Newspaper Page Text
! JsYSPARROWsT L4go I had occasion to tereeting change in the Lnperament of a crane L picked P in tkansaV 0ihctownsontheili8 ( "and the change wm I vas p'aeed in a email wa6 literally filled with W These pets did isitor from the lowlands, lie daily assaults on the The sparrows would eya- oop down on tne crane j U the attack was fierce j ffor awhile, but finally the L swamps figured out a ktaliation, and it wa&ei some way the crane sparrow was pretty sweet torn me wwe bhc iioiuiu d on sparrows. ild slip up cautiously on witterers and throw her out like a gig. Whenever Lark. She always landed da singular thing is that allow them whole, f eath- But the crane would al- r. the bird by dipping it in liter basins of the park, evidently did not agree sne, and she became a lv and showed signs of in- She finally died, and the !:e park believes that the h was caused by a severe ;.-stion, brought on by c-at-N. 0. Tinies-Demo- FOR HER COOKING. of f New Orleans Boasts City's Superiority. : of cooks and cooking," man of New Orleans who ! all over the1 country, to mocrat reporter, "I have New Orleans is the most . t 11 mi f 1 v m uie worm, me ioxi . Orleans hotels and cafes !v far superior lo any v other jilacft. I hove been the most celebrated places !, in Paris, London, Berlin more noted plncfs in this :a New Orleans leads the f-j.-ilv. One may find here r.d daintiest things in the ir.d they are prepared in a ould tc-mnt the annetite- of j. 11 Washington boasts of good id rightly, too, because one at the capital some of the i in the country. But they me up to the New Orleans f cooking. San Francisco it to the Crescent City when to cooking and loading the h good things to eat. One 'tneh cooking in New York -so. but it comes awfully I he native talent in these ry ioor, judging from my ri nee. But here in Xew i the cooking is good, the -asoived, and it is gen 'td in the most appetizing luil.Ie." JLY WANTED TIME. Conference Shut Off a Long. Wmdei Talker. -hi a group of members were FEWER BIBLES IN HOTELS. Coplea Once Found Generally in Bureau Drawers How Disappearing. "For the past six months I have been trying to figure out a question in morals," said a man of experience to i New York Sun reporter. "Some body is on the down grade. Either the proprietors of hotels throughout the country are becoming demoral ized or their patrons have slipped a cog, and I am trying to findout which it is. "I've been travelings good part of the time for the past 30 years, and up to two years ago I seldom pu t up et a hotel where I did not find a Bible iucked away in the bureau drawer. But now the Bibles are missing. I never knew, until the little books be came an unknown quantity, how much I had come to depend upon them es a familiar figure in the ever changing hotel life of a man on the road. "I don't take to myself the credit of having read the Book whenever I might and should have read i t ; indeed, I fear that there ere many weeks at a stretch when I never looked inside of it, but somehow it gave ne- a sort of home-like, comfortable feeling to see a copy lying around m a strange house, and for years my first action, upon being shown into a room, was to open the top drawer and see if the Bible was in place. If it was there, and it usually was, I felt kind of set tled for the night; otherwise, I was lonesome and out of sorts. "These Bibles were providedindif ferent ways. In some places they were furnished by the Tract society, which had obtained permission from the proprietor to place a Bible in each room of his hotel, but in other places the management took the initiative as a stroke of business policy, and saw to it that the books were distributed throughout the house. "Why the Bibles have disappeared from the hotels is what is puzzling me. Chicago was the lirst town to abolish them. It gave me quite a shock when I stopped at one ofthe Michigan avenue hotels one night and failed to find the Bible-in its ac customed place, or any other place, for that matter. 