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gbXatngton 1" ntelliflencet. COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1901. No. 39 h nr Tin unimnrnn ;t ur nit mum. ho Brought It About kcd at Kansas City. ISO OF THE NOTED BANDITS. L Description ol Their First Day ol Freedom. intoJ'aroleAntWhittior.who 'nu or me tinest 0f seems to make friends Jim." men. faster Cole than in Kansas City Tuesday en Minneapolis Mrs. Cora Me wing, tlie woman through instrumentality the noted brothers were paroled and from the Minnesota peniten- jl!ed (in and had a taiK with littenden, county clerk of who rendered her great in securing the provisional ,f the outlaws. Kansas City Times gives the report of Mrs. Dem lug's Sir. Crittenden: ni McNeil Doming, the good the Younger boys, the woman whose instrumentality the lits were paroled from the frr penitentiary, called upon lerk Crittenden at the court tenlav. Mrs. Doming Is on in Colorado from her home in llis, and as Mr Crittenden (if her co-laborers In the parole, she stopped on her ye lilm. luted to have me go," said mini,', referring to her depar- m Minneapolis. "They're forward Cole and Jim to a isc from the parole by the t bard, and they think I i! help when the time comes. lave to be recommended by iaiure first, however, and I when anything will be ir the present the matter where it Is. it terms of the parole," con- Mrs. Iteming, '-they were 'at Jtricted to the twin cities, but permitted to go all over the t not beyond the line. Of they long to get back to Mis- fir old home. authorities there and many of nds objected to their coming cause they feared their heads turned, and the heads of well, by the banquets, brass (i ovations that would meet Why, you've no idea the let I invitations that poured In m from Missouri and from all country. "mi', the tw in cit ies fell over '"T In the race to entertain Vr iKiys when they were from prison. The terms of fl'iil their attending theaters r places of amusement, or I"' at night. Hut they went 'if held recently." "fining's description of the "f lil)orty the Younger lxys is of great Interest as showing new world it, was to the K after their quarter of a cen prison. lS walking with Cole Younger, Skills and some others the ''""'K after his release," she 'llenly Cole looked up at ears came into his eves as : 'There's a new moon the 'wi'iity-tlve years.' wieard his first telephone telephones were not known went to prison, you know lt(1 up one of the prominent h" 'ad been instrumental in n'f tlie parole and Cole thanked 'plume. When he got through me and said: 'Ain't that ""KioiTul! Here I've lieen wi,i a man three or foil :m just as thouirh we were faeel' "' four Mocks,' I exclaim "ie man von'v lwn tnlUin T '"r mi i,u r i i ,.! iiwni line, v l:,nll.v '"'lieve it. Hint, things he ex see was a woman "Vcle."' .... .... (HI .urs. I Tilling ""inger hoys are now living "ml quietly. They repre '"iiihstone comnanv. They ' k'1'! in i:i I'lv ...,,,- ..i, .i.i ,wl Mrs. Deming began to work for the parole of the Younger four vearsa-o. She secured the signatures of such men as Archbishop Ireland and ex Governor Ramsey to the petition for the Yotintrors' n;irri..n ..1.... o UlSU worked with the legislature and the delay in recommending the parole she attributes to the rumor circulated by the "gratters" that a fund of $05,000 had been raised by the Youngers' friends to secure the parole, the "grafters" holding off in the hope of getting some of it. CHITTENDEN TALKS. "The last time I saw Cole Younger," said Mr. Crittenden, "he told me he was getting old and that he wanted to come home to die. He said whiskey was the cause of the murder, lie warned the boys not to touch liquor, but they wouldn't listen to him and it was those who drank whiskey who did the killing." Better bnlMiunged than ill-wed. THE GREAT CATTLE SHOW Lafayette wlil be Represented at Kan sas City Keit Week. The big cattle show takes place at Kansas City next week and the prospects are that it will be the ban ner exhibit of that up-to-date cattle town. Three distinct breeds are to be represented Herefords, Short horns and Gallowavs. this beinp the first display made by breeders of the latter at a Kansas City show. Special prizes have been offered in all three divisions but are more liberal for the Shorthorns than for