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A MOTHER'S SORROW. l;uM HK ioNFLl'KIUTL YLTKKAS f.i!ii iL' i. tm iful line wore f nii(l on ll.x lo t v f V';' :! "Mi' I 'I'ins ll' lUl Alat'.tik regiments in (Jen. Leo's array : 1 know liie miii slims ami the. Mnc sre 1.1 mmhiCt , A tul the summer s a ! ki-'eS to lx-tut iTti M ; Vj jO to m-c the rich treasures the uprio is bestowing, And think my hoy Willie eiillsU-d UeltM ! It seeim hut my since at twilight, lo lium luinjf, I rucked hun to -leep with his cheek upon mine, While ll)bhy, the, wi died for the coming Of father ndovni the street' indistinct line. It is many a yeitr since my Harry departed To come back no more, in the twilight or dawn; And Hobby grew weary of watching, nnd started Alone on the journey his father had gone. It is many a year, ami this afternoon, sitting At Hobby's old window, I beard the band play, And suddenly dreaming over my knitting To recollect Willie was twtnty today; And that, standing beside hitu this soft Mayday morning. The sun making gold of each lock that I stroke, I saw in bis sweet eye and lips a f unt warning, And choked down the tears when he eagerly spoke. Dear mother, you know how iho-e Northmen are crowing; They will trample the ngh'.sof the South in the dust. The boys are all fire, and they wish I were going" lie stopped, but his eyes said: '), say if I must." I smiled on my boy, though my heart it seemed breaking; Mv eyes filled wi'h tesrs a I turned them away; I answered him: Willie, 'lis well you are waking; (lo do as your father would bi i you today." I sit on the window and see the flags thing. And dreamily list to the roll of the drum. And smother the pain in my heart tli t is lying, And bid all the fears in my b -uiu be dumb. And if h should fall, bis young life has been given For freedom's sweet sake; and for me, I will pray Once more, wiih my Harry and Hobby in heaven, To meet the dear boy that enlisted today. WRITING TO SANTA CLAUS. FROM THE COMMONER With Infinite care and many a pause She' writing a letter to Santa Claua. Her pink cheeks are dimpled, her brown eyes thine, Her fingers are guiding the pea aright; Aid a wih she writes in every line That must go by post in the fire tonight, For the note that is signed witn baby's name Will haste away on the dancing flame. Postage is free To girls and boys Who send their notes To Land o' Toys. She's making a curve for a waxen doll, And a big, black blot for a parasol. 6ae knows that old Santa will understand Each mark she is making upon the sheet; And she changes her pen from hand to hand, While over her cheeks chase the dimples sweet. Writing to Santa God grant be gives An answer to every sweet tot that lives. Over the snow Without a pause The sweet notes go To Santa Claus. And Santa awaits in bis north retreat For the postman's knock and the missives sweet. And be amiles and chuckles the while he reads The marvelous writing of boys and girls Qnaiot and curious are the blotted screeds Of dashes and dots, and of quirks and curls. But all are as plain at your A, B, Cs To Santa who reads with the utmost ease, For baby marks In polar glint To Santa Claus Are plain as print. NAILING APARTMENT KQUSF-S. : TREE SURGERY. I Has Become Quit a Prob'.ea to Ycrk Builders. AYhat name to give to a new a j art ment house that is a question that puzzles every extensive builder and real estate operator in Xew York city. Anyone of them, sjjs the Times, will Kv Cavea Mcy a Ciant last in Forinel Davs Wou.d Hit Died. j While fur-m as applied to man has made eieat itrics in recent euu, there has also la-n vury uat r. ss in tri p surrerv or the mtthcds of . c . treating trees and shrubbery when it Vi. llll-lll, M1J B UiC A llllC?, w 111 wvun.. . ... tell you, if you get to talking to them become necessary to apply the knife about their things, that all the names or pruning shears. Many a tree i l,v are gone, appropriated. ir.g to-day that would have died a ft w It eems that landlords and agente years ago from causes that would then have pretty near exhausted atlases, have brought on death, but which to htories, mythologies, directories and day are successfully treated. An in imagination in their search for new stance of this progress, says the Wash names. That this is tmie is evident ington Star, can be seen in the Simon from the remarks made the other Cameron tree, as the spreading: elm day by a prominent real estate broker: near the footpath leading from New "I'm now putting up a big apart- Jersey avenue to the south wing of the ment house for a client of mine," he capital is called. The tree received f aid, "and would you believe it? the name by which it is universally ... 