieman) direct railway com- became a favorite with everybody who munication with some ot the richest came in contact with him and onn .inepnu ITrZ? doWn a day, and able panorama of ruKed mouin owSomT! P00' ' ranges and fertile valleys to befound on , . m he knowg Jally findin2 oiujus, ana in r.v. WAl.TKIt II.WAUUKLL C'mliler, LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. ?",m,,bkta bualne,. Sollclu.ocounu Liberal accommodations to custoaiera. $50,000 '"; vvf UCIUUUU 01 the American continent, a trin tt. . lv inn. rison is well worth the time so spent cuuer irom a enmmerpial nr . .;i. I seeing atana point E. I LOOIS, Bookseller and Stationer, IIOiJlQln SL IHIRGTOI. 10. 1 HEADQUARTERR FOR School Books, and Supplies, Picture Mouldings, Artists Supplies and D aDer. paniel, are great chum, and it is comical to watch the two together WTC uw If I IS r.r,,r . 1 back and drive him around the place Last night two dogs entered thesa loon, and the minute thev w-t eves on uie coon, ttey wtnt for him 1 ete backed into a tiirm.r n,i ing on his hind ft-.-t ni i.; jure- paw, ,ke a prizefighter, and got in go many cross twiners, mm,., i straight blows that he had K,th the dog. licked- in no time. They turned tail and ran out of ih.. ,,i t... .n they were worth, with .te afttr them. He landed on the hack of the largest dog and nearly that ar.imal '' iij HTatciimgundhitinghim It was a victory for I.(c. 8nd hc ftemedtoreiilizeiljorhtwalkedup to where the banana., were kept, and wu'd not ?oayjinUn A Brilliant Mathematician. j Fletcher Jloulton, King Edward's counsel and number of parliament, who was recentlv of acre. IfiMs nno .-,-'ti... .... i . mathematiciaDs turned out from the TOsmes wi,0 have achieved a, ,o sition in public life. Fletcher Moul ton was not only senior wranglvr of ls year, he did what no other first j wrangler has done before or since jhe doubled the mark of the second i 'i3"- As acicntist he is sulliciently .distinguished to be a member of the Itoyal society. His income at the bar .where he is the first authority u,on patent law, Js said to approach 20,. ; Dyti ttou Jelliei and Jmi. An exhibit al HnhV. . . . . ,, " case oi cloth originally wlri;.., that has been Jjed yellow, orang,, scarlet, crimson, ulue and puru e. bv nnui;,,.. ..i... traded from various jellies and jam, K F NICHOLSON K HOFFMAN Walter B W added D WB Te?1 WD Rankin Fannie W Barton H B Duke. Curator Jackson Bradley DIRECTORS WDKANKIN JOHN E KVLAN1J w, , M uuinn i ii 1 1 1 1 v i i D W B TEVI8 A O VOCNQ STOCKHOLDERS I m Luapman B Hoffman Rufus Voum Alice W WinRate A 0 Young Henry C Wallace ! 4. . ... . Jno E Kyland MrsSKenlck Settle W Smith CE Chapman B A Wallace W G McCaualand J Q Chamber 0 AKrlehn Henry Halnkel E F Nlcbolson LO Chapman J KICHAKD FIELD. PhB8x " CHARTEHED wJR' " AS'M"W-C-" , Pa,d Capital. $60.COO. Momson-Wentworth Bank Klcbard Flela n , ., BOARD OP DIKRCTOKS; wr5iisr- 0.K,CAU8LAND.P,e.. B.B.,KBLAKr.... The Traders' Bank, X.EXIRQTOW, Mo fAID GITt. so qq Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves, Cheapest and Best at 0- F. mtne Lexington, Mo. Harris-Alton Lumber" Co INSOMIt Farm property ins: cupied by tenant or Risks written in w-uuniy. H ill com t personal inspection. rate upon application. Insupe anvtiiixc. 1' -all on him at c Lexington. II. w. REAL ESTA: ior sale in Lexington, for sale. Houses to: you have anv real d sen place it cost if no Lexington. in his tu: sale. C II. W. 1 III 11 Abstracter, Loan AND Tel. 105 iiVEs voir tub. Best Grades at Lowest Prices liKl-OUE liuvixo SKK w v J' J' RH0DES' M'Q'R Uxig,ni Mo W.W. CORSE, M'G'R.,Wdlislon) mo. Insurance if rm and City Property lor MONEY TO LOi Will loan money on improved at 6 and 5i ixrcent' Olllcn front room over Ten store. LoxiiKftmi. H Low Kate Kxcnr: all Summer via THE BURIINGTOU Durlnir the foininewi"111" linalon Koutu will lm "" very, lowest excursimi W' ever been nnide. The eell(r' .. ... . . ..., inese I'nieH, (lesiiiiitn"" varied that the public shouW - neareHt ticket anew i"'"r" do us the favor to ttiilff"'6 criptive matter, etc, Cheap Summer Tours W'1 Colorado, Utah and 1!' 11 Homeseekers' excursions weeks to the whole West wes . r M-' Viieap j',xcuisM"ia -.. rnnii trli. r,itw til tllHl" sition, the Sea.shore. Adiwj' aaa. MicliiKan imm thousand eastern resit- ; rail trips east, via t,W Cleveland. r Cheap KxciiisionsNort"'. to St. Paul. Suiierior resorts Ask for the linrlinu-n cursion i ate circulars. rlif,.M.iii Kvciiisiiins If"1,. ducted every U.lnes TluirHtUV I1 City and St. .'Joseph' .... ........ ainlPf1"1 nie hi ioi i" - I trip terdeseriblnKtlie l""lm.s,5(: IV. II. UHO.IKK, vnl s u'iu iiriihei Khiishk City, M. Howaui. Ki GonoMlMmwiror. 1l"M