OCR Interpretation

The Lexington intelligencer. [volume] (Lexington, Mo.) 1901-1949, November 23, 1901, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063623/1901-11-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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f j
' 5
(Swaying Cable. AbCTt Car.
qwoei Strait.
it of aerial work that ranks
ff greatest performances of
Ij's athletes is going on jvtst
r Carquinez straits, says the
Lisco Chronicle. Otto Wil
(iorman rigger, is engaged in
I the cables of the Bay Coun
jLr company, which stretch
l,e straits at an average of
from the water. Mounted on
jihree by fifteen platform, that
ith every wind or the upper
runs along a cable that seems
11 .....ill i r innnArf n 1,,.
t. this darinir workman has
rvdavforthelastmorrth. On
its it wouljl seem to exceed the
feats of the world s tightrope
and steeplejacks. The men
5 Niagara falls on a tight rope
is in their favor they are on
v for only a few minutes and
fe never at more than a short
from land and less than 50
ive the water. The steeple-
hose performances in the
ties never fail to draw a crowd,
fehed to a substantial structure,
If very little influenced by the
Moreover, it is a tradition of
o that few men, among them
k when the steeple is rocking,
ever so little, through the in-
of a high wind. Now, the
height at which Wilson works
230 to 300 feet from the sur-
he water below him. In most
rk he is at K-ast half a mile
e tower from which he makes
;, and which represents dry
him, and he stays with his
out eight hours a day with-
coming to a landing. Be
nd this is the most wonderful
the performance the cable
ch lie operates continually
in the wind, and his
platform is so fastened
sways from side to side
motion, in the fashion of
: chair fastened to a rope by
nil' upper end of its bark.
facts it looks as though Otto
".il ti.e recordsof the Niagara
Mrs and the steeplejacks
' many notches.
;:a;;s of the tallest ships that
and from their way to Port
ills pass more than 100 feet
atrial perch. From the Tort
:. he appears as a little speck
tie blue sky no more than
fur a hawk.
he draws in toward one end
jc.her of his slack rope he can
leaning this way or that from
itfonn, reaching out to right
fora better hold on the cables,
2 a leg over the edge of the
f. when that is necessary to
k, or sitting for a rest on the
a low platform that surrounds
with half his body hanging
t hundred yards of sheer space
It is a sight that few persons
jw without a shudder, but Wil
ms to mind it no more than a
mauls an ordinary scaffold a
feet from the surface.
IiTCise That Will Hake You In.
dtpsndent of Phyaiciani.
may throw away your develop-
duinb-btlls, or Indian clubs,
J much more convenient and
"Ijie means of exercising your
'iieasiirtincnt, and keeping
1 i trim. AH you have to do
"-tit ! But you must whistle
)'. and according to a pre
plan. an and Swedish professors of
' training huve long advo
"d practiced breathing exer
the best means of promoting
'Mice Shaw, who has whistled
ttuiii noes of nearly every na-,l!l-'
orld, declares that all
IU and artistic practice of the
' he the result of an cxpul
J'f hynuhe Units throuirh the
J"d lillS. pilch iiftnMi'niT in nrn
rent of air by the working of
ithing organs.
hlle wdl, you must breathe
ill!' steadily. No good
' ever draws the breath in. ex-
' ''Hiisc, between the produc-
lUB wiiierent sounds. But it
"leans of prolonging life and
!"? suffering that attention is
'"if turned to w histling.
,lai'ned that those subject to
" of the throat and chest may
'"'"etited by this new aiul
'"K met hod of treatment. The
l"rU eXlinilllliil uml tk. .....cine
"mid chest developed.
"r "as the same lipnrfici i f
""' 111 rder to sing oneself into
"Vl'lHe? far from the madden-
desideratum. Louder
Old Maa Give, Pro,pectiv. Soa-ia-Law
Lesson ia tconomy.
said the old man, kind
ly, as he poked his head through the
-t Lanur doorway about 11pm
where his prospective son-in-law!
