Newspaper Page Text
Uasd the law. 1 . j nisconrr Persistent Suitor. rvrTn "kce with reporter I C'MCMrSTFP fpku I OKDKR OF PUBLICATION. A Diitinoni.h.4 . 8TATi OF MISSOURI iumjn Allthnr TVIl. .t I tirilllUltftlf I A ;sg e me fonan generally mean to tbod of discouraging -nisi Author Tells nf n Interview. Ucrr Hith Kcumtrt, the noted vanish actor, who vi5;u,i v tt. j t liters by having them ar- States this summer, tells this story of ,i(ern courtship will not be his experience with a Chicago re thrillinjt moments. Re- porter. e L; the Chicago Daily News "I had just arrived in Chira-o.after Je young umau cuu - "iuuigjourni-v, when tlit l.cllbov e gnd had her wooer arrested brought me a card Mat ing that Mr. M. ;ie insiitea on prumeuoumg ui wie uanon would be infinitely ,r home and serenading her grateful to meifl would grant him an , ffDCe. Sunday evening a interview. Never before nor Mnce ie damsel, wearied by the have I met such an interviewer Here 0V of her lover, ejected him are some of the questions he asked me house and caused him to be " 'What do you thinkof them; lay in a patrol wagon. , yacht races?' Ulv the young men of the ; " 'What is your onininr, f wi i itj will not be long in finding strike?' vo you not think that the local professor who said that Mr. Rockefel ler is a greater man than Shakespeare is utterly wrong?' "I replied as best I could to these questions, but when he asked me what I thought of your country's for eign policy I grew slightly nervous, and mildly informed him that I really was unable to venture an opinion or such a subject; and that I thought he had already material enough for a book, to which he replied: " 'Yes, I know; but you see, I am a space man and want to get in as much stuff as possible,' and he began again. Finally, after thanking me for my courtesy, and promising me to 'fix things all right," I got rid of him. "Of course I belived him, and the next morning lost no time in procur ing a copy of his paper, for I naturally supposed that after such a terrible court of inquiry my interview would take up a column at the very least. To my annoyance, however, I was unable to find it anywhere. I looked at the first page and then at the last; all in vain! and I was about to give up the search as a bad job, when, quite ac cidentallv. I espied the following paragraph, sandwiched in between two medical advertisements: "'Heir Klith Kiiiimrt, the Danish character actor of the Royal tluater, Copenhagen, arrived in this city last light. lie expresses himself as de lighted with Chicago, and says Hern- FEriHYROYAL PILLS rarrants of arrest are not the il urocerses which may be em- r. such affairs. If the law is to ted there are well-known Lot only of preventing arrest making matters exceedingly jrtable for the arresting A really persistent lover i with the proper legal papers ;ve no hesitancy about making JVith a search warrant he could lCess without difficulty to the If the loved one and bring her presence. With a writ of in he could keep out any police who might seek to intrude on f the object of his attentions u'd he feel an aggrieved de list his presents back a writ of i would meet all requirements. i by that tim the young vould have begun to make use injunctions and outer pro on her own behalf, but not caller had secured a firm ition from which to make the i 1 Cll 111 limn oi nis love, snouiu ms mi fail to impress her, he arrested on Jl ut he would then i habeas corpus proceedings il for false arrest, mrtship of an earlier period, it ladders and flashingrapicrs i i a part, may nave tieen more :!iir, but it was subversive of virimient. It was anarchical, dern method, besides being legal, is not without dramatic lcavins have the re- lll4llt.KT:H EWULIMII in Red .nd -.iit imniiiic boil's, wniwi with blue ribbon. Jtktip no other. Kfo dnnirrron (a'tut luiKiiinnnd iwtrullonk. Itiu uf vourDruiu-Ki, nonlula a id "Kfli.r for ii,m. 