Newspaper Page Text
(I TUG KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895. WEAKENED BY FREE SELLING MAY WHIM? l't.lli:t ,VRl! I.OWKH UN- i:tt i,nii;it.t, niii:iu.V(iM. Corn, Oat mill t'rntltlniig AIm Made Decline Niitwlth.tiindliig tlio 1'iiit That I'jirly Ail loci 11 phi !n- tumble In llii' Hulls. Chicago, Jnn. 2. Free soiling weakened wheat to-day despite bullish now?, unit May closed Ho lower. -May coin lost io, liny oats ic anil iirovlsilons finished at de clines. The business of the year In the wheal pit commenced with a slight Inclination lo the bearish side. Thorn was not any imme diate material change from the prices pre. vnltlng at Hip close ot Monday's session, but seller were In the majority ntrd crowded their offerings In larger volilmo than the mnikct could nb.orli. The gen .ml fratttres of tin) eaily new favored the hulls. Tho Liverpool market was reported linn at 'id advance for red American wheat. Receipts in thin coun try were light, exports of fall volume and Inquiry for exports reported to be Rood. The first transactions In .May were at from t.V1ti"c and a gradual decline to 57Mi t,7'2c occupied the llilctlintlons during the next two hour?, The heavy export trade reported from the seaboard oaued a re. action to f,7c und the price kept between tT'jliJiV dtirlnK the greater part of the re roalr.d. r of the session. The toeclpt. In- tpcrtil here since Momlay are sixty-six ritrloadH. Minneapolis icported receipts of 151 turn and Duluth 106. making for the two pln-os "I", compared with 617 on .tim tmry 2 last sear. New York reported an xcollcnt demand for cash wheat. The big bi-urs In this market sat upon It with all their ponderous weight and did nothing but jiolnt at the amount of wheat In the visible Mippty uml sell to bulls. May closed at C7',e. Corn was weak and lower, with a fair amount of trading. The lecelpts were equal to the liberal estimates made on .Mon day. The opening price for May was 4S',e nnd that was the highest It sold at. It worked gradually down to 47lX,'E4?e and could not got higher again nfter that than 47V:. The weakness In wheat near the end had a depressing effect upon corn and vaiu-cd the market to close very weak at 47sc for .May. The market for oats was Inclined to drag. The fns-y feeling noticeable was In fluenced entirely by the licnvlncss In the corn crowd. May starteil a shade up from Holiday's last iiotatlon at 31j'c, mM down to 31'iiC and closed at 31V for May. Provision wete weak, Influenced by heavy live hog receipts,. SellhiR by puck ors aided In the decline. .May pork closed EOo lower. May lard 15c lower and May ribs Viic lower. Tin: ciiicaco mixtinc;. I'niim I'urlllc firm In If. .stand Regarding liic llojeott. f'h a(. T hi .' -T. .-morrow the mcctlnR of ihu A 1. 1. in '.'I will again convene for the purpose of seelnR If the Transcon tinental Passenger troubles cannot be ad Justed. The Canadian Paellle will not be represented at the opening of the meeting, although It may conn: at a later time. General Passenger Agent McNIcholi, or the Canadian Pacltlc, sent word to-day that as the roads bad troubles of their own, in which his line had no Interest, he would allow them to settle things before he ap peared .on the scene. The I'nlon Paellle will. It declares,, Insist on Hue lifting of the boycott against it, befote It will agree to anything tending toward the formation of the association. The repiesentatives of the Atchison and Southern Pacific, roads held a Ioiir conference to-day at which the Darlington and Hock Island roads were also present. They made considerable prog ress toward settling their troubles, and It was announced that they would report to the meeting they will be ready as far as their private quarrel Is concerned, to go ahead with the general agreement. The meeting of the executive committee ot the Central Trallle Association, which was to have been hdd to-morrow, has been post poned until January 8. The meeting was called for the purpose ot Investigating the reiorts that freight rates from Chicago to the Hast are being limit; cut. Earnings of the Chicago. Milwaukee .1 St. Paul for the fourth week In December were $570,200, a decrease of $152, 1.:! compaicd with the same week of last year. The estimated gross earnings of the Hock Island road for the month of December were $1,201,7:1, a decrease of $199,207 com pared with tile estimated gross earnings for December, ISM. That Suit Against tin- CnuliN. New York, Jan. -.Colonel H. (.'. .lames made three motions lwlorv Jubilee Patter ton, of the supreme court, to-day In the notion brought by the Soldiers' Ui pilaus' homo, of St. I.ouis, against the oxceutois of tlio late Jay (iould nti(l Russell Sage to lecover'i of bonds of the Kan Fas Paellle railroad, which. It Is claimed, Gould and Sage niipropilatcd to their uses. In the tlrst motion colonel .lames wanted to vacate the older for the examination of Sage as a party before the trial. In The second application he wanted the plaintiff compelled to make answer to cer tain allegations set up In the aniwer of the lefer.t:it.: s, particularly to the defense, that bonds had been disposed of by an order of the court. The third motion wns made to compel the philntilf to bring In the I'nlon Pacltlc railroad as a party de fendant lit the action. ' Decision was reserved. Will Cimtct the Application. Omaha, Neb., Jan. S. There Is going to Tie an all round light tor the Oregon .Short T.lne & ftnh Northern, the receivers of the I'nlon Pacltlc having about inuile up their minds to contest the application of the American Loan and Trust Company for a separate receivership. Theie will be a meet ing of the receivers In New York next Tues day, at which time a plan of action will be decided upon. General Solicitor Thurston will probably go on to New York In order to attend the meeting, and will possibly represent the receivers when the applica tion Is tnkvn up by Judge Gilbert on Jan uary 15. It s ulso thought tliu attorney general will Intervene on the giuund that the loss of the Short l.lne to the I'nlon 1'acHIe would seriously depreciate the sec end mortgage the government holds on the "Overland" property. An Appuil Allow) il, Omaha, Jun, 2. latin I.. Webster, ns -attorney for defendants, tiled his petition for appeal from Judge llrewer'i, recent decis ion In thu maximum rate case tu-day In the federal court, Judge Dundy allow cd tho appeal. The chief error assigned Is that the court errfd in that part uf the do. ureu wherein It ordered anil decreed that tho defendant railroad company be mjoined nnd rwitralnei from reducing th ruius be. low thos,e now charged by said company or from In any wUe obeying, observing or conforming to tho provisions, command. Injunction und pohlbltloiB of said act of tho legislature of Nebraska. All lleiippollited. Cleveland, O,, Jan. !!, At the nnnual meeting of tho stockholdem of the Cleve land & J'ltlpburg road held to-day all of th director and otlleei-d were re appointed, The total receipt for the last year wete l,3l9,fcv) and disbursements it,. 