Newspaper Page Text
THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JANUARY 3, 1895. J..-. w II s it BALLOT BOX POLLUTION, t:Ns.VTiON.M,i:viiii:Nfi:mi:.N i.v tiii: .lAJIISO.N t'ONTlT. Iloir Hie lipptitittnitt IttllnH Vrri Tukrn 1'rnin the llnx unit l)i,trnyoil W lille llrmocriltli- Tlrttrt W'rrn Sittatl tnli-il-Tlie SIimIImi; U'm Until. The JninlJoii-Ilrt-hir-riniinn r-lortloti rom tc-st lippntnc highly Inters ntlfiK yi-Mti-i'ilii.v. laliliiK on xnmo of the- pltnm of a. l.eaow Invr. llpntlon. As tho fnun gni'3 on the eliletrr liiniiehl Mil lisfof 'nirnnl"lniirr Kwiiih aiiprarit pAinrtvhxl rinljrtrrfls.fimt for ltcorilr of Voters Owtlry, ittlrl When I he lirnrlnn floral tnt nlithl Hip plot whli-h rolorMl lnt election rt.iy ton rililly Hnik ftlltlK. The r-vliltnce yc-Hlr-nlii' wit Ihnt of two wltaonFon. Tluy v.-re T. J. (.'army, nil rleotlon Jiulgc In the I''lfty-wnm1 in cltnt. nnil ex-Deputy Unorder of Voter lMln It. ltmitrr. The rty' work w w rtofnl with Mr. Hunter' testimony, which, nltlioiiph lip wmi on the ntntiil hut n fetv mlmttpH, eiy ItitrreBtlnp. Mr. Hunter swore ycHPiiluy that If never knew the cninliltintioii to thn mfe In uwley' olllce, nllhoiiKh lie Wits chief deputy, He nl'i x'r Owsley wnii In error when he Mnteil on the wltrte Muntl day iiko Hint lip (Hunter) knew Hip combination to . the iiult. Up iihl thp iimlor deputies. Iteli mini nnil Thhttlcwnltc, wctc trusted with the rnmhlimtton to Hip viuilt, which was kpt from him. Mr. Hunter illrt not stale what lie was mllpil upon ti ilo while he whs letnlnml In nwlcy' oftVi' u ehlpf dppiity. He M he knew nntliine' of the forKprles of the ile (Ion returns, for he left the filth e when he renliriierl, unit cflil not bo Inn-It until he went for hi pay. II" was not in tltp oilier ufter the day follow Inc the election. Thoiniw .1. Onntiy win Hie llrat wltncmi of the tiny, nnil he was on Hip stntul nenily nil iluy. Mr. ('tinny ls n printer by trail.-, nml works In the HuilMon-Klniberly mil) llshlnu hoti'o. He wild li lived at Four teenth unit l.yilln. Tim voting preelnct wom n one ptory lirlrk building: twelve, feet wide unci fifteen feet loim. He was notified Hint he Imil breti appointed ti Jtiilitc of eleetlon on the Sundny nlitht before elec tion. Arthur Mose. who lived at til rilidlnv's houx" mi Fifteenth sticct, noti fied him, ctilllnsr nt hi house to do 0. Itn did not know whether he wan appointed a Hepiihlk'.in or Democrat judlie, but wai toll Hint "Hil" wanted to see htm. He went with )lo to l'lndlay'n hoiu", where 1'lndlay Invited him Into the parlor nml tnM him he need not worry about whnt ho would be railed upon to do. He would not have to even see any more than he Wanted to. as there were kooi! fellow h ap pointed JmlttPH and clerk with him whi could 'tend to thtnsri and who had re volvers and would see that no harm war done to any one, for they eonld shoot. He said that I'lndlay told him that there wouldn't bo much to do anyway, as "when they fret down to Owsley's oilier, they will bq Used up flner'n silk." Thli was In referring to the votes. Mr. Canny testlllcd Hint the (list thins Arthur Mnxet did In the moinfiiK when they reached the pulling place was to produce a cake of soap, with which hi no.iped the windows over so that no one could see iii from the outside. He then .escribed how the ballot box was stuffed by Moips during the afternoon and how when he told Moses that they must re member the law. Moses said "D the law." Canny said olRht men were found op the book registered from I'd Klnillay'a house, of whom Arthur Moses was one, mid that the name of Arthur Mason was mastered from the house of lid Hndlay's father, neft door. He never saw Arthur "Mason," but his name was voted. At one time one of the ch-rks propose, that they put some more Democratic votes In the box, but Martin, one of the judges, looked ut the repistration book and said, "Hoys, the book won't stand any more." They had already put in a, larse number of votes. Canny described graphically how the bal lot box una opened at. 1:1., o'clock, when the crooked work beenn. He staid Moes counted out IIS llcpubllean votes and laid them face down on the table, lie then wenl to n coal box or grain bin mid tool; out H.1 straight Democratic voles already made and marked A.. 1).. I-', and T., X., IT. The e ballots were put In the box In place of i he Itepublican . hallqts. which were done up by Moses and taken over to rind lay's house for the latter to read over nnd examine. Later in the day another batch of llftv-ilvo Itiirtibllcan ballots wiih taken out of the box and as many straight-nut Democratic votes were put Into the box In their places. When the cross-exmnlnatloTi was com menced by Attorney Fair the latter Imme diate betrau to question the witness us to his personal record. Canny answered every qucMion put to him In a way to espial"; cleaily the attempt to Impeach his ehar a -u-r. lie had been arrested at the in Rinnee of .Sheriff O'Neill for ohstructlng scrvl. of a process in attachment pro teedlngs. Thl was when goods that had been left in his ehurne by his landlord, Mr. SinviwiM, were