Newspaper Page Text
iK THE KANSAS CITY JOUUNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1895. KANSAS CITY JOURNAL The Company Kstnbllhed Hl. Entered nl the Poslolllce In KntiMs Mo . ns Second Clin Mull M itlcr, City, Daily and Sunday, one )cnr.. ,,...u ..$? 6? Hilly nml Hiimlnj, rlx moiilh ...! i Illl nnd Humln) three month Duly nml "?iiniln tier month Pally without Hutuli one )tar ... Buncin) Journal, one )cnr . ... . . 1 rlWeekl, one ,enr . . ,,,.. muu Trl-Weekl, six month" ,, Weekly Journal nnd RrlPulturlt, one )ear i 3 2 t) K C () t CO JW 1 m to Hi'i:ciAi. Norirn. The subscription price of Hie Week!) Journal nnd Agriculturist hn been re duced, for the ircaclit, from !I to M cents a )ear tll postoillee aildres In full, Including county and state In ordering nddreses changed give old address ns well n hew , , Henilttanee iiiaj he mado either bv drift, potomco order, express monei or der or rcRljtercd letter, nt our risk Ad TI112 JOURNAL COMPANY Kansas City, Mo i'ohtaoi: Tor the benefit of thoe sending single copies of the .tournnl through the mall we give herewith the transient nte of for eign nnd domestic potuiic Right and twelve time paper, lc. Sixteen and twenty page paper, 2c. TO C1TV HfllSCHIIlIIlt. The Hilly nnd Puudnv Journal, delivered, per month tc, per week, 15c. Hi:n:cTi:n manuscripts Will not he retuined nnd It 1" useless to eneloso stumps for that purpose Persons wishing to pieservc tin ir literary produc tion should retain inples of .ill tnuimunl catlons em to this nfllee for publication TRM.PHUNi: NUMDHHS Business oillci :vi Klltorlil md Soi let) ls"7 Clt) IMItor . . M-' I.'AT1.IIN (lPPICH-TI Tribune building New Vnrl. W Winl tlnnon in itingei WI.Si'HItN OPPICH U7 Dearborn street, Hoom t"2, Ohli igo 111 Horito M. Pord, mFsisr mm ipcvluidi n jcansas cm. COOP MORNING, Tho president's currencv trfnrm ap pears tn h.ic gone to Join his Hiwallm polic) Socretar) Cinlllu'r real troubles will set in when congiess stops him from telling bond It looks ns though tho lher forces In congress were going to dictate a few terms to tho ndmltilsti itlon Debs errs in saving tint he holds the Judges "In sovendgn contempt." It Is, hatred he feels, not contempt. It Is painfull, apparent many of the cuckoos are not mostlng In the nd mlnlstiatton s barn loft this session. The Tnpokt Capital mentions editor ially that Mi liriot. of the Indian Tcirl tory, is dead Kicked the bucket, eh.' Cloernor Levelling Is bent on lining a nuisance to the list Ills mes sage Is the longest eu sent to a Kan sas legislature. Mr Cleveland In.s built a Hrse Ice house at flray Gables Does this mean that he expects to compote with tho Ice wagon In '96? Now that vValle Ins gone to his 1 ist resting place It will be the duty of Col orado to speedll forget him and think of something pleasant The decision of a riiltlmnre Judge that stealing a cat is not larccn) was doubt less influenced b the probability that the cat would come back The country will be a little leluctant to commit Itself in favor of tho "new ' woman until it Itiins wlnt kind of hat she proposes to neir to the theatei China is determined not to cede an inch of tcrritoi But the Japs aie put ting up ery peisu.isKc arguments, nml she may change her mind by sptlng Leuclliug's liml ofilclal eftort 13 not so much a message of information and counsel to the legislatuie is ,i list word in his n,uar:ol with the Ilepublicans. A Wisconsin paper sijs tho country Is suffering from fi-rvnt statesnianshlp The tMonsln editor should get back about three cents chantre out of that. Mr Sibley voted against the tariff bill and was defeated of a le-c lection hut not dif-ated as lndl as some of the cuck ios who voted for that measure. The old Hlckorj" anniversaiy cele liiitiuiit. mi thleily useful In bringing empscs like Horneo Hole, out uf ih u tnilliib for an annual sous and da net It is p-Unful to loam that tho Pair t- ii vvhirh has been estimated at $40, 000 000, is ically only vvoith 515 000 000. r ii i to become of the poor 1'ilr lumilj Tht sulf-idence of henitor Allen's nt t.i ks on tiie .senate resiaurant Indicates that tin wait-is have quit snickeilng when the N'ibriska btatesman eatt pio with a knife Of the 100 bnchlngs in the United Btatts last jcar Cieorgla lh credlleil with tvveritj and Kentucky and Alabama with nineteen each. It Is thus teen that Georgia lends by a neck Oongres-,m in Klblej talked of the ad minlstrail.m with a "padlock" on his mouth Prltnds of the piosldent should ax once g t uut an injunction to prevent the removal of that padlock n Kistiin eontf mpoiary bajs Seni tor Hill has experienced "a change of h-ilt" but does not give tho name of the lml with whom tho exchange is supposed to hive been mide Congiessinan Wilson despair of tariff n form and fen.uor Vest despairs of currency reform Tho rountiy has long since despalied of anj sou of lufoim by n congress in which Wilson and Vebt nre leading lights Tht conduct of tho Japanese tioops at 1'ort Aithui shows that a few son.