3W.850.57. The disbursements cover divi dends, interest on bonds, sinking fund con. trlnutlons, consolidated mortgage of 1UM construction and equipment bonds and maintenance of organization; It Includes! aso thu total sinking funds. Lincoln' Picture ICeplaccil. Mexico, Mo., Jan. S.-(Speca.) When B, Grata Id-own wd governor ot .Missouri and the Democrats gained control ot the housa of representatives about 1S7-), Abra ham Lincoln's picture was taken down from the wall of thu house und has been preserved by an old lady at Tulton, JIo. To-day by request tho likeness of the im mortal Lincoln, which Is a largo sUed and sjplendia picture, wa3 sent to Jeffer son City and to-morrow It will bu replaced where It buns prior to 1&70. M. O. AatlL, MMT, C. B, HlltT, ItC'T, CWtl HOC, JIJ.MC. CHICAGO & KANSAS CITY COMMISSION CO. 542 Otuc Sr, Kst Cut, Mo. NEGOTIATE COMMERCIAL PAPER, CITY REAL ESTATE LOANS, C::f.'.t tl ttf::i :r.t2 tt Ci'.U:; riitz ::::::, ::n::i, k;h:c:?al a ccsrcuTE ctfts. hj.t mi, i ttti Fc .mf .. Mt.eii.i l.vtl,.i.t tvlM, DO tOll WISH to HUT OR Stlt 1111 CStittt Att I:r St::t C::'.it! Clttt. Houston, Fible& Co., (Huccs'ors to Win. J. Wollinan i Co.) lt()MI, nloCKu, Ct).MMt:ttCIAr, PAI'Klt. fisn llrlnwnrn St., Kniit.m tilly, Mo. W I Anr!nrnnn Financial "Vi Ji filiUuG uuili Broker, lODolswarnSt, Kann City. Mil CoinniereiM Paper, Stocks .ttul lloniK 1II P.Utn Loins. H, P. WRIGHT & CO,, STOCKS and BONDS. S?nd for our Weekly Quotation Clrcular-tho olilvreguUrpubllcallonot prlcos ot local Ilonds nnd Stoiks In this tiurki'L AliMOUR BUILOfJO, 500 DELAWARE ST., KA.N.A 'l rv. Ml. I'l.NA.NCIAI., The llrst of the year has brought with It but little change In' the money market of the countty. The feeling In New York was a trllle tinner, but at most of other money centers dullness and ease continue. There Is no Incteased demnnd anywhere, but u general belief that there Is to be more ue for money as the season advances. In llos ttm money Is still dull and In good supply, nnd the same may h" said of Philadelphia and ll.iltlmote. In coming west n little more llrmness Is found In Chicago, In sym pathy with Now York, but In St. Louis money Is still easy and tho loan maiket unlet. Hero at Ilansust City the situation tetnalns much the same as a week ago. Some little demand is had for short time loans to facilitate annual settlements, but the demand on slock feeding paper Is fall ing off, so the nggregatu loans are no bet ter. There Is hoping for more life ns the season advances, however, and lenders nie a little more Independent. Yet rates re main unchanged, still I'.liS per cent. Hut little currency going to the country. Dank clearings for the week ending Tuesday, $7,7I".4:!7: same lime last year, Ki,7J7l7(ti!, tin Increase of j2.01S.Wl, a gain of 3," per cent. Kastem exchange scarce and llrm. Houston, I'lhle tc Co., ox-change brokers, quote It as follows: Now York, $1.00 pre mium; Chicago, 00c premium; St. Louis, -We premium. There was $2,20n,om n gold taken In New Yotk for export yesterday. Sloney nt Home una Alirond. New York, Jan. 2. Money on call easy at HUM per cent, last loan Hi per cent, cloned l'.i per cent; prime mercantile paper, -1iS Hi per cent; sterling exchange, quiet, but llrm, with uctnnl business In bankers' bills nt $I.SSWil.SS?4 for demand, and SI.S7'!i (Tti.SS for sixty days; posted rates, $l.iiSif. t.fe9!i: commercial lillK Jl.ii,,. London, Jan. 2. Money, '', per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for both short and three months' hills Is ':; per cent. New York, Jan. 2. Clearings, $lSii,6S7,CI7; balances, J7.712.7K. HoHton, Jan. 2. Hank clearings to-day, $17,1U,0II; balances, ?2,6IO,l$i. Kaltlmore, Jnn. 2. Dank clearings, $3,237, iSI; balances, $37ii,ini. Philadelphia, Jan, 2. Hank clearings to day, $lS,l:ti,CI: balances, Si,3M,M;:. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 2. Money, 2',i1ii; per cent. New York exchange, 5'Jc premium. Clearings, $2,0Dl,r,OO. Chicago, Jan. 2. Clearings, $21,317,000. Money, Iff IIS per cent on call; ."TH per cent en time. New York exchange, SOc pre mium. Foreign exchange, quiet; sterling, commercial, $I.SG?4ffU7:!l. SI. Louis, Jan. 2. Hank clearings to-day, $.",ri"t,020; balances. $1,1:I5,I. Money, dull, 51i7 per cent. Kxehnngo on New Yoik, 7.",c piemlum bid. Memphis, Jan. 2. Clearings, (330,129; bal anced, f lO.f.TI. New York exchange, selling par to $l.o0 premium. Now Orleans, Jan. 2. Clearings, ?'2,72t,723. New York exchange, bank, par; commer cial, $1.50 discount. Silver. London, Jan. 2. liar silver, 7-lGd per ounce. New York, Jan. 2. Silver certificates, DSe; bar sllvcr,j9?ic; Jlexleun dollars, Sfnto mill (ovoi'iiiiient Ilonds. New- York, Jan. 2. Closing quotations on tho New York Stock exchange: Yes't Government day. t'nltod States t", registered ....113 United States Is coupon 111?; To day. ii:i I'Sli 117 117 97 ioo 102 101 !'2 .a ,2?5 100 T-i SO 1011 ro ioo t nueit tttates .,s, reg..jicreu n United States r,s, United States 2s, coupon..... registered. .117 .. 07 ..100 Pacltlc Cs.. State Alabama, class A .... Alabama, class I! .... Alabama, class C .... Alabama cuireney ... Louisiana new consols North Carolina fis .... ....101 ....Ii'i .... Ill .... Ul .... M1 ....121 " Is North Carolina is 101 stmtth ('nrnlliia non-fund.. l'-i Tennessee :1s, new settlements. Tennessee r.s, now settlements. Tennessee fis, old settlements.,. . S2 ICO , IM Virginia cnturles , Mlsboutl Cs IM ...1 llnllromt Dentals.. New York, Jan. 2. Closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange. Yes't. To. Issues day, day. Atchison Is Ct Cl'i Atchlxon 2d A li-'ik 17 Canada Southern 2ds 1(8 10,-, Gell. Paellle lsts of 'S3 HCPi 101 Denver Itln Ginnde 7s list.. n;, Denver - Hlo Grande Is i2'J 1 P.rle 2ds "dJe Cl!i c... II. Si M. A. i;s 97 !i7 fl . H. ; B. A. 7fl 100 Houston A: Texas Central r,s . . ..I'm: Houston A- Texas Central its IW.-j Mlssnutl, Kas. . Texas 1st Is ,. SI Missouri, Kas. ,t Texas 2d Is ,, lG?i Mutual I'nlon '... ......IM New Jcrey ( general 5s.. II I Notthern Paellle lsts lli'.'.J Norlbein Paellle 2ds M' Northwestern ennsols ,,,.ll2i Itlo Grande Western lsts 70, KM va 102'j M n; I0i 112i 113I,J Kt ll2i t.S'J 101U,.. 102 132 Noithwest S. 1 . ileiieniures, ob.nci'a St L. & S. !'