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THE UP-TO-DATE HOLIDAY STOCK HAS i E. Q. i X X t 4 I ! x X Loomrais' . 1 Ci 1 . nu.hM nnvnra. Hcautiiui gins, never bu guuu, never bo A J . n,! ic nnon mill rCAUV: TllO NCWCSt NnvpHU. iml Our Fine Display ol tioiiuay wniu r ' H Best Selections; The Most Appropriate Presents for one and all at fairest prices. Do, r.:, : ,i mir Christmas Attractions. Toys, Books, Novelties, Kctnh Picture Frames, Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc. Whatever your wants may b, e t) meet them with beautiful and appropriate selections , Booki and Art GRAND HOLIDAY OPENING TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER, Music by the Orchestra. Everybody is Invited. Store 1 103 Main St., Lexington, - flo. e Wo claim for our Holiday Display, general excellence in quality, great variety and reasonable prices; making it beyond question or doubt the right place to got the rig" gifts at the right prices, We solicit a comparison ol goods ana prices Knowing ti Our Holiday Stock will make friends, outshine rivals, please everybody and 5 on its merits. Don't forget that the date of our Grand Holiday Opening has postponed. Everybody invited to call before, during and after the opening E. Q. Loomis' Book and Art Store1 H Bxtracts Prom the Lexington Caucasian and Bxpresi Glad to See It. Our old friend and at one time a journeyman in oat office, Jobn W. Ilogus, is a banker in the house of J. A. W'aro & Co., Omaba. Mr. H. is a clever gentleman and we are rejoiced at bis pros perity and hope it may continue. Although opposed in politics, in the late war, be was one of the few unionists that recognized our rigbt to tbe benefit ol foothold. We like bim. Bar Dinner. Owing to tbe failure of tbe secretary to furnish ns with ibe proceedings of tbe bar dinner, at tbe Franklin House, in tbis city, 00 the night of tbe 25tb, we are without a report. The dinner was given by members ot tbe bar in tbis city to Judge Tutt, the press, the judiciary of tbe county, flkers of tho different courts, and their brother lawyers from adjoining counties in attendance upon tbe circuit court now in session. Tbe occasion was an exceedingly pleasant one to all in attendance. Speeches were made in response to toasts by Messrs. Tutt, Johnson, Sawyer, Walker, Burden, Matters of Interest Published in The Caucasian and Express, November, 30. 1868; Just Thirty-three Years Ago This Week. county. DeMotte. Rvland. Crittenden', Boyd, washed. We shall begin on Mars Vermott, Rathbun, Letton, Brooks, Curne, Green, and if your little joker can wash him white Mitchell, Young and others. Tbe Sedalia Times, edited by Bacon Montgomery, tells a story that Gen. Vaugban voted tbe radical ticket. Of course its a radical lie. Big. Mr. G. R. Page has sent us a huge turnip, measuring 33 inches in circumference aud reighing 11 pounds. His entire crop is large, fi-w, in iiiii.t g"ii'g beluw eight popnds. set us down for f 10 worth of 'em at once. 'Can tbe Ethiopian change bis color or the leopard bis spott?" We shall see. Mr. C. M. Oliver and Miss Mollie K. Wells, both of Lafayette county. Mr. M. Driscoll of Saline county to Miss Mary E, Flynn of New Orleans. Mr. M. Walsh to Miss Margaret Hennessey, Personal. We bad the pleasure of seeing a couple of our once old citizens in Lexington both of Lafayette county during the past week Robert M. Henderson, Esq., and Tbomns II. Allen, Esq. Both ap peared in fine health. Weather. Aried. Anything you like". All tastes suited from not ill to south. Some times cold and then pleasant. With snow and sleet, rain and freeze. Withdrawn, Judge E. Burden declined $10,000 for bis little suburban tract of 33 acres a few days ago. Railroad is coming. Mr. Joe Schoefer to Miss Hermine Cathe rine Ludwigs. Mr. Robert N Kenney of Callaway county to Mrs. Abigail A. Thorp of Cole. At Jeffer son City. Mr. Jesse M. Lane to Miss E.Carrie Hart. At Chamois. Mr. Turner S. Gordon of Columbia to Miss MAKKIAOKS. The Caucasian and Exprees ot this date