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)EoMII! MISSOURI DAUGHTERS INCORPORATED. Each time the United States Government j,as officially tested the baking powders the report has shown Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder to be of superlative bvening strength, free from alum, abso lutely pure and wholesome. This is gratifying, for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is depended upon by mil lions of people to raise their daily bread. fpet Baking Powder Co Chicago. Note. These Government inquiries also developed the fact that there are many mixtures upon the market made in imi tation of baking powder, but containing alum or other caustic acid, whose use iu food is dangerous. A pro forma decree of incorporation '.! granted by the circuit coi ii Intimate county to division or" the United the Confederacy urt the Missouri laughters of The decree was Ludwlgs, of Springfield, Mo., ijyed with borne folks in Lei- ;d Gilkesun came In Saturday iiog to remain over Sunday with iwllier and sister. B. McClelland, of Sedalia, :ed bis injther, Mrs. M. V. L. Inland, here Sunday. h( Rev. Mr. Sanders ind wife ted from Louisville, Ky., Monday tuon to visit relatives. a Mary Black well, who was the wot friends In Kansas City, re twd home Sunday evening. . W. J. Lung went to Sedalia Jay morning to remain until V the holidays with home folks, fa Cliff B. Goodwin has returned (rhomo at Marshall after a visit iber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tllloo Mm fadeless Dye produces tbe Y and brightest colors of any Vdje ttuff. Sold by Cba. W. , Elizabeth Knight, of Central it left for her home at Gallatin M morning to spend the :vs. wiranater company keep a call book Mammoth Uverv lUble, nd on al had Central botl. Lmti orders al 10.27-tl Missouri Pacific Express Co. fe moved In their new Quarters, doors west of the Wells-Fargo ?aoy. f family ose in numberless ways vd'iSoow Liaijjeotla a useful and fwbls remedy. Prloe,25aod 60 cent. ! by Creosbaw A Young. i. Moss, editor of the Napoleon was in Lexington Monday and 1 at the sanctum of the Intel- iscek. f Salb- I bava for aula a eood Day. iHllloesa. abODt two thnnaanri oaah ''Ml. For fall n. rtini-i I . nail n If WIIk ,nt. Lexington. Mo. 4 27 "mao Miller came In from Con. ; Monday raornlog and secured a to marry Flora Kessner, also tot place. f Nannie Fulkerson, who spent days Wlu Lexington relatives 'fed to her hnmn Saturday morning. radio In thai amaill Inrai. here they easily mulilDlv. Whita'i Vermifuge will destrov these par.- fi-? h0 we" ,tDM sooceeded. Price. r or sale by Urensbaw A Young. u. James Robinson and wife lefl Monday afternoon for Cofleyvilie, Ka., to spend the holidays with Mr. R.'s parents. The tire department made a run to the residence of Joseph Chanslor Saturday night, but when the bo arrived the blaze had been outed. No damage of consequence was done. Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Ointment ba been thoroughly tested for many year., and ia a positive cure for thin moat dis tressing and embarraa.lng of troubles Prloe, 50 cents lo buttle. Tubes, 75 cent. Pur sale by Crenshaw & Young. James It. Moorehead left Monda) moruiug for St. Louis to attend a Joint session of the northern and southern synods of the Presbyterian church to meet In thatcity this week. We learn that George Wilson con templates building a otic-story bus iness house on bis lot east of the public square, to face Main Street, and a four-room cottage on the south end of the lot to trout on Eleventh street. Praise tba bridge that carries you ovei eltber a fljod or cougb. Ballard's Uoru bouod Uyrap bss brought so many ovei tbroat and lung troubles, suob as coughs, colds, broocbills, etc, tbat Its praises art sung everywhere. Price, 25 aod 50 cents For sale by Crensbaw and Young. Judge John E. Ryland, who ha been under treatment of a specialist a', Indianapolis, Ind., returned borne Tuesday afternoon and the Intelligencer is delighted to know tbat he is greatly improved iu health. An attractive woman thrives ou good food aod sunshine, witb plenty of exer olse to tba open air. Her form glows witb bealtb and ber face blooms with iu beauty. When troubled witb aooetlve babit, she takes a few doses of Herbloe to cleanse ber system of all impurities. Price 50 cents. For eale by Crenshaw & Young. Robert Salyer died of consumption at the borne of his father, Thoma Salyer, five miles east or Lexington Sunday. Deceased was 27 years of age and had beeu sick for quite awhile. The funeral took place Monday. Representative Cowherd of Kansas