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4 ( I THE BLOOM 15 ON An olJ and successful Clothing man said that the secret of holding trade was in keeping Clothing with.... The Bloom On lie is right but we go still f tinner and SELL , our Clothing while the Bloom is Still On. Our store is full of New Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats full of blooming newness. Here's a fine lot of Cheviot, Oxford Mixed and Fancy Worsted Suits at $7, $10, $i 2.50 $1 5 and io. We show the handsomest patterns at these prices to be seen in Lafayette Co. You needn't to go to the high-priced tailor to get clothes with the high priced look these suits have it H. SINATJER, The Popular Clothier, So Placfl Like Lafayette. f A. 'I. Mohooey, late of Bates City but cow of Wellington, wbo to Oklahoma with a view to locating, paid ;h Intki.ligi.ncek an appreciated vsit pa Thursday hn renewed covenant Aiili us tur unot her year. Mr. M moey'sMs that there is no place that feels to-hhu so much like home as l.i In rue county and that be is glad to be back from Oklahoma. T. C. Butts and wife left Saturday) Booms ros Rest la ttie Hierle build fr Cowgill tu visit. Mr. Hutts wiII,D- -Apply to Ous Haerle. The Rev. Dr. Wharton will preach at tbe Presbyterian cburch Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, resi dents of Pettis county since 1868, celebrated their golden weddini? p. Thursday. They are Quakers. Raymond Bates, who was the ijuest of Heory Chiles and other Lexington friends, left Sunday afternoon for his home at Ilarrisonvillc. Incidentally put in some time with I the gun. futnani Fadeless lye produces the frooest and brightest colors of any 1'iiiwn dye s'uff. Sold by Ctta. W. j Loomis. A. Wade, wife and little daughter, Anna, of Marshall, spent Thanks fiviog with the family of Oscar Atidreeo. Church ot Christ Scientist, Sunday vrrices it follows: 10:30 a. m., Sunday hool 11:30 k. ji., at Knights of Pytbia Iml. All are cordiallv invited, tf A head end collision between Tithiih passenger traius running at (0 miles per hour in Michigan is said to have killed !:'." people. Coal Miners Wasted In Cobrado f eady work, good wages, floe climate. S i labor trouble. Address: The Colorado -Funl & Iron Co., Denver, CjIo. ll-2'.2 The amount subscribed by the jvople of Lexington to the "Who iHver Farm" at Luray, Va., Thanks lviog mornrng at the tabernacle was bout ?345. Judge Alexander Gravesleft Tlitirs. ty moruiog for St. Louis to look fter the taking of depositions in ome case in which he is interested. While' Cream Vermiluge removes tbe Unhealthy tissue upon which worms thrive; it brings, and quickly, a healthy S&nditioo ol body, where worms cannot CXlat. Price, 25 cents. For sale hy Crenshaw 4 Young. 11 2ml Geo. M. Tullman, son of the roil- llmaire Pullman, died in California Thursday rooming. He was 2G years cf age and bad been married twice. Be was what is called "very swift." l'resident Itoosevelt and wife have ftcen on an outing down the Potomac liver. C'ol'irmjrs were sufficiently niphasizcd l.y nature's fall-time sere and yellow leaf and Booker Washing-I-m was left at home. Many people areeuEf-riog tearfully from IVdigtsltoD cr dypepsia. when one Ingle l;ttle cf hf-rblue would briDj about a yrompt and prrmineni cure. A few Vises wiil do more for a weak stomach than a prulocged course of any other .elicloe. Price, 50 cents. Fur Hale by Crenshaw & Young. 112ml The iron bridge has arrived with .avhich to replace the wooden one 'instructed over Tabo cn the Mis ourl Pacific following the tire that destroyed the bridge across that Jtream several months ago. . Clarence Kinney announces to big frieod in tho county that in addition to the transfer business he conducts first-class feeil stable. Lowest rates and best service. tf Kerbloeweeten the bresth, brightens the eye and cleara tbe complexion with out tbe lightest ill effects whatever, and ensure the natural bloom of bealtb, Prlc. 50 cents. For aal. by Crenshaw 4 You if. ll-2ml Charles M. Sanders, of Iligginsvllle, and Miss Grace Ellen Slick ney, of Shelby ville, Mo., came to Lexington and were married Thanksgiving afternoon. It ha been reported that darkies are living In my property oo