Newspaper Page Text
I 14 mmt! r . , n the were fl t of ih.'m l"r whin l" orlbef"! ,Ki " KISHBAlf ilininie'" vitiate mind f ! ill to f nieodiJi men, rrt irttloo' For 1 J Hsirlbl ..ihlne 'fc W. B.TRVIS VloPre. WALTEll ll.H Al.itKLL Ctuthier. MBBR, LEXINGTON SAVING LEXINCTON, . UP CAPITAL, s MISSOURI. BANK $50,000 D,ws general bniiklnr hulm-sii. fi.lli lim-.-.,i;nni Liberal aocoinu)odatliri tix-imtn r. DIBECTOHS .., W I) KANKIN JOHN EUYLaSU WAI.TKKH WADItRIX I H.iFKMAN A O YOUNG () W II TKVI8 STOCKHOLDERS t M Chapman W U Met'ausland K Huffman J no R Kyliutd J L) Chambers Rufua Youiif Mnt8 Konli k U A Krlehn Allr W Wing at Buttle W Smitb Henry llalnkel A GYiinir CRrhnptnitn B K Nicholson Henry C Wallace K A Wallace LOCbapunm '( ,,, Curator 1j U MXttZiXU. BOTTOM DROPPED OUT OF PRICES. mifew prices that will convince you that the bottom has dropped: ox4s, 2xt'9, 2x8s and 5x10s per thousand ft. S12.T.0 12 inch hos boards per thousand ft. - 13. SO Fencing'. 4. and 6 inch, per thousand - - - 14.00 Sta1- A Star red cedar shingles, per thousand - 2.25 6 inch beveled sidinp, per thousand 10 .10 , pay more than these prices for lumber you buy at the wrong place gutimoten Freely Given WWm.yl.iHK J. J. RHODES. Mauaserofthe Harris-Anderson Lumbar Company. lich Practical Jolt Played oa Feminlm Doj Lovir. A joung ladj visitor in Avondale was the victim of a good practical J 'kr, which she tells wuhguai ielish. bht- was txpeeting a tine fox tinier, to be sent her by a friend, who iuisid 1 the thoroughbreds. Due evening, when she came home her father said: ! "Your pup is in the barn. It came! after tui." She went out, and there Was the dot, dirtv. n,iinrv-ln(ikiniT . ' r . o and indifferent. And there was the ixpnss box. She attributed his con dition to the trip. Early the next moi ianj; ner brothers and theneign Lorinsr bov? rnt hrr b hnthhili and Vi o . ( . . u . . - icrubbed the pup until he was whit i snow. Hut in the afternoon, when the went to tee him. he was the most indifferent do.- in the world and paid to attention to her and showed no in terest in the world. The family's in terest and smile nrnnipri" hor purine. It V. and hr fore the had rnno fnr clio louna that the pup was bund in on eve and dpflf ns A strine in TintVi oarc 'To shorten the story, the mischievous brothers had found a tramp dog and fixed up the ioke. And now in town the is subjected to jokes and jokes about her dog Cricket. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. STREET MARKET OF COLOGNE. A i m ma Abstracter, Loan -4HU- Insurance Agent arm aod City Property tor aale or rent MONEY TO LOAN. Vill loan money on improved farm landf at 6 and 61 per cent interest. Office front room over Tevis' drug store, Lexington. Mo. J fj. WOHTHINOTOW. mini & mi II 8 . N WlL8ll ii y V aWaUflMalUCA THROUGH SLEEPIMfi CAR 5BMCE KANSAS CITT TO . lAvcnuui-iir rv Wfi. ating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves, Cheapest and Best tit ma, Lexington, Mo SEO- 105 LBXINOTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate. Loans and insurance Agents. ABSTRACTS OF Til LB MADE, Will loan money on Improved farm lands at f and AH per cent Interest ICSMND, Pre.. H, K. IKKLAND, Omttilnr. t.XS J. HIX8HKH. V-l- a The Traders' Bank. LEXINQTOW. MO. IU TJJ? CAPITAL 50,000. "FIELD Pkehi S.J. ANDREW. CAKH.r .MELU.PKEM QKO. M. CATKON, Vice President. TCULTMvniwv H iiifii. Paid Up Capital. $60.C00. forrison-Wentworth Bank, LEXINGTON. - MISSOUIU. .Ge0,ral n.nklns Business. Liberal Acco nmodatious to ..... BOARD OF DIKECTOKS: m a t Anrf.o riiRrlpfl Lvoik. H. M. Cainiii 'illltn J. Morrlin Rdw. Murk. w. H. Hievenaon, Jos. H. Hhii'tl Kufos Vounir ANNOUNCEMENT. As St. Louis U rapidly growing to be ruoro of a financial tenter, this space is reserved for one year to portray the evoral departments of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company, located at N. W. Cor. Fourth and Tino Streets, ono of the largest financial Institutions doing a general Trust Company business under tho laws of tho State of Missouri. WATCH THI8 8PACE OR WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. Democratic Institution with Many Pictureiq-e Accompaniments. This street market is a peculiarly democratic institution, and one rap idly becomes friendly with the sales women, or even a chance passer-by, entrapped unawares and becomes a purchaser like one's belf. Thrift and fturdiness are the distinguishing characteristics of these Khineland peasants. They know well how to drive a bamain. but' they are hon tst. to a pfennig, and good humored to a fault. Very interesting is their babble about the flocks and the crops, very quaint they look clad in their national costumes, and most delicious are the mountain strawberries, fresh cheese, and thick cream which these clever housewives bring in from the country, especially to tempt hotel wearv travelers. One eats the little luncheon, with leckerly sweet cakes in the shade of the green' trees which line the Koln Jlarkt,gazingon the tiled houses which cirt it about. and catching a glimpse of the cathe dral s slender spire, pointing ever aloft, rising above all, "patiently re mote," and in its superb proportion of matchless architecture niakinerone. as Lowell says, "own himself a happy Uoth. Catholic World. NOT LOOKING AHEAD. Dominie Failed to Provide for Future Large Congregations. A cood story is told of one of the disrnitaries of the Scottish church. Before he betame known to fame he was minister of a remote country par ish, and was not considered a particu larly attractive preacher. At his stisrtristion extensive alter ations were made in the transept of his church, ard these had ihe effect of sweeping away considerable seating acei mmodation. Oi.e dav. after the alterations had bun affected, he visited the church to m e how it looked. What do vmu think of the lm- UFF1CE IN HiERLE BUILDING. Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in thcMeng Building, Lexington, Missouri. fjr ft p itrfV !Ii SEK NEW FAST TRAIN L- IRON & TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON. MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, mi ESTATE INSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN Havetbe only complete set of Abstraot K.mrd of Title to the Land, of Lafayette Coiict; OFFICE in HiERE BUILDING NtlsBOurlPaclflc-LoxIngton Br. WENT BOUND TKAIN8. No. 71 Leave St. t.ouls.. Arrive Sedalia... 7:riiim ... S Vm .. 