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The Lexington intelligencer. [volume] (Lexington, Mo.) 1901-1949, December 14, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063623/1901-12-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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as'q Ilitflf ileal Scatty
No 47
XMAS 1901 I XMAS 1901 ,
Q i : : I
B .
I" Cash buying has accomplished the most startling results as these marvelously low prices on Holiday Novelties plainly .j
I testily. There is going to be a run for these and somebody is going to be left. Don't Let That Somebody be You. j
S1.50 "Books for 98c.
Alice of Old VioceDoes.
Anne Scarlet.
A Summer Hymnal.
D'n and I.
David llaruru.
I"ben Ilolden.
Eternal City.
Gentleman from Indiana,
U chanl Carvel.
Uight of Way.
Ralph Mitriow.
Sky rilol.
Stringtown on the Pike.
Sister Teresa.
To Have and to Hold.
Tempting of Father Anthony
; Trtslame of Blent.
I Truth Dexter,
j Uncanonized.
! Voice of the People,
j Man from Glengarry.
Helmet of Navarre.
Jack Raymond.
Janice Meredith.
Llon'a Whelp.
Master Christian.
Monsieur Deausire.
New Canttrbery Tales.
Puppet Crown.
In the Wake of War.
Joan of the Sword Head.
When Knighthood was In Flower
The Conspirator.
The Alabaster Box.
The Fourth Generation
The Isle of Unrest.
Question of Conscience.
The Victor.
Warwick of the Knobs.
Ben Hur.
Second Book of Verse.
Little Book of Western Verse.
St. Elmo.
Love Lyrics.
Troy Lover.
Life of Win. McKinley.
Lovo the Harvester.
Oxford Bibles, the Sunday school teachers ed.tion a regular
$1.50 edition for $1.00.
m nicelv bound bandy volume clashes which will be sold
nt 1 5u 'i for 25c.
1 1 g jj
i3 mm Mk$h- t
o) M .,A S
I o f it X
330OKS !
$1.00 Books for 50c.
Pride of Jeonico.
The Celebrity.
Jessamy Bride.
Sensational Tommy.
The Sowers.
Caleb West Master Diver.
Tom Grogan.
A Gentleman Player,
Philip Winwood.
The Gadfly.
Via Crucis.
By Right of Sword.
The Martian.
The Adventures of Franeois.
The Manx Man.
Choir IovUible.
A Lady of Quality.
In Connection with the De Wil-
loughby Claim.
Forest Liovera.
Sorrows of Satin.
The Soul of Lililh.
Prisoner ol Zenda.
Soldier of Fortune.
200 Hentv books for boys, all the new and late titles, beauti
fully bound in buckram, a regular 50c book for 25c.
50 Mrs. Meads stories for girls the regular "5o book for 49c.
Illustrated gift books cloth bound with ornamental cover
stamped in gold and two colors such titles as The Story of Hia
watha, Evangeline, The Courtships of Miles Standish ana The
Princess, regular $1.00 edition for 49c.
The Ellis books for boys, durably bound in linen with special
dewn in ink and eold, regular I5c books for 49o. Such titles
as Down the Mississippi, Lost in the Wilds, Red I'lume, Tad or
..n..ttin.T 1,'onn" with Him. IId the TaDaios, A Waif of the
"Mriuii f .
Mountains, Life of Kit Carson, Lost in Samoa, Off for Hawaii.
A large lino of juvenile books as usual from lo up.
Toys, Toys, Toys.
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
M i.imc iirclmrrna Ixmrds.
Chllils' toy dlsher
Mum ilv rockers
Hobby hoiscs
Null culis and u carts...
. to it oo
4.V ami '
, ft 4s mill 1 lw
V I (i IK'
.from 1: t" fl-W
. (or.
Toy wiufoiis, Hie Ilk' Wlml
I'Mlils' toy liriHiius
Holl .-InilM
Holl rni'kliiK I'lialrs
liillilrru's nM-kliiU rliulrt up t.-
Holt liiimmiM'kH
Doll swings
Morns mid truinpi'ts
Tl:i kltrliPiis.
WiKili'y ilo)(s..
Iron stovi'H. .
S.tinl mills
.iA Itlld Ilk'
1IK- mill AV
,.KV mill i f
..tOi- miil'-;
Toy ,(!. mills HKMina
I.;irKi- toy wonili'li lulls o.
Uoll,.rtlrkclitini'S j
Toy ,ild Irons wid Ift.
Hliimtly llki-cut ,,
Wo,,t,.,. forts, with rapid dlsappeur .
KUli ,. ,
Klylnn m.u-ldnes an Interest UK autoniatlr
Mi'i'lianli'ul seals
Buttle ship -Iowa." liirue w-hmU-ii toy
Patent double splnnltiK tnis
rhlhlV wringers, Just like the hlK ones.
Nicely fin
ished drums,
from 2c up.
1 1 "ii hanks
t'hlhls' toy mops
All kinds of Iron trains, from.
Iron aiitomiilille
Toy lee ehest
Toy pianos
l ini.sl.eenikliioli! Iiouid ...
IMI hats
I.are sl.e saw liuek and saw
Ihiiins. from
Toy trunks
i;, 10e and
.liV up t '
,SV. 4'.ii
and We.
ol 7.1
...'Me I'D
It wouldn't be Xnias
without dolls and we
have made greater
preparations than ever
this year to supply the
demand for dolUt. Dolls
selected with an eye to
their wearing nualities
as well as looks. You
will tind bin' values in
dolls here.
China dolls from lc up.
Kid body dolls 10, 1"
and 2"ic.
Dolls worth 38c at 2"c.
Dolls worth liOc at 19c
Dolls worth 00 at 7oc.