'I rr,ur" '11. 10,000 TMtimoiuiils. Hold bj ill Lin.uLi.ia. CU'CnSSTBR CHEMICAL OO. WOO Hu'liiMra Mquare, rilILA MwUIm Ikl. paper. PA, T-H-E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-l-0 THRICE-A-WEEK edition. The Most Widely Read News paper in America Time lias demonstrated that the Ttirice-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers have imitated its form but not its success. This is be' cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially.wheiher that news be political or otherwise. It is. in fact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you can not afford to be without it. Republican and Democrat alike can read the Tbrice-a- Wsek World with absolute confidence in its truth. In addition to news, it publishes flrstr class serial stories and other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year and ihis pays for 156 papers, we offer this unequalled newspaper and the In tklligenckr together one year for la thu Circuit Court of Lafayette County. Mis uri, liecetnher term, lUul. Detile Adams and James Adams, ier liuslund, Ut-llu straight and Jarn-s II. straight, her husband, PliiiutlfK VS. Young P. .MeCornack, Hardy H. McCormai'k, Malisa Eirlyand Ibnmas Eurly, her buMmud; Coy Mcl.'onnack. Jessie McUur mack, Katie McCormack and NuriueMcCorniiick.Deteuditms. Now at tills diiy come the plalutllTs herein b) tlieirattoriii' h and Ule their peiitiuii. allrfftnc auioiiK otbi-r Ihiiiirt. that dolUhdauU Coy Me Cormai'k, Jessie McCormack, Katie McCor mack and N'iriiie McCormacik. urn not real denisot tb.j stale of Missouri wliereuo'iii. It la ordered bv the clerk In vacation, (bnt aaid nun resident defen dants be uottU.d by uublleation that plaiutlfla have commenced suit SKHlnst mini in tnit court, the object and Kiuerul nature of which Is to partition the folmwlnir described real estate situated in Lafayette county, Missouri, to-wlt: The south nun oi tne nortnwvta quarter or the north' west quarter. section elunUKi. townslilnfortv elKlit (In) and ranite twenly-eiaht CMt. and tbut unless the said non-resident defendants be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and bolden at the court house iu the City of Leximrtou. In said countv. on tbe Hud day of December next, and on or before tbe first d iv of said term. K the term shall so loniruontluui', and If mU Hieu on or Detoretiielastda) "I oaldterm.auawerur plead totbu petition in auiu cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and Judmncut will be rendered accordingly. And It is further ordered, that a copy hereof ne nuniisDed. Hccortiinir to law in thu weekly IntciliKencer. a newauuDer Dubilsiied In said County of Lal,ieit for four weeks aucees- jiveu . uuDiisueo at least once a week, in- last insertion to he at east thirty days before the first clay of sa d next December term, IIMJ1, of tms ouurt. .1. H. CAMPBELL, Circuit Clerk. By J. W .SYUNOH. Ul'DIlt) . AlexainlM' Graves and Charles Lyons. Attor uey mr i-iainuna. iu-,i hardt is the greatest X. Y. Times. iviiij; actress. Election of bibles. Lit Is Tbit of tht Bible Society in London. 5tft collection of Bibles in ud Kingdom is to be found in srv of the Bible society, Queen a street, which includes the Jul collection made by Mr. Bristol, says the London le. Some of the renderings of ' passages are exceedingly In Coverdale's Bible, the I Bible printed in English, we So that thou shalt not nede to Hi for any bugges by night." hr sneak of Dip hmrlipar nr "ipr- , ... ..c ... night." Children can better ate the delight of "treacle" "balm of Gilead," which has later copy of the Scriptures j we of Treac e B b e. The r "Breeches'' Bible is, of here. Our first parents " together and made them ruches." So popular was this iltnt