Newspaper Page Text
FUNCTIONS OF THE APPETITE. I EDITOR 13 LION'S DI3. HARD LUCK STORY. f 5c Lime Attention raid by Ihysiclcguti to tie ubj ct Too liuie account, ii is thought, is laken by phtioiygUis of the func tion of appetite. All thee function Klung in vrx sense to tli c domain of psychology, the- physlol'.-jrij-ts arc apt s tleU' theiiwus uioily to the iniriiive vahk i f foods, leaving out natlcrs of tho ta-ti- entirely. That te Matter an of lira-rate importance Kecest ieasitioa la L.ppjauo. at ftiak ort.jj-JLi.o. A chief editor iu a lit. u cr.t is the lattit . nation at 1'rai.kioU-i n ilaic. The gi nleuian in i? Ihrr Mulltr llertiurth, the tCitor of Wt.ckad ItttU IU Return t Its Rijht-, tul Owner. ' I 1 "Speaking of hard luck stories and ( things uf that sort," said a gentleman, "reminds nie of a little experience, and it goes to show how the angles the Frankfort Suu. a number of the of life naliy run sonietimcs, and how town council aud a well-known close hard luck follows on the heels sportsman. The papers of good luck in some iustanm. lam Las informed tho public that liar the owner of one watch. " Like most iluller lKrrfurth wuuld make the other nun 1 believe in my watch. My ... m. . i V.uiiP.lA.- r t .a i.. tl.APtKKfim r w. M I I f 1 1 k Uliril h I Pill r II I II 111 ."1IU11 It the opinion ci 1 rof. J. 1 . 1 awlow, rnm r r- - 7 -i---- ... . ...... 1 riallv ir.ttr.iiir.i' l,v mtirin? the of time than any other man s. Clocks m 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! 1 j , 1 1 1 :m- it n mi-- iin. ------ r- j e " . Th,- Work of the Digestive Wands" lions' cage with Mile, Marguerite, las just Km translated from liussiaa who periorms every evening in the fcto Fn-nch (a'ati. 91). and i re- tippodrome with her seven trained fitted in the tho lit vue Seientifique hons' &nJ ,Iu re P4 u and drink a hot-tSf-nteii:b. r W. From this revie w wa 1 tle of diampagne, as he had betted he. lurn th:it the eminent Kussian scien-! otild do. The result of this an- the part played by the appetite, not'. nly in ordinary digestive processes, lut in bringing on or curing diseased ionditions of the digestive organs. Everybody knows, says the writer, that the normally profitable food u that which i taken with appetite, With sensation and pleasure. So, to Restore the appetite is one of the most frequent requests made to the phy clan. He continues: "Unfortunately, medical science las strayed from its legitimate tra ction, which corresponds to real con ditions of digestive function. If we aad contemporary treatises on the troubles of the digestive organs we tfiiftll be struck with how little atten tion is paid to the appetite, either Ms a cause or as a cure. On the contrary, we may read in cer tain works that no special heed be fiveu to poor appetite, which is a Subjective symptom of slight impor tance! Such views can be regarded nly as gross errors. '"When we advise the patient that le t-hould cat a little at a time and not to tatiety, when he is put on a epe e"al diet, whin we remove him from lif Labitual surroundings and send lim to a place where his whole life is regulated in accordance with his fhysiologic needs in all these caej the physician is trying .-imply to awaken t lie appetite and thus takes ac count of it as a therapeutic factor. In the first case, when food is prescribed In ftnall quantities, besides the avoid nce of repletion in an enfeebled Umach, the frequent excitation of the saliva is of great importance, be cause of the rich nest, of this secre tion, and its digestive power' The author viu cases in which an abnormally small secretion of gastric juiee in the- flomach made it doubly tee.