Dolls worth l.'il at 98c.
. . ..r -.11 i,tn.1a frnm the little
nressca uous in an .,
ones at lie up to l!.o5. Doll hats. Doll
trunks, etc.
Silverware and Jewelry Novelties.
Nut pick sets J,
. ..ti ..J.r-.-tinners ""
Sterling suv ci hki --"n
-terlitiK silver va'."se tae
atrl tir silver
Embroidery scisson, sterling stiver handles
.. . 4'i till. 98. We are showing
1 excellent J ;-s: "all new and strictly
ctnriimr back iKV.ket combx ,- ''' l
Ste rl .ii j. ''lie k I . w-MUfu new
Itl'OOCIien aim i v-to .l
iiient. ..i....... ,-icks. "uaran-
Cood mcKie pi.""-"
The genuine Wm. A. Rogers high grade
silver plated tableware.
Carletoti pattern oyster forks put up in i
dozen Htlk lined box at l-"0 for the set
Carlton pattern cold meat forks (i9c
Gravy ladel, each in separate boxes C9c
Carlton pattern cream ladles 49c
Carlton berry or salad spoon, extra plate 98c
Carlton orange spoons with gold lined
bowl , ; i45
Tea spoons per set 98c, regular price 1 i
Scimeter blade knives and forks :t.o0 per set
of ti knives and (i forks.
Excellent values in cocoa and bone handle
' knives and forks at
48c, 7'ic, 98c and l.oO per set
Children's knife and fork: sets
.90c and 1.23
Over Son dozen ladies' and gentlemen's
handkerchiefs all at holiday prices.
Ladies all linen hemstitched handkerchiefs
j. .. .5c, 10c, l.ic ami -h.
Ladies' white cotton initial handkerchiefs
Our lines of line embroidered handkerchiefs
a 3c, IOC 13c. I'.lc and 23c are better values
than ever and we invite comparison with
others are showing.
Children's colored border handkhieh.
We have a special leader in men's white
cam irk- hanllkerchief. hemstitched on
which we are making a holiday price of 10c
'"".in- Hue of mulllers is inucli larger than
last season, and styled strictly l-to-date,
ranging in piice from 2.c up to - 00.
Carving Sets.
An article that can be used three times a
day and three hundred and sixty five days in
year, is certainly appeciateu as a umsiuids
present. While in market week before last
we bought a lot of line carving sets very
cheap. One of the big jobbers wanted to
close out his line before the holidays. We
have marked them at about the usual
wholesale price.
2 piece bird carving sets, 6 inch blade,
stag handles, German silver ferrules, at
3 piece carving sets, 9 inch blade, black
hard rubber hadles at L
3 piece carving sets, 9 inch blades, stag
handles, sterling silver ferrules at 3.00
2 piece bird carving sets, 6 inch blade, finest
clear pearl handles, sterling silver fer
rules -
3 piece carving sets, 9 inch blade, finest
clear pearl handles, sterling silver fer
rules Holiday China.
In addition to our regular line of china
we picked up lots of fancy china while on
thcjjlast trip east at much less than regular
.t a tnw ,l,l nio.-pu hpre and there
as we could jret them and have marked
everything very cheap.
We are showing the best values in china
on our 5, 10 and 23c tables that have ever
been offered to the people of Lafayette
Toys, Toys, Toys.
Ten pin set.-
Dominoes V, lOcandSie
Chci'kers 5e aud loc
Clieekcr boards with clu-ckers Me.
FoldlnKdoll lxds ".
Kindergarten' slates 10c
lOe card rii men 'e
Coal mine toy 25c.
lUe paint boxes 9c
Ilarmontciis 5e and 10i;
23 barrels of lamps bought
direct from the factory with
out any middleman's profit,
ranging in price for decora
ted goods from 98c to $8.00.
Beautiful line small night
lamps, 23c to t)9c.
Cut glass salt and pepper
shakers, 23c and 30c.
The stubborn klrklnit donkey
Tool chest! 230 10
Croklnolo tioarils t?e
Hardwood eoustiTS.
Shooting K-lU'ry Ufi(;
Alrrlllo, sliiKkshiit W'c
Repeating wir rlllr lit f l W), a ri'Kular 1.25 uir
Pianos, this lHumitlier stroiiRlino 2.Vto
Nicely furiiislitd table oroiiuet 4e
Observatory, a vwy InterestlnB top. at $1.00
i.'ii.iuwJ ilntrs. Dies anil rabbits 5e and 10c,
Silk balls
Uublier balls, all slies un'd colors, from 5 to
to 4UC.
Rubber rat t ton 1'
Rubber did Is -let" 2"c
Special va lue.i hi Iron fire eiiclne and hook
and ladi'K-r wapms at 2.V, 4!icand EHe
1 run trains is another stronK line In our toy
department tills season; splendid values.
lU 10c t o use
Iron pile driver anil derricks aro very lnter-
eslinK toys lit W
The wrest Ut. monkey and SinllliiK Turk are
splendid mcitalral toys ut -'
Iron cubs, -iirts ami drays lit ""'
Chililien's l-e cieatn freezers.
IM..1I.. imnUs 5c and hit-
Panoranimrum ul '5 d
Dolls fulilitijl lils,ust like inaiiima's...1.2"i
Fine line of 1 iw ornaments from le up
Iron wheel liarnnvs, si rone and durable.. .".V
I'lillds' willow rooking ehalrat
sn-el axle Iron Wiipms
7.V.SISC iiikI I -ITj. tl.iA and ff l.M
Kindly coronal 'the siw and makeup of
wagons with wliat yon see otln r places at
the same price . Tin- balance will be In nur
favo" we know.
toed for 1 year

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