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rTOnf p&smnkrm HmmtMtr&tpmtMnmiwm w LHE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1803. TTgJgiuf". "'T. rsa yjyg. KANSAS CITY .JOURNAL- The Journal Compans Established UJ4. t'ntersd nt thft Pnstnmeo In Krtnsnii Cits. Mo, ns Second Class -Mail .viaiicr. c Dally ntul Rtindas'. ono veir M Dully nnd Hunch.)-, sU months In Dilly anil Sundav, three months s 00 Dally ami Fnndiy. per month i. Dllj, without Sunday one sear J in Sunday Journal one veir . J JJ Trl' Weekly, one vear . . . '? ff TrbWeekl). six months . 1 M Weekly lout ml mill Agriculturist onu S(nr .... ,. i. w splcial NOTICIi The subscription price of the Weekly Journal nr-d Agricultural has been re duced, for the prison!, irom Jl tu M cents OlIV postoilire nildrcsa in full, Including .ountv and Htnle , , , , In ordering addresses changed give old address in well in new. . ... , Remittances may be mule cither li) draft, postolllco onlei, express mones or der or icglslcrcd letter, til out risk. Ad dress Till: JOURNAL COMPANY. Kansas Cits, Mo POSTAOB. ,, , . Per the henetlt of thoc sending single roples of the Journal through the mall, we give herewith the transient rate or lor den mid domestic postuM'. Light nnd twelve pan piper IP 6lxten and twents past pal ;r. -c. to city srnHcitnums The Dall and Sundnv Journal, dellered, fcr month, COo, pet week. 13c. IllilUCTKD MANUSCRIPTS Will not he returned nnd It In usele's to enclose stamps for thnt purpose Pirsons wiihttie to pres. rve their literary pioduc. tlous should retain cordis of nil commun ications sent to thli oillco for publication Tnr.nniONn numbdrs Iit.slness olllcc I'-J Editorial and Hoctets I; -tv ndltor . "12 EAUTBRN orriCH-TI Ttlbunc bulUllnB, New "York. W Ward Damon manager WESTHRN OPPICU-IO. Dearborn Stre"t, Room t. Chicago, III Horace Jl loid, Manager UfiGESI MORIUS lBCUUTIOI II AHSAS CITY. GOOD MORNINO. Sixteen Indians nro reported to be Ftarvlng In St. Louis. This Is too Intl. Has St. Louis no dog pound? We eiy little nld of the "rock ribbed Democracy" these d.i , though the ribs can be seen eiy distlnctlv In Its contest foi supremacy with Greater New York Chlcigo Is cateful to keep the dhectoiy floor well pidded Gocrnor Walto will go out of ofllce net Tuesday, and theteiftcr will be merely a wild nnd woolv reminiscence A New Jerses pig swallowed a live dollar gold piece. This "hows that the New York boss ate not gobbling all the Kold. "I have been governor lone enough," said Goernoi riower. This cannot be regarded as an extravagmt statement by any ineans The most amusing thins In politics this season was the spectacle of Popu list leadcis In confeience solemnls de nouncing otticesefkeis Texas people aie becoming tired of Senator Mills TexaE is n little slow, but It occasionally gets Up Into line with the rest of the countr One of the New Yeat's callers at the White House cried out. "Htirtah for Grover." He Mas a small boy,' how ever, and didn't Know an1 better It Is thought thu Piesldent Cleve land will shortlv contilbuto to the gloom on the currency question by lssu. Ing a special message on the subject Kansas Citj will probablj experience some cold weathei this u Intel but theie arc no indications of It et Oui au tumn climate Is still holding the foit. It probabl didn't oicm to out Dem ocratic administration and congiess that discriminating agHnst a foielsn gov ernment wah a game two could pla at. Dublin unherslt;. Is to have a football team made up of wqnian students And why nn' Womtn have the hnlr, they h-up the bloomers and thej liaf the jell The planteis of Mississippi have de cided tu foice the wages of farm laboi ers down to $7 a month This Is a little better thin hanging the negioes, but not much The Hon u'heioltee rill" Is entirely too much In c tdenc. in the Terilto'v since ihe holldijs i-nt In The maish3ls will hae to gently remonsttate with Cheiokee " JapTii s going to see what the Inleilor of rekln loolw like nt Know the i en son wli;. And it is not txpcctliiB to fctumblt m any surprises in the nlnpe of teasuns h. Pilnco DisunrcK'n prehinllment that he would die liefoie thfe co? of 1M failed to come tiue. Thf old chnncellor Is bearing up under tho disappointment braely, hoveer. Trank James hns he has too much leapuct for himself and fot tho public to go on the stago aj an actor. KranK has beiii n kn.ixe In hH time but ho never was a fool Tho Nebraska method of tio.itliiB bank defaulteis nu not be authoiled b the statutes, but It la warranted t cure the defalcation habit In communities wheie It la applied The announcement of J'renldmt Mc. flrlde thnt tin laboi unions would piob ably place n piesldeittlil o.iudldBte In the Held "III undoubted!) caijsn liineial Weaver to prlclt up hlt rats Chicigo's foothill (earn It, being in badly beiteu In tho W'tst as Ik lias-ebal! team was beaten In Ihe Kist. f'hleago had better swear off on bill teams and try for the nitlonal conventions The h'.tvy Ills'- susttlned by tho orang- glowers of rioiida In the leecut cold snap Is chlef'v lematkabltt ( out the fact that It was not caused by Dem ocratic effotts at ptatesmanslilp. Mirs Lillian UiitsoU and her husband have klbted and made up. Jf I'truglnl will behave hlinsolf now ho may con tinue n hi wife's good (tract ludell nltelj possibly throughout the yeai. Eevety Continental Umopean pott Is now closed tu Ameilcau tuttlo and dressed meats. What do Western farm ers and cattlemen think of the Demo cratic policy of opening the markets of the vvor(d, as fui us It has got,' We suppose Miss Wltlard and Lady Somerset have thoroughly Investigated the rjuestlors a- Issue ben.tcii tho Hav erhill ctrlk rJ a d thelt employ 3rj. These good v. omen certainly vvouldn t meddle In n conliocrty to Hie trient of openly pldlng with one of the par ticipants without first making sure who Is In the right. Htm iiii: nti in. Whatever people innv think of Ihe llPhiMturn Incident nnd Its met Us John llufii", the llnullsh labor rcptesetiliitlve, la lilllng Americans ome good hnmu Irulhs tn regmd to tits polities here Is a iiuotnlton from his address In Wnh luitton tint will bear thotightrill con fl del ill Ion The) report IK tltn WdshliiK ton Post shs "Mr tlnrnn took up th (tietlon of mu nicipal purhli ntion In whleh he lm had it Imp. nl Brli,il MtM,rlnt,n II, litfiltl til Hln time when the IlniilHi unloas Ilirt riiiimen inn; monoK)iieii wcie overrioinK liiillili'lpalltles and inutilrliiilltli vvele pli.Mns Into the Inn of the monopolies and Irand the movvtli of the tibor unions UP to Ihe Mm. that 1 2i union men held Pltlonp In over 300 miiulilpal Kovern liientK Mr Iturhs l a member of Ihe London i oiniiv nunell being lo the representative of th r ime iQtintlttienr) In the Impirlul piillauunt 'Ihe ellut of labor pHiple tnklnK an lnleiet In miinld pnlltli had been roi the latler to (rain rnnjrnl of the mix, wntel, nlreit cat nnd ileotiii IIrIii monopolies li as useless to denounce the Itenulillenu D--ntoiiate or 1'nliulM parlies Tin liiborlnR pieple of the l'nltf'1 Stales had a ui:ioilt or two to one If thiv would mil use II and Ml Hums nld he was one of thoe llncllshnien V ho enlldentlv believed this pnvvn would be ulllUeil and tint the cre-vt problems would be "olved Statlstles were rend showing that In the cities of Llvirponl, ill ispovv nnd London a per capita debt had !een ehanRed to u pel ruplt i asset since Ihe I ilnir unions hid tiikni a hand In municipal nffnlis" Theie never wn n more foiclble tiuth uttered thim Hint the liboi vote In the t'nlted Ht.itos has n m.ljoilty of two to one "It the would onl use It" And John Hums l the onl.v forelgnti we hnve et seen who ees the fact praetleallv, or tnll.s enmiuon sense. As n I tile Kmn pcitns have led oui 1 iboi people and led them demagoglcallv Instead of pinctl call) Tho Americans. Powderlv, Ar thur and now Compels mo not "i.vdl cnl" enough and the violence of such nun tis Most nnd the annichlsls meio ductilnalies In wold' has filtlcied awn) this strength that Iluuis stis Hums Is" a piactlcul leformor. and Is both n member of the citj council or London and of pnillinient, anil he puts 1,1s Ideas In the foim of ndmlnlstntlon Wo want to call attention to this te nntkable statement That statistics show that "luce the labor Ideas had contiolled In the municipal alfalrs of London. Llvutpool nnd Glisgow "i per cnplt i debt hud been ch inged to ii pel capita asset " This is a stnitllng as well as n icmaiKablo deeliratloii In Kansas City "the gang ' would be dead In u season if the labor vote was only tiue to Itselt lint to get the ad vantage of its powei ineasmes must be In Inimonv with it The cltv can own Its own suppls ot gas, water, tieet cars and electric lights and with the laboi vote this would be piacticable. John Hums talks good piaetical sense when he urges these Ideis us a woiklng man, and we aie gl id to see him in the ie id on these Issues A little common sense will bettle this fact at once and heie It Is In a nutshell IVople In Emope, in New Yoik, Bos ton, etc loan mone to corporations to build and opei He wutei woiks, stieet car lines, gas and clecttic light plants. They operate these and fiom the piollts of tint opetatlon pa the Interest on these loins Who pass this inteiesl and the oper ating expenses" The people of Kansas Cits who pas for theii use. Then If we can and do pnv this to otheis whs not pas It to our own tieasury,' That is how a pei capita debt is con vened into a per capita usset We pas the lnteiest on the bonds we pis the expenses of operating, and we pas the piollts that go to the coipoiatois, oi as thes aie called, the stockholder who projected the work and who control the admlnistiatlon of the proptitles Tho value of these ti includes can be estimated when the fact Is consldeied that such stocks aie isrels found on the muket, nnd as a rule are not for file, and tint syndicates and trusts aie busing up all such piopeits that can be got hold of l!ut the laboi vote cut never achieve these mones-ln-the-pocket leforms as lung ns they follow mouth-organs, and vote foi "gangs" Hut municipal gov ernment must be along these pi ictlcal lines Ins-tend of electing mete ambitious oi men emus politicians to olllee Lot the laboring voters read nftei John Hums nnd find out how in a few sear3 a pet capita debt, h is been changed Into a pei capita asset WOMAN IX l'OI, tills, Tho spirit which Impelled the men of Kansas nt the late election to duny to women the right to pattlelpiln dltectls In political aflnlrs, and conse quentls In the social and moial things which nro tho icsult of government, has since actuated the leglslatuie of Geoigil to letuse authoilty to the gov einoi to appoint a woman to tho olllee of assistant lllunrlin This spliit Is called, oi, i.ithoi mlN riOltd, the splilt of ehlv.ilis It ionics Itoni opinions which lie mldvvas between tho civilization which withheld from women .iff tho civil lights of ,t human being nnd that advanced state of so clels wheielu she Is beginning to enjos all the pi Iv lieges of man Although foi Sinus women have been appointed to public olllee In Kansas and Inimhlbls Willi good lcdiiltH and although they have had foi sonic time ,i finetlounl Voleo In iiiuilleliil politics, in vol tin less ieoigla, whleh hns Just denh d to woman tho tight to earn hei llvlns. dlN turs fom Kuus.ih ujily in degiee. The lino of lOn-li1 nlon which lieoighi stneoa. iiiep moved to the conclusion that woman Is u cuatute to be trusted, ad mlied, nnd hi pt In n bandbox, Is Identl ial with tint which was litols tollovved on the Kansas stump In uct(ltei i oin inonvvealth would the men have thulr woineii HhMiiiitf an oblltfntiou which vxmld iendei them less luvuhle and worn mis, which vvould mako flnm un bain ih it devotion to hopie wheieln tllult chkfesl giaies lie To leasonpi of this cl.HvX, who are vt-is nuiiiaroiis and, as women hive often louud, ptiversels Inllueutiil, ,i helpless woman is inoie to be deslied than an Independent one, a creatine of us'; than one whose mind hid lied all the opportunities of expansion I'oi It has never been denied by men that theie is nothing moiu bioadeulng and Instinctive than active putlclpation In the ulfaits of state, Notwithstanding thu ward wnkci, who has lloiuuhed In nil ages, polltlus has evci been an invi tation tu Intellect ami iplrll, and the one who 1ms studied thu silence woitliilj has been vvoilhlet for tlie studs Oteut cdltui