Newspaper Page Text
ar nam's LOSSES AT SEA. AUTOMOBILE PATENTS." j Aid nl Statistics of Maritir Casual. Inventors Now Bend:nj All Their At tics by Lloyd's Ec(ister. tentioni in Ihis Direction. The statistical sunnuar of vessels By all odds the automobile section "All veil all happy lots lost condemned, etc, pub- is the busiest of all the divisions of the . s lisheil by Lloyd's lvegister, shows that patent cilice these days. Since all of fun". That IS the regular during 1900 the gross reduction in the fashionable world has taken to 'cport front the monkey cae e eccve mercantile marine of autoniobiling, and this sport is no . w ine woria amounted to MS v.ft s. of I WINTER SUPPLI ae keepers began dosing the .donkeys with Scott's Emul sion. Consumption was carry ing off two thirds of them (is OS ES 1 1 i 1 i 1 , . iue or.u amounieu to f43 wsseis, 01 iongcTaiau,tne inventors oituecoun- f Carnum s Circus eyer Since 677,182 ton?, excluding all vessels of try seem to have turned their atten ds man tun tons, ut tins total zyt lion to bringing out improvements in vessels, of 380,30-1 tons, were steam- motors, carriages and other parts. The crs, and 552. of 21U,S78 tons, were number of applications that are be- sailirg vessels. As rt cards steamers, ins received for imtents on devices for the present return exceeds the aver- automobiles is so -great that it hasljN age or the previous nine years by 16 (is (is (is (is (is No doubt you are thinking about buying y0llr winter supplies and the intent of this advertise incut is to tell you how to make your money g0 futher than you dream of. Note following pree8 tvery year and the circus had ve" a"d 27.5:4 tons; as regards to buy new ones. ! aili.ns it!f is e!" aver- ' : age by 274 vessels and S3.3 tons. One day a keeper accident- The figures relating to steam and ally broke a bottle of Scott's failic,g ,onnnge owncd in theUnited r. , . , : kingdom, says the London Mariner, been found necessary to have five sie cial examiners on this work. Four separate divisions have been organ iztd to which are referred patent pa pers, according to the specific kind of patent that is demanded. One di- ; i"j;uuiu, mm s me i.onuon jiariner, weiuu uauuits eiectnc motors, an- limulsion near the monkey ' are below the average by 1 1,000 and other steam motors, another cas and cage and the monkeys eagerly 20,000 t0Df- respectively. Apart acetylene motors and another looks , . , , j rom vessek broken up, condemned, out for compressed air motors. It is Japped it up irom the floor, etc., the United Kingdom steam ton- very seldom that the rush of business This suggested the idea that it - cage lc" urinS 1900 is below the for a certain division is so great as to mio-lif- An tlipm c average of the preceding nine years cause an increase in the number of nwoiu co inem good, Since by about 20,000 tons, while the ton- special examiners or to bring about then the monkeys have received Eae owned has increased during that ' the establishment of additional di regular doses and the keerers Perio(1 b-v 0Vf r 3,?"0,000 tons. The ; visions. One special examiner is or- report very few deaths from 1 summar-v exhioits interesting data as dinarily able to take care of all ap ,. ' , . to the relative frequency of the dif- , plications relating to one branch of consumption. Ut COUrse it's ' fereni kinds rf p9i,,nltv tn ' work. Tn. rnnrA r cheaper to buy Scott's Emul-' conclude the existence ' of vessels, sion than new monkeys and '. Stranin?s and kindred casualties, that suits the circus men. which are comprised under the term -, : "''"'i c "iv.u me most pro- 1 Lonsumption m monkeys i lific cause of disaster. To such cas-! and in man is the same disease. I ua'ties are attributable 47 per cent, of If you have it or are thrown. ' the lo5fes of steam"s and 45 percent. ; UA ,,.,'fU I 01 lhe l0SJes of "il'ng vessels. The work. The oe!v record thprp i'a of a .v .w greater volume of work coming to one division than now falls to the lot of the automobile bureau occurred some years ago at the time the bicvele craze was at its height. There was1 sucn a deluge of claims for patent on wheels, chains, bearings, handles and the other parts of a bicycle that ten special examiners were detailed to A help out the chief of the division. ! 'Ai These cases have dwindled down since i ;fv aA ui. i Ui uie 10Ses 01 filing vessels. Tl ed With It can you . next most common termination of take the hint? ; vessel's career is by condemnation, ThU nirtitfA a I VirPflVinrr nr r,t n i i EmulS lndk fa o!hS 1 f the Te "eli removed om the mer- ! now only two men are required viiiiiu nteis oi tne world are ac counted for in this manner. Of tho i remaining causes of loss collision is ! section for first honors in the the most general for steamers (about (is (is (is as (h (is (is (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is ( (is (is Others stores charge you 75c a pair (or overalls, my price is - Oth r stores charge you 5oc a pair for other overalls my price is 39; The best miner's p.ints in the city 43c Others charge 75c for negligee shirts, my price is 47c Extra heavy fleece lined underwear 35c Others charge 50c lor same goods The best work shirts for only 59c Better underwear, worth ?cC f0r $1.00 ail wool underwear for $2.00 all wool underwear for $3.00 silk and wool underwear -25c wool sox for -20c cotton hose 13c, 2 pair for 1 2 l2c cotton hose for 25c and 35c fancy cotton hose ft 10 - - w j nwac . CLOTHING $18.00 suits for - - $10.49 15.00 suits for - - 8.40 10.00 suits for $6.48 and - 5.40 7.50 suits for - - - 3.79 5.00 pants for $3.00 and - 3.25 4.00 pants for - - 2.50 3.00 pa?us for - 1,75 3.00 r proof duck cmts - 1. 79 t 2.00 rain proof cluck o ats - 1.24 wrapper of even- bottle Send for Irtt umpk. SCOTT & BOWXE, 409 Pearl St., New York Mrs. E.1. Taubmsin left We irn'sr'ay taorolne for Kansis Cily for a ft days visit with triends. '('o. P. Sciioniiiiir, u Warrrns'Hiv new-paper man, was in 'Lex-too on buslnes Tuesday evening Mi Lillie I'rysda!e has ret nri:-d from an extended visit wit !i f, ii-nd-and relatives in Sweet Sprinvrs. . Ks. .Mctiois.m returned tn Sedalia Tuesday afternoon, afu-r it visit with home folks iri Lexington. Mrs. lieltie Spurr, accompanied hv Ber guests Mrs. W. J. Uran nud Mrs W. L. Kennett, spent Friday in Hi?, ginsville. Mrs. 5. S. Frame, of St. Louis, eaue in Thursday afiernoon for a iit with her brother, the llev. J C. Given. Ralph Lovall, who was the guest f Lexington relatives, returned t bis home in Warrensburg Wednesday lornicg. A marriage license was Issued th g Biornintt to Frank A. Dingwerih aod Hiss Lula K. Oehlsclilager, both ol Napoleon. Mrs. Albert Yountf left Thursday isiorning for a few days' visit with lhe family of Crai Fulkersoo, ot Bear HiKginsville. Jiss Virginia McDuuiel, who was Sliest ol the family of G. P. Tena ble, left for her home at Higginsville Thursday morning. Federal convicts at Leaveo worth revoked Thursday afternoon and twenty-seven of t hem escaped. A rmcd guards are in pursuit. Married, at Long's hotel, by Judge Tear! Smith. Wednesday afternoon, John Pauling and Miss Lucie Evans, fcoth of Higginsvllle. Married, by Dr. Manly, at