1 . M. 3 I . 1. ... .,, ..-Unn 4Via el.tM. ritmciQ1 C tcre UJUMJU 10r IUliy SIX WPtKS AllVIWU UUI licuuic lun vioicimM finding a name for it. We. tried all the laid out the capital grounds and pro- books we had ever heard of. After yided for a footpath which would exhausting the usual sources, such as history and geography, we got au old list of Indian names. Everyone of them that was short enough or eu phonious enough had been grabbed tip by somebody. Every time we have made necessary the removal of the stately elm that was so greatly 8dmired by Senator Simon Cameron. Mr. Cameron interested himself in savin? the tree with the result that it was allowed to stand in the center r UJ poiut'oouy. ivery time we anvntv i biuuu mwn. aiimI a il.i 1:1.. J ;l A t a tndia Vint trnl.lit ntnnru'isa VlflYA sure to appear in the guide book of been covered with a granolithic walk. New York aptrtroent houses. The The tree flourished until a year or landlord said he'd be blarsted if he'd 80 ag wneD 8n amputation became call the new building after himself, necessary. One of the big limbs, so we were up aga-inst it. I showing signs of decay, was cut off. "We were telling our troubles to' The operation was successful enough, a mutual friend, after fuming over but the wound being left open, in the it off and on for many days. 'Why course of time decay set in. The de don't you try the turf guide?' sug- i caJ was working into the very vitals gested our friend. We grasped at the ' tne elm and" would have killed it idea greedily, and, sure enough, right in 8 W years, but recourse- was taken on the first page we found the name to an operation that is now very fre of a brown filly that seemed to fit; quently applied in free surgery. The an apartment house uncommonly ! decayed portion was scraped off and well. i a covering of asphaltum was placed " 'Well,' sighed the landlord, 'I'll 1 v" it to arrest further decay. The bet ten to one it's in the guide book!' j tJee s now as wt ou" a& would be a "But it wasn't in the book, and, man with a limb amputated and prop now I'm free from trouble for awhile. I eTh' dressed with antiseptics. In the A stonecutter is busy carving out the' course of time the wound will prob filly's name over the front door, and aub' ue hc-aletl and the tree will be . . 1 1 1 1 -f Irvf ' f LnnUlt, ...nln tcvciai peopie nave commented on f"iuij huj uam. DRIVING DEER. QOIiath was much surprissd when David hit him with a stone. He said that such a thing had never entered his head before! So you may be sur prised when we tell you that low-priced coffee isn't really low-priced. It wholly lacks flavor. And it takes a lot more of it to produce satisfactory strength. One cent a cup is all the cost of Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee by actual test. And this is the finest coffee grownl Did you ever try it? In 1-lb. fcnd i-lli. Tin Cans (air tight). Other high grudi-ii in ricbly-colored parchment buxs (moisture proof.) Vaughan & McClelland, Agents. Practice Followed in 'he Adirondickt in a Dry Season. Driving deer in the Adirondaeks was one of the practices most in dulged in during the past season. For some week there had been no rain and the dry conditions were very unfavorable to still hunters. The scheme of driving deer was chosen to offset this. llunters were stationed alons the shores of a lake or on a runway of tho deer while guides and other hunters '. made wide detours through the for est and then worked toward the hunt-1 erg who were on the watch. I The guides and hunters who drove the deer were armed with horns, bt-lls and whistles a? well as guns. Their purpose was to make a great noise and they would shout, blow the horns and imitate the barking of dogs. 1 his was calculated to startle the deer and drive them in the direction of the lake or over the runways where the shooters could get them. The success of the effort depended much upon the expertness of