Newspaper Page Text
tflTgiqgT--, vt' Tvmm?ripFt,w&r MVV ''" T' rsfr nr 5r" "W the Kansas city journal, Thursday, januahy at isos. IT MAY ENirrflE CONTEST. BAncAFKIft Oltlllt.V.W. I'KTITION STUtXN FIIOM TIIK COUNT IIOLSI- The Theft lll.rntrrrel t.nt Nilurtln), lint Not Mnelo I'ulille He-Thinks It Mill Itcmilt In III SiiII Coming tit il Suilelcti Km!. The Unrenfcr-llCBan contest ease la likely to come to nn unexpected otut, owlnR to the thoft of Mr. ttnrcarer'fi orlsltint petition from tlio nlllce of the circuit clerk. The thof I was discovered lust Saturday when the case was to he heard before JmlKc Pnlion. OwlnR to the fact that th petition could not he foilnd the hrnrlnp wns postiionod until next Saturday. The petition win evi dently Btolcn for the purpose of forcing Mr. Barcafcr out of court, as Rood law yers say that If It Is not found n de murrer by ltognn to another petition purporting to be a copy of the original petition must be sustained It Hcg.ui should show that It wni not nn accurate copy of the original. If Mr. Uarcafer Is forced out of court Mnftlu Regan, who Is charged with having obtained pos session of the olllre of councilman from the Sixth ward by virtue of fraudulent counting and ballot box stulllng, will be enabled to hold the olhce until after the next city election. Mr. P. Uarcafer, who I contesting Itegan'B sent In the council, was seen yesterday by n Journal lepresentativo, to whom he told of the dlciiveiy of the theft of the petition. "I have been nd vlscd to say nothing about It, but t have decided thnt Much rascality should be ventilated. Whoever took my peti tion out of the circuit clerk's olllce did It for the purpose of crippling me In my contest suit. I consulted a ptomlnent attorney, and he told me that unless the petition Is found or the defendnnt will admit what I know to be Its contents to be true my suit will be thrown out of court. "I began the contest because I knew I was honestly elected and that I wns beaten out of the certllicato by fraud. I don't care so much for the olllce as I do for the principle Involved. I have spent ray own money In the contest, and I am willing to spend as much more as may be needed to bring It to nn end In court In the manner that It should end. I want to help dilve the dishonest gang that has been running the nffalis of this city and county for enrs from pow er. "The stealing of my petition has not been the only unusual or cilmlnal thing In the case. Four times since I mnde up my mind to contest I have been given to understand .that there would be money In It for me If I would not contest. A few days after the election a young man, pui porting to repiesent the Times, came to me In my bakery on Independence avenue and begnn talking to me about the proposed contest. lie said he understood that I had offered to pay $300 for the olllce and Intimated that I would get that .sum If I did not contest. I left him and telephoned to the Times, asking If he was employed there, and was informed that he was not. I then went back to him and or dered him out of the place. Three times since then I have received Intimations thnt Ttegan and l.ts friends would pay me to drop the contest. The last time was three weeks ago In the court room. Jly attorney told me that Hegan would 'came down with money.' He subse quently told me thnt Regan was willing to give me $150." l'KIKST WOMAN I'.SCAl'KS. She Leaves tlio City Hospital anil Is Now in Another State. Lulu Priest, charged with bmglary and grand larceny, made her escape fiom the city hospital Tuesday afternoon, despite the fact that the hospital oillciais had been frequently cautioned, and at one time fore warned, by a published account In tlio Journal of a scheme to liberate the yoiuic w oman. A few weeks ago Lulu Priest bioke n leg In leaping fiom the window of Mrs. Alible Wilson's room, Just after being caught In the act of burglarising the loom. L"ver since that time she has been at the city hospital. Deputy Constable 1'oppe-rt, of Justice Krueger's court, said estorcl.iy re garding the escape: "We bad cautioned the hospital olllclnls rcpontedly to provide against any possible nttempt on the pait of the woman or her f , lrnil-t til nrrnninllsli lipr rxrviet.. Vfts. IS terday afternoon at 1 o'clock I iccelved a fts& telephone message that 1 could call at the )jR hospital and get the Priest woman. I cilled theru and was shown Into ward No. 1, and was greeted by laughter on the p.nt Of the patients there. The hospital olll eial who accompanied me also laiiKhcel and said, 'Well, sh gone.' I don't Know how she went, but I learned that u can Inge hud called for her culler In tho afternoon. Dr. Collin said he refused to allow the woman to lie taken away In the coinage. I traced the woman to the Union depot, anil j found that she had left on a 1:J0 o'clock V train lor L.e.ivenw-orin. ivas. nne must nilVC ivll lilt! llUS)Hlill C'VI'ie UtlUH i riltlW'M the message to come ufter her. At the Union depot she iceolveel some attention from the depot master and matron on ue count of her crippled condition. She wnllu'd on crutches and carried a few packages neatly done up." Justice Krui'ger was very Indignant over the easy manner In which tho Priest woman escaped. II1KNTII IKIJ A I OOTI'AI). Tho Pollen lime Apparently Caught n (leniilne lllghwiijiimn. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, who claims to hao come to this city from Montana about a month ugo, and who Is now living at No, IIS Hast Third street, reported to the pollco early yesterday morning that she had been held up and robbed of Sir, mar Sixth and Hank streets. The woman claimed that she was returning from a Salvation Army service about !) o'clock Tuesday night, whin a man halted and lobbed her. Mrs. Wilson furnished an acourato ile scilption of the footpad, and It resulted In the arrest of a dissolute ehaiacter named Charles Hamilton, who was subsequently Idtutliled by Mrs. Hamilton as th high wayman. The arrest was made by Ser geant McVeigh at Thlid and Walnut streets, who has the proud distinction of making the llrst footpad catch of the sea son. Hamilton la a one-legged mail. Hamilton was taken betoie Justice Joyce, who committed him to the county Jail to await the action of tho grand Jury, on a charge of hlghwny robbery. bCHOdi.s in:oi'i:.v, I.c-uvo of Absence May lie (Iriiutcil to fcup- criutciiiU'iit fi rct-nw cincl The public scliooU tesumed yesterday morning, atter the holiday vacation, with a Urge attendance. The Hwitzor school, which was closed early in December, bo. cause of the prevalence of diphtheria, was reopened with the others, Health Olllcer Waring having decided that tho danger Is .. . .Inclpal C. V. Catliart said vestei. day afternoon that 330 pupils reported. Tho school attendance last September was somo 600, but U Is unite probable now that all danger if comaslon '3 Past, and the en iollmnt will grow rapidly, buperlnundent Ureenwood Is still too ill to leport at his ottlce, though he Is much better than hu wus a week .i,o It Is not Improbable that tho board of eduiatlun will giant him a leave of absence, so that hu may leave the city and recupeiate. He has been ad- VtSOCl to IUR ve- uj l-ltsmuni 11. i,. Yeuger, of the board. Assistant Supeilu undent J, Ct McNeill Is doing Mr, liieeu. wood's work In bis absence. Police MUk to 'llielr Theory, An Inquest will be held this morning nt 10 o'clock over Nettle Harris, the Id-year, old colored woman, who was shot down In the street ut Sixth und lilulf streets on the night of December 17. and who died at the city hospital Tuesday night as the result of the wouud. Although the wom an insisted up till the time that she lost consciousness that she was shot by foot pads, the police will attempt to shov (hat she was shot by a Jealous lover. No ar rest has yet been made, In connection with the case. Hotel Savoy and restaurant now open, Ninth and Central streets. Tho best Euro pean hotel In tho city. Try It. Ewlna & ftewtejn. proprietors. JEWISH WOMEN ORGANIZE, A limited of the Nntlminl fount-It IXiib- llhed III Kitnn tit) The Wllri-M l:irctid. nu t.iiM ., tiM .ttthtiilnh rhurrb. ror- tier of eleventh and Oak streets, met ii- lenlay afternoon nnei rormeu a lorm omen n of the ''National Council of Jewish Wo men," This society Is nn outgrow th of the American parliament of religions that met nt tho world's fair at Chicago. The na tional council of this soclity Is located In that city, and the branch which was or- i-nttl...! In iMa rile- eelll ril.ollnr.liC Wllh tllC one nt Chlctgo. The object of lite associa tion IS to liring nilOUt CIOl r mmimn uiiiiiiiH .Iewlh women, lo furnish b organic union .. ... ,1..... .. ....... ....... innt l, (1,1.1 11 , ,,,. 1114 .1 flll'millll ll CUIIIIIII, III v. ..'- ... - of prosecuting work of common Inlrrest, . . J.. .. ... ,. --. , 1..1..1, 1.,. to turincr unueu cuoris in ovum ,,i , dnlsm bv tippllng means of study and in neiiait ot the worn oi social mnmi nj the application of the best philanthropic thought .in... ........ ..F ,i.h on.,!..!.. I ln!iiti.i, rnlli. iiiiiiiiiM',,! iiiu mivn i; if, ...- ...... ...... or thnn exclusive, and thnst who are tint Hebrews and who wish to take part In the study of Hebrew history, or tint arc Wrr esled In the work ot this society nny be come members. The studies will be i utile- I.. ...... . ....,... X.. ..1 ... tmn .l.t.t.. na 1 11UII-CC llll IMU. .,, jlltll III! nnn, ,,..- ,n set been fonnulatcd.bnt the meetings will he neiit every iwo weens, iiicmi ineriuiK win be held nt the church, corner of llleventh and Oak sheets, next Wednesday at I o'cloi k. Yestcnlny afternoon the following otllccrs IH'IU fllTltli, iMMi 14, .-, vilin;. ill iiif Jin -ii- (U'Mt: ilr?. i:il C'.ihn, vice pitMtltnt; Mt. r. V. !Cn mler, Fecretaryi ilrn. HorKo Hzt tre.iiiiruri Mrs. 8. Helmlman, cli.tlr- mnn rcnwioiia ucpnrtmcni woven icimi cnar- iiinmlinpa ulirnnil tint rnn(l(llflrtn itf it iiiiUtt it inl tint it1 i III Ivrirt (m (1 i 1 1 1 fill' after llic nt't AVoMnesiliy' mocllnK. In- ii hs wno wish 10 iiccuim' cn.incr iiiviuuuis ?noiuti aiicnn inc nct inceuiiR. CLERK REBMAN'S TESTIMONY. I lgiirron slii'id of Tiibnliti'd lt t urns x ere Altered llrfuri' thn Ollklll Can- viihh AV.l .tltldc In the contest proceedings of Sloan against Keshlear the taking of deposi tions was continued yesterdav In the olllce of Johnson K. Lucas bi'foie Notary M. It. King. The only witness examined was A. W. Itebman, a clerk In the olllce of tbu recorder of voters, who