Newspaper Page Text
W THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1895. UE6 CITY, MS. Ut,ttttiCCtCttlt& v The Journal's Kansas City, K t Kag., office ia In tho main room of the Chambor of Commerce h v building. Subscriptions taken R t and advertisements received, c J; Telophono8a7. fyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TO FIGHT THE BILL. FEDKRATtotf OF 1.A1IOH AOAIN8T TUN KKDUCTION Of FIIES. OPPOSED TO CONVICT LABOR, WILL ASK THE l.l'.tlllLATtmi: TO PASS A MJMIIHIt OV LAWS. City nmclnls Ho tn Tnpckn l" t'rgc the l'luuingo nr n 3mnlrr iif Mils Supreme t'utiip nf 1 1"1 Itoy- nl Neighbors nf Amrriiit Oilier News. Vice rrrslrlent I.. A. Hurt, of the (date Toleration of I..ihor. darned yester day from Topeka, where ho attended the sixth nnntinl convention of Ihnt orgnnl7i tlon. He wild that tho attendance iw much larger than last )eur and that the reports showed that the order was In nn excellent condition. Resolutions were ndopted Instructing tho legislative torn inlttee to fight tho hill to lie introduced at the coming session of tho legislature to re duce tho fees of tho state printer ntnl also the legal rates for advertisements In news papers. This resolution was also ndopted: "Whereas, It Is obvious that the political Issues In Mate and national elections are too absorbing to permit that serious con sideration of constitutional amendments which the Importance ot changes In our or ganic Inws demands; tberefoiu bo It "Resolved, That we urge the legislature this winter to submit .1 proposition to so nniend the constitution us to provide that constitutional amendments may be voted upon In any yeur at special or any other election." , The order also attacked the convict labor sjs'tcm now In voguo at tho penitentiary. The legislature will bo asked to pass a law to prohibit the employment of children un der the litre of II years In factories and shops: to compel b.uber shops to close on Sunday; providing fo the appointment of a state boiler Inspector: providing that nil goods made In the penitentiary shall be Mumped ''Prison Made Goods;" also a law enlarging the scope of work ot tho state labor commissioner so that he will meet the requirements ot organized labor. J. G, S.nnuelson, secretnry of the state organization, was Indorsed for the appoint ment of state labor commissioner und tho Labor Record, of tills city, edited by L. A. Hart, was made the otllclul paper. Mr. Simuelson was the llrst man ever Indorsed for thut position by the state federation. The following otllcers were elected for tho ensuing year; President, W. A. Doldge, Leavenworth: Hist ice president, L. A. H.ut. or this city: second vice piesident, W. A. Sn)der, of Topeku; secretary, J. (1, Samuelsou. of Topeka; tieasurer, P. 13. Cook, of Topeka; statistician, F. I.. W hlta lier, of Topeka. Tho next meeting will be lield in Kansas City, Kas., on January 1, 1S3G. A GOOD SHOWING. The Yonng Men's Christian Association Prospered During 1804. Secictniy Claik, of the Young Men's Christian Association, lias issued tho an nual report of the association, which shows that It was prosperous during tho last tar. Tho membership at the close of tho j car was 332 and tho total receipts from all were ?2,1II. Tho debt of the association, which a jear ugo wus $1,SOO, lias been reduced to $1,100, and tho associa tion purposes to pay this balanco during this ye.n. rifty-llvo religions meetings wero held riming tho yeai. Tho number ot persons attending was 2.S70. Nesldes this tho Mon day evening lillilo class meetings wero at tended by f.S7 men. Tho educational work lnaiigm.iici! last fall has become a strong leaturo and the same raav bo said about tho gMiinaslum classes. During tho past )cui IU.U00 luths weio taken itt tho as sociation Iicadquartcis, 1IA1J A NARROW ESCAPE. Olllcer l'lred nt a Man Who Took Him for u I' Prank Hall,, of St. Joseph, had a nar row escape at an eaily hour yesteiriay morning. Ho iiimo to the city Tuesday evening and Inquired of Policeman rink for a hotel. The olllcer directed him to tho rlfth Avenue. Eaily yuHteiday maul ing whllo making tho lounds the police, mall saw a man walk out ot tho hotel and lie oideicd him to halt, thinking that ho was a hmgtur. The man stalled to urn mid Kink Hied at him. The bullet struck the man on tho leg, but a heavy felt boot luoke tho lorcc of tin ball ami It did not oulet tho leg, Tho man stopped and when the policeman went up to lilin ho. re i ag nized him as Hall, whom lie hail taken tlicio the night before. Hall said he thought that Pollt email l'llik was a footpad, lie was taken to tho pollco station but was released ycsteiday. WANT I.I3(IIS.ATION. Mayor mid Other City IIDIi lain Have. Pre. pared ii Number of llllln. Mayor Earnos and Couuellmcn Tiower mid Hummond went to Topeka ycsteiday inoinlng, wlieio they will attend the meet ing of niuyois upd councils of tho tit Ht class cities of the Htuto to-day. This morning tho other couiicllnicii and the city uttuiuey will go to Topeka. Each olllcinl Pf this city has suggestions which ho wants foimulatid into bills to ho presented anil passed by tho taming leglslnlule. Tho Mils pertain tn tho government of cities ol the tlrst cluss, Councilman BmlUi says lie will ask that when the chaiteis of tho cities aio revised tho compensation of tho jiiembcls. of the council be latsed to J.JO0 it year cuch. At luescnt they tjet ?.'j a car, fraud uhaikied. Jtehcersi NcWoii heeklug to Have n Note Ohm by Her t'linteliMl, The ease, of Rebecca Kelson against 'James B. Gibson, u well known attorney of this city, was" on ycsteiday In tho distrM court, The plaintiff seeks to have u note of $3000 canceled, Bhe charges fraud and misrepresentations, Gibson Is tho guaidlan of tho estuto of Robert and J''iudeilck Murphy, giaudsons of the plain tltf. The cuse wus tried in the last term ot tho same court mid the jury disagreed, The case was given to tho Juiy last night. Will tin to Tiipeku. Mis. Pr. Emily New comb, of Kansas City, .Mo., and Mrs. Jennie Malier. of this city, will attend tho Informal reception to lie given by the ladles of the Resubmission Club of Tppeka. It Is intended by the club to hold Its reception on tho afternoon of the opening of the (cgislutuW Slurried .Niw Star's Mght, Miss Anna Jones, sitter of Lavviencet und Logan Jones, tho i-nttipilslng merchants who comprise tho linn of Jones & Co., wus muirled Now Year's night to Mr. I'lunk Vlckers, supoiiutendent of tho Mini' establishment. The ccieiiiony was performed-by Rev. II. Q. Denhaip, pastor Ii Umi Central. chrlstUu, cburcb,T lu ute, Mock of flood 4 At tut bed, Deputy SheillT Patterson yesterday at. tached the stock of goods of Morris I. ill, on tVnti.ll uvenuiL. 