. general Cs .102 .taiiJ St. Paul consols, is St. I.. & I. M. general 5 St. Paul. C. & P. V. 5s . Texas l'.ielllu lsts Texas Paellle 2ds ....... Union l'aelllo lsts Of 'M Wobt Shore Is 7-j HI SO, ::::::ioi, loo'i 7kT 111 2 it; ii'i 101! HtiieK mid IIiiuiIn. New York, Jan. 2. The year 159", opened on tho Stock exchango with an unsettled lotto nnd u very light volumo of business. The failure of the Heading reorganization plan wan a prominent factor in restrict, lug the dealings, ns well 113 In eteatlng tho general depression, which took pos tesslou uf tho market In the early deal lugs. Londuu was a small Boiler of Head ing and Illinois Central, and American so, curltles were weak on the London Stock exchange, which added to tho heaviness of tho homo market as tho day advunced nnd the engagement of ,20u,ox) gold for shipment to-morrow being announced, in-erea'-sd the weakness, nnd the selling was In greuter volume, There wero occasional feeble rallies extending to a part of the list, but tho trend of prices was down ward and tho market closed weak, prices, except In 11 few Instances, being below the closing sales of -Momlay, There was . llrm tune to trading In the bond market during tho morning, but In (he later dealings thciu was weakness, Closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange Blocks. Yest'd'y. To-d'y, AUdius r;xprss ., , ,,,., iiij Alton .t Terre Haute u, Alton A: leiru Haute pref'd,,,,,llii American Lxpreoi ,.,..,,,.110 AtchUon It. P.. ..,,.,,, i( lUltlmoru & Ohio '..""' r.'V ii'i l'Ji llu 4'i ISiV. Canada I'-iellle ., 5a 5SI 1 auauu ouuinern ,,,,.,...,,,.,,,. 15- ISJi 'I is4; is4 I ITS? 11 1 antral I'ui'iuc Chesapeake it Ohio f'hlejifrn lterlln ,, X. !.. " n ' tl.. cn'i Chicago A: Alton ,,., ...iw 116 Chicago (Ins ., , , "I Chicnvo ,: II. llllnoU pref'd .... 92 Conollitateil tl,i 13o'.. I'.. C, c. ft St. L , ,.1,1 m Colorado 1'ilel & Iron . 2-" Colonnlri I'uel A Iron pref'd.. , 70 Colorado & Iron ,.,.,...,,., 7 Cotton oil Certlllorttes ,,., 22'i Di-l.twnre & Hudson I2ii'i Delaware, La. k.iwnnna A.- V , .IRO'4 Denver ft Itlo Grande 10, l. ft It. tl. profd , :I14 Distillers ft C. P. Co .,,,.,.,..,., 10 U. P., D-iivit ft riuif ,,,, au Gonetnl Hlertrlc ,,,,,, .,,,1., Mh m 2: 70 . r.'s )2ii jimn 10, 9, 31 ! 2i1, 102 .?,& S3 5I K, 71 131'i 37 i M'i I'.'i 9 17 Sliti 10 ci 7 11 15 Ml W 17", an 1 15 3014 C, 10tJ ll4 liW, 20 43 e 1K.- 32 110 ifiii S7 1 n 11 42 ; 10 r,i; l.T 103 f!i iol.i i.rie ,,.,,,. , Lrle prefd , Gtrnl Norlhetti prefil,....., Iloixton ft Texas Central ..,. 21 ,..102 ::::,? .... M II"' 110. King valley , ., ,,,,, Illinois Central , ,,,, Kati..i ft Texas pref'd Lake Urlo ft Western ,.,,,,,., L. i:, ft W. prcl'd Lake Shore .,,, ,,,,, I.111I Trust ,,.....,,,,,,,, LnuHVIIIo ft Nashville Loulvllle ft Now Albanv M idiitltiin Consolidated .,,.,, Mliinevnta ft St. Louts Ml.'hlu.ilt Central Mobile ft Ohio Ml?M,ml Pacltlc Mtmphls ft ChnrloBlon , Nashville ft Chattanooga, National Cordage ,,,.. National Cordage prefd National Linseed oil Co ,'. w Jeroy Central Now Yotk Central Norfolk ft Western pref'd .... North American Co Northwestern , Northwestern pref'd Notth Paellle North Paellle pref'd Now York ft New llngland ., Ontario ft- Wentcrn Oregon ft Navigation O. S. L, ft IT. N Orec-on Improvement Co Paellle Mall S. S. Co Peoria, Decatur ft Hvnnsvllte. . Ij'.i' ... . St . 9'', . 17 . in, . IS . S9 ! ii'.i , :i . wu 142!i ; 17 . .12 . 1 ',- . 19 . r, TO',4 3U 1 ! 1 1 still rg , ,,i ruiiman Palace Car Co 151 Heading jr,fi Hlchinond Terminal Co 1:, It chmmiil Teiuiltinl Co. pref'd.. 20 I Grande ft Western 16 Hlo Grande ft Western tiref'd.. 13 Hock island x. I'ne'iMrt ir; St. Paul ;' St. Paul prefd St. Paul ft Omaha St. Paul ,i Omaha prefd ... .-.c. i ...117b .,. 32 '. ...110 ... 19 ... l.e. .-mullein I.ICIIIC I Sugar Hellnen- Co t.. a. a. ft n. m ;;; Tonnessnc Coal ft Iron Texas Pacltlc Toledo ft O. C. prefd Toledo, St. Louis ft- K. C Toledo, at, L. ft K. c. prefd Union Paellle Unlteil States Mxpress Wheeling ft Lake Krlo W. ft L. 1;. profit Waliash, St. Iritis ft P.iclllc .. 1 . R .11-1 , 10 39 ttaiiiisn, nt, j,. A; r. prefd ... 13'i, ...iat ..: S7 i clls-1'argo Mxtiress .. Western Union Telegraph C. I). FKKXCII, I'res. 0. V. 5IOSS, Treas. ElSTABrjISKOTD 1876, FRENCH BROS. niMJllbsloN co. Orders rxecutcd for futnro delivery or Grain and Provisions Itooms 20. 21 and 22. Uxcliange llldg. Private wlrei to Chlcaso, New York and St Louis. the giiaix maiucut. In store Wheat, 1.C1S.S5S bushels; 15S.111 bushels; oats, 315,050 bushels, rye, 7,r,22 bushels. WH1-3AT Hccelpts IS hours Same time last year corn, and 5.100 23,100 ine was nut little trading In this grain yesterday. Only a few cars wore In. not enough lo test tho market. Demand fair to the extent of the supply and old prices were fully sustained under the Inlluence of seal city, notwithstanding a bearish spec ulative market. Hy sample on track, on the basis of the Mississippi river (local r,c per bushel less): No. 2 hard, f,S5iC0c, as to billing, 1 car at 59c; No. 3 hard, 0G'-.fi57e; No. I hard, 51f5i;e; rejected, .7sgr,io; No. 2 red, 1 car at 57c, 1 car choice at oSc, .1 cars local at 52c, 1 car at 51',ic; No. 3 red, 2 cars local at rot-c and 1 car at .".Oc; No. 1 rod, 2 curs at !So and 1 car nt 50!ic COliN Kocclpts 4S hours .".... 13,0) Same time last year I6.SO0 Arrivals light and matket In consequence firmer and demand fair, both for white and mixed. Hy sample on track, here at Kansas City: No. 2 mixed, 2 ears at lOUc, 3 cars at l"",e. 10 oaisj at 4tc; No. 3 mixed, 39!if?IOc; No. 2 white, 3 cars at It1,;; No. 3 white, 2 ears at 4lc. DATS Heceliits 4S hours 5,010 Same time last year o.twn There was .1 llrmer tone to the mark--t yesterday and a fair demand for all offer ings. Mixed and white both wanted. Hy sample on track-, here at Kansas City: No. 2 mixed, 2 ears at 31c, 4 cdrs nt 3l'Be and 1 car colored at 32c; No. .'I mixed, ir.ljj1 30c; No. I mixed, 27(i(2Sc; No. 2 white, Xt'ii 31c; No. 3 white, 31H$j32',-c, 1 car at 32c; No. I white, 2fj29e. IlYi: Kocelptt 4S hours Same time last year...: 1,200 None on sale; hence no market. Ily sample on track, here at Kansas City: No. 2, 51'ri52e; No. 3, -WTi.VIC. b'Lol'H Sales slow and conllned mainly to the consuming trade. No export bus iness. Ve quote as follows: Soft wheat, per IOO pound sack, patents, $1, 25ft 1.35; ex tra fancy, ?1. 101) 1.15; fancy, 90cft$1.00; choice, 70ft75e; haul wheat, per ICO pound sack, patents, $1.30il.W; straights, AVp 1.20; bakers', SSiiUOe; low grades, G5fy73c; rye, $1,ti(ijl.30. COHN M DAI. Steady and In very good demand. Quoted fit S.Se per ewt., bulk. COHN CHOP Demand fair at old prices. Quoted nt 0e per cwt., sacked. 