Newspaper Page Text
BURNT BILLS. 1 1 regularJy as the seasoi for L fires coiaes around, there r V the treasury packages of iwn 1 0f burnt tills for redemption, t mo unaccountable reason, the - v. . :i- tt.ive seems 10 ue hww for hiding money, perhaps be- ;t metallic character suggests or became burglars would their victims with too wuch 1 ,n ici n money m sucn a juace in would net look there. What jthe reason, 'observes the New i Post, the phrase "money to li i : j i rests on weii-asce ruiiueu tea s of humtn action. the aroostook war. I CHICHESTER'S EKEdSt. iMOcent Came ol 3t Em Tuit TV. u QCM I Vrt flVf I RII I f - ruiiiiuuilibriLkS 51' L of the .latest examples in r . j . i .i . Ji a settlerBeni was muue iy wie y . . fir ti i : if...i 'iirvffflStnai.OLJirs.x amine aiuei- Vf lndianapolis. She had little in banks, and when she meat Wket one day she hid her savings, of bills amounting to $1.5, in 'alse bottom of a gas stove. While Us away the children, feeling lighted the .gas, and by the lime returned she .had only a few JT6G rt inuaui.s .oiiu a cuaugc i'uui low for her thrift. She mourned io-s for three years, and every , an in Indianapolis knew of her Wtune. FinaOy.a friend to whom L i j , a Hi khowea tne irugiiieins semuirem idpe W. D. Bpuim here; he took fc to the bureau of redemption, v. liv the wonderful system of iificiition employed, the money recognized, aui .tlie treasury has ,1 new bills for the greater part destroyed. There is rcjoie ;i the Mueller hroseliold. ;jRl6Us PUBLICATIONS. Fer.odicals Which Print Articles in Many Linimjei. .ret curious polyglot periodicals i, liing publiMiuL ays the M. Ktjillblic. ! is tite China Times, which is juinied iu tttiii iiiiiguagts. , i,.-..Miii in Uit ci.ji.tai di i iiii,.;, ,. ,..i.0uag.s in wii.iii jtnppeai: i liu.-h, m-i.i'li,(uiiii;iii, Italian, ..ii, .lapaiiuse itiiii lii.iii.-e. i.inlicr polyglot papa !! liit Aiis . MHiiiiionthly eiilnitil Ada .iiiiaoiiis Liteiaui urn I'niver u. ii has corre.-pi.iiLi ins and nlhia ail over til.- woikl, ami a'liiuibiitions 1'f tl.e- ttuuur are ::abiy printed in the language ol cuiiutiiis from wiii' i. tiu-y are . As a result, it frequently hap- t tiiut in one number ol tlie paper e are articles in 25 or 150 Ian- third polyglot paper is the UulodionMagaz'.ue'whiehispub- d in St. Petersburg, and which :ains critical essays regarding the books published throughout the tl. Each of these essays is print Jm the language of the country Ire the new book of which the-es tri-ats appeared. Thus a review of American book is printed in Lng . a review of a rrineh book i: fted in French, and so on. One "mt of this per.eiuical has con- led articles in 13 different lan- ;, namely, German, French pi--h, Italian, Spanish, Dutch r.uciiise, Swedish, Danish, llun- ii, liuiimania11. Uussiau, Sci vian fJ-t iii ian and Polish. THINGS YOU CANNOT DO. Massachusetts. John Johnson E.nen- fornwlv . liaise farmer, poli.idan, explorer and luniberman, and who became noted for bringing aixuitlhe dispute between this country and England, hkh ended in the bloodless Aroos took war, died of old age at his home in Aioxbury. He was born in Fair field, Me., on August 28, 180G. His lather was Samuel Emery, the first vhite child born in :he town. The mother's maiden name was Diadema Johnston, and John J. was one of the 15 children of the family. As manhood came, says the Bos ton Globe, he grew into .a life of local activity, and located most of the roads row existing in Fairfield and many of those in surrounding towns. He was a selectman for nine years, was texunty surveyor for a long time, and represented the town in the legisla ture of Maine. He was also an ex- tensive tarmer, ana -carried on a lumber business of considerable mag nitude. During Mr. Emery's days as a lumberman he and a companion made many explorations cf the Maine woods. They made a chart of the ground that they covered, and pub lished several pamphlets describing these localities, which were' then lit tle known to the hunters and the pub lic In 1839 Mr. Emery was the inno cent cause of a war, which is now known in history as the Aroostook war, and for a time came near being serious in many respects. It