'the suit was liioiiBbt by B. A, HillUi mid T. A. Grieu. man. who cluio Laiiiuvl.t with itletmit lug li defmud the plaintllfs of money Invested, pressnen of a number of relatives, nt tho home prepared by Mr. Vlckers on Harnett avenue. The bride lint n host nf friends, while tho xroom Is well known to lite peo ple of this city. Seeking Release. The application of Jnmes Hint, thn young man who Is charged ns an accessory to the shooting which took place In the Argen tine Jail Christmas night, for release on it writ of habeas corpus will come tip to-day before Judge. Monahan. Rial has nlwavs borne a good rcpiitntlon and It Is claimed that his trouble was brought about by evil associations. Mr. l'hll Toll, of Ihe Hanger Lumber Comptny, states that worked for him for six eirs andtgtvfs him an ex cellent recommendation for both sobriety ami honest). Molted by IJldlm. On Tuesday evening, nfler the oflleers for the coming term of interview lodge No. l, were Installed, the lves mid best girls of tho members came clamoring for ad mittance, nml as they had u large number of baskets lllled with the luxuries of lire with them, thn members bv iv unanimous voir decided to admit them,. Thev were welcomed with three cheers and u "tiger" After tho lunch was set veil the evening was spent In speerhmaklng and general con versation, lldfore the meeting clned the women weie given tn understand that they could come again nt any time. Two 11 image suits. Tho tlty of Argentine was yoslerday made the defend nil in n ILSflu damage suit brought by John W. Sullivan, u res. dent of Hint city. In Ills petition he alleges tint he received Injuries by a slone wall railing on hlni while he was walking along Argentine avenue. Prank (loosens has tiled suit In Ihe com mon ideas court ng.ilnst the Santa l'c enm pmv for SI,!1'", ns damages for the death or his son, Prank Gooseiis, aged ! vc.irs. The boy was killed bv .1 train In Toad- a l.oup on October 1!, 1SDJ, Adjudged tus lite. Menasa Johnson I'ed f'O veais, was ad judged Insane In Probate Judge Mnnnhau's court vtstorriay. Johnson was born In Africa and was brought to tills country a slave. He bus been u resident of this city for n number of jeuts. Ills malady Is of a mild lonu, and only at times is violent. An application was made vestcrday evening for Ills admission to the statu us) linn. He Is confined In the county Jail. crr Locntlnn. The Kansas City, Kas., branch of tho Journal Is now loented in the main room of the Chamber of Commerce building, f round floor, entrance from Centrnl or 'ark avenues, nt the Junction of the Chel sea Park Hdgerton. Armourdale, Grand View and "Kunsus City, Mo., branches of the "L," road, und also terminus of tint West Side line, soon to be completed. Tel ephone $.7. Officers Installed. Rlvervlew lodge No. 201, A. O. TT. W., Installed the following oilireis at Its last meeting, held on January 1, lSOT: J. G. I.arcy, pjst master workman; 11. 'carman, master workman; M. l"ilch, foreman; G. 15. Shade, overseer: T. 13. Reed, recorder;, r. Pulton, financier: John Comfort, receiv er; J. W. Akers, guide; 13. c. Williams, Inside watchman; Prank Crotton, outside watchman, Widow Sues for Damages, Caroline Dow ell )estcrday tiled ult In tho common pleas court against the le celvers of the S-inta le company for 10,0iirt for damages for the death of her husband. George Don ell. Dowell was u section hand employed on the Argentine division, and he was killed by a train on October in, lVtl. The suit was tiled by Attorney J. 1 I'rankey, of Argentine. 1. A dfiliit Closed. Tho Joint or Tim Lyons, nt fifth and Central, was closed last evening by Deputy Sheriff J. S. Cummlngs on a warrant sworn out by tho county attorney on a complaint made bv J. K. Porter. Sam faton and Denny Lyons, who wero In the place, were nnested and placed In jail, and the llxtures wero taken In charge by the otllcers. New OIIIcerK. The Kansas branch of the National As sociation of Letter Carriers installed Its new ollleers Ian night at the rooms ot Justlco Swlngley. They weie: President, O. H. Johnson; vice president, Thomas Shea a recoiding sivrotarv, Chailes W. Rlvelcy; treasurer, Luslus LUley; sergeant-at-arms, 13. Qtilnn. METROPOLIS MISCni.I.A'W, Judge Anderson will open court again to morrow. Garcelon & Co., the contractors who have tho conti.ict to giade the- right of wu for the I'nlon Teimlnal Railway Company, have now over 300 teams and about llo men ut work. The piellmlnary trial of Mrs Alice Stev enson, eh.ngcd with obtaining .1 pension by fraudulent means, was begun In United States Commissioner Pern's olllco yes telday. It will bo llnished to-day. The Polite Relief Association has elected ollicers for the as follows. Piesident, P. T, Kluman: vlco imsldcnt, S. f fink; secretaiy, T, A. Tkerd; tieasuier, J. 13. Pol ler. The association has about ?l,k00 on linnd. Ch.ules Gldnev, aged six months, died at the homo ot his parents, In Chelv.t place, yosterriaj morning. Hennett 13 Davis died vestenl.iv at tho home of his daughter. Mrs; Hooker, No ".107 Noith Tremont street. Tho deceased was here on u visit, and was a icsldeut of Cosmos. III. He was SJ old. Tint body will bo taken to his former home for burial. There will he a tegular monthlv meeting of the I3qual Silffi.ige Society this .iftei noon at tho residence nf .Mis. Jennie Maher. No. 7.12 Aimstroi.g avenue. A full attendance Is desired, as there will be busi ness of Imparlance to be tiaiisaeted. To lent Two nice, foul room houses and one nice seven room house close to Union Pacific und Missouri Putlllc shops. S. N. SIMPSON .s: SON, Chamber of Commerce, building. I'KlthfCVAI. .MlW's. , Lawreneo Gray, of Chicago, Is In the city, tho guest of his patents, Joseph Moore left last evening on a tilp through the Southern stales. He will ho gone until M ai cli. Mis. II. T. Powell, of St. Joseph, Is hero visiting f i lends and lelatlves. G. L. Conies will go to Topeka to-day on a political tilp, Miss Theresa Gibson, ot Hitlleck avenue, went to St. Louis to spend u month with lelatlves. Mrs. 1Mk.ii- Vitkeis, of Omaha, has ni rlved to Join her husband. They will mako llielt home on North Sixth sticet. James Swuiison will leave to-day for In dlannpolls to make his homo. Miss Ilthtl Oicgoi), of Snllna, Is here, the guts! of her aunt, Mrs. William How. ard, on Wuveily avenue. Captain Keelcr, of fdgcrton place, left last evening for Mimphls. SlfeCZ..X.At The Journal's Armourdale of fice is in Lieninger's book store, No. 505 Kansas avenue. Sub scriptions taken and advertise ments received. ;V7J7777J'77777J'7777r3r77: ARMOURDALE. Second Day's be4lou of the .Supreme Camp of tho Royal Neighbors nf Aiiierltu. Tho second day's session of (he supicmo camp of tho Ko)M Nelghbois of Ameica convened ut Clailln's hall )cstcday inoin lng, The new delegates who arrived Tues day night weio reglsteied and given a, seat In the convention, Tho piogrummo curled out yesterday was us follows; Heading of the minutes; uppolntment of committees; repot ts of supiemo ollleers, and new business took place In the fore noon, for tho afternoon, tepaits of tom mlttees, unfinished business und new bus. uc-ss. The nomination of ohlceis took plate ut last night's sessloh. The following tledtgates arrived )eslei day: Majoi D. V. llawt-s und wile, of fill. tun. 111.; J. W. White and J. II. Ktaius, of Pulton, Hi.; lis. llattle Shldiier, of HtiainsbuiB, -Mo.; Mr, und Mis. W. l Auston, of Lincoln, Neb.; Mr, and Mrs. I). I. Thornton, of Kuusas City, Mo.j J. W, Johnson, uf Peabody, Kas.; Mrs. June Jones, of Lmpoiia, Kas.; Mis. Dr. 1-', Min nie, of Fulton, HI.; Mrs. Cora Cooper, of fort Scott. Kuj.j Mts. U. C, Miller, of Lawrence. Kas.: Mrs. 13. V. Davis, of Friend, Neb. Mrs. Llla M. Johnson, of Ciete, Neb.; Mrs. Amu M. lioer, of pouacu Blurts, I.; J; i. .Watt, i Qudiu, Neb.! r. A. Ornhnm, of Lincoln, Neb.j nnd Miss Alma Dow, of Walnut, Has. Will Itulld it (.hurili. John lliickle) nml George Thompson, two prominent building collimators of this city, have been nwarded the cnntrael for the erection of St Hrldgels Catholic church at Denton, Kas The building 'vhen com pleted, will be one nf the handsomest struc tures In Central Knnii, Its dimensions nte MxW feet, with a lirf font tower. The church will be built nf brb k nnd stone nnd will cost when llnished over $15,030. Mlnrettiineoiis, Thn Ladles' Home Sewing Circle will give their llrst annual ball at McLean Me Ananv's hall on the tiluht nf January 31, The ladles of the society ate making big preparations for the occasion. Horn, to Mr. nml Mrs. P.iiRcne Coetlel, of No. jni South Hlghtli street, a daughter, to .Mr, ami Mrs. II. HotTmnn, a daughter, I. It, Dlllard, county treasurer of La fiivctle county, Mo and Miss Anna Lug wig, of Lexington, Mo., ure the guests of Dr, O. W. Parsons, of this cltv. Dr. S I, Harrison Is III ut his home on South St. Paul street. Joseph Hurgoon has rctntned from n short visit with friends rtl Piper, Kas. .Iaper ford and Hob Smith have re tinned from a hunting trip on Mill t reek. Miss 1'ittl Orlllln, of Kansas City, Mo., spent vesierday visiting .ns Maggie Class and Miss Sadie Wii), of this rll). n A. T. Perkins, of San franelsco, Cal Is the guest or S. S. Klrby, of this city. Patrick Sheridan, the oung mm who was thrown from nn electric uir on Kan sas avenue a few duvs ago, Is still lu a trltlcil condition. It is feared that iimpu tiillon of tho light leg will be necessary. Mrs, l", M. f.llls has returned from a visit with friends and relatives ut Albany. .Mo. AU(II3M'I.M3. The registration books for the IW were opened In City Clerk J. C. Long's of flee )csterduy morning. All persons who are otherwise qualified must register If they Intend to vote at any electloh held during the year. Only nbout a dozen voters registered yesteulty. Yel low colored certificates are given to women voters and blue ones to the electors of th male sex. The registration books will be open during the year with the exception of the ten du)s previous to the city election that will bo held early In April Attorneys L. D. L. Tosh and J. f. fian key will lenvc to-day for Topeka, to repie sent G. II. Simmons and u number of other property owners on Metropolitan avenue in u suit ng.ilnst this city. The plaintiffs have asked the courts to restialn the city fiom collecting spc-clil taxes for work done on Metropolitan nvenue. Much Interest Is be ing manifested In tho eases, as the outcome will affect a large number of propel tv own. ers In that locality. In cae the suit is won by the plilntlfTs other property owners will nsk that the special taxes assessed against them bo declared void, and the cost of Im proving this thoroughfare be collected from tho tnxpi)ers of tho city In the gen eral tax assessments as Is pi ov Idol for by law In ease the taxes cannot bo collected from the property In the Immediate neigh borhood of the Improvements. Jack Ilurk was sentenced to ninety days In the county Jill ycsteiday for drawing a knife on John Olllges and threatening to do him bodily harm. Hurk Is a young noy and Is a cripple, both legs having foil cut off several )Cirs ago by a street cm. He was recently placed lu the county Jail on a miliar charge, and etfoits were made to have him placed In the reform school, but as there was no vacancy ho was lccently released. A young son of A. Hash, of Turner, re ceived a very painful wound on New Ycai's day. While out hunting ho was shot In the face by some other hunter. Dr. Holland was called and extracted the shot. Miss 131va ISallurd returned last evening from a brief tilp to Colony, Kas. The regular meeting ot the O. 13. S. will be held this evening. O. II. Simmons Is entertaining Mr. Klr by, of Cedar Junction, Kas. Lewis Williams returned yesterday from a visit with friends and relatives in In diana. Miss Alto. Turple has returned from Hum boldt, Kas.. where she spent the holidays witli friends. Mrs C. S. Warner will entertnin the Good Simailtan Society of the M. 13 chinch this afternoon nt her home on Sixth sticet. George Glllett, at Memphis, Tctui., Is the guest of friends In this city. Miss M. c. Mom oe has returned to col lege at Libert), Mo., after spending the holld.i)S with friends heie. The Misses Jennie anil Lottie M.ushel entertained a party of friends Tuesday evening. The Guod Will Society of the Congrega tional church will elect ofllcers to-day. The meeting will be held at tho residence ot Mrs J. 11. Marshel. .Miss Grace ll.inli.ick Is entertaining Mr. llert Ober, of S.illn.i. Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Otto returned yester day fiom Independence, Mo., wheie they went to attend tho funeral ot the I tto .1. 13. fann, who was formerly a resident of this city. UNCLE SAM'S HOUSE AT ATLANTA l'ropo.ils Opened for tho !ovt rnini ul llulldlug ut the Cotton Mates i:pimitloii. Washington. Jan. -' Ptnpos.ils wero to-day opened lu the olllco uf the Miper vlslng mcliltect of the ti (utility for the labor anil miterlal tcqulied for tho erec tion nml completion of the United States government building lor the cot ton state und exposition at Atlanta, G.i. Tho government building Is to be situated ut the notth cml of tho main buildings, lift)" feet above -Smt nveiiooUHiK tho plan, mound which they aio to bo ntianged, Tho building goiieially H to bo 1S1 fce-t by 201 feet 111 sto, with pavilions on four sides, each slxty-ono loot wldo nnd piojcctlng ton feet fiuni 'the genui.ll Hue f ' ul.!l,l1"i?,?!,,f, n.K the extieme dimensions 201 by -SI feet. The building Is to "' coiisiiucted of wood f.amlng. sheathed oulsldn and coveted with clapboards nnd sh tiglfs. Tho eiitliti woodwork of tho Intel lur Is to bo iliesscd. 'iiio iUL ' "' "" ""I'T to afford an iinlnlciMiptcil view fiom cud tn cud of tho building. Tito cxtet lol ls designed with a Itomauesfiuo tecllng, Insofar as the stylo onti bo applied lu a name building of this Hesciipllou 'lliu central pavilion on all four shies mo to io culled up two btoiles.or for y two feet to tho coiulco lino and slxty t hi co feet to tho apex of tho roor. and inc. extended iictoss tho building fiom side tn filile, forming tho clciestoiy por tion having sides lllled with windows. At the center of tho building u lower slxty-ono feet tmunie Is to bo cut tied up to a Mb it ot scvcniy-slx feci to tho cot nice, with Mi kv wliulovvH on all side" ami ornamental tuuets at the eot nei Hurmouulliig tho tower roof Is to bo an open luuteiti twenty feet In dl anieter, Vund.ils In tliu Vutltan. London, Jan. '.'