-arv to insure proper digestion ij iht tali va. Literary Digest. THE KICKER. nouncement one may imagine. The great hall was full half an hour be fore the commencement of the per formance. Mile. Marguerite, with her lions, as to be one of the last "turns." At last the great moment arrived. Ilerr Muller Ilerrfurth, a stout man of middle size, entered the' hall in fuH evening dress, with top hat and patent leather shoe. All eyes were turned towards him. lie walked up to a seat "reserved for him and sat down. In that are re gulated by the government and run by electricity cut no figure with me. Really I am attached to my watch. So is the chain. But I was speaking seriously. My watch has been out of my possession for some time. In fact, it has been out of my possession for three years. Where was it? The question is not pertinent to the issue. Besides that's nobody's business but mine. If I want to pay for a cosy place for my watch, give up its companionship and pay a percentum besides, I guess I have a right to do it. Well, I got my w atch back. I was jubilant and really felt like some long-lost acquaintance had come back to kinder brace me up, as it were, and steer me over the rough ; . I 1 i Jewel Stoves and Ranges Keep tht GcniinenI Comfortable fimouif"rlturty.(lTjn. 1 iiTw iiullu.n in in'. M truvlti kiiiI offth.-wwy, dure lud r wh! kliimran.' 1 1- uul y tl..i t)il H-knliil. rmllj nuluttra tin hntl RWl rrtt ut klx.luM n. lnl. It e im.nfT trrry dT bj Hi pff'i rom buMion. I'n km roil iiTri miw ImI. Holil bf TINKLER 1) ft COMPAQ FURNITUR U. ClD Of P,M"I Stroll j,, Jl knm L Gillen, Lexington, Mo. the meanwhile the curtain rose. On . places. But bad luck came quickly, the stage stood the large cage in I wound the watch up, shoved itdown which the seven great lions awaited in my pocket and went about my busi their mistress. The latter soon put ness in perfect confidence that time in her appearance, armed with a tre-; vould no longer slip away from me, mendous whip. She stepped quickly ' as it had for the three years during u AdTanci Ajjut of Progress, 11 Yon Se; it Tiat Way. What's the lue of a kicker, do you Lit is the great advance agent of frtijgTtss. Ue is the disciple of every good and awund reform. lit: is the rectifier of every wrong vb:cu has bun righted. jc is tue nemesis 01 tne wrong- He is tie fuunu'e-r of human liberty, lie franad liie magna charta and I tuned am! tv.i that immortal in irun.etu the declaration of ii:ce en;ki:ce. He- lulled liberty bell until it si.lit v I Li cheek. He is the .-oil in which has sprang cp every gnat and gWiou; idea. lie !s in hague with nature- and ith nature's God will not permit the tiolaiiui; ,.f j.rihciples without a reck oning. What is the use of tbeki.-ktr? The true kicker, the kiek(r who, lun he ha. seen a truth, never "a.- to fight fur it as long as life lists, is the- very salvation of the face. X. 0. Harlequin. NATURE OF LIGHTNING. into the cage and put her pets through all their usual tricks, jump-1 ing through hoops, drilling, etc. j Then, after firing off a pistol, she left, the cage, and disappeared behind the cage, while the cage and its occupants remained visible. The audience now began to grow impatient, and shouts were heard: "Turn him out!" ''He has made a fool of us!" "Hiss him!" etc. At once, however, the manager stepped up to the footlights and said: "La dies ar;d gentlemen: The great mo ment has come, and Herr Muller PM- tlfr hl ll'Afl K "111 U I 1 J uui II IC tiVI . Turning to the latter, he added: "Herr Muller Ilerrfurth, if you wish to win your M, plea.-e step tip. Mile. Marguerite will make you acquainted with your friend.