came about ovef a boundary dispute with Canada; neither this country nor the province of the queen could decide n the proper location of the line, and it wbf always coming up asabone of contention. In 1S.TJ he was sent there to look over the ground and make a report on it, and was to take along a surveyor with him anil deter mine about where the line. kv. He w lit into the woods, and whiie i-.:.ny ing out hip mission was captuud by JJntifli soldurs and taken as a pris ontr to I'nrnrtii. When the- people of Maine heard of it thue was great excitement, and immediately talk of .... , i war. liie state irnoiis w ie oiuereo out under the diriftioii of the- lircsi i-nt, and tiny were armed and sent to the boundarv to secure1 Ins re Rase. Tlie Canadian government released him before they came, but at the same time thev ar.-eiiiLlLit seveial regi ments of troops to meet the Maine boys. Upon his return to the lines he was placed in command of his own company of troops and remained in camp with them for more than month. President an miren sent Gen. Winfield Scott to take com mand. and he remained until the trouble was over. It was finally set tied bv Daniel Webster, who con ferred with the British authorities and fixed the line. sAIwiit Pliable. LmIIm. Mk PrattlM x IIHIIKMTKK MULUH to B4 ud (ioM nwulllo bom. Mm with blue ribbon ihrp. RrlW4M(mwiMMI. '" lBlllloa. HuyoryourUruad". " nd 4e. In namp, fur rwtlnlan. Trail ll and teller for LiMllr." In mtr. V fMora Mall. IU.0O4) TeMuuoniiiU. BWd oy CH'OHBBTEa CBBMIOAL OO. SIM Ha'.on qnre, PIIILA PA MU UI1M1 T-K-F -c-W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D T.E-A-WEEK EDITION. The Moi, .Hely Read News- papt m America Time has demonstrated tbdt the Thrice-a-Week World atands :lon in us class. Other papers bare imitated its form but not itssuooesa. This is be RHirae it tells all the news all the time oid tells it impartiatly.whether that news lie political or otherwise. It is. In fact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you can not afford to be without it. Itapublicnn and Democrat alike can read the rnrtce-a- v seK wnna wun absolute confidence in its truth. In addition to news, it publishes first class eerial stories and other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription Drice is onlv ft 00 per year mil this pays for 150 papers, we offer his uwanuiien newspHper ana me - km.ioenceu together one year tor $1.75. ti.l. nt l.'uul Pata ta AfUllU19SIllUCI 9 cair VI uo.akv ib Partition. Kebecca B. Ilanonkand W. W. Hn- oj:k, hvr ItuklMiid. Marina V. Kvam and Ja, n Evans, bcr huiu h:iinl. and W. Hb-bard Beamer. PluluUlI. TS. PM'tu R. Kamir. Pnaclial H. Bcn- luer. Samuel C. H amrr, Laura r. Urupp and John I'ropp. In-r hu buiid. Han, 'atrk-k am! i'vrry p. Fall-Irk. her -Jutland, llaUy Ma ban, Menoah Kramer, Graoe Spen cer, Btrdla Heamer and Unle Bea mer, O. H. S-lilonirldife and 11. H. teldumrldK, letendants. By virtue of a decreo and order of sale, nin(lu bv tlie oirruit court of Morsun county, Missouri. In the above entitled cause, tlie umlersluneu aueclul cunin 'ssloner. duly ap pointed by said court, will at the court house dour. In the CHy of Lexington, in the county or l.imiyelte, statu or Missouri, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of EKCEMBEK, 1W1 tieiween the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and live o clock p m., of said day, and while the circuit court of said county Is In session, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, situate. lying and being In Lafayette county, Mis souri, to-wit: The northeast quarter, east Inilf of the northwest quarter and the north east qunrter of the southwest quarter of sec- t on ttiin vHiix (. towiisnin nity taui, range twenty-four (21), and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section two e-, uiwnsnin ronv-nine 14111 ranie iweniv-iour (24); also tlie north half of the northwest quarter of section one (1), township Torty- hlnetui), ruiigu twenty-lour (21). Terms of hale: Cash In hand at time of Sale. 11. A. VA KNELL, 10-19td 1 Special Commissioner. NEW FAST TSAiN BUNCOED. Mm Who Thought He Wa Paying Cab- man for Bis Hotel Bill A carriage, says