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4jlMMMII1tlttT1t t ItTTimillllll D. W. n.TKVIS Vice Pre. ' ii nuiiiiiiiniiiuijuu I U. WAKuELL J Cashier. j f .11 D BASKIN LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. :AID UP CAPITAL, - - - $50,000 Doe a I eneral banking bualnesa. Solicits account. Liberal aocommodatloni to customer. DIRECTORS ,CH0LSOK WU RANKIN JOHNEKVLANb WALTEK B WADDBLL g HOFFMAN A O VOL'NO I w n TKVIS STOCKHOLDERS I ,trBl"l .( Barton ; Duke. Curator uoi Bradley M Chapman II Hoffman Rilful Toung Alice W Wlngate A 0 Young Henry C Wallace J no K Kyliind MrsS Kenlck Hot tic W Smith C E Chapman R A Wallace W o MeCausland J Q. Chambers O A Krlchn Henry llatnkel B F Nicholson L OChapnmn 1 juiiiinnnn n 1 1 ii t nm nfiiliifio,oooooilxKiCMac iUMBBR, LUMBER! BOTTOM DROPPED OUT OF PRICES. tare a few prices that will convince yon that the bottom lias dropped: 2x4s, 2xfls, 3.8s and 2n10s per thousand ft. S12.50 12 inch box boards per thousand ft. - - l3.r,o ''cueing, and 0 inch, per thuuMtinl - - - 14. oo Star A Star red cedar .shingles, per thousand 2.05 0 inch leveled siding, per thousand - - 12.r.0 rca r.v "10re tnan l,ese prices for lumber you buy at the wrong place Es-ti meat -:- Krccly Given t.uylne wo J. J. RHODES. M'in.iceri.f the Harris-Anderson Lumber Company. eating Stoves Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves, Cheapest and Best at 105 Lexington. Mo tl'SI.'ND. I'rcn. II. K. IIIKl-ANIi, Cathier. i.XV. .1. HM'SH Ell. Vh The Traders' Bank. LEXINGTON, MO. ID TJX CAPITAL $50,000. .i iIdi-6 a general hanking business and solicits the accounts ot corporations. ftm. Wuals. Collections will receive prompt attention. Liberal accommodations t. i -i FIELD, Phchi S, J. ANDKEW.Cahik GEO. M. CATKON, vice Prestaeut. KTF.KED JANUARY 2,10. Paid Up Capital. $50.CC0 . lorrison-Wentworth Bank, LEXINGTON. - MISSOURI, i General Banking Business. Liberal Accommodations to Regular Customer BOARD OF DIRECTORS; Mo. 8 J. Andrew. Charl-a Lyons, O.M.Catron, Jos. H l(K.n. i HUIam J. Morris, n Kdw. Marks, w. H. Mevenaon. Rufua Toung ANNOUNCEMENT. As St, Louis is rapidly growing to bo more of a financial water, this space is reserved for one year to portray the overal departments of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company, located at N. W. Cor. Fourth and Tino Streets, ono of the larjost financial institutions doing a general Trust Company business under the laws of tho State of Missouri. WATCH THIS SPAM OR WRIT! FOR FULL PARTICULARS. Ill NSURANCE. Prooertv inQtirpH nr- . t v , 1 y tenant or owner. wntten in nny town in Will com and make : inspection, and name :Pn application. Will E anything. Write or n him at office in IV Ml ESTATE IV ! . in Lexington. Farms HoURf"; tn rpnt II , Ve any real estate, to Rce it ; u: I ii ins nanus 'iiu , mi sale. Office in W I Will) Kill, I. WINKLER tNl'ill i COMPANY H AHCrAOTORIRS ARO OIALIRSI FURNITURE. ARB PA1PARID TO DO ALL IIBD8 Of Turour, Planing Scroll Stw ng, Etc. We aisokeepcoustsntlyon bund Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. Metallic and .Wooden Burial Casts Always on hand. They respectfully usk the attention of all to ho articles of their manufacture, pledging thotnselnes to sell as cheap as uen artlc'ri can bo bought. Winkler Furniture Co. BREVITIES OF FUN. Did it take you long to write it?" ed his admirer. The great nov elist shook his head. "On the con trary, it simply flowed from my tjpe-wriler."