-, of civilisation .no not sulllcloiit to prcvint a heathen nation fiom lelapJlng, with tho aid of enterprising New York corre spondente, Into bubarlsm Tlit doctrine thnt countj odicials must tarn tho salaries they iliuw Is some thing nf an innovation In Jackson coun ty, but It is tho doctilnc the present county court believes )u and It will have to "do" I" -I16 eases of the coroner and surveyor, and possibly others. Congressman Slblej's "padlocked" nt tack on tho administration was not on a bcorchtr liui something of ,t revela tion The cauntrj li.ib biispectid for u good vvhllo that tho president was Using the official patronage as a btlbe to con gressmen to obtain support for his ,ul mlnistiatlvo policies, and Mi hlbley comes very near buppllng positive evi dence of the fact It will not sulllce to bay that felbley Is a wild nnd Iirespon siblc chatterer, lib lias earned no such reptilnllnn, In Die home or out of II, The fnet that tnembem of Ids own pnrtv crowded about him and congratulated lilm nfler liln speech dhow that he vvns talking of Mattel wherrpf he know ntnl that he mule eentet hotn With a tittle. more provocnlloii Klliley limy conclude to lcmuve his paillock 1 I smis t Itltvt 1 ItlOltl s, There- l n lesson well worth studjlnc In the showing of bank cleat lugs for Inst .vent. And It I n lesson that speaks well fur Hainan C'lt( which was tho tmlv cltv of Inoooo or over showed n gain ovct the ttansictlons of 1S93 In the rountrj, ut large the clearings dioppcd ftom M.04J million In IS-! to JS.1I7 million In U9), n lUciease of over millions In the business of the binks In Knnfl City there was nn lncrene of more than it million-. This Is striking evidence of the truth of the claim alvvu.vs held let by the Jour nil, that Kann Cltv In an Indisput able advantage In Its HUtniindlngs It shows cohclilslvelv tint It Is fuvon'it bi'Vond any othci city In the coimtr b the extent and productiveness of Its tilbtitaiv territory. The acknowledged enterpi Ise of Its people could count fot Utile In the lecupeiatlve power of the eltv's bulni"s It It were not t r the fact that the productions of Hie sur 1 minding rottntiv are such as to keep Its Industries nnd ttade In motion In such times as those by which tho whole countiy I beet. If sui h lesults cili come In n el when ill ntith and low prices for the products of tho soil huve cut down the purchasing powei tif.tho people of the West bv almost one-hall, whit could have been expected of our giowth under av oi ago conditions ' Tim futuie of Kansas City Is as sure ns the rising and setting of the sun There Is no such thing here now ns fictitious piopoitv values There Is not a foot of ground tint Is not wuith everj dollar Is asked for it Those who ire still calling over Incumbrances fiom the davs of wild speculation will make no mistake In their continued con fidence In the times tint aie to come lively day fin the past e.r ha lessemil the strain bv the trituration of confi dence nbioul In the eltj's futuie. Let the dlstiust luought about bv political tinkering with the union's piospirlt bi nut to iet, and the bright est davs that our people hive over seen will nt once bo with u. nn. m.m Ksv, si.s i int. Kansas Is about to send a new rep-ic-entatlve to take pirt In the dellbeia llons of the United Htates semti foi tho next six eais The senile Is i small bod so fa i as nunibeis gu but in in fluence and powei it Is the greitost di llbeiatlve bodv In tho wmld The next senator ought to bo vvoilhv the station and woith the M (te The iieoplo of Kansas are intelligent, coin. igi oils anil piogiesslve. Thc aie morally sound nnd healthy A nun to lepteMUt tint state of schools md rhmclns should 1k a m in of tinusuil Intellei tuil attain ments mil powei, mil he should have a reputation above lepioieh To lie the tiusti-o and igent of the state of Kansas In the sen ite, he should be a thoioughlj tiustworth m m, a man of nscei tallied personal and political Intpgiitj lie should be a man of some eprii-nce nnd tiainlng In public affulis lie should be a lingo man familiu with l.nge thing3. To unite tho p.uty at home he should bo ns free fiom old political entangle ments and enmities and piejudloe-, ns possible He should lie a man of wide views, pitient, toleiant, firm. To keep the p.irt in powei lie should hive the Intellectuil cnpiclts to grapple with livv Ing Issues and new Issues as the arise, and ho should have the chnrat tci to command the respect, confidence aril nl leglince of the people Nothing has been moio noticeable In K.inns press since election than tint constant note of caution, warning, and evpn of apprehension It has been pointed out that the recent vlc toj was quite as much tho result of n. weak and scandalous Populist leader ship as of inheient positive Republican stiength; that the Republican party comes In on trial Men and measures aie to be jealously scanned. The moro enlightened and conseivatlve mmibeis of the Populist party aie to be won back by a wise, clean ndmlnlstiatlon of public nffaiis The good naino of tho state Is to bo le-establlbhed Under these cli cumstnnces the selection of a senator Is of pecullai inipm tnucc Theio must be no scandal In tho matter, no ground for the suspicion of scandal. The situ ation above all demands the election of a mini of i lean elnracter and clean rep utation And ho must be elected In a fair, clean niiiiH in or . i ii i ii. Attention is dliected to the progress which Ins been mule by whut Is called Christian .Science by tho dedication nt 1 oston of 'The Plrst Chureh of Christ, Scientist" It is n most be-autlful sti uc tin e of bioj gianlte, and its bulld eis call It theli "praor In stone," which suggests to recollection tho story of the c.ithednl of Amiens, whose aiehltoitur ,il consti notion and an.ingcment of stnt uaiy and paintings made It to be called the Illble of that city. Tho Pianklsh church was real id upon tho spot where, In pagan times, one blttei winter day, a ltoman soldlei