the M ihvnukee Sen tinpl. drove ranidlv un to the St. Charles hotel and deposited a ma upon the sidewalk, wlio entered the hoiel and re'ifterod as II. 1. Mitz, of l'liiladelphia. "I wnnt lodpiig and hreakfnst, rt'itinrked tlu'straii''er. rather veidan in appearance, as he shot the pe You May Not Believe It Until Yon1 jmo tl10 potato at the sale of the reg- Hays Tried them. iti.,r nian cannot rise from a chair "nv lm""-art iiHiuiied the ... . . . J r-r- "in helming forward, or putting; c01k. feet under the chair or outside EXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry C. Wallace. tr. doceased, were granted to tbe undersigned on the lib day of November, IW1, by the probate court of Lafayette county, Misooiirl. All i rsuns having claims against said I'suiteare reaulred toexblhlt them for allow nice to the executors within one year after the date of said letters or they may oe pre eluded from any benefit of s.icb estate: and if such claims ne uot exninuea wiinin two ears from the date of said letters tbey wil e forever barred. This 4Ul day of November. lHO". HRNKV !. WALLACE. Jh , F. LbK WALLACE, H9ts Executors. Missouri Pclfle-Lexlngton Br. fill BODHDTBAIHS. No.Tl. No.7. Leave Bt. I ouls 7 :H5 am : is pm arrive Beaalla :-pai o:uuu. Conoordla P ;,. Aullville 4:45pm :4atu Higginsvllle J7 pm 0:85 am " Page City : Pm 'fm " Lexlnkton 8:11 pm 8:IQm H?fick?... 5:iipm 7:iam Wellington 8:34 pm 7:i&am " Waterloo : pm Napoleon 5: pm Independence s-.5 Pm Kansas City 7:l.ptn " Bt. Joseph DAILY. THE IWICE-A-WEEK KPUBLIO, Every Monday and Thursday a newsps oer as rood as a magazine and better for contains the latest by telegraph as well s interesting atories is sent to the sub criber o.' the "Twice a Week" Republic, hicb is only a f I a ytur. The maa who ren ls tho "Twice-a- Veek" Republic knows all about affairs, lolitical, domestio and foreign events; If osted about tbe markets and commercial natters generally. The woman who rest's the "Twice-- Veek" Republic gathers n bit of valuable n formation about household flairs and te fashions nd finds recreation in tbr iritfht stories that, come under bolh the tilings ol fact and Action. There le goBsip about new books and a dozen othe topics of especial interest to the wide- 4A'nlc man and woman. Cures I'czcmn and itching Humors Through the Hood. Costs Nothing to Try. It. It. II. (Hutmile lllood Hiilmi Is a certain ml siirn euro for eczema, lu-lilng skin, hu- nors, hoaos. scili s. winery oiisiers, puii ii-B, ii-liing hones or Joints, boils, carbuncles. irlckiing pnin In the skin, Id, eating sores ilcers, eto. Botanic Balm cures the orst nnd most deep-seiitrd cases by cnrlcn- nig, purifying anJ vitulinlng tlie blood there- iy giving a healthy blood supply to the skin, li her remedies nisy relieve, bu B B. B. ictiiully cures, heuls every sore and gives he rich glow of health to the skin, making tlie blood red and nourishing. Especially advised r olu, obstinate cases. Druggists, l.nn. Trial treatment free and prepaid by writing nr (illlam. 203 Mitchell street. Atlanta. Ga Describe trouble aud free medical advice givun. 7:SBam 7:40 am 8:35 am 9:0A am 1:05 pm RACKS & EXAS Leave 8t Joe ... Katies uity. .. I in", pendeuce. N,oleou Walerlo Wellington.... Mvrick Lexington I8TOtJIIDtBAf8. No. 74. No it. . ... :u0 pm 5:411 pm 8:S5 itii. :lilim 8:Mam 7:08 pm 7:4" am 7:14 pm 7:44om 7:M pm 7 :5I am 7:45 pm 8:03 am ....7:-tHpm 8IOnm 8:10 pm :aim S:il pm 8:: am 8:3.' pm 8-4" an: 8:4-1 pin H:i'2um 10:00 1)111 lmOMie- Effective March 10th, J901Y the 8-liml "Nope." "Pollar, please." "I have paid for lodging and hreak fost."' "Oh, come oh. You didn't pay me. "Xo? The fellow who drove that carriage said he would take me to a hotel and give me lodging and break-fa.