his res idence, at half past ten o'clock Wed nesday morning, Mr. Dyer Sherwcod and Miss I'.crtha Ellen Roberts, of May view. A St. Joseph exchange says: "Mrs. lienjimin Itoyd Frazer announces the engagement of her daughter, Belle, 'o Mr. James Hewitt Baldwin, tf u w York City.'' Miss Belle, Ue OrosUi-Ct iv. tiririn ia .....11 .....I v,rably known in Lexington, liav. g attended school at Elizabeth Aull wminaiy for some time, of which institute sj.; is a graduate. Her hinr v friends here wi-h her well in Harried life. Ray nor "s rebuke of the navy rinj; in bis aruinent in defense of Schley tjef( v; that, no'ed wjiirt of inquirv a't Ra.shinjrt.jn, Wednesday, certa'inlv caused the galled jade to wluce. So eloquent irrew the advocate In denun fiat ion 1)f iK-rsccution and in eulogy M the hero of Santiago that many tilled tears. A blacker conspiracy whh never hatched In thin, or any other country, to smirch the reputation of an honest man. Rayimr never lilt the rasiub "a lick amiss." 12 per cent.); while for sailing ves sels casts 01 abandonment at sea come next in order of frequency (also about 12 per cent.). Cases of" abandoned, foundered and misdng vessels may perhaps be regarded as frequently more or less Minilur in the cimcum stancts of loss. If these be lectively they comprehend 19 per cent, of the looses of steamers and 28 per cent, of the losses of sailing ves sels. The return has been compiled by Lloyd's Register in such a manner as to enable a comparison to be made between the percentages of loss suf fered by each of the principal mer chant navies in the world. Great as the absolute annual loss of vessels be longing to the United Kingdom ap pears to be, it is seen to form a very modertte percentage of the mercan tile marine of the country, and to compare favorably with the losses sustained by other leading maritime countries. The merchant navies which exceed a total of 1.000,000 tons are those of the United King dom, the British colonies, the United States of America. France, Germany and Norway. Of these countries the United Kingdom and the Rritish col onies show the smallest percentage of less, viz., 2.39 and 2.34 per cent., respectively, of vessels owned; Ger many follows, with 3.39 per cent., and Norway is the highest, with 6.39 per cent. As regards steamers, while the percentage of the United King dom stands at 1.9o, the average of the percentages of loss for the other five countries show an average percentage of 5.09, 8s compared with 4.05 per cent, for the United Kingdom. The percentages given at the end of the preceding paragraph suggest that steamers have a much greater immu nity from disaster than have sailing vessels. This inference is borne out if the losses, etc., sustained by the chief remaining merchant fleet of Eu ropebealsotaken into account. While the losses of steamers amount only to two per cent, of thenumberand 1.8 per cent, of the tonnage owned, the losses of sailing vessels reach 5.1 per cent, of the number and 4.C percent, of the tonnage. Eskimo Not Small People. A writer in the Geographical Jour- in the bicycle division. The pIppJW trieal division is pushing the automo- j OS bile section for first honors in the ' (iS matter of work. There has been a j marked increase in the development j ($S HATS $5.00 btetson hats for 2.50 hats for 2.00 hats for 1.50 hat: for 1. 