have left their desks and en tered polllky that they might tetuin to be gteatet cdltois, and gieat law sera have retired tium polities to follow their professlol) In u laigei was. The science of government Is essentially tho silence of mankind, and the study of i calls up to uctloit, the hlgheat mental acuities Jf, as statesmen Jot eveiy eentuty have ttslineil, politics develops latger heads nnd better hearts, win should theie be finr of Us Inllitencc upon vvonnn? The ieaon thill the vvniimn ot to-dny Is beloved nn the nttpeilnr ot her piedeeessor l becniiso she Is more In tellectual ntul she Is more Inlilleetllnl beenue of those uihnliccmenls which the spirit of "ohlvnlrs" hns been tumble nlthgelher to withstand A celebrated Amcilclili cald of the tnnguoroiis beuilty of the woman of the southern coimtiles tit it It is beasts un til she speaks, but the inoniehl the emptiness of her hentl Is discovered she beiotnes a doll. This Is the piodliet ot "chivalry," which still strives, though with diminishing effect, tn prevent her fiom becoming nil she ought to be, nnd what, when she hns nltiiliied the slnte, will make hi r tunie desiivlng of the ad mlntlon nml tespect of men hxss ('Ill's I.IMl SMIt'K iiiaiii:. The news columns of the Join nil hive given lu delitll the points ot Inlet et concerning the giowth of the live stock ttnde nt this point In the enr past, nnd I.o rendei could full to be lmpieed bv the showing made that the lead now lit Id bv Knlisis ritv In that gleit lil dustis 1 bevond smcessful tlvnlis The upon Issued bv the Stock Vauls Com pnlis. which Is now befoie us, gives a comph te lev lew In ligllies of the growth of the live stock bulues foi n peilod ot twents-four xenrs In nil Hint time the onlv check In the steady Increase was In the gucshopper, when the souico of supply was confined to tun Hot ' near hv. Pioiii n business of a little ovet $1,000,000 In 1ST1, the volume has giown to almost $100,000,000 Thciew.isu time when it was predicted thnt with the depiuttue of tho gloty of the great c title i.uiches of the South wcstein plains, thete vvould be a check to the giowth of this trade Hut the de velopments of the last few sears have shown thnt the contwuy Is lute As the l.iuges of Western Kansas, of Texas and the Indian Teiiltors have been gradually but surely ciovvded away fiom watei flouts bj agilcultural faim eis, the live stock Industrs his had more cncoui.igcment among fatmeis geneiallv And cheapei grain his had much to do with tho general spiead of stock lalslng among fnimcis all thiough the West Th" Kansas Cltv market has made a reputation that Ins enabled It to not only bold Its own In the tenltoiy reiched by its gieit sstem of r.illtoniH but It has passed all othei markets in the ratio of Its giowth The Improve ments going on lu tho stock saids will add so nnteriallv to the facilities foi handling iceelpts and shipments that additional impulse will be given to the business heie duilt'g the coming seal, and with no untowaid happening to cut off the suppls the next nnnual repoit will undoubtedly show an lncieiso of buInes even greater than that of last 5 car. General Jo Shelbs siss thit If he Is sent to euppiess outlaw iv In the Teirl tois ho will wipe out the Cook rang In tdxts dass or resign his nnrshalshlp General helby Is the man to 1111 a lomr felt want Let us hope the tumor that he Is to be sent aftei the outlaws will be veilfled Empeioi William mide a New Year's call on th' Ameilcan ambassador. Mi. Runs on, we mist, iccohed the xoung kalei coidlallv and made him talte one to the health of Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia before getting aw as-. Aftei we put an end to outnges upon Innocent negioes In the South and ex tei initiate the bandits in the Indian Tetiltorv it will unquestionably be the duts of this civilized government to plo test against brutalities in lotelgn luids The -cnate will piobibly piss the bill providing for the collection of the in come tax not because It appiovos ot the income n, but because the govern ment Is obliged to hnve levenuo fiom some souice The count! has been demanding Soc ietal s Carlisle's leslgimion foi some time, but now that the New Yoik bank ers are miking the demand he will ptob ubls have to go THE NEW YEAR'S JOURNAL. Kt Louis Ilepublle The Kane is C'lt Journ il lounded on lil In gieit shape last .Similaj H as resplendent In colois nnd ovcrMovving with uilvi illelug ovet top ping eveiy other hlgh-vvtilcr mirk of the Seat with IS3 coliimns of business an nouncements bv the wideawake nieiihants of the Meat eltv of thu Mlssoiui vallej It gives the Hepublle plrasm. to tendet Its oiiipllnicutK and congi nutations lo ill' Journal, and through It lo the people of KnnsiR Citj upon the maiked evidences the biindns Journal attotded of rivlved liin-lness and fust lotuinlng ptospeilts 'lopeki Capital' The New Year's number of the Knnsis City Journ il Is a hlhhls itedltablo bstte, both to the lournul anil to Karsas i 'Its The Issue comprises foils lagc-H and contnlns 1SJ icilumus of adver llslng, a vet leinatl' ible showing at the elos,, of i seat lis no mollis famous foi thu picispeilts of business of anv soil 'Ihe Jouinil Is now In ItH foi ts -first seat, "the prlmu of lite ," and 1ms the Capital's con Mutulatlons and fcood wishes foi many liapps Ni w 'Veils to come. Lawieuio Juitinal Tin Knnsas City Journal Issued n musnllhont .New Year iiiimbci, a ciedlt aliku to Ihe publisher and lo the e it j flhe Join mil looks as IIiohkIi it l a ptosperuus pipei It Is said Hi it xluco the piescllt biiihless maniiki'l. Ml. W A. Hunker, took chaise of thlllBS, It has uiadi munes und th it ts an odd thing foi a Kansas City papei lo do Hut .Ml Hunker lb one ol the ablest niiuat,cis a Kiiin-us Cits luwspaper ever had and If given his was them will alwuss bu dlvl- dinds. Nut I, h phiini' ssfclem In Atililoii. Auhiton Kas . Jan i M J. Travers. ferine i Is of J.h coin Neb, will put In a new iclephon' $t m bete. Ho will tiso the Jlairlson telephone, and If he secures .'ml sltb-ciibei-s al SJ' a seal, ho vvlll ngiesi to have the sjsiirn In ojieratlou b the 1st ot Mis Mais of the I irgest business huiises huve sulwei lb, d foi insiiuiucnls and he will have no trouble In seem Ing tho debited iiuinbei lie will asl: Iho cits eoun ell foi a fuiii'liUL at its next meeting lie VVuiitiil I line, Dctiolt Pitu Piess Dlslei "I courted mj wile thiee sen is befure I got hot, and It waj ncails all wasted time," HlRler "WhS' Isn't she a most excellent woman?" Dlglei "&he is. Indeed, but I've discov ered since that I could have got her In I luce mouths, If 1 hud had the gumption to usk for hei." Anollur Itinlwr V anted. Fort Seolt, Kus., Jan. 2 -(special ) 1 he Atlantic Trust Compaii), of St. Louis, see. ond bondholders ot the 1'orsl Scott Water Compans, to-das Hied u motion foi the appointment of another leielvej foi the works, 'Ihe motion will be urgued 1'ildus before United States Circuit Judge Thaser, of bt. LottU, Illdlcutloui. Washington, Jan .' Poi Oklahoma and Irslldti Ttirliors Pall, variable winds. Por Mlssouil Pair, colder lu northern norllon: variable winds, be.