patted his inintlo with his swoid and gave half of tho gaiineut to a n iked beggii , and so was memorial ed In ait and stono what was eilled the divine spirit of giving, whose un believing evcemplat afteiw ml became a saint The Itoston chut clt siiullarli ox pi esses tho faith of thoso who bullnvv in wlnt they term tho divine ,ut of heallnj, which, to tlieii minds, enl as much to-day us it did when Christ relieved The ilrst church organisation of this faith was founded less than elghteon jc.itb ago with a mcmbeiship of only tvventj-blx, and since thou the number of belleveib has giown with u-markublo rapldlt, until now theio aro tocIutleH In eveiy quarter of tho cotintr). This Mouth, it is said, pioceeds moio from tho gtavesards than ftoni couversloiis from othet chuclus, foi most of thoso who embrace the faith cl ilm in h.ive been rescued Hum, death inliaiiilouBly under tho injunction, to 'hi il tho sli k. mine the di. id, cleauso the Kjier and cast out demons, " The hold with strict lldelltj to what thej conceive to be the teachings of the llhli as e -pitssed In Us poetical und highly llgui atlvo language Their services comprise readlneiJ from the Scriptures tind fr un "Kclence und Health," a vvoik b Mis. Udd, tho founder of the- beet, who be. cainu convinced of the principle of mind-healing through tho study of homeopath) The "Christian .Science; HliiiiMl' contains a song suylce some, what rersembllng that of Uiiltailiii churches, being a compilation fiom (he works of devotional poets and of prose writers of all ages. Altogether the belief and btivice; mc well suited t) nllfy a taste for tho invstiml win. li, nlnng nmhV lliu , lin bIiowii nn uncommon development In Oil cottnlrv during the last decade ithd whlrli I I irgi I) Orle tital In Its choice Mtirli a rild dep.irltirc from long le ppee ted Mews na I marked by the dedl rntlon nf this chtltch and others of kin dred iiientilng may rensoiinbly excllo wondef it lo how lildicnl 1 to lie (III encroachment upon prev ailing faith, und whither sflme of the pre-Christian Idea of the Asiatic uto eventually to supplant those In company with which our civilisation lins developed. tinxtiiH iv nAMt riitt't.t.s. Testerdny lirnuglit ninny changes In nlllilal Imnk elicle In this cltv, some or which were surprise to the geliernl pub-II- nnd otliets were not. The elevnllon of Mr. V. A lltllo tn the position of cashier of tho Hank of Coinmeice wn a well drieiviil pmmotlnn, while the 10 ttllll nf 111. Woods to the plesldelic) Was not u suiprlso to those who ate ac quainted with the nblllty of that gentleman. The selection of .1 K llurnham ns president nnd C K Morey ns vice pres ident of tho Metiopolltnn bank brings to tho front In bunking circles two gen tlemen who are coiisldeied especially Rttong nB Ilnmcliil expei ts. Mr Hum bum has long been well known ns one of Kansas Clt) '8 prominent whote iltrs, While Mr. Morey ha, for the past )ear, been nn the diioetoiy of the biuk, where his abilities wile seen and uppreclnted While the cbntiges 111 the olllcers of the Cltlens' National bank will come ns n surprise to the public it will lend lly be seen thnt In the election of Mi Church J. White ns ptosldent nothing hns been lost In tho stiength of the In stitution. A C.OOII III III.NMM1. The new coutitv couit Ins stalled out as the people desired when thev elected the new olllelals It Is evident tint there will be no slnecuios foi political pets under tho pi cent administration I'nnecessniy expenses will In lopped off nnd the men who lime boon placed In olllce will be compelled to do tho vvoik Insipid of drawing the snlules while high priced deputies peiforni the duties. The appointment of Colonel 1. II, Waters us counts counselor Is In Itself nn nssiii ince that the ila)s of the chnh w.irmeis and pip suckcis aie ovei, at least during his Incumbcnc). The colonel has nlwnvs been heartily In svmpathy with the IiIots of lefoim so stiongly ox pressed by tho people on election ills, and It Is a safe assumption to ny that ho will see to It th it the countv gets full value for everj dollit expended b) the court undct his ulvlsement An Item to the effect Ihm the first act of the picscnt JllsouiI leglslitiue was to replace a poittalt of Abrilnm Lin coln which had In on taken down fiom the slate house vv.ill twenty enis ago Is going the rounds ot the pi ess The item Is n. good advertisement for the new MI-"ouii and cannot be given too wide u circulation It Is gi.itlfsing to sec the legislature at Jefterson City promptly getting down to the vvoik of amending the election laws This Is unquestlonnblj the most important subject ten consideration at the pieent session, and In ordei tint It mi) receive due attention and be sine ol definite1 action the sooner it is tnken In baud the bettet Tho declaration of seveial Southern congie-smen that tho South will sot about ii-formlng Its election laws on a basis that will Ignore the negio su premacy issue aro all right as tar as they go, but the country must see tho promised icfoim In successful operation bcfoie putting implicit faith In ii. the Ciptiiie of tort Ilnirj. To the IMItor of the Journal Please give me the number of Confed i rates surrendered to denei il Hnnt at X'ort Hcm J 1' WOOD. The number of prisoners captured nt Port Ilmiv nas given In the olllelat re ports nt the time as eighty-three I. itei repoits pluie the number nt n,nitv. The main bod) of tho Confederate forces ea cuped Miss Mi'venion Sttll or) -lrIt. Wnshtngion, Jun 