City, has Introduced iu the house a bill directing the secretary of the treas ury to sell the old Kansas City federal building and lte, the proceeds to be applied to the Improvement of the new building, according to the orig inal plans. irrn.f l i .... . s"""u on me petition of Mrs. A. E. Vslu.ry, president; Mrs. F. A. Chase! secretary-, ami Mr t? v iv.i , - ... M IIMIU. treasurer. Appended will be found the constitution under which the organization, will work: The name or title of the association shall he "The Missouri Division of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy," and its domicile shall be the place of residence of the recording secretary. The objects of this association are historical, educational, memorial, benevolent and social; to Hulttll the antics of chanty to the survivors of the war between the states and those dependent upon them; to collect and preserve the material for a truthful history of the war, to protect historic places of the confederacy; to record the part by southern women, as well as untiring effort after the war in the reconstruction of the south as in patient endurance of hardship and patriotic devotion during the struggle; to honor the memorv of t.hnK u-im served and those who fell in the ser vice of the confederate states; and to cherish the ties of friendship among the members of society. Those women entitled to member ship are the widows, wives abd tnoth- Crenshaw & Young Handle only the very best of Drugs, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Toilet Articles, Surgical Dressings, Sergical Goods, Sick-room Requisites, Quality is our first consideration. Crenshaw & Young more than one chapter shall, within thirty days thereafter, file with the recording secretary of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and with the recording secretary of the Missouri division, and with the secre tary of each chapter of which at that time she may be a member, a state ment in wntinir setting forth tim " ra name of the chapter in which she desires to vote and hold offlwv and until such statement shall have been tiled, such person shall not be entitled to Vote or hold Ollice In anv chanter J even or more eligible women may organize a chapter in any town or city in the state, In which no chapter exists, by making application to the United Daughters of the Confederacy through the Missouri division thereof for a charter, and paying the charter fees and dues as provided. A chapter shall be organized by the adoption of a constitution and bylaws, none of which shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this constitu tion, and by the election of a presi dent and other proper officers. The Missouri division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy shall furnish blank applications for the membership to be used in all chapters in this state. The mode of electing and admitting members may vary in the several chapters, provided the qualifications for membership may not be inconsistent with the constitution Conventions of the Missouri divls Things to give Men Folks. Here they are - that is if the gifts are to be of the practical sort. Maybe, above all he'd prefer an Over coat or Suit. Perhaps you couldn't please father, brother, or son better than to give him a gift of that sort. Overcoats or Suits here at $5 and $22.00. Lots of prices between. Then if not in the family, but willing to be, there's a multitude of suggestions, Neckwear, Suspenders, Gloves, Mufflers, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Canes, Dress Suit Cases, etc. Our Store is full of Christmas suggestions. A few minutes expended in our store now each day may save hours of indefinite seeking, and may lead to savings that will put money in your purse. Goods exchanged or money refunded always. . H. SINAUER, The Popular Clothier. f 1 1" l f 'T T T t "fr 1 f f t ers, sisters, nieces, and lineal de scendants of such men as served hon orably in the confederate army, navy, or civil service, or of those men, unfit for active duty, who loyally gave aid to the cause; also women and their lineal descendants, wherever living, who can give proof of personal service and loyal aid to the southern cause during the war, ion shall be held annually, the time and place to be designated by the state officers, due notice of every meeting to be given to each chapter Each chapter shall be entitled, in all conventions of the Missouri divls ion, to one vote for every twenty-live members or fraction thereof of not less than seven. Any one or more representatives from any cllapter Seven or more