made one of tlio tabulated sheets of the letnrns on the night of the election. Mr. Jtebman Is about to leave the cltv to accept n position with Hornnrd Corrlgan, In Austin, Tex., and In was anxious to give his testimony before leaving. Hebmnn testified that there was no ques tion but that the llgiues on the sheet on which he tabulated the returns on the night of tho election bad been changed before the time the olllclal canvass was undo. He swore that he could detect whore many erasures and alterations bad been mnde, the new tlguics not being in his band. In answer to a question as to whether he could tell from looking at tho llguiis, who made them, Mr. Itebman s ild he had been unable to iecognl7e the (lguies, but Jwiow they woie not bis. ltdimau further testllied that when the original leturns were tab ulated on the sheet the tlgures fiom pie clnct 20 show id 1" votes for Sloan to 101 votes lor ICe-dilear. The tcmnlnder of his testimony developed nothing new, Doing on a lino with that given by other witnesses previously ex amined. As before, the attorneys for Keh lear onteied wholesale objections to tho questions put to tho witness. Itccorder Owsley. Deputies Thlstlew.iito and lit ts tow and other witnesses are jet to be ex amined, and tho bearing villi be resumed this morning at the same place. WHAT IIOIIS IT 3li:AX? I'ait or rietion About Two Pair Award. A newspaper paragraph denounces as "false" the claim of a baking powder com pany to an aw aid at tho world's fair. Whom can it nwnn? Ceitnlnly not Di, Price's. Why? lie eau-e, as the records show, Dr. Price's ex hibited, competed and received the highest award, both at Chicago nnd the California Midwinter fall. The awaul In California Included gold medal. The evamlneis pronounced It the- otiongest, the potest, the most wholesome and eilloient ot all the baking powdeis. Its title to conlMcnco Is unquestioned. t Cm it be the nianufactuiors of a New York powder, fictitiously labelled "ali-o-liilely pine" who ire making "faNe" claims? Thnt would be strange indeed. In asmuch as they weie not even considered In tho award". Was It ammonia In tho New York pow der that prevent! d ItH makeis from com peting? If not, what? KIVKJIIIIM'S IIAKI) PKiHT. Tlio Prisoner Is Now in tlio Hands or the Cook Count SberilT. A dispatch received at the inatshal's olllce from Chicago yesterday stated th it Charles ICetchum, alias Hardin, who Is wanted hole for an nssnult and making thleats to kill, was now !u the hands of the sheriff of Cook county. The eouit held on Monday that tho waiiants for Ketchuin's ariest on tho Kansas City charges weto not piopcilv diawn. When the court hi Id that neither the Chicago pollco nor the Kansas City nuthoiltlcs could hold Ketchum on the defective, war rants, Ketcbuni was aiiested by the sbei IIC of Cook cnuntj . This nminlng will de cide whether Kelt hum will be leleastd al together or bu brought to Kansas Cltv on new warrants and itqutsitlon pipers. Ket chum has held all along that his nlfeuts heio were not felonies, ami on that giouud has made a elevei legal tight against lie Ing brought back to Kansas City Tho Kansas city otllelals now In Chicago aio veiy doubtful ot succi ss In tho habeas coi fius case. it AY I.IIAI) "JO I.ITHiATION. 'Hie Jlovniucut to Widen Al.iln .Strict four Vet lit Tllltll. At tho next meeting of tho council the otdluanco to widen Main street by extend ing the sidewalk four feet west for a dis tance of sevnity-four feet noith of Tenth stunt on the west sldu of Main, will come up befoie the lower house, having passed tliu uppet house at tho last meeting. Whllu no formal pmtist has yet lice ti niudu to the city authotltles It is understood that tho eltort to lake four feet olf thu build ings elected on the lots fronting on .Main stiect tor the distance spcollicd win re sult 111 litigation In foiu It biiceieds, V. H. Kiihiur owns thu snen and one half foot strip at thu uoithwist louur of Tenth and .Main: James Kellogg owns the twenty feet north: IJ. Wbyte, the twenty feet north of Kellogg's lot: A, Iluutem.iu tho adjoining twenty tout on the noith anil i:. Why to own the last lot tu bo alfeuied by thu cut. UAN'IS III AUDIT A llfltl, A Wealthy Unnili tinner Writes a I.cttir to tlio lluiiiaiio Soiiet, Tlio Humana Society receives neatly ev eiy day letteis ftm out of town people who aio anxious to adopt children, but there ate few who appear to bo willing tu take us young children us tho society gen erally has at Its ulsposal, Somo of tho lettets asking for children aie pecullatly worded. One was received vesterday from a weulthy ranch owner In Oklahoma, who .seems to bo sincere In all ho ptomlscs, A portion of the letter leads: "I wish to Consult you Jn Itegards to getlng a gill from the home. 1 luui a good homo to ufer a llttel girl. I would like to get a child fioni U to ten of age. will give htr a good Ldlcatlon and Halse her Iti giaee, Helinement, dleuety und true vvamunneod." Chicago (Jreut Western Slaple-I.raf. On and after January I the Chicago Great Western railway will accept detach ments from mileage tickets in pujment of excess baggage churges. This will piove a great convenience to commercial travelers und others who carry a large quantity of baggage. The Chicago