attach!, Hut as the goods wore In his house and his door was kicked In, he xpsentnl the conduct of tl", deputy sheriff. Out of this, he said. I. .s nc uped of receiving stolen gool.. v. hen he hail niithliiff to do with Iho goods exi ept to have been the remor of Hie house, in two room of which tbey were stored. Mciingrnphlo Iteport The Journal will print In Friday's Issue a hKwiirraplrie report of the testimony gn.r, by .Mr. (.'army. This will be followed bi -hoitluiiMl report of alt the evidence ! ir iib upon the case, and the piblle will l,ii b yuabled to form a correct Idea of the gigantic sieul on election day. Tin, federal Court The fideini court, was In sussslon yes. tetda.v for a short time. Little business was done dining that limn owing to tho nbsein e of the uttoiceK In the raises on the docket. The calling of tho dockel was deferred owing to ihe obscure of the at torneys nnd tho order for the Jurors to lepon for duty on the Till of January wna canceled mid there will be no nioru Jury cusps tiled until February 11. Vesterday theie wele some implications madf for bine to sue und foi close oil piortuges In the Mnutln estate, but the applications weie i,nt lonslileicd on no count of the itppralseiH having made no report of the condition of the trust to tho court. Home applications of a similar na ture weiii also to be hcaid In the Lombard cute, hut they wore not called up. fur DIk.oIiiHoii or l'.iiincrihlp. . V. Ilnwer llled suit for the appoint ment of it lieciver ami u iIIhwiIiiIIoii uf paitneishlp for the H. I'. Meek Commls hlon Company In the circuit i oun yester day Tim defendants nauii d mv u w .riobliisoii and II. I). M.ih. The company it which thn plaintiff suss he is a member Is doing h inilt nml pi wince communion liuslm -,s at 513 Walnut hi i cut. The buai. ness is umiiiiKeil b. ihe di fendam.), who the plulntlft sayi, have nrilctied li B t Awnrdscl Highest Honors World's P&iti HWfift VrFMLSM 7&$m MOST PERFnCT MAD6. K pure Crape Cxe-.m of Tartar Powdir. Pi's: rm Atnmonu, Alum or any other adult:ra!&. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. tP)vB R.1 V'lV Pure Blood Clvos Perfect Ho.-ilth-Hood's Sar onparllln Makes Puro Blood. "I bcoamolroutlfil Vlllll H3tf wlilclt liroWonntonrnefrom tin) loner jiatlnt my body ilonn to hi)' miklc, iltk, nlul Very Painful. Hood's Sarjap.irllh u I cared my fjv tern ntul lirnlett l!io soles Inn short tltne. Itnlso Improved tny Appotlto nml ben? IHcd my p,er i l.catlti. 1 tecum. ? n n WJM mmtm. Z2-S mMw A-LM.Vl;r-iTJ tnend Hood'i Ssraparltlii In all.".. I. TmiM t, I'oin.tsvtr, lintlon s Oreck, va, I'. jy, Baiwi. Cores j5 tmilta Hoar) 'r. Pills aie the best. s.c. per box. the some time tnerdiawn their itlinte of tho prollts. !- Klllti 1'tleil. i"2TW D. I. Ilnwer vs. (I. V, Itoblnson nnd II. I). Meek; dissolution or partner ship. ffiT'il J. H.i in Itroun, lecrlvcr American National bank of Aiknnsns City. Kits., vs. (!. A. Dunn; attachment. 328.".. V. 1'. Jnipies s. I. Menown Man urncturlng Company nnd I'. Mpiiowii; In junction. .., , ETM. Mary J Ltghtle vs. (lenrge Hick mitlii nppealed from Walls, justice of the pence. I li Jtl net Ion Proceeding. I'. 1 Jaipies, n Inking powder manu facturer, yesterday brought Injunction pro ceedings In the circuit court against the !'. Menown Manufnctnilng Company to prevent tin IntliT from using u label and wrapper which he claims belong to him. Judge Hcarrllt Isaucd u restraining order In thn nuttier und Used the bond at 2.000. Siipcr'tlilon In Itoliemlii. Praitue. Jan. 2. A report which was sptead among Hie pon-Mintry of Itranen, to the erfect that the Virgin Mnry had ap peared In a neighboring wood, caused n.(W pinion to assemble. In the hope of witness ing the nppnrltlnn. The local authorities, lenrliiK a dl"turbiinee. ordered the crowd" to disperse, and when tliev refused to do so. the endarmeS charged and wounded fwn of Ihe pen-unit. Hut r-liiforcn. ictus of gendarmes had lo be summoned from sev eral precincts before the authorities suc ceeded In dispersing th crowd". lot- l)uly Itccaptiiicd. St. .Ioeph, Mo.. Jan. 2. (Special I Joe Dustv. tthn, with four others, broke Jail here Mniilay night, wn- reeafituied at 'J o'clock this morning by the police. He was found in a loom with ,i woman who claim to be his wife. He was returned to Jail and securely lo-ked up. l)nlv N under sentence of death lor assaulting ncrtha Potter last summer. .IIIMHt iiijvnov 12 H. Scollcld was fined J." yetertliiy for Violating the luck stand otdlnaiice. The Alumni meeting called for last even ing nt the Midland to tnkr- iietlim pn tho death of 1'n ul Alexander will he held Inter. Inspector of Weights and Measutes Wuerz yesterday filed his icport show ng that he had collected SltH.SO iIiiiIiik the mouth. Police judge Jones committed Jo the work house for fifty .ach Jesloriliiy '1 hotnas Coon for vagrancy and John Williams for ltnmol.ll coiiiluet. Tho amount or money collected by tho grain men for the Diiy nursery was '...30. The collection was taken tho day the fes tivities were held. Receipts ut the custom house yesterday wi.