for 40 years after the ati ! .is issued the two ran side In a picture bound with a i"t of Tyndale's translation iJ drtscd as a peasant of the ith a wooden leg, sowing liile men are asleep." Then tin- Vinegar Bible, so called "f the misprint in thcl'arable in. yard which appears as -ar. THE TWICE-A-WEEK KiJPUBLIO. Every Monday and Thursday a newnpa per as ?ood as magazine and better lor it contains tbe latest by telegraph as well is Interesting stories is sent to tbe sub icriber o. tbe "Twice-a- Week" Republic, which is only a fl a year. The man who reads the "Twlce-a Week" Kepublio knows all about affairs political, domestic and foreign events; I posted about the markets and commercia matters generally. The woman who reads the "Twice Week" Republic gathers a bit of valuobl information about household affairs an Ute fashions and finds recreation in tb briu'ht stories that come under both tb b "ad In its ol fact and fiction. There gossip about new books and a dozen othp topics of especial interest to tne wide awake man and woman. Largest Artificial Lake. ' has been in progress for no years near Denver, Col., What, it ie cniil u-ill liPthP artificial lake in America. K'fsman, as it is callod, i? niore evHl miles lntur nnd the dillll "Ids the water back is called r("'gt -st in the world, and is al- feet high, though not yet i(' There is not a single brick v-"t piece of mason a.vIiavingbecndriventl """iintain of granite at the side 'a"i- hake Cheesinan is one great sources of water em ''.v the Denver Union Water " "'ff uoat with numerous ' weH as a naphtha launch, "'"'tant use in transporting lial l"'r the construction of the SYMEOLS IN A CARPET. Persian! Weave Various Sentiments Into Their Work During the shah's last stav in Paris he paid a visit to the Gobelins, where he showed a most appreciative in terest in all that he saw. Before a re markably fine Persian carpet, given to the museum by M. Goupil, he re mained for some time, interpreting for himself the symbolical allusions thickly embroidered upon it, which, however, he declined to translate into French. A few days since the mys tery was cleared up. There arrived in Taris the manager of the imperial carpet weaving factory in Teheran, who stated that he had been commis sioned by the shah to study the meth ods of manufaet ure in use at the Gobe lins. To him the director applied for a solution of the legends of the carpet re3 I which had so captivated the shah. Thereupon the Persian began to react out a running translation: "A car pet for the ruler of the earth ; superior ity for his feet; how beautiful it is; it is in his cabinet and knows his se crets. It is pleasant as Paradise, and brighter than the Academy of Mari (a Persian painter) for it contains all the colors of China. The nightingale coming to perch upon it cannot tear itself away from its loveliness. Nei ther winter nor autumn can ever change the tints of the carpet." This is a good deal for one carpet to sig nify, but critics say that it is justified in holding a high opinion of itself. It is about three centuries old. Lon don Pall Mall Gazette. FAslff EAST? - I II Commissioners Sale of Real Estate in Partition. Rebecca B. Hancock and W, W. Han-' cock, her husband. Martha V. Evans anil Jun es Kvaiis, her hus band, and W. Klrbard Beamer, Plaintiffs. vs. Philip It. Beamer. Paschal M. Bea mer. Samuel c. Meamer, Laura K. Cropp and John Crnpp, lier hus band, llattle Patrick and Percy P. Patrick, her husband, Daisy Ma lum, Menoah Meamer, Grace Spen cer, Birdie Beamer and Oule Ueii nier. U. V.. Sclilotnrldut) and II. 11. SeldomrldRe, Defendants. By virtue of a decree and order of sal made hy the circuit court of Morgan count Missouri. In the iiIh entitled cause, ilv undersigned special commissioner, duly ap' pointed by said court, will ut the court house door, In