-Town Topics. What Did He Mean? "Oh, fa ther," exclaimed the hudding poet, bursting into the library, "1 had a poem published." "Serves you right," snapped the father, without looking F iium nis dooic. Ohio State Jour nal. He Knew He Didn't Know. "What is this negro problem that so many people are writing about?" "I don't know." "Then you have a de cided advantage over the writers who think they know and don't." Cleve land Plain Dealer. Mr. Goodman "Your little play mate stems sad." Willie "Yes, sir. He had ter stay home from school yistid'y-" "The idea! And he's sad on that account?" "Xo.sir; it's because he had ter come back ter school to-day." Philadelphia Record. BUSINESS CARDS Abstracter, Loan Insurance Agent rno and City Property lor sale or rent MONEY TO LOAN. Vlll loan money on improved farm landt at 6 and 61 per cent interest. Office front room over Tevis' drag store, Lexington, Mo. J (i. WORTHINOTOH. WW m Ilotlick ' V mir Ann "KTf ma )nct night in the leg, and I want to know wnat you are going to do about it." Lambley "Oh, I sha'n't do anything, unless the dog should come down with some disease. In that ease, of course, 1 shall hold you responsible." Bos ton Transcript. Polite Sarcasm. Mr. Tightfist "I'm always willing to help a deserv ing unfortunate. Here is two cents; now don't spend it for drink." Tramp "Certainly not. If I don't buy a ticket to Florida I'll surely purchase a set of winter flannels." Chelsea (Mass.) fiazette. Realistic. Mamma "For good ness sake, Elsie, why are you shouting in that disgraceful fashion? Why can't you be quiet like AVillie?" El sie "He has to be quiet, the way we are playing. He-'s pupa coming home late, and I'm you." Philadel phia PlTSS. APPEARANCES DECEPTIVE. Strauuet's Actions Were Suspicious, But Ha Was No Pickpocket. A lady was on one occasion riding in a tramcur with a considerable' amount of money in her pu!c At one of the stopii;'.;ts n man came into the car; she in.-tantly tame to the conclusion that he must be a pick pocket. When he sat down beside her the thought of her well-filled purse, and at once resolved to watch him. Suddenly her suspicious neigh bor put his hand down at his side. She felt it slide down until it touched her purse, and instantly she put her hand down and seized the stranger by the wrist. He did not struggle, and she was in some perplexity as to what she would do next, but she thought that if he should attempt to get away she could at least shou that she had him by the wrist with his hand in her pocket. She said afterward thai she could not tell why she did not give an alarm at once, but :-he sat quietly, waiting for her neighbor to make the first move. They rode in this way for some distance, when, to her amazement, the stranger, at one of the stoppages, prepared to rise. "If you will let go of my arm, mad am," he said, with the utmost cool ness. "I will get out." He' half iom as he spoke, and, to her utter confusion, the lady discov ered that his hand, instead of being in her pocket, was thrust into the pocket of his own ulster. The gar ment hung down so that his hand had pressed against her purse with out being in contact with it, and she had been holding him by the wrist with no apparent excuse whatever. She was overcome with confusion, but managed to say that she had thought his hand to be in her pocket. The stranger smiled and went out, while a gentleman near by leaned forward to say: "Don't vou know who that is, mad