Herefords and Galloways. However, there is nothing stingy about prizes in any of the rings. Heretofore Hereford breeders have selected judges from among breeders of other families of cattle but this year they concluded to make their selections at home, so to speak, on the theory that a Hereford breeder knows more about a Hereford animal than a breeder of Shorthorns or Galloways. The judges are Thomas Mortimer, Madison, Neb.; John Scharbauer, CRIMINAL COURT. No Grand Jury Proceedings up' u Friday. The criminal court convened Mon day morning with Judge Jolen A. Rich, of Saline county on the bench, but for the first time it the history of the criminal court in Lafayette county no grand jury was empanelled. Nor was the petit jury brought into ser vice until Thursday morning These cost saving moves were made possible through bills passed by tlie last legis lature. The proceedings of the court up to Friday at noon will be found appended. State against Jesse Philllps.charged with forgery; plea of guilty entered to forgery in the third degree and re manded to jail for sentence. William Morris entered plea of guilty to attempt to commit grand larceny. Two years in the peniten tiary and parole granted. Parole of II. Williams and Har vey Haden was continued. Mag Jack son, under parole, was dismissed. William Price and William Moss of the meeting held by Dr. Wharton in Marshall last summer. Judge Rich said: "I had the pleasure of attend ing Dr. Wharton's meeting at Mar shall for about one week, ne im pressed me as a man of strong mind, well endowed with common sense, of fine education, a big heart and thor oughly consecrated to his calling ot preaching the gospel. He used no sensational or clap-trap methods, but made strong appeals to men's reason and judgment. His large tent, which seated about fifteen hundred people, was crowded to Its utmost capacity at ulmost every service. The results of the meeting were very satisfactory to the pastors and people of Marshall. A largo number of men of mature years and Influence in the community who had hitherto paid no attention to matters of religion professed con version and have connected them selves with different churches. Dr. Wharton believes and practices that the bible is the word of God. That, hell is the destiny of unbelievers, That repentance of sins and the ex ercise of faith in God are necessary to salvation. "I feel quite sure that If the MB Will Meet at'Moberly In State Convention Mext Week. FIRST STATE MEETING" THIS CENTURY Noted Christian Workers will be Present Programme Suggestions. The first State Christian Endeavor convention of the new century will held at Mobcrly October 24th INTELLIGENCER'S WAR REMINISCENCES CONFEDERATE STATES GOVERNMENT Inaugurated February 22, 186a. President Jefferson, Davis, Miss. V. P. Alex. II. Stephens, Ga. Sec. State Judah P. Benjamin, La. Sec. War George W. Randolph, Va. Sec. Treasury Chas. G. Meniminger, S. C. Sec. Navy Stephen R. Mallory, Fla. Att'y General-Thomas H. Watts, Ala. P. M. General James H. Reagan, Tex. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. First Regular Congress. SENATE. A. II. Stephens, Georgia, President. R. M. T. Hunter, Virginia, Presidentnjfn. ALABAMA. Clement C Clay, Wm L Yancey. FLORIDA. J M Baker, A. E. Maxwell. KENTUCKY. Wm E Simms, H C Burnett. MISSISSIPPI. James Phelon, Albert G Brown. NORTH CAROLINA. George Davis, Wm. S. Dortch. TENNESSEE. Gustavus O Henry, Loudon C Haynes. ARKANSAS. Robert W Johnson, C B Mitchell. GEORGIA. John W Lewis, B H Hill. LOUISIANA. Thos J Semmes, Edward Sparrow. MISSOURI. John B Clark, Robt. L Y Peyton. SOUTH CAROLINA. Robt W Barnwell, James L Orr. TEXAS. Lewis T Wigf all, Wm S Oldham . VIRGINIA. Wm B Preston, R M T Hunter. Thomas S Bocock, of Va., Speaker. ALABAMA. E L Gargan, John P Rawles, W F Chilton, Thomas J Foster, James E Pugh, David Clopton, Jabez M L Curry, L F Lyon, William R. Smith. ARKANSAS Felix J Batson, A H Garland, G D Royster, T B Hanley. FLORIDA. James B Deskins, , It B Hilton. NORTH CAROLINA. Wm H N Smith, Archibald Arrington, Robert Bridges, Robert McLane. Owen R Keenan, William Lander, J D McDowell, J J C Garther, Thos S Ashe, A S Davidson. SOUTH CAROLINA. Wm W Boyce, John McQueen, Wm P Miles, L M Adger, M L Bonham, James Farren. GEORGIA. Wm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, D