9 Vice President Stev enson Is ailll di tnined nt Ashevllle, N. C, because of the illness of hts daughter, Wary Ilt-r condition Is reported to be still critical In the exinme, und It Is un certain when Mr, btevrnpon will bo able to leturn The vti e president's family .no all nt Ashevllle, except his son, Lewis U Stevenson, who Is unable to leave tho bedside of Ills wife, also dangerously 111 In ISloomlngton, III Mi Lewis Stevenson has been uniilil lo be In Washington since t,ie meetlnf of congress on this ac count, as ut times his wife's lecqvery has been despaiied of, at.i, im t;i: Misouitr. Clinton has tried tho ball and chain cure for the turnip nuisance with markid sue CPU. Adum Pilclia, Johnson count) ' oldest citizen died Sunday lust at the advanced BBl of 91 Though Nevada snloonkeepers .aro com pelled to put up WOO for license they man age to do a living business. Tvvelve.pound girl babies nro not eveiy day arrivals, even In Missouri, but now and then one comes alonjr ut Trenton Tho Joplln man who can steer eleir ot u a hold-up or a knock-duwn toi two straight vvueks Is hi great good luck. The Ucnton Herald Is reliably Infoimed tint the Morley nnd C'omntorio rtilliontl will be extended south to Morehouse ut one i'. 'I he "Clorgla Mmnet," Annie Abbott, Is holding up the solid men of Missouri country towns und uuloulslilug the natives kenctrull) The Tribune believes Trenton would be a good "show town" if the malinger i would only bring mound something worth going to si e If tho wenttiir gives tho crop but half a show Howell county will rnlsu tvvlca a; inui li fruit next )oar as It his had In un) put )eni Tho Carthago Press is as bright as a new sllvei elolliu In Its dress of new nnd handsome tM but It still ch impious the dollir jtut tho same1. Life In Missouri dully glows to bo less of a wear) burden to Juke htotlci, tho pupulat bonlfuie ut Wast Plains, ax ho leads tho Iciftiduilve news from Jofieiscin CM). It Chllllintho will gtvo tho project sullleleiit encoumhtnunt that pleasant lovvn will have u new open houn nod will ho udded to A li Mscis' umusciiupt circuit J. Wem Goodwin wunts tho legislature lo let the luni but will not turn the whole! powei of thu lluoo loose un the subject mil' s hanging-bet) excur sions are thieatened There's not inn li tnl- about McKay's promised railroad fiom lluvveill county lo hiloani Spring, in trkeimas, but ft Is gjven out cold bi the Poiuunu Purm cap italist that the Uik will urc) bo built blneo tho Kansus Cltv, l'ittsburg & flulf lo id was built ihiou,li buuthvvest MIji sourl that mllnii uf tl statu has comet to tho fiont with .istoiii'tuiK strides. And tho best pail of It is It lb btlll im proving at us lapld a r.n II Is estimated ihut tin money now In vented In fence i in Soit. rouuty voul be sutllellllt II built i new six-loom house on every fum in Hi count), Ami tho fences rould Ik pi l if tho stock laws v.vru juopetly enfweed. at 'iiid -tin: vt nit. The persnnnlllv unit the Indlvliltmlltv if Mr Sell Smith !tUoll hnve stamped IheniKelVe so lvldli Upon public Vision tint thonterinioifl luive never tliouttlit of I mklng for nnj inrtleulaf dlgiesslon from Ihem on the ptrt of Mr. Htissell, In other words, Mr. Hussell hns plmeri himself so long thnt few believed tint , lie could play am one else, and still 'fitter cited, perhaps Hoea Howe nlid Nu.ih Vnla me little mote than snip Mints of the droll comedian, touched up n little for the occasion. The portrait have endeared litems! Ives t() n verv In teresting nnd prolllnbte clns of pin) goirs and hnvo served to bring the actor to t state nf Independence where he can Indulge a hlghoi ambition and a mure hi tlstlc fane). The conclusive nssei lions on the patt of Mr HttsselP critics Hint ho vvns to Rtilcled to tety narrow limit have, pet haps, been u potent nn Incentive as hns been n sincere nrt ambition In ptomptliig him to take n bold step Into tho i calm of old Hngllsh coined) where hp should bo tiled bv the strong light ot luminous precedent Harlv this se igon he imdpitouk the udc of I)i. Pangloss In "The lleii-nt-Law," ami hi attempt, fosteied by the Intel est nnd speeded by the blessing of the most celebrated or living P,itiglose, Ml. Joseph Jeffei soti, was clowned with n degiee ot suc cess that none of his admit cr ran un derstand without witnessing his per fiiiimtucc. Pol obvious reasons Mr Itusscll's Pan glos cannot be taken on faith Por the sumo reasons hi second venr In the pan will bo more successful than the flist Lust night's audience at the Coites was as large ns nny of the week, but nnnlher )eai In the same repcrtoi v would doubtless mnkt the nights of old comedy sttong fnvnfltp. lty tint time .Mi Itussdi's ndmlters well know that he can be nt home In wig nnd kneo Ineeches nnd tho devotees ot Mi ..leffeison will have leainnl, If the)' nn willing, that the secniid P.inlos will not do violence to their memories of the first It would perhaps not be In good tnste on the part of a critic lo go far In com parisons between the P.inglns of Mr. Jpffeisnn nnd tint of Mi Hussell: but the public makes compiilsons and the critic may, ptihnps, lie nllowed a few. The point Is asset ted, 111 splto of piob able cotitindlctlon, that Mi. Joffeion upvor gets fuithei fiom himself than does Mr Hussell in the delineation of chu.ictei n this particular role he Is mote subtle but less unctuous He Is more spilghtlv but loss humoiou Ad mliitblu ns Mr Jcffiison is In tho re llcetlon of the e'liib ur isments