-omlni: north- erls For Kaiuas I air, variable winds. AT Till! '111131 1 KIH. Siuirt llobsou wns seen nt the foat'i Insf night In his familiar and amusing' char irterlsMllofi of Tone LUmpkln In Goldsmith's delightful comedy, "She Stoops to CniKiuci " The publlo ought to b ginleful to Mr Hnbon for keep ing allvo this superior specimen ot the slnhlnrd J'.ngllsh comedies, nlthotigh the limited Scope allowed Mr. Itollsem In tl loll- of Tons Lumpkin precludes the pinntnbleness ot Its frciiuetit use. It Is iiiic of those plavs requiring nn ex eiptlonltllv) strong east In mnltei It en (Ibis sntlifrtdtors. Mr. Jtubson hns ln Jcctc.l liltcj Toliv it goeid deal !r fin thnt wrts never dtcmed of bj trtnus of his predecessors tu Ihe lole, and n the purl Is one that strains probability a good ileal at best, there would seem to be license for the somewhat farcical but v'oiv ntttacitlvo color this eoinedlnn gives the seung tolstciPt. Ml llobson's cist Is In the iniln good. Mr. Itoboli. who has grown a little stout foi the Ideil embodiment of the fttscln itltlg beiulnes of the Itobson lcpcrtms. hat leirnid the nrt of dressing o as to conceal its fill as possible the encroachments ot her inbust tindencli's, w'hlle the ldlllcklng nlmndiin and giacerul mnnnei of the woman do mote thnn nnthlng else to hi Ing hei neat the Ideil conception ot such n character ns Kate llnrdulstle. Mr Heigmuti again proves hlinseit n vciv capable ncloi In his adaptability to the living graces of AomiR Mntlovve, giving especial point to the Intrinsic woith ot the man who found himself at a dlsiilv.ini ige with women ot equnlltv but was n innstet over Infeiluis lohn Webster makes a hnndoiue Hastings but he vvlll hnve to rid himself of a most ungraceful walk belore he can shine lu silks nnd liccs Tim Dlggoiy of Alt Uoodeisott Is one of the best Impersona tions in the cast Mi. Ye.u.ince makes much of llardcitstle, although handi capped bv it slender phvslque that does not suggest the luxut lolls living of the supposed Innkeeper To-night the bill vvlll bo "The Hciitlettu," which will bo lepenled tn-motiovv evening and at the atuidav matinee Saturday evening, "The Interloper." The sale of scats fot Pol Smith Kits sell's engagement nt the Contes will be gin this moiplng. Mi- Kussell's engage ment vvlll open next Monday evening, when he will bo seen In "Peaceful Vnl lev," which will be lepcited Tuesday evening und Sntuidav afternoon Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Mr. Klisell will be seen foi the Hist time In Knnsas City as Di, Panglos In "The Heli-at-Law," and Pildav and Sitttr day evenings the bill will be 'A Poor r,Auil. M. I?itki.n1l Is ntie of the stiongest attrictlons tint do honor to this cits and thtie will ptoinoiy nu pechl Interest In tills engigement be cause many ot his old ndmliers are nnx Innn to see what ho call do In standard comedy The Grind will hive a strong at ti action next week In J K Emmet In Tiltr In a Mad House" Ml Emmet curies special scene iv foi the staging of the phiv. which 1 cast with u sttong compans 'The Charity Hall will be tho attrac tion at tl e Ninth Stieet next week Tho plav belongs lo a clas that will be In teresting to tho regular pitrons of this theatei and will also .attract .1 good mans who have not been accustomed to visit this theatei The cast Is said lo be a good one The plas is one of the best ot tho long line ot Ameilcan societs pliss of reient origin and is very well known In this cits. The recital which wis to have been given ls Miss Gertiude Concannon at Mnon ,x Hamlin's lull Tildas evening of this week has been postponed to one week fiom Trldiy evening. TAKE IIMe'joK HOME I.I1 K. Tho -Mist ike That the Intctnety llusy American All Too OJten Makes. There Is no busWpeoiMe in the wot Id than Americans. The lush and Intensits of our business lire excites the constant wonder of foreigners accustomed to more lc-lsurels methods s.1ss the New York I're-s. It is a question It American men do not woik too ha'd u ! too fast not m"relv for their own good I it foi the highest good of theli famine- In their earnest desire to win mitcrlal benefits for their wives md children thev trequentls toll with such unwcarslng InduMts that eating and deep ing come to seem lo them like lmpertl nenos and thev are haidlv more than trinslent visitor- In thcli households In the old Greik and ltoman religions the father of the family was the priest of the f.unllj A profound signiflcinee underlies this ancient rone, ptlon It Is but an em bodiment of the etemil truth that the high est mnril respoii-lbllltlcs devolve upon a mini In his elian or ot hush ind and fath et Th it the murled in in of to-das- often llnds himself unable to spend ins onslcl eiable portion of his waking hours with his own fnmlls Is owiig largetv to the stress of business life m 1 to the ambitions fo teied In t countrv whose cltl7ens are v el eome to the highest positions In the land If thes c in win them Hut this constant snuggle for miiti rial welfare shnml not be permitted to Inueise so fai thit the "things thit ate moie excellent ue for goll. n ot Ignored Sometimes n i hlld dbs, nnd then the busy futhei inns ie ilitc tint It was Indeed t little sttaiiBr who c uue in him ami went iwas iiBnlu He had watched the growth of his