.-A dispatch to tho Stand, aid fiom Homo says It Is reported that thefts of vuluablo miniatures from tin Vatican llbiary have been detected. Among the objects taken aro forty-ono miniatures from a purchment volume of tlio yeur 1100, entitled "1,'Omell.i dl frato Glacomo," und seventeen miniatures -from a parch-iiic-nt volume, entitled "L'Trlonll dl l'e tuiila," Tho thefts, It appealed, wero discovered by Piofessor Cldiucui! and the mini iluiis hao ull bt'tll sold to foielijneis. Tint po. lltu hat uiitsttd Piofessor Saidl, alius Itufilsaidl, and -in unthiulry luuml Ta uzl, It Is stated that the thefts have been known fur some time, but the uuthoiltles pf the Vatican weie disinclined to appeal to the Italian police. ELCC'l'tUUAL SPECIALTIES. ELECTRIC Telephones, Door Hells, Bur- .glftr Alarms it wssMf v Mtianltlv lotted vvltli long ycmiw i""" """"" ho constiuctlou Is ma.lo as 1 iBht u possible. Tho cleicstoty toof Is sup ioi ted liy a combination of wood und ,u..u mid is to lut so niiuiigcd us iiiHiiiiMiiMimimsfrA IHE COLUMBIA PAPCALEfiPMi! A Desk Calenihr U a neretslly tnntl convenient Kind ol stotcliqme lor memoranda. '1 he Columbia Desk Calendar h litifjhlct ami liamlonicst ol all lull ol tlainty silhouettes nml pen ssctchc and cnlctl lining thoURhtJ on nnliloot exctcisc and siiort. Occaslonallj' tctnimls jou o( llic iiipetb quality ol ColiiiiiMt Hi cycles anil ol our need ol one, ou won't olijcrt tn, ol coutc. The Cilcmlir wilt be uiailctl lot five 2-ccnt stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MF(J, CO., T Mminnthiirr. HortlorJ, M 116 I II8HIIH 1 CLASSirlfti ADVHIl'l Isr.)tl3.T3 In tin Jutirnat nro cliarKcil at tlio rnte of 10 cents per Hue, Sis sroriK nanully initUp n Hue. Thin olinrun Ii for clmtftlflcnlltvns exrept "I'tTsiMiiils" nnd "Clnlrvoiy nnfH," stIiIcIi urn 1,- rcti.ii per llnc- l)ISIM,AYi:t) AIIVI3ltTISI.Ni lu tbr cIltMnlnuil cnliitmis, in cents per Hue, tutllit ngnte nirusitre. IVt ctltN tnUcn. WANTDn MAI.13I 1I13LP. VVNTiTlTrtiTmhm ti first-class glils In private families; also ! tine colored coohs. good vvonian with rhlld -' years, Jl a wek, bolldavs are over ami my looms arc full of good help. Canadian orrici:. lOUt 13. Hth. Tel. 1K1. WANTI3D Traveling snlesmen to can vass the trade in Inun. Iiidlniia ami Illi nois for a No. 1 selling article us a side line; sells Itself on sight; 20 per cent coui inlsjdoti. snmpies free. Address the Ad Justnble Shade IlnngiM- 3vlfg. Co., Cbamber of Commerce hldg , Kansas city, Kas. WANT13U Traveling salesman to sell Qulnlni' Whisky on commission as a side lliu1, pa)s tilg cnmmlssloii; nn license re quired Address, with rereienccs. Quinine Whisky Co., Louisville, Ivy. VANTI3D Immedliitel); thiee news agents on railroad. Call on Southern Hall way Ntws Company, 1018 Union ivc. WANTI3D A good, sobel man to woil? In mi olllie, wages JJ p r day. Cl!l Main, room I, WArTi;t)-FEMALB IIULP. WANTI3D Meat whito girl Tor housework L'-'iJ llmiison street. W'ANTEH AOI3NTS. WANTI3D Tho Holy Itosarv Illustr.itol Agencies wanted A cheap lino ult btiolc eiy Catholic wants. Indorsed by Aich bisbop Ilvaii and tllblions CATHOLIC AHT CO. Philadelphia KJHM.OV51CNT At3I3.CIUS. CANADIAN 13.M!'LOY,MI3NT ObTirn, 10IV5 13. I'-'lh, cor. Walnut. Tel. 11?). Tho best place in K C, Mo , to find help or sit uations, male or fenialo: It years' experi ence. Correspondence solicited. Ttef. Omaha Nnt. tiank, Omaha; Citizens' bank, Iv. C. to iin.vr hoi;s.l3s. TO IH3NT A nice three room dwelllnc- only four blocks from Minnesota and within one blot k of two street car lines Call nt the Journal brinch olllce. In tho Chamber of Commt n o bldg. TO III3NT C21 Oik, 3 loom lilt, parlor floor; I room Hat, 'Jil door; 5 room Hat, 1st floor. Will be ready for tenants about tho lDth ot Dec. 13. H. UimriF3.S3 .t CO.. CIO Whitney bldg TO HUNT The veiy pietty ii loom cot tage. No. :;tti llobeils St.; rent, Sit per mouth. Apply to I.. Molse, at the Juuiiial otllce. Telephone No i.0. TO U13NT I'lirnlshi I housp for house keeping. 1CJJ Tiaey av. to man ami wife oi small fumll); no children. Call at house. TO HK.NT-HO031S. TO III3NT L.ugo, in ely furnished flout room; also councctfnc. small room, titst tlass board; steam heut 80U ron-st avt TO HI3NT One elegint office room un,il one suite In the Journal bldg. Kent rea sonable. Apply to the Journal Co. TO HEIVT MISCUI.LAMJOU.S. TO RENT Elegant ul'Ices In tho Journal blilg. at leusoiiablu mles. Apply to the Journal Co. 1IONUY IO LOA.1. MONEY TO LOAN-City improved loins made, i to b per cent Interest, according to size. Kami loans at higher rates, an nual interest, within Id) miles, pinmplly closed James L Lombard. Heist bldg MONI3V TO LOAN Kckhi lot at money on baud to loan In sums to suit bortoncrs, no delay. EDWAltDS ItEALTV. LOAN AND COf,. LECTION COMPANY. W. Nelson bldg n AND 0 I'lJK CENT money on business, rosldemai and fann piopeitv; unusually fa. vorablo teiius. Ajipl) to Homer Heed or 'i neo r.iisn.iiMjs iiroaiitMiy. opt-oains nousn LOANS made on good iinnroved city piapeity, business or residence, at reason able rates. Money on hand, E. E. Holmes & Co,, bil New England bldg. TltANSrUU COMPANIES. 01IAH. IC. TOWT, JOHN 11. TOWT. l'resIUetit. Vlco President, 13. L. HAHRIS, Heciemiy. MIDLAND THANHWEH CO.-rrelght and luggage tiunfeircd to anil from all depots. Furniture moved and packed by cxpeits. 407 and ICO Wyandotto St., Kan sas City. Mo. Tel 1517 UUSINI3SS CHA.NC133. A OOOD p.i)lug siqiu or lilllluid pallor lor sale, located lu tho heart of illy; reasons for selling, cnu't intend to both places, Address 'A i)70, Juuruul olllco WANTIJD lMlllici with 'm cash to tnku half luleiest lu good, ltglllnmto bus iness. Addiess ' hW oiliee. TO EXCHANGE. TO i:'IIIANU13 ll.'.OO farm near Kan sus City for latger one within GO to 75 miles of Kansas City; will pay cash differ ent e. HDWAHDS HEALTY LOAN AND COL LECTION COMPANY. iX Nelson blilg. iinsTAtHAvrs. ll.f YOtI wan i;ood. old-fasblon butter. milk or e'leam, go to McCllntock's restau rant, !) Wnlnut street. CLAIHVOYAMT, MHH. L. JAMES, the well know clalr. o)unt and trance medium, iiuy be eon Hilled at 1-uS (iruud uve, : parlors SO und 10 bAFES. SJA1''E.S oncued und repaired, bought und sold. Combination locks cleaned und thnnt'ed. H. HAHK1UAN. Expert. Telephone ll. 103 East Tenth st. UOUSUS AMI VBUICLKS. HOUSES wintered (3 per month, sent for au4 leturned. SIAHKS. SALiaeUHY. imjeiinasui;c, ilo. : m i Conn. T I'Ott NAI.rltEVt, I3STATB. 17 W. Otb, acjuesi AcnEai achesi 1 ncre-t near ralrvlew nnd Nlntlv right on dumni). pond water, good locution for chicken, JI.ViO. I 1-Ji) nrtcs s, c. cor, 10th nnd Oakley, good water. 