am? That is Rev. Mr. " The lady's feelings may, as the old authors used to say, be better imag ined than described. London Tit Bits. Atbletic Notts. Mrs. liarnaby Alexandc-r the other day cleaned two rooms, from ceiling to floor, taking up carpets and doing all the work herself Alt hough she had never been coached, Mrs. Andy Smack, the bride, boasts of making ten gallons of tomato catsup in one morning Professionalism enters into the work done by John Sandy and daughters, and coaching and good team work are responsible for the fact that they were recently able to do a week's ironing in two hours ....Luther Dickerson, 77 years of age, has handled 80 cords of wood twice in the past two months. Atchi son Globe. MIME, mom SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. ---rlnW V 1 11 KANSAS CITY 17! FAST HE..5 TT M 1 ,WABASH VJLX5ZM3 4.JEiS3UEt4' jf pJjjj Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br. VIA Ae-. WEST BOUNPTKAIN8. ,n No. 71. No. 73. jpwwjBjJwyri Leave St. I mils 7B:nil :lfpm 'Pr'J -vS " Arrive Steualtii .... 1 ! na 5:.iaiu U H f" ?! VfT " C'oiimrrtiu 4:tiJmi ilB j H VM 17 Anllvlll.i 4:'i"ium tl:i'4um M k " J a A V,-'''; n ill ..6:ilP 8:IOu foi-K.yfr&KVVlr ... jiiipra J:l?H,n M&M. ... 5::Hom 7 :-': ni "iW'S''-t &&MT ...vmpm 7:3.1am I-mJ . 5:47 pin 7:4i nta . .. il:4r, prn X::tSiirn :.' ,.. 7:l.'i)i') !):il.'inni TO l:il.r pin LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. ABSTRACTS OF TI1LE MADE, VI1I loan money on improved farm lands ai . and 514 per cent Interest OFFICE IX IIRLE BUILDING. Dr. J.W. Meng Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. CTRON & TAUBMAN, LBXINQTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, mi ESTATE INSURANCE, MONET TO LOAN Have the only complete set of Ahctrnct U'H-nrd of Title to the Lands of Lafnvone Cout:ly. OFFICE in HERE BUILDING J L. PEAK, SURGEON DENTIST; MASONIC BUILDING, Lexington, . - Mo Needed in Every Home .... Nothing is productive of more happiness in the family than a good Sewing Machine and THE SINGER is the best machine on earth. It is always in order and can be depended on, to do every kind of work. If you are interested, write or send word to L. W. BRELSFORD, Local Agent, Lexington Mo. Dr. T. B. Ramsey. Buccessor to Hassell & Ramsey SURGEON DENTIST Olfice over Schawe & Weis, Corner IOth and Main Streets. Nltras Oxide Gas Given. G S Mitchell & Son FEED STORE The best and cheapest line of feeds kept in Lexington at the Franklin St. Feed Store. We do a general exchange business with the farmers for wheat or corn. Our Flour is the best on the market. Phone 179 Cigar Clippings granulated and coarse 30 - Cents a Pound - 30 HINESLEY'S SMOKER Supply Your Tabic From our splendid stock of Gro ceries. Every article carried is fresh and prices the very lowest. Prompt Delivery. Eggleston & Ewing. Ceo. I. 5T.itr;, D. I. S, VETERINARIAN, Pnonein Lexington, Mo DR. W. E. ECKLE, Burfreon Dentist, office tn Hearle Building Eleventh and Main tercets, Lexington. MM lourl Ihaortl St. louls ve SfKiiiliii . Concordia Aullvillo IliK'insville I'niiM City Lexington Mri.:k Wellington WlltlTltlO. Napoleon Independence Kiinsii.s City St. Joseph DAILY EAST ROUNIl TRAINS. No. 74. Leave St Joe ::( pm ' K 'ill-its City .V. lupru " I in. (XMiileiiee n pm ' " Niipoleon 7:08 pin ' Waterln .. 