tireat Western Is the short, est line to St. Joe, pes Jlolnes, Marshal town, St. Paul und Minneapolis. Trains leave Grand Centtal depot, Sec ond and Wjandotte streets, 10 a. m. und 7 p. m. O. W. LINCOLN. C. P. and T. A., IOJi) Union avenue. V, H. LOHD, U. V. and T. A., Chicago; 111. SHELBY AND THE COOK GANG, tiii: tNTitr.piit may wipk tniT tiii; not, ii tit a in itt)iim:its. It Is ttiiinnrrit 'I hit the Depart incut nt WiiililiiRlnn l t'iuilil iluu n I'hin Mlth Unit vi rj llbji-et In view. IVpnty t'nlled States Mntsluil Ncnrmnn, of Nenho, was In the tll jrstrnlav, nnd staled, In lottversatlim vUth some friends that last weik be met Major Donne, a spo rial Indian agoht, who was Just bai It rroln Wnslilnglon. Me stated that while there he learned that the department nt Wash ington was serlouslj rouslib ring the ml Vlsablllly of rpiilsttlcllng some pirts of tho Indian Terrllurv, and pulling the cist ern part of the country, win re the out laws and thieve are congregating. Into tlm district presided over bv Marshal Jo Shol bv. Tho mutter was being fnvotably con sidered, and II wnii llkolv to In- done at om o and the work of going after tho gang and denning the Territory out would then be donii at once. The department reposes special lontl donco In the wisdom nnd Integrity und nblllty of Clonctnl Shelbv to riunptct- the matter very easily and lid the ronntty ot the Cooks and Dultons and other tobbots real or mythical, and rcstoic the releu of law and the rights of the citizens down Ihete. There Is gnat ehaglln felt at Washington, nccnrdlng to .Major Do.itio, over thu contlniiod and outtageotis maimer In which the deputies pile up cots lur hunting the men, nnd the regulnrltv with which they do not Und them, nnd for that reason the department Is inpldly becoming of the opinion that u chiiiibu of ollliers Is necessary. In this connection the ntness of General Shelby was mentioned for tho work of cleaning the country down theie, nlid tho recommendation wns gxnei.illy ncei ptcd wllh favor, and the action vvus now liable to bo taken at once. General Shelby was nsked concerning the matter by a lepresentntlva of the .loin mil sosterdny afternoon, and stated that he had' beard tho tunjor, but nothing else. He was not In a position to Blnti1 what be would do other than that he was prepared to enforce the laws of the eountiy and carry out the orders of the rami, when made to hint. In any matter plaiod lu his hands. I'ttrthcr than that ho imtld not discuss the matter. The lltncFS of General Shelby for the position was gene i ally oone-cded by nil who had heard the rumor, and the tonnrk was made that In case such an order was made, that the gangs down theie would lnd a man after them who would press the light harder than any man jet In the wmk, and give (hem a chn that would speedily wipe them out. General Shelhj's loputa tlon as a man of determination and daunt less courage Is national In extent. LAST OF NOVEMBER. When tlm Next ( Poultry slum Will lie Hi III ill Kalis is Cltv. The directors of tho Mld-Contlnental Poultry and Pet Stock Association held a meeting last evening at the Midland and decided to hold a meeting during the pres ent ear and selected the dates beginning the 27th of November and closing the 2nd day ot December. Tho place ot meeting will be In tills city, but the dlrectois did not decide Ji:-t hcre the show was to lie held. The dlieeiois are hopeful that the new assembly hall will be open fur meet ings at that time, and, It so, the show will be held In It. The dlrectois ate willing to take a block ot the slock In that enter pi Isu and help It along evciy way possi ble. , , , An effort Is being mailo by several of the dog fanclets of the cltv and elsewhere to hive a bench show held in the fits . in connection with the poultrj show, und it is possible the scheme will be successful and that both attractions will lie given at the coming show. Several of the membeis of the Ameilean Kennd Club hi the1 city ate of the opinion that with some etfort tho will lie able to have the next meeting of the Club belli heio ami possibly might be able to make the dates the same as those ot the show, and hold them at the same time. It Is believed th it such a plan would be of lionellt to both organizations and would gioatlv stimulate the Interon ot famleis In both dogs and chli Icons. Tho dbeotors of the poultiy club me greatly pleased eivoi the success ot theh llrst liow. Inasmuch as It prove d to bo a success evciy piemlmn. spei HI prize and rlblion being dellvciod to the winners befoie thej loft the building, livery other bill was paid nnd a neat cash balance was left In the Measurer's hands for tho coming show. The eluli Is assured of l.uge numbers of fowls tiom Cnn ida at the next show and tho Increased Interest 111 the ludiistiy among local fanclori will make the local birds more nnmeioiis lu the next meet ing. i:yl!AI, SItl'I'ftAtilSls. Aliliuit 'Milting Meld mid lllllicrs of the .ssim l.itloo i:lee te il. Tho annual mooting of the Woman's Suffingo Association was held nt the Coates hotel jcMiMil ly afternoon and resulted In the le-eloitlim of all the old ollleers of the association' Ml". Prances H Jenkins, pifslilent; Mrs. Sunk Coates, vice pies. dent; Mrs. Suah .Ti