1 went rijjhtdown to the proprietor end made inquiry as to the change. My altitude in the matter gave the employe's tne im pression that I was an evangelist or some other kind of itinerant preach er, and their subsequent treatment of me afforded the other guests no end of amusement and myself plenty of inconvenience, but there is no use talking, I really was lost without the Bible. "Since then the Bibles h ave gradu ally made their exit from the hotels of other towns, both large and small I have asked a good many people the cause of their absence, but nobody seems equal to the job of txplaining. Have the hotel managers and the tract society grown careless, or do they think that men who travel are past redemption and that putting Bibles in their rooms is a polite and up-to-date way of easting pearls be fore swine? Of course1, there is a jkjs wbility that they believe us to be so good that we don't need Iiiblcs, but even I, with all my conceit, am in clined to reject this theory." CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS A? P A Mnn r1l.hl i . r.akrnr1atlbt Ciol m.uiuc box, mm with biu ribbon. '""""V"" ''''. Buy of your lmirit, of wna r. in uuiipa for Paniralars. Trill aonlala and " Itrll.r r -.-- " i. im. by rchira Man. l,o TcnUmouuua, Bold by all brugKiMa ' CH'OHBSTB OBIMIOAL OO. SIM Maalaoa aaajv, raiU, PA. MaO lau w . T-H-E N-E-W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-Week Edition. The Most Widely Read News paper in America .Time bas demonstrated that the Thrice-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers hare imitated its form but not its success. This is be cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartiaily.wbether that news be political or otherwise. It is. in fact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you can not afford to be without it. Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thrice-a- Wsek World with absolute confidence in its truth. In addition to news, it publishes first class serial stories and other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1 .00 per year and this nays for 156 papers, we offer this unequalled newspaper and the In telligencer together one year for $1.75. ORDER OF PUBLICATION.! 8TATK OF MISSOURI. tM CountT of LifnTette. Id the Circuit Court of Lafayette County, MUMCurt, December term, ln. Bettle Atami and James Adaroa,' aer tmsband. Belle Btralvht and Jamea B. Mnugal. her husband, PutintiBs, vs. Young P. MeCoraack, Hardy H. McCormack, Malla Early and Thomas Early, ber butbaud; Coy Moi'orinack, Jeasle McOr nntck, Katie UcCormack and Murine McCormack.Defeodams. Now at tills day come the plaintiff herein by theirattorneys and tile their petition, alleging, ainonir other lliluro. that defendants Coy Mo- Cormack, Jessie McCormack, Katie McCor- ac-k and Nortne McCormack, are not resi dents ol the slate of Missouri: M hereupon. It la ordered by tne clerk i vacation, that said non resident defen dants be notiflid by publication that plaintiffs have commenced a suit against them iu this court, the object and general nature ol which is to. partition ine following described real evUte situated In Lafayette county, Missouri, to-wlt : The south half or the northwest quarter or tne norui west uuarter. section eight (Hi. township forty eight te) and range twenty-eight (20), and that unless the said non-resident defendants be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and bolden at the court house in the city of Lexington, in aula county, on the itnd day of December next, and on or before the first day of said term. If the term shall so long continue, and if not, then on or before the last day of said term.answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as coniessea. ana juogmem wiu ue rendered accordingly. And it Is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published, according to law in tho Weekly Intelligencer, a newspaper published in said County of Lafayette for four weeks succes sively, miui snea at least once a wee, me wti insertion to be at least thirty days before the first day of said next December term, iwi, 01 this court. . . J. H. CAMPUELL, Circuit uerk Rr J. W. Bvonok. UcDutv . Alexander Graves and Charles Lyons. Altor ney for Plaintiffs. iu-" A GREAT KEW8PAPER. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a muvel of ; modern news paper enterprise. The organization pr its news service is world-wide, complete in every department; in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially vnluable to the ladies. The colored comic section i3 a genuine laugh-maker. The if unny car toons are by the best artists. The humorous stories aro high class, bv authors of national reputation. Sheet music, a high-class, popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir The Republic. The price of the Sunday Republic by mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all news dealers. S TVS lA A I NEW FAST TEAM Missouri Paelflo-LexInKton Br. WM BOCHDTRAlHi. No. 71. Ho.7. Leave St. Louis 7 :5 am : 14 pm Arrive Bedalla x; pm : am " Concordia :ui pm o.uo u. " Aullvllle 4:pm 6:44 Rm " HigginsvlUe 4:J7pm 8:84 am " Page City pm :.4i"m " Lexington Brnpm 8:IOn " Myricx o:l pm Wellington :S4pm 7 8 am Waterloo. :40pm 7:8Sam " Napoleon 5:47 pm 7:40 am " Independence 6:45 pm 8:34 am Kansas City .. 7:lSpm 'm " St. Joseph 1:05 pm D4ILT. AST BOUND TBAIN8. No. 74. NO. 72. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MISSOURI, I County or UfAvint. i Leave St. Joe Kansas tuy. .. Independence. Napoleon Waterloo.. .... Wellington.... Myrick Lexington- Page CiTy HigginsviUe... Aullv.'le Concordia (Sedalia -10:00 om St Louis ciuam .1 :00pm .... 5:40 pm 8:iSam 6:10 pm 8:.v)am 7:Oipm 7:40am 7:Upm 7:44 am ..... 7:Mpm 7:51am .... 7:pm 8:OSam ...7: iHpm 8:IOum 8: 10 pm 8:W am , 8:21 pm 8:37 am 8:3.! pm 84" am s:4w pm v:iani Hi: mam 6:00 pm & I RACKS HI EXASs Efiective March 10th, 1901, thfL Special rates tokanaas City every Saturday In the Circuit Court of Lafayette County, Mis souri, December Term, 1W1, at Lexlngun. Fannie L Saunders, PlalntUT, vs. Luther C Saunders. Defendant Now at this day comes tho plaimUT nerein. hv her Httnrnet-H. and tiles her Detition and affidavit, alleging, among other things, that evening and Sunday. defendant, Luther U. SnuDders, is not a resi dent of the state of Missouri: WneicuiRm it is ordered by the clerk in vacation tliat said delendant be notitled by publication that plaintiff bas commenced a suit huh in ft, him iu this court, the object and general nature of which Is to obtain a decree of divorce from tne Donas or matrimony Here tofore contracted on the grounds that said defendant. Luther C. Saunders, is an habitual drunkard and a vagrant within the mean ing of the law respecting vugrauts. and that unless the said Luther C. Saunders be and appear at this court, at the next term 0,.Bnl, fMv. Roonville and LeiiUff' thereoi, to be begun and bolden at the court -- -j ' . . FREIGHTS. .Leaves Lexington.... ' Page City ... " HigginsviUe.. " Auilville ' Concordia.... 2:15 pm seaaiia Dully, except Sunday. Kast 8 50 am. 9:45 am 10:O5 am Hi:30 am 11:00 am West 3:35 am 2:50 pm 4 25 pm 1:40 pm 1:10 pm 10:40 am linnse. in the rilv of Lexington, in said coun ty, on the 2nd dav of December next, and on or before the 1st day of suid term, if the term shall so long continue and if not, then on or before the lust day of said term, answer or plead to the petition In said cause, the same will i.c taken us cor.ressea, aim juugmeni win be rendered accordingly. And It l further ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law In the Lexing ton Intelligentier, n newspaper pr.blishrd in said county of Lafayette. lot tour weens suc cessively, published at least once a week, the Hist insertion to DU at least ininy uaa ueiorc tho first day of suid next Dcceniber;terni of this oourr. J. H. CAMPBELL, Circuit Clerk. Hy J. W.Syonok, Deputy. John S. llluckweli & Son. Attorneys for I'mintllT. 0--!t ton Division. MIXED DAILf EXC. SUNDAY Announces the Opening of its Red River Division nToM Dsnison and Sherman, Texas. & & Through Train Service will shortly be established from Su Louis and Kansaf City over tie . J Shortest Line to Texas Hie mioking room ol the ii'iiiiimns about a iiuv.siire w us uroDDsi-d f j rcfonimcnd "Miltration of the govern ' mi liicli wo were all under in complete artement. P iiitnib(r who had up to h' "lured no objection, and t'l. .