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The Cash House Special oiler on Cloaks, Furs, Clothing, Overcoats, Boys' Suits, Hats and Caps, Silk Handkerchiefs, Midlers and Ties. We are going to oiler you Inducements all through our large stock of Dry Goods and Clothing which will contain many useful Christmas Presents. Make our store your headquarters while in town : iLre Tou Interested ia Christmas deeds? .intil Ladies' Coat Department. . . nm 1,,.,,- .. .! . 1 . Luilit'b J -' ls. ";" w"B "ic "i riicuin iniui, linru wiin qualitV mercerized haun, neauy '.rimmed with velvet and satin, the military back anil front, colors llaek, llne and castor; we have sold in at 5T.50. I'ur i uriMuiua pure im ti.js. I viies' H,,x Cat. in1'1"'8 lim? ade of good quality kersey and J with Roman bilk, tailor stitched, colors, castor, dark, red, navy and ,k worth $10.00. Our Christmas price 8b ys. Ladies 4'i inch automobile, satin lined, made of first quality, all wool . with unnlinnp and full nutria .nllnr. .Oimvimr new vrilM rV iniuu-. -i i " i - - - j . - i ..... i i...... i . i rtts worth r-.50, colors, casiur, uick, ume aim reu; you can ouy one Christmas at 9.0O. Our entire line jackets for children, Misses and ladies will be sold in is sale at about half price if you want a jacket; the price will be cut naif two for you. We are showing-the newest line of collarettes and scarfs, misses setts, lartfttt'S and UlUU W IUOIA.ii. iuu . umivc mult apjiiuiii iuli: 6 u friend than a nice set of furs. Uur price on them is from 1.00 to Handkerchiefs, We have a large assortment of handkerchiefs for men, women and dreo, silk, linen, embroidered, silk mufflers. Price from lc to 5c, 10c, J5c and 50c. Clothing. Men's clay worsted suits, well made, fancy lining, new designs in raised cord effect, come in black, all sizes. Price per suit 82.98. Men's fancy worsted suits', comes in blue anl brown checks, all sizes; they cau't be matched for the money by any other clothing house in the couuty; you have seen your neighbors wear suits they have paid $7.50 for; you can buy one during this sale for $3.98, We bought 50 suits from a Cincinnati clothing house at about one half of their value; we cleaned up all the suits left from several lines; they come in worsted, cassimer and cheviots and were good enough to bring 810.00 but what there is left of them you can buy a Christmas suit for $5.00. Black and blue cheviot suits we are going1 to show you the bes all wool cheviot suits you ever bought for the money, if you cau't save $2.50 on this suit don't buy it. We will risk your judgment on this suit. Our price is 57.00 We have a large line of men's suits, worth 810.00, $12.50 and $15.00. Any suit bought during this month will give you a 10 per cent reduction ou it; this is a special offer and you should not miss this opportunity if you need anything in suits. Rov's suits, sizes 4 to 8, go in this sale at 75c. 25 boy's suits, 5 to 14 years, knee pants, worth $1.75 to $2.00 will be sold for Christmas presents, 51 25. We are showing the nicest line of boy's J piece suits to be found in the citv; we have them as low as 81.50. . Overcoats. Our bUck and blue black beaver overcoats have been a revolution in overcoats in lligginsv'lle: we have hardly been able to supply the demand on them but what there is left of them you can still buy all sizes, $5.00. Overcoats, made of all wool kersey, and you have been paying $10.00 for them; here is where we can save you dollars on your overcoats; make yourself a Christmas present, buy one of the CASH HOl'SK all wool kersey overcoats at $3.00. Have you seen our new yoke overcoat? In our last purchase we bought some new things in yoke overcoats; you have never seen oue for less than $15.00; we will sell you the