Char es, sat courting Kliza, with the
gas turned on full force, "are you
aware that the moon is shining
bnghtytlus evening? JUilsce,"and
the old man turned thegas out. "Just
observe, my boy, how the moon's yel
low rays light upthi.:01,. Truly,
It u a glorious spectacle. But come
with me a moment; I have something
in the cellar which I want to show
Then the old man took his bull's
eye lantern and led the way down the
ceiiar stairs, closely followed by
Charles. '
"My boy," Mid he, softly, as they
reached the cellar, "I know you love
Eliza with all the strength of your
noble heart, and you love to meet
her often, and let me say that I have
no objection whatever to your doing
so; I simply requested your presence
in this cellar that I might give you a
much-needed and useful lesson in
economy. Observe, young man. the
little box over in that corner." Here
he turned the light of his bull's-eye
upon it. "Well, that's a gas meter,
and every time that little pointer
whirls round the space of that dial it
means one dollar nearer the work
house for me,
"That's all, Charles. Now we will
ascend, and hereafter when the moon
is shining you will not forget my les
son in economy, will you? Uemember,
my boy, to meet her by moonlight
costs nothing, but to meter by gas
light is quite another affair. Good
night, Charles. , The moon is still
shining brightly, I see."
Then the old man skipped blithely
up the back stairs to bed. Grand
Kapids II era Id.
Miisouri lias a ratable Paintins No
boo Vvtn Claim
In 1S!I!) the Missouri Historical
society gave a liUio'-ici; loan exhibit,
to which were contributed e.bjects of
a general as will a- loci;! historic in
terest. Pining the Kiupoiary ab
sence of the lil.i.u'an unc day a porter
called and left an oil portrait with the
janitor, but did not tell the name of
the owner nor the subject of the pic
ture. On opening it the liLraiian
taw the face of a man apparently
about 30 years old, with small brown
eyes, a great deal of curly reddish
brown hair, high color, straight nose
and a decided expression of scorn on
the mouth. Altogether a decided air
of distinction rests upon the face.
The man is dressed in the high stock,
white tie and rolling black collar
which distinguish portraits painted
during the first quarter of the last
century. The picture was hung dur
ing the exhibit with the query at
tached: "Who is this gentleman?
and so it hangs on the Historical so
ciety's walls to-day. It was never
called for, and though copied in nu
merous papers with the request that
it be identified or claimed the myste
rious owner has never mad himself
known, nor has he parted with the
secret of the stranger's identity.
Suggestions have been offered from
time to time, but not of them has
seemed satisfactory, and the question
i still remains. Who is this gentleman?
Drugffists' Circular.
e"C 0
r i??i " "i your llmum-.
5 m I." f"r ... ' I rVr.
Jilt""? ' 'I'wmonwli. c-.-luo)'
110 MaUl.ou feiuur. PH1IX, PA
Holloa thlt
TH-r Vtf Y O R K W-O-R-l-D
'CE-A-WEEK edition.
The Mosi .cely Read News-
p3pc -,n America
nme '.as demonstrated tlit the
lluice-a-Week World utanrU 1nn m
Us class. Other papers haa imitate
its rnrm but not its success. This is be
cause it tells all the news all the tim-
and tells it impartially.whether that
news be political or otherwise. It is. in
fact, almost a daily at the price of a
eekly and you can not afford to be
without it.
Republican and Democrat alike can
read the Thnce-a- Wsek World with
absolute confidence in its truth.
In addition to news, it publishes Bret
class serial stories and other features
suited to the home and fireside.
The Thrice-a-Week World's regulai
ubscripti.m price is only $1.00 per yeai
and this pays l r 150 DftDers. we offer
this uneumilled iinwMi incr nnd tlio '. v
tklligknckk together one year for
HI. 41.
All Were A raii of Being Classed as
There were four of us in the smok
ing compartment of a railway car
riage. We pulled away for about ten
minutes, hut neither spoke. At last,
a seasoned-looking fellow in one of the
corners drew a long breath, and said:
"Gentlemen. I should like to con
verse." "So should 1." answered the others
in chorus.
"I should like1 to narrate one of my
adventures, to pass the time away."
"So should we.''
"But I am restrained by the fear
nay, almost the certainty that I
should be charged with exaggera
tion." "So are we.'
"Not to speak of being ehissed as a
' "Just so."
"And therefore, gentlemen, 1 deem
it best to preserve a discreet silence."
"So do we."
And we smoked and stared into va
cancy, and finished ourcigar?,and got
away from each other as soon as poe
sible. Lomlonjwtr
Tha One Sure, Serious Sign.
Unless a girl gives a young man a
private lecture on economy occasion
ally she doesn't take much interest in
him. Chicago Daily Nos.
Commissiouei-s Sale of Real Estate!
In Partition.
Relxvoa H llnno. k ami V. W. Han-
"''. Iirr Inuo.iml. Martha V.
hrans mid Ja en Kvans. her hus
liuiil. ml W. Kl.-lmrtl Runnier.
