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i xinato fntelltaencer. LEXINGTON. LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1901. No 48 n heir pen irm ,. d IllSIiOIl X I to puton a sleeping car service, so that Ma man cao go to bed la Cleveland ai V opportunity tor Span- 3 the Missouri nere. olgbt and awaken In Detroit next morning, and vice versa. the ANOTHER INNOVATION IN STATE POLITICS at La been ms almost become a "cliest- flowever it U a busioess ques- ; ucli importance that it wl 1 petition udoo repetition until ;r:dge shall have oeeri ouiu. il would add thousands of dol- AMONG THE CHURCHES. As is usually ibe case the churches ot Lexington and their Sunday schools will Kive entertain oients of aooie kind In T() BUILD ELECTRIC LINES, honor of the coming of the season of "glad tidings of great joy. " At the Christian church the win ltd One of the Objective Points be a Christmas tree with appropriate is New System. musio and recitations, etc., by the lit tle -tolas; the Methodists will have a Christmas tree and a eift fur each of jears past the people of Lex- lne Sunday school scholars; at the have been endeavoring to German Evangelical church there will i bridge across the Missouri be appropriate musio by the choir, a this point-la fact therDrl!,lluBS lree aoU exere1 I bv the children : fit thn lniUl rhiirih discussed so much . . ,.. . . inure win oisu ue n Viin-Huias tree 10 gladden the hearis of the little folk9 with exercises characterizing the event. At the Presbyterian churcli a collection will be taken up for the Thornwall Orphannge in Soutn Carolina. In the primary room of the church the children will be entertained by their trade to this town annually teacher, Mrs. Ireland and there will be no Question aud every pos-a Christmas tree at Riverton under the - opportunity should be grasped aibed that tends in the direc- gitinn Lexington bridge con- o with Ray county. Is now on foot a scheme at L City to build a lot of Inter-1 electric lines and Joseph J. mt the head of the move. If illness men of Lexington and who are Interested In brldg- Lt Missouri here would effect an utloa, jam hands with Helm to work systematically and Id , something might be accom- IId the way of pushing to a summation this long wished prise. One thloii Is sure, tflstbat in lyipg dormant we her accomplish anythlog. I'm to the Helm scheme to . interurban electric rail- Vednesday morning's Kansas smal says: :bJ. neimsiild last night that ; before January 1, 1903, to .J electric railway In operation i Kansa9 City and Topeka, 'i Lawrence, and be expects j will prove so successful that i few years Kansas City will nected by Interurban lines ill the principal nearby cities ins In both Missouri and His plan Is first to build to Topeka. This done, Buchanan county Leads in a Call for a Conference of Democratic County Committees. CIRCULAR LETTERS SENT TO COMMITTEEMEN. Lafayette Committeemen Will Probably Not Attend Sensible Talk by Secretary Thornton. Sanford Thornton, secretary ot the democratic ceutral committee of Lafay ette county is in receipt of the follow ing letter, signed by S. P. Smith, chairman, and (Homer Osborn, secre tary of the Buchanan county committee: "St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 9 Dear Sir: There has been considerable agitation of the question of tbe organi zation of the county democratic central committees of tbe state. The objects of an organization of this character are numerous, a few of which are: Elec tion laws, laws governing primaties, bureau of literature, bureau of finance. for the election of a new county com mitlee, to take place on tbe 8tb of March, next, and that committee will have in charge the affairs of tbe next campaign. From a standpoint of log icai'deduction similar conditions exist in other counties, therefore I think tbe proposed St. Louis organization pre mature