and sui lulses of the ter, Mi Hussell moro clearlv rellccls the sense of liumm. Mi. liussill's Pangloss Is ruielv a -in pi He. One cm lenilllv see that It leans heaxlly nt moment on Ml Jcffei son's charac terisation, but It hns minv points of oilglnalltv und the clniacter Is sus t.alned with icmnikable evennebs. But no moie comparisons AVhen Inst night's audience passed tin ntisrli the period of ehue scrutiny nnd satisfied ltv( if tint .Mr Hussell was all right it settled down to a veiv heaity enjovinent of the pl.iv nnd gae the comedian every mark of substantial ap, even nppliudlng the- bptween-nct speech vvhirh comes with clockwork reg ulirlty alike to thoso who want it nnd to those who believe thnt such a speech Is Innitlstle Crowned witli Mr. JelTet sem's wlrf and g u be'd In his costumes, and with nn ndmh ible facial mnkeup, be made an amusing flguie as the old pedant of Colman's eieitlon In action lie took i trim po tint eould not have been expected by thosp accustomed to Ms adagio st)le. As v is suimlsed In this column In re viewing Monday nights perfoimance, Mi. Husspll's supp'Utlng Is much bcttei suited t dd comedv than now Mr Charles Kmllev and Mss Kate gave excellent eh uactciiitlons of Lorel and Lady Duherly. Tho best of the secondaiy ch.arutois, hovvevei, vvns that of Zeklid ilonn spun ns done by Mr. Alfied Hudson MI-s Harriet Toid 111, i) oil Clcelv with excellent taste and convincing; slnceilt) Mi. Charles's Dick Dovvlis vias pleasing .though a little lacking in spirit nt time The smaller patts vvmp In good hands. The most Intiic-ting play to be pre sented .it the si nl the.atcis the coin ing week will i Helasco & Di.Mllle's ".Men and "Winn n " which, aside fiom being one of t lit trongest of American society pl.ijs his the merit in tills en gagement of I) i ig new to this public. Jlen and vvom n was brought out by Daniel - L)ceum Theater Com pany and lin 1 i long nnd pioperous i mi in New Y ale It bears consldeiable icsemblnnce t ihe other plavs of the samo school l ut has one situation that of the t 111 1 let, wheie then Is a midnight ineetli i, of bank dhectors to pa-s upon tin illegcd guilt of a bank oflli ial w hlch i ild to be the stiongest sltuitlon ever wmght by the di ft hand of Helasco It w is this scene that ad vcitiscd the li and made It well known even vvluio it had never been seen The cast pcsentlng the pi iv will Include the pi ii le who ale appearing at tho same i -the Ninth Street this week in "The I'ltniltv Hill," although the cast being i much lniger one than that of tho latin play, font or live now pcoplo have Iib ii brought from Now York for Impoitant characteis Tho sale of seats the engagement will begin this morning. At tho Coates next week Joseph Mutphy will be seen in a repertory of his old plays Monday and Tuesdav nights ho will appear In "Shniin Rhue " Wednesday and Thuisduy nights In "Kerry l!ow" and Prlday and Saturday nightii and Saturday afternoon In 'The Donagh " Ml Muiphy has conflned himself to this lepertory so long tint theio Is nothing to bay about him or his pln)8 that is not well undeisiood by nil who nro conceined in his recunent visits. "Von Yonson," tho popular comedy ,w....ll., t, 111. rij 11.,.., ll.rt nllnliinlAp of tlm Scandinavian dialect, and Man ager j. in s compiny or comeiiians in mo Play, will begin a weeks engigoment lit thu Oi.aiid npeia house Sunday aftei nuon The pla) has had a wonderful iccoid, and its popularity teems to in cieisii with i-.tch ifttHulng visit "Yon X'.M,..,," it, ,,t .nil, llv till,, h?n 1-nrlr n )e,ii or two ago and suipilsed tho crit ics, w no we m it u pi c p u en in uiiu so in in ii merit and originality In ,i play the) had ..,.n..l. V.n..l ..T .... tn 1 lln.n X'n, riiiie.., III II 'I ,, 111' l, ,,.,. 1,1, IU ..,),, Yik fnllnwed the wako of otho: citloa illltl Hf'l I III) MillHJI HI I lUUllflMIU iipiMtlV nl iiniiti It. A'tin Vim (-.mi lt n ilpllu-h t fill und iinlquo poruiuilftv lie Is uneotith anil HUtei.ite, but tils heart is fno.u ami n.i At I in n illnit Iritu ft 1 1 lid I 1111 I Im k li II I a; ennui iittx iv ni"i sJ " oidln iril) as stolid as ono of Ml 1 In i sir's: ' .inui ucnis, nut ins seiisii hi iiuiiiiii l li.tnn .....I l.n Id ultDn- I,, unnllinAnl 1-5 iecii Hilt, li" .", ...,rt ', ..,., The slmpllclt) and natui.tlness of Mr. tleigos iinpersoiiaiion navu romiuc'iiui'ii It to eveiy student of tho drama, and his oMiuUlto drollery has mado thou sands laugh Mil Ytimtiil Ono Volume. Lowlxton Journal "'Ono of the funniest caHts 1 e vi r found, says a Jolly hook ugent, "wan when I was lunvasslug foi un cue) clopedln whli li was compared of two vol umes It was ovi In (he Penobscot valley. 1 called at a house wheiet there was a vei)' sti.alght and prim )oung lady, who niiiiitheil lur wi nls with a jiroelslou tint reminded inouf Ulikenn' lady who practised on 'prune' and rlm ' I made known ni) imslnis) und xtolled the cnojclopaedla In all the terms known tu the iirofiu-sion. She lUte lied epiletl), und when 1 had llnlshed, puckered up hrr inoutli und said: 'I will iiiku ono volume, so ' The Idea of one vol iiuii, of all ene)ilopcdlu being warned without the rest of Ihe work was so novel It ulinost lloort 1 ni 'JVhlcli volume" I usked 'The second one, sir.' 'flut, iiiidim, havo ou alrea iv (rot the first volume," No. dlr.' she ic'idlMl stllll), 'I will tuke the second volume.' 1 hid no more to sa," Ilm iuung Avtugtr, Tid-Hlts. He was a pretty Utile young stti, with little fit legs that stuck out beneath clean, stilt staiched clothes. 