new designs on December sale at ij..ii. Men's lnntr ulster overcoats our stock is some what broken but we have some ifood thinifa left. A loug ulster overcoat will cost you W 83 50 and $10.00. You can t match thera in value ior me money county. Hats for Men and Boys. Our hat department is one of the strongest lines we carry. We buy our hats direct from the Wabash Manufacture and we save $3.00 on every dozen hats we buy; this profit we are going to make a saving to you, we will show you all the new shapes in Kredora.golfer, crush, Columbus,rasha, Dakota and stiff; the new shades are in black, steel, brown, pearl and otterthis is going to be one of the best hat sales of the season we will offer our entire line of fur hats worth $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades in this sale so vou can afford to get yourself a Christmas present. Listen to the price, 98c, we .50, t the i : We are showing all the new shapes in men's neckwear in four-in-hands, i , MU Willi mic 1 in. tr. or Qr..i t,,iBa miff. imnflri&lH. tck. bows and strinir ties. Wo think the --i ; AA. era ni.otilv na thin Kt&SOrt. l'riue. IOC. I5C, i&C. 6,iG fl I f lYM 11 IT A WriC UOll DU uiv.vvaa ' and 50c, It takes time to think and it takes plenty of it; if you think right you can't afford to spend your money for Xmas Goods unless you get your money's worth. We always have the most useful presents for the least money. Yours for business. t J. T. WILLIS,- Hizffinsville. Mo. X oo . iiAiiiiAAt.ttiMmtttvT U NT Y NEWS .... . .. . 1 u hut mirohflKeri lOti : n I JJI. 1 Ihrn Vianlnln nt t.hp u. ...!..,. Hill.!.. riiirmtimr eiKii i jum'uii iiuc iiiw .. itev. auu s aiuiu, uciji,u . i i. i,.cr,.w mines hai the number 21 i of the suburban addition . Miiitarv ar.ademv at Or- l " wra :. .. . . . ; f 7. Evamrelical church . ' 7, ' , iQINSVILLE HAPPIiNINUS. Wimiof iKiver was here Wed- lliuler spt'iit Sunday In I'lwinlMTlin was in Lexingtion Smith of was here l ijrtoii of Dover was in town t Pointer of Dover was here Hutehason is on the sick list ; Jones of Mayview was in f-Nlav. fXeerofnear Lexington was iiiiesdav . r Krerking of Corder was Tuesday. At of Odessa is visiting rela- thic t,- ...t.j ii , . . Kinrheloc of Mavview was in I; Tuesday. Vnton of Kansas City spent ;n tins city iiruminonds of Mavview spent in our citv. El Dorado Springs. Miss Luhi iC-K,k hasiuveptc,! a ,.o-1 - ' , r (lf )lls left j near the German Kal liun dLk wbo wa8 the guest of his SU;;;:w.,hC. W. Hutehas,.,, for the li:UM, bil),ly t, and n.s.ied XX " Z Capture, of W. M. A., left IiHiner of lvie City was ; hf re Monday. I M:uv Sliawel of Aullvilc was I i here Tuesday. Stilting liiade a business trip KsUty M;mday. Rhine of U":inLS C'ltv Silent I here wiiu his wife. rUroonies and wife of Aull- in town Monday. Beach made a business trip City Wednesday. 1:l Hickman spent Thursday llV In I.' fill.. i ' in nanism Vyin. 1 1'. Taylor of Blackburn was PPi? here Saturday. Maliel Powell of Concordia was "asviiic visiUir Thursday. ;i Johnson shipped a car load - n.iiisiis viiy 1 uesaay. :'W shipped a mixed load oj Kansas Citv Wednesday. I)owning entertained the ""tir uu n Tiiesdav evening. j " Slcystcr of Kansas City is ,lf J. II, Petering and l'h of Huckner w;w in this city He was on his way to lako iLllll I 11-1 Wlonl r..lMI'll- lilV oveninir fr.ivi o trln t,o fl iiwiii u 'J' K. W Holland and C. A. Keith made a business trip to Lexington Wediie.lav. Miss Mvrtle Carter entertained the 'Hound Itobin Ueatling Circle" Sat unlay afteriitKin. Miss Davis of Waverly and Miss l'arris of Louisville Ky. are visiting Mrs. Julia Layne. Mrs C. E. Walton returned Wed nesday evening from a two weeks visit at Salisbury. i Ed Searfoss of Smith villc is assis UingT. L. Heach the jeweler during , the