-ro one cm- of paints, two cases of litho graph prints, three cars of bullion, lour curs of refined lead weie withdrawn for export. The leports of the city treasurer and city auditor for the month of December wero filed with the city comptroller yesterday, Tho reports wcru given in yesterdays Journal. Kansas City chapter No. SS, K. A. M.. will meet In regular convention to-night. The degree of Mark Master will be con ferred and amendment to the by-laws will bo voted upon. Thomna Kelly and John llorton. two suspicious characters who were arrested for begging on the streets, weie com mitted to the work house for thlity days eaeli yesterday. There was a meeting of the Western Car Service Association at the Coalcs Ilouso yestcrdav morning. Nothing but the rou tine business was attended to and the members left foi their homes last evening. Itev. T. K. Vassar, D. D.. will deliver his popular lecture on "A Trip Through the Alps." in the Memoilal Lutheran church, cornel- Sixth street and Tracy ave nue, on I'rldny evening. .lanuaiy I, at S o'clock. It was reported to the Humane Society vesierdny that a woman was in I ho city procuring girls to take to California for immoral purposes, while claiming to give I hem employment. A warrant was Issued for the woman's arrest. P. II. Jackley was arraigned In the police court yesterday for disturbing the pen en of his brother-in-law. Judge Jones dis missed the case, saying that the contro versy had been tried In a Justice's court unit that he didn't cure to try family ills pules. A new case of iliphtheila was lepnrted to the board of health yesterday at r.i Har rison street In a family named Christo pher. The board will meet as soon as Mayor Davis leturus from .leffeison City, where he witnessed the opening ot tho He publican legislature. Tho New Voik Life Insurance Company yesterday paid to John Doggett, ailinln Istriuoi of the estnte of the lute Herbert L. Doggolt, tho $!H,im) llfo lusuinncc policy carried bv Mr. Doggetl. The policy was taken out In September. 1W3. Tho payment wus made through H. K. Lyon, resident malinger of the company. Ij. ('. Nltz. .-he took out a penult yes-ter-day to build a frame residence at Sins Thompson avenue, lo cost Ssno. Anna M. ThallH (ook out pei mils lo build fianie residences at 1119 and K'l Otis sliicl, to cost ifW each. II. W. Ilwlng took out a permit to build n brick barn nt 710 Wash ington street, lo cost K'i. Mcpherson post and corps will hold a lolut ptihlhi Installation next Tuesday even ing. January S. at lolS flrand avenue. Major William Warner will lie the Install ing officer. An Inteicsllng literal'- and musical piogramme has been prepnicd mid a Betiernl good social time Is piomlsed. All friends are cordially Invited. John Mora and William Mora, charged Willi assaulting two dinf mules ut Second and flrand avenue, were lined SH.cach by I'nllc-u Judge Jones yesteiday. When John Mora went out of the court room cursing on account of the Hue mid denouuc lug tho court Judge Jones ordered him In ought back nnd lined him lu for con tempt of court. Wide Awake council No, 10 of Ihe Anieil. can Protective Association will give an open meeting at Oilggshy's hall. Sixteenth mid "1." road, I-'rldai ulghl, January I. A literary and musical proginmme will lie tendered in connection with Ihe Installa tion of the ncwlv elected othceis. Also an address bv the itev. II. Q. Deilhnni, of the Ontrnl I'hiUllan church Mesels. W. r. liutleilleld. It. M. flouriif, W. It. Towulcy anil D. J. Matllson. of St. Louis: I.. S. McMillan and W. II, Sheldon, of chlcaao, me in the , iiy lepreseniiug the Insurance companies caught in the flic hi the .Mount i.iudy woiks last wick. The loss will be adjusted to-day. and It Is undemlond Iho pluul will be ut unco re built and opened for business. Sum Clrc.-n. Thomas Williams. William Watts and St Peiklus weie nnulgneil yes ti piny hofnro .1 untie lmeger on a charge oi ituiirtiunziug r. n. fcrgiirs ktoie on i;ust ritleenlh Uriel. AH the defendants weie hound over to tin- grand inrv with the exception of ttsni fluvii, whote case wus dismissed. A ohargn of petty larceny was made uguinst (Jieeu and upon pleading guilty he uns comuiltliil to ihe county jail for flyn days, Chester V. Coon, fonnoily a clerk at , Wullsnln'a lliiuor houso on I'nlon avenue, was arr.-Miil yosfciiliy on a charge of roiifliiK Wollsleln'o mi inn in a check for Sfi and attempting to pass It ut tha Model elnthtnif liouse. DeliicHve Andy O'llaio inadii the arrest. Coop was arraigned be. tuie. Jusllc- Joyce In the iilti-innon and win. i-mumiiie. lo tlio county Jail In de, fiiult uf tsot ball lo uwalt u pullminaiy hearing next J-riilay The loard of heullli has liolllled all the roslileiiis on Ujuolii ami I'lelght kfieefs along thn ust blulTs to liiiinediafely build 'civ vaults on their premises. Tho ma. juiiij vi ne iiuiii ure very poor pen. pl and Hi. y luive lolned In n pelltioti to (ho boa. Of hoalth la rHlefllil Itu ,.1i... orut leubi giant un extenslnii nr it.,.., III w'll. h the norU must be done. The ;iu1 time is live dy. Tlie petition will be Meted upon at, the next meeting of the rt) CUPFUL OF PEARLS. I'lt'TIXN