'What un ) u going to do when you brow to be u iii-.ii" uaked u visitor. The little fellnv's fueo ussumed an ex prc slon of caiii, v, gravity as he responded with a voice w ink was evidently shaken b) sad memories of the past; "Whip papa.' PASSED UNCHANGED. LOtTKlt IIOIISK Atirtl:l;s TO CltANOKI I.N UOtt.Att UAH OltUi.VAMCt:. REFERENCE AND TWO REPORTS, AN i:il OUT SfAI'K TO ItAVKTHK ttONI) I KATUItl: STttlCKKN OUT. After ii Preliminary shlrmlnh, the Memnra Pn-es by tliiniilmoiis eitr An Ordi nance Thnt Puts il I lirno em erly lluilnr'-. The lower hou-e of the council Inst night passed by unanimous vote the Sn)der gas ordlhnnro ns It cntne from the upper house Mondny night, where It was amended to rerpilre the compmy to put tip cash deposit, or JTo.CX) bond to be forfeited If It did not within six months expend J'iO.000 In the construction of gis works nnd with in three )ears expend MOO.wn, Tho ordi nance now goes to the ma) or. When the franchise came from the upper liouo Inst night Mr. Drown moved to ill pi'iise with the rending ot the sections which hid been passed bv the loner hotiso nnd read only the section which had been nmonded by the upper houc. Mr. Ilegnn, however, insisted on the reading ot the en tire ordinance, which vvns done Mr. Drown then moved a suspension of the rules and the passage of the ordinance after n sec ond nnd third reading. Mr. Ktoner second ed the motion. Mi. Pendergnst said ho had only objections against tho eleventh section, und said he would vote for the ordinance If the provision foi a JTWW bond was stricken out nnd the J50.0UO cih deposit required It was better, he nld, to hive a cash deposit of JJO.W) than u !7'i000 bond rm the motion to suspend the rulo-t .Messrs. irnig, Jamison, Drown, Stoner nnd Kid well voted a)e, nnd Messrs Pendergnst, Monti, ltlcger, Olson nnd P.egin voted no a tie vote, the suspension being lost On motion of Mr. Drown tho ordlninco was then refeircd to the gns committee with Instructions to report within thirty minutes, the house to tnke ,i lecess for tint lenmh of time. Mr. Itegnn wanted It n fi rred with instructions to leport at the next meeting He Slid tho m i)or would undoubtedl) call n meeting for to-night If leepiestid to do Po Mr, Drown Insisted that thirty minutes was enough for the committee to make up Its mind, ns the nut ter had been discussed over and over again. Ilv a unanimous vote tho oidln.mee w is referred with Instructions to repoit In thlr t) minutes and tho home took a recess It w is a little less than an hour before the house was called to ordei again llwii two reports were submitted Mr Drown brought In a mlnnrlt) leport In favoi of the ordinance as It came from the upper hou'e Messrs nnd Olson brought In a majoritv report striking out the $"'() bond provision and making the disputed eleventh section read as follows. ' Section 11 In consideration of the fran chise lie rib) granted said grantees shall dejiosil with the treasuier of the clt) of Kansas C Itv on or before tho acceptance bv them of this franchise jO.oOfl. to be for filtcd to the cltv of K City i tiles within sk months after the acceptance of tho franchise heheby granted thej shall expend ut least $-.0,000 and within three )cirs expend "OOOjo in the construction of gas works In Knns is Cltv, Mo it ilil parties di pa-It said f50KHI, then on the cer tillcato of the clt) engineer that J.OO.Oia) has been expended by said pirtlcs In the con sti action of gns works as herein provided, the clt) tie.isuier shall return to them the said JOOOiji ' Mi. Urown moved that the minority ro poit be substituted for tho m ijorlly re port Mr. Itegnn moved the majority re poit bo adopted Mr. Olson said he had hi en informed bv good I ivv)ers that i bond was not the right kind of forfeit in coses of this kind He said he had tried to get a, eiimproml-p on a J20 000 cash deposit and a SW.OiiO bond, but had filled. Mr Stoner m1iI he had been Informed by Plrst Assistant Cltv Counseloi Wnlsh that a foi felt bond was u good seeurlt) He said that the onlln ince w is tho strictest franchise ever granted In this part of tho countiy and that tho provisions piohibit ing the compiny from selling out hid ob viated the nicc-slty lor ail) large deposit oi bond He said that It would be some time licforo tho works could be built und that the light had Just begun. It was not light, he said, to have a largo amount of moiie) tied up for )onrs Ml Hegnn said tho floOOO cash deposit was letter than the J75 00O bond und that If the company means business It will ex pend thu JJOOfnii) within six months and no hardship would bo worked Mr Stoner said tho stringent provisions of the ordinance preventing the company fron selling out were better than Sl.OoO.OOO elipo'lt It was not n question of money row, is the Interests of the city had been protected when a deposit of MO.OuO had boon Insisted upon, together with tho othei pio vlslons of the ordinance. Mr Diown said that nny hardships plai ed upon the company would only de la) the building of the works He snld that the ordinance provented the compan) from doing an) thing with tho frnnchlso If the works were not built. rirst Assistant city Counselor Walsh vvns culled for nnd ho slid that he had been Instiueted by City Counselor Itoz elle to tell the council thnt ho (Iloi i lie) icanrded a $7"i,ef) bond ns better than a ensh deposit of JMOOO Mi Jamison siiriendered the chnlr nnd mado n speech toi the mlnoilt) report He