South street. I desire to say that the oroperty baa been vacated and pat la first class repair and that tbeae rooms are now occupied by white people. A. Lubrlck. wit Ed. L. Spuriieon, of .Sweet Springs, came up Thursday, morning to take Thanksgiving dinner with tbe family of his brother-in-law, W. G. Mus- grove, sirs. bourgeon, who had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Musgrave for several days, returned home with her husband. WAXTED-Siveral persons of character and good reputation In each state (one In this count; required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business bouse ot solid financial standing. Salary f 18.00 weekly witb expeoses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct Irom bead effljes. Horse and carriages furnished, wbea oecessary. References. Encloae sell-addressed stamped envelope, ManaEr, 316 Caxton Building, Chicago. No inquest was held over the body of Kirk WorkcufT, the opgro who was killed Tliauksifi ving morning by his brother, George WorkcufT. After hearing Hie statement of the man In whose hands tbe gun was when tbe fatal discharge wag made, Coroner Wecdin concluded that the homicide was purely accidental and that an Inquest was unnecessary. it, nv "st-Bm l Miss Temple Powell, who was the guest, of Miss Edith Powell for several days, left Wednesday morning for her home at Richmond. Gus Jiauinuti, the restaurant man of Wellington, and Miss Jessie Sin ders. of Toronto, Kits., were married at Independence Thursday. They arrived at their home in Wellington Thbrsday evening. Tbe marriage was quite a surprise to Mr. Bauman's friends. An immense congregation was present at Thanksgiving service at the tabernacle Thursday morning and all heard a splendid sermon by Dr. Wharton. There was a collection for the "Whosoever Home" at Luray, Virginia, and quite a neat sum was realized. The following marriage licenses were Issued Tuesday morning: Ernest Walkwitz, of Iligginsviile, and Florence Roberts, of Corderj John Barnett, of Dexter, Kansas, and Florence Bearaer, of Iligginsviile; Thomas Hardin and Belle Hall, of Odessa. The Duver Tribune is responsible for this paragraph: "Thos. Evans took off' a hen and eleven young chickens last Saturday. They were hatched iu a tree, the nest being about thirty feet from the ground, and made in a decayed knot hole. Mo wonder eggs are high." For all fresh cuts or wounds, either on the human subject or on animals, Bal lard's Snow Liniment is excellent; while for corn-buskers' sprained wrlats, barbed wire cuts snd sores on working horses, It ran oo t be too highly commended. Price, 25 and 60 cents. For ssls by Crenahsw A Young. ll-2ml G. A. Kennedy, of Altus, Okla homa, arrived Ttiursday to visit relatives, his first visit to Lexington in thirty-six years. Mr. Kennedy went from Saline county to Okla homa several years ago. lie was wiili Price in his campaign in Lafay ette county. Mr. Kennedy is related to Mrs. I). W. Weedin, of Lexington, and accompanied by her will visit relatives In Saline county. Tbere is probably oo disease mors dis tressing and anooyiLg than piles, fab ler's Buckeye Pllej Ointment is daily curing cases ot years' standing of itching and bleeding plies.1 The cure begins on tbe Aral application, a little peraeverance makes tbe cure complete. Price, 50 cents In bottles Tabes, 75 cents. For ssle by Crenshaw & Young. The following changes have been made in Missouri Pacific conductors: J. E. Snedaker, of the west end suc ceeds Conductor Butts on the J. C. B. & L. local, and J. D. Collard takes Conductor Snedaker's place. George Light has been assigned to the Lex ington branch to take Conductor Col lard's run. Sedalia Capital. WANTED Several persona of character and good reputation in each state (one In (his couuty required) to represent sod advertise old esiHblisbed wealtny business house of solid financial standiog. Salary 18 00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday dirtct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Manager, 316 Caxton Building, Cbicago. The man who was buried alive and remained under ground several days at Kansas City returned to active vitality soon following disinterment. While he scooped In dollars amount. ing to a couple of thousand It U probable that he will continue to have the gruesome field of his particular work all to himself. It is hardly probable that any man will be ambitious enough to "undersell" him eririar. STATEMENT of tfce Financial , sVV-fVV-V U Condition of the Wellington Bank, M ,.lliitft.i. Ualeof Missouri, at lieol , ,.f ulli'- mi. the SIN us)' HI Siinrawr. lis) . S.I Ml Ml sT.SM iiJ Uwiia and dlxnimts iiinlouUxlly g,Nl on iM'txiiuil or collateral """"Y M M UumsHIHUllX'Ollllt.