PM'tp K. lieamer. Paschal II. Beu-
Uiek. Muntuel C. Reamer. I.auru E.
l'iiu in;.! Ji.lm Crupi . her hus
1) iiki, tut , MtrKkHii.; I'en-v I'.
J'ainrU. her .:uilind, Daisy Ma
Iibii, Meimali lleiimer, (iraee Sm-n-ci
r. Itinlle Keiimer and Unle liea
mer. u. B. SH hlnmrldife and II. 11.
SfhloinridKe. llefiiidiinls.
HV VtrtllM fit U H.W.M... .in. I Al.. .......
, . v-.u ..in, imirr ui sine,
made by the rlreult court of Morxun county.
MUsouri, In the aliove entitled nuiv. the
inderslne,i hikvIuI coniuil-sioner. dnlvnn.
pilnteil hy said cv.uit. will at the court
house diair. In the Cltv nf l.ixlni'iiin I., il...
county of Lafayette, slate of Vlswiin. nn
TUESDAY, the 31 day of CECEMBEK, ltWI.
Iieiween the hours of nine o'clock a m. and
HVH fl'fllM'L 11 tr, f.l uul.l iIhii an.l ..l.il.. .1...
r nun iiiiu luu
circuit court of nald county Is In sessl sell
ov uuiiuu uunion, 10 1110 niKnest tiHKler. the
fill II w I lu. A ...... . ..... .
tiimuiiru n-iti eHutie, siiuaie,
lVlllir MMll tM.il.IT In I u ft. unl ... ........... 111...
sourl. tn-wit: the norlheast auurter! e.t
!...... .i . .
I me uiirmwesi iguarier and tne north
eHMl nilUftuj.f lliu gnulhuul n . ......
. "- - ." "" ",-nv uiuvrit-r ui na tion
tlilrlv-ulr t'A inttrMulklt. Af, ni ...
twenty-four (24), and the northeast quarter
township forty-nlno (411) ranae twenty-four
... v..v. i..,.m nnii UI lliu TMiILIlWeSI
junncr ui seciinn one (I), township rorty
m ....i, ini.-iitji-iimr vi;.
leruisoi eaie: Lasnin nana at time of Bale.
10-19td Special Commlsslouer.
Every Monday and Thursday neW8p
per eood as a magazine and better for
it contains tbe latent by telegraph as wel
m IntereBtlne stories is sent to tbe eub
cribero.' tbe "Twice a Week" Republic
vhicb ia only a fl a year, '
Tbe maa who reads the "Twice'
Veek" Republic knows all about affairs
xviileal, domestic and foreign events; It
listed about the markets aDd coinmercia
tiatlera generally.
Tbe woman wbo reads tbe"Twice-a
Vet k Rupubllc gathers a bit of valuablt
n formation about household affairs and
ite fashions and 8 nils recreation in Ibt
ijrU'ht stories that come under boib lb
h"idinir ot fact and fiction. Tbcre it
stissip about new bonks and a dozeootbe
topics of especial interest to tne wide
adlte man and woman.
f.Pttnr lMti.inanfBi. ah tU n ..... . . . , T
... .. "-'imcuwiii "u luoceium ui nenry
1 1 Wallu,A v , 4 . i .
w. .. .- ., uuv-ututTu, wtrro frniniuil to toe
uMui-rniHii,! on mf tlu uay oi n live m tier,
UW1. by the probate oourt of Lafayette county.
All I .. . U, .1M Ual.lnn l..l. . I . j
" " I' ' a., ..a unnillj VIIVIIIIS IlKnillBli SHlU
efttMtna,u Ai,,tlrtrt t..a,kll.l, .l.n... ... ..II
. . ...... .. .wauiim. uutui lor UIIOW
mice to tbe executors within one year after
V j j w u icnern ur uiey may De pre
eluded from any bunettt of such estate: and
if such claims he not exhibited within two
years irom toe ante ur SHia letters they wil
be forever barred.
This 4th day of November. ltW.
""W Exeoutors.
JUT MAUnii'v.'Zn K-
iA vism
Missouri Paclflo-Lexlngton Br.
No. 71. No. 78.
LeaveSt. Louis 7:.l5ura D:l!pm
Arrive eedalla DA'pin a:iiuani
" Concordia 4:ii7ptn 11:08 am
" Aullvlilo 4:iipm 8:24 am
" HiEKli.svlUe I:.iipm e:S6am
" Page City 4.17 pm :44am
" Lexington 8:11pm 8:IQn
" Myrick 6;4I piu 7;l2am
" Wellinirton S:4pm 7:125 am
' Waterloo H :40 pm 7:83 am
" Napoleon S:47pm 7:40 am
" Independence 6:4ft pm 8:36 am
" Kansas City 7:lApm 9:U6am
" St. Joseph COSpm
Tree UlooJ Cure.