41 feet, two turner M.H. t 1-20 neies on 10th, IM feet eait of Talr view, rood wnter, tsi .1 11 t.t nciei n e lor, Indepijinlenco nnd Overlon nves., Jl.170 J fll ncies on Independence nve 8.V0 reel from Air llnc,$t,r,l,-,. SI acres Indepcndeneo rtvc,, comer Over ton live, Ji.OI".. n acirs nt enlranco tn VJnMilnglon park, good spring mid Hue forest tiers, J1.903, U acres near 1Mb ntnl Aillnnton, onn block from Evanstnn sValloti.J.'.tJ". 1 1 .seres near Hnglewooii tttullon, COO feet front, JTVi. tij acres neir lhrdts nf Independence nt M7."i per acre. to acres south of Itidependenco nl 112.1 per acie, HI acres west ot Inneponrtcnco nt JU2D0 per acre. 9" ncies south of Kansas Clly, ,lt, II acres north of Washington park In bottoms, sold onto for $.'l,0g0, sell now l.'.iw. W acres lU -.idles from court houo door nt (lull pelldc-lce, .(mu. It S-10 ucrcw south of Washington park, ' i acres irear Hickman's Mills at $13.50 per note Vo can, mike terms on nenrly nil of thtse. Titty are the cheapest orrerod In this county. ii. -p. WHII'PI.E Ac CO. 17 W. ilth st. NOI.AH lltllt.OOY. t'UHS Instinctlons January 1st I'ebru ary 1st Delineations of character given pcitionally und by in ill MltS HEItTltUDE LOVE. IViom 12(1, Y. M U. A. bldg., Kansas City, Honms open for reading or Inspection of Esoteric literature ou Tuesday afternoons und evenings. POtl SALE 3IISCELI,A.UOU8. Poll KALE -r.,fW tons pond Ice, fnrmid from Platte liver water, loaded ou the It, A: M , for w Intel delivery. Wilto us. 1 A Hitiadwcll .v. llro.. South Oinaba, Neb. FOl'NIi. rentle-tlty litokn borso for sale, good drivel . cheap foi cash. Address H M1. Join mil olllce. DIED. N13EDIIAM Mrs. Mmy, wlfn of Chailes Nicdham, nt her home, 310 Eveiett avenue, W)niulottn, ICas. I'llliual to-day at 2 p. m. The tenialns will bo placed lu u vault In Union cemc tciy. MISCELLANEOUS. OWENS' KOOKHINDHHY. 711 Main All, music, law, etc., magazines, 7..c, V.t and 1 HEAL KSTVI'13 THAsrEH, NOIt.MAN A: HOItEHTSON.prnprli'tois of nbstiui ts and examiueis of land titles. No IB East Sixteenth sticet, furnish dully the tiansfiis or real eslule tiled In the ncoid ci'h nlllio at Kansas City, .Mo. Notlcf All tianslers appearing 111 oui dull) l epulis contain enveuants ot geueiul wuuauty unless otherwise stuled. Jauiiiuy 2 13 L Harlan and husband to 13. M Ivemble, lol 3, Idoek 1, 1'iospect ltw l,'.fH E. A Chlsbolm to I'. A. Maish.lots r. mid i;, block .', Iloelrers addition 2,CW Chailes A Shawver und wife Io .1. W. Jones, lots I und 2, block 1, Connelv'H addition 670 Now England Loan ami Trust Conipunj to C C. Conitucv, pint or lol 10. Estill llios.' llrst addition f,300 Thomas C Hunter In M. Ilermlng- lllllll putt 1)1 IOI ., UIUCIC U, DIU.tllH addition r.oo i.ono E. It I Imtt i- and vvlfo to same, pail same It. it Iliuiier and wife to saint: pait same Too E iteiisonei to same, p.u t same.... D.OihJ W W Hunter I" same, part same.. Ml Maty 13 L)ou and husband to same; part same f,() S C Hounds to E. C. Moore; lot II, Pali play 100 Josi.pb i'liim and wife to Anna M. Thalls, lot 17, block 3, lliillene, Mooio ,v. Emeiy's addition 321 Anna M. Nc.irhig and husband to ChuilfH E. Jones; lot l'.-J. Alta inout S.Ot") Josepli Eimmons mid wife to (Itoigo Klmmons, lots 1 to fi, l'ate's iid tllllon 1 W II Adams el ul to M 51. Metcalf; pail of lots II and ir, block 10, I'eeiy place 1 II M lloldin, asslgnic. to W. I'. lot R. bloi k .'. Mount Vci- tiou Junction no.) THL'.STEE'H DEED. C D Axuiaii mid wife to John Keeklngei , lots 29, 30, 31, :r.', block 11, Dlllliltu place . r.,000 SHEItiri"S DEED J C. Castell to Ti nneiu-s.ii Iblillng Shoo f'ompiti) , pait of ot n, Louis Vogel's second addition 60 IH'ITCL.UM DEEDS. H M. Snytlcr to S L. In): lot ii mid pait of lot 3, CInuser , Cole's nililltlnu 3,100 John Klinmons and wile to N. 13. 13. koit, lots 1, 2, 1. and 1, lilotlc 7 ct ul. l'ate's addition t J, W. DeWItt and wife io M. J. Mlnler. lots 2S and 29, lilock 1, Crahmn's addilinn 1 Amanda c Oiuvis et ul Io M. lliu iniiigh mi lot 2, block il, Hmmt's addition t Total ... i .,i,,7u) LECiAL NOTICES. .............. I ,.L .1 1. H.I.. . ...... .,1... ..,... l,, chumps li Caldwell lu single man), by his certain deed of trust dultd ihe sixteenth day of Apill, A. D lii7, and Hied for locord on tho tv.en I) -second da) of Apiil. A D 1SJ7, und rc coided In book Jl, at page J7. lu the olllco -.0 .1... ni.llillll' llf .1. t llS ffll' .lll,.l.u.t., .n... o'clock lu tho aftei noun on Suturda), the llftli nay oi .luuimiy, .v. i, iaji, ul mo south front dooi of the Jackson county court house at Kunsus Ul). .Mlssouil, to sutlsfy und pay said nam and Interest, und .,... ...lata nr iti iiiiiilt tills irnsi. KUU bUd.M w- v., .'it. ii, . t ,w. Ul C'Vl . uimH ,11,-. linn,, DAVID WALDO. Trustee. H Holland, Attorneys. Perdiio rpitllhTr.E'S SAI.ll-Wlietoas, detatilt Ins X linen mails lu th luytuent of Hie two ler. tain negotiable pi omtssoiv Times anil Inieresi thereon tluserlbed in tliedtwlol lrut maun by IfllUlltlll. IVCIICI uiiu 1.1-iuo . oner, llla wile, dated 1'ebrusiry kth, M7, tiled for recoul In tho uftltanf the recorder of deeds for Juelison toiiu ty, Mlssouil, at KitnsusCliy, I'ebnuiy Uth. luar ami lecoideit In boolt II Nu, 2U7, at p ige Isl, t will, lu attordance Willi lliu terms ut said deed ol trust, at Hie reiiuest of tho ownei and hoklei of said noies, procee.l to sell ilia i eal es tate lu said deed of liusi tlescrlbeil, sinute In thocouiuy of JaeUsou lu tliesiaioot MUsoiiil, Yi-! Allot Ilia soiilli half o the southwest nuarter of section twenty.fon i (.N). In lownslilp lorty-nlne tWI. In lauge ihlrty-ihiee (tl), lu Jacuson county, uxtepi tbat portion thereof laUen and couveieit for railway tracks ami pill poses; Hie laud lu said deed of It list deserlhed being seventydlviJ and one-halt (75i.) ane-at public vendue, to tho hL'besl blildcr, at the court hoiisti dooi, hi the City of Kansas, belug the south flout door of the Jackson county court house, in Kauas City, lu the touiity of Jackson, statu aforesaid, for cash, on haturday, the 5th day of January, IW. telwiuu the hours of ulne o'tloek liitlio forenoon ami lUo o'clock In the aftei noon of that da), to satisfy anil pay said notes and laleiesi ami Hio cost ot cxecu ting tliuirunt. HKNItV N. ESS. Trustee. vv'iiituii st.. Kansas t'ltv. Mu.. AliinJav. Jaiiuuiy Htlt. l'1. HI o'tlotk a. m, W.M. II. EHI.EHS, Vltf Piesident, J. OMtltlAN, Senelui). 1"7u.KcTION NOTICE The tegular auuiul U nuoiltuot tnosiocLUoldeisot ibe tOUou. ulllaukot L'oiumerce, ofKuiuas Uil), .Mo., for .lieelottlou of fifteen dliectors for tho mailing year, will bo beld at Ihe banking bouse of said bank, lu Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday, the sib day uf said month of January. 1W"j. being the second Tuesday of said month of January, be. twsuu too hours of ID a. in. and I p. m. ot sale) r- , ,-c. c J' WUWJ3, Casulifc Ul .111' titw.'