eligible women in any I shall be authorized to cast the full city or town in Missouri in which no chapter exists, may organize a chapter, and be chartered upon appli cation to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, through the Missouri division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and paying to the division such additional charter fees as It may tlx, in addition to the charter fee of three dollars, charged by the United Daughters of the Con federacy. No chapter shall be char tered in any incorporated city or town In Missouri in which a chapter already exists, except by and with the consent of the Missouri division. Nothing in this constitution shall be construed to prevent any chapter from becoming locally incorporated under the laws of the state of Mis souri, should it desire to do stii Each chapter in the state of Mis souri shall, on the first day of each succeeding February pay into the treasury of the Missouri division of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy the sum of ten cents for each and every member who may at such date be In good standing on the roll of such chapter. No person shall vote or hold ollice In more than one chapter at the same time; and every person who may at anv time enrolled as a member of vote to which such chapter may be entitled. Any chapter may be rep resented by proxy, provided such proxy be duly appointed In writing and is a member of the Missouri division. The president of the Missouri division shall be entitled to one vote in all conventions of said division, in case of a tie vote only. The state president shall not have authority to cast her Individual vote by proxy, but same shall be cast by the officer tem porarily presiding. Officers of the Missouri division shall be a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, historian: all of whom shall be elected to serve one year, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. An executive committee, composed of the president, who shall be chair man, the two vice presidents, the recording secretary, the corresponding secretary and the treasurer. Such committee shall be vested with power to conduct the general affairs of the association and to meet whenever business demands. It shall have supervision and control of all the property and affairs of the associa tion. Special meetings of the com- Good Things for Christmas Gifts Look over this list and see if you cannot find what you want. Buy while you have a fine stock to select from. Don't wait until stocks are all broken up and then cry becouse you cannot get what you wish for (tlrls at 5, 10, 15. and 5; a pair. Mittens for boys, 10, IB and C5c Mittenafor Indies, 10. 15, 23, 61 and 75c. Mittens for men, 10, 15, 8 and 50c. Ladka, Uld mlttons. fur tops, ..',0c. Lad lis' kid gloves, fur tops. 75c. Ladles Rolf (Moves, 2.V. Mu's gloves, 10, 25. 50 and 75c. Boys' skin gloves, 15, 3S and 60j. Ladles handkerchiefs, 5, 7, 8, 10, 1 0 25, 35, 50uud 75c. Men's handkerchiefs, 5, 10, 15, 20. 25 and 7.V. Ladies' garters, 25, W and 7.1c. Pocket books, 5, 10, 15. 25 and 50c. CiiHteluines. 25, 50, 75 tl.00ft.50 and 12.00. Toilet sets, comb, brush and mirror, 75, 11.00, 11.50, 12.50, HOO land $4.0U set. Ebonoid toilet sets, comb and brush mounted with sterling silver, 11.50, $2.00 and 13.00 a set. Ebonoid military brushes, silver mounted, 18150 and ti.50. Rugs, ii, 50, 75, $1.00, 11.25, 1.7a, 12.50. 3.50, $4. l and $3.00. Ladles' all wool large shawl, $2.50, $2,75, $4.50, 15.00, $6.00 and $7.50. Ladles mercer ised satteen petticoats, 8, $1.25, $1.53, $2.00 and $2.50. Ladles' mercerized satteen shirt waists, 98. $1.19, $1.49 and $1.75. Heautiful linen lunch cloths, $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 each. Linen table sets, satin damask Moths and 1 dos. napkins to match, $3.50, $3.85, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 seU White bed spreads, 55,. 75, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $"..00 and $3.00. Colored counterpanes. $1.00 and $1.50. Bed comforts. 8a 75. 85. $1.00. 