1'LANSI:i:D Steady, but slow sale, puote at Cl.20fil.3ii per bushel, upon basis of puto, us to billing. OLOVUIt SlIDD-Kelllng fairly at Wo the old juices. Quoted at $7,104(8.25 per Cwt. TIMOTHY SKUD-Qulet, but steady. Quoted at $l.2.V5i5.00 per cwt, MILLl'.T In fair demand at unchanged prices. Common, $1,001(1.15; German, Jl.lf,y 1.35. HHAN Klrm and wanted. Sacked, C7Jf CSc per cwt. and bulk (ioo per cwt. HAY Hccelpts IS bouts 190 tons Same time last year 120 ton'i Demnnd good nnd prices u little better. Quoted: Prairie upland fancy, $S.50i9.00 per ton; choice. J7..WS,(iil; No. 1, $t!.5oii7..r.0; No, 2, $0,501(7.00; lowland, choice, $i!.50t. 7.00; No. I, S5.505HUI; No. 2, $1.1101)5.00; tim othy, fancy, S9.WilO.00; choice, $S.50fj9,00; No, 1, $S.50(i9.); No. 2, $7.00J8.00. Yos(irilnfH Cliioiigii MiirUet As furnished by Preneh Hros, Commission Co., rooms 20, 21 and 22, exchange building: Options. Open. High. I Low, IClosed Wheat. Jan , . . . $ riii ? IS'!. $ i KP; Jiw, .May 67 r,7T 57', r,7H July f.S tSI, 57'. S7' Corn, Jan I'.'i 4"'1- 4l -iPi. May 4SiJ 4S 47M, 47(, July ..... IS 1? I7' 47iH Oats, Juil 2!i 2SU 2S' 21,11 May 3H 111? 3l, :il; pork, Jttll 1140 1140 11 SO 1132'. .May 11 Kf 11 M',4 II C2!. 11 (;2!j Lard; Jan ''.'.' .'!J IIKIJ 6 75 May 7i 71 ti let! (i H2li S. HilM, Jan... STJtj 5 72ti r, I7'J 5 07'v .May li Ul I li 1)0 ., Il I 592'? WH13AT Cash-No. 2 rod, 53!U(3te; No, 2 iprlng, 571HaiX. COHN Cash No, 2 mixed, ll)je. nnd No, 2 white, 4IT4C OATS-('aah-No. 2 mlxeil. ;Sle. i:tlmated receipts for to-day; Wheat, SO; corn, 3lu; oats, 13.1 cats. Grulii llt('s, New Orleans exported 5l,o00 bushels of corn yestetduy, N. P. Itflam says." "I do not seo anything to .sustain wheat, and think It will sell at 51c for May." Kelly ft Lylc, tho Leavenworth, Kas., millers, were dlstilbntlng a handsome cal endar on 'change yesterday. John Kelly and his wlfu and daughters, Mrs, Denton and Miss K"lly, of Leaven worth, Kai were on 'change yesterday. The four Atlantic ports cleared for export yesterday ISC.Ouj busheU of wheat, 2tl,U0 packages of Hour, 200,000 bushels of corn and 17,500 busheU ot oaf II. K, P.ixtou, of the Kemper Grain Company, spent New Year's, with his brother, nour Hamilton, JIo. He says corn Is selling at 45u In Caldwell county, Husela exported from August 1 in nncen,. her i a total of 63,lsi,utO bushels of wheat. 19,521,000 bushels of rye. Il,572,oou bushels of barley, 30,2IS,0o0 tiuuhe!.-. of oats aud 9,TH,M bushels of maize. In thu samu tlmo in ina the exports were 41,101,000 bushels of wheal, 9,1M,(') bushels, of rye, 4 1,3.12,000 bushels of batley, 2.'.l9H,ooo bushels ot oats nnd l.SIO.OW biuhels of mnlzc. Tho Argentine shipments of wheal lo Kuropr In the yonr IWI, excepting tho last two w. eks, were 51,752,000 bushels. In the year ls;..1 the shipments were 31,196,0X1 bush c. C'oiKlderalilc snow fell In Southern Kan sas, Southern .Missouri, Oklahoma nnd Ar kansas Tuesday, Snow Is predicted for Missouri and colder weather for Ihe entire West. Dxpoiln of Indian corn from the United Htntos last week "were C50,Poo bushels', pre crdlng week, 058,000 bushels! a yenf Pro, $!,..( bushel! two years ago, 211,000 bush els; three years ago, .1,779,0.10 bushels. Liverpool slocks' or broadstuffst lnn.1,'93. I)or.1,'9l, Jnn.l.'Ol. t heat, bushels.2,177,001 l,fW,0.) C,i2l,(v) Corn, bushels,, 512,00.1 tOS,(ti 4lo.m I'loilr, barrels,, IM,!) Indian shlimcnts of wheal Inst week were large, 032,O) liusheN. Tho llallle nnd other shipments except tlioso from this countty were lnisheN, nmklng the total worlds shipments tl,513,(.) bushels, Includ Injr l.M,0 bushels from the United States. Car lot receipts of wheat! i.C. Chi. St.L. Mills, lillli. Tnt. pt-.erday. 9 A Week ngo.32 2 w'ks ago, 9 A year ugo.3.i .. 151 IM 4. 91 70 So.. 173 371 210 107 St.L. 131 253 131 10.12 4il Tot. (V TOM 2.51 1w5j 19t! Car lot receipts of corn! Chi. i 711 12S 1131 Yesterday ,) A week ago ,j Two weeks ago pj A year ago 70 I'UOIltlC'l MAIUCUT. OtifMnt tnna t-intntv nm .- small lots higher ptlccs are nskcU and o" nlned enough tcing naked to rov?? ox- Job lots. On ri .;:.."' e-'irinn ior una 1 ng them. A-', M.'.a.rt1? !nal;l"'.' small outside orders iVi",tU.l'.cst.e00: a nl1 selections. Den t ro.'.i.'S "". li" uootls) In job lots In btrnlEht consignments us received. co1n!un7Eu:Mn,r,,f'1 ,n,llnt' 1"" cllol;o table fh nL- Vu ' P".1 Ilttle demand for anv minte Cl;, ""''.low Sradcs weak. Wo cit r..,i,. ,follo.s. Creamery -High-'" r"l' roparator. 22c; llnest gathered to 2oS,.i:0fi."'.r rhK"0'1 """ 15cs lair to cm i in' "'Irlos-Uancy farm, 15c; fair r.F.w 'iw: hc Country sture packed Hnl'uir'V'n ! ,ft.p.'5...n'"i ?"' ILklng, fcc. iv-rVJ ,x ..' . iair, cc; jioor, ,'ic. . Ik rl 1'ItlNR Cteiimery grades, ,'iniJ?. r'ouml t."b"' Holld, IS'to per 1 10c. In 20 JioflnJl M?0.'intl nPlls- Prints or bricks. 2 intiri. .. . V """ un, ic ntgiier tnnn V..M'.,no,'! ' l""'"d. lc higher than solids. (. Hl-.LSL-Stendy. Herkimer county, ,',;,. cJ'eddars, i3c per pound; Crawford county. Pa Cheddars. 13c per pound; She boygan, Wis., twins, t2c: Sheboygan. Wis.. i 'An,cr,cn. ,J1.ic; Missouri and Kan sas full cream. Sc. LIV13 POULTHY-The receipts light nnd hens and sptlngs steady und In fair re quest, but turkeys haul to place unless cS!"'.('s!!n0ns iiro, granted. Duck- and i-eese quiet. The market ranges an follows: flens, 5c; roosters, 10c; springs, 51J0; turkeys, 6c; ducks, lVjc; geese, 5c per Hi.; pigeons, 75c per dozen: veal, choice, t.0 to 1W lbs.. I".i3c. DHMSSUD POULTHY-The market Is quiet, with the bulk of the offerings being turkeys, which are slow. Chickens doing nicely. Chickens, 5K-c per lb.; turkeys, Co; geese. Bo; ducks. 6c. flAMK Hablilts are plentiful and cheap, while other game ls steady. The season for soiling quail has expired and it will be un lawful to expose them for sale until next October. We quote as follows: Ducks Teal, per dozen,; mlxeil. per doz., $1.2.i; mallard, per doz., $".73; pralrlti chickens, dark. $3.00; light. J2.73: quail, per dozen, $1.25; small and soft, 5rtW75e; bear, carcass. Northern. HJflCe; Southern. IIS 1..c; wild turkeys, 7flSc: squirrels, per doz., 50c; rabbits, undrawn, per doz., r,0e; drawn, per doz., COc; Jack, per doz., Guff 75c; venison, saddles, per lb.', lOfillc: carcass, per lb.. 7c; J", extra largo, per doz., $1.23; medium, 2jW'ec; small, faiSc. POTATOKS-Steady, but slow sale. Wo .quote: Home grown and North ern, 405i.iOe to the trade; Utah and Colorado, choice. OSfiCOc, und common, 15ft 53c. CAIlHAGi: Demand very good and val ues llrm. Quoted: Home grown, 75fi80c, per owt., and Michigan. ,90ci$l.(K). SWI3KT l'OTATOKS Dull. but unchanged. Quoted as follows: Hed, 20T;23c, Pnd yellow, 30Ifl0c per bushel from growers, APPLI3S Steady, but dull. Wo quote: Mixed variolic. 