and ill-timed. In faol, it tends toward usurpation which can never be democratic in that present com mittees would assume to do the work and shape tbe policies of the commit tees that are yet to be created by an ex pression of popular sentiment through remaining members of tbe county com mittee to any given line of policy? Tbe proposition smacks strongly ot faree comedy. I believe that each cf only organization is able to take care of itself and as I am a believer in tbe democratic theory of local self govern ment I am opposed to innovations in our party machinery at this lime. especially by party representatives who have no right to make them." The Intelligencer failed to find Chairman Wilson, who is confined at his borne by Illness. The article in Tuesday morning's Republic, referred to in Mr. Thornton's interview is appended. It reads: 'Chairmen and secretaries of all the coumy democratic central cooinnueec in the slate have been invitea 10 gatnei in St. Louis December 80 and 31, lo perfect a state organization. A minor ity ot them have expressed tbe win in lake Dart in such a movement, and tin formal call for the meeting was issued yesterday by Chairman sterling i . Smith and Secretary tiomer vsuoro oi Buchanan county. I QB CUE 10 III. Lexington Lodge of This Order instituted Last Night NEARLY ONE HUNDRED MEMBERS. List of Those Who Took Part in Securing Charter. There was a big time In Lexington last night, the event having been the institution of a lodge of Elks for this place. The initiatory work was done by the Kaasas City lodge and lasted throughout the night Into the wee sma' hours of morn. With the Kaw lodge came Elks from other places and they br night more life to town I than has been visited upon Lexington for some time. It is an acknowledged The letter which has been sent to the fact everywhere, the world over, that . I. J I nnn-. mill ait In mi . 11 .1 1 uiK is a tuoromniurcu, uuu lull nl thn democratic committee in eaub county says that some' of the objects of the proposed slate organiza tion are to secure proper election laws A MERRY CHRISTMAS DEAR FRIEND : -- , be r To you, of your fami ly , if one of our .patrons, and to each mem with one , we send you be blessed son earnest Christmas greeting and in vour home may be - j - trouble enter to mar The Intel 1 igencer trust that the holiday sea- one of uninterrupted pleasure. May no i ,iul k hroni nisi . have ItlH'Ilt v-rav- 'noma1! isitq EE projects of the same kind will sidered. Mr. Helm already 1 iew a line from Kansas City Juseph, another to Liberty, ptB which point brauches will Lexington and Excelsior find one to Cameron, Mo. Helm returned yesterday h from Cleveland, Ohio, where rt several days ago. He made urIi study of the interurban piulng from Cleveland, where l,r now in operation, and three f uon to be built. Mr. Helm with their mantgers, rode be liiiiw ti, BtuHv tholr con- n unH !. . .i.rnnnh I aimnines of the church ei ran, and questioned many The doolie, will have a Chr atom. gdln the popularity of tree on Thursday evening J" -rvi, . .j .i.t m...0 and recitatious while the making money and that German Methodists w.U entcrta. the Cities Is .npldly Increasing, same evening wuu 'i'ory surrounding Cleveland, an appropriate song service a ludort i. ., i .jort i.i.nna m German and hnglisb. '''Durban railway as lhat To each church theIsTKi.u -i.NCKK c . ... rhristnias ana irusi 'isjs t.f nr iia rpt.nrnen wisnes uiej " is not unmindful of the welfare and comforts of its many friends and takes this method of renewing acquaintance with you since at this time a per sonal meeting is impossible. To use an expression in vogue by the earlier publisher in this grand old state; ''Our latch-string is on the out side;" so when i..