-." Breathless si lence prevailed. The journalist left his seat wiin me wcrcts: "l am ready," and stepped on to the stage with' erect bearing. The lady met him, he gajlantly kissed her hand, and then entered the cage. A little table had already been placed inside covered with a w hite cloth. On it was a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, and near it w ere two chairs. Mile. Marguerite opened the bottle and signed to the gentleman to advance. The excitement among the public had reached its height. Herr Muller TT t .1 11 . . nernunn coony opened the cage door and walked in. He took hold of the bottle and filled both glasses, while Mile. Marguerite chased the lions about. Then, holding his glass of sparkling wine, he stepped into the middle of the cage, and. turning to the public, said: "I empty this glass to the health of the courageous lion tamer." The latter clinked glasses with him, and both drank. The pub lic was now in a frenzy of enthusiasm, shouting: "Long live Muller!" "Bravo, Muller," etc. Mile. Mar guerite next Rsked the journalist to takeascat. Both ntoyvji(. the gen tleman filled the glasses again, while mademoiselle coaxed the largest lion to come near her. He stalked up ma jestically, gazing full of curiosity at the stranger. Herr Muller bent to wards him and stroked him. Other lion.- cainu slowly up and were all like-. wise patted. The journalist then lit a cigar and handed the burning match to his neighbor, who lit a cigarette with it. The glasses were again filled' and clinked, and emptied to the health of the audience amid deafen ing cheers, and the performance was ended. London News. which I was separated from my faith ful ticker. Suddenly I heard a splut ter in my vest pocket, and a queer crack as if time had come to an end Mv vest pocket bulsred out. I was puzzled for a second or two, but recov cring I reached down into the pocket and yanked the watch out. It, had folded its little hands,so tospcak.and had turned its toes up to the daisies The spring did not like the congested condition, and it had unwound itself with great viole-nce, and the mechan ism was a complete wreck. Hard luck? I should say so. During the last three years I had paid out enough on that watch to buy a jewelry store, and in a !- few hours after I regained possession1 of it the thing gets to pieces on me. and that's what makes me .-ay what I do about the way life's angles run." DISILLUSIONMENT. ifsr-yi The International Cyclopaedia. REVISED EDITION. ir, Vnlnmes. Titles. 2;.ooo Cruss Kderences, 1 50 " ' " ' J J ' " Double Page t'lates. 150 Double l'agc Maps From Latest Survejs DOOD.MEAD& COMPANY. Publishers. CHICAGO NEW YORK j SUBSCRIPTION, I (DEPARTMENT. of; Ctmductort with Imp:rfect Ccnnectioni Better Than None K. 11. Koch (I'hvtikal. Zeitschr x Won the Wager. At a prominent social club the other night a man won a bet of ten Itehin? lalm fotnstimji the Sl;n ftmsthinz Esid; Wealth.' '"S'.gns and syinbrls are still factors in shaping the hopes and fears ef nie-n," said an obseivant citizen to a New Orleans Times-Democrat report er, "and it is a curious fact that many men are either fearfully depressed or buoyed up to a high notch by the lit tle curious beliefs that are still hand ed down from one generation to an other. The world is yet credulous, but occasionally a man will run against some little something that will disillusion him. This reminds me of a conversation I had several evenings ago with a friend of mine while riding up-town on a Prytania street ear. 