W Lewis, C J Monnalym, Hardy Strickland, KENTUCKY. Willis P Machen, II W Bruce, S S Scott, K M Bruce, R J Breckinridge, Jr. John M Elliott, Hodges. LOUISIANA. Duncan F Kenner, Charles M Conrad, James Villlers, Henry Marshall, Lucien Dupose. A H Keenan, Hines Holt, A R Wright. Julien Hartridge, L J Gartrell, John W Crockett, H ERead. Geo W Ewing, Jas S Crisman, MISSISSIPPI. Johh J McKae, H C Chambers, J W Clapp, Otho R Singleton, Reuben Davis E Barksdale, Israel Welsh. MISSOURI. William M Cooke, Thomas A Harris, Casper W Bell, A H Conrow, George G Vest - Thomas W Freeman Samuel Hyer. TENNESSEE. A G Watkins, Meredith P Gentry, D M Currin,. William G Swann, JDC Atkins, WHTibbs, HE Foster, NS Gardner, Thomas Menoes, J T Heiskell, George W Jones. TEXAS. John A Wilcox, W B Wright, P W Gregg. M P Graham, C C Herbert, S B F Sexton. VIRGINIA. John R Chambliss, A R Boteler, M R H Garnett, John B Baldwin, James Lyons, Waller R Staples, Collier, Walter Preston, Thomas S Bocock, Vacancy vice A G. John Goode, Jr, Jenkins, James P Holcomb, Robert Johnson, D C Dejarnette, Charles W Russell, William Smith. Missouri under the apportionment was entitled to thirteen members. The state had not been districted, and the above members self '-elected to the Provisional Congress held over. 'WW Wedded Wednesday. At high noon Wednesday, at mr . in- tlie Midland hotel, at Kansas city, occurred the marriage of Mr. Arthur Maxwell, of Odessa, and Miss Carrie Young, daughter of A. A. xouiir, 01 near this city. Tlie ceremony was formed by the Rev. Henry Young, of California, formerly of Lexington. The prospective bride was'accom-. panicd to Kansas City Wednesday morning by her sister, Miss Ilhoda Young, Dr. T. B. Ramsey and Henry Young. The Lntellicienieu Joins the many friends of the estimable couple in wishing them well. Rushing the Work. It has been decided by the Mis snurl Paclllc officials to Increase the now Ht work on mio j. . to Jefferson uny imu -1 ..1. also that working on toe niync wi off, In hopes that the work can be finished, or at least well advanced, siys the Sedalia Democrat. Large number or men arc being unt boll, to Hoot.villc and Myrlck. nd Saturday an extra work train as sent out on the Lexington br,,neh, going to lluckner. Cuuluctor W. A. Hackett In charge Miss Minnie Nanel went to Kansas force L. extension Ft. Worth, Tex.: W. S. Van Natta, ( withdrew plea of not guilty and enter Fowler, Ind.; W. H. Giltncr, Emi- ed plea of guilty. Remanded to jail nencc, Ky. for sentence. Lafayette county will be represent- William Morris entered a plea of ed in the Hereford department of the guilty to grand larceny, was sen great show by some of the prettiest tenced to two years in the peniten speelmens of that breed of cattle tiary but was paroled. man's eye ever gazed upon. Walter; Mary Litchworth was tried by a B. Waddell will have three head there jury on the charge of peace disturb f rom his Quality herd, to-wit: ance and was acquitted. Tlie yearling bull, Dandy Briton,! Ed. Hughes was convicted on the son of Grove Briton, out of a strongly charge of common assault by a jury bred Anxiety 4th dam; cow, Ernia 2d, and was fined one dollar and costs. sired bv Funkhouser's famous Hesind The ease of General Green, charged d: dam, the show cow, Ernia, own with malicious assault with intent to daughter of Grove Briton, (son of the ' kill was dismissed at the cost of the state. Matthew Matthews, charged with seduction under promise of marriage was dismissed on payment of the costs In the case. W. J. Campbell, charged with as sault to kill and felonious wounding entered a plea of guilty to common assault and was tlned one dollar and costs. be to the 27th, inclusive, and the event in Christ's work in Missouri promises to be one of rare interest and much good. This grand organization has been at work in the state for the past sixteen years and Its benefit to society and the work of the Master cannot be computed. The Moberly meeting promises to be a record breaker in point of attend ance and earnestness of Christian endeavor. Some of the most noted Christian workers of the known world will be in attendance. Among the number are the Rev. Francis E. Clark, D. D., of Boston, founder and president of the society; W. R. Newell, of Chicago, assistant secretary of the Moody Bible Institute ; Rev. O. A. R. Jauvier, a prominent missionary of India, who is home on a vacation : Rev. Will L. Darby, of Kirksville, Mo., president of the state union; and Miss Kate Haus, of St. Louis, state junior superintendent. A host of other workers, clergy and lay, from all denominations and from all parts of the state will be present. Many district and local union presi dents will be there and will take active part in- the discussions before the convention. x Among the topics on the programme for discussion are the following: 'The Christian Endeavor in tlie Twentieth Century." "Essentials of Christian Endeavor Work." "Girdling the Globe" Dr- Clark; Quiet Hour Services and Bible Study, conducted daily by Mr. Newell. "The Crisis of Christian Endeavor." The President's Annual Address. Practical Addresses on "Building the House of C. E." "Tlie Greatest War In the World, or the Missionary Problem Before the Church." "What the Church Most Needs." A Junior Rally on Saturday. Helpful Conferences on "What Are Your Difficulties?" Junior Methods and Other Vital Subjects. Reports From Various Officers as to Year 's Work. Two Large Evangelistic Meetings Every Pay. Special Meetings for Men and Women Sunday. Splendid Music is Assured. Tlie New Endeavor Hymnal will be TT 1 preachers and people of Lexington , Lhetl will heartily co-operate with Dr. j All is In readiness for the big cattle Wharton the results of the meeting show, beginning at Kansas City next will be the glory of God In the salva- Monday. lion of the people." Mrs. W. J. Wainscott, of Nevada, Mo., who was the guest of the family The of Mrs. T. J. Baodon, was called to powder and ball Woodard, Oklahoma, on account of the serious illness of ber sister. The Boers are still entertaining the British infornierlv in South Africa. menu card usually consists of Snobbery in the effete east will soon have another splendid opportunity to manifest Itself. Leopold, king of world's Fair champion, Ancient Briton), out of Blue Hell 14th, a double and grand-daughter or Don Carlos, a World's Fair winning bull, sired by Anxiety 4th. Maple Lawn herd, owned by T. C. Sawyer, will be represented by the following animals: Two heifers sired by Gudgell and Simpson's celebrated hull, Premier, son of Beau ltrummel: Hubert, a coming yearling bull sired by Mr. Sawyer's "heid bull, Commodore Schley, a son of Cherry Boy out of Grove 3d, dam. Hubert's dam was sired by Don Carlos, a World's Fair winner, by Anxiety 4th. Health it the best wealth. Concerning Dr. hartou. Apropos to the evangelical meet ings to be held in this city com mencing on the 10th proximo under the leadership of Dr. Wharton, of Baltimore, a Baptist divine, Hon. John a Rich was seen by a representa tive of the Intelligencer and asked Miss Elizabeth Groves left Thurs- day afternoon for Kansas City, where Belgium, is coming. she will visit relatives until Satur-1 day, when she will leave for New York. From that port she will sail on the steamer Furst Bismarck on Wednesday for Naples, and will spend the winter In the southern part of Europe. Her mother, Mrs. Jane B. Groves, will visit the families of her sons in the mean time. Warden Woohl ridge of the Missouri penitentiary has announced tlie ap pointment of Judge E. Alllison of Henry county as usher at that insti tution to succeed Earl Evans, resign ed possibly through compulsion. At a meeting of the board of stew- arts of the M. E. church, South, held Tuesday night the following ollleers were elected to serve during the ensuing vear: Dr. w. 1. Damcroo, chairmau; Isaac O. Hays, secretary; E. M. Taubuian, financial Stewart. The house of deputies of the Epis copal church of America in session at San Francisco sitting as a committee of the whole, adopted the proposed canon prohibiting the remarriage of divorced persons for causes not arising previous to their former marriage. Dr. lxeutai Samuels, stepfather of the James lioys, was taken to St. By request, of the Rev. J. C. Given, Joseph, Tuesday, from his home in the pastor, the following uentlemen Kearney, Mo., and placed In the state will act as ushers: Leroy Farmer, E. hospital fur the insane. Dr. Samuels M. Taubman, W. R. Eckle and James Is "0 years old and has lieen in feeble and Taul Rankin. health for some time. V.l'l lllliu K've an account ,of all their City Friday morning.