buslne-s with Intense Interest ind he knew cveij aspei t of It, but he had not had time to watch the giowth of a chills mind and chat u lei 'Ihe Anuileati wlfo and mother .in i hnnge In a greit measure this old. I of thliiM bs holding up lino libnls of what constitutes success In Ilfo and of whit nnkis a home worths of the naino, fot the hush in I In a t,reit mijotlts of cnsis Is guided by the wlfi and will bring luck to hi i what shu gives lo hlui If life to hei means ndthlnc hut money ind snilul sin i ess, she binds hei hushind to a wheel that will gradiall crush tho best th u Is in him Hut ir It nicars a moral de velopnunt whnc soune of powei Is a ssmputheile and ennobling home life, she will take care thit lnr husbnul his time to live I 111. ltd s Oli V I IIKIl'AI, ,Kt A siiilmiii or (bu. u( s lb st I'ro- lui tlmii. Piom the Lmdon hpcrlatoi. As tho pleading foi Sluieni Is Justly con. side led one ot CIceio's best plodticllotis, wt vontuio lo add our ovvit attempt at len duliig Into Ensllsh (not bs ans mi-ins that of so-callul good societs) un antlthctl c it passage, lt "Hut waiving this point, to idiirn lo a compailton ot studies und cinplo) ments, how can It bo doubted that icnowu for mllltais skill eonfnrs a more dlgnllleil claim for the coiiuHlilp than that for knowledge of jurisprudence? ion Use he roic divvn lo give sour opinions to sour client, ho does the tame to reach hU point of action promptly with his arms: the trowing of cotks wnkes sou, tho blast of lh chulon him sou draw up n brief, he a lino of battle; sou piovldo ugilnst the kUiprltu of sout ellents, ho against Iho stupilsu of cities and camps. He uudei stands and knows how thu lorces ot the PlieniS aio to ha checked, sol), how a ucljjlihoi's lain dioppinBs .u to be aveqted! he la cniplosed in iiii-hliig for ward Iho boilndaric-g of oui slut jou in illni thoso of pilvate per- . . An doubtless (for I must express il i I rw'o feel) vulor in war transcend ,1 me Oilier gcocl qualities. It U this win i has ele Vated tho Hoinun luunu H ii u which has bestowed perpetud r,no this our city; this has subii( u world to our empire; all tint illuui. rults of ours, nil these oceu ..tion i life, and even oui cncis m d re-i nut for lesal eminence, uie pro' i led i afeguarded bs vuloi In the Hei ui i s,uii as even A suspicion of In, a iuu bis bunt upon us out othei pursuits ut umi sink Into ob siuiits." A Coustltullouul toiitiutloii. St, Joseph News It Is not Impossible that the question of holding a constitu tional convention m Missouri will be taken up by the generul essmibls this winter. A constitutional convejtlon vvould cost some money, but theie urn lots of people who think It vroull be of treat benefit to tho commonwealth if propel 1 conducted. A R0LLFH0N0R, The Humiliating Defeat ot Uriel tnd In Irjlug to I'rmn M liiilrsnln 1 rand In Ihe Tension l.lst, Piom Ihe lloston Advertiser (Itcp) hen the present administration began Its work of hunting down the pension finuls the "special examiners' division" of Ihe pension ofllce Vvns detailed to do the! greater pirt of the vvorki The sum of $1110 0) had been appropriated for the work ot this division and about llfts-llve special examiners were Instructed lo ex amine every case thoroughly for the pur pose Of discovering anv suspicious rlr In connection with the applica tion for, the proof of, or the allotment of a pension, The scrutiny seems to have been rensonnbls eloe and rigid. At all etihts nearlv 5,nm ease, 4,7ft" to be ex act, were picked out as Justus Ing a sus picion of fraud of some kind. Uven If all oti these tiiscs had been fraudulent, the fact would have icmnlneel that out of more than 1,2,0,W0 pension uies these flfts-flie examiners, with an appropriation of il-WOm to nl.l them In their work, discovered less than 4-10 ot I per cent of pension eases to bev fraud ulent Considering the sweeping character jf the chuges made, the result would have been to show that the Indictment or the pensioners, while In some mcnsiire Justifiable, was, nt all events, somewhat exiiggerited and undtilv pessimistic. However, ns It proved, most of the 1,76" rases s. leeted by the examiners as likely fo prove fraudulent Justified no such sus plclon. It was eisv enoinih for the ex aminers to charge nnd to tecomnicnd the suspension of pension pisment In such cases: but when n thorough Invcstlgitlon was mule It w is discovered that In about every case there was little Bood reison lo thnrge the llenlonei or applicant with wrong-doing. This appears irom the re port of the pension otllco for the last llscal scar and the statistics there given are worths of the best attention nt those who have denounced the pension ss stem ns a gigantic fraud. Out ot the 1,763 cacs selected as fraud ulent bv the" penlon examiners, convic tions resulted In less than , nnd or the persons convicted twentv were notaries and executing officers, thirty-two were nt toiuess and sub-aBents and thirls -"even were wltnessis nnd other poisons not pen sioners. There were also found eighteen fraudulent Impersonators ot clilmints ind pensioners and eleven Impostors. Hut of solldlers and widows, of pi nsloners or ap plicants for pensions, only thlrts-nlnc were discovered to be guilt v of fraud up on the government. Out of more thin l.KOty-O pcnsloneis or applicants for pen sions, less than forty were convicted of fraud by this force of llfts-llve speclil ev imlneis aided bv liberal appropriation. If, ns President Cleveland useited, there are thousmds ot ftainlulcnt pen .inners: If. as othei Democratic Ie tilers Insist, the pension ssstem were a thing of mere spoils and plunder, whit will It ost to find out the remaining fnniK at the present cost ot $10,090 each fraudulent pensioner discovered? SiT, JOHN ATTACKHI). Ills Discourse on Capital Arouses an OH 1 rust Official. Prom the New York World. i:-Governor St. John, of Kansas, whose lectures on prol ibltion have earned for him a certain vogue among the professors of .hit creed, tried to lecture on "Capital ' at Chlckering hall sesterdas afternoon lit probibly was not aware that AYIlllim T Wirdwell, one of the leading llchts In the Manhattan Temperance Association, under who-e au-plces the lecture was