Holiday trade. R. (). Hickman came from South Carolina Tuesday morning to spend a week with nomeioiks. l'rof. W. C. Sebring is quite ill this Iweek. and Miss Anna Me Daniel is I teaching senior classes. Miss Carvev of Odessa was here Monday. She was on her way home from a' visit in Aullvilie. Mrs. II. 0. C.raham returned Mon day evening from a few days stay with relatives in lilackhuin. The Ladies of the" Christian Church gave their annual Nazal' December 1 12-14 in the Neale Building. I Mis. W. A.l'raecklein, and Misses i 1..' ' . c.iimi.wpr iind Edna llein- I l I'll tnv V ii ,, I hard! attended "The (irand Opera in Kansas City Jiontm Mi.vs Mat tie Burgess of St. Joe a a ,icciim!irv from India trave reiuiocii iiii.TT."."" -j , an interest inH lecture at the Christian Church Sunday morning. WELLINGTON AND VICINITY (BY I.KAI.MA.) Dr. J. A. Mann was in Kansas nitv Friday n..m lircemher 7th, to the wire oi "" " , Walter Sleigall, a ooy n)K.rr. T,lnss was sixipping ill I a In Kansas city nauinwy, i. t rv.n nnd wife were shop JOUII u. w , nlnir In Kansas City lnursua Zach W. Wright, of Kansas, had business ncic Mrs 1? D. Bagland visited relatives lnKJnsl:siitvTVsdayand Wednes- dav. . . .... . GeorL'C L. Mann and lamu), oi utorh -0ia,ives here Osceola, were vimum the first of the wcck i .1 1 ! ii nnnnke. William Brewer. II L. Mann. James Kinkead, Henry ami August. Ilocklage and II. J.Thur : iiuio uric in Kansas Ciiv Wednesday. Tin. Missouri l'acilic railroad now h:is :i steam shovel and train making a dwelling house in a short time. Anntiior nhntocrranhcr arrived Mon- rlav fur a few davs' stay here. This is quite fortunate ior me unwrciuio, even fellow can have his picture taken ana maKC a uo.l-h m ui for home Tuesday afternoon. Clarence Kinney announces to bn friends in the county that in addition to the transter business he condiictsa-first-class feud stable. Lowest rate and best service. l' has a steam shovel and t ram making d suprcmeiy happv, all for ten cents, at dirt till under 1 he trussel work at the C1fristm4 east end of the bridge over uie nig' Sni creek. II S Kinkead Sr , who has been ,,o,. f,.,.i,i(. fur some time ill Inde pendence, was brought, down to the farm of his son. James L. Kinkead Friday morning. Mrs. Mat tie Albin.of Independence, i. ...... 'I'l.iMil.iv from a visit en lomi: mum:, j .!.. , - t,. f,-i-,ric in llii'Hnsville. stopped i,... f.. f..w davs stav with tne family of C. ( Kinkead. minium AND Does your horse "feel his oats"? What a difference be- tween the grain-led ana tne erass-fed horse! The first strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak and tired nut before he begins. The feeding makes the difference. Children arc not alike either. One is rosy, bright-eyed, full of life and laughter, anotner is . m mi . 1 pale, weak and dull, i ne ieea- ing again is responsive. Sickly children neea special feeding. They don't "feel their oats". Scott s fcmuision aaas just the right richness to their diet It is like grain 10 mc horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. Scott s bmulsion is more A Kentucky Cardinal. TsJnimiiViQiiinilirnr the Inclement ... .oihnro lnrufl ftiid'ipnoe creeted Miss .w,L. .. - r, r . i n. Crtilka nmQDnl ATlnn Off f rrtlHIcB UUWCII llltiii o jiivDv...".. jabiesLane Allen's deservedly popular . i. ,i ... i J 1. -. . L. Tbe excerpts were iusub uy mo reader herself, and were most suitablo in length nd selection lor me ouch- c.n niw two cnnraciers weie uui irajed, Afiam and Georgians; me former earnest, thoughtful and devoted in his love of nature; me inner im pulsive and capricious yet tender and sincere Miss Smith's impersonations were, as her instruction among pupils has nlways been, free from the exaggera .... n,i inn fi'pnnentlv and unforlu- . C3 