-llll'l -HUH"".' im roitl it-one s-viirity Overdrafts tiv solvent nisloiner l intel Mali's lioinl on naini Olbi r Im.ii.Im ami MK-k nl tU. lr pry- em wish initrki't value Itcai eMail" iliaiikina tanu!l at prvs- nl c.ih mai k. t vhoik 1,5.0 111 Heal r-iate other Itiaii tiankina house Ml ils presi'iii rath market pnre ' Lir,iilii,i Hllil lttlinkH '0 ' Due from other luniks, good on sight Imrt fbivksaml other eah Items. . Niiliomil twiik notes, letriil temler tliillol Sillies nolin ami K"I1 'o silver pertitk-ates J JJ' Rold mill Silver I'niii. iileklesand k-iiiiU'S -i . All other resources ',rrl 11 L Total M LIABILITIES' Capital stivk paid In lo.mai do Surplus funiis ,mw u irmliviiled pmtlts less cuirent ex penses and taes paid M"5 S Deposits subjts't to draft at sight by banks and hankers Deposits subject Ui draft at sight by Individuals and other W&.SIJ Deuiani certinVales of (fepo-it out standing Time eerlitietttes of deposit out standing ' Bills payable and bills re-discounted Diviileuds unpaid Liabilities other than those above slated Total sl6,967 Si Good Things f0r Christmas Gifts IxHik over this list ami see if you cannot And , want. IJuy while you have a fine stock to txkct.f IVn't wait until stocks are all broken up aud th becouse you cannot get what you wish " cr Mlttvns tor girls at &, 10, I, and Sic: pair. 11 s STATK OF MISSOURI. I t'OCNTT or LAITAYITTt. f "' We, J. A. Mann, president, and H. B. Corse, cashier of said bank, each of us, do solemnly swear that tbe alove statement is true to the best of our knowledge aud belief. J. A. MANX. President, H B CO USE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this iJTth day of November, A. D. niueieeu hundred and one. Witness mr hand and notarial seal 4 SEAL f the (late la-st aforesaiil. (Coiiums- . sinned aiul quulitled fur a term ex piring August :i , lirii I'HAKLKS VI. BOWttlN'G. Notary Public. Corrts-t-Attest: I. A. MANN. ) H. B. COtsK, J Directors J. L. t.'UKS K, 1 2 2 That Is a mistake, but you don't make any mistake when you take your Watches, Jewelry and all kinds of work to VENABLE for repair' Fine work a special ty. Diamonds reset and new work made to order. Next door to Donie Weber Mlttem f,l Mittens for ladles. 14. 11. 2fc and :v. MUteus for men. Ju u o, A """I; kid ndi tens, fur tops, S0r:. Ladles kid gloves, fur tuDs TV- i ,, . M....'- ..I.,,-... II 4V Sll ii ... I TS.V' .11. ..I .... " - - j" Kioves, .j lunulki n l.I, rs. i, ;, 8, iu, t. ai, a. ja, wanu 73c. M,,u's uMlkl.h ... I . I ...... ..u iK Kil ... 1... .i . . .) nnu on. Lnuiri inii,-ii, -v -im ,,iu tucket tssiks in rhntelalnes. , .', 71. 1 00 II.M and tiW. Toilet sets. ci.t, mih il..V. t2.Su, tilki land 4.00 act. EUmoid U.llet sets, comb andbr'"' with Sti rling silver. l 50, $1.00 and ta.UO a set. EImmioUI nilliuf ruh ""tK mounted. Jl.W and SIW. Kugs. 38.58. 7S, 11.00. tl ti tH.fia.U: Ladles' all aool large shawl, flX, H.75. $4.50, t5.(, MM lld - " and lard suttcen petthiiats, m, tl.ffl, II.6H, fiOO and tiM. Ladies' let.l.rtllll,,'' shirt waists. tl $1.19. fl.40 aud $1.71. Beautiful linen lunch ,. ,'Un , i.uu, i tiW each. Linen table sets, satin damask Iclotha and 1 dot. napkltu i.1 SO. to. Si t.VOO. tS.OO and $7.00 seL Whlta bod snrea.W -. rn .. Mk)ail', H a j, fS-'al i lid 3.oa Colored wunterpaues, $1.00 and $1.50, Bed comforts, to, rs, a. 1.25. f 1.50. ti.60 and $2.10. Bed blankets. 38. 50. 