given, is tttasurer of he Standard Oil trust But Mi Wardwoll ipilckls mide him nwaie of It Kx-Governor St John nvelghed against liquor stores and then began to warn his hearers, agilnst tho danger arising from tho greed of capital is represented bs the Wall street gamblers ind Immense monopolies und trusts and other organlzitions, which were now en dangering the vers life of the nation He ald that the Lexow committee had not zone deep enough or high enough to reach the Sugar trust scindals ,,.,., . Mr St John had barels flnlshed his ad dress when Mi Wirdwell stepped forward, and, ignoring Ch drman Bogaidus, accord ing to the story of ese-wltnesses, said that fet John was not called upon to denounce capital or deal with tlnance, and that the association couU only lecognlze his ob seivatlons on temperance, and nothing Hero Hev Acklind Lord Tiosle, of Wood side, L I started up in the bods of the hall' There were cries of "Shut up." "Go on ' and cheers ".Mr Wardwell's action Is nn Insult to the" chair and nn insult to the association," ciled Mr Hosle "Mr. Wardwell has no right to lebuke the association " Then Mi Bojle went on to sis that .Mr W.inlwell's uctlon wis a chock upon the freedom of speech. Then for thiee of four minutes theie was a lively interchange of -omevvhit unehrlstlanlike observations be tween the platform and the Hers cleric in the bods of the hnll before Mr Hogardus slopped the dispute with a call for a. song "When 1 interfered ' said Mr Ward well, list night, "I had In inlnd the lact that the meeting wis foi gospel services and moial refoim, that we were not there to discuss llnance 1 still Insist that the Manhitnn Temperance Assoc! itlon must not be held re-ponslblo for Governor St John's uddiess I take this stand, not ns a membei of the standard Oil corporation, but as a pliln, God-fearing eltUen Talmagi. In New ork. New York Heeordor Dr. Talmage Is nt list to succeed In his purpose and to be come a pie.ichet In New ork city and nb solutels Independent Two or three $eirs ago the experiment was mide of bringing Dr Talmage to tho Academy ot Music to preich Sunday evening sermons, and he drew a great congregation Thit satisfied some of those who hive been anxious to br in: Dr Talnnge to New York thul lie could miintaln a greit Independent eon gpgitlon here very much as Professor Swing did In Chicago Propositions weie then made to Talmage to tike the Academs of Mush as a temple, und to preach onu setmon upon Sum! is there, and a sulllclcnt guarantee foi leinuueratlon equivalent to the s ilits h" was lecelvlng as pastor of the lltooklsn tubeinnclo wis also ptomlsed. T.ilmage.however. did not see his way clear at th it time to mako tills negotiation, Ho Is now able to do It, and It Iw announced that he vvlll preach eveis Sunday afternoon at the Ac lib ins of Music, and thosu who aie behind this undertaking will rely upon the collections that will bu tiken up fop the manes to piy tho expenses. While Dr Tulmnge siss that his mission Is to preach tho gospel, nevertheless he Is miking ar i.ingcments for moiu extensive llteraiy woik than he has iver done, and perhaps fot a wider Held of lecturing. He Is tho greulest nioms -maker upon the lecture platform, and he could e.tsils afford to de liver his lectures In thu Academs of Music for nothing, since they are bought by a s mlkate whh h at one t i mo eertalnlj pah) him us much us $10,0u0 a year for tho light of publication. Hill Hearings. New Vork Tribune: An experiment with ball tn aiings was recently niadu In Canada. V strut ar titled with ball bearings, was drawn i b- an o ot seveial bundled feet by nu n i I ng on thrco btrands of ordinary suwim, un. i I A carrlige manufacturer pin ii hei stslo of ba)l bearings, on the ai i f i coach ordinarily pulled bs four hi - A trained clog was hitched to the pol and ho drew the coach around the sai I with little cffoit. The combination of I iiiiunailu Hies und ball beailngs would evidently relieve mucli of tho strain now put on horses drawing heavy vehicles, and here Is a tip for an enterprising carriage bulldei, Thu sentiment for Jugitlli. Atchison Globe: A traveling man who Visits every section of Kansus sass that the people he meets arc almost universally for John J. Jngalls for Pnlted Stutes tena. tor. Aiound hotel ollleea there Is a gieut deal of political talk; nine out of ten men suy that It would be un outrage not to elect lugalls. this Influence, the gentle man says, Is being felt by the politicians and members of the legislature. The trav eling man quoted, who called at this ofllce yesterday, does not believe there Is uny question of Mr. Ingalls' election; the pres ent rush ot small candidates will mate rially aid the chances of Mr. Ins'iiUs. IT ALL HELPS ENGLAND, hat (onnlrr Will He Hrnented by tho r.nitmrgo on American tattle. Washington, Jan. 2.-Pptctol ) There Is inch distress nnd alarm over the fact fhat American cattle nnd dressed beef are now prohibited In nil Lutopein countries with the exception of England. The Demo crats concede the situation to be due to their work on the tnrllT, and while all ie gret the situation, they llnd moro to com plain nbout than others. A member of the ways nnd means com mittee said this evening that the whole troublo Is due lo the olllclal action ot the secretary of the trtnstirs. who put the sugar clause In the new bill He hnd been relied upon, like others holding n similar position, during the formation of tariff leg islation. The clumsy provision causing All thn trouble originated with Carlisle, ind to him It Is Insisted all thn blame, ot at leist the most of It, should be urereil "cd. Ihe report Is that to-day live entile nnd Iresstd beet enn not reach the markets formerls open, and the rebound Is ngnlnst the cattle Interests of this countrv. The iltnntlon that finds Dnglnnd the onlS piao for a market Is also very Interesting It ' is now possible for the brnkets of Liver pool nnd London to handle American (liessed beef, and, bv acting ns middle men, securing a ptollt on tho product nnd end It to other coimtiles, Thus It nppcnrs that the brokers of Hnglnnd have u chnnce 10 mako some moncV oui or uie summon os the misfortune of the Amrlcnn farm ers. It Is observed In this connection tint Dther feiturrs of the tarln" bill place the intnn brokers' not only In position to handle the products leaving this countrs. but they nlso h indlo Incoming merchan dise. In this wny the United Slates Is nnde a commercial province of There Is a demand among Some Demo crats to piss the bill Introduced by Chair man Wilson Just before the reces repe il Ing the sugar provision. Hut there Is a ,;rcit rear on the part or nnny that this -an not bo brought nbout owing to the geueial stagnated condition of mutters In ..... .,., iii, ibe dnmlnnnt narts. Thes believe that the programmo of ome of the ( Democrat", bs wav oi idicuik "" '"" i session, will Induce them to do nothing, leaving this matter, together with Jinan- i . . . . ... . . t. ... 