the men with the guns, for when the deer were once started they bounded along at high speed and sometimes would not run within 300 or 400 feet of the hunters. Many sharpshooters were abb, however, to get the game. N. Y. Sun. what a pretty name it is. You can bet I haven't told anv other real estate men where I got it and I'm not go ing to, either." HALL CAINE AS A "KEY." Term Applied to AU Members of the meoz Legislature. Mr. Hall Caine, I observe, by 438 Totes to 191. has become a "Kev." says a writer in the Pall Mall Gazette. The author of "The Deemster" is predestinate, no doubt. It is not quite bo easy to determine why the 24 who iorm the executive branch of the legislature of the Isle of Man are called "Keys." The term is old. It appears, in the Latin form of clavis, in 1418. Four years later there are English iveys.' But the Manx statutes did not recognize "Keys" till long after ward, in 1585. From that year to 1734 there were the 24 "Keys." But Gov. Home, who must be taken to have known how to address an as sembly, did not, in 1715, address it as "Keys," but as "Gentlemen of the Twenty-four Keys." I turn to our friend Phillips, of the "New World of Words," 1706. Mr. Phillips opines that these 24 chief commoners, "being, as it were, keepers of the liberties of the people, are called the 'Keys' of the island." Your "as it were" definition is neces sarily somewhat fanciful. However, Mr. Hall Caineisa "Key" of sorts. Once upon a time his fellow "Keys" would have been his electors. But in 18G6 "Keys" consented to sub mit to the popular vote. Then the act of 1 880 abolished a nronert v oual- ification for "Keys," granted house- noia sutlrage in town and a four- pound owner and six-pound tenant franchise in the country. Further, it leems, it admitted women to vote. I should not wonder if this latter cir cumstance had a good deal to do with Mr. Hall Caine'g election. Veiled Womsn in Egypt The tasmak, or veil, may be black or white, long or short, plain or em bellished with rows of drawn work or tucks, and of any sort of fine, soft ma terial. The women of the mirlrllonn.1 j C 'ft "in i 1 J ic- lower classes wear for the most part MKlllFp. he directed his attention to uiuwa. vens irum one to tnreeiceuong;; 4tici oia gentleman sittin" in a uiOEe nigner m the social grade wear white ones, and occasionally they reach to the hem of the dress. These are held in olace bv a metal t nl tlmt is fastened over the nose and lower nave been playing the fool." Lon- part oi the lorehead by cords securely flon 1 't-BUs tied behind. When worn with this habara, in the orthodox fashion, there ' is nothing visible but the woman' ' It used to be believed that raven bright, black eyes, which see every- lived longer than any other specia thing going on. The tasmak and of birds, and it was said that thuir age habara are capital, and a frequently exceeded a century, lfe- woraan may flirt to her heart's con- cent studies of the subject indicate tent without fear of her dignity be- that no authentic instance of a rave ing discovered, providing she is not surpassing 70 years of age Lon reo- followed to her home. Cleveland ord. But parrots have been known U Leader. live 100 years. QUITE TRUE. Old Gentleman Knew the Correct But Rot the Expected Answer. In a railway carriage a young man was holding forth on the comparative merits and demerits of contemporary musicians, when it came out, by the way, that he himself, according to his own statement, was no mean execu tant on the pianoforte. "For instance," he exclaimed, "I can go through an elaborate compo sition in correct time without a key board." And he commenced running his fingers along his stick. Having biought his performance to a close, he asked if they knew what he had been playing. Meeting with no re corner of the carriage. "Do you. sir?" he asked. "Yes, I believe 1 do, sir," said the gentleman, with grave dignity. "You Aged Birds. SOUTHERN CANDY-PULL. Antf-BeKum Fait. me of Dixie Kevtv4 ia New York. Com to th candy-pull o-r!ght Kit south, rn bt aulif s lil be ther With 'l...'Si c.u.iiy lr. their hands .;.: k ir.utu m llu'lr li.r. Tliis jraphrdfO of an old poem was in the imitations sent out by a roiuktin woman, whose home is up in the Nineties. The guests are mcm 1h;s of the southern colony in New York. The