10c- per bushel; Willow Twig, Spy and Hen Davis, 63o; Wincsap. 73 RS3c; fancy Wagoner and Jonathan, SoW !i0c per bushel. Standard packed range from to J3.00 tier barrel; others, $2.23f 2.50; Jennetings, !1.50i(2.23. UHUITS Oranges higher, under tho re ported damage to the Florida 01 op, but lemons und cranberries unchanged. Quoted: Hananns, Jumbo, per bunch, $2.50113.00; medium to large. $1 75172.00; lemons, fancy Messina, 3C0s, $1.50. lemons. Malaca, si.ou: oranges. Florida, p r box, $3.00fi3..V); Mex lenn, $3.00T( 3.2"; r.inlierrles'. Cape Cod, $10 ftill per barrel; Jersey, $101(10.50. IIHOOM COHN We quote: Hurled green, $VL.Ti5c per pound; green, self-working, 3"A pl'.ic: red tipped, self-working, 3V'i4c; common, self-worklng,3i3!c; crooked, half price; rlwarf, ZWtZr PKATHKHS Prime geeso, 33e per pound; tlnrk and soiled, Sue; mixed and old, 15 30c; 1 per cent tare on small sacks, and 3 per cent on large. IJDI-'SWAX No. 1 timber, 22c per pound; No. 2, ISc. HON1-3Y 1 pound comb, white, 13c; fall 1 pound comb, 131Tllc; 2 pound comb, Cali fornia, white, '6fil"e; 2 pound comb, Cali fornia, daik. 12ijl3i : extracted, in cans, C 7c; extracted, In barrels, CfiGc. GIIOUND LINSHHD CAKR-Car lots. Clicked, at $23.00 per ton: 2,0i pounds at $21.00; l.OOil pounds nt $13.00; less quantities. $1.40 tier 100 pounds. VKUI3TAHLKS Jobbing prices: Deans, navy, California, per l.uKliel, J2.I0T(2 15' New York navy. $2.23. Celery, California, 70i s5c nor hunch. NUTS Jobbing prices: Conoannts, per 100, $1.00. Pecans Missouri, per pound. 3'.c Texas, 4Mi5e; po. 1111s, polished, DTilV. Peanuts Virginia, white, raw, per pound 4'iiir.e; Tennessee, raw, tr5i5o; roasted, Tib t.c; Kansas. 3!;c. lllikory nuts, small, per bushel, $1.00; large, 51.00. Hazelnuts, 21)2 -.0 per pound, and chestnuts, 9jl0c per pound. DP.II3D UltlTITS-Siindrled: .pples choice, 7c per lb.; apples, goon, Co; apples' poor, 5c; poaches, peeled halves. So; peach e, unpeeled halves, fie; peaches, unpeeled quarters, new, I'jo. nvaporatid: Apricots California. Jelly cured, 30e; apples, choice barrels. Se: apples, poor. In linxea re. ,.. Pies, iioor. In barrels. Cc; blackberries. BvcliPc; prunes, Cnlllornia, fi'Se; plum California, pitted, 51i7c; peaches, California' peeled, bill 12c; peacnes, California. nn peeled, CfilOc; prunes, Oregon, tuijsi" plums, Oicgon, pitted. 3SJ7c; peaches "Ore' iron, tieoleil. UW(12c: peaches. Oieenn ,,., peeled, 7r'I0c;peaehes, Cnllfornia, unpoelxl 7fil0e; pea 'lies, rennoasee, peeled. 7H10.1 peaches, native, peeled, S??l0c; peaches na tive, unpeeled. lie; peaches Arkansas, peeled, IOliI2c; peaches, Arkansas, un peeled. Cg9c; raspberries, native. 20c. IVnnl, Hides uml l'-,. j.os.u.,,, ,..,.. . ,,,-, o.fiui": line me dium, 10ii12c; medium, 12llc; combine 13 8jl5tj; coarse. llf)13c. Kansas, Nebruskti and Indian Terillory-UIne. 7fl0c; lino 11 V. dlum, S;llo; medium, 10'aUc; eoinuliiB. 12-, lie; coarse, tiSillc. Colotado P'lne. 7M10.)1 Hue medium, Wjllc; medium, 10il2u; coarse and caiput, Uiiluo; extra heavy and sandy 55i 7c. ' ' Kins. 15 to 2j pounds. No. r r,... v-.. 4u; gteen salted, calf, S to 13 pounds Nc, "I 7c; No, 2, 5c; green salted hides. Nos. 1 und 2, and butt branded, around 3?ic: green uncured. No. 1. 3!lo; No. 2. 2c- drv tllut hides, No. 1. Co; No. 2. IH-o; dry salt hides, No. 1, 4,$c; No. 2. 3',ic. flhecp pelts! ereen and dry. ItlUlOe. dry, 4fl3c per pound FDRS Raccoon, 30 50o; skunk, 10cV($1.00: mink, 40173o;, opossum, GfZISu; muskrut. i S(l5o; fox, gray, large, 73cfi$l,0O; jed, large. 7Sci$l.uJi wolf, mountain, huge, $1.00'u2.00 ,,,,, miu'iiv, iuihc, ,y.-; nuutai, large, too: beaver, large. 7.00; medium, $1.50; small tl,0O!ii2.C0; badger, 60,i$l.d0; otter, prlnnj large, C.ii0ij7,W: medium, Sl.OO'at.OO; tinall. 12.W1U2.50; bear, $13.00 ilmvti, ' St, Louis, JIo Jan. 2.-WOOL-D11II, but steady. o quote us follows: Missouri and Illinois, medium. 14!il5c: Kunsas and Nebraska. IWilie; Texas ami Atkansas, lOiiUc: Dakotas uml Wyoming. ete 10'ul2c. Tub washed, fulr to choice 2is?)21c, ' llovton, Jan, 2. The American Wool and Cotton Reporter will ray to-morrow of the wool trade: Tho market Is linn for lino domestic lleeces, while the demand Is very quiet. There Is fair Inquiry for three-clghths blood for cheviots und more or less inisl ncssj In medium wools, which are faitly llrm In price. Pulled and scoured wools have been In good request. The feature of tho week, however, has been Australian, of which there has been considerable sale, there being a. run on fulr goods for which Australian, better than anything else, will b'lvu -tho requisite flu'sh. ' A Utile butter TAI.LOW We quote; No. 1, 41e arul No. 2. 4c. 1IIDICS AND PI'LTS-Dcmnnd fair nt old prices. We quote as follows: Urecn s-alted free of biands, No. 1, Uu per pound: No. 2.' 3!se; green salted bulls and nags 'o I.SlLo! No. 2. 3e; ureen s-alleu. butt brand.' imI. No. I. 4c; No. 2, Jo; gteen salted sldo branded. No. I. 2c: No. 2. 2Ul: t-r..,,,, L.,i felltig obtains nbrend, bill no great Im provement Is anticipated ttnlesa they gt heavy American order, which Ik deemed 'doubtful. An eslnhllstiment of wool prices Is not looked for till the -March sales In London. The Mies of lite week amount to l.IOWSO pounds domestic nnd I,tl5,tO0 pounds for eign, making a totnl of 2,659,950 found, against n total of 2.DOI.3W pounds for the previous week and a total of I.WUoo founds for the corresponding Week last yenr. 1'rotlslons. The market yesterday wns slow and lower. TJie receipts of hogs were Inrger than expected everywhere and the specu lative market was bearish In consequence and cash stuff slow sole and off In sm path). ' qnolei tlltllUN MIIATS-Shoulders, $1.73 ow t.i hntns, $7.K7'i. S. P. .MliATS-lInms, cash, $7.75, per nnd shoulders, $1.75. LAItD-Cash, $6.W, nnd January, $6.,A. II. S. MI1ATS (partly ctirodl-Shouldcr.i. rash, $1.65 per cwt.s s. r. sides, cash, $".70j I. e, sides, $5.70. and s. c. sides, $5.90ii6.0O. fl. J. GILLESPIE mSifcSiS . f T. E. GILLDSPIC &CO., J J. P. UILLESPIB Commlsilon Merchtntii, Kns City Stock YJi l.tbertl adrance ml to partlM Itedlnckloek. llujlng fffJinc ottle nn order-, a srecUlty. Corrtipondence lollrlted. Tolsohon No. li'l. MAUKCT9 11V TELIltmAI'll. New York. Jan. 2. KLOUH-Hccclpts, 23,lf) barrels; exports, 17,20) barrels; sales, 7,000 packages. Market quiet and steady. Low grade winters were sought for export, while springs continued neglected. City mill patents. winter patents. $2.Rl 513.13; city mill clours,$3.33! winter straights, $2.35fi2.73i Minnesota patents, $3.05?i3.70: win ter extra, $1,901(2.10; .Minnesota bakers', $2.00 513.60: winter low grades, $1.70112.15; spring low grades, Sl.7ojH.Di); spring extras, $1.S3 (82. 