00 hats for 1.25 and 1.00 caps for 75c caps for 50c caps for 25c caps for Si.; OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE ! A reduction of $5.oo to $10.00 on every Tailor Made Suit of the electrical science in .ft i"uu",w" UI UU 10 on ia,lor I'ants fiveyears,andthisisshowninthepat-!i henyou can buy at such figures, why throw your money awav bv buvim, OS fncea n"ses; come where your trade is appreciated and you can ftet $1.50 in , jf for every dollar in Cash b 0 I PKrTT .?? fzr'W.T .t .-era Spinnh Woman. ! AN The Spanish journals relate the ent office to a greater degree than anjwnere else. American Automo bile. ONE HUSBAND PER YEAR. perhaps unparalleled matrimonial tx periences of a young Spanish w;iinan ; named Isabel CaporaU ho in ;i. vtars 1 1 has lost by death six htisUr.f!,! and ! i now awaits in modest lmti.n,... wedding day with a st venth. says the j London Tall Mall Gazette. In 1894 ! Senorita Isabel, then a young girl of ! 21, emigrated to New Orleans, and soon married a theatrical manager,! named Freeman, who died in a few months from yellow fever during ai starring tour. In order to better con- j duct the company, his widow, after a ! few weeks, married one of the actors, j a Spaniard named Hany, who was fa-j tally stabbed on their wedding night while trying to mediate in a brawl in! the boarding house. Three weeks later j another of the actors led her blushing I to the altar. He was a Mexican i named Lopez, with wh om thp nffonrl. i ed laws of his country had a crow to pluck. Arrested, he sought escape by leaping from a train, was killed, and for the third time in VI months poor Isabel became a widow. Very soon however, a fourth hu.,band came along. He was an American militia officer named Knight, but the Cuban war consigned him to an untimely grave, and Isabel to the arms of a fifth husband in the person of a South Car- olmalumbermerchant, who was killed among his own" timbers. About the sixth husband there are not many de tails, but he met his end untimely, like his predecessors, in a steamboat acci dent. Standing "like Niobe, all tearf Isabel is for the moment a widow for the sixth time. But she is young, possesses a small dowry, and a huiness man in Charleston, greatly daring, has implored her to name the seventh day. 2 2 That is a mistake, but you don't make any mistake when you take your Watches, Jewelry and all kinds of work to VENABLE for repair Fine work a special ty. Diamonds reset and new work made to order. Next door to Donie Weber A Painter'! Fjnd. A few months ago the Venetian painter Brass bought four pictures for four pound from a Dalmatian peasant named Uraidotti who had . . ., 01 . - iiiamuiu w no jiau nal says the prevailing belief that the ! l"tkcd them up when a neiirhborinir Fsltinirm nr.. i.f mini! .1.1,.... : . i ! r;lla,... .1: .1 1 P ",,u" eioiuif is mi , 'uiniiannr(,saysa uomecorre muug. in iiuiauur, iiaiunianu and i all around Hudson bay the average ! height of the native is rather above j than below the average of the human j race. The women are much shorter, ' but of sturdy build. 1 Up Vesuvius in an Auto. i Count Carl Schonborn is the first to ascent Vesuvius in a motorcar. He ' is secretary of the Austriun Automo- j bile club. He made the ascent with his wife during the honeymoon. He ' reached the summit of the cone, 3,700 spondenu Wntly l,a.s found that "ne of the piaures had been painted over another on tin .aine canvas, and cleaning off ;hc top one discovered a Saint Neba.-tian, ,y Titian, which liid been stoh n from l,aiy by one of aHeon's geiurals. Brasg has sold the 1'itian to the Count de Castcllane for 3,000. 