Leonora Bolton of Jefferson City. notes the lollowinii marriages: Mr w A ,flns,,,y ct Montana to Miss The Automatic Hurry up, Mr. Graham, Dr. Jacob Bull to Miss Kate Larsh, both of (.ivinill i,alniun. i Carroll county, with your automatic wafber. We have Lexington. At Christ church, St. Louis. determined, now that a soap factory Is bo Mr. Daniel Merrick Swan of Leavenworth, Mr. J. C. Lrftwich to Miss Virginia Creaky, near as Warrensburg, to bave tbe radicals all to Miss, Mary Morris Ilord of Lafayette In Carroll county. Major Dallas Duvall to Mrs. Arm At Kansas City. Mr. Charles I). Luc&s to If. Fisher. At Independence by Dr. Pf Mr. Benjamin C. Smith to M Myers. Mr. J. Marshall YantU to ill Lee's Summit. Mr. Ira Norris, Sr., to W Davis. In Platte county. deaths. t. c. t i. nn the 21st instj f i . I IAUIC) Garescbe, aged 4fi years and U dsj At her residence, in Carroll cousr 2d inst, Mrs. Klin " of her age. At bis residence In Carroll cou' 12th lnbt, Mr. Beattv, seed;T!' At Lee's Summit, on the -,J W lingering Illness, Miss Lellw years. J7T N old man was refused insurance by a Coin JLX. pany because he was 94 years old. "What of that !" he cried, "look at your statistics; fewer persons die at 94 than at any other age." You see he was right but not reasonable! So, you are right when you say you can get along without Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee. But is it reasonable not to tfive this famous cotTee a single trial? A wag on, you know, can get along without grease but it goes hard. In Mb. i.ii'l Tin Cutis (uir tlclit). Other Mitt. graili In rlrlily-oolorrd pari'limcnt Imiiik (idoIxIum' proof.) Vaupjhan & McClelland, Agents. Horn, at llanlsorivllle, to the wife of Rev. K. K. Wolfe, Vice TiinMalj, Tuesday, November 20, a boy. David Lyons, of Sedalia spent! Senday with Irome folks la Lexington. Born, in, tills city, November 27, 1901, to the wife of Wm. rainier, a girl. 1 Miss Lulu Rex lias returned to lier home at Rich Hill, after a visit with the family of her brother, Charles Rex. Miss Millie Gillen, who was the guest for a week of her friend, Mrs. Jo. Monroe, at Kansas City, returned home Monday evening. Mr. ilt-nry Wlttenburg and Mrs, George Wlttenburg left Wednesday morning fur Leavenworth, Kas., to spend Thanksgiving with relatives, .j . airs. iaa It. Wilson, nine daughter and son, left Wednesday morning fur Pleasant Green, Mo., where they will visit relatives and friends for several months. Judge Richard Field and K. M. Taubman returned Wednesday morn, ing XXoru I'oonvllle, where they at- Mrs. Chris Klst spent Sunday with tended a meeting, of grour) number her mother, Mrs. Quundt. ' Mrs. jtlve of- tlio MkniriUarikcr.'. asso Klst resides ut Kansas City. . i elation Mrs. Hickman, of Shellon, Mo., Is ) visiting friends In Lafayette county. Miss Jennette Fredrick, of Kansas City, spent Sunday with her grand father, E. Hoffman. A marriage license was issued Monday to J no. S. Feaster of 11 ig- glnsvllle, and Minerva M. Bird, of Corder. Little Miss Estelte McGrew Duvall, accompanied by her nurse, lett for Sedalia Tuesday morning to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Hard. Nathan Cooper and wife, recently ij married at tannage, passed through Lexington Monday night en route to their home near Page City. Buford A. Chlnn left Tuesday j morning for Columbia to visit Ills daughters, who are attending school there. He was accompanied by Master Coleman Eckle. Judge Pearl Smith and wife have returned from their bridal tour. ..i .i a in .s,m. wiiiic away with rela. Mrs. Leslie Mason has returned to lives and friends at Kaiis City and her home at Ulgglnsvllle, after, a Waterloo. At home at Mrs. blusher V short visit with Lexington relatives. Crenshaw & Young Handle only the very best of Drugs, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals. Toilet Articles- Surgical Dressings, Sergical Goods, Sick-room Requisites- Ouality is our first consideration. Crenshaw & Young . .it rt' Lucy m; urday ii.rnW friends HtM'"""1''