-t for $l.o(, and I paid him the money." It was some time before tlie man f rom tho ritv of brotherly love could I. .Many a man will back himself. give another a start of 50 yarels a race of 100, provided the man 'rig the start lions all the way. It no runner, however wift, can h that amount of start to an ordi- r)' man. For the first five yards f) go at practically the same pace. Uierefore the runner, to go ! while the "hopper" goes 15, fllll have in rim mnrp than twice st, and it would be a weak man P could not hop 45 yards at a pace' i, nme to understand that he had fi to 20 secords for 100 yards; ! ,m buncoed out of a great big dol lar. Coronation of a Czar. id that- would menu that the runner, order to win. would have to beat all VioilS roporrlc If n i ... ,... l- .. ....,:t .M, oowiiintion of the czar is not ii.uii uohsij uini u is HUMiiit- i" nnrtw...! 1.. l l. i.:... ... .,4 I . ....,, nlvll Pl'fl IllOnV. llllt ll Soll lllll r'"iiuuriy biiarp, ass nun i t-ui . p no.. - . ' one stroke of the bbie one of ! consecration, the czar beuig the head " yllnw ribbons, mostly of silk, of ihe church as wen u oi w- ll" are. round bundles of cigars. ; Jt is preee.ien ' " " cases out of 1,000 tlie knife prayer and penitence. All tho cere- not J,arn nnn...rl. in .In this. It monies attending it nae a ce. The emperor, unlike tne mm eiiniiu-1 o t o t us. " eilt thrmtirli 11 dm rihlinli ex l)l the Ian strand, and that will other monarch, is not a passive re- f 1 UMl 'one, and the m one excent a blind man can lnd without support of any kind r five i, i i... i t. :t l,a ! I - 'oiiiini-B ai a Riieieii, n c f 0r""Kldy blindfolded, without mov- '"s teet. If he does not move his 'Hie is prdty ,nre to topple over Ul"u a iiiinntp T,nniinn Answer. gignilieiin ... I.- Irina -ininllt of t ll 0 SCCpter. bllt IS IlllllSCll UIC oc -i , .. . 1.. pal aiui aiiiioM ii ""v "n nre in ilieennrt.-cene. vu.. Uecord-Herald. , FORECLOSURE SALE. Whereaa. J. V. Jordan and Murv .1. Jor lun Ills wife, on the ttth day of Maj . 106, bv their : rtaln deed ol mortgiigo ouiy recoruou in the oilicd'f the re. order of deeds of Laf y tte c uintv. Missouri, In liook llti, ouge u.",, .o.i eyed "to l.iifayitte county, stat) of Missouri, for the use and benefit of the ounty M'hool fund of said Lafayettecounty, tiite'of Missouri, the following described reiil estate, sltuiited In the aforesaid .-ounty. to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter section 'M. town ship 4. ra.ige li!l. cont;i:iiliig forty acres .ia nr li.s. whli'h said ciinvevance was i.inln lo Kfi'iiro -i certain bond In said deeii .leM-rilied, wherein said J. W. Jordan and; .lolni K. I'ean and Koliert Wilkinson for i. I in. reeelved iiiomlsi'ii twelve months .ifier (late to pay Lafayette coiuity, state of illssnuri. for the use and oenetlt of the county school fund five hundred and II fly lollai's (..V).tm). with Interest from date until paid, at the rate of i Ight tier cent per annum, which said bond is of date the s .Id illi day of Slav, will whereas, default has been niad'e In tlie condition of said mortgage deed and 'n tlie payu ent of said IiiiikI iKV-orilingto the tenor and iffect tlu i-e-,f and there Is now due and unpaid In piln (:i:il ami Interest on said bond the sum of il.jl.i hundred thlrtv-tlve nod seventy one n iiidredlhs dollars (:!. 70) with interest i hereon at. the rate of eight per cent per .iiiiiini). n in whereas lien tofore. lo-wlt. at lie ailjoiiriied August term, 1001, of tlie county court of Lafayette i ouniy, state oi Missouri, ami on me un "i 'km nan mI.I ciniiitv court bv its order of said date, ilulv entered of record, directed that the sheriff of Lafayette county, stite o; uixsiinrl. foreclose s iiil niort gage deed and levy the said sum of money Wil li the interest iuereoll iron income in Mini uruer uuu .....i. mu,n the real estjitu above descrllH:d Ih'Iiik I lie niortgageil premises aforesaid nnd to sell tin) same or so much thereof us may ,,r m.irlii. he neeessarv to satisfy the said deed, interest and costs at the front door of the county court house, in tne city oi iex Ington, Lafayette county, Missouri, during the sitllrg of the circuit court of said county at IU llt-ceirbrr term, 1001, first hav i,... ..u...ii t uii.m v davs notice of the time. terms and place of sale, together with the description of the property to bo sold by ,..K...riu.,i,ient In tlie Intelligencer, a news paper pullllslllll III ijf XIIlKUiu, liHiiji'iic county, statu of Missouri. ow. tlieretore, snow un n'n. um, a. undersigned Oscar Thomas, sheriff of Lafay ette county, state of Missouri, bv