4:07 pm .. i-.Vi pm -Ti pm tun V. B:il pm B:IOni ... h:U via 7:iaam ... S::I4 pm 5:40 m Concordia.. . Aulivuie HiifirinsviUe.. PK City Lexington- Myrlek Wellington.... Independence :45pm Khiisbs City 7:15 pm St. Joseph DAILY. IAST ROUND TKAIN8. No. 74. nave St. Joe ... No.TS. :K pm 5:iki am H:08 am tl:'Mam ;H,") am 11:41 Hin 7;am 7 ::i3 am 7 :4il nm S::wain 9:ilam 1:HA pm Christmas Presents? I have Nothing nicer than a Singer Sewing Machine Saves work and insures Blessing of Women Folks. Please them and this world for you will be one of Happiness. L. W. BRELSFORD, Local Agent, Lexington Mo. No. 72. 6:1ft am fl:M am 7: 441 am 7:41 Bin 7 :M am 8::l urn Kansas City 5:?'pm. IncVp'ndoDce r Napoleon 7:08 pm Waterloo 7:14 pm Wellington 7-P L I n'cton".'.'.'.'7 : Mpra 8:1 Onm J:e,r.?.T0n k:10 did B-.M am HlKKlnovllle : P Aullvi'lo ;P Concordia , : l' Hedalla 'M w St Louis ' '"'" VIA TO 8:37 am 8-47 am B:n'J mn lit: Oft am 6:tw pm o ,Pi i.U. ,n kknsMCitr every Saturday evening and Sunday. FREIGHTS. 8E60am.... Leaves t,PXln(rton... -.4ftam.... " PaM-lty...... " Hlirinnsvinc.. 10:S0am ... " Auv,'Le"" Il:(i0am.... " Mn:;' 2:15pm.... " Pfuium Dally, except Sunday. West 8:iift am 2 -.Mi pin 2 :if pm 1 :40 pm 1 :lii pm 10:40 am SAN ANTONIO, VIA VACO, S. A. 4. A. P. ano SOLJ. PA AND TO AUSTIN., VIA ELGIN AND H. 4.T. C. Through Tourist Sleepem CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAtt. Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. WINKLER NSURANCE. N Dronertv incturprl. 00 1 by tenant or owner. written in nny town in . Will r-il inspection, and name PPon aoniication. Will E anything. Write or 0r him at office 'port. in mm keal estate 'n Lexington. Farms Houses to rent. H l;ivC anv ral Bctit tn acc n sale. Office in Stan. 11. L COMPANY nA0TUHIB8l"IDlAHB8I FURNITURE. ARB MBPABiD 0 DO ALL IND 0 rurning, Planing Scroll Sawing, Etc. we alsoaeopconstantlyon hand Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. Metallic "d Wooden Hurial Cam .lvMlh "II llKllll. Tl,i.MH-oirullvat m-mionof all to .beinnelneH t II fP "l" " '"" canbo tv-nirlit. Wink lcr Furniture Co. rivunicrts, John.' he askeo otthe beadle. "Itnprovi nu n is?" exclaimed John, in eiMtain; uuy re no lmprove-menis at a'. Whaiir are ye goin' to put the folk?" 'Oil." said the minister, "we have abundance of room. John, consider ing the size of the congregation." nit's a' verv weel the noo,' re torted the bcndle; "but what will we do when we get a popular meenister? London Tit-Bits. Meltine Iron In Fire Secondi. Iron is said to have heen melted in five seconds in a recent experiment carried out by Mr. Louis Dreyfus at tr T A. Kdison ? laboratory. at Ur aniri. X. J. Mr. Drevfus represented the (ioldschmidt Chumical-Thermo trie, of Essen. Germany. lie covered an iron wrench in a crucible with a secret composition and added A smU quantity of powdered alumin ium. The wrench, which was six inchc long and one-half inch thick, was melted in five seconds after the mixture was set on fire, the tempera ture being estimated at 15,000 degrees Cent. The process is suggested as be insr applicable to the melting of rails ami pi pes. I "Infantry." The term "infantry" was first used liy the Spaniards in the wars with the Wo,.is to designate the bodyguard of a i,,miI prince or infanta. It was ex tend d to the entire body of foot sol cliei. and iiually adopted throughout Europe. Dr. T. B. Ramsey. Successor to Hussell & Ramsey SURGEON DENTIST Office over Schawe & Wete, Corner IOth and wain btreets. MtroB Oxide Gns Given. 