- -ti it. wait in and feel assured of an lUQ JUBK welcome. Again, a joyous Christmas time to you. THE INTELLIGENCER. in Lezing-earnest every when many Elks, necessarily meaning many thoroughbreds, cdme together results can bo easily Imagined. The local Elks banqueted the visl Itors at Turner hall and the spread was a most inviting one. The Lexington lodge has been In a state of preparation for some time that Is the work of securing members has been going on, and the publication of the list of those who signed the application for a charter, which list is a part of this story, will show that some of the very best material In this section of Missouri has been enlisted. Terhaps to Sanford Thornton, more than to any other one man, is due credit for the successful Institution of this lodge of Elks. Mr. Thornton has labored diligently in securing the names of charter members and in looking after . other Incidental neces sities common to Yhe inauguration of a new lodge, and those who have I ever taken part in such work realize that it Is not child's play, but involves the expenditure of time, labor and money. Below will be found the list f gentlemen who signed the application Ifor a charter, only three short or one hundred: Aull, William, AlthotT, A. E., Arnold, J. M.f Beamer, 1'. II., Bates. Geo. W., Barnhart, W. C, Campbell, B. II., Chambers, J. Q., Aull, Watt P., Allen, A. W., Baskett, N. E., Braecklcin, W. A, Bates, Theo. A., Barron, C. C. Jr., Cook, K. N., Chinn, James P., Lexington, Mo., Dec. 21st Chinn, Thos. M., Cooney, 'James, Crenshaw, J. G., Chalkley, J. J., Pullairhan. II. O.. Eckle. W. II.. I w-. n 1 1 ' Egle, Aug., Fulkerson, J. J., Gratz, William, Gratz, Louis, Grats, Ben, Gratz, Jo, Gordon, John P., Hix, Fred T., Huston, Sam'l J. Fredendall, G. W, Graddy, J. C, Gratz, Ike, Gratz, Isy, Gratz, Dave, Graves, Alex., Gillcn, Albert, Hix, John, Hays, Carl W-, ce d lorn iress I' Winced that there is a rich fmislnif tield l,ere for such proposes to build. ! hve immensely increased le (f land lying alona them. 'i llM n.n. U . tiling III '' ier acre are uow cutting !irms up inlo lots, and selling "l00 an iiitp Not, onlv do "Ule build linmoa nlonir the evefy direction, but hundreds 01 'iUle means are buying !'aS them, and heizinnlnir to I.I:... " " i '"itic patches of vegetables "or which i.hpo Bill In the t UlC f,IUia iinrl t.niDiia t.llllt ls hrliiK tlem jnt0 cj08e con. '"11. Onrlinna llbn IlinuO nf "aid Mr. Holm. ojIH r.nrrv 111 and uaHRftnifnra. The line ''lailfj Li. I),.irnlt U urmnirlni; that there will noi o child in Lexington on day. a saa-neaneu lhat glorious Lafayette Teacliers Meet. mK i.nfflvotte County reading circle held an Interesting meeting at the Ilig rinsville court house Saturday. I he D ..hanrimrl following programme was .... I, HlACTlCALNATlllKSlll'l. ..Nature Work for Winter Monins, (a) Miss Susie Alford. (b) Miss M. Engine Whiting- II. MTKUATCKK. ..The Khyme of the Ancient Mariner," MissMattie Bandon. ..Chambered Nautilus," Miss Kuth Mitchell. A Forest Hymn," Miss Edna KeiuharUt. ..Lincoln's First Inaugural Address," Prin. U. K. Cunningham. bureau for campaign work, a perma nent organization to act as an auxiliary to the state central committee and others which can be taken up after the organization is perfected. We feel thai an organization of this kind should be perfected at once and suggest a meeting to oe uem iu ok. Louis on Dec. awn ana oii u end address you, and urgently request your .hearty co-operation. We are addressing the chairmen and secretaries of the county committees of the state and hope you will nnnieuimcy respond, and after hearing from a majority ot them, if favorable, will issue a formal call in which .all com mitteemen will be requested to partici The rnnann nf this date is that cheap rates will be on by all railroads at that time. Please respond at once and make any suggestion you feel ills- nosed to offer in the nintier. I. a I-.. 