virtue and In pursuance of said order and tlie corti tied copy thereof to mo delivered on this the Itlth d .y of October, I'.WI, iinil the power and au thorltvby law tonic given under said order of said court and said certified copy thereof, and heretofore, lo-wlt. on the said li.lh day of Octoliir, ltilll. levied upon and seized the above descrliicd real estate for t he purposes aforesaid, and l.thesald sheriff, do hereby give notice that 1 will on MOXI)AV,tiikJxoiayof1KCF.MEK.IIIOI, the same being the first day of said Decem ber term of said court and dtirlug tho sitting of said court tit Lexington, county and state aforesaid, between the hours of nine o clcck in the forenoon and live o clock hi tlie afternoon of said day, at the front door of t he count v conn, nouse, in sum u , m Mutton, count V and state aforesaid. In pur I nuance of said order and said certified copy I thereof and 1V reason of the power and authority thereby timl i'.V "'"K'yen . . NOTICE OF SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that a meeting f the shareholders of the Lexington Building and Loan Association, ol Lex inaton, Missouri, will be held at tbe (Rae of tbe Secretary, No. 1119 Prankll Avenue, In tbe City of Lexington, County of Lafayette, Mo , on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901, it 9 o'clock a. m of tbat day, for tbe pur pose of taking a vote of the shareholders t the said association on a propositio then aod thereto be submitted to them, to increase tbe capital stock of said assoola lion from tbe sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars (f 100,000), which it now i", tn Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (f500,000), an increase of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (100,000). W.G. MOCAU3LANU, Pres. Chas. W. Loomib, Sec. vnd 1.K.4I. REDUCED BATES ININDIAH TEKRI'COEY. Ever since tbe construction of tbe M. K. & T. Ry. through the Indian Territory its local passenger rate between Btations in tbe Indian Territory bas been on the basis of five cents mile. Tbe customary rate of passenger tar- on railroads, ex cept In sparcelv settled country, is three cents a mile. Tbe population of tbe In dian Territory during tbe past few yean ha grown rapids i tbere bas been large increase In passenger traffic on tbis account, and ths Katy officials recogniz ing tbe wants of tbe people and tbe justice of so doing, have voluntarily ar ranged to reduce tbe local passenger rate to a basis of tbree cents a mile. This re. ductloo will take place on or about No vember first. Tbere will be great rejoio ing among tbe residents along tbe line ol the M. K.&T. Pago ITv Hlifgltisvllie.. Aullvi'le Concordia... fedaiia a, iy.,,i, 7:10nm 6 iiouu' Rneclal rates to Kansas City every 8aturda evening and Sunday. rHKtOIITS. F.sst s 60 am ft: 45 am iO-.M an, i0::i0 am 1 1:00 arc. ..Leaves Lexington.... ' Page City " H'g'jhisville.. ' Aullville " Concordia.... !:1Rpra.... " rii-nanu. Dally, except Sunday. Wrst :) an. i:.Vi pm 2 iSpn. 1:40 pm l:lo pn 10:40 air Jeflersou City, Boonville and Lexing ton Division. Announces the Opening of Its Red River Divia ' mT Om . Denison and Sheniran. Texas. & Throtigh Train Service xV "y be established from Jt. Lee I.- '.Zz' ' Gty over the k J J Shortest ise iu Te?:b A GREAT HEW8PAPER. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic is a marvel of ; modern news paper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world-wide, complete iu every department: in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The mafjiizine section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high jlass literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section Is genuine laugh-maker. The funny car toons are bv the best artists. The humorous stories aro high class, bv authors of national reputation. Sheet music, a high-class, popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir The Republic. The price of the Sunday Republic by mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all news dealers. HIXKD OAtLf EXC. SUNDAY. No 71. Arrive . Lexington :ll pm ..Myrlek 4 45 pm ..Northrup 4 I ' pm . IV.ver 4.00 pm ..Kdwurds 3:35 pm . Waverly 3: 0 pm ...Marshall 1:15 pm ...Hoonvlllo 3:00 pm 4 -4.1 fm Bead up. No. 72. Leave. 