-at in absolute silence ' ;w well known forin ex- 'fv antitudo in sninninf nut , ' i n 'iu- most trivial subject ttitli the words: "I suppose 'iiulhino to be suid on tha l. ' "1 dare say there it' si-xton observed, "and i' we "I'le of months to spare you tin- very man to say it; but 11 see. the matter is coming lU-lllllUt) , ,11. V Lv i? no time." So the little Ivokc up. .Chambers;' Jour- indon'a Recreation GroundJ. ire now in London and its ,a'e IH-iirlilinrlwinil nnfl mililip MToiuuls varvin-r in size 1 much nlivt I'l'iii Forest, which, with '"' ''"lats. is overfl.OOO acres in In hit ,. LITTLE PIGS IN A HOLE. Strange Subterranean Adventure in Can ada'a Oil Fields. Several weeks Ago, when the Unit ed tins & Oil company uba intoned a well on the farm of Adolphus Fox near Olindn, says the Montreal Star, a 12-inch hole -lo feet deep was left exposed. Four of Mr. Fox's pigs while wandering about in search of a cool spot, found the openi ng and pro ceeded to investigate, with the result that all fell to the bottom where a cave had formed owing to the quick sand caving iu. In this small space 45 feet below the earth's surface, two of the young porkers lived for more than a "month. Mr. Fox had no hope of saving them, yet he dropped corn down the hole every day because he could hear the pigs grunting. An ef fort was made to secure tho iigs which risuuen sm-irsri -- - I enlarged and, suspended ly a strong ! rope Joe Fox was lowereil. The four j piss were brought to the surface, but ! two of tlutn were dead. The other ! two soon recovered md are now very M. K.& I. KEDTJCED RATES INIHDIAH TEKRITORI. Ever Bince ibe construction of the M K. & T. Ry. through the Indian Terrltorj its local passe oger rata between Stallone in tbe Indian Territory bas been on the baitis of five cents a mile. Tbe customary rate ol passenger lares on railroads, ex cept in sparcelv settled country, is three cents a mile. Tbe population of tbe In diaa Territory during the past few years ba grown rapirMj; there has been large increase In passenger traffic on this account, and tbe Katy officials recogniz log the wants of tbe people and tne justice of bo doing, have voluntarily ar ranged to reduce the local passenger rate to a basis ol three cents a mile. This re duction will take place on or about No vember first. There will be great rejoio ing among the residents along tbe line ol tbe M. K. & T. No. 72. Leave. 7:15 am.. Sri.1) am Biiuill.. 9:10am.. :27am 9:M am 11 '.main 2;jn am 4 45 pm Head down. Lexington ... Myrick. Nortlirup .....Dover Edwards Waverly Marshall ... Roonville.... Tipton 7:45 a. m THE TWICE-A-WEEK RiiPUBLIU. Every Monday and Thursday a newspa per as eood as a magazine and better for ii contains the latest by telegraph as well ,i interesting stories is sent to the sub scriber or the "Twice- a Week" Republic, which Is only a fl a year. Tbe man who reads tbe "Twlc-a-Week" Kepublio knows all about affairs, political, domestic and foreign events; ts poated about the markets and commercial matters generally. Tbe woman who rends the "Twlce-a-Week" Republic gathers a bit of valuable information about household affairs and lute fashions and finds recreation in the bright Btorlua that come under boib the hMdlnPs ol fact- and Action. There is gossip about new books and a dozen othe topics of especial interest to tbe wide awake man and woman. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of Lafayette County, Missouri, December Term, liwl. Kobert Sender. Plaintiff, vs. Lettaer B. Sender, Defendant. Now at tdls day comes tbe plaintiff herein, by bis itttorney, and flies bis petition and affidavit, alieirimr, utnoni; other thing's, that rli-t.-ndinit I.etber 11. Sender, is not a resident of the state of Missouri: Where upon it is ordered by the clerk In vacution that said defendant b notified by publication that plaintiff bits commenced a suit against her iu this court, the object and ireneral nature of which is to obvain a decree of riimivn from tlin bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted b tween plaintiff and defendant on the grounds of adultery and other Inditrnilles as to render his condition Intolerable, and that unless tbe aniri non-resident defendant. Lether II Scmler, be and appear at. this court, at the next term thereof, to be b- gun and holden at the court house, in the city of Lex Ington. in said