.w. - --- I'WII L(,lli. ty, .Missouri, at Ivuiisua City. cuuve)td to tho undeislgiied triisleo all of lot numbered thliiy-seven U7). In Hint on Hill Park, mi addition to the Clt) of Kansas Mlssouil. us shown by tho it corded plat thc'ieof, on lili in the olllcu ot the retoidei of u.l,3 ( Ja-ksou counts, Mlssouil, to steuru tho ii.Diueut t)f tlilie liiomlssoiy noles .In. scribed Ii'1'1' Jt.L'!1 of "' nnd, whtie- .. . . .. ..? fl... until iii.l.w h.i.i. l.n,,.. ....i.i and one of snld notes is nuvv past dun and unpaid; therefore, lu eonseiiuenco of lliu default of tho payment or said iirlncliial note, and (H "e leanest ol the legul holder und owner of said note, I. David Waldo, tiustee, as ufoifsald, by virtue or the pow eis given me b) said deed of trust, will proceed to sell the above described real ut public auction to the highest , .1.1.1.. in, iikli. Iielweell the limitu nt ..I..,. .','. Inek in ilie forenoon nml m NOTICE TO STOUKHOLDEltS Tlio an nual meeting of tho stockholders uf tho New Yolk und London Eleetrlo Assocl i tlou, for Ilia purpose of electing Hutu dl lectois lor the ensuing yeai and the Hans, at Hull uf suth other business as may legally eunie befuit. the inte'tlug, will 1 I.. 1.1 it HlM Oltll'., llf till. .ISSIll l.ilillll lllw I.KUAL .101113133. Tltt'KVI'tVH SAt.t! Wboreas. James N, tioodwlti, by his certain deed or HUM, dated .Mirth the Cth, 18M, slid tiled for record mid recorded on the 6th day of March, 1S'I3, lit the otllce of the recorder of deeds for Jackson county, Mlsourl, nt Kansas City, In book It Ul. at pigo til, cotive)ed to the undersigned trustee tin; following described leal estate, situated In the toimty of Jackson, slate of Mis souri, to. iv it- ,,i numbered nine tJ. In block , tiuinbi red -twclily'two (22), In Ash" burne's nddltlon to the City of Kansas, now Kansas city, us the same Is marked ml designated ou the ircorded plat there of, now un nie In the oilli e of the recorder pf deeds tor Malt! Jnek?oli county. MIMOiirli In trust tti se. ure the piymeut or one prin cipal note ard rotir Interest notes, nil of which snld notes ale fully dcfcrlbctl In said tiust dtedj ami, wliereii", there lint been default in Ihe Interest note falling due, elghte.-n months after the 3d day of March, lV)3i and, whereas, there Is also default In the piymsnt of Hie city taxes for the years Vit and .i, and also cer tain state and coduty taxis, nnd also tie fault In the paymint or certain speclul tutes anil nil remain due and unpaid, nnd, Whereas, said deed id ttust pruvldn If default be mailu In the ptyment of any Interest notes or any taxes, gcneril or ppeclnl, when due, the trustee named In said deed of trust may proceed to sell said property: now, therefore, publlo notice Is liireby given that, at the reipiest of the legal holder and owner of said note und Inteiest notes, and by virtue of the power nml authority In me vested by said deed ot trust, I, the undeislgnid trustee, will ou the 17th day of January. l!Oi, between the hours or nine o'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock lu the after noon of that day, sill ihe above desctllied rc-U estitu hi publlo vendue to the high est bidder, for cash, at the west tloor of Hie United Slates custom house, In Kan sas City, Jackson county. Mlssouil; said sale to be made for the purpose of pu)lng Ihe amount of said noles mid Interest due thereon, together Willi all unpild taxes and the costs und expenses n( executing this trust. C. E MOSS. Trustee. Huckncr. Tllrd & Like, Attorneys. ueiween uie hours or nine o clock u m nnd live o'clock p. in, at the west front door of the rolled States custom huiise, In Knnsas Clt, In sntd Jntkson toutitv, Mlssouil, to piy said Indebtedness and expenses of s il , iniivi-u, i rusiee. Cook & tiossclt, Att s. NOTICE OE THUS TEE'S SALE, Hi ron D Morris, grantor, b) ids ceitaln detsl of trust daitd Ihe 1.1th day of Apill. A 1) 17 llled fur leeord on the 2Jd d.iv of April, A D Ml, and re nrtletl In book It No 2w at pace 200, In the olllce of the lei unlet of ilteds or Jatkson lounty, Missouri, at Kansas C ty, conveyed to me, Waltt r A Hunker, trustee, the following ib scribed Innds and tenements situate In Jatk-ou toiiiit), Mis souri, namely: Lots numbered forty-five til) and foity-slx (lit), in btotk inuin brrod three (J), Huiikei hill, ns the same are marked und tleslgnated on plat llled lu the olllce afort said, In trust to serine the note In said dted dtscribtd: and, whereas, dt fault bus been made In per formance of the conditions at bald dted, nnd the same have been broken b) ita son or non-payment of s.ild note, now, thcicfore, notice Is beieli) given that, us reipiesied b) the legal holdei of snld note, I, Walter A Hunker, said trustee, will pro teed to II and will sell, at public vendue tn the highest blildei, for tush, the said lifds and tenements, on the 21st day of January, A D. 1S91. between the hours ut ntne o'clock a. m and live o'clock p m , at the west front door of the United Slates custom house, lu Kausns Clt), In said .luckson count), Missouri, to p ty said Indebtedness and expenses of sale, WALTEH A HUNKEH. Trustic. Cook & Gossett, Ally's. NOTICE OU THUS TEE'S HALE Whereas, Mai) V Sli i le mid Chailes Steele, her husband, granlois, by then itrtaln dted of liust dated the foutth day of May, A D 1SS7, tiled foi letoid on the ISth day .if M.iv. A. I) 17, and reioiiln in book II No 200, at page 37.1, In the ol die ot the letoidei of deeds oi Jackson toimty Missouri, at Kansas Cltv, t on veyed to me, W altei A. lluukei, trustee, the following destilhcd Innds and tene ments situate in J'lekson county, Mis souri, namely All ol lots utiiuhticd nine (Il and ten (10), lu blotk numbered two (2), as the smie me m irki d and deslg n Ued on pi it llled In the ollh u aforesaid, lu trust to secure the note in slid dei d dc-tilliod; and,, default has been made lu perfonnuiiie of the conditions of said deed, mid the same have bei u broken bv iciisoii of uou-pu) mi nl of said note, now thereloie, notlte Is Inieb) given thut, as renuestod b) the legal huldi i uf said noti , I, Waltti A lliinkii, slid trustee, will piu cced to sell, and will sell, it publlt vendue, to thu highest blddt'i, for cash, ihe said lands nnd ti iieineiits. on the 21st da) ul January, A 1). IW, bitwten tht bonis of nine o'tloik it m and live o'eloi k p m, at the west limit iiviot of the United States custom bouse, in Ivans is Clt), in slid Jut kson i uunt), Missouri, to pay said tndehii diies and expenses ol sale. WALTEH A HUNKEH, Tiustee. Cook & Oossetl, Att)'.s NOTICE OK THUhTEE'S SALE Wheluas, ElUlbetil A. Haiubelger (slllgb ). gl.intoi, bv her tertuln died of trust dated the 17th day or August, A D lis7, liltd for i eionl on thu 30th dav ot August. A D. 1SS7. and lecoidid in hook It No. 242, at page 2.1), lu the olllie of tlio ie t enter ol deeds of Jiuksnn count), Mls souil. at Kansas Clt), toiivtyril to me, Wnlit i A Hutikei, tiiMtct, ibu lollawliig tlcsiilbed liuds and ti neincnts sltunte lu Jackson toiint), Missouri, iiamcly All of lots iiiiiiibcivii seven (7) and eight (S), lu blotk numbeied rour (I), lluukei hill, ns tin same in. maiked and designated on