7:15 am... 8:&iam 8:55 urn... 9:10 am... V:27 am .. :5H urn... Il;:i0am... .(! mn 4 45 pm Tipton Keaa down. 7:45 a. m SANTA FE ROUTE. trains arrive at North Lexington: No. ii (dally) Trains leave North Lexington: No.'rf, Express (dally). ; m Main line trams pass uenngiou juu DOING KAST, No. 8, (dully)... VIA f$S - i 1 r u:l am i a m 7:Ui p m 8 i p m :t:4' a m No. 1. " , " 5. " i. " 19, (daily) . ............ California Limited.. California Limited OOlNQ WEST. 8:5 a m U.- a m U: K' a m 14: " p m 6:4pm J. n. Raster. Jr.. Agent. W J. Black, G. P. A.,Topcka, Has. Chicago and" Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hlgglnsvllle as follows t west Bound. Mn s St. I,, and K C. miill n:ara 7, Calir. ana uot. iimiieu 61, HlgglnsvllleandK. 0 acoom. 7:55 am iq at iiiia and K email 4:H0pm 11! Local freight and sccoui :47 am EAST BOUND. No. 14, St. L. and K, C. mail : am " 60, K C. and Higginsviiieaccom. i.fyiu " 10, Calif, and t'ol limited 7:S; pm 1-2, 8t. L and K. C. .null lo " pm " 116, Local jroiabt and accom 12:45 pm W. 8. LYONS, Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 50. 3 AN ANTONIO. VIA WACO, 8. A. & A. P. and SOL. PAC AND TO Austin, VIA ELGIN AND H. A. T, C. 1 Through Tourist Sleepore TO CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC J O. WOBTIIINOTOW. 11 li 8. N. Wilson LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance Agents. ABSTRACTS OF T11LS MADK, Will loan money on Improved farm lands at P and 5ft per cent Interest OFFICE IN lliERLE BUILDING Through to Harrison. On April 15th, the St. Louis and North Arkansas Railroad was formally opened to Ilairison, Arkansas, estab lishing (in connection with the Frisco liBe from Seliitman) direct railway com munication , with some ot the rlchist lead and zinc Delds yet discovered. The territory traversed by the new line presents perhaps the most remark able panorama of rueKed mountain ranees and fertile valleys to be found on the American continent. A trip to Har rison is well worth the time so spent either from a commercial or a sight s C 'I the loncer it will null out. ! the prmnpal a An Unusual Case. The v of MotTnot only litis no dobt. but'it liu a fciirplus of 879,-iOO Uial!. ,11 openly at pnlillc vendue, to the highest hld.ler for cash In hand, an uio mid Interest them tho said J. W. Jordan ml Murv .1. Jordan, his wire, of In and to nil of tlie'iiliovedescrllH-il premises and real estate to satisfy the dent. Interest and costs, Including the costs of l".';. Sheriff of Lnfiiyetto County. tt'H ' Missouri. ! For 8ALB- I have lor sale good pay. I iir business, about two thousand cah raulred. For lull particulars oall on P Lee Walls;, ftit. Lexington, Mo. 4-27 tourl J L. PEAK, SURGEON DENTIST; MASONIC mJILlUNG, Lexington, . Mo Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTOBNEir-AT-LAW. Lexington, Missouri. Ofllce: Room Sand 10, Haerle Building. DR. W.-B. ECKLE, Surgeon Dentists, office in Hearle tiulldlng Blnventh and Main streets. Lexington, Mil What Shall We Haye for Desert? This Question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it today. Try JelV-O, a delloious desert. Prepared In two minutes. No bsklngl add hot water and set to oool Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocers. 10 cents. 6 Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD I1 PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN ' AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. Passongcr and TicketAgt-nt.Hlagitisvlllo.Me' Oeo.J.Ciuhi.ton. O. P.4T. A..Chlcna-o,T A RARE CHANCE. ltjaorSl Having decided to close out my taoIS lngsofoows and heifers, some 60 bead, 1 ofler for sale one and all. My line cor- S rise Shorthorns, Adrusib Uereforda final ersey mixed. All were selected wlk reference to milk strain, formerly beiae In creamery business. Some Twenty odfl im naif .t foot and balance to Cl Jell-0, the NW Dsert. I shortly. Prices ran ginat from 25 lo S pleases all the family. Kour flavors -lemon per bead. Call on or address, orange, raspberiyM,strawberry. At your , . TALBlfil8B0Mo', Grocers. WcenU. Try yoday. apr27year Anllvllle, M.