county, on the 2nd day of December next, and on or before the flrsi day of said term, if the term shall so long-continue, and if not. then on or before the last day of said term, answer on plead to the petition In said cause, the same will betaken as con fessed, and Judgment will be rendered accoru- inirlv And It lo further ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law In the Lexing ton intelligencer, a newspaper puuusneu m said county of Lafayette for four weeks sue txssivlv. iMitillshnd nt least once li week, the last Insertion to tie at least i.nirty nays oeiore the first day of said next December term of this court. A true copy. Attest J. H. CAM1M1ELL, Circuit Clerk, nvJ W Hvdnoh. Deputy. Clarence Vlvlon. Attorney tor Plaintiff. 9-7t5 SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington : No. 2d (dally) Traius leave North Lexington: No. il. Express (dally).. ...... ........ 7:55 a m Main line trains pass ueaiugiuu juuu QOINQ EAST. No. 8. (dally) : " 7:5 p m 8:3.1 p m 3:1. a m Cures Hhcumatism und Catarrh after all else fail. Costs Nothing to try it. To euro the most despeiate rheumatism or catarrh take notanie Blood Balm(B. B, B.) tbo w ilder of ihe age. Cures when all else fails. It kills tho poison In the blood and gives a pure, heiiithy Wool supply, stopping all gnawing, shooting aches and pains in the bimos. Joints, back, and reduces nil swellings. Hawking, spitting, dropping in the throat, offensive breath and catarrh, irritations of tlic niuciKrus membranes quickly d'sappenr thus muklng a perfect, permanent cure of Ihe wm st rheumatism or deep-seated catarrh. R B. 11. especially advised tor old. obstinate cases. Druggists, fl. Trial treatment free and prepaid by writing Dr. Ollliim, 20. Mitch ell si.. Atlanta On. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Oil ml His Idea of Classical Music. i ..l ,; .lvsiii'iilic srtvs clinical ''tin city onrdenMiml play-. overheard be "KaMinnp; an eirhh or a . ,,,..; f "nncre. These include 100 ? nd "Ve. r ..... . . f inxio-n DailV rut'"5- 1 hill 11(1 ll-l.i.. , In.. ncjlil O ' "1I11.U IUIVC IHCU ll.-w ; "tin ut, linrish eliurcliYiirdg '"' 'liKiiscd burial grounds, of tlu' 1'irgcst is 11 acrosand tlio few yards sqimrc. I Nothinu to Boast Of. There an occn.-ioii. when ignorant people seem tc know tho moft.-Cbi- ! ciigo Daily News- Notice To Krlilffe Conlraetors. I will let to tho lowest and best bidder on Fill DAY. OCTOilEK 2.1. A. D. 1IWI, for construction, an A Truss Hrldgo, thirty feet span with two approaches, each sixteen Uel long, to be built over Smith Davis creek near Ihe -Henry Couch plane and on or near the Htm between sections W and '.4, township 4 Yet "big will tako place at bridge site at III::) o'clock a. tn. I', mi and siivlllcatlons can bo seen at time, mid pluen of letting. Cunt rai'lor Is toglve bond for nuilnteiiiince of bridge as the law directs. Commissioner reserve tbe right-to reject any or all bids. U. I). WKKIUN, u-2titd Commissioner, TRUSTEE'S SALE. Wtiereas, Lafayetlo County Bunk, a cor poration, by lis (leed of trust, dated June at, ISM, and recorded In tbeoillce of the recorder nt (leeiis tor uiiinyciio i-omiij, unmnuri, i.i luuib in; t. nniri' inn. conveyed to Joseuli A. Wilson, us trustee, the following described 1 ..stMii. sliiinted In Lufavette county. Missouri, to-wlt: The east two-liftbs of lot a. in block 111. In the first addition to I lie town now cltv.of Lexington; that Is to say, twenty feet oil' the east, side of lot li. In block in tin. first, mlilltloii tu the town, now city, of Lexington, In trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in the said deed of trust described; and whereas, default has been made In the payment of said note and the Interest thereon, now notice Is hereby i.u.i.t, thtit 1 .lnwitili A. Wilson, trustee, at the request of the legal holder and owner of said note, will sell for cash, to tne nignesi bidder, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1901, between the hoursof nine o'clock In tbe fore ,,i. Hve nVI.K-li In tbe afternoon ol that (lav. in front of the main door of the court bouse, in the City of Lexington, Lafuy etle county. Missouri, the said real estate for the purpose