We recommend Uotanic Ulood Iiuliri IB B
II.) for all blood troubles, such as ulcers,
in i r (f sores, scrofula, eczema. Itching bu
uors, pimples, bolls, carbuncles, blood poi
nt), itcliinir bones, festerlnir sores, cancer,
at.itrli. rlieumatisiu. Uutanlu Blood nalm
ii res all niiiliirnilnt blood or BUin diseases,
i speclally advised for old deep seated cases
it cures when all else fails. Heuls every sure
or pimple, stops all acnes and pains by giving
a healthy blood supply. Thorouiihly tested
for thlriy years. Thousands cured Atdrug
tores, fl.l per lnrjro hottle. Our readers
will receive a trial treatment free by writing
Or. Glllflin, 203 Mitchell St. Atlanta, Ga.
Describe the trouble and free medical advice
given. Medicine sent ut once, prepaid
Whereas, J. W. Jordan and Mary J. Jorlan
Ills wife, on the 6th dav of Ma , 1WI6, by their
; rtaln deed of mortgage duly recorded In
the office f the re order of deeds of Laf y
tte c unity, Missouri, In hook 116, uagefc.
obeyed "to l.afuyi tte county, stiiti of
M.ssouri. for the use and benefit of the
'ounty M'hool fund of said Lafayette county,
state of Missouri, the following described
real estate, situate! In the aforesaid
nuiity. to-wit: The norlh nst quarter of
tho southwest quarter section 2(1. town
hlp 4k. range Sit. cont lining forty acres
more or less, which said conveyance was
Marie to secure :i certain bond In said deed
'lc-,crllicd, wherein said J. W. Jordan and
John E. Hean and Hubert Wilkinson for
nlue received promised twelve months
iifier date to pay Lafayette county, state of
iiS"Url. for the use and oeneflt of the
county school fund Ave hundred and fifty
lollars (Vi0.(KI). with interest from date
until paid, at the rate of eight per cent per
annum, which said bond Is of date the s.iid
ith day of May. l-Wi, und whereas, default
has been made in the condition of said
morlg:i).v deed and n the pay u ent of said
iioiid aci ordlngto the tenor and effect there
of and there is now due and unpaid in prin
cipal and Interest on said bund the sum of
eight hundred thirty-live nnd seventy one
hundredths dollars (tKJ'i.7ii) wltu interest
thereon lit. the rate of eight per cent, per
an ii u in, an i whereas heretofore, to-wit, at
lie adjourned Aim list. t.rin. 11KH, of the
county court of Lafayette ouiity, state of
Missouri, and on tho 7th day of Octolier.
i'.ioI. said county court hy its order of said
lute, duly entered of record, directed that
the sherl'ir of Lafayette county, stite o
Missouri, foreclose s iid mortgage deed and
levy the said sum of money with the l.iUresl
thereon Iron the date of said order and the
I'ost.s upon 1 he real estaU) aiaive ilescrllied.
Iicing i he niortgii'.'ed premises aforesaid and
to sell the same or so much thereof as may
or might lie necessary to satisfy tho said
deed. Interest and costs lit the front door of
the county courthouse, in tho city of Lex
ington. Lafayeltu county. Missouri, during
the siltl'g of the circuit court of said
county at It December term, lIKil, lirst hav
ing given twenty days notice of tho time,
terms and place of sale, together with the
description of tho property to bo sold by
advertisement In the Intelligencer, a news
paper published In Lexington, Lafayette
county, state of Missouri.
Now. then-fore, know all men. that I. tho
undersigned Oscar Thomas, sheriff of Lafay
ette county, statt'of Missouri, by virtue and
In pursuance of said order and tbe certified
copy thereof to me delivered on this the IHth
d y of October, Hull, and the power and au
thurlt vhy law to me given under until order
of said court and said certified copy thereof,
and heretofore, to-wit. on the said Knh day
of Octohi r, Iimii, levied upon and seized the
above desi-rllH-d real estate for the purposes
aforesaid, and I. the said sheriff, do hereby
give notice that 1 will on
MONDAY. iiik-Jno bay of DF.CEMBEH.1!K)1,
the same being the first day of said Decem
hcr term of said court nnd during the silt lug
of snhl court at Lexington, county and state
afoii sahl. between Hie hours of nine o'clcck
In the forenoon and live o'clock In the
afternoon of said day. at the front door of
(tie county court house, in said city of Lex
liiglou. countv and suite aforesaid, in pur
suance of said order mid sahl certified copy
thereof nml bv reason of the power and
authority thereby and by law given to me.