1 ... s i cs, nf 111 lllrt ' clal legislation, eo no muni v. ... ... .... ..... propo-ed extra session. It Is snld that In the event tho embntgo Is not lemoved there will be a greit demand to havo some thing done thnt will reopen markets to cnttlo and beef, nnd In this collection comes the pi in to pass the Broderlck bill to put bnck tho fnrlrf on Imported cattle .t. i. .,me ihi firmer Is confronted with Imported cattle from Mexico, with no for eign mnrknts, thus getting the wort of It both wnss. It is ulo suggested thnt n this connection It would be well to do something with the prostrated sheep ami wool industries, but theie Is doubt It nns thing of this soit can bo done dutlng the present ses-lon GREAT LUMBER SYNDICATE. Nt irlv n Million Acres of Timber 1'urtbis ed In Nova Scotln by Americans. New York, Jen. 2 -The Htooklsn Daglo sa'ss: One ot tho largest lumbei deals on record has Just been completed. It in. eludes the purchase of St,0,0OO acres of Nova Scotia timber lands, together with sixteen lumber mills, all in operation and with estibllshed markets in England. The sjndlcato which Is bick of this is com posed ot unusually strong men In tho ilnancial world Thes Include: Charles H. rilnt and H. B Hollln. of New York. Charles L. James, of James A. Abbott, ot Boston, W A. Boland, of Boston; W A. Tatt, head ot the Kxport Lumber Com pany, Boston, and Louis A. Hnll, one of the leading lumbermen ot Michigan Thn oinpans is to be known as the Dominion Lumber Compms. limited, and is organized under the liws of the province of Nova Scotia. Its capital is several millions of dollars, but accurate Information on that point cannot be ascertained, as those inter ested are non-committal. For tho last two sears the syndicate has been nego tiating with Benjamin P. Pearson, of Hal ifax, who has secured options on the land for months under tho direction of Mr Hall and George A. Crawford, count ing trees and making estimates ot the productiveness of the pioperts. When the new tariff bill, which provides for free lumber where there formerls' hid been a$; duty on It, went into effect, the negotia tions were passed more vigorously nnd can now be said to, be completed. Ihe principal kinds of lumber which will be cut are spruce, pine, hemlock, beech,' maple and birch, and In all the 560,000 acres, It is said, there Is scarcels- one which is unproductive There arc miny rivers running through the land Along these rivers S10 miles of water front Is secured The title lo the property Is in fee simple, Is by grant traceable to the crown and Is free from all Incumbrance. Agencies will be continued bv the com pins in Dngland and new ones will be opened In the United States, Prance and North America SOME POSTAL REFORMS. Important Additions to tho Universal Post al Union ami lletter foreign Mull I utilities. AYashington, Jan 2 Several Impor tant plans for Improving tho postal service have Just become operative Tho principal ono Is the general i eduction of postage lates for Capo Colons. Orange Tree States and all other count! les not embraced In the unlveisal postal union. Under tho provisions of the new schemo all countries will now enjoy unlfoim rates except Canada and Mexico, for which special rates have long been In vogue. The chango results in a i educ tion of i.ites fot oidlnaiy malls fiom 10 to 5 cents on half an ounce and for newspapers from 2 to I cent fot two ounces The new auangeincnt for facilitating foreign mills fiom Boston. Phlladelphli, Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis also went Into opeiatlon. This allows the present sssietii of having the regular malls handled and way-billed at thu New Yoik olllee, hut also pi ov Ides for sending addition il malls by later trains, which leave In tlmo to in ike elltect con nections with tho steamers, messengeis to bo btatloned at the depots to enny the mill dluct to tho vessels instead ot allowing tho delay Inclined by tho leg ular malls In going through tho New York city olllee. A change In the series of the news paper and periodical stamps will go Into opeiatlon this week, involving genoial changes In denomination and In colois though maintaining the general clutrac tetlstles. The in vv denominations are I. i. 3, .1. 10, 2i and W cents, und 2, 5, 10, 20 and BO eenlu and $1. The denomi nations discontinued ato 4, c, S, jj, 24 2o, 4S, CO, 7J, SI and 9(1 cents nnd Jl D. JJ, to, ?), Hi, Ui, US, MS mid lnO. I'rlsoutrs l.siupo at Olitlu, Olithe, Kas., Jan. J (Special.) Joseph Hosi. William Hunter, Lewis Worthen anil another colored man nnd John Martin, white, broke Jail In this city at S o'clock this evening unit so fu nothing has been heard of them. Hoss, Hunter and Worthen were uirestcd tn Itosedale a few weeks ago for the burglary of Kelfer Hros. haid. ware store In this cits, Martin was charged with the burglars of the store of Jf. S. Delar, of Ddgcrton, last fall. Tho other colored pilsoner was chaiged with robbing a house at South Park. Hlght moro pilsoners weru In the Jail, but did i.ot es cape, although they could have done so easily, Tho prisoners picked a lock and made a hole thiough the wall In the cor ridor, Mr, llrodueltk Not lu Politic. Washington, Jan. 2 (Special ) BepreT sentatlvo Brodevick, on returning uftcr a visit from Kansas, tlnds that he is sup. posed to bo taking a very active part In tho Kansas senatorial contest, Ho says this Is a great surprise to him. it is a special surprise