8ioo Reward. Needed in Every l he Good Order Club of Lexington Township will py $100 reward lor the "0me capture of ony liorste thief who shsll Nothing is producth be caughi and turned over to this club 1 poSdSKwxIf,,,iK a norB or muie Belonging 'TMp C'rPD to anv ni(-mhr r.f i h is the best machine It is alwavs in ordenl depended on todoeTc work. If you are write or send wordta VV. BRELSFORD, : Local Aent. LexinptonMo L001IS, n i ii Stationer, ItOi MQln SI. LEXINGTON. ( HEADriUARTERR FOR Scliool Books, and Supplies, Picture Mouldings, Artists Supplies and Bonton'i Good Fortune. Binton it fortunate in that an es tate amounting to Kveral million of tldllnri is 4n ). .:n. . , ,. , . , , v,-,.wv - v Ufc Blj itiuun a reaion- ieet nien, in H houn. in niu f ab enumbprnf vo,. tone and lava trcaiui. iJitil for incunblei. D aoer Not a Dissenting Vote. A perfect laxative! Tht ia ibe ontn imou verdict of the people who one Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Papsio. 50a and ft 00 sires. Sold by Leroy Farmer. 11 2ml NOTICE OF SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING. !C . Notice i. hereby given that a meetlnj OlippIV 1 Olir ISl Rmiriino ..j t. .. From our sn endid itoc Iobioo. Mi.8ouri. will h. .kJ nes. hven-article i office of the Secretary, No. ,U9 Franklin ' P"Ce4 " Avenue, In tbe City of Lexington, County ''"""P Delivery. oi iaiavelle. Mo., on r- i . o r- i Eggleston & Ewmg TULRSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901, ' no-cua. m. of 'bat day, for the pur-fx rn T poe of takiog a vote of tbe abarebolders I R I K .. ..m.u vi u Dropoauion ' tbmi aod i hue to beeubmltted o them, to I Buwiewwr to Hanwll!" Increase tbe capital .lock of .aid as.oci.. SURGEON Hon from the sum ot Four hundred T--C aTTTGT Thounand Dollars (f t00,000), which it now j UXiil 1131 la, to Five Hundred Thousand Djli-.ira Otllcc over Schawe i It'juu.uuu), Increase of One Hundred! 'uth and Main Sirct Thousand Dollars (flOO.OOO). W.U. WoCAUdLANU, Prea. Chas W. Ioomis, Sec. wid N'ltrns OjUIp 0 cH U O 1V11LUUOU FEED STOKE Wblte'a l ream VermlfuRe removes the unhealthy tiua imn. ...t,.... I thriTO' It Krln... .-J . ... i '!. .. u . .. 1 .. I. .. , ....Jt lX ' -", uu .uiccy, Healthy 1 "C oei aim tm-i"-J- condition of body, where wormi cannot krlt in Lexington at tM Tiki V..-- n: - . l,'a.,A Ulnr H( P " Crenshaw & YouuK. n 2 ni exchanPe biwint-ss witb w " 41 "l fnr irhnat nr rnrn. Our ; Ceo. I. 5mitL. D. I. S, VETERINARIAN, for u-hrat or r.orn. 1 bent on the market. Clippfr Pilots in KXECUTOHS xotiph. ,v,,.Mli!!.i,'l,1'm:'nUrj' "" 'heesmt'e of llonry Cigar ami coar- LwtNOTON.Vo. tc a POUfl. " . . .,. Ci(hl u)f-i( e.-i v irr Mi 'i.!.irl. 'rolM,,''c,urtof Lafayette couuty, All ni-rsunii hmii,., !r!-''tt11;r;:;;,iir H.n 1 1 ' wiiniii one ywir Hfler wi 'Tl : ,.s" : ti.y mj, , pr if mi(h VI i i s.n-n I'oimo; aid re.rthn,2"r.fer 'hi" NovemlMT. IntH. HENKVC. WALLACE. Jk . 1IIU.1 WALLACK, Rxecutors. r STROM & T0' I.RXINOTON. H'1 VC'V A TL1 la x I it i n I I, i MONBVTO Wi" Have the only omplote a1 R.oor.1 of Title to lb lta WOUUt OFFICE inHEREBl'1 W AKTKD 8-Vs-ral oer.nn. nl h od Kood r.puutlon in each state (one In tola couaty r.-oulrHi . . - i - ir(iitni ana aertlioldpsiahluh-j ... . ,M -miwy DUSineSV VylllTiri I IV !'! bouse of ,,! ,,, iUod, Bal.ry lily, Novmbtr, 7, Ol. .ii ' -' expenses additional. """i pe" " , u fiaoie in cash i ivh- .... . i i .,i,Ut itnu - from head ciin,-.. u ' . . .. u Ii furni.hi J "" ana csrrlagea ot many ni- , ,.nul Fno . ,,.Wh n8W"y. Hof.-r.ncea. Mr. Keith nwr. 818 Cattton Ch ' i. . . . i . huvii n'Wi' rrn'dii.i nci" - ... ... nl . nouueinjr the nun i ft- Colwtrl to Mr. " eiil nU! lit": PILES -muw. Aiiuruajriaia, net qulnolion " out) of our lovely " ' bnviDK kept nu f0j ilnce her mother u'll,,