of satisfying such note and Interest accrued thereon, and t lie costs and expenses of executing this t rust. U-ailS JOSEl'll A. lLsoX. Trustee. Notice to Bridge Contractors. I will let to the lowest and best bidder on MONDAY, OCT01!EU28, A. D 1!KU. for construction an A Truss Bridge, thirty feet span, to be built across Little Mil creen, in the northwest corner of section in. town. ship 4!i. range 27. and about one and a quarter iiiiii-s Hiinili of Thus J. Powell's residence. Letting will tako place at brldgo site at 10:30 o'clock a. in. I'laii and specifications can be seen at time and place of letting. Contractor is to nlve bond for maintenance ol bridge as the law directs. Commissioner reserves the rlsht to reject anv or all nuts. n. i. t,r,ii.. y'-istd Commissioner, Notice to Bridge Contractors. 1 will let to the lowest and best bidder, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK. 23, A . D . , 1(101, A wooden bridge for construction, about 30 feet long, to be built across branch on pub lic toad between Dover and Colder, near anil nut fur from tne quarter section corner o.-. tween sections 3 and 4. township ftll, raiine W Letting will take place at bridge site at lutsu o'clock a m. Flan and specltlcatlons will be seen at time and place of letting. Contractor Is to ulve bond for nuilnttnai oe of bridge as tbo law directs. Commissioner rcsorves tho right to reject anv or all bids. ' tt-2Std B. D. WEEDIN, Commlsstom r. is HEW SEfWiCE ,.. 3:35 pm ... 3:M pm y. Ttv ...1:15 pm " ftica Read up. rvTsrShiffA TO 8, (dally)., 20, 4, " . 4, No. 1. 5. i , 19, (daily) . .. California Limited.. California Limited. OOINO WBST. . 8:51 a m . 12:2n a m ., U;I0 a m 12: 7pm . " 6:4ii p m J. D. Easter. Jr.. Agent. W J. Black, O, P.A.,Topeka, Kas. Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Higglnsvllle as follows: west Bound. No. 8. 8t,L, and K. C. ma 1.. ; i T i a 1 1 r nnii i.iii. in ut'u , ... " 81. HigginsviUe and K. C. nccom. 7:5.iam " 13, St. Louis and K C. mall 4:30 pm " 119, Local freight and accent B:7 am EAST BOUND. No. 14, St. L. and K, C. mall ( " 6n. K. C. ana mgginsviiiu la-uu. y ' 10, Calif, and Col. limited 7: pm ' 12 St. L and K. C. mall. 107 pm 116, Local lrciaht and accom 12:45 pm V. S. LYONS, .Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 50. SM Antonio. VIA WACO, S. A. 4 A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H. 4. T. C. Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC. J t. WOHTH INGTON. S. N. Wilson LEXINGTON. MISSOURI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents, ABSTRACTS OF T11LE MADE, Will loan money on improved farm lands at f and per cent interest OFFICK IN IIjEULE BUILDING. Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Mens Building, Lexington, Missouri. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTOKNEV-AT-LAW. Lexington. Missouri. Office: Room 8 and 10, Haerlo nuilding. Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City. ALL TRAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD G rpy kWJVVt ' ; mnmsmiMnuEi a G. PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN What Shall We Haye for De sort? This question arises in the fiimlly every day. Let us answer it today. TryJell-O, a delicious desert. Prepared In two minutes. No bnklngl add hot water and set to coo'. Flavors: Lemon, oratigo, raspberry arid straw berry. At j our grocers, lo cents. 5 Jell-O, the Sow Desert, pleases all the family. Four ilavors -lemon orange, raspberry and strawberry. At your Grocers. 10 cents. Try It today. nil FP Cured by Climax Salve niLo Satisfaction or price refunded. Alldruggisis. AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. I'assenaer and ticket Arent.HlirgtiisvilL'.Vo' ClKO.J.CiiAKLTON, G. P A: T. A Clilcnito.'H. A HAKE CHANCE. Having decided to close out my hold ings of cows and heifers, some HO head, 1 offor for sale one and all. My line coin prise Shorthorns, Anguses Herelords and Jersey mixed. All were selected with reference to milk strain, formerly being; In creamery business. Some Twenty odd with calf at foot and balafice to calve shortly. Prices ranging from 25 to f50 per head. Call on or address, Talbot Bimpsok, apr27year 1 Aullvllle, Mo.