3. COHN MCAI-Qtilet: sales, 500 batrels. W11I3AT Hecclpts, 70 bushels; exports, sO.MIO bushels; sales, 2,63O,O0O bushels fut ures, 35l,nOO bushels spot. Spot market act ive but easier. No. 2 rod, store and elevat or, tyi'.ic; alloat, fil'dc: r. o. o., 02,c auoat. Options tinner on higher cables, but turned weak and declined all day under active 1ocnl 1 Uiillilat Ion, despite reports of a big export demand nnd firmer late cables, and closed nt 'fc net decline. No. 2 red, Jan uary, OO'.lfiOO'.fcc, closed at 60!ic: February, C0"ti61 7-lOc, closed at 60"c; March, W'sl 62c, closed at 61'ie; May, 62'(,02 13-16c,closed at 62!ic; June,62!i,o; July, 62iJtC3 3-16c,closed at 2"f'e. COHN Receipts, 31.900 bushels; exports, 137,309 bushels; sales, 530,000 bushels futures, 36,00.) bushels spot. Spot market dull. No. 2, 51'aC elevator: steamer mixed, Hoc ele vator, iVPic delivered. Options quiet nnd weaker to-day under clear, cool weather west, liberal receipts and sympathy with wheat, and closed at MVic net decline. January, DUMiSI-l.c. closed nt 51'ic: Uob rttary,' Kl''fi51!'tc. closed at 51!Ic; May, 61M 0f.2',ic, closed at 51'fce. OATS Hecclpts, 26,300 bushels; exports, 5.300 bushels; sales, 120.0OT bushels futures, 63,000 liushels spot. Spot market llrm. No. 2, 34?ifi33c; No. 2 delivered. 355;fl3554c; No. 3. 34c; No. 2 white, 3ViM39c; No. 3 white, SSfiSSHc; track white Western, 3S'42c; track white state, 3Sff42c. Options quiet and eas ier with corn, and closed unchanged to Uc decline. Deliveries about 123,o.)o bushels. January. 34'S';i3l ll-16c, closed at 34c; Feb ruary, 3.i!:3.V:ac. closed at iJMe; May, 33',. (J3.VI4C. closed at 33'jc. HAY Dull. Shipping, 50ff35c; good to choice, noii 75c per cwt. PROVISIONS Cut meats quiet: pickled belllos.s-iiCiO'.ic; pickled shoulders, 3c asked; pickled hams, SliS'ic LAUD Steady. Western steam closed at $7.10 asked; sales, 120 tierces at $7.05; city at ie,jie: sales, 200 tierces. January closed at $7.20; .May, $7.27',i nominal. He tlned quiet. PORK Kasy. Family, $l2.0OfT12 5Q 11UTT13H-Flrm. Western dairy. 10iT16c; Western creamery, 135t25c; Western fac tory. 9JH3c; Klglns. 25c; Imitation creamery. 12Tt 18c. .!o:ESn"?t0,a.',y --W WlPic: small, 9120; part .skims, 31M79c; full skims, 2 f(3c. i;GGS-Unsettlod. Hooelpts, ages. Western fresh, 23825c. 6,151 pack- sr. j.oui.s. Jan. .n.niMi. Hecelpts, 3,600 barrels; shipments. barrels Qulot' i:!,.3.l..c?.'lyV1,fl,un"'' -6fl1--,-0i tra fanev; l'lo fa"cy, $1.93sj2.03; choice, Sl.sojf WIIL-AT-necelpts. 4,0O) bushels; shin ment, l.imo liushels. The market opened !;( ., .M.i niv- ouenngs flroe prices to a u,c -,e nn. io. . red, cash, Bi;c line,. r.ii. .r ...,. -, Jan- ........ u,-jv, .wa., niso, CORN Hccelpts. 31,0C1 bushels; ship ments!, 10,1100 bushels. Under pressure to sell, closed about !e lower. No. 2 mixed ca.h, 421;c; January. 42'ic; February, 42-..C: May. 4IHo; July, 45Uf,!5ic. OATS Receipts, bushels; ship ments, 19,000 bushels. Veakcr. No cash. .".0'le; May, 3H'C. ' " HHAX Nothing doing. Quoted on Hast track ut 60c sacked. HAY Steady and firm. Prime to choice timothy, $10.00flll.00; j,rirn0 to choice prairie. S7.5MJS.30. liUTTL'H-Quli.t, but llrmer, 20ft 22c j dairy, 176 ISc. HOGS Lower. Fresh, 13c. CORN .MI3AL Slow sale. Creamery, Quoted at u'iiio per parrel PHOVISIONS-Pork, standard moss, job bing, $11.62!i. Lard, prime steam. $6.60; choice, $6.70. Dry salt moats, loose should- iV"i ';?'' lonK"' J:,"': rll,s' ''.'-: shorts, 50.0,). Hacon, packed shoulders, $6.00; longs, $0.62'':: ribs, $0.75; shorts, S0.&7',!;. Chicago, Jnn. 2.-FLOUH-Recopts, 5,000 barrels, and shipments, 3,000 barrels. Dull. Winter patents, $2,601(2.60; straights, $2.23 (Ti2.60; spring patents, $3.10173.60; straights $2.105?2.SO; bakers' grades, $l.S3lj2,20. liUTTKR Firm. Creamery, 1232lc: dairy, 10f(2iV. " ' HOGS Steady. Fresh, 13g20o. New Orleans. Jnn. 2. PROVISIONS Quiet, but steady. Pork-$l2.23. Lard Re llncd tierce, 5!sc. Hoxed meats-Dry salt shoulders, (Tie, Hacon Sides, 6;c. Hums Choice sugar cured, 9',ifj9!e. RICt: Ordinary to good, 3?iij l-ic. FLOUR Pinner; extra fancy, $2.60Jj2.70; patents, $2.9.ii3.00. CORN .MllAL-Sleadyj $l,12',i per cwt. HHAN Quiet; 77's',(R0c per cwt. COHN ICnslor; No, 2 sacked, white, 4Sfj i.'c iiiim'ii, untov; yeuow, ir(,iic, OATS-Steady; No, 2 sacked, Western, 37?37U.c: Texas, 39ft 0c. HAY Firm; prltnu timothy. S13.5OiTtl.r.0i choice, $13.00f10.W. Liverpool, Jan, 2. W11I3AT Spot steady, demon, poor. No. 2 rod winter, 4s Oil; No. 1 California, Cs 2d, l'uture,s opened llrm, 1 farthing higher and closed llrm, 1"3 farth ings higher, Huslm-SK about equally ills, trlbuted. J.inuaiy. is 954,1; February, Is lOd; March, Is lOd; April, Is 10'id; .May, 4s ll!,d. CORN Spot quiet, American mixed, 4s Od, Futures opened quiet, unchanged; closed unlet, unchanged to 1 farthing lower, Hiislm-ss heaviest on early positions. Jan uary, 4s 2d; February, Is 3,1; Starch, 4s 3d; April, Is 3d; .May, 4s 3',4d. FLOUR Dull, demand poor, St, Louis, fancy winter, 5s 9d. HACON Firm, demand fair, Cumber land cut, 2Sfi30 pounds, 32s; bhort rbs, 2S pounds, 32s; long clear light, 2Sftl5 pounds, S2s; long clear heavy, 55 pounds, 32s; short clear backs, light, is pounds, 31s; short clear middles, heavy, 53 pounds, 32s; clear bellies, lift 16 pounds, 42s, HHOl'LDi;itS-Squnre, 12JJ18 iwunds, 27s. HAMS Short cut, llfilC pounds, 41s. ColTeu uml Sugar. New York, Jan. 2.-COFFKKOptlons opened llrm with January unchanged, and other months lOf)25 points higher, ruled llrm and fairly actlvo on foreign buying, closed firm ut 55J11 points advance, Sales, 15,730 bags. Including January, 13.63o; March. 13.13013.3Oo; .May, 12.90iil3.15c; Sep tember, 12.9oftl3.10c; December. 13.00c. Spot coffee-Rio. steady; No. 7, 15V5c. Mild Quiet; Cordova, 18VSQl9o; sales, 1,000 bags Rio Nos. 7 and S at 137ic, and 2.000 bags high grade Santos In lots p. t., and ,t.j uibB iuiui.uiuu p. I, Santos January 1 Market quiet; aver age Santos. 13,200. Receipts two, days. 16,. Sle, 3,000 bugs! stock, 179,000 bag. Includ ing lx2,cioo nrazlllan. Havre-Closed llrm at 10Uif. nel ad vance. Total sale, 1.1.000 bags, Jllo-No, 7 Itlo, 12,600! exchange, lo'id. Receipts, two day, ling) cleared for Ihe Unlteil Slate, 7,000 bag', cleared for l'uropc, 2.0W bag! slock, 212,000 bag. Jnn unry 2 Returns none. Warehouse deliveries from New York, two day, 47,991 bngai New York lock ty day, 221,651 ling! United Stnlcs stock, ! 290 bnR aflont for the United Stales, 2, Onobngs! totnl Visible for the United Rte.'s, 409,290 bag, against 536,213 baft last year. Southampton Stock, 1,173 ling. HlJUAIt Raw, lint; nominally unchanged, Refined Uull. New Orleans, Jan. 2.