nkhis, leeoriling secre tar ; Mis. vi. It. Wench, coi responding sec retnty, and Mis Lufbinvv. nc.isiirir. Thn coiiespnndlng s,ctetaiy lead numer ous letters from viulous paits ot the state, relative to tlio common of the Insane In the pool houses of the state, the re pints being gloomy enough to Justify the assoi 1 1 tlon In fill lliei big Its plans lo se-eiue tho pass.iKe of a bill to make the Insane pool wanls of the stati The petition which will lie sent to the b gisl.iiino will be fouiubd nn the nnswers that are now being loielvid to Inqtililes that the association sent out within the pist month. lie. nit Is n Pn i Ions (tin, And faultless teeth In a lovely moutji Is one of Its greatest charms, lie i.tioful of your teeth and presono them by using SO'.O. DONT. thai ebaimlng dentlftke, which Is peifeclly harmless und absolutely Indispen sable lor tlm toilet. l.lce-ted Illri'itnrs. Tho Oerman-Ameilcaii Savings and Loan Association jiste relay held Its anniinl i lee. tiou of dliietois mid auditing committee. The election took place at Tumor hall ami the polls elosid at "i o'clock. The it pott ot tlio retlilng bond of dbeetors will be ready lor publication about the SiHIi of this mouth. Tlio board of iliiectms elected for tho pie si ut J car ate: John Iteiile. ,. Sutoilus. Phillip lien, William l.cuge niann. Tho auditing lomnilltee aio: A. L Klein, A P. Sp.ur, Paul Hnirun inn. Tho newly iK'oted oilleeis will meet at thelt olllco In tho Itklgo building lor or ganization next Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Consumers of chewf ty tobacco who are willing to pai; a liltle more tiiaa Hie price charged for tie ordinanj trade tobaccos, will find te brand superior to all others BEWARE Or IMITATIONS. mmf Tnr w:,:i HE H--fi'T Ate,' . ' A . ! " . ' V' ! W I 1 loll I Opening Sale for the Spring of '95. Some of the Gowns. New, Not Old! "M'f-w I Good Muslin, Mother iliililjard, fctitiaru Yoko, ,.?"7r. X U. 1 ntccly triiiiuice, full sluuvu, novur its equal I. "T-c Good Muslin, Mother Hubbard, neck and sleeves -J--' "" trimmed with fine Cambric rufllc wonderful . . . . No. 3 No. I -No. 5- Muslin round yoke, rtifllu of linibioidery down front nnd around neck anil sleeve extra value... Muslin Mother Hubbard, square yoke with insrr ttons of embroidery to beat them all Excellent Muslin, Princess Shape, lanju collar with wide rufllc of lawn, full sleeve, full length, y styles Q(i. to select from, round tttcku.l yoke OtL Ty ' V shaped yoke of tucks, Muslin and Cambric, X Jt J tritntned with haudsoinc embroidery, etc., none QQ worth less than Si. 25 , t OL IVn . ( IHllul 11 Some of Cambric, Q f 1 LMJ. O, .5 IUIIIII II crs of Muslin, I'ompa- ')P 1 I '- dour yokes, pointed yokes, full sleeves, embroidery J1 )X trimmed, insertions and tucks. A ijrancl collection at Jp I .) nearly one-third less than corresponding Gowns last J Ki year eJPl.tiVf Other Gowns must bo seen to be appreciated at the following prices: 09c, Toe, Sl-OSI, $1.3!), S1.U3, 81.75, S1.1KK Sl., S2?, 92AU, 82.510, 8;5.25(si.ui, si.'.m. All 'those Gowns arc full in skirt and sleeves and arc extra long. Examine tbcm critically! Don't be prejudiced I From the old cuts advertising Gowns by others one would think they were going back to old styles. The difference here is immense. Muslin Skirts Extra Values! 10 do.en only will be sold at this price. The Skirts are of good Muslin, tucked llouncs of fine Cambric with tucks above. J(., Sec them promptly 'tt No space for particulars at the following prices: 75c, JMIc, 81.23, 8I.'1, 81-39, .82-25, 82.111, .$2.75, 82 Olf, .83-25, 81-50. Note the new "Umbrella" shapes I Where arc the other stores with such a collection as this to select from, with prices figured to the lowest cent? Mail Orders should be scut as promptly as possible. The Great Stocktaking Sale! Will also continue in full force to-morrow and up to Saturday night. The great cut on Dressmaking prices this week and the big reduc tion in Dress Goods should create boundless enthusiasm. Shoes Linens- -Dress Goods Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats Leather Goods Eiderdown Flannels House Furnishings Muffs are being slaughtered in price. DOGGETT DRV GOODS CO. OF INTEREST TO STOCKMEN KANSAS OITV SIKIWJJ 1(1 m: 'I III; lll' wi:sti:kn" r.vrri.i: .iiAiticm. Kere-lptH During: f.S'll "vVe-ri- Liiri-r 'I'll in lllirllli; 1KD.I, Whllu lllll ltceilelN in Chi- e cilRo anil Otlirl t ilie-s vv e ree sui llle-l .Vtr I:iil;i nee Ifiint I'riiineile il. Of the loaelliicr rattle? tiurKets In tin West C'it is Hie- eiiily line- that tc-pntts n fe'.llu in Its ii'Celiit.s lnt- tlio pant year. Tlio c-.tltlo receipts lietp lor 1S9I hltow a K.iln nf -'x,:Wi over liM, while CIiIo.iko fell I.lIiIiiiI In Its icoolpts lS'J.niS, Omaha SO.IMI .1 nt I St. l.oul.s yj,SI3. TIicho IlKtires tell philiief than wohIh vvhete the c.ittlu ti.tclo ot the West Is KnllW. I'tiKeiie Uttst, hiipi'ilntetiileiit oE the stock y, tuls, was fU'iinioteel tho llis-t ot the je.if to lie upoiliileiiclt'nt. W. .r. Toil, M.iplo Hill,, in com pany wllh Ills vvlte, p.ise-eel tlumiKli tin city .vestetilay i'n i-itlle! to Ohl Kiijrlaiiil lot- a visit to tholr ultl home. 11. tl. Lodliettor. Ci.inli-ii fltv, .Mo vvaa in yosieiil.iy with lios1-. lie- says tli u-e liic-lu-s of snov foil lu C.i.