'By Jove I said to my friend, 'I am going to get some money sure. The palm of my left hand itches fearfully ane! I guess I'll get a good bund'. of it.' Mv friend smiled incredulously, and then he proceeded to unwind a story which happened to a friend and business associate of his some time ago. The friend had been in hard luck for some time, but scheme had been outlined by which it was believed a good wad of money could be made. My friend had put up some money. lie was backing his associate. Arrangements had been made to establish a little- plant up in Mississippi. My friend was n-thu.-iir-tic, according to hi? story. He followed his associate to the depot. By jingo, we'll have good luck this time,' the man said while waiting for a train.' 'Why?' n-ked my friend. Talm itches,' replied his" friend. 'Oodles of money in this thing for us. ltd ing palm sure sign. Never fails.' 'Wen,' mv friend said, ju.-t before he left the car, 'it was not a great while before I heard from my friend. 'Mak- WUokeepcousunu,olltaJ Stair Banisters, NewejpJ Walnut Coffins, &c Metallic and Wooden BarulJ Always on hand They reepoctfully ask th. Ihemselne. to sell u cheap u ZTi Vv li.Kler Furniture c INSURANCE Farm property insured, cupied by tenant or on i a I . . msks written in -nv ton 4 . . county. Will com- and rr. personal inspection, and u rate upon application. Insupe anything. Write :all on him at office Lexington. Heating' Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves, Cheapest and Best at 0. F. CTG, Tel. 105 Lexington, Mo. 11. w. s iOOMIS, Bookseller ml no3 uni a. loom. 10. ADMIN1STKATOUS NOT1CK. Letter of aJininllrntlcn on tli eiHt of Solomon Krerhart, diM-easetl, were grained to the uinlcrnlirnml on thn Wh lay of Novem her. M ov lue probate totiri ol Lafayette eoiintjr. Misi.uri. All por-oim hnvinif clniina aitainKt Md emiilp are remilrtd to exhmlt thfin lor allow aire to the wiihto nnu vent hft. r tbe 'l ite of sunt letter nr thev niHjr In pri lu(lil ('"in anr liemllt of HUrb estate and If ich .'l.tltns lie net e.xhillte1 within tw. ve ira fo i th" 1at. of 1U l.'Itertt the) will 1m terevei hu re.'.. This lith of s'ove.rb.T. imn. t,r.(UliK I,'. KWHI1ACK. Il-2:il5 Artinlnl-iralor. ft, Ltunlulett, iueiuitoaiKiiieieia, to criit it firmlv in the loft hand and liiierin iheca.-eof a ihuiider.-ioim. . strike with-the palm of hi right u., . 111 1.;, (..iiuoii, mi. to tn c os- g:,iartlj ujion the toiitae bottom, money,' I s-ngo-ested. 'No,' he tas found that lightning foiiduttoii dollar, by driviiiL' a cork out r,f a t,nf. ! sai(' f1"1''.", 'he was laid up with . rhoi-e toi.neetioiis have become im- tie. It uns an nrrlinarv uh;.lv srysipela?, and he fame very near los- irfect through rusting or otherwise, ! tit, full up to the reek. He proved '"KJ'and that itched so viporourfy J ,.ft ....wl .J ai i-ie oe 101. ei reiUlt: l inailfia i lors. Now, my friend,' ho said, as he i:t up to ha the ear, 'let me give you the moral (if this tale: When the palm begins to itch send fora doc tor.' " Well-Fed Turkey 1. ll'ir.-c-. rniilo- nrul ilnnli vc an aA ' - v'- h" iwnu- j eu 10 maiKci in 1 urkey, but the road g str- w n with grain leaking from the old jacks, and thou'-aiids of turkeys, whuh may b bought at 12 centi apidf, feed on the dropping grain. Ktepto the Right IIEADQUARTEKR 10K School Rooks, and Supplies, Picture Mouldings, Artists Supplies and CTRON & TAUI3MAN, LKX1NOTON, MO. vRSTRACiS OV TITLE, mi ESTATE INSURANCE, MONKY TO LOAN ll.neir... oiily coniiilete net (( Abntrait H'oorit of Title, to tbu Land nf LaKjetn e. itir.t) OFFICE in HliKl-1 BUILDING REAL ESTATE ior sa!e in Lexington. F; lor sale. Houses to rer: you have any real esd sell place it in his hancH cost it no sale. Ulfc Lexington. II. W. s F, LEI Ul Abstracter, Loan -AM) Insurance Agen arm and City Property tor !' MONEY TO LOAN. VIII loan money on imirovedfnr at 5 and 51 ir cent Interest. Offlce front rooai overTevi!'1! store. lexiiiKton. Mu' C'liutin' eluiueUr of liuhtnii .ii;ts K!.x-;ioiiiaoi.ttic uave are rouiieu!, ui.t ii act upon the imper fect eoiiLeiliui,.