the City of Lexington, In the county or Liuuyeuo, stute or Missouri, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of EECEMBEK, 1901 between the hours of nine o'clock n. m. and Hve o clock n. tn., of said dav, und while th circuit court of said county Is In session, sell at public: unction, to the highest bidder, tl following deserllied real estate, situate lying and being in Lafayette county, iMis sotiri. to-wlt: The northeast quarter, ea half of the northwest quarter and the nortl east quarter of the southwest quarter of Be tion thirty-six (lit)), township fifty (AO), range twenty-four (24), and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sect ion two ('-'). township forty-nbiu (!) range twenty-four (24): also the north half of thu northwesl quarter of section one (1), township forty nine (4!l), ranee twentv-four (21). rins oi rate: uasu in nanq at time oi sine. rXEXXS TABLES Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br. WIS BOUSDTBAIHB. No. 71. Leave St. Loulg 7:45 am Irrlve eeaalla S;Mpm Conoormu 4:07 pm Aullvlllo l-.ttpm Higginsvllle 4 :i7 pra Paite City pin exii-iston 0:11 pm yrlck" oUipui Wellington S:4pm Waterloo 6:40 pm Napoleon B:4" pin Independence 6:45 pm Kansas City 7: 13 pm St. Joseph daily. ast round trains. No. 74. Leave Bt. Joe M pm Kansas City D:npm Independence U: hi pm Napoleon...... 7:08 pm Waterloo 7:1 pm Wellington 7 72 pm Myrick 7 :;4R pm No. 73. V:lb pm 5:t0 am B:('rtam 6:24 am 6:35 am R:4t am 8:10am 7:12am 7 ;if am 7:S3am 7:40 am 8:85 am u:U5am 1:05 pm No 72. 6 -.25 am 6 :M am 7:40 am 7:44 am 7 :5I am H :03 am r RACKS & EXAS a? r Lexlnston 7: IHpm 8:IOam Page 1'iry :uipin Hlgglnsvltle 8:21 pin Aullv.'le. 8:211 am 8:3' am 8:3: pm 8-4" am Concordia 8:4:' pm 9:e am Hedalla 10:0" nm liuosain St Louis 7:lim 6:i'pm Bpeolal rates to Kansas City every 8aturda oveulngand Bunduy. East 8 60 am . . 0:45 am.. 10:05 am . Ill::l0 am . 11:00 air... 2:15 pm. rHKIQIITH. .Leaves Lexlng' m ' PageCiiv .... " H'.gninsvillo... " Aullville Concordia. Daily, except Sunday. West 8:H5am 2:5n pm 8 -25 pm 1 :40 pm 1:10 pro 8edalui 10:40 am Jeflerson City, Boonville and Lexing; ton Division. MIXED DAILY EXC. SUNDAY. No. 72. No. 71. Leave. Arrive. 7:15 am Lexington .... Effective March 10th, J90l the It i.,r w Announces the Opening of its j Red River Divia. -i. Denison and Sherman, Texas. & Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Katra City over the J J J Shortest Line to Texas Te 10-l!)td H. A. YAUNKLL. Ppeclal Commissioner. I'rco Illood Cin e. We reconimeiid Botanlo Blood Balm (B. B B ) for all blood troubles, such as ulcers erttlrg sores, scrofula, eer.ema. Itching b mors, pimples, bolls, carbuncles, blood pot son, aching bones, festering sores, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Bulimic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood or skin diseases. specially advised for old, deep seated cases. It cures when all elso fails. Heals every sore or pimple, stops all acnes and pains by giving a healthy blood supply. Thorounhly tested for thlriy years. Thousands cured Atdrun (tores, $1 lo per large bottle. Our readers will receive a trial treatment free by writing Dr. Glllnm. 203 Mitchell St. Atlan'a, Ga. Describe the trouble and free medical advice given. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. Notice to Bridge Contractors. I will let to the lowest and best bidder on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, A. D., lHOl. for construction an A Truss Bridge, thirty feet span, to be built across Lltile Snl creek In the northwest oomer of section 20, town ship 41), range 27, and about one and a quarter miles south nf Thus J. Powell's residence. Letting will take place at bridge site at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Plan and specifications can be seen at time and place of letting. contractor is to give oono lor maintenance of bridge as tbe law directs. commissioner reserves tne ngnt to reject a. U. WBKUIIM, Londoners nd 'fl! Pawnbrokers. ian 15,000.000 visits annually to London r.. A Crying Need. 