party was a revival of asocial Custom iu the south before tho war. To its renaissance in New iork the yoiir.g women came wearing gingham aprons. The hote?s furnished the molassos, w hich had been se nt up es pecially for this event from New Or leans.. After the necessary boiling down of the sw ee-t, each guest and her beau took a buttered plate on which was laid a roll of the candy. It was the young woman's part to get the roll into pulling condition. This she did after the manner of kneading dough. After this prepara tion she took one end of the roll and passed the other to. her young man. Then began the pull. When the roll was extended the ends were put together by the two pullers joining hands. This process left a rope of candy, the lower end of which w as taken up by one of the pull ers, and they repeated the pull. This was continued until the candy became brittle, when it was placed on another plate. The plates were then put in a cool place, and the young people proceeded to the draw ing room where they indulged in the old play, known in the south at all candy-pulls as "King William." The guests formed a circle, joining hands. One remained within the cir cle. This one, of course, was a young man. As the guests revolved around the, center they sang the old words sung by their mothers and grand mothers, and to the same air. King William was KlnK Jamrsf ion And from a royal rare he come, t'pon his breast he wore a star Whlrh pointed to the northwest far. Go chouse your east, go choose your west. Go chooe the ene that you love bctt At the conclusion of the last line the young man in the center made his choice. As she stepped to the cen ter of the circle the guests closed the gap and circling around the twain 'hey continued singing: Down on this carpet you must kneel Bnre as the gran grows In the field. Salute your brliU with a tweet klsa And rise upon your itet In bllt. At the tuneful injunction "Salute your bride with a sweet kiss," there was- the usual scuffle and resistance, as there always was in the olden times. Then the twain in the center joined the circle and the next young man stepped to the center and the pro- gramme was repeated until every young man had chosen the one that he loved best. After this each young woman in the circle stood in the center, by turn, and the words of the third line of the last stanza were changed to "Sa lute your young man with a kUs." After each couple had knelt and kissed, the circle broke. Each young man went to the cooling room for the plate of candy he had assisted in pull ing and returned with it to the draw ing room. The candy was then eaten, and the pull was over. "It no doubt seems a simple sort of amusement," said the hostess, "to you northern pimple, but our mothers and grandmothers indulged in it, and the pleasure consists in doing what amused them." Then the hostess related that many of the old-time statesmen in the south had, in their time, played "King Wil liam" at candy pullings. So far as the ho.-tess knew, says the New York Sun. this is the first old-fashioned candy pull to take place in New York. A Marriage Epidemic. Servia is in trouble now with an epidemic of marriages. The cause is the sYttem of marriage banks founded as an encouragement to thrift, but which have urovt-d to h flVA nnitn on opposite effect. The young men and maidens of Servia begin paying in to these institutions at an early age on I lw promise of a premium on mar tinge. Immediately a small sum has uven umiiiiuiaioa the desire formar riaga grows overwhelming, with the result that the first offer is snapped up. In conseouence. nrpmntnrolv early and unhappy marriages are gen ! eral. The mailer has now rn.. a V M VUV.14 such lengths that it is seriously trou bling the government, and the ad visability of abolishing these banks, which are hold to be the root of the evil, is being debated. Two Monthj Behind. When some men die they will beat the merchants of the town nut nf urn months' bills. They are always about iu miming neninu with their ei' perncs. Atchison Globe. 