sell openly lit public vendue, to the highest
bidder for cash in liaiid, all the right, title
and Interest of them the saldJ. W. Jordan
and Mary .1. Jordan, his wire, of In unci to
all of tlieahovodesc.rilK'd premises and real
estate to satisfy the debt. Interest und costs,
Including the costsof '.'"J'JXsi,
Sheriff of Lafayette t'ounty, Statu of
Notice la hen by giveu that a roeetinj
of the shareholders ol the LexiDgloi
Banding and Loan Association, of Lex
iogtoo, Missouri, will be beld at the
fflce of the Secretary, No. 1119 Fraokll
Avenue, In the City of Lexington, County
ol Lafayette, Mo., on
at 9 o'clock a. m. of '.bat day, for tbe pur
pose of taking a vote of tbe shareholders
of the said association on a Droposltlo
then and thereto be submitted to them, to
increase tbe capital stock of said assocla
lion from tbe sum of Four Hundred
Thousand Dollars (f 100,000), which it now
is, to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
(1500,000), an Increase of One Hundred
TbouHand Dollars (f 100,000).
CHA8. W. Loomib, Sec wtd
Ever since the construction of the M.
K. & T. Ry. through th Indian Territory
its local passenger rate between stations
in tbe Indian Territory bas been oi tbe
basis of five cents a mile, The customary
rate of passenger fares oo railroads, ex
cept la eparcelv settled country, is three
oentsamlle. Tbe population of tbe In
dlan Territory during tbe paBt few years
ha grown rapid ; there bas been a
large increase In passenger Iralflo on this
account, and the Katy officials recognlx
Ing the wants of the people and tbe
justice of so doing, have volnntarily ar
ranged to reduce tbe local passenger rate
to a basis of three cents a mile. This re
duction will take place on or about No
vember first. Tbere will be g'reat refolo.
log among tbe residents along tbe line of
tbe M. E. AT.
The Sunday edition of the St. Louis
Republic is a marvel of modem news
paper enterprise. The organization of
its news service is world-wide, complete
in every department; In fact, superior
to that of any other newspaper.
The magHzine section is illustrated in
daintily tinted colors and splendid half
tone pictures. This section contains
more high class literary matter than
any of the monthly magazines. The
fashions illustrated in natural colors are
especially viluable to the ladies.
The colored comic section is a
genuine laugh-maker. The funny car
toons are by the best artists. The
humorous stories aro high class, bv
authors of national reputation.
Sheet music, a high-class, popular
song, is furnished free every Sunday ir
The Republic.
The price of the Sunday Republic by
mail one year is $2.00. For sale bv all
news dealers.
FOR SALB-1 have for sale a good pay,
Ing business, about two thousand cash
required. For full particulars call on F
Lee Walls:, rnt. Lexington, Mo. 4 27
,. Through to Harrison.
On April 15th, the St. Louis and
North Arkansas Railroad was formally
opened to Ilairison, Arkansas, estab
lishing (in connection with tho Frisco
liQe from Seligman) direct railway com
munication with some ot the richest
lead and zinc Qelds yet discovered.
The territory traversed by the new
line presents perhaps the most remark
able panorama ot rugged mountain
ranges and fertile valleys to be found on
the American cuitinent. A trip to Har
rison is well woiili the time so spent
either rom a commercial or asight
seeii a
Lexington, . Mo
No. 74.
LeaveSt. J a:U0 piu
" Kan .ia City ft: 40 pin
" In'. pendenue h: Hi pm
" N-poleon.... T:(Mpin
' Waterloo..! 7:14 pm
" Wellington 7:Wpiu
" Mjrlck 7::W ptu
" texlniton ....7:-iwpm
" Pan" ' iTy 8: lu pm
HiifKliivlllo S:!!l pm
" Aullv.i, 8:8J pm
" Concordia. 8:4ti pm
Hcdalla -IOmmi nra
l Bt Louis 7:lam
Special rates to Kansas City every
evening and Sunday.
..Leaves Lexlnirtni...
- Pane Ciiy ...
" Hliruinsvillo.
" Allllvilln.. .
H Mi am
A :4ft am
IdMiftam .
lottuam .