'e trying need ol a woman if real UiiuuRo Daily New. ADVICE ON MARRIAGE. Answer to Question of Young Mail About to Take a Wife. A young man recently wrote to the editor of the Ladies' Home Journal asking "What have you to say, ry, the squarely and fairly, to a young man through of 20 who is about to marry.J Mr. Bok uses a page for lus answer. iu salient points are these: That a man "should make the woman of his choice his chum, as well as his wife; that he should show her the highest consid eration as well as love her; that he should renumher that lie owes his wife to her mother, and treat lus mother-in-law with respect, at least; .!, ),p should keep his wife informed to his income; that he should give her a regular allowance and that lie 8re clwii.1,1 have his life insured in her fa- l1ftwn' vor And above all, that when a young man marries he must remem ber that he leaves a world of self and, outers into a world ol anomer uu sell. FORECLOSURE SALE. Whereas, J. W. Jordan and Mary ,T. JoHan his wife, on the 6th day of May, lsufi, by their certain deed of mortgage duly recorded In the oftico f the nv order of deeds of Laf y ette c.iuntv, Missouri, In liook 118, Dage 55, roiwcyed "to l afayitte county, stiita of Missouri, for tne use and nencnt or tne county M-hool fund of said Lafayette county, stale of Missouri, the following described real estate, situate! In the aforesaid county, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter section 20. town ship 4". range iili. containing forty acres moie or less, which said conveyance was made to secure a certain bond In said deed ileM'i'llii'd, wherein said J. V. Jordan and lulin V I ;, ii and Robert WUkliiMin for value received promised twelve months afier date to pay Lafayette couiily, state of Mlssnurl. tor tne use ami iH'iienv oi me county school fund Hve hundred and fifty dollars efi." with interest from date until paid, at the rate of eight per cent per milium, w ii it ! sad liond Is of i ate tne sum lith dav of Mav. lWi. and whereas, default lius in Tn mnile In the coiiilllion of said iiiurlgage deed and tn the payii ent of said bond according to the tenor and ciieci mere , r 1 1 1 1 . 1 tlu'rels now due and uniiald ill mill clpal und Interest on said bond the sum of eluhl minimi tniny-nve ami m vciiiv nm hundredths dollars (Sxr.7) with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, mn whereas heretofore, to-wit, at iiu. ml Antnist term. IIKII. of the countv court of Lafayette county, state of uu-mirl mill on the it h dav of tH'lotier. iiNir said countv court bv Its order of said date, dnlv entered of record, directed that n. -i,,.fur nr i.nravette countv. si tie in Missouri, foreclose said mortgage deed and U'i tin. mii In Mini of money with tne interest thereon Iron, the date of said order and the I'm,! iiiion the rea estate aiiove (leseruieti la-lug the mortgaged premises aforesaid und to sell tlie same or so much thereof as may ... ,.,,,.1,1 i iii.i-i.iisarv tn satlsfv the said deed, interest and costs at, the front door of the county court house, tn the city of Lex- Inuton. Latayette county. Missouri, luinui t li. Mil 1 1: If of the circuit court of sat countv at 111 llecen.hfr term, 10U1, first hav- .,i.