Newspaper Page Text
'II X GOOD THINGS H. M Ca!: -.H s. blue. rys, rods. blelis and whitvs and fancies la Simpson. nuiiiimuj aim urnuiuiii .. A u the ocsi nrnnai or loinrort Calicoes at . , 1'liiilee yard wide bleached muslin at t trst cias uicacnm sheeting S" faros wide for A Snap in Onmr Caslmiier fur ' " . ........ .. . . ...... . ln.u nig sinpru an wool Dunne. a at... v ltc:iut;fiil cotton battinps V. o, liV. 12 v and .'. j.y. tVtt.Mi blankets 3Sc.4V TV. NV. II Oil and Wool blanketsil u"u "to t&ou l:,.,l i i.n. forts ritle. rv lb. 1 fal 21 at .... i ... ..a... V4 Mini W.W 1: n-iTifnl lmtlerns tn ;rnit.i a.nt iit.... r-...... ll.M extra super Vnlou Ingrain Carpets at y. i.mi.i irr uitii'u i ii.iiii nn wool niiing nest frrle3 at 45 uruwist arpctktsv.. .sc. v, and il.ftl. Axmlnst. r Carpet at il.ix) and ... tl.lS Tl.e liani!sinet line of rum we liare ever shown at 3ao. 3V'. Mk i, fl.Si.Vl .v fvmuml up to ' " 54 hu ll melton skirting for rainy day skirts at -y. 11. la. k Astrnohan Klon Jackets. and u. lt ..-. i."l" ' J - UUr Nl!tl year's price was fs.Srt, onr present pri.-e Is i flmli Jackets, siies two.'tu one and two JS. last yean prk-e JsV) present price at'liild'slust year's Jackets, sites 12 and 14. worth f-'.SO for 8 ' stress. 8 and 10. worth M JS for . . i " sins H. 8 and lfl. worth $1.50 for ty ...... u, uu o.irr cakes oi tioyai i utlcle Soap, a very Mipenor medicated toilet soap worth 10c a cake; to Introduce this splendid soap vrc will ell 3 cakes for 10 cents. Our stock In all lines Is full to overflowing. Come and see us. : ' J W. G. McCAUSLAND. j XEVT STORE. XEW GOODS. : JAMES F. WINN, Was ready for business FRIDAY, with an entirely new stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call and examine Goods and get prices before making your purchases. Miss Sallie Gordon is looking after the Dry Goods Department, and Mr. Ed Moorman is looking after the Grocery Department. KODinson's Annual Fall Sale: OF High Class Poland China Hogs. TV U V. 1 i A t .... x w i.etu at rarm i miles South of Bates City, Mo, TUESDAY, OCTOBER' 22d, 1901 Commencing at 1 P. M. will sell 6o Head Select Tops from a Herd of 150 Head SoS W f 5 T1S Gilt9' ? S,'rinr Bar8' " Fal1 Gilt- Tried KiSs;e,:i ai'!..uheif Pcrfection 2nd the Send for Free Descriptive Catalogue. auction i:i;ns: col. D. p. Mccracken, . . paxton, 111. OL. II. O. COHRELL, - . Taylorville, III. COL. THOS. E. CHINN, Independence. Mo. J. T. Pnmivsnv r.. v" oaiesuity, Mo. PUBLIC SALE OF POLAND CHINA HOGS. - 70 HEAD . At Higgingville Fair Grounds, Tuesday, October 15. Sired by Sydnor's Tecumsah, Sydnor's Chief, R's Perle.t.on Chjef Eclipse. Lot of new blood thi year and as good individnals as those in the past. Lunch at 10:30 o'clock. Witi? ,RMS:""LSix month,.s time o all sums over $10 ith 8 per cent interest with approved security . oena for catalogue. III. C. 8YDN0B, ;!&?,!'"' V. D.C. Sute Meeting. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 9 A fund was started for the erection of a mon oment to tbe memory of the confed erate dead tn the Higgintmlle cemetery at the auoua! convention of the Missouri division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Ibis afternoon. The proposed monument Is to cost $12,000, and, it ts stated, when $5,000 Ins been raised certain wealthy xentlemeo. have agreed to give Iiko amount, practically assurine the success of ibe enterprise. Four hnn- i ..i .i .u ... "' """an was raiseu mis alternoon. The chapters of the onl..r m St. Josepn, St. Louis nd Leu gave f 100 and Mrs. Maigaret