IUU. fcw " 'J l lti anlaro Intfl plonntionnrv efforts. lim1) . f. ... hlirhlv effective in its simplieilv ntu II. fc". J - . and clearness, showing that tbe reader . .1 t r. .1 llin hal a clear concepuou ui ou "' nnriuroinnil whnt she read, and U v .ii. uii-"- made ucorresponaingiy inieinn"" ' .Unamh. liclPnflH At the close of the programme the audience was expressive of lis appre in onnntnnpnns and continued npplause; in response to the demands nf WDlCn WWS OOJIII1 loiuincu bum Indpr Uifuculties." u(j c vuui fc f' .... . n (fa ra rt a . i.nK nt tthin.h MpRsrs. Conrad uei-" cbuu nd Stark played a choice ensemme i hp, i; ma or aunma iui Bnt wi - - . Piano and Violin. AUCTION Oa Wednesday, December 18, j Hiss Todhunter Honored. Boonvlllc Uemoerat. During the past few days tbe oeau titul home of Colonel and Mrs. John Elliott on Main street has oeen me ftl pfttherioffs o! Bceuv ui ww r"- d t more than ordinary import io honor of Miss Elliott Todhunter, a charming nd brilliant young lady of Lexington, , Tk first nf thn functions took place on Wednesday afternoon of tba past weexwrieniDiriy-uvo juuus of i he town were invited In to meet Miss Todhunter. Tbe second was on Mondav evening when several married iu. . Mm. Elliott's euerts. IUU" nv.w Enjoyahle and entertaioing features of .1 fJ Ti- k a strnno" ii uvemmr were me nciiai.i " tnan iu. - .?i " , m;. TnHh..,ltpr who is an ... . J..1I IUC "' medicine. Tj. --...-.r. r Hull ,ut-" ' . ui... i - . t - r n i i iiii .1 ul UMa 1 : rurn unnn v vii n t ,.t. Mvors. of near IlCllVy. I ' ' .iiu u thn ..vimo. rppltinth mmtv is visits her sister, children, puts new nesn on uuu , ,.., Mrs. John i'. ilu r, I'1. WWW -i m :l tl? I were IliinsviHc visiUtrs 'aldweli and sister, Miss I "over were visitors here I.' v 'Jriiiies and dauj:liter i i returned last Fridav 'from a tli'rce weeks' visit to hor old home in Warren county. Kohert Mann was q"e flck with pneumonia synipu.. is se, . . Uekjiutisnowabletoheout aain. ....... untw iificra sliot't visit to lis neiee, i-"-- - returned to his home hi VWmn county, Tuesday. , i, i, ..ui :it the M. r. Serv ees win "vi . . ,i . . .. ..... ,rniw lnornini; iul cliuivn .-.limn, """'- ,: .uti.r eveninir. Uev. K. J V1""' ' r . . i most Nawcai as wbii o " o tpA t-ilnod into Pale iini,.Uu with an ease and charm Uliv. i;u (.-- ..... ... . l,. kua.ora il.CHh i i i .. inn. i nil i. n i ..- 1 1 1 i in hi i.. ones. It maices cnnareu K. u. - r recited her ed CIrntt's Emulsion makes Ordl- a 8pecial lavoiite of the guests. Miss vJi.ui.vo ......... !. .i ... r i .mil Mrs nary tood do lts,110tt ,ni ore o( ihdrkinoiwhom duty. 'they are justly proud. Aside from her This picture rppresems nnium c. um... the Trade Mark of hcott s j, bipmy eaucaiea anu pussi-oa vi.. i.-..i.;n omi ii on the Tn.Lt. t.innal ni.wcrs tbat make ber llll u UTi"" - mi"-" r . mm imm wrapper of every bottle. Send for free umpte. SCOTT & HOWNE, 409 Tearl St., New York. 501: ard $1. all druggist. n.inahlt ncnii'mition to societv. U'T 1 Irlnnrla In Uoonville wish her ; .i.;ia hirn In the future to be mote 'frequent. Delightful luncheoo In I courses were seivcd by caterers on 1 both occasions. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon we will start to sell the hal- j ance of our stock of . . . Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. And all other goods at Public Auction to the highest bidder. Sale Will Continue 10 Days As on December 28th I give possession of my Store Room to Mr. Henry Sinauer who has rented it. Be on hand early and Late to Secure Bargains. Show Cases, Window Fixtures, Safe and other store fixtures (or sale, PHILIP KELLER Thos. E. chinn, Auctioneer. i " '-"M.urnav evening imm IKK Vhi.. ...I... in charge, will (K-eupy Mie pmp wiui ner jKirrniHin