-i.ii t.wi-iiiv davs not ce of the time, ,..r,M mul ulai-ii of sale, logetber With the ilisi-ilptlon of the property to lie sold by '..ii i.MUi.iiu-iit. In the lute news oaia-r published In Lexington, Lafayette ...,n,,ti' winti, nf MUsonrl. N,m therefore, know all men. that I. the ..n.l..kl.r I I k.'ii, -riinlllHM. sheritf flf LllfllV ..ii., ,.A,i iv tii 1 1 nf Missouri, bv virtue and in pursuance of said order and the certified copy thereof to me delivered on this the lot h ,i . ..f i i,.i,,i,r nun. and the miwer and au- thorllvby law tome given under said order of said court and said certllieu copy uiereoi, and heretofore, to-wlt. on t he said Ullh day ,,f i i,,i,,i r iimi. li- l il u non and seized 1 lie above desi-rllicd real estate for the purposes aforesaid, and I, the said slienn, uo nereoy give notice that 1 will on MONDAY. thkSndiiav ok DKCEMHEK. 1001 i, ie nut he first dav ot said i-ccem Is r term of said court and during the sitting ,.r ...i.i ..... ,n ut Lev iiirinii. countv ann state afoiesiiiii. between the hours of nine o'clock i.. tl, r,,ri'iioiin mill live OCIOCK in tne afternoon of sahl day, at the front door of the county court house, in said city of Lex ington, county and stale aforesaid. In pur suance of said order and said certllled copy thereof and bv reason of t lie power and authority thereby and liy law given lo nie, sell open'ly at public vendinX to the highest iilil ler for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of them the said J. .. Ionian ami Mary J. Jordan. Ills wife, of in and to all of the above described premises and real estate to satisfy the debt. Interest and costs, lm.udl.,g the costs of hlJJOTXB. Slu-rllT of Lafayette County,' Stale of Missouri. any or all bids. v-zxta Commissioner. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and other nersons Interested In the estate of John ei. Htrodtman. deceased, that the under signed executor will apply to make a final settlement of said estate, i.t the November term, 11)01. of tho probate court of Lafayette county, Missouri, to be begun and held at the prooate court ro"m. in tbe city of Lex ington, on the second Monday la November, 1UU1. JOHN 8TRODTMAN. 10-1216 Executor, FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given to all creditors and other persons interested in the estate of Klmes- ley M. riarreison. deceased, that the under signed administrator will apply to makes final settlement of said estate, at tho November term, lliol, of the probate oourt of Lafayette county, Missouri, to be begun and held ut the probate court room. In the city of Lexington, on tne second Monuay in rtovemner. iwui. RDVY AtlK B. Hill', 10-12-14 Administrator. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notite Is hereby given to all creditors and other persons Interested In the estate of Cathrlne (Itiscwlseh, deceased, that the under signed executor will apply to make a Anal set tlement ol said estate, at the November term, 1H0I, of the probate oourt of Lafayette county .Missouri, to be begun and held at the .rebate court room, in the city of Lexington, on the seconu jHonoay in wovemner, iwi. U. U. rrir, I AlNtl. lo-12t4 Executor, 8:2ft am 8:R5 urn 9:10 am :27um :IWam 11:30 am 2;'2inm 4 45 pm ttead down. .Myriok. ... North rup . ...Dover... . ...Edwards.. ... Waverly. ....Marshall. 5:11 pm 4:4ft pm 4:1-' pm 4.00 pm 3:8." pm :i:M pm 1 :1ft pm .Boonviilo 3:00 pm Tipton 4:4ft pm Head up, 8ANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington i No. 28 (dally) 7:48 a. m Trains leave North Lexington : No. 23, Express tdully) 7 :.V ft m Main line truins pass uexingiuu juucuun GOING EAST. No. 8. (dally)... 20, VIA iV Jffr' TO a, .. 11:19 am ...lo.ouam ... 7:'ft P ra ... 8:8ft pm ... 3:47 a m No. 1, 8, S, I. IS, (daily) California Limited. California Limited OOINO WIST. 8:5H a m 12:20 am . li:i0am 12: 7pm 6:46 p m J. D. Eabtkr, Jr., Agent. W J. Black, Q, V. A.,Topeka, Kas. Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Higglnsvllle as follows! west sound. No. 5, St. L. and K C. mall R:4ftam 7, Calif, and Col. limited 7:40 am M 61, Higginsvllleand K. : accom. 