to learn that he has writ ten a letter to Governor-elect Morrill urg ing the election of Chairman Leland to the senate. He declares he never wrote such a letter. On tha contrary, he has adhered to the plan that a member has enough to do to attend to his own business. So far, he has taken no part In the contest und does not Intend te do t,o, m JTNhv j vpUlfevf 9l9oi r ETr!l' i I do not know where heaven may be, When parted from the girl I love, Theie's naught about Hut's sweet to see, Ami the dun clouds hang low above. When she I love Is far rrom me I do not know where heaven may be. To solve the ms'stcrs' of life In vuln I tiy when slrr's nvvas. . Tncn these Tew $ents of wrong rtnd strlfo Seem useless, and the fllntv wny, Wei trend with tears and gloom Is rite, When she's uwny what uso Is life? Hut when I'm with her, then 1 know That heiven Is shining In her csen That life Is Riven me. lo go Holding the little hand I prize. Lire's put pose thru Is plain to tno Nor do I doubt where heaven may be. St. Louis Star-Sayings, A STUNNING DINNER CORSAGE In tho was of novelties In shell are Mercury and "Oriental" descents. Mer cuiy wings spiead out in lioilontal lines nnd at the base nestle becoming ly In the hair. The Oriental ctesccnt Is tho litest novelty fot the coiffure nnd can be used bs anv ladles' haltdiesser In forming new stsles It Is a -veiy handsome ornament to eneltcle the new chignon, which Is the latest stsle In London nnd Paris, and which vvlll be the prevailing stslo In this countrs. Tho ordlnnis size of the Spanish comb worn this winter is 7x1 inches and small er sizes, which cm be produced In horn. A beautiful design, which promises to be very popul ir. Is a mixed piece of shell hlghls polished. This is sin mounted bs a delicate design of hand caning made more effective bs a plain bise The plain Spanlnsh comb, with no caivlng, also bids fair to become very popular. With Spanish combs the hair must bs worn a trifle below the crown of tho head. A small, round minor, upon which to set a Jar of some one variety of flower chrssantheimums or loses or tulips, etc Is a prettier centerpiece for the home tabic than nns amount of eluboiato embiolders'. The simple, quiet elegance of table setting and serving Is every where the kesnote to the culture of a fnmlls. but that elegance must give no impression of being studied, which is another of the mans reasons whs- one color meals are obieetlonable. Oh I would be tho ribbon bold That nestles 'ncath her chin. That 1 might kiss her Just hclow Tho dimpling curvo therein New York Recorder. Thej 're man led now, and If ho were Tho ribbon 'neath her chin, He'd try to hold It tight enough To keep tho talk therein. Cincinnati Tribune. Among the new furs Is what is called electric seal. The name Is to an ex tent misleading, us tho fur is merely a sheared cones', and while rather pietts looking ar. first, does not wear In a sat Isfactoty manner Indeed, It will scatce lS" stand ono season's use and loolc well. It Is like many other things, a makeshift, and for thit purpose may have a limited popularity. Prauloln Alice, tho popular actress of Berlin, announces hei conllnpr matrlage In this way through tho press: "To All my Prlends and Acquaint-, ances I deslie hetevvith to make known thnt I am about to In a new characlei, which 1 have never set performed. The drama Is called 'Mat rlage' ('Die Ulie') The pal t of the heio vvlll bo taken bs Heir Hans V. , Up on him it depends whether tho play will be a comeds or a trageds. It will cei talnly not be a farce, for we mo both of us ten Ibis In earnest. Besides, nil my man led fi lends tell me that In 'Mai ilage" there is nothing to laugh at." Simplicity In veils Is decidedly passe. Most of the now ones aro dimmed with either lace, llbbon or jet some In plain net havo a rulllo of lnco nbout nn Inch and a half wide, headed with rows of narrow ribbon, not unlike those used In our motheis" nidation dass. Again, coarse net ells are lined with pink chiffon, theieby lending tho tints of S'outh to nn otherwise ordinary com plexion Veils of veiy coirso net havo large chenille dots. These ato exceed ingly becoming, but mo injurious to the eyes. Clevel ind Plain Dealer: Pertlv "Mls3 Jones, what do sou think of the modern Vnan ."' Modti n woman "There Isn't any I" In all tho shops ato to bo found a lalgo assortment of lamps anil shades, most of which aie elaboiuto and costly. Simpler ones nro ninong them, however, mid every well regulated household con tains a number, Por u cosy coiner the globe should bo of red; If n standing lamp Is used fur tho puipose sellow Is tho proper color. Tho dinner table la no longer complete without a lamp's Illumination. A West Side south hns como to grief, Hctuusa u fall Ills initio foi llfo refused to bo Ono thing she could not bear, Sho loved tho south with love sincere On whom she turned hot back; Hut he his own daik doom did seal Ho wore tan shoes dsed black. ChlcuBo Record. Lady Frederick Hiuce, u prominent I.ngllsh woman, Is one ot tho leaders In the vigorous watfaio now being con ducted against skill dancing, which, It seems, Is quite clouding out music as a foi m ot enteitalnment in L'nsllsli couutty houses, Tho mun uiuL hla wife got Into the street enr and when they sat down tho lady's attention was ut onco attiactecr by a girl opposite her leading a book. Not only was tho luds's nttentlou ut tiucted. but that of eversbody else, and even the conductor stojped an inipet ceptlble Instant In tho hope that he might cateli the title of the volume. The girl wus oblivious of till this, however, oi pretended to be, and ut last the lady turned to her husband. "is there anything," she whispered la an of-couise-there-lsn't tone, "which will provoke moie cuilous uttentlon than girl who reads a. book In a street cart" "yes," he teplled, as K ho knew what he was talking about. His mannet nettled lU wife, who had an idea she had found the only ono thing ot its kind on eaith. "What Is it, I'd like to know?" she asked, lather shaiply. "Two girls," he said, and the elrl across the ear must have heard the conversation for ahe looked up at hlra and smiled t"ratefully.--Detrolt F Frcss, JL geg,gw-agT wrssgg'3S rvSg1gq