!1:(M urn .
i :1ft pin.... " Sedalia.
Dally, except Sunday.
No. 72.
0:2ft am
0:M am
7:4 am
7:44 am
8 :03 am
8:37 am
8-47 am
in: oft am
a lio put
2: .VI pm
S iftpm
1:40 pm
1:10 pm
10:40 am
WO d
Effective March 10th, 1901,
Jeflorson City, Boonville and Lexing
ton Division.
Announces the Opening of its
j Red River Divis. ,
Denison and Sherman,
Texas. j .j
Through Train Service will :hr?l!y
be established from St. Loub csd IT!; :.'
Qty over the J J J
Shortest Line to Tcx:s
Suriroon Dentists, office in Hearle Building
Eleventh and Main streets, Lexlna-ton, Mis
ourl lbDrtl
No. 71
7:1ft am
:'iftnni ....
:27 am
'CftH am
4 4ft pm
Kead down.
.... Lexington
. , My rick
...Nortbrup ..
...Dover .. .
...Waverly. ..
....Mnrshall. ,
.. Tipton ...
.. . ft:ll pin
.... 4:4ft pm
.... 4 I! pm
. . . . 4 (10 pm
.... :I::I5 ptn
... 3::.0 pm
1:15 pm
.... 3:1) pm
... 4 4ft pm
Read up.
Trains arrive at North Lexington :
No. 26 (dally) 7:4ft a. m
Trains leave North Lexington:
No. 'ii. Express (dally) 7:,Va m
Main line trains pass Lexington Junction
No. 8. (dally) !l:1 am
" 20, " lo:uoam
2, " ; 7:1ft pm
6, " 8:1ft pm
4, " California Limit' J S:47 a m
No. 1, ' (dally) . 8:Mam
" 3, " California Limited.... 12:-Jiiam
" 6, " (1:10 am
" ., " 12:7pm
" 19, " 6:4B p m
J. D! Kaster, Jr., Agent.
W J, Black, O, P. A.,Topeka, Kas,
s -
Chloago and Alton Railroad.
Trains leave Hleglnsville as follows:
west Bound.
No, 8, St. L, and K C. mall ft :4ft am
' 7, Calif, and Col. limited 7:40am
" 81, Hlgginsvllle and K. C accom. 7:ft6am
" 13, St. Louis and K C. mail 4:30 pm
iiu, Local freight ana accmn :47 am
No. 14, St. L. and K. C. mail 9:47 am
" 60, K C. and Higglnsvllle accom. 7:1ft pm
" 10, Calif, und Col. limited 7 :S pm
" 12, 8t. L and K. C. .null 10:R7 pm
" us, Liocai irotirnt ana acoom I2:4ftpm
W. 8. LYON9, Ticket Agent,
Telephone No. 50.
WACO, 8. A. & A. P. and SOU. PAC
Through Tourist Sleepers
8. N. Wilson
Real Estate, Loans and
Insurance Agents.
Will loan money on improved farm lands at
and 5M per cent Interest
Dr. J.W. Meng,
Surgeon Dentist.
Office in the Meng Building,
Lexington, Missouri.
Lexington, Missouri.
OIHco: Room 8 and 10, Haorlo Building.
What Shall We Ilaye for Desert?
This question arises in tbe family every
day. Let us answer it touay. Try Joll-O, a
delicious desert. Prepared In two minutes.
Nn baking! add hot water und set to cool.
Flavors: Lemon, orungo, raspberry and stran
berry. At your grocers. lOoeuls. 6
Jell-0, the Nw Desert,
pleases all tho family. Four flavors -lemon
orange, raspberry and strawberry. At your
Grocers, lo cents. Try It today.
Quickest and Best Line to
St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City
( i - -i .
itl-a-SiP!-fc.. . - .... .. . . - .i-inr,....-,',.!!!--
and territory beyond.
W. 8, LYONS.
Passenger and Ticket Airent.Hfirirlnsvllk-.Mi
Gfo.J.Ciiahlton, O. P &T.A.,ClilCHro, u
Having decided to Close out ray hold
ings of cows and heifers, some 80 bead, I
offer for sale one and all. My line com
prise Shorthorn, Anpusts Hereford! sod
Jerssy mixed. All were selected . with
reference to mil k strain, formerly belnv
la creamery bastoess. Some Twenty odd
witb calf at foot and balance to calne
shortly. Prices ranging from 26 to f 50
per bead. Call on or address.
Talbot Bimpsok,
apr27year Anllvllle, Mo.

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