7:ftftam " 18, Bt. Louis and K C. mall 4:3npm " 119, Local freight and accom 0:47 am EAST BOUND. No. 14, 8t. L. and K, C. mall 9:47 am " 60, K. C. and Hlgglnsvllle accom. 7 :1ft pm " 10, Calif, and Col. limited 7:8 pm " 12, Bt. L and K. C. mail 10 " pm " Utt, Local irelght and accom 12:4ft pm W. 8. LYONS, .Ticket Agent, Telephone No. SO. 3 an antonio; VIA WACO, 8. A. & A. P. and SOU. PAC AND TO AUSTIN., VIA ELGIN AND H. 4.T. C. Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC J O. WOHTHINOTOK. 8. N. WILSON 1MI5I0S !i ism FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given to all creditors and other persons Interested In the estate of David Lyons, deceased, that tho under signed administrator will apply to make a final settlement of said estate, at the November term, lwil.of the probate court of Lafayette county, Mlssnuri, to be begun and held at tbe probate court room, in tbe city of Lexington, on tbe second Monday In November, lwn. JOHN K. LYONS, 10-12-t4 Administrator. LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. ABSTKACTS OF Til LE MADE, Will loan money on Improved farm lauds at f and 5M per cent Interest OFFICE IN HiERLE BUILDING. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given to oil oroditors and other persons Interested In the estate of Henry Van Anglon, deceased, that thu undersigned executors will apply to make a final settle ment of said estate, at tho Nnvemlier term, 1001, of the probate oourt of Lafayette county, Missouri, to be begun and held at tho probate courtroom, in thu city of Lexington, on the second Monday In November, lwnl. ARCHIBALD 8. VAN ANOLEN. WALTER K. VAN ANGLKN, 10-1214 Executors. Fob 8alb 1 dav for sale a good pay. Ing business, about two thousand cash required. For full particulars call on F Lea Walls: "nt. Lexington, Mo, 4-27 FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and other person interested in the estate of D. I). Raglandi deceased, that the undersigned ad ministratrix will apply to make a final settle ment of said estate at the November term, IHOI, of the probate court of Lafayette county, Mis souri, to be begun and held at tbe probate court room in tbe city of Lexington, on thu second Monday in November, llfcil. UVMHIA W. KAULiANII. 10-12-14 Administratrix. J L. PEAK, SURGEON DENTIST; MASONIC BUILDING, Lexington, . - Mo DR. W. E. ECKLE, Surgeon Dentists, offloe in Hearle Building Eleventh and Main streets, Lexington, Mis lourl UaDivl Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Lexington. Missouri. Office: Room 8 and 10, Haerle Building. Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" TO St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas Cit? ALL TRAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS anb BUFFET SLEEPERS. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO What Shall We Haye tor Desert This question arises In the family everj day. Let us answer It toJay. Try Jell-O, a delicious desert. Prepared In two minutes. No baking! add hot water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocers. 10 cents. 6 JelI-0, the Sew Desert. pleases all tho family. Four flavors -lemon orange, raspberry and strawberry. At your Grocers, loceuu. Try it today. nil FP Cured by Climax Balve I ILLvJ or pnoe refunded. Satisfaction AUdruggists. AND POINTS IN AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. Passenger and TlcketAgent.HiggliisvlU-.W- Oeo.. I. Charlton, o. I' l. a.. iJiiiao, n . A RARE CHANCE. Having decided to close out mr logs of cows and heifers, tome 60 heat), 9 offer for sale one and all. My line ctn- Srise Shorthorns, AoguBes Herefords a(3 ersey mixed. All were selected wllh reference to ml I It strain, formerly befirer In creamery business Some Twenty oM wltb calf tt foot and balance to calnr shortly. Prices raoglos from 25 te fSU per bead. Call on or address, Talbot Simpson. pr27year Aullville, BT.