-s ceiimty Tucsil'iy iiiKht. t'attli- ate- (lolnir well. T. I'opojoy, Ullcy county, Kns., wmh at tlio yoste nluy vvltli Iioks. Hi- te poitfi but fe-w cuttle foe cIIiik In Ills coun ty. Ilogs nil koiio. Corn, I e-onts. OcoiKe Ktaple-tim noil Willi. 1111 .l.iulo bon. l,.iin.if, JI11., ttoin hem vestetilay with cattle anil Ikirb, Tln-y say tin nunilicf of c.ittlo fe'oellni; In Il.irtein county Is 11 tltliel Htort of last year anil hofiH n half. Cattle- ate ilollu? well itnel most of them will be fe-el out late. A Koocl many liogs uie ilyliiB fmm ohokra. Coin Is FillliiK at : to 3J coins. t Helller and I't'eictor, Kwiniller ,t Co., UiMyiiiei, Jlo hail In cattle anil lios yostenlay. D.ut ,:, .Insoplt .Summorvllle, .1, It. Jllicliell, I It. lUi'ki'j und .losoph fit mm, Valley l-'nllJ,, came In es tctility with cattle and Iiors. John AinttniiK, Jon Thorp, O. and i:. Taylor, Hume, .Mo. weto in yestctd.ty with cattle and li"':'- S. N. 1'eti.v, OdUiilooi.t, Ktib., lu cattle and Iioks e,sti'iclay. ,r. W. Itoss, JleUoiitli, Kas., was at tho v.irds vesteid.iy with Iioks, .1, V. I.eiunnJii. lieJthany, Mo., was on thu yittils vi'sli'iilav with hufis. J, II. KlaiiKlitor, Deinlni,, N. JI,, had ill cattle yi-steiday. r. 1'. I'.ttlo, Jlttiiliattiin. Kits., c.imo In ypstenlny with li"B William Wlit'lor. I.enexa,,, was heio esUid.i Willi cuttle'. T, llohbs, A, Jl Kcott anil T, 1!. Ham mond, llulilcn, Jlo, weto at the yauls lebtei'el ty with li'Ks. V. It. Oteoii, Tuuaniln, Kits., hail In cattle yi'Stet'elay. C. J, Johnsein, Ncs City, Kas., was lu yosteiday with lions. J. 1', IMwuttUs and A. I.. I'ox : Co., Ilullcr, Jlo., weie! ltvio ycsteiday with llOKs. Jlnsos Harvey, Uehor. Kas., was at tin y.uds yi'sti'tdiy -with cattle, 11, C. J.tcKbon, Jl tdcrson, Kus., was lu vvsteiday with catlle, 1.. Backs, West Plains, Jlo,, came lu vestetilay with cattle. r, K. Howies, Wamcga, Kas,, was on thu y.uds yesterday with Iioks. W, U Jletib'. tliocnlleld, Jlo., was heio yesterday with heps. Ruble & Hruce, L'lk City, Kas., were at the yardb yesterday with cattle. E. I,. Itlce, Climax, Kas , was lu yes terday with cattle and hogs. J. u. Mat tin, neKall), Jlo., had lu hogs cbterday. A. C. Olln. Utaillton, Kas., camo In vehterdav with cattle. Captain A, i Olhfcon, Chanute, Kus.,,1 wab ut thu yards yesteiday wltlf cattle, j DOGGETT DRY GOODS CO. Muslin Underwear WILL BEGIN TODAY. U,. r. No. 2 UOC XT O .loliii Hudi-Non, I'l.inklln eoiint.v, Kas was heii vestuelav with Iuibs. Tom Jlltchell, liiiswoith, Jlo., cum In Willi liii's vo-ti'iilav .1 II Cinvvfiiiil, .Me i win, JI,,, was lieu- estoielay Willi tattle anil Iioks. W. H. (.unit, lliolimiifiil, ICns , wns on the- y.uds osleida with Imirn. Wllllani Itiuiil, Wabuinsi'e county, Klls , in J OSteVlil l J with Clttli". A. It. Thomp!-on. Loftov, Jllnn , wan at the . dels yoste-iday x 1 1 1 1 .sloekcis. .Iiisoph Kciiiuii'll, II, nils, Jin., had in hoK-t vcsti'idaj. .Inlin Willis, Cordor, Jlo, camo In es tonlay with cattle- and hns. A. I! Comlll, Hull's Summit, Kus.. was heio .vc-stitilay with sheep. Ctul., lie-Inn-, Jlaivvllle, Kas, was on tho 5, nils yeste-iday wllh c.itlle und Iioks It V. Campbell, IioiikI-is, Kus., had In cattle ami Iioks vestetilay. Hen Wait-, lilotop.t, JCin.., wus In jes tLiday wllh Iioks (Senator 1M Taylot, ndwarelsville, Kas., came In .vtMonhiy with hoys. tiii: Vlt'l UAI, lllllli: AM) A IM.s. As SIUi VI HIX. A l'm.ii mils I in em l il Institution. The (iHi-oolailiin has Just Ismh-,1 lis m v i nth si ii me nt und di-i-l ui'il Us us ual seml-iiuiual dividend of 31 . i-r 11 nt lor lie is nieiniiis i-i eliiiK i,i 1 inlii 1 ::i, l.Ml, It I-. now cine of tin- Hiaiieliinl llu.iiiiial rnu- I I rus uf Kansas riiv. It li is p ism il llic eXIIC'lllne IH.ll fieliod .lllll Uecel.s no letOlll- uie ml 1 1 Ion I'orceins 01 mi ill or Iiiko Inomiips will find in tills ronbiiv.itlvo anil e-anfiillv m 111 ueel assiM iutinn not nnlv 11 h.ilo, hut fnol liable, pine to itepo-ei tln-li- oiiiiiiirs and luullls. No iiiii.iue',' tee is liiarKisl. Ai -loiint.s hi ly lu opened the. s-aiuii as In a built. Then1 an- le-n thousand people- in Kanijs City who should have at counts in bOlllU bllCll illl Ihhlle l.ltielll Di-utiiN mill riiiie-rulN. William Wench, 11 diiver In tlio employ of the liiii-n Tin- lire vvltii: I'ompunv, dleel jeMmiluy ut the- la 1111 111 lio.-it.i! The le nialns weie tulciii to Waitni'i'b. Tin iiuur- III iiii.iiifteiiKnts will hu 111 lei- aflet the wheii.ilKiutb ,of the donii man's leltllveb an- li'.'H n el The servlris nvor Iho reiniliis of l-'inl I! I ! en I Kl 11. 