McClure Of St. DlUIS. CLV0 lik linnnl A monument fund committee .whs clmsen. consisting of: Mrs. William Anil. chairman, Lexm-nou: Mrs. P. C, Itibert, St. Louis; Mrs. John Doui- phao, Mrs. F. A. Chase. St. J.w.nii . Mrs. D. C. Allen. Libertv : Mrs. .Inhn ' It 111 -II' . oi. i nuiips, jus. K. t. Wilson, Kan. sas City; Mrs II. D. Groves, Fayette; f it .. Pirs. j. m. Campbell, Lexington; Mrs. Ryland Todhuoter: Mrs. A. Higginsville; Mrs. Catherine Kiciier- son, Harrensburg; Miss lioxie Mc rae, saiem. Capt. A. E. Asburv and rnlnnl Kyland Todhunter, of were also added io me commitiee, with the privilege ot selecting a third member. Th BBn - pi-" tlemen will act in an advisorv canaeitr i ' rr i- - it inejoiiowing oiticers were elected nt Thursday's meeting: Mrs. A. E. Asbnry, Higginsville. president; Mr. John Doniphan of Si. Joseph, first viue.presiaent; Mrs. Frank Jaienue. of St, Louis, second vice-president: Mrs H. D. Groves, of Fayette, recording secretary; Mrs. Ryland Todhunter, of Lxington. corresponding secretary, and Mrs. K. E. Wilson.of Kausas Cily, ueasuier. The next meeting will be held at ivansas Lily, but the date was not fixed Robinsons Poland China How si.. Our readers will please note ad of J. l. uoblnson. Bates Citv Mn Mr Robinson , will have in this olTerlnJ inc grandest lot of hogs ever offered at public sale In the stite. Twenty. one neaa oy t'lilef Perfection 2d, '-"i oiners are sired b M, Black Chief R 's Perfection, l:;;,CK ItlflloW 0,tnt T I. . . . leeiuiisah, Look Over Price and V iciieciioH. ,ee luneli will be sh(v. td at farm at 1 1 ::t0 a. m is Invited whether they wish lu Li;; if tint T(ji ...... . ' Mrs II. CUIies icft for Kausas Uty to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. S. A. Winn nnr? n-ifrtlf t. - t- is City Wednesday evening for a VI Kit. IKllll I Jack Dysart returned to his home ... muueue. arter a visit of several uuja wuii inenas uere. Mrs. "Snrnh f Uooii . .,u3,cn aua J. u. KUSSell returnpH Tn oqH.... u - v;.it , ,7 -woj mum ironi visit at Kansas City. Miss Fannie Sawyer left Thursday -.:w.wu .ui a lwu weeks visit with k'uuo ai luuepeoaeace. r . ir" tt, -ds(.n returned to "Kginsmiie Jtriday, after a visit "in uie iamnyorj. K. Green. Mrs. Thnmna r!. . sas City Wednesday morning to visit thp fnmllu rt I'll .... . " " i vuanes aiinter, Mrs. n. Ti ivt,- ,r. niesaav . ixnusrt!. ty lQ y j,;. ..v. ,,, nilliain Stonostrouf Mrs. G. C. f)a..,rl, j . . hn... ,,.7- .r".r." '"eu 10 tier vusas uuy Tuesday ifter ":"' wuii miss Uamron Sam P. Siltvvpr Pimm (n tirj , morning from Mar.sviUe, Indian Ter- ..vv, 1U( a visu with home folks M T.I T . i I 3. r. I. I liilrl tf.. win,.. :. r -. u." ,u -,ir- j- k. , u nigginsville, were Lex ington visitors Thursday afternoon MiSSeS Chilrllltto nr,,l I' . ... iva,i,sny j iiursday morn- "Lf,: a vislt of sev"a' ov- win, mi... iMSf KUI.P. I .linnt pu i .u.ii, ui Kansas 'J0. ter a J a.i.uj, 0I Uscar CilDt. Ttrnn.'t inrl tr Dassed thrmSr;w'"!"r0UD y- ,. " ' Luu i uesuav rur uuiuoer oliyers IS is V) 0 tl IS is is is is n is is is ft is is is is is s is is fis is is IS Won't Do ! A Sit Down Method A Saying of the late P. D. Armour. In this progressive age a "sit down methed." as Mr a puts it, is fata! to success. To be "up and doing" js' th fUr paramount essential, but to be resultful, it must be int n "doing." This store has been established eleven years n that time we have striven to merit your custom by se'rvin to the very best of our ability. That we have succeeded i tested by our remarkable growth. When our doors wer? f thrown open to the public, our store covered an area of onlv feet-you see what it is today. Our selling sace occupies ! 