- as tipuii a coherer, usiorii1" ihiir conductivity for a jote or h.-., loi.g period. Lilitnin"; t liitlierio been considereii a ct;ii tiuuous ditch'urge, which ,fiei: b- holdinjr the bottle in a horizontal do- eitifln. In a rei'n of dtepit ilt-nce he emote, and to the Mirprit-e of all, the cork flew out. Anvbody can do it, he ny.S.YAn. Vliere Women Are Forbidden. Jlaiwiitcliin, on the borders of Hut- 0 I rJ li 1 1 B I a f VA I a Pnpr I UUUI. ?l'Ki Ueward. City afid Farm Property l or Sale. No. 1050, 6 ro-jtu brick luuat ua Main treH. fl tiOO. No. 1051,2 titory Irauio house on Franklin avenue, f'tOO. Nj. 10G0, 1 story frame coetaue on Main at reel, fl.Ge0. No. 10SI, 2-atory brick toue on Franklin avPDuc, f2,HO0. No. 10SO. 2-torv brick bouas on Main Btreet.f J.OOO. Ni). 1)1, 200 anre farm elmuroved) next PaKChy. f0 per acre. No. 18, 121) acre (irriDroved) 9 mllea aat ul Lestndun, (JO per acre. No. 151, W) acrra (Improved) 0 mi'tb aoolb of Islington, fr! per acre. No. 105, 157 acroa (improved) 4 mlln N. W. ol Cordvr, , f5 per acre. N 1. 183, 83 anrca (uiiprovtd) 2t tutiea aouth of Loxlouton, Jfi5 prracre, F. I.EE WALLACE, 10-12tf. L'llnifton, Mo. .... 1 . . . Conue- apparently c.-eillutoiy by in.,'ilc ', ea ,l10 -'')' m the world pco Iti'dition. The au;hor enu'lAi i a pleil by 11:1.11 only. The Chinese worn atnirllv revoivinp .,,.n,.r i L. en are not onlv forbidden to live ' !--. --. K1""1, I The Cood Unlet Club of !xiniri..l. e ' - " " ' v a .... i m ..1. 1.. -..n . . " ;st this question, but does not arrive n thi ternary, but even to Xm the rurlTltx i any definite conclufcToiir c the ! C't "f Kalkan and enter into In traveling on the road to wealth lie caught ami lurued'ovcruMhiH ciul fahlit.- jdiotographed were all too dU- Mongolia. All the Chinese of thii it jmys to keep to lli right. Chicago t r ntraline a hurae or mule bt lonifini tuut. . . I bid der city ate exclusively trader. i Daily Newi. to any miubur of thia club, lu.llitf Corninf.Oblo, Nov. 5tb, 1H00, PepHin Byrup Co., Montlrlo, III. While vliitloa In Taylorllle, IU., catne acroat your Dr. Caldwell'a Byrup Pt'pln. Havu used t;v am) tine-hiif bnttlna and 11 h .. t im r"ir. cnod than all lli nxvlirlne 1 bava uard for two yt-ata. Pipmh ,i m ,now, ynu ,vj wiirl me thrtu or lour bottlra and whul tt will coat to a nd it to tornloK, Perry county, Ohio, and Obllua, mhh Hahah A, N'cC'ii ackkn, Hold by Leroy Farmer. tt-2n2 Low Kate Kxcurswt all Siiiumer via THE BURLINGTON BOO Diirinir lite column uifi ll 111 efit tl.l liiwton H.iulR Will l'l'u union rMt'S ever bcft. made. The wf ratea, tlfbllnatioi.. J .1.... .i.lilii'. slli'llll)118 vuiicii nini vo (.'" (. its 0 ' ueareat ticket t''it f"tf .lo us the favor to write f'"1 criptive mutter, etc. .)(, i-i c.,,.,,...r Tours wl vurtip cjoiiiv. ---- tlorado. Utalt ami lilac urn. ..Lit ...n PHI' llomeseekets' excurs 0 a- whole - IIB'"", wceka to the 1 IVni.rQinllj) round trip rates to t ! daft!, sition, the Seashore. At wtu. .MieitiKii , . ni:(i' thousHiid eHHteri. .km; le mil trips east, via U'l" Clevelauel. . . ((T Cheap ExciirHiona'l, to St. Paul, Mniuc'iPl ; t P. Superior resorts; ll country. . Aakforthe J JurlinKton s -citrshm iHtecii ctilarf- $ Cullfortila Kxcuvsi'"1 r , (, iliieted I.oiiIh every every Tliurauiy ft litytmil SI. .loWl'lt. W iii.. n fur nli tiT.U'w:rlbliiirtIei',,i;"v.KiitJ It. ll.CUOZIKR, I-"' .pl T. I'. A., n-i Main tt KatmaaC'lty. Mo. now a h. yt (Jem Ml Malta. iTg li'Il fi 0 V r Pe .h ur )f i ar :D al -i 1 re I'.i ,e'l r .- 1