0 S Mitchell & Son FEED STORE rhe best and cheapest line of feeds t t aimrtnn at thp Franklin 5t. Feed Store. We do a general exchange business witn tne tarmere for wheat or corn. Our Flour is the hest on the market. Phone 179. Jeflerson City, Boonville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILY BXC. SUNDAY Cigar Clippings granulated and coarse . r 1 AM 30 - cents a rounu - HINESLEY'S SMOKER No. 72. Leave. . . , 7:1ft am Lexlnirton H-iiam Myriek 8 -.65 am Nortl.rup .. 9:10am Dovht ... . :27iun :58am """T'-Vi ' ll;;wam Hrsh'l a-,iiiam 1, niiiYUKi 4 4ft pin Keud down No 71. Arrive . . 6:11 pm ... 4:4n pm ... 4 1! pm , 4 on pm :r:.") pin ... :i: (i pm .... 1:15 P'O ... 3:"H pm Tipton l" IlV4 "KATY flyers St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS AND &UFFET SLEEPERS. SANTA FE ROUTE. trains arrive at North Lexington: No. M (daily) Trains leave North Lexington. GOING EAST. No. 8. (dully) No. Supply Your Table From our splendid stock of Gro ceries. Every article carried U fresh and prices the very lowes Prompt Delivery. Eggleston & Ewing. Ceo. I. 5mitl?. D. V- S' VETERINARIAN, Prtoi.ein Lbxikoton.Vo t, A, 4, 1. V. 5. 19, California Limited... OOINO, WKST. (dally).. ......... California Limited... T n RlSTKR. JR.. Vf J. Black, G. P.'A.'.Topeka. Kas. te.Vi a in m:i.ii a 111 7: 1 5 p m h id p in 3:47 a m 8 '5s a 111 u in c: (0 a ra i: 7 D m . 6:48 p m Agent Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains lave Hlgglnsvllle as follows! west Bound. . .. R.JK am 6, St. L. and K ."": S.T; 7. Calif, and Col. limited I f.1?, 81 Hlgglnsvlllo and . Jf n 13. Bt. Louis and K C. mail J-.m pm Local freight and acoom -47 am EAST 30UND. 14 St.L.andK.C. mull ii. K. C.and HiBBlnsyllleaccom. .:! P 10, ua 1. ami i. in. - .. j It St. LandK. C. -j.iiII VJ S 118 Local in'lKht and accom "-4ft pm W. 8. LY0N8..Tlckel Agent, Telephone No. 50. i AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD I Vr-K w h i : v center PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO No No. J L. PEAK, SURGEON DENTIST; MASONIC BUILIMNO, AT Lexington, . Mo DR. W. R. ECKLE, sourt CHICHESTER'S EUSiJSli PENNYROYAL PILL AND POINTS IN AND TERRITORY BEVONO. W. 8, LYONB. Pussengpr and Ticket Agi'nt.Hlgglimvllk'.Me G so. J. C11 aklton, U.iP. & T. A.. Chicago. II re. Alwnvj flinlil.-. I.ndlo..nskl'r'iior -H It'll IMTKlt-M KNtilbWII I" ,1,tt"'1 tlolU iM.-lallU- lnc m-uil Willi blue ribliiin. VuU no oi hrr. Itffuc iIii;itiii "' ' luiionnn.l Imllallon.. Hnyl ymir lin.rci'i. nr m-ihI -lr. in Muiiipi rll.-uliir.. I wH- monlnU ami "KHIi-f lor l. . i M'"". by murn Mall. IO..MI0 'I'i-miiiuiiiiiuh. -'lU"J, ail UruKKisia CH'CHBSTEB CHEMIOAL OO. 11100 ItladLoa Squire, 1'IIIl.A PA MnUoatklttPr. A RARE CHANCE. Having decided to close out my hold IngHOleowa and heifers, some 60 head, 1 nHnr for Kale ohm and ail. My Hue cimb prlH SborthomH, Anpuum Hereforr's Bod I...... iiiitwH A.I u.-rf, KMlpi'tH WlK ri(prHnee to milk mrain. lornif-riv Dein In creamery buxiiiHsu H.nne Twenty odd n.lll. null fdnl. Hltft Vlliini-a til PAlV. shortly. IVicck ranijiiiir Irom f 25 to prln ad. Cull on or inl.lresB. 1 A I. lit) 1 rsi'R, apr27yer Anllville, Mo. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTDUSKV-Al-LAW. Lexington. Missouri. Ulllccs Hoom Hand 10, Haorlo Dullcllng. 1