4000 feet with additional room for duplicate stock Lots of people are spending their money with us because they are getting b elsewhere. Our aim Is always to have the very best goods at the least moneJ 11 of tlnilP til ha VP .-rr.fl,ln.- in U- ... . " SO that va " "ccr sdLruice quality tor the purnosp nf 'vu When we cut the price or an article we give as good value as before even if Ip I? "csuer abasing ivl in Ah l iuik Diuu MIGHTY WE MAKE VOIR DOLLASS POVVERftl, STAPLE DLPARTWENT. Standard LL Muslin, unbleached, ,lf. in wide, cheap to-day at ac per yard. October price, 3jc: 2a yards for $1.00 Fine Sea Island Muslin, unbleached, 3li in wide, the celebrated Saxon brand; cheap at tijc per yard. October price . .. 5c 3(i inch Bleached Muslin, nice soft finish, no dressing whatever. October price... 44c Our Special Uleached Muslin. This is a new brand which we desire to introduce, it is better than Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom. Our lowest price was 8k and will be apain after this month. Just to intro duce it the October price is tiic : Hi yards for fl.00 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting full width, nice even thread, a bargain at l. per yard. Oc tober price i-c Amoskeap A C A Ticking the best and oldest brand ou the market. This is the penuine A C A, not an imitation; will not lose feathers: worth 13c per yard. October l,nce Domestic Shirtings, good styles, in checks, plauls and stripes, will not tear. October price Al Ilecker Cheviots, there is 110 Shirtinir wWI ' uthiH bra,ul f(,r i"-abili"y and fast colors; have heen selling them for ten years. October price I nc Fast Lake Cheviots, the best fine linen finish shirting made, colors perfectly fa" t" new llnc of patterns, worth l.V. ,,rUe btc tob,rTr5!:?..?,nBha,n"' 1,11 ,lyle!, f: stvleI1HlithprKAir"? V'in in forty Black Satine, 2!) to 32 inches wide, guar anteed fast black. October price 8c, itlc Uncle Sam Carpet Warp, on soooU all colors, black and white, in lb Sage 1 October price, per package .. . . . . . .nic Pillow Tubing, bleached. 42 inches wide arTrP? 1 Td seam' heln the ends and theV are ready to use. October price fLANNELS Canton Flannel, cood . ., food fleece. October price ' nUclche . 4t Pinion riannel, 30 in. wide ,u , one of the heaviest ami w i. ' ""Sked yard. October price ..." n 1Uc P All other Canton Flannels just a. " . Shaker Flannels, cream -hV. ? both sides, nmim ".. or than we ask you. October Western F.eeced Flannel of bine, brown, gray and 'pink 0 Russian Fleece Flannels, he-uv a,;! nice lleece on both Bide" 1 worth I2ic ner ni S.l. :,..?t,W' Aii , r.. v"-lul,tr I"ce All ool Flannels, 28 inches !,, best irraflr-n. nf -.11 ..'.. ..."v "k- of th- Callfornir. I'U 1 . . yards arouml,'40 inchesl ? weight, steam shrunk and lleeced nSfr v.. r. .vt BLANKETS AND CMlton M lied Itlankets, tan with fancy h,rif, K. cheap a 1(V4 IVd III:..,!,... I.. hit., "ice fancy border cS heavv wp irht .....i " , . uc'k" 11. , , . Vl"ulrrnce .4!icani;v borders, cheai. atl.iv ,.2 . - o . a.iu oiue mixtures. Trice , ; ' 'J.ii.ivin All TT.. . i lit . . wo"o ?. " ' " S ' "I a" m irr-v ,' 'J"""1' eigns 4t ins, red pray, a bargain at 3..V. October price Fine All Wool i ,A . "7 7, eipu ,.. Z 1.1, 111 iu- ana ih weight !J.' white and fanc' Plaii Pri,-a C i,SK -V0U 1(,r ma Bed Comforts, full size, wool filling... fill nS0m.f0rts,i 6ilkaline covered, cotta filled, nicely tacked and quilted lift to JUS ofHSMle,,?omforts'of thet?rafe p-ootU -n , anu tancy dre u-pTi mt! 1 J us ,on- - to 2 yards vr well made, securely knotted. Prices Vl.