1 .UntA,a nntitin WOUIU UO III the matter Mr. Thornton said: ..1 of course shall not go to St fnr irnod reasons. Tbe 1UUIB, n main one of which is that unless re elected by the people the present county commitees will havo nothing to ,i ur.ih the next campaign in an oial capacity The present Lafayette nommlttee. at a meeting recent y held at Higglnsville, made provision the medium ot the ballot. "Why," contined Mr. Thornton, we will even have another state com miitee before the next campaign is in augurated." In further discussing the proposed St. Louis meeting Mr. Thornton stated Iloefer, Frank A., Hoefer, Ben, Hineslcv, W. F., Kuehls, Joseph, Kerdolff.W.F.Jr., Lesueur, L. D., Lyons, Charles, Marshall, J. E., Moorehead. J. R., Meng, W. I)., and laws trovernini? Dnmaries and to Mathews. Wallace, Martin, E. I)., establish bureaus of literature, finance jj0VCSi i,u., Nicholson, F. II., and campaign work, all to be auxiliary ' & k L c to the state committee. It is also , T m.niLc n a stated that other matters may be taken Peak, J. L., 1 umips, C. A., . l ii i m.. t t iiinf tntiimfp n n up when the organization snau uotb L-iatieuuuig, o. v., i im'to's, Ramsey, T. B., been com Dieted. .'Chairman J. 11. uaauln oi me , . p e democratic central commuiee oi oi. - that, if held, it would necessarily draw LouijJ counly ,g one ot the enthusiastic 'vtin, it. at least 2000 democrats from the in- supporters of the new movement. Thf Rhoades, W. B., terior of the state to that city. 'It is Jefferson club of St. Louis, hearing of Staley, Thos. W not as stated in the Republic Tuesday - ; U, x.. morning of this week," said he "that coimnieIJces aad privileges of the sllolD . J0- only the chairmen and secretaries of cuD ue meeting probably will be the respective county committees in held in the club's assemoiy room. the state are to engage in this propos- "James m. oeiut, lu. . .u, lUt siaio on. v. B r r I j,r,i ,Qto onmm ItPB. ast nicht ed conference. Tbe call involves the ,,na at the orooosed eniire personnel of these committees maulgt gaymg that he had not beard and in Lafayette county alone we have ' 0f any such movement. twenty-four members. By referring to "Mr. usoorn aim iue lu.nuum. - . . .1... in. ii. Si .Tnspnh Hre ftll the St. Joseph letter it will bo seen J - V P but 1 .. . . ;.. I 1. 1 a mallei Allll T ' . .... . i T mat i am nuui in uiis mi..v... - might say just here that to have invited the chairmen and secretaries oi these committees to meet aud confer on par ty matters, ignoring the lay members, figuratively speaking, would have been ridiculous In the light ot majority rule, a democratic tenet as old as the patty itself. What right would Mr. Wilson, as chairman, and myself as secretary, have to go to St. Louis and pledge the i had not heard of their undertaking Minnow thev mean to assist the state nmiimitiefi. as their circular seems to indicate. Whether there is any special rnsnn (or undertaking the organiza tinn nt this Darticular time I have not tbe slightest intimation. But they are all good democrats ana l am sure mey hnuii thn interests OI tne Panv ui heart." If you want the "finest and best fruit cake that osn be made go to D. Hsecker's atf erjr ud U-ody Kltoneo. it-w.t Thornton, S. B., Tevis, Irving, Tauhman, E. M., Vlvlon, Clarence, Waddell, AV. B., Wallace, II. C. Jr., Wilson, F. T., Wilson. S. N., winU-ler.OswaldC Wittenl)erg,G.lI., White, E. W., White, S. S., vyatt,unas., .oil, K.C. Rankin. Jas. A. Eigg, Frank, Roark, J. E., Rhodes, J. J., Sydnor, J. W., Sellers, Kandford, Thornton, Frank, Thornton, I). P Tyree, Clem, Tucker, J. E., Via, 1). IL, Walker, Thos. A., Welborn, John, Wilson, L. P., Wilson, M. O., Wilmot, Jno. R., A Wise Woman. Manmrer Haerle says he has secured one mehi from the nutnagprnent of 'A Wise Woman." The date will o.i announced later on. It will be a mont'i or so at least. A littlu energy ot h kind, if pursued, will bring to our low a higher standard of companies.