1.25. $1.50, $2.00 and $150. Bed blaukets, 38, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 up to $5.00. Ladles' wool underskirt patterns, 50, 75 and $1.00. Fascinators, 25, 50 and 75c, French flannel waist cloths, 2H yards each, at $1.50 and 11.98 a pattern. Black Cat hosiery Jfor ladles, men and children. Ask to see them. Best calicoes at 4c, Everything else as cheap or cheaper than you can buy anywhere else. Come and m ike us happy. i 1 i.yp 1 mittee for the transaction of partic ular or urgent business may be called by the president at any time and shall be called at the written request of a majority of the members thereof. The action of the committee must be reported to the annual convention next following. A committee on finance, composed of five members, to whom shall be referred all matters of receipt and expenditure. They shall, in addition to their other duties, audit the books of the treasurer annually, at such times as they may be ordered to do so by the president. A committee on history to be com posed of five members, committee on transportation, committee on creden tials and a committee on condensing minutes. ' Certificates of membership shall be furnished by each chapter to all mem bers in good standing. Demits shall be granted to mem bers desiring to change membership which, when presented within six months of the date of issuance shall make good her membership in any chapter. The badge to be worn by the mem bers of the Missouri division shall con sist of a representation of the confed erate flag, stars and bars in white, blue and scarlet enamel; under the flag the dates " 'Cl-'65" on loops of bow tying wreath. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any chapter In this state from using, in addition to the above, a badge of their own. The seal of the Missouri division shall be a reproduction of the great seal of the confederate states of America, with the additional inscrip tion, "The Missouri Division of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy" on the outer rim. All charters or other official docu ments emanating from the Missouri division shall bear the impress of iu seal and be signed by the president and recording secretary. The use of the name, seal and badge for purposes other than the business of the association is expressly prohibited. The birthday of Jcffeison Davis, sole president of the confederate states (June 3) and that of Robert E. Lee, our peerless leader, (January 19) shall have annual observance by this asso ciation. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, the angel of death baa entered our midst and taken one of our loved members, Ella Ilarrison Burden, wife of Judge John E. Bur den, and Whereas, In this sad hour we feel that God has laid His hand upon us in love, and that we mourn not as those without hope for as the angel of death kissed ber lie said "I am the resurrection and the life, and he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet sball he live." Therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Aid Society of the Christian church of Lexington, Mo., express to the bereaved family our tenderest sympathy and Christian love and commend them to God, for He alone Is able to give tbat peace that passoth understanding. Resolved, That this tribute be spread on the records of the society, a copy sent to the bereaved family and tbat it be published it the weekly papers. "How long we live, not years but ( actions tell." Mrs. J. II. Hall, Mus. F. T. Hix, Committee. SPECIAL PRICES. too bbls. no 1 medium grain Michigan salt purbbl 1.3S New Orleans molasses (In bbl.) per gal 40c 22 lbs good caramel sugar for $1.00 10 oz. pkx. cow brand soda for 5c 10 os. pkg arm k hammer soda for .5c New crop rice sound & swuet (little broken) per lb . So Fresh rolled oats good as If in pkg per lb 4c 8 lb tomatoes 10c. gal. can tomatoes 30c Can peas 10. 15 & 20c. 3 cans 25c 6 twists granger 25c 6 twists 0 K tob "union" 25c Hbbl kraut $2.80 "Oriole" cracked wheat per pkg 15c 2 for 25 Health breakfast food per pkg 15c 2 for Health buckwheat Hour per pkg 15c 2 for 25 Health pancake flour per pkg 10c 3 tor 25c lloosied pi'a nuts per quart 5c Wheatlet breakfast food per pkg 15c 2 for 25c Dry salt plates per lb 10c 3 lbs for 25c 3 cans corn for 2fc bettor corn per can 10c Wagners spinach per can 10c Nice bright new Hgs per lb 10c Best Persian dates per lb 10c Taragona soft sholl almonds (the best) per lb 20c Big English walnuts (Al) per lb. ...20c Secdud raisins andoOreclun cleaned currants per pkg 10o Six bars '-Old Country" soap tUj Blood red cedar palls, three brass hoops, bright as a gold dollar, each pail warranted and guarrnteed to last 10 years, our price per pall... 65c Flour jerewt $1.90 and up Whole wheat flour 21 lbs for 55c Best navy beans per bushel $2.30 Arbuckles coftVo 2 pkg for 25c Other coffee per lb 20, 25, 110 and o5u To any one buying for cash $5.00 worth of above goods at the low prices named (for good quality) we will in addition seii 0 lbs b;st standard granulated sugar for .$1.00. AULL & SCHULTZ. a West of Courthouse, 'Phone 152. I 4 1 1