t Till! HUMS A II 12 IIP tl-N- ii;ai. mizi: ami vai.ui:. ftlo rnrnejo dels Nearly Hon.non torth In the I'Mirrlr of the tlulf of t'lillfiirnln Sntiie Are Valued at f 1,1)1111 Durli, AmouR- tllo nrrlvnlft nt Ihe t.lcU house Is Carina (2, Corticjo, nf I.n I'az. mnitn get- nt the Lower (.'a II f urn la I'enrl Com pnny, which Jjiim for eight vent's been Hiking pearls in (lie Ottlf uf California nnd down the i'u.ihI to ihe (Htaletiml.i line. The season for tlshlnt,' uloim Hie Insltle shore line of Lotv-er t'nllfnitiln Iuif Just t'loseil, nnil .Mntnmflr Cnrtiejn tells iiiiiny Inletesllnfr things nlxittl the calch nnil the t'llrliifis fcitttliVf! ut pearl tlshlng. These are tin1 tnoHt Important llshlnj Riiiiiiul." In the world, ntul pent Is nre taken thero which In rjnloi- ute found nowhere else, nml which In sl.u ore fit rely miuuIciI. In Ihe cnlch llils your were llflren largo penrls, n couple of which are monsters', teaching Hie rare welgtt ot seventeen niul llfteen kuf.lts, refpeet. Ivcly. AltoRcthct' nlniilt n tenciiifill were taken, ntul these .Mr, Cnrncjo vnltieu nt jsn.noo lo $ino.OOO. He cannot tell just whnt they will bring-, for the eonilltlon of the world'n llnniices linve .much to iii) with Hint, ns It has with diamonds, though dealers frequently deny It. Mr, Cornejo thinks he hns innde n rcn .unable estimate. The penrls Iiiivp Just been lorwuided by him lo Paris, which Is the great market. Probably half of them ut least will Ilnd their way bnck here ngulii, for the Americans ure buyers nf penrls. The strnnge thhiR to .Mr. Cottiejo Is that the amount neces sary for American consumptionIf con sumption it limy lie called should go to Paris nt nil. Nevertheless, by so doing they seem to be considered by American buyers tu have nu ndilltlonnl value. This Is ihe more strnnge, says a writer In the San 1'rnnclsco l'xnmlnor, because: the penrl, unlike the diamond, requires no cutting or trimming, but Is set Just us nature Innde It, und can be set hero just t.s well ns anywhere else In the world. "The fishing se.iron along tho Inner shine "f lower California," raid .Mnniigcr Cornejo yesterday, "usually lasts through July. August, September nnd October, but this year we IHhed a little litter. It being an unusually good year. In taking the jsn.onn or JIOO.OOO worth or pearls comprised In the teucup measure ment we got about J'.OO tons of shells, which wo will market largely here. The schooner Kinmii, which arrived hero n dny or two ago, brought fifty tons, which will go to the new factory here. Of these shells they will make buttons, knife handles, and various other articles uf utility nnd ornament. A good many thousand dollars will be realized by us from these shells. "Of the pearls we got there are fifteen 0 fexceptlonal size, color and value. Tho colors are white, blue, black and green, and they are worth from $1,000 to $4,000 each. The finest was a huge black pearl of seventeen carats weight. Then there was a beautiful white pearl of llfteen carats weight and a brilliant one of ten carats. There were some large green pearls, too, of exceedingly rare size nnd beauty. "The green and blue pearls are not found anywhere except along the Lower California .shores. The black and white pearls are found In all the llsherles of the world, htit scarcely ever as large as these. Of the green and blue we found all the dlffetent variety of shades. Two or three of the blue pearls reached as high as ten carats each. Altogether. I consider this year's catch a remarkable one. "Our regular working outfit consists of about 700 men. In counnectlon with which we have seven schooners and forty launches, each of the latter with machinery and a diving apparatus aboard. A sort of cage Is Ictitlowu from the side of each boat Into which tho shells are put as the diver llnds them. "The divers work from live to six hours, or say from (1 o'clock In the morn ing till noon, which Is about as long as they can well remain under water. The remaining part of the day they are en gaged In opening and cleaning the shells. ''Were the divers lo stay down longer they would become weakened, because working in the diving suits is not very easy. Our divers are all native Indians ot" Lower California. They are the best 1 ever saw. "Our concessions Include about 1,000 miles of coast. We first got a concession fur fifteen years, but this year we had It extended to fifteen years longer. Tho entire concession reaches from the mouth of the Colorado river to Ouatemala. In this immense region we had practically two fishing grounds, one in the summer along the shores of Lower California and the other In winter along tho coasts of Oaxaca and Ouerrero. "The fishing season along the shores of the latter states has Just begun. I got a dispatch today from Mnnzanllln, saying one of tho schooners near there had a full cargo nf shells, and that some fine pearls had been found in them. "The business n lpcarl fishing hns all the attractions nnd fascinations uf min ing. You never know what you have got till you have a clean-up. All the lime you are hoping and working with Interest. The results