7:14 pm " Wellington 7:.'i pin ' Myriek 7:1") pin ' Lexington 7: twpm " Pane t'trv :1 pm " HilDfllKVillO S 21 pm ' Auliv.Ue f:3'' pm " Concordia 8: 4! pm ' .Hdiilia -10 : mil St l imlu 7 : 10 tim Special niteH to Kiuiaus City every evening iind Sunday. East 8-50 am. 9:4.'i am lOMiA am UCHO am 11:00iiii;. 2:1a pm.... rilEIQIITrt. Leaves Lexintrton..., PiiireClty... " H!)fiiinvllle.. " Anllville ' Ciiiicorlla.... " Scdiilia No 73. h:2,'i am tl urn 7:4" am 7:44 am 7 mil S:ii:l .in: 8:0im ri'Utiam H:i; am 8-47 Hm il:n2 ii in lll.ll.'i inn H mi pin Siituruny West .1::Vam 2:5" pm 2 2.r pm 1 :lu pm 1 :ln pin 10:40 am 3am Antonio. VIA VACO, S. A. 4. A. P. and SOU. PAC AND TO AUSTIN, Via ELGIN AND H. AT, C. Daily, except Sunday. Jefferson City, Boouville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILT KXC. SUNDAY. No. 72. No. 71. Leave. Arrive. 7:1. am Lexiiirton 5:11 pin 8:2 am Myriek 4:4S pm 8: Mum Nortlirup 4:1! pm fl :10 am Hover 4 (HI pm tt:27 urn Kdwards 3:115 pm !l:.8am Waverly 3::m pin ll;:Klam Marshall. ... 1:15 pm 2;2am noonvllle 3:x pm 4 45 pm Tipton 4 :45 pm Read down. Head up. SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington! No. 26 (dally) 7:45 a. m Trains leave North Lexington; No. 23, Express (dully) 7:.Wa m Main Hue trains pass Lexington Junction OOINd EAST. No. S, (dally) 8, an. 2, 6. 4. ):19 am Hi:oo a m 7:'.r p m 8: a") p m 3:47 u m " California Limited OOINQ WEST. (dally) s:.Vium " California Limited.... lar.iiam " li;tO a m " I2:.7pm ' 6:4U p m J. I). Easter. Jr.. Agent. W J. Black.G, P. A.,Topeka, Kas, No. 1. " 8. 19, Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hlgglnsvllle as follows! west Bound. No, 5, 8t. L, and K C, mall 5:45 am 7, Calif, and Col. limited 7:40 am u HI, Hlgglnsvilleand K. t: accom. 7:55 am " IS, St. Louis and K C. mHll 4:Hopm " lit), Local freight and accom 9:47 am east bound. No. 14, 8t. L. and K. C. mull :47 am ' B", K. C.and Higginsvlllcaeoom. 7:1" pm ' 10, Calif, und Col. limited 7:3"i pm " 12, St. L and K. C. .null 10:57 pm " lis. Local trclubt and accom 12:4."i pm W. 8. LYONS,.TIcket Agent, Telephone No. 50. Through Tourist Sleepers CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" -TO- St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City. ALL TRAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS.' ERlftPUljAI LROAD PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN CHICHESTER'S EfiSUSH PEflMYiJOYAL FILLS Huff. Alwavn relliible. I.artle.. cut rirncKlst for '! iii:st:k'n i:N;I.ISII In Kr1 and 4iild uit'Uillic Ihixcs, maleU with blue ribbon. Take n.i .rllier. Kefutto diiiiKerciu. hmIn(i lutloni.nd lintlnllunH. UiiynryourlimcKin, ur win! 4c. in tttnmpi for Parllrular. Tefl ninnlal ami "Keller for l.nillo.." in kttrr, by relurn nll. 10.000 Teslmionirtls. Sold by all UruKKixta. CH'CBESTER CHEMICAL 00. 100 IHadUon Nqaan, 1111 LA., PA. Hwitioa thl papuk AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LY0N8. Passenger and Ticket Aifent.Hlgglnsvllle.Wc' Oko.J.Ciiaklton, 0,:1'.4T. A., Chicago,'!), A RARE CHANCE. Having decided to close out mv bold IdrsoIuows and heifers, Rome 80 head, I offer lor wale one and all. My Hue com prise Shorthorns, Aogiises Herelurdd and Jersey mixed. All were selected wit!) reference to milk atraln, tormerly helm Id creamery business Some Twenty odd with calf at tout and balance to cnlve shortly. Prices ranging from fJo to fSO per head. Call on or address. Talbot Simpson, apr27year Anllville, Mo. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTOUNEV-AT-LAW. Lexington, Missouri. Office: Room band 10, Hatrle Building. ilQto