the plul llled In the olllcu atoicsaid in ttust to mure the note In said died desiilbed, ami, whereas, default ins been made lu performance of the conditions of said deed, nnd the same hive bi en biokeu by icasoii of non-p i) ment of s ild note, now, theielaie, notlte Is htieby given thut, us icuiis'sied b) lint It gal holder of said note. I, Wiilui A. lluukei. sild iiustee will pro ceed lo sell, und will sell, at publlo vendue, to lliu highest blddci, fur cash, the said lmds and teuemenls, on the 21st tl i) of January, A D Ib'il, between the limns ot nine o'eloi k a. m. and llvn o'clock i m, nt the west front dooi or the United States, custom house, In Kansas City, In said Jackson coiinly, Mlssouil, to niy said indebtedness ami cxpensts of sale. WALTEH A HUNKEH, Trustee. Cook Ii (iossett, AID'S NOTICE OU THUSTEE'S SALE Wheicsis, John II. Tlioiupson, grant or, by his ceitulii deed uf ttust dati.J the .... n...l .1 ... llf Sll.lll.,tllll,l V tl KJ7 llln I llllllht'l inni-r. hi' ."iiumiiik liescrineil latiiis ami ifiieiiic-iiis sun no in j.icksou tount). Mlssouil, liainel) All of lots numbered one. (I) and two (2), In block numbered six to). Hunker hill, as th same ure maiked mid dtslgnated nu liltd In lliu olllco iiroresald, In trust to sicuro tho note in said dted described; nrd, wht teas, default has bteu made In pi normative of the conditions of said detd, end tho same have been broken by .. ...... If l,,,tttn lll.illt nf k ll.l t.ntn TOTIUE 'IO .STOrKllOLDKIth-'lbo amnul H ineelltigof the stocl.liutdui or lliu Mar. tluuU'Nalloii il bauk, uf Kansas I'll), Missouri, wilt bo he-Id In lis unices ta Hie New York ,r bulldlug, Kausmfliy Ma, ouSatmday.tlie '.'ud day of Pubiiuiy, it'A boine-eu Hie boiiisot t i lu audJp m. for Hie eltilloa oldiiei tors ami tiausacliou ot uuy oliiei Lu-luv'm ibat may legally tome IwTuie ihoiueeiiiiK W H CLAHKI3. Presldeut, NOTICE or Tltl'STEE'S SAL13 Patilck O'Toole. giantor, bv his teit.Hn deed of trust ihitnl the 22d day or August, A. 1) 1!S7, llled for te . ord on the Mill day of August. A. D. IW, and recoidcd In book 11 No. 212, at page -II. In the olllce of the itcoider or deeds of Jackson county. Mlssouil, at ICmisis ( It)', convejed lu me, Wultei A Hunker, trustee, the following described Isnds mid tenements, situate in Jackson count). Mis souri, iiaineh All of lots numbered thlrtv iilne (19) and forly (10). lu bloLk ten (l6i. Hunker bill, us m irked and deslgnateil n, -l. flt...t ,.. .t. -ut . .1, i .. ,Mt.k in. -ii in inf uinei' uiiii I--..IIII, in trust to secure the note In snld deed de scribed, mid, where is, default has been made In ptifoiniance of the co'vlltlons nt Slid deed, ntnl the same have been brok en by lea- n or non-p i)uifiit of said note; now, thertfore, notice Is lieieby given that, as requested bv Ihe legil holder of said note, I, said Walter A Hunker trus tee, will piocenl to sell, and will sell, nt public vendue, Id the highest bidder, for tush, the said I mils mil tenements, on the Jlst da) nf .lummy, A 1" I'll, CI Ull'l ' J ...,,.,...,....., ... ... ,-,-,,, ,, for record on the 17th duy of Sepumbei, A D, 1W7. and leeorded in book li No 21.', at page 2tA. lu tho ollli e oi the ictoidir of deeds of Jackson county, .Mlssouil, at upiinKiis Cltv. conveyed to me. Wnli,.i v , ... ,....,..., ,i... iniin.. i. therefoif. ,notl;c Is heicby given that, us icMiuisttil by tho legu holdei of said note, I, said Walter A. Hunktr, tiustee, will p-oi ceed to sell, and will sell, at publii! vt ndtie, to the bight st bidder, for cash, the salii lands und tenemtiils, on the 21st dl) uf January, A I), lblli, between the bonis of nliio o'clock u m. and 11m. o'clock p m., ut tho west tiout duoi of thu Hullul Stutes custom bouse, in Kansas City, in said Jntkson county, Mlssouil, to piy sail Indebtedness uni expens.s of sale. WALTEH A. 1HTNKEH. Tiustee, Cook & flossett. Ally's. K. C Mo. ' J Jjtl.ECTlON NOTIOH-Nollce Is hereby given -I that thoaaaual stocUliolder's meetlug uf he Citizens' Nailoual bauk, of Kausas City, Mlavourl, will be beld ou 'luesday, January bin, IMS, at lis banking otllce, between the hours uf 10 a. u- and Ip. m, to elett directum for Hie ensuing year, and to uausict aur oibei busl. ness that may come before said tueeilua s. W. UAMI'IICLL. Casnier. KWM CIV, J.9., UC 7, UM. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD tstbebesttoCniCAnn, OMAHA, HT. I.Ot,'ll, ti:.NTi:it, ht. rAr. lldMI.V.NRAI'OMrl. Chnlr Cnra Ftoo, Dining Cam. Tltket offices, 811)tla St nlidlOH Union Are Addres, , o, omt, A t p, A , Kansas City. Imlructlens All iritn4 dally iinlsss markeJ: "i,"ejcf pi Sunday, "s," SuiiiHy only! "t". cepl Saturdayi "y," rietpt Monday) "I," Mil. tirday only. Pint column, leavoi second colureu arrive HA.SNIIIAL AST. JO It, It-llurllugtoii Unut, ...... Trains l.vtrr. Arrle K C A ItrooKtleld ex ,.i Jl PJpm xio .vjv m Allantle express .. t to a m SMpni tali.tgn fast train 1311. .. tMim B.tflitn fat. Louis express ... tdipm tuiila m iJerlk'K-,-SN.,i,,"1iA-,U,rl,"Sl0""1 coin, illllln;s A I'uget ini v I'utiob lO' 7Miim - .foil a council nr.urr it it? . 1. last uulL tluiam iiMpm auiuiu K" U.ST r... .s. .. ... wi.,u noi. l, iiesi, iitaii. ii um in t .nt loita rxnress n'n um,.-. Omnlia express t IS n nt 'CSOam l""-"li ;.! in il;ipin Denver et. (anw ttaln). 7Uia tonneetlous tralneea Leavcatturth and Kan tlllC'Acio. KOCIt ISLAND A I'ACtriO IL IL ruiea i',r,ilil" Kxii0' J'rl Klver. Llitcaso null , ,, ., xvcMam xs3.1nnt Chicago limited Spm VulSSm Trains yt of MlMoiirlKlnr i uicii.vviciiii 1,1-t. wrtn lotto .mi f..nm I enter, C'oLsp Pueblo 10 Ma in 2anlu Wltlilla I TAI'tWorlli rPOJiim vtilll MJ llbbOUHl HAI'II'IO IC It.-lrain, I'aVi m m ....... ..... r.,.in, 7'uiam St. Louis day express ... lum-am .United night rxpreij. .. e tmpni I ast nialliiasaeiiKer ... t'.IWiim Lex union A hi Louli ex. r. Mp in LoxliiEt'n A Silill.iii.ijs. U,3Sam ... 'lr.Uns West, CCeyrllleA roloratio, ,. in Ham CofleyvllleA WIchllL . D'2i)p;u , Trims Soul Ii. Jop 1 n. l't beott A W'U. 4.O.. a m Jtuillti A Tcxasex 10.10am JopIlnA 'levasev ".UOpm n- .. , t . ... .Trains North, nnuhi.l.ln ANsivt'itycx p lipm Oiiuhi A C-n Mr tlayev 7tW a lit K A Atch'n atcont et jdnuipm ' ASt .loseplicx 10. H) a m 1. c . Alt h .V Me .1... ... .t.t.. ., ... 7,uipm e.-t p in 7.00 am IO..M1111 lu 01 a m 7:.V1 p m 6:11pm 7.20 am ILK pm N.ralpm :12aut f Mam U oo p m f.Si.iLn tHlp in S.Waill ..n.-ts-. itiv KUIlTIIWEbTKlSN II. IL S"l'n','.!!.'S.,.,11rU"''!! T-aiam full n Hill W'Allshll ItAII.ItOAH COMPANY. m -s-u Louts A r-lilt ago ex. .. s ixla in in n m C. i "I" .,'"n 'x-" xlo wain M. I. . Des M A SU i. ex S tl p m iv u A Cldcauocx ... 0.20pm , CIIICAUO AND AI.'IO.N. ChlrapoA St Louis ex. l' Clili.igollmltel , . f.puntn x 00 p m 7.10 am b.'20am r.30pm 8 .in a in j-t. i.uuu ,t. t'uic ico ex s II ii lu lla tu KANSAS ri'l'V. I OUTbCtnTJcMDlflHS ISY riorld i rj.e ai.iti 10 l a m liritsmvllle AUIiutuu Deepwaieraccoin . .. i berokeii aecom Slllilllbin n.iu.iT.. h i.J u in xli) 00 a in r 2a p m fi.'