of our ilshlng were so good this season that I am greatly gratified. Sometimes In a single year we will not get more than one such pearl as any of the llfteen of which 1 spoke. "Kormorly we sent pearls to London and Ooruiany, us well ns to Paris, but now the demand seems to be greater at I'.irls. and altogether we can do better there than anywhere else. The strange thing to me Is why Americans place a higher value on the pvarls after they have been to Paris. They could really buy them cheaper ut homo If they only chose to. "They won't have It that way, though. They want them lo go over there and be handled and talked up by the I'Vench, and then they attach a greater value to them and have to come up und pay for II. It's a very Interesting and ainus In gthlng to me that I have to ivnch home customers through a foreign mar ket. Still, if it pleases them, I am sat iMled. I only speak of the peculiar con ditions that surround Ihe man who catches peai Is In thel American witters." The Lower California Pearl Company has the greatest llsherles now worked anywhere In the world, and their ceg ular output Is said to oxeced any else where. The "teacupfiil," of which Mr. CiirneJo spoke, amounts lo about 100 caiats. Mr. Cornejo wears a large and very rare green pearl, surrounded by dlmonils. It was taken In the gulf, near La P.iz, and Is a gem greatly prized by him. "I have beep in the business a long time," said In-, "and like It very much. There are four brothers of us in the company now. Wo lately bought all the Mock and now conduct Hie business en. tirely. One brother lives in the Cty of .Mexico, attending to nip interests then!, and tho rest of us live, at La IMb nnd elsewhere in Lower California. "Not long since a very correct account nf our llsherles and the manner of taking ami cleaning Ihe shells and saving ihe pearls was published by tho llnlto Stated government, accompanied by soma good pictures, I ilnd tint Interest in tho llslieiies Is growing. As fop the demand for pearls, that is pretty steady, though it lluctuutes some, as with all things thut become n matter of purchase by tnt people," All Hope (June. Chicago Tribune! "Von will soon get aver It." said the experienced traveler. "Seasickness Is terrible while It lasts, but it doesn't kill." "1 don't know about that." moaned Ihe wretched passenger. "1 feel as If It were all up with me." AcioniplUlied, Althoush Iho barber Ignorant be Of science or of art, With comb and brush lie's still, per ee, A nun of many pails. Buffalo Courier. tl,OOt Ol.l.!'.NHI(T.t llttHAII. M It or In It Nut llelter Thsn That Which We t'Mtt I'rom the i!onphol Magazine. As to Hie liealthfUlne'S of old-fash-lotted SflltilslnB bread. I-'or several rcn cons t make that kind. Kor tin! past eighteen months I have made It riic cessfully of graham Hour, made from the best wheat, ground In the old way, on stone, and the whole ptodtict left in. l'or two loaves of lit cad I used one quart each of milk and water,- one level tubli'Fpnonful of salt, one henplng table spoonful of sugar nnd suet, and one third nf n tenspnonfill of soda, ("an there be anything detrimental to the health In light, sweet bread containing these Ingredients? The question asked Involves much careful thought nnd cotisidetiitlon. In tho last few years o much has been said nlinttt bacteria that one Is afraid to eat bread made In this way, for fear of some poisonous mlcro'iirgalilzatlon which Is unknown and may be detri mental. Individually, says Mrs. Hob rcr, I run cay that not until I was is years old did I ecl- see n piece of yeast bread. In my father's house we Used entirely salt-rising bread, and, as you probably know, I am a very fair speci men of what the world calls good health, I am not prepared In say whether or not blend made after the formula given is unhealthy, or, as you say, detrimental to health. 1 am not fond of the yeast plan, and I ant sure that salt-rising bread will not give rise to as much In testinal fermeiilatlun ns that made from yeast. Now, there may be some other reason why it should not he used. Many years ago Professor Hotsford had a great deal to say on Hie art of bread making, and 1 Mtiole from hint, ns he speaks of salt-rising bread! "To be good that .Is, light and palatable it must be rotten! consequently it Is not 111 for food," Ills Ideal lonf was nut tie from the whole wheat grain, ground, lifter It had been carefully harvested and watched to the mill. However, In these days we would scarcely rely on such authority ns Hollows on the food ques tion, his theories having died out many years ago. If you teinember, lie In sisted on people eating llsh, ns It was brain food, a theory which exploded deservedly so. Fishermen who eat large quantities of fish do not, as it rule, dis play any brilliancy over the average butcher. Whole wheat flour, I have no doubt, contains the proper brain mak ing food. UMIONSCIOIIS .MONOI.OtllSTS. They Are thn Victim of the Dllllculty or Hearing due's .Self Think In (iothiiiu. "I cannot sny whether I shall make any detailed nnd professional use ot my obspi vatlons," said a neurologist to n New ork Sun man, "but 1 do not mind telling yon In a general way that New Yorkers are fast becoming a rnce nf unconscious monolog sts that Is, of talkers to themselves with out knowing It. (lo down Into the business quarter of the city and Just watch the people there. I hne not got my percent ages together yet. but It Is safe to say roundlv that you will see nearly half the peofile'exhlbltlng some of the forms of the uiseii;" lui li it iiir-c.ii-i.. , ,,t-j ,,,.