1-1111 of W. 1., ol No. ?ll Holme's liee-t, were be lei at O'clelC-K Vestel-ellJ lllll I llOUll TllC. tlllll.ll vvns 111 I'nlon 1 1 mi'iiry. The funiHiil mrvieej. ove 1 the ii-m.ilns of .Mrs. Jliuy I'liitiiblii'l. who L'l.'e! (ilistuui htteil, on Suml.iv, win- luiel at in o'cliie'k M-rimliv inoiiilnt,". Thu Inn ,il was in rnleiii nine 101 j The lomulim uf Nettle' IlatrK Iho IS-vem-nlel Kill who elied nt Iho eit luii-pltiil fiom iho efi'i-its nf 11 loviilviT bhot woiiinl lnllieii by fnoipuU 011 Iho niitht of lo rptulier 17, Win- removed ye sin. I, n to Stew irl . Curiill'ii. Her liouu- ut No. I VI I Inline x sirn-t, ,n InilUi'St to as riitiilu the- dliie-t o.niiio of hor death will bo he-Id ut 2 ei'iloek tills .ifltiuonu. Tile llllll'inl belVieen OVell Illl- IVIll.llllS of Mio Jbiiy Neiilliuiu, who elleel 11 1 No. ait llveii'tt eiviliiie'. CU. Kas, oil Tlienl.i will he held lit ". n'eloe-k tilts -ifle-i. noon. The- ii-inihib will bu iIicnl In the vnult In I'nlon ccnieter). (hi city. ,Mr. Nceilliam was ,.1. oats of ilKe. Hit' death wus eaiit-od by cancer. The funeral services over Iho remains of Jol;;i Jtcfov ll.tvliiiin. who died it tho lionm or his elnmrhtei-, No. StIS Hnst Twelfth Ftli'ot, oil Tiie's-il-tv , weie hold at 2 o'clock je-sti'idiy nftruioon. The burial In i:imwood e-omotory. Tho funeral erIoe-s over (ho i-eiinini of KUvi.i 1',-ti 1 son. a f!-)oni-nl. child of 1'otor IVteryen of No. Mil Pheenuo snoot, Ar inoiirelalo will bo hell this afternoon at 3 o'clock Th" burial will bo In I'nlon ceme tery, this elty. A Itiiiieliiiiini rriiui Oii-koii. Jlr, 1't ink Heed, 11 pioniliiout niniii iniin from UUcnilule, Ore., wus hi the cly je.sterelay. Jlr. He-eel wus for inunv jiats in the fuinitnro liitklnct-a at Topekn, but ie tlrcel from that line nf business there tour j ears axo. went to Oitkou and has been nuikltiK monoy In the stock business slneu that time. He Is erently pleased with tho buslnebs and says It Is both pleasant and profitable when properly niuniiKC'l. Ho re turned to Topeku lust cvenlm; und will return to Oreuon hi a fortnlfiht, C'omjli. Uso "Jlrowi'i HioncUal VioiAt. Tuy roiiesn real aioiit. iota uy in ioxa. D0GGETT DRY GOODS CO. REATEST OF ALL GREAT SALES OFS On Octagon Bargain Counters. Some of the fluslin Drawers. The new feature so prominent in our stock, in comparison with what, were sold by manufacturern to other stores, is the u.xtra width ill all the better qualities. " "" . N- ,- J?5 do.. Gootl Muslin, That's all we can afford Pino Soft Muslin, nith iihtr urice would be -tsc. .( j do,:, of good Heavy Muslin, extra wide, just t(),r 'what are asked for: snecial nncc tJi'vj io.o No. i Kino Muslin Drawers, finished with tucked llotincc i Kr, of dimity: who can in.tkc them for thu price -rtJKj XT .. I'inc Muslin Drawers, with rufllc of handsome cm- JOf -L 0 J broidety and tucks abover special "J'UV. Other priced diawers: &, 75f, !!)!, !Ulc, 81-15, 81-25, 81 'Ill Wonderful surprises among them. Corset Covers What a Difference ! The shape ami fit aru what tell in those Corset Covers. TVT'i 1 5 '0" on'i' w'" ',c so'(l f t'lt:su plain high neck -L- " ' " "Corset Covers, which are well made N Tr. " .t.t. do:. only of these " " square neck. Take as N T,-. J Cambric high square Ja '- dory. 1 hese will not No. 4 Cambric V shape neck, Embroidery. Another You in list sec the following priced Corset '- X- Cj- jC) n'crs without our description KfOL) "l'Olj JO Cov Chemise. These don't sell by the thousand as of late ycars, but we have al ways a largo number of customers for our specials at the annual sale. 23c, :l!)c, 50c, 02c, 73c, '.ltc. Long Chemise of Cambric, 7!)c, l!5c, 81-25,81-115 Millinery Trimmed Hats. Revolution in our Millinery Dept. ' Miss Doerle has boon engaged to take lull charge, with a splendid corps of assistants. A large number of Manhanset and Knox Sailors included with tho Trimmed Hats will be closed out this week at.. .. I-fqlj ljpfk Other hats trimmed to order at very low prices. A-iillL J 1 J.VA3 INDEPENDENCE. -I be- I'iiik of Paul Ale v.iiiili-i- Will lice He Id fills Vfle riiiiiui ut tin Christian ( dure It. iho fimi-ial of I'iiiI Ale'xaniler. tho nt tntnev, v hu dlod siulde nly nn Tui'dae will tnke place this aftiiionn at .' o'oleie k it the liulstlau eliuieh .Mi- Al'Xindoi W.IS lib lllilli'el xv 1 1 1 1 the- ellllllil Mill 1 bis n-lilenee hcie, aiiel was a li.ule't imciiiM Hie JOU11K p-eeple- ot the eotlKle L. Itlein VlllLll SOllelW W.IS expiISS,,! .11 Ills llll- linaly death. Thu deceased a nic-niboi of tin lloo Heio older, nnd its nii-nihus will itlinl the Mil-he this atteinoein in u benlv I n til lite l.lbt eve-lliUK It WIS tllOllKhl lllnt the Inula! wnulil not take- pile,- mull tela lives lleilll a dUtilllei' could .11 live Te I mams .iiiiiouiicliiK t I1.1t It . 1111I1I be- Iin possible fen tin 111 to llflve ill lilnu till 111. , iiiseii tin- hour lu P.- set lui . u 1 loe-k this aftc IllOelll Itev. Alexailele-r I'loelOl will plOllil the fllllil.ll elise lllll, se-. The p lllbi'.ll e'l b Will In v 1 StoiUlm,, W. .l, lieed .IiiiU- I.I IHnll, .IuiIki' Cl IiIii .1 11. I'lixtnn II Hill.! Jl. (ileiu: elllll .1.1111. f, I.. I'lie-lps. Assllllll'll Cotllleel. A ('. Win net, who his In i n nppnlnicel b Itei oiiler (Jin -il to ,n t In thce.ipaeltv ol elllll elepUlV It till- llnle pi'llill'llii- Utile e. took ihniKi' of tin- lecoielit's olllee lu tills tiii )iiiiln. lfi'ieiiibl IJue li has also appointed Mi N i: .Vlooie- 10 a place lu the lllel pe'll h neo eillle .'