-iV 10 iJe. Every department has just such twgaings Nmv ,s the '0 make your selecions.' IN (US IN l 1V myyuibviiie tt Mi.nnrl 'vxr 1 lliggte Alissoari apples m ! I will pay the highest price for Apples. Higginsville The ladies or Mm u. r. . .. . Pln.r.- Ill . l MapilSt .w. nut K ve H lpnnr.l u Thursdav. nni,.i,. .7 cordlallv n..rTw Monday afternnnn nr, .i... .. campus the VV. M. A. foot ball team will n ! ti,. . 1 lclu teamofSed;ila:JLrai 15usl college John Mnrrl l.fin 1. n ... . . Shon frnn. Muln .. .7 . r-Pdr ' 10 ine bu d nit formerly oceuninri i. t nr on Franklin avenue. m,t" Wat Aull sllltin..,! .. ir i. .7, . ,-al "'aa or iol's from litre Wednesday evening. Kr? UeV- ," 1- Kcne(lV left r ( tit v lliorn n.r t. i.,.. . ' 11 lhinoke. ' " 8. ."0n'e .Ut "Irt-r. Mrs. M p v'i! .i7..t. with his Mrs. M. tcaii,,,a,ill.H i. ;,r B'.uslJt,r. of fnriipp . "ancnc Uorder, - 6 'iit irienas. J . C. SMITH. ,Wnr Conrad Schoim RooinH formerly o, ctipU-a by C. M. NVet. CITRON & TAUBMAN, LBXINOTON. MO. BSTRAC1S OF TITLE, mi ESTATE INSURANCE, OFFICE in IIiRE BUILDING J L. PEAK. SURGEON DENTIST; MASONIC UUILIHNO, Lexington, . . Uq FINAL SKTTLEMKNT. Null. ''.V M. lliirr..J, .V1" 1 "'MiUt-of Ki,... ;'Kn,,i .,;,', iv t. . ,;!:;; 'iiiiiii ia ,,i Hi.j I !",,i'l 'niiike ti 111 I eiMimv. vi... i n .mi,, rourt ,,f i...,., ...... FINAL snTbKMD' , , "".ii, i ' "iirt nmiii, in 11J.4 J '"nun inn .,i . " ". ii. .. or i I" Nivi.iniM.r. imil ' i " l"-lml. I'oint H'W'AKDs III V.. "Ml-'ll, on lln. ,,vi tim-AHin V, :1, -AUtllllllHIrHlor. FINAL si'Tri L-..i,7.7 n.,ii... ,. "'""Ml. Missouri. i bo bi-ifun iinH h. i i,'ly,'lll'u,,UIy, ' i'laJ NovcihIm-V, T" llM 'o-l-'tl L'-O. fHhTZINd K.e uior. City and F.rm t- . No lav, "F"iy i or Sale. Xr' ,rSme col" on M.l Ns;rr; on ... No. INI. vx, . Notlro Im Ihti-Iiv wlcn l nil''"1' ulllrr .itk..ih lii'l.'rr'tiil In I J' tin ti. Mrolllln all. iln'fil.f'l. 'bit "wiiil 1'iirntor will , in ; lllflm nt of Mi i siiiii'. ,.t l ' nil, iimi, of , i. .i-hnt i-.uri .MIKltollll, III ! IN-Ifllll i "i" .'mjii n in, in .' lOUlllll ..II II I V.. ...I .1 TIL ,,,T 1 1. 1. I ,1M',I,. , , JllllSSTIIO'f llli-tj ki FIXALSBTrLE.VIE.NT Nolli-pls bcri'liv irlvrii In V-r"1 oilier prrnimn inli-pMiil In ll". ' Diivlrl i.oih, ilnciifHl. Hi''1 hIwiim! :i(iiiin.(rator i!hii'l pUIoiihiii of Nil. I entail', m lw ,-, twin, liml.of IV orohalii court "I l coimty, Mimiiurl. ut be li"K W T. probaio eourt riNiiii, In the ell'"'" n tbe necond Mumliiy in N""'li: ui . i 'IMM4 FINAL SKTTLKMD'T Notion In lierebv wven tn all ntber .ei-Hoii8 intcr.ntiil inllivw11'. Vim AiikIiih. (lii'eiiKi il, that t6' u: executor will upply to mke nient of nal.l ptate. ill II"' '"",;. 1'l, of Hie probate court nl lw'.u Mlmuillrl l.i In. li... run .mil hl'iil ' court rixiin. In tho city 'f bw:iiiiu Moiniav In inveini"-.;. ,.i AKrillll.M.DS. V-tN: WAl.Tlilt K. VAN AM'' ; 1,'IVII u i."l"l' I i i.i;ui on. t Nolleii l hi.niliv u-IVI'll ID " fn. i.lh.i.. .... ... In 111.' '' ...mi.1 i i..iifi in, i ii i. ., HhWiiih), cleeeiiseil. Hint II"1 '""'.j. I .... ... mil., v- of tlic probnte o. 18 ini " ItHWIHKl, Hint Hi'1 .t of' rif, " J" .('MP'oved) 0 mile. I""''? '. ': 've'"' No- 115, 167 ctm. ,i .onl .Monduy In Nov.'tn "'J. (iU' .oniK L. . . t'n'Prov.d) mil.. im tir T LTrlA rtnw.u... IkHi.tlyU nfllct' Ml r pn tcrt. 10-12tf K; LEE WALLACE, I-exlogioo, Mo. lovtum and Miin ireelt. l our I 'www T-Mr.