-'l p in x II W) p in A Oil III IU 11 .1 III 10: i.i .t m 7:.M a in Joplln A Nrvr Orleans in en o in (k. a nt MISSOUItl, ICANbAb A TI3XAS KA1LWAY exasiiMU . 10.11am 6:.l p m leiasexiiress ... n us n in 7.23 am , UNION IMririCKAILWAI. I aclllc Coin limited ti ou a m r. 00pm fJemei Af'tl ex. , H'tS p m n.eoam ATCHISON 'iOIT.ivA A SANTA I'll 11Y. l!jC III Mlv.ollf I lllvnn Chicago llinlie.t tiuprt Columbian express . . .. ft ,10pm Atlinticexpicss O..IO11111 I oil Madison local x.7 M a in f 10 a in l.3Jpui H M p in .i:JU 11 m vvtsioi iMijsomi I. Her. Texas exnrets si.s.nn s20nm Soutliem ICaiisas pasj. . a loam 6 '20 pin ColoradoA Utah llm ... IMiOani hOlptit lalliuiuli Um .. I .(sin in oooptn Mexico A Callfni ilia ox . 2 uUpni 0 10 am EnipoNa lusseuger .. xt.'.upm xll:20ant Topelt inxpirss ., 4 30pm I)! 101 lit Panhandle express .. li.lilpm 6:25 am Okla A Dodge Cltv ex l 20 p m fi.-lb a ut GUANO CENTRAL DEPOT. 2nJanJ mandotla LIHCAOO GIH3AT WESTEKN RAILWAY Clii st Paul A Minn .. )H. Warn fiOOput Si Jo, lies M A riili ago 7'OOpm 9 00 a la st Jo UesM A Cldi'igti 11:1011 m KANbASi CITY. Obt'KOLA A bOUTHEItN. Clinton A Osceola e . .. 5 OM) 111 III -' -i m KANSAS CITY I'lTTSUcJHO AOULI' IIY. I'ittsh'e Jopliu Ncosha. 11 Ola in s 11 p nt Aecoiiiiiitiiiaiion H'oilpm Accouiiiioaailiin x T M p 111 x 5.00 a tu Leave Tuesdavs, Thursdivs and baturdayi Arrive Mondajs, Wednesdays and t'rldays. DRANO AVENUE DEPOT. 22nd St CHIl-AllO. MILWAUIvIlEAbT PAUL T.Y Chicago i'.iasotjjrer . xti 01,1111 Sjllpm Chlliicoiuo Express .... ::.100piu 10 1.1am Uuilsts ( Ity A Independent Air I. hie. Depots 2nd and Wyandotte ami 2nd and Wuhiut Kuliiiis Clt) A- ludepeiitlt.nuu ttupld 'lr.tuslc ltallira Citiuiiunj. Depots-15th S'net. Station. 12th stieet Station. dill btleel btallou LEUAI. NOTICES. Tltl'STEE'S SALE Whereas, Bnu.dago T. ll.iglc), an unmuiiled man, by his deed or tiust, daltd Apill 10th, 1S-W. and tiled for moid and recoided un the lUlli tlay of M.i), Ifco, in the olhee of the recorder nf tiet ds for Jiuksou county, Missouri, at Kunsus Cli), In book II 170, ut page Us. conve.ved to the undersigned trustee tho following desiiflied ical estate situated lu tin county of Jackson, stale or Missouri, lo-wlt Lot iiumbei thirty-live (31), In bloelc number two (2), In East Dundee, an addi tion to the Clt) of Kansas, as salu lot la maikeil mid designated on the recorded plut of said addition, in trust, to sccuro the pa)mcnt of tv.o promissory noli s lu said tleed of trust desciih.d, and. default Ins been madi 111 Iho piyment of one of snld notes, to wit thu ouu payablo In two )tars fiom Its date, and nlso thn tnttrest nn tbe sutnu since Airll 6th. 149.", and nil of the siuno n mains unpaid, now', ih. nfoie, public notice is btieb) given that at Ihe letpitst of the legal holder nun owner 01 said note nnd uy viiuie .ul the powei and nuthoilty vested In me bv said deed of trusi, tile undersigned trustee, will on the Oth day of Januarv. I'll, between the hours or iiliin o'clock In the forenoon and five 0'ilotk lu th after noon of that day. sell the above described i en! estat. at publlo vendue hi tbr highest bidder, for .'ash, at the front dooi of lht county court house in the CII) of Kunsus, .Lu kson couniv, .Missouri, being the south front door of the count) court house sit uated lu the block bounded tiy Oik mid Locust streets and Missouri a cutlet and riflli Btiect. lu Kansas Cltv, Jatkson coun ty, Missouri; said Hale to lie inaue lor tho inn pose or satlslyliig said unpaid In debtedness and the costs and expenses of executing this trust HENRY N H.-W, Trustee. Ess & Eeorgen. Attorneys, TKl'STEE'S HALE When as. A. H. Co) In and .limy A. Co)l, Ua wltc, bv their deed ot mist, dated the Hist da) ot Mmch. A. I). 1W0. llled for rccoid tlio 7th duy of Mm eh, ls'to, ami iiconled lu tint olllco of Ktonlei of di eds foi Jackson lounty. Mis f 0111 1 In bonk I! No 242, page 3i.U, convo)td to the uiidersigmd trustee ceituiu real es lule l)lug and b. Iu,r situate lu lliu lounty of Jin ksun. In the slute or Missouri, and descrlbid us rollovvs, lo-wlt All of lot two (.'), In A. 11 Cojle's Highland Sluing addition, an uddltlon 10 the tlty of Kansas Cltv, Mlssouil, as tho Hume Is or retold In the reioider's olllce, of said count), which said deed of Iriisl was mailu lo secuie tho p. union of a cMiliilu piomlssoiy noto therein drsuihcd, und, u her. as, 1110 piln 1 liuil und Inlerest of wild note, havo lie. tome duo and now leinalu uiii,ild. now, UieieforCi 1101I10 Is liile'by given that I, thu undersigned ttuslte, will by vlrliio ot tlio powtrs III me vested by said deed mid tu iiceuidauiii vvlth the Icims ami provls. urns theicof, und at the request ot tho legal huldcr and owner of said note, pio ceetl tu sell tho real estate therein tie scilbed at puldlo veiiduo to the highest bidder, for cush. nt the south front dour of Um enmity court house In tho elty of Kau. sus City. Jnckson touiity, Missouri, on tho ltth day of Januiii). A I). 1SS3, between the hours of iilnn o'tloek In tho forenoon uiid live o'clotk lu tho afternoon of said 1l.11 to ti.iy off and satlsty said noto with Interesl, together vvltli thu costs, and ev. neiises of CM-'CUlliiB this trust, peiisesut u THA1IEH, Trustee. Walter W. Eavls. Altorne). THl'STEE'r. SALE Whereas, Amy II. Stevvnil and Janus A, biewurt, her bus ban by their icitalu deed of trust dated tllL' Ulll Idi " -vvs (s-tl "" Ml ilU-s for teitiid on the lOtli diy of December, A. I Ibs'J. and if corded In book "II" number 3'e!, ut page 13.1. lu thn olllco of tho recorder of deeils 111 uuiivbuh .uu,j, ,(k ivunituB Cltv. Missouri, toiivt)ed to tl.o undeislgiud liuitet. all of lot tw cut). two iil) 13. Chellls' lesnivey uf C'liillU iiml nudley's llrst uddltlon to the City of Kansas City, Jackson county, .Missouri, and now situ, iited In the present eorporato limits of tho 1 tv of Weslpoit, III said county of Jack son, to sitmu tho payment of 0110 prlncl iial luumlssory noto and Interest noles as In said dted of tiust described, nnd, vvhero 11s. said prlnclpul noto Is now past dim and unpaid! therefoie. lu eoiiscspieiiio of thu dt fault 01 the pu) ment of said prlnclpul nule. at thn request of the legal holdei and owner ol tho said note, I. I). Uuvveu, tiusttc us ulotesald b) vlltue of the pou eis given, me " sulit deed of trust, will proceed to sell tho nbuve desciibed leal t-stule. at public auction, to the hlghrbt i.i.i... r.,i nnsli. litWHHtt tht, hnttva nf it 'clocli lu tbe lorenoon and & o'clock In thu ,- .. n-,,...!.,.. tli.k 9..1 .I.... n ,.. 0 eioca 111 iiie- iwi.iiwuii u.tst u w v-jstc-it 111 mi afternoon of Tuesday, the 2.'d duy ot Jun uary, A 1). I&'-m. ut the west front dooi ,. .. ....llml Ut il.. xilolrtm hnii.o l .. .. door 01 lliu 1 11 i.M "...., --,... w..v ,11 mail- sas Clt), In tho county of Jackson, In the statu of Missouri, to satisfy the said ln. dc-btedness and the costs of executing tab) trust. t D. C. liP.WEN, Trustee, Qa.te4 QUCSkSC Ut, 15?!,