. . It II. ill, 1 lib t elepuiy imiler i-x-lttc Older Hiliele-, will lie i,-taliuii in thee UllllO Ie llipill.llllj. "VI I-. Will III I il-pellbOe olKais yesteiilay to his 111.111 tiit-iids II, -in on )tolilirr,. Thieves atteinpKd to silu :ui i-iitiniii-to the- stole mom 01 -I. II, Knoopktt, ut no i-nilj hour j 1 silkI i- moiiihiK- Winn Mi. I'h.iiles N.1K1 1 111 lived at Hie steno he ills, emu il time niic-iuch uiihc'i' I okn In tin 1e.1t dooi. iho holt s weio bond Jiuit UlielMe tile ItH k. Tile IiUIkIuIS Well' . I I lllllllj .S.all'd Oil, fell' the door WIIH bielll , ly instilled I111111 flu- Inside Home veiU iiKO .Ml. Kline pl.ei'b 1011 lii.ulo.s was as s.iiillid while reluinliiK hunie aft r elos 1I1K life- sioie. i liiitj-tbiid Aiiuiw-iMir.v, Mi. ami Mis 1 .mils lllll), who ioi-leln on West Alton avenue, - . Ie bl.iteil tile lllll tv tllllel ji.u ol niairliil life TlllHelal Tiii' eii'iiiblnii W"t. iiiailn a me nun able one lo the- I en t v invited fiie.sts, wlin sinioiiuili'il the Ie. still bo llel .Tile ple.lblllo ol tlm en -, lesion was heightened b Hie pie e ins of Jlis, Hilty's slstei. Jlis Hoiik. of, who Is vlbitliiK .Mis illlt. 'Iin' sisters luui nut iiki fot twe ins -nine j.uts. At ' o'elork a buninllioiis sine ad was hail. Jl.iuv of Hue Kllests biinuht tuiivuills of thu aiuilvuoaiy, I'lillnte i'.lllllliit .llline'S e . .Jilsiiu, leu lllbilinue l' title 111, vv liej his hce-ii koIiik under the ussuiui-el name of .l.liucs (, w.ix utiisieil ebtenlt by lily Jliiihhal Tio w-iitiuui for his niiest alloKes Hint he i" wauled ut Allino.'-i, la., on ,i ihuiKc. I'm- L.-.II,.. V.I.'lfk. II 1. .I.lsllll ll... tl .t,n.l....l Junics ('. Jnllii, (hi Iuphuhu'c mint Vkha i in lnnn iiTilmr ititili l (hit ft v.t.1 1 rii ixi iniiiio JHxi'e-lllllll'Ollb. A in ll rinse llcriibo was Ibbin-d )Obtiid,iy to L'hailes !'. Halluiu und Miss Jlny H. U'lisWi'll. Jiislleu Junes Jiellul null the ciiepiuuy. The funeial of Christian Ware, who died Tiiesdiii tit the form ot Wllllani Hill, will luko place this afternoon fiom tlio Hill lesldciice. W. living flornuiny filed suit fur ellvoieu vcslcnluv Hum his wile, Anna V. nor mally. The eouplH wire married in libi?, und the petition ullees dcseitlon. Jllbs Hettie Itosb. of Oroesbeck. Tex., Is the Kiust of Jits. J. 1). I toss, at her home on North Jlaln ttreet. Jlrs. (Jeorge tseeluest. of Peqrla, 111., who has been spendlnp several days in the city as tho RUest of her sister, Mis. r JI, Howell, leturiKd to her home Ua even in u. The Journal Is delivered to all nnrtii nf tho Wiy, Complaints of Irresular service should b lennrlct lu tb tn-ine-h olllce, In the Chrlsmau-Savv yer building. 4 ill buIleitlDK .U'cldelU llislir.llut- Mle'lllf 1', () H-ibeoe k, ot A i linns. i, ,itived list evoiiInK to take Josllu buk to low.i to 'hUml Hhi'illl ll,.beoek stated that .loblln'b tLl.ttlvi'b and those tntucslcej lu Ills at 1 1 SI lire.- pilJieioub pcupie. I i D0GGEH DRY GOODS CO. plain hem, tucks above. 'IQp to sell at that mice lJ hem and ftno tucks regit- 0j do.5. will be sold at.. -'-' 10c 19c 25c 29c roc Cambric Coiset Covers--low, lew as you plcrse neck, etlgcd with cmliroi- last long finished with fashionable cut price RETA8NS RUPTURE WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL. Tho Mir IlnrTcy Human Hand Truss. iiW WST LIKE USII.Q YOUR FlhGERS iOU iCNOiV HOW THAI IS! Tor Dopc-irllv 0 Uixuian Aeldrcs I R. 3. 1" i:HSO.V As ., ho, H Max'tu . l.enUO Itllllellli:, 1. VXS S CUV, 31(1. siMMmMmimsf' flUUEN STAMP & SEAL, GO.. Miinufiictuieis und engravers e-f liuliber mil Me-el Mumps, Mciicils lhasst lioi-Us Wtix in il Notiiriiil W....I. I, ,1.1..... .....i - J'aehi-'! 13 .-vteer, eeeeieiuii nine AT.'S-i--- Metul n.idL'es Whllu I. name Letter Isllls. I uibrellds re 1 p.tiieei Lees tittotl I Tel. 9S3." 802 Del.nvv.nre Street, I .K.V.NS.A.S CITY, JO i ' ' y"-s a a trt. s trr t - SteelgPennvroval Pills f' 'l:!!i'l',";t"riKUu' "'"I, nly J C I III..VCH Miioinid re-li.ililo c-iiio i 'v;mi iirlu-i, I'nio, tl,i;ient 'r Hi) mad. Oenuinu fcold cud) bj reeinriiKiun .", Hiiixlsts and So!o.i '.Kit Mala stteoi, KinsasCity Jin. . I1ll...lnd. i.hil..n.lli.Jlh, V.t.' rfl I bj etriuf UI. e . 1 1 1 1 L..U I -f W CI. I Ir -.. i il ., I tiluti. 1 u. 1.. ve.l 4ru,i.l IMI4 .Mill I'lllKCN N Ibbliril. Tho following couples were stsietday lie. ni-cil to wnl Mime. Ciilllh J riteh, Hiibuciue. In Ace. CI u.i M. Alltlllsih, llelloile'v,' u 1 (mil V. Ainleinin. Jticksou i-iiiiiit'y.!.,'.!.M 'Iiora hinder, Juekson lomii), , ,,,, 11 liiurleb P. Jlllkr, .lael.sou eoiinty j,i Itattiu NjioIiI, Jacl.bou c.uiiuty,,,,,,,",,;;i , tltrlliH lteioil.-ii. to'ira's? KaVii ?i.roi,,.s;?r,cU lo ,h9 vZh .imi.-Jaryt I5" " "iSW Uaai n!;,;,;uif;rvaki""11-"",-l!l,0"mic,"er'-: Ti,.ui,!,i! K,! s,,,! 4M 1:ase lieiiii, i-iiuiie-s 1.. unci Jos o If,; clrl: 2301 Hiilll"s, Doeelilbor 31. h' ' ' Kelly, Annlo; ulrl; city hospital: Uecem. be r "J. Viullivan, Jlr, tuid JIu,; boy; lui! Liberty; Iie'eenibvi 5, Clink. 1', C. ami Jennie; uliL- 1101 i:ast rtlth; December 31. . .a.i. lliillbb lleporleil. Tlio follawIiiK deaths were reported to tho lm.uU of heullii stbterday; Uoilklii. I'red; ufid .-.'; Dvcembor si; I'ort Worth. Ti-n.; typhoid K-vu; builal in I'nlon ce'iiu tei j . lt.i) liiiin. J. JL: aaed 76; Jnuuarv l; jm Kat Tvelflli; old age; byrlal lu Klmvvood cemetery. , , , firavolld. R.ilvatorla: Infant; January : 607 Hast Third; catarrhal bronchitis; burial in Jlo'int fat. Jlury a cemetery. Stewart, Canoll & binltb, undertaken, i:i Walnut ttrvet. Tcijphone 1515. I'iftieei e-i-uU u week (or lliu Juuruul ileUtvrcd ut our dugr- Ipf It '-' !'lHlslVli:ii -. . T-, , .- ..V. , . - - ifcS., SW 1.