3 EV8PAf TheSnnday lt " mum; n, I IM III ..f .... H , m Seen,,,, ,, ""- I'lL-llllCH Tl.i.. ' "f tl. ui.Mitluv u, , .! '"''" iltiirtraWiiMnmlrl VHluLletu the iJ i lit ruliiiui mime genuine luuKU-uiaker. ixilis art. v ti... i 'lllllliiroim yl..r. . . . " ' " lily! .......u.sot national repuUti Sheet niiiKi.. u i. ..... . ""P. ia luruislitHl free evei IH . ll . . V 1 J ne uepuoiic. The price of th s.,.i ... - .'niua) 111! IMU . m . - A.k .... uews dealers. MS r J. all I rreHrribeel tv Her PeIo Syrup Co., Mootlciio.i Dc-ar sirs: ITnr .!... ..'! ..uiu UI'Hf unereairom indigestion and j 1 tboaeht I troairi -k. ' n. i i 1 1 't v.. a. ii . i.Jnu r na aiiki. . which I did, tod two boitiej ft nnt n..l pmMav.j .. I , u m,t ou ,(c. oai i nave not teo troubled ail If UIOUIhnnM nff- -.- J " "uw I lit S KOodSvrnp Peplo hw done i3 .,Di rooii your meaicine wunout beioj t Its mora tbao Wonderful recommend it to all my friend. ti?e and stomach remedv. Yoorswlth RritiJ MRS. , fur sale by Leroy Fruier, drl Cures Fczvraa mud Itching through too Hood. i. Nothing te Try. n. n. 11. (Ilntariic Itl.Kid Ilulm tud sure cure for tcztma. it:hin inure, tcaim, scales, watery tilinc irlilnK I Kin OS or Joint), boils, prlckliua; al in t he kln, l.i, , i ulcvr. rio Diitunie Blutd HkIiu worst anil must (! p-sfiiinl c um . (nn, I'UiirjInir anl vltallilntr the! ny g vmg anenuny ouumi supply i Olhrr rfiiifdlt-H iny tvllpvi. bu HCtUHily curi'H, hf-uli every Hure (be rlrb iilovr of liett ltb UilbHkin, i; IiIinmI rl and miurlvlilnn. Espcci,,. for ulu, obstinate easel. Drum Trial trratmcnl tree and picimni I r (llllam. aa lii'bell strpi't, All lmrlUo iruuule saud (ruo uiedi irtvrii. Free fr tlu Awkins;. Our booklet "Told by a Ductn eusstoo nl the rl I ot the intci, and trstlmonlili of huo riavs bren cured of constipation, if md etnmanh troubles by tbe Caldwell's Hyrup IVpaln. It id writ today lo Pepsin Syrup C llo, M, or see Ltroy Far druggist. Notice of Dissolution. The Arm of Col I it rd & HImImk, (IIuoIvikI by mutuial consent. 1. i. 111 continue the luslnens nodi- leliU and ubilgntloos. COUAltD X B The business will tie conducted by D. E. C'olUrd. Wewilidt tbe f the public. Ki-spt:tfully, I). E-Co Lolneton, Mo., November 27, IK What Shall We llaye forDf This question arises Id tbe funi day. Let us answer It toJay. Try lellcious desert. Prepnred In r Mo biking! add hot wnter and wl Klavor: Lemon, oracifre, raipberrT ifrry. At your grocers, lu cents Jell-O, th SW lh i'T dleascs all tho family, iourtlavor- ninue. raspberry and strawberry Grocers. 10 cents. Tryltlnday. (iuanllau Sale of Keal Esta in 'he matter of the estnteof John A Insane. fly virtue of an or1Tof wle duly r i.b.' Probate Court of Lafayette fouit vutrl, nt the N.ivenil-r term therenf. .'-e J' b day of Noveniln-r. Wl. of m. r.;erlng and rniMwtrliit vu: H" liiriiiii ifUHrdlan of t lie olnte of "tout, limann, for tin- mrMi' In v f nild court, iimrlilcil ami i t fort" utid guurilliin. Iien l.y give nut h e MiNHAY. KKItltrAKVMth. H' between the hours of nine oVhx'l .r. niHin and five oVl. x k In the iifh 'i ibat (luv, at the court lione door. Hi .f UwhiKton. I.tifuyt-tt uiity. .nil during the ! n of ll"' PJ""" if Mild county. eipoHf anilnfferfor' fell nH'iily by iul'H'- be blgbeitt blild. r. for raih I" " following (lewrlln'il rial ""'"Vi lying and )Hlng In t liecniiiiy mil stiite of MhwHirl. as li'MoW n undivided half Int.nM In a"' nulheaal Olllirter of the south wi"" f awl Inn (14) foiirt-'ti. nml tl' v. (imrter of the north went 'l"lir,''r,'.,( :! twenty-three, nil In l Ight. range (j:.) twenty-live. l utility, Missouri. . Mi. U I ven under my !i"d this the n" ovembcr, Wl. J AMF.S H- WIIH luiirdliin of the Personam' l-,,ll"'1j. A. Mout, Iiihiviii. ADM INISTKATOU'S XOTU" letters of adminlst rntlim nn the e "oloinon Everbart. dt-eiuwil. ' wen t the undersigned on t he r.m w , ner. w, bv the pmhata court oi county, Mlswiuri. , , , uin,int All Vr' bavins da In, g staio uro required t. ?xbiWi h' nee to the admltih-t i ntor w bm Iter tbo duto of sal.l 'f; '',,, b precluded from nnr L-" .It oi nd If such clHlm be not Mb " 'u w .eira from the duto of Hld letter forever barred. . ibis lath day of ov-rrtr. t; RA( ll-2:it5 m Disease and dauger lurklo tbe'' nana. Tbe blood become v'tisi b. ...! health is d77p(r .veriheatomacbaod "',,"0JJ their fuoctioue as nature loien o bine will ton. op lb-l'""' J, the liver, where other V'f relieve. Price, B0 ceot. '0T Crenshaw A Young. Eoosn FORKKNT to tbe H,r"" Inic. Apply to Ous H"""- hlPl Jot. L. Long keep- rv, - One in the grocery il"'