- inn er moving their lips, wagging their heads, puckering their eyebrows, making gestures with their band!-, or doing something, while, In a great number of enses. they are liuv carrying on Imaginary conversations between themselves and somebody else, laying down the law with much emphasis, reading the riot act to some one, or else meeting Imaginary Issues with circumstan tial replies. "You will sec men doing the same thing In hotel lobbies. In the street cars and In the uptown thoroughfares. Women are falling Into the habit also, hut not so much as men. The other day, while I was wait ing for my coupe. I sat at the ofllce window and t declare that out of the seventy-live people who passed, eight -were showing some signs of monologanla. "Of course the pi Irani cause of the dis ease Is that we never allow our minds anv period of repose. We are so eternally full of plans and schemes that anything like a quiescent mood Is unknown, and that condition o ' morbid mental activity super venes which. In turn, Is followed by a dis tinct weake.ilne- of the sensory cells, of which condition self-communication Is al ways one. of the symptoms. "At tho same time. It must not be over looked Hint undoubtedly much of the habit is due to' the fa.ct that this city is so thun dering full nf noise Hint one cannot henr one's self think, and so people have to think aloud." hi: saw tiii: .ioki:. The lieninrknlde Oiilrkiie-.s of an Kngll-h Trnieler. Lord l-'ltznoodlc, the second cousin of Lord Ibindie.iry, had. with Ills valet, the estimable James Yellowplush. come to America and gone West In the hope of bagging a few grizzly bears and buffaloes. America and the Americans seemed to the noble lord "beastly vulgar, dnneher know,' and this opinion he frankly told those Americans whom he favored with his lonl Iv so. ictv, say- the Itoi,lnn Itudg.-t. Never theless, fate i ompelled him to accept as u unvoting companion a rampant American. They were traveling on horseback a.-ioss the prairies, and one day, after a ain search for the settlement 111 which th y were to spend the night, they came lo a ei oss road which boasted of charcoal blacksmith's hut nnd a sign post. The sign read; "Mngg's corner, four miles on the right-hand load. If you can't read ask the blacksmith." Thereat the American laughed long and loud, but the Hnglishman remained silent and pensive. "I say. my good fellow," he expostulated. "I ouw'nt see the Joke, iloiuhcr know. What l It?" "If you don't see It," replied the Ameri can, "1 shall tell you. Hut I will tell you what t wilt do. If VOII see it hefoie we leave the Inn to-morrow I'll pay the bills." All through the rest of the day and even ing the Ihigllshninn remained silent. He was working the brain nf live centuries of culture. When tho American retired to Ids straw matiress theie had as yet dawned no gleam of intelligence on the ICiiKlii-hman's lace. lint In the middle of the night the former was uwnkened hy a loud knock on his door, nceomiiunleil by u heam laugh. "1 say, me good man," came the voice, "it fs n good Joke, doncher know. Suppose the blacksmith should be out?" L'ltcsur.s a i'i)in:i(iN .ssoit. Newpaper Mini the MltTcillllg Out of nu Kngllshiiuiii. foreigners have a fatal Inability to nppre. elate the ttiins uf American humur and lep.irtee, says the Washington Post, and there Is now a diplomat ol more or less prominence In the foreign service here who Is looking for the blood of an American correspondent on the score of un Insult re iqived In the theater. They were both sinndlng link of the rail In the National tin. other evening dining the peiioriiuince of the "Little Trooper." The sprightly Del la had jusi gnl through wllh her duel -ceiie, and the clioius bloke out after the manner of choruses, to close up tho act Ills diplomats was quite taken with the performance. "Ah, quite clevuh." lie ejaculated, "very eleviih sword play for girls; let's have that again," and he commenced lo applaud, "ijnlte i-leMih," he Insisted, tinning lo tho newi-papei in. m standing alongside of him. "Won't you join me in this encnie?" "Well, you'ic seen it oiien," ivn the dry response of the blase leportei. "If yon want to see It again, why don't you come In to-morrow nlghi?" The legatloner was quite taken off his feet by this unexpected rejoinder, mid fulled entirely to see any humor In It. "1 er don't you know I consider you qullo im pertinent," exclaimed the eiicorer. "s-e In fact, think you are no gentle man." "And do you know what I think of you?" was tin. easy icpiy. "I think you are no Judge." And the foreigner, who was looking for at least a c)i.illena to a duel, collapsed ut this