-COFl,13E-tlulef,. Rio. ordinary to fair, lCftOH-ic SUGAR-Stendyi open kettle, Blrlctly prime, 2 fs-lsc; fair to fully fair, 2 1-I6H2 3-16c! common to good common, 1 15-163201 liiTeTlor, liTIfcc. Centrifugal, choice white, 2 13-16H3C! choice yellow clutlriod, 2 15.16c! seconds. t!4fl2V5C MOLASHKS Sternly! open kettle, ntrlet ly prime, isy20c! prime, 155il6c! fair to good fair, 125f1lc, Centrifugal, strictly prime, lie! good prime, $'M0c! prime, fi-fiTc; fnlr to good fair, M360; common to good common, 4yfe. 8YRUP-12IJ1CC. Farmers, Feeders, Shippers, CON.ilCIN YOUlt CATTLE, HOGS anil SHEEP to Ben L. Welch & Go. CO.Tf.W.SMO.V .Vt'.HCIIAXT. STOCK YARDS - - - KANSAS CITT, MO. Market Reports t'lirnUheil. Wrltn l!. I,IVE VIOCIC MAHKUT. Receipts nt Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha nnd Kntipas City yesterday were: Cattle, 25.(00! hogs, 67,6i); sheep, 13,900. Now York, JAn. 2, l'uropeun cables quote American steers at lOiillo per pound dressed weight! refrigerator beef at 'Ji'T 9!ic per pound! exports yesterday, 330 beeves, 3,010 sheep, 2,300 quarters of beef; to-day, 3.3.S0 quarters of bcof. CATTLI3 Movements for tho week end ing Tuesday, Cattle. Calves. Receipts 25,772 . Shipments' 7.S54 2S0 Drive-outs 13,559 122 Week previous Hccelpts 20,513 42S Shipments 13.313 319 Drlvo-outs 1.. 11,610 393 Same week last year Receipts ......22,933 3&S Shipment 12,712 1S3 Drlvo-outs 13.6S6 377 Tho market yesterday was slow and gen orally louver In sympathy with a decline In Chicago. Tho run was light, but Chicago had good receipts and reported a lower market. Tho result was buyers here held back and wanted lower prices. Good light and medium weight steers showed but a slight deellm?, but heavy welr! lost Wi 13c. Cows held up bettor thrufflsteers and fat ones generally ruled steady, but low grades went oft 5fil0o In sympathy, with steers. Stockers and feeders were In light supply nnd well bred stuff wns steady and llrm, but common dull and weak. Range cattle wore slow sale and steers generally lOfilSo off In sympathy with natives. Cows wore steady. Milch cows were In little bet ter demand, but values unimproved. Com mon, $15.0OJil7.00; medium to fnlr, J18.00S) 24.00; good to choice, S23.0O532.50. No Av.Wt. Price.l No. Av.Wt. Price. DRESSED UEEF AND EXPORT STEERS 21 1434....$ 4 50 50 1445. 4 SO ...14SS.. 4 19 13S2.... 19 1315.... 21 1271.... 2S 1373.... 16 hot.... 31 1226.... 21 1035.... 23 1090.... 4 63 4 43 4 35 4 25 4 10 3 90 3 SO 3 65 3 60 3 60 4 60 4 50 4 20 4 33 4 15 4 10 4 00 2 53 3 73 3 60 350 3 40 3 90 2 00 2 60 2 60 2 50 3 3D 3 40 1 50 1 73 2 Hi) 2 60 2 S3 2 95 3 10 57 1371.... 25 1296.... 22 1265.... 20 1272.... 41 1139.... 22 1110.... 27 1090.... 19 1191.... 20 1307.... IS UPS 20 1341.... It 1275.... 13 1207.... 20 1261.... 39. .....1201.... 31 1141.... 14 lfM.... 20 1091.... 25 1014.... 20 912.... 1 900.... 3 9S0.... 3 1016.... It S97.... 23 5S7.... 33 913.... 11 1001.... 17 1US2.... 6 86S.... 16 603.... I 50 1 33 4 20 4 15 4 00 3 S3 3 75 3 60 3 40 1 SO 4 60 1 45 4 40 I SO 1 15 I 00 3 no 3 75 3 65 3 50 17 911. 31... 20... 20... m'.'.'. ..1096.... ..1392.... ..Hit.... ..1196.... ..1397.... 11. ,1197. 37 1265. .HIS ...1110.... ...1160.... ... 9S3.. ... 9S5.... 11... 55.., 21.., COWS. 6S2.. 9IS.. 1 S3 2 00 2 10 2 50 2 73 2 90 3 25 3 40 1 S3 2 00 2 33 2 55 2 75 2 90 3 00 3 25 5 3030.... 10 790.... 3S 3021.... 36 3011.... 9 1051.... 7 1030.... 25'sw.. 714.... 13 934.... 12 506.,.. 6 31SS.... 33 927..,, 28 823.... 30 3023.... 41 597.... 38 721. I.. .. 977.... .. 7SS.... .. 561.... ..1029.... 5.. 9.. 16.. 20.. 951.... 9 1073.... 2 1225.... 1 1700.... 2 1195.... 1 319i).. HULLS. 1 1350,... 6 1153.... 1 1650.... 2 1225.... 1 770.... 2 00 1 S3 2 40 2 30 2 30 1 1270. 1.... , 990., 1 3510.... HEIFERS. 16..., 32.... 35.... 20.... 32.... .. KM., 3 23 3 33 2 60 2 93 3 50 2 00 7 50 ..1013.... .. 576.... .. 750.... .. 691.... CALVES. ....? ,....(ll 12 (VI I 4.... 2 00 I.... 1. S7. ... ..!.. f 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ....3111.... .ISO 10 965.... 3 40 21 911.... 3(10 23 !M3.,.. 3 33 21 571.... 3 25 11 1069.... 3 75 29 792.... 2 50 19 921..,. 3 40 27 61 3 10 30 537.... 3 15 14 9S3.... 2 75 11 560.... 3 ft) 20 960.... 3 55 21 544.... 3 15 32 921.... 3 15 HANOI! CATTLE. TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERa 97 7SI.... 2 70 I 25 876..., 2 65 83 772..., 2 70 21 531,... 2 70 201 fed.. 10(0.... 3 60 I 25 936.... 2 90 TEXAS AND INDIAN COWS. 23 790.... 2 50 I 22 fed.. 953..,. 3 00 NEW MEXICO STEERS. 2S silt.. 103.... 2 no I NEW MEXICO COWS. 129 602.... 1 SO I ARIZONA STEERS. SOfcd.. 913.... 3 TO I 50 fed. .1090.,.. 3 00 CALIFORNIA STEERS. 31 1173. .. 3 2U I COLORADO STEERS. SOstk.. 662.... 2 50 I 62fe,l..l33S.. S 90 30rds., 919.... 3 00 I 11 frits.. SCO,,,. 3 15 COLORADO COWS. 31 761.... 2 23 I ARKANSAS STEERS. 37fed..55S.... 3 15 I HOdS Movement's, for tho week emllng Tuesday, Hccelpts , .,,,,,, Shipments ,, Drtve-outsi Week previous Receipts , .,,, Shipments , Drlvo-outs ,,. Satne week last year Ree-elpts . ,, Shipments , ,, Drive-out , ,,., ...42,028 ... 2,(07 ...3S,f6 ,29.1H ... 2.136 ...33,917 ,,.29,501 .,, 2.937 .26,756 The market yesterday was a drnggy and lower one. Tho run was the host for some weeks) and neighboring markets wero all off. The result was buyers were backward and late In getting to work, and prices were forced off from tho btart. Sales ranged 10&20O per cwt, lower, but at this decline the pens were cleared by the close. All the fre-sh receipts wero worked off and some Male ones. Extreme range, $3.5034.43; bulk of tales, $3.75-4.20. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. No. Sh. Av. Price, I No. Sh. Av, Price. 1 136 X5 74 2!l 49 81 6S 41 50 116 69 50 43 46 71 53 73 45 71 49 160 74 69 67 103 167 167 161 140 162 166 181 198 226 221 2U8 219 208 204 207 256 234 246 231 263 233 293 221 $140 3 65 3 SO 31 126 163 170 141 HI 118 14 189 238 221 218 255 271 232 195 233 225 237 216 223 218 211 261 2i9 $3 50 3 75 3 80 3 03 3 SO 3 73 3 53 3 90 4 00 4 03 4 10 4 10 4 10 3 90 3 95 405 403 4 10 4 15 i 15 4 15 4 15 1,-20 76 90 53 81 57 75 43 51 86 69 59 48 56 75 78 58 68 S6 76 42 56 75 63 3 '-"& J 4U 3 75 3 50 3 53 3 95 4 GO 40 40 2tO 80 4 07'i! t 10 4 10 353 3 93 400 I 03 4 10 SO 120 120 40 210 160. 160 160 80 ieo 40 80 50 ny 40 200 10 4 15 4 13 420 120 120 2 111 11 SS2.... 3 33 23 914.... 3 15 22 6SI.... 3 10 27 73S.... 2 70 14 1036.... M .. 2(1 4 2(1 70 113 1, 333 4 25 70 SI .. 212 4 2. M A ,, 292 4 33 M W 160 233 4 15 SO 10 50 215 4 15 Kl r.2 ,. 216 4 15 M ta 210 261 4 17!J 71 80 120 262 4 20 92 64 ., 251 4 22i 72 66 40 260 4 23 76 61 ,,302 4 30 47 1(0 W 160 160 JOT I'M 120 vVM 4 2S 143 4 23 2Vt 4 33 .13(1 4 33 212 4 15 222 4 15 2.V) 4 15 266 4 20 231 4 20 2S1 4 2S 2M 4 2T. 362 4 45 BHl-3i:P Movement for the week end ing Tuesday. ' Receipts- , ,.,..