75. tLOO. Sim a, u .1 ' Cl1 ' - w up ton. French flannel waist cloths, SH yards each, at $1.50 and 11.98 a pattern Ri" hosiery ffor ladles, men and children. Ask to see them. Rp " . "uuiWttSl ""J"""B " ' -"""jwuereeise. Coiwm make us happy. ft u 1 Licensed by the State Board of Health of Missouri The representatives of the Chicago Medical and Optical Co. whi-h J been in Chicago for the last :W years, in ord?r to demonstrate tntL'.l r . j . . - . I : .. , , ." l. i icir new meinou oi treatment cum J long stamlitu, will treat ahsuluw.'i a period of 3 months on their tir-tr'i I r.f t x-inrrfun nnil vl.'inltu h n t tlifir tinw ,,,nV....l C ...... i:l -I .. ., t 1 .. . , : ,i . : c vur CUTIIIUC UIHldSCf, IIO IIJULICI Ul II1IW lOII of charge, excepting mtdu'ine, for visit to Lexington. Ctf TLUS TIMli ONLY Needed in Every Home .... Nothing is productive of more happiness in the family than a good Sewing Machine and THE SINGER is the best machine on earth. It is always in order and can be depended on to do every kind of work. If you are interested, write or send word to L. VV. BRELSFORD, Local Agent. Lexington Mo. p :;ftp P44kk fp k fi THEY CAN HE CONSULTED AT The Nickells' Home And will be in Lexington ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 Thpa ar thf ni?pa;pc Mnct nrrpccfiillv Truaterf hv Thsirtl' w w - w uavvvildiailj I tULIU VJ lit. II illl method. EYE Weak, watery and granula ted lids, wild hairs, cataract or film over the eves, cross eyes, blind ness and all diseases of the eye or lids are cured without knife. Spec tacles made to order. EAR Deafness, singing, roaring noises, thickeneu drums, and foul smelling discharges. Positive cure guaranteed in every case. CATARRH of all forms quickly cured to stay cured bv our new GOITRE and cancers cured at id without operation, danger or pain ECZEMA in all forms. Nee- diseases, rheumatism, disea.-M stomach, intestinal and kidney t. eases of long standing. FEMALE DISEASES, leu dyspmennea and all chronic d;i subject to women. MEN'S PRIVATE MASCS i blood and lost manhood. axe THE BEST estbeansonlvare used. Extra care exercised in blending. (Cocoa shells and dirt are removed. Adulterations not permitted. Ose of most improved machinery. Standard of merit- our watchword . Endless watchfulness during manufacture. Cost no move than others. Dr. T. B. Ramsey, Successor to II abseil & Kutnsey SURGEON DENTIST Office over Schawe & Wels, Corner lutn and Main Streets. Nltrns Oxide Gas Given. Personal. Will tbs lady wbo tell in a swoon last Thursday, la front of tbs postoffloe, call at our store? She suffers from bilious ness. Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepsin will ursly curs br. H-ild by Leroy Farmer. Up 1-ate Last Xurht? Tbs. you don't teel Just tb. best today Dr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsi a Is vers effective for sick headache, biliousnes or disordered stomach. Bold by Lroy rarmsr. U-2m2 Not a Itissentinir Vote. A perfect laxative! Thai Is lb. unan Imoua verdict ot the people wbo use Dr Caldwell'. Hyrnp Pepsin.. 003 and $100 sues. Boia uy beroy rarmsr. li-zml Notice of Dissolution. Tin firm of Collurd & Hledsoo Is thlf (lay llssf.lved hy mutual consi'iit. I). E. (.'olliird will continue the business and assumes all del.ts and oblla-slton. COI.LARUA Hl.KUSOC, The business will lie ronilurted hereafter by t. K. (Xillard. We Solli'lt the patmuaKe of fie publlr.. HpK-tfully, 1). K.COI.I.ASV) Leibiium. Mo., November K, llsil. II-9UU If you cannot call, write for our svmptoin sheet and we have had jr success in our home treatment. We carrv with us all instruments kn1 the profe.xsion of p.eifect diagnosis ami treatiiK'iit, such as X-ray. b.iW til.leics, stifavs. etc. ( .ll I .mil sec nor rr..,l..!i l:il nml luiomals. Remember Our Free Offer l:or This Visit Oniy. Supply Your Table From our splendid stock of Gro ceries. Every article carried Is iresn ana prices the very lowest Prompt Delivery. Eggleston & Ewinpr. Cigar Clippings granulated and coarse 30 - Cents , a Pound - 30 HINESLEY'S SMOKER ieo. I. 5mitl?, D. I. 8, VETERINARIAN, Phone 117 Lkxinoton.Mo. C S Mitchell & Son FEED STORE The best and cheapest line of feeds HfPViD,,IlxlnKtonmat he franklin BtFecd Store. Wr An a elpangc business with the farmers xoKheat or com. Our Flour la the uu me iurci. rnofte 179, unmw. w"! ail1 wmtmn imMwiMiiiisswwspssjsya ScKSOML wSi Harris-Anderson Lumber 0 GIVES YOU TIIF, Best Grades at Lowest Prices BEFORE BUYING SEE J. J. RHODES, M'GU, W. W. CORSE, M'Q'R., Wellington, Mo. Lcxington t