Indifference to the code, while the correspondent and his next door neighbor went out to get .i drink. The Tumi's fjticcr W113. London Daily News: Paternal affection Is not perhaps Iho precise emotion that wo piioiini ui, iiispuscL! lu iook lor 111 lltu cold blooded' frog, tut the Suiluaiii toad of which no fewer than ten specimens have Just arrived at the Zoo appear to exhibit this praiseworthy attitude of mind tuward his niimerqus progeny. When his mate lays, her eggs the solicitous father places them carefully upon her back, wheru In due tlniB their piesi-nce cuuses an irritation that produces numerous small boles. Into which the eggs lorthwlth diop. In thesu cells, which. Iroin mutual pressure, get to be. hexagonal, like honeycomb, the young flogs uiu finally hutched, and for a bit scramble about their mother's back, hid ing in their nurseries when danger threatens, 'I he duly Way, Detroit Tilbune; "I om vety anxious to be appointed police commissioner," "What on earth do you want with (hat oltlceJ" "I suppose I am foolish, but I Just be llev there i a way to tonttol my. cook." K -J-r) (ZU&v nfs JtluAc4wL-' Ltj-AtJ-JLstfi A a cry-j-j Z3?fr-&0-fy - y 1-4J-xUeJ!L&f 7-0-rt-y? AMtJSl3.MI2.TS. 00.T3S0,,.Vo,tir STUART ROBSON, Direction Win. it. ILiyilcn. "'ffi'-ir'ITflE HENRIETTA. Mr. Kuhtiiri tin Hcrl.c, tin- Itmh. baturdar Night, Only Time, "The Interloper." .Mr. Ittihvm l.utrM .Micce1- NEXT WEEK! SEATS NOW ON SALE Tor tho Engagement of SOL SMITH EUSSELL, SSS, "Peaceful Valley." Sur'JSSSrf' "The Heir-at-Law" sStSrSir. . "A Poor Relation." MaViue??'. . ."Peaceful Valley." '1 lie Pim erful -Melodrama, LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN. v Week Stuiilay Mat., .Inn. f, JI.ITIMli: TO-DAV "01 and .".Uc. TO.MflllT. MR. J. K. ESV3MET In Ills Laten Success, "FRITZ 'As MADHOUSE.' 9vi: opera house:. imm i:nm: siiwiiss J Matinee THEPRODIGAL FATIIEuH' Commencing Sunday NIGHT, "The Charity Ball" !( utn Thciitrr SUCCESS. - York NEW GILLISS TO-Kri3-T. The ltlffi;i-,t Melodramatic Success i.r III.- M-ie-oti, "THE SHIP OF STATE," Triers 1 ir, tlfirt o."r, flOc, 7.1c. MMTu hotel AVKftlCA.V! KLl'.Ol'EAM RESTAURANT Open from (i u. in. to 'l! midnight. CAFE Open from OltlO a. m. to 13 midnight, Private Dining Rooms I'lllt PAnTlKS AM) CI.UIIH. State Line Pool Boom No. 4 CENTRAL AVE. RlKht at the Stata Line. !." Itnad and riflli Stioot Cable pain tho door, llooisiiialilng on all Hares and .Sporting llvents throughout tho country c, I.. .MAl.TltV, Proprietor. I W.L.Douglas S3SNOE IS THE BEST. FITrOR A KINS. a. cordovan; FRENCH CNAMClKD CALF. :4.3.50FlNECAU&KANMflia 3.6P POLICED 50LE3. s2so2.W0RKlNGMFii' ' EXTRA riNC. ''. ;.l. BQV5-CH0QLSH0ES. 3.BliSiu i' send ran CATHinmir "35 r &'' -DOUOy. BOClCTa'.'KtAA.'-. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory Tliey give tho beat valuo for iho money. They ciiuul custom Ihoes In f Jylo anit fit. Th:lr wecrlne qualltlei ere unsurpassed. The prices are unllorm,... stamped on f ole. l-roni $i to f j saved over other makea. if your dealer cannot supply you wo can. Sold by ''. .,Altt;Mli. l.-,:i Mliin.'Mila Aw. iiiii,in:N i:.iit.t:, s.w.i-iir. nth mill siain. II. T. MII.V1S, .-.III UiilnM. ('. .11. II.VIIS, l,-,:;l lir.iinl Aw. Itlll'M'H llltll-1.. fll-,-5 II. IHlliSI. I'Kllll I'liirf.lilllH, S.lii;lli-lil ,.. XJOTI01T! TO-DAV. JANfAltV 3. IkW, ut 10;30 a. 111.. tuJ Al'llne I'Iul-u. W'UBliliiKtou, lm. tui-c-n Tnulftli ami Thirteenth, thu niAv nnil very IiuihIswiio lurnlahliiKa of it II room privuto ivslifeiiei-. i-oiislmlns of lieil. Win riuim, t'irllit l-'oliliiiK lieils wllh iiiluof froiitH, Siiiitlo nml Uuulilu Wuril roliea, Cleuuut fiiiiiiil,-ra with lilalti inlr-i-oi-s, un jllutioratu DlniiiK Ituom Ket tchulrs, slilelioani uml tulile). Center Tnlilea. Hui-Ri-rM, Taney C'lmlr-i. I'arlor biiit, HooUi-uho ami ,llii-nry Tulile, all In follil link; also excellent Jluttresses, Toilet hem, I'ariiels. .Matlln mul Itiiiis, I'leiiiieH, t'hliia mul (llah.iware, Itufi'lKurulor, cook btuvu mul Kitchen l-'urnllure, Dili! I!eij ami Uio.sers, I'lnu n HuvvIhk Machine, I'llH'kV, I'll'. A siilemllil lot of kooiIs in excellent con. illllun. Alleml thin nai,. T'li; U. 1- H.MITHHON AI'CTIO.V CO.. 712 Walnut HtiiH-t. Aiietlom-crs. n. pure anusepuc, rZ&vitooDBOto medicinal toilet !mb's Soap tor dail v use. . PruciiUts sell it. Ilpuuru of imitations, A book on Dormatol pgy wltli oveir caktt. i i ?- J-f-'-b w$t- s 1 ff2s VI sua QQrm , ! l Jv sml:. -72 . J .? JrctKSV!rXfi- Doctor Henderson 102 and 104 West pth Street, Kansas Cily, lilo. Tho Old Itellable Dorlnr. Oldcit In Age, T,ongcfc T.orated. A JSegul (Irntliiato In Medicine. )er W7 years Special l'ractlce. Anth.irlicd bv tho Stnfo to treat CHRONIC. NERVOUS ani SrCCIAL DISEASES. Cure lKfH J-7 guaranteed or money refunded. Alt mcdlcine.t fiirnlhed rciuly for use. fo deica ilnti from business. Patient nt 11 rtUtnmo treated by mall and exfress. Medicine; P!itcTeywhcre. frcotromcajaor urctiknsc. CUara-i low. Over ai.ono cy-B curci . Ago itoii pTiiorlenen nm hnnortnnt. Mute, vour caso and scad for terms. Consultation is Irco and confl- rJentlol.cltherperscnnllyorbylcttcr. . Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility, (MSSy!) producing pimples and blotches on tho face, rushes of blood to head, pains In back, eon Iued Ideas and forcetfulness, basMutncss, nverslon to t-oclety, loi s ot sexual power, loss of manhood, &c cured for llfo. I can nop nil night losses, restore lost sexual power, rcsturo ncrvo and. brain power, enlarge, and strenijtlien weak parts und nialto you tit for marriage. Cl,il!! that terrible disease, It, all lis Cf t-irtHr-f .j VJ.MIIII.J, forms and Mncci cured rorj ' - - causi life, lllood Pot'onlnc. Kkla l)l-c".es. Ulcers, j sounds. . No pain, no 1 un-ellinex Knres. Uonnrrhu-anni ft eei.amlall uso thetre.unient,ninoti lormsof I'rlvntu Diseases postf.vely cured or money refunded, oJLl. tor hntii seres. FO tinres. E7 pictures. DltUIV iruoto life, with full description ot above, tho cftcctM nnd cure, pent ieal- ed In plain wramicr'forflc.inxtamp.-i. Itciultuls iititctuviit niiiianir,-e!lst.i)r miestions. . ..- f t A i-ree museum or Anatomy life-like models nnd wax fiRurcK dccr-ly impress fitMlnllflh t i...t.tY.fill Vt.ltlmttt 3rtH M. n'.lhmmXl0O(ii!mslleJ In the bank, which yv-7 ,ff ASK FOR A ' 1 , m, iimjijMia ,, Bl-jJrMffifei PERFECTO! The MERCANTILE IS THE FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR. For sale by all Tlrst-class Dealom. Manufactured by the 1'. It. KICK MliltCANTl l,i: ;f; AU I), factory No. 301, St. Louis, Mo. Chas. IV. I.amu, Western ARt., P01 Lydla Ave, Kas. City MISSOURI UIJtrcTttlti! J f-V. IttnCKti. President. ' 1 Hn.Nitr C. Ku.Mi'f, Vlcol'rei't. Foreign Drafts Issued on U. W. WOODWAUD. F. A. WOODWARD, FAXON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, VKALKKS IX PAIXT3, UIL8 .YJ HT..ISS. 1206 and 120S Union Avo. (Near Union Dooot), Kansas City, Mo. WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS, USE SAP Save Money by buying your Cabinet Letter Files m In. all M.t.i ill Transfer Cases 'l" Jk" "' Indexes and Box Files ?:. MANUFACTURERS P. F. Pettibone & Co. (Successors to John MorrH Co.) 48 & 50 Jackson St., CHICAGO. WE GUARANTEE TO MAKE PRICES LOWEH THAN THE LOWEST. DR. McCREW la Till; ONLV SPECIALIST Will) THEATS M.U PRIVATE DISEASES, onlcrii ut MEN ONLY Every t-uro tluaranleed. u i'nm-.'xii,-rii'oie. lluok. -ui:i:i S. W. Cur. lli A Main Sli., 1 II. Jill, t!ffiC & i '. - trtu re 'maa . -; ,v. -L4fVKllNn if fflp A a. FXA.GI-S ! Iluy Vour VUu direct from the manufacturer ana save dealer's profit Ileal liuutluir l-'laua at Iba following very low prices: IJ. S. lttgulatlou FIjks-5 fL, Ji75 each: Uft. iaaj Tft-. eAOii: ti ft., f).U0: lu fl.,i(0; IS It 1'j.U: (i.. a,T3; (0 ft, ilU7i Larcer ulioi sanm prouortloa. Aildres C. J, UAKER, 104 W, TIIUtD ST, KANSAS OITV MO, r I - r e &9 . , sjj pcrrn-incnuy curcu wunont ic cuiiin ooiigica or exposure, l'atlunt can DlipniTintitTJ Tho Great Turkish Iihcumatlo Cure. A RUItU CUKIi. Tho greatest discovery la itto anuala oi medicine. Ono ilosn gives relict; n few doses removo fever and pain In )olnts;-a c-.iroin 11 fov days. Send statement of ca-,0, with fctaum for circular. i ' " . C- M. nK- TJenlcteuHtlil orrici: IIOI'SJ! ;bousiTndr6fcurio!,itio..Tho i 8 a. m. to II p. .it. Sundays 10 to 12. thu luu; a bcnool 01 in- I will forfeit far 06000 diseases that I cannot cum, Wentworfii Military Academy. THIS is the most Miccchsful yenr in the. history of this institution." Very few places remain unfilled. After thu Christmas holidays school duties will bo re sumed January Vth. Tlts is an excellent time to enter, ns the clnsscs will then be re organized for the second term. For full information and catalogue, address Major Sandford Sellers. SBI?t,5Ssan.t Mo NATION New York Life Buildinc. It. n. Covinoto.v, Cashier a A. MoKm i-ml Kump, II. J. Hucxr, S. s, hi; nil Paris of the Old World. FAXON. J. O. IIOIITON. Oldest and Original jyo CURB, NO PAY! DR.WHITTi 10 West Ninth St., Kansas Clty.Alo. I.eaJiiiK anil Successtul SkcUIUi la Iliooil, Norvuui unif Urinary Dbeahai, MlllVOlfit lit;iui,iv, ni, a, many Bloomy syiiiiuoiiii,cnic,it J'.,..' .'!..'.'' Alill'Y iwiinaiieiitlyroatoieil. ?.) J!,x',s turoJ lor life without inercurj-. llltl.NAlt iiisijaii;-, ciire.1 ijulcUly ami thoroughly. . Vi-'.'Mv ,XM; .T',,:n,s 'All.reiiuUIlr. II. J. Whltllcr unit riicoivu tho candlrt opinion of a physliiau of evpi-rlmue, skill mm linearity. No piomlsea made that cannot Im Jullllleii. .iliilili I.NhM fuinlaUuil at biuull TCost. ami K,.li-.?,.ly,J ,le.r. beull- Tieatlneut MlVI-Ut nl.1 I it. It, 1'IIKIJ eonsiiltatlon amt urinary analysis. RIITHR !" lica'lli and emergencies, sealed, "J r,. i ,for " .""''" 'tiiiiim, Iilaukj froo. Call or address In tontldence Dr. H. J. WHITTIER, 10 Meat .MntliSI,, KANSAS I1ITV, 3IO. isuuuA'rioafAu TWENTY.NIHTH YEAR k.BO- v.-0 xvwemv 0UKSTTJ wlJn ;-rji "-Buiu . urdotoes, juoaern liantraaires, etc.. at lowest jatej, Catalogue free.- Telcphcoa 1174. ), T, BPALDIHQ, A. H,, ymiaent Hay uud tilulit Srliwln. L K$l TfAS!My M JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PES. ri?EDAL' FAm exposition, 1869, .m'JJ-i-1000 EXPO'T10N AWARD. THE HOST PERFECT OF PN ,r M 9 It .L--.