- ......7.M6 Shipment , ,....,, 2,116 Drive-out1 , ,,,,, ,,.,,.,,. ,,,,,, ,.,,6,969 Week previous Receipt ,,,4,913 Shipment ...l.!14 Drive-out , , ,...,,.,.,,5,972 Same neck last year Receipt , ............... ,.....,., ,.,,.,..,. .t.,179 Shipment , .,.,.,,,.,,.,,., , .,, 669 Drlve-otits ,, , , 4,771 There were more In yesterday thnn for some tiny ntl under the Inlluence of lower hog nnd cattle price were generally a little lower. A fair demnnd, however, wan had for all good killing heep nnd the of fering wero pretty well disposed of by the finish, HEPRRSHNTATIVM lo. 33 muttons 23.) mutton 120 muttons 74 muttons , F2 mutton .... 0 muttons ,, ,,, 31 mixed , .15 mixed .... 79 w lamb Mi Inmli ,, 99 feeder , 110 New Mexico- 1IORSI3S AND MITLKS tho week cndlntr Tuesday. Receipt Shipment . , , Drlvo-outs Week previous Receipts , , Shipments Drlvo-outs Same week last year Receipts Shipment Drlvo-outs .. , Av. W. Trice. 102 $3 00 142 3 60 HI 3 10 113 3 10 ......107 3 00 92 2 60 .... 97 2 75 102 3 00 .,,... 75 2 90 74 3 60 , 51 2 50 1 75 2 65 Movements for 5M 231 401 414 4S7 .400 615 296 226 There wns some little trading In horses, nnd mule yesterday, but no life to trade and' values t-tlll low. A 'before the holi day, tho demnnd was mainly from the South and for good plantation stock. Wo quote: Mule. II to lit t hand $30 57 40 Mule. 15 to hands 50 W 60 Mules, 16 to 16!-, hands 63 1100 Horses Southern 13 ? 33 Horses Streoters 33 5? 45 Drivers 50 ff S3 "raft 40 5? S3 HORSES! SOLD AT AUCTION Tuesday, IVeilnesd-iT anil Thursday of Each Meek nt tho Kansas City Stock Yards Horse and Mule Dept. W. ,s. TOUGH & SUN, Managers. Hundreds ot all clns-c of Horses sold at pri vate sale and at auction each day. All stock must bo as represented or no sale. LIVE STOCK HY TELEGRAPH. St. Louis. Jan. 2.-CATTLE Receipts, 3,3u0; shipments, 1,000. Market slow, eas ier. Native steers. 1.200 nnunrls. nivmr. $l.1v?4.23; light weights, $2.753.20; cows, $2.00'83.'io: Texas steers, light weights, $2.75; cows $2.35. HOGS Receipts, 14.300; shipments. 1.400. Market weak, 10c lower. Rest heavy, $1.13 fil.50; good medium mixed and light, $4.25 4.40; pigs, common and rough, $3.5OS4.20. SHEEP Receipts. 3,100. Market, active, steady, strong. Native mixed, $2.7502.90; native sheep, $2.85?3.00; lambs, $3.23iJ?3.75. Chicago, Jan. 2. CATTLE Sales showed unusual unevenness. There was a very good demnnd for both local and shipping account nnd tho supply was conllned to about 13,000 head, but the average of prices was probably a trifle lower. Butchers' Htock sold to better advantage than steers. Quotations! range as? follows: Good to extra, $4.70f5.9o; choice steers, J4.40fC4.73; com mon to medium steers, $3.10'1.50; stockera and feeders, $2,001(3.50; cows and heifers, extra, $3.23ft3.50; cows, fair to choice, $2,203 $3.00. HOGS Tho estimates for to-day's re ceipts of hogs w-oro around 40,000 head and the market opened filflOc lower. Later buy era Insisted upon a further reduction of 55) loo and got It, tho market later being IS 20c lower than Its best time Monday, Not much business was done nt over $1.60. The greater part of tho stuff went out of sell era' hand.' at $4.3,Vir4.53 for averages of more than; 200 pounds and at $1.0034.25 for light weights. There was a liberal proportion of good to prime heavy hogs and there wero a. few trades at $1.6334.70. Shippers wero free buyers. SHEEP-Hecolpts, 13,000. While there was no quotable change In vnlqes, the condition of the market was better than for some days past, Tho average was very good. Trade was active at steady to strong prlcos, the average being generally higher. Good to choice shcop sold from $3.00513.50, common stuff nround $2.50 and culls as low a $1.25. Choice Iambs sold around $1.00, tho outside being $1.25. Very good lambs could be had for $3.50 and sales wero from that figure down to $2.50, de pending upon quality. Omaha, Jan. 2. CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.000. Dull market, with bids 10S15 cents lower than yesterday. Killers were all after butcher stork and fair to good cows sold readily nt Strang prices. Caunors showed very little change and tho satne was truo as to bulls, stags, veals, etc. There was a good demand nnd a strong, active mar ket for stockers and feeders. Cows, $2.735j 3.50; reedcrs, $3.C"Xfl.OO; bulls, $2.40fj3.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,000. Medium nnd heavy weight hogs sold at a range of $1.23 ftl.SS. with light nnd light mixed stuff ut $3.73iT4,15. Pigs and light weight rule.d dull and lower, with sales around $2.75?J3.60. Nearly everything sold, however, the bulk at uroitnd $I.105t4.15. SH13BP Receipt, 1,000. Supply was light, but there -was a good demand and for suitable holdings a strong, active market. Wethers, $3.00; Western Iambs, $3.00. Cotton, New Orleans, Jan. 2. COTTON Easy; low middling, 4 13-16c; good ordinary. 1 9-16o, For three days Net receipts, 41,431; gross, 42,712; exports to Great Hrltaln, 13, 200; to France, 29,950; coastwise, 5,573; sales, 8,507; spinners, 1,207; stock, 403,717, New York, Jan, 2. COTTON Quiet; mid, 5 11-lOc, For three days net receipts, 5; receipts, 5,636; gross, 15,573; exports to, Great Hrltaln, 7,103; to France, 501; to the Continent, 2,017; forwarded, G.SSl; sales, 731; spinners, 61; stock, 129,031, Rye uml .Seeds, Chicago, Jan, 2. Rye No. 2, cash, 4Sc; May, E2c, Flaxseed No. I, cash, $1.38; January, $1.58, Timothy teed Cush,$5.S0S) 5.55. Toledo, 0 Jan. 2.-Clover Active and higher. Prime, cash, $3,72V-i; February. $3.72','. St, Louis, Jan, 2.-Ryc No. 2, cash, 50!tC Fldxseed-C'ash, $1.35. Clover seed Cash, $7.75S.5o. Timothy seed-$l.90Q5.23, Lend 11'uU Zluc, New York, Jan. '-'.-Lead-StlU dull. Do. mestlc, $3,00. Spelter-Steady, Domestic. $3.23, St. $2.80. Louis, Jan. 2.-Lead-Flrm. Spelter-Dull. Spot, $3.07",'. Spot, NEW PASSENGER SERVICE. Trout Kiiuim C4y Vl the Uurlln-rtoa Haute, "DENVER SPECIAL" leaves Kansa. City dally 10:50 a. m., solid train; urrtvSS Denver 7:30 a. m. ... uiiivea . ''lllJRLINaTON NEW LINE VIA im LINGS." for Puget souha ana Pietnn a. m! d'a?!?, KanSU" C"y" " P88 .J!?i'!..i1i!Bive? Patrons an opportunity u.ui1" iloi f,P"lnw. South Dakota, Biaelc Hills and Yellowstone Park and it Is tSl short line between Kansas City and u.? ena by 385 miles. Uutte 315 mllea s?nniSSl' til m.ilss: Beaul w!a isas; This Is the most marvelous scenic m..i. fhnedcSnrtl,nBePnSt.,he m0" .UrMt1ito.S?2? " uiKe, mui-it, os.-.uuo nags; January 2. no 'turns. JIumburg-JIarket linn, jj-ji pfg. higher. t -J t tfiu JL W-, -uifc xju -w-gatei. , '&,as vt&a3g-i3xy&i