si.ld the necesslt) foi a luigo deposit had been obviated by the provisions of the or dinance preventing tho fiom sell ing out. He said tho provisions of tho or dinance are woith hundnds of thounnds of dollars of deposit nnd that as soon as tho good fnlth of tho company is estab lished theio will bo no leason for any deposit at nil Ho said that men of thn leputeil wiullh of tho gentlemen compos ing the company do not sign bonds for leigc amounts for fun and said that these men who will rescue the pwiplo of the city should bo given a chance to live. It.ither than see a light between tho two houses ho would vote for tho minority report. On motion to substitute the minority for tho m.ajorlt) leport Mr Itegan alono voted in the negative, and on the pasMigo of the ordinandi every member of tho house voted In the nlllrmatlvo. 'Hie houso refirred to the finance com mute tho ordinance providing for a watch man nt thu city hall The Tlernaii ordinance reducing tho price of gns to U nfter Mnrch 1 was rc feired to the gas committee. Ai.r. husims. tai:ii. Iho (supplementary Menisci Ordluiinre l're- Miitui in urn upper iiiiue-, A suppleiuenlnr) license oidlnance was read and leferred to tho finance committee at tho meeting of the ui per houso last night It provides for Imposing licenses upon lines of business und upon propel ty that are not now required to be licensed. Licenses of t per )eir will bo required of wholesale dialers In Hour, feed, train, hay and mill stuffs and ot second hand eleulers.-pioprlctors of rallwuy und steam ship ticket olllces and dealers In soda water, mlneiul water and carbonated bev eiagcs If tho ordinance passes. Undeitak ers and funeral directors. Installment houses and buildings where rooms or of fices aro rented aro to be taxed the same amount, The license upon "non-resident" taxed from 13 to $15 per ear, according to Telephone companies are to bo assessed (5 per year (or each tiuii3inller and receiver und telegraph companies must pa) U pei )eur foi each pole upon which their wires aro strung, Private vehicles nru to bo hide a metallic plate on which the number whether they uio diawn by one, two or four horses. The city auditor will bo re quired to furnish to tho owner of each ve hicle a metallc plate on which the numbei of thu license and the words "licensed ve hicle'1 will bo Inscribed, The plate must be put In a conspicuous place upon the rear ailc of the vehkle, Anyone violating J nny of the provl-lon of the ordinance will be fined ftom S to J20 An ordinance fltlng the license lo be paid by renl estate ngenls, rental agents nnd brokers nt J23 per )enr wa passed A resolution requiring Ihe street rnllnny companies of the cltv to run cars every hour between 11 o'clock nl night nnd 6 o'clock n. m. was retorted to the flnnnce committee nnd .a resolution requesting the chief of the fire department tu report to the house the tinmes of nil llremen ap pointed but not confirmed was adopted An ordinance transferring from the garimge fund lo Ihe lire department fund to equip nnd mnn the lire engine house nnd engine nt Twelfth nnd Hell streets Vvns pnssed. After the budget was cleared Alderman Moigan moved to adjourn. Alderman Hut tig objected nnd tried to mnke a speech, but Alileiinnn Morgan declared the motion wn not deb liable nnd he vvns sustained bv Alderman Shlnnlik, who was presiding during the tcinpornrv absence of President The motion whs lost, After a brief debite nbout the ndvlsnblllly of wait Ing for the lower house lo lake notion upon the gns nrdlnnnce n rroi wan tnken for half nn lioui. At the end of Hint time the house ndjourncil, the lower house also hav ing tnken n rcccs, BANK OFFICERS. Changes Made hi Vrrv Peer Imlilnres nt the Meeting of the ewr Itotird of Hire e tors. The new boird of directors of Ihe Plrst Nntlonal bank met )esterdn) nnd re-elected nil the old ofllier. ns follows; James L. lonilurd, president; J, L. Abernathy, vlco president; H. P Htvlnncv, cahlcr, and O. W. Plshbuin, nsslstnnt cashier. The dlipctors of the NntlonnI Dunk of Kunsas City met )oturiIav nnd elected ollleets for the ensuing )eir All tho old olllcers wcie re-elected. 'Ihey nre: J. S. Chick, president; Clinics Campbell, vice president, J. Q. Wiilklnv, Jr., cnshln, nnd C. A. Spiiuldlng, nsslstnnt insider. The new Iv elected board of directors of the Nntlonal Dank of Commerce, whoso mimes were given In )cstenhi)'s Journal, inn rtcrdny uftemoon nnd elected olll cers. Dr. . S. Woods, the formci piesl dent ot the bulk, vvns elided to his old position, to succeed W. A. Wilson, nnd W. A. llulo wan elected cnshler to succeed Mr. Church J. White, Henry Schwltzgcbcl wnc chosen nsslstnnt cashier, but the olllce of vice president vvns not filled. Mr. ltulo hns long been connected with the bank, nnd has nn excellent repiltitliin ns a financier. The dliictors of the Metropolitan Nntlon nI bunk hive chosen Mr J. K. Hiirnhiim president to 111! the pi ice made vncnnt by tho icslgnullon of Mr It. W. llocki-r, nnd Mi. C. S. Moicy as vleo picsldint, to take the id ice undo vacant by the reslgnitlon ot Mr. W. i: Hall. .Mr. J a. Stre.m wua ic-eleeted ns cashlei, and Mr. W. L (lalncs ns nslstant cashier -Mr. Duinhnm, tho new president, li a well known business man He has for m my ) been at the bend of the wholes lie house of liuinhim, Ilunnn, Munger K. Co, one of tho best known wholesale houses in the West, nnd Is a man of gieit enngy and recognized ability. Mr. Morcv, the new vice president, is from Scamlli, Kn , wheie he has hi en for )cors n su-cessful lunk er. mil one of the prlnelpil owners of the Parmers' and Merchants' bank of that cltv. The Midland Nation il bink will elect of ficers to-dnv Tho directors of the Missouri National bank will meet Prld iv afternoon for the purpose of electing olllcers for the ensuing jeu At a meeting of the directors of the Citi zens National built, held )esterda), a semi-nininl dividend of 3 per cent, pij. able on demand, was -voted, nnd the follow ing olllcers for the ensuing year were elected C. J. l.hite. president, S W Campbell nnd Henry Schwlt7gebel, vice president. W It feeegor. cashier. Mi. White vvn. until last Tucsilaj, cashier ot the Nation il D.cnk of Commeiee. and Mr. Schwitgpbel ,ls assistant cashier of the same Institution. OF INTERESTJ0 SKATERS. Indies' Unit Club of Wiixliliigton rnrk 1)111 (,lvo n Cariilwil em llio Iio -Next hiturili). The skating season will bo .at Its height nt Washington puk lake on n0X. 'l,,' "1,en l1"' Washington Pirk Ladles' Ho.H Club will glvo .a This will be given b) the )nung ladles who nro Inteiested In purchasing a new set of taclng boats for tho club foi the coming season In oider lo help the club out the park man agement hns very liberally agreed to give It a ceitaln peicentage of the traf fic leceipts thu elav. The Ico Is In splenilld condition now nnd piomises by faituiday to be In line shape. The piogi.imme lor the carnival will Include piUes for exhibitions of fancy skitiiig b) ladles nnd gentlemen and ' ii? ,f01v. spee,l -"'csts. The bath houso will be heated and kept open as .1 lecep tloii loom and the conveniences It olfers J,,1 ,V ''PP'tclated by all skaters. A fun list of the various events and tho prUes will be published later. su.M'i.ownit snnn. Since they got to lobbing giavevarJi down at Lawrence Sam Hlmrs has put a pollock on hi- Do'in ,-it.; boom foi i.ail ro id commission, t, 'Securing the shadow e're the substance fades" was linmoitall) illus-tr md the other da) when a photogi ipher took a Hash light group of the Pop statu house officials A traveling troune nlnved the "Amnrin Hcio' In Coffeyvllle tho other night Just as though they did not have thu man who killed tho bunk iobber wlih them nlivnvs. The pessimistic Idea that one cannot live In Western Kansas and nnko mom y re ceives an Irrevonhlo backset In the fot tint a Noiton count) womun has Just sold a Colorado mine for &10.000 Theie hasn t b'n auotner such a will cat scheme at slmo InuUIng thu arbondale ra.lroai as tint nf .a baiter down there who vdv,"isej that he will ti.ulo a horse for a gold watch Tho Union Pnclflc.whlch was holding out, has now ngiecd with other Kansas rail roads to make a rate of ono fare for tho lound trip for inembeis of the Kansis Na. tlonal Huard who will take part In tho In augural celebration. Tho big steam engine whlrli was bought jo run tho w.iteh factory at Wichita has been sold to an Irrlgitlou company. Tho watch f.icteii) i mis right along on the s una strong wind which turns thu whirring looms In the Topek.a woollen mll, Thero in u bo noihlnir in iho nnror thnt Judge Hosier Intends to rejoin the llepub llc.iu pirt), but tho cozy und hearth-dune way hi which ho drops Into thu Copeland lobby these winter evenings would bo tak en as corroborative evidence) In his own cuuit. Hwlght Thacher Harris, a I.ecomplon lad of U yenrs, Is a candidate for once In the house of lepreseniiitivis. Ho has ad dressed a letter to (he member of the le,;. Iskaturo In which ho si)s; "I urn a farmer b) occupation, huve alvva)s been a con sistent Itepubllcan, and this Is tho llrst tlniii 1 have ever askul for anything" If that Ind hasn't caught onto tho Kansas Idea, it Isn't the fault of his miming, Your Wellington politic! in believes In taking tlma by the hoir) forelock elosn down between tho ears. A Hello Plaino Visitor was cornered by a Wellington man who wants to run for rtglsler of iieeda next )ear, und he did not succeed In breaking uwuy until his tnln had left and ho was foictd to miss his New Year's dinner. He won't do an) thins nl all to that candidate when ho goes down to tho convention next summer. Iteports from the lounlry hillcn'ie that the Kansas girl Ij "onto' tfcc- mistle toe racket with both feet, The Ablleno j(e llector doscilbes a party up there wheie the dear ones hung mistletoe in every door way, beneath evry chJiulclle'r, and even suspended stray bunches from the i oiling, The Itellector closes i's .act ount vylth the naive remit!: that "all v. cut home fc ling that a good time hal been had" And the Hinpoila Uazclte fWU'3 that when the girls down there hsaid th it a klst went with every berry on, the vine, they had a great time sowing on borncj. . Boston, Jan. 9 The Republicans this aft ernoon renotninaieu lion, ueorge i Hoar for Pnlted States senator, Tho Democrats nomliuttd John Itusgclh ft iNb. She wns ft winsome country lass, So William, on a brief vacation, .More pleasantly the time to pass, Hssuved flirtation! And ns they strolled In twilight dim, ' While nenr the time for parting drew, Asked It she'd like to have from him A billet-doux. Of Prcnch this simple girl knew naught, lint doubting not 'twas something nice, Upon lis meaning quickly thought; Then, In a trice, Upward she turned her pretty head, Her rosy lips together elrew, Por purpose plnlii, nnd co)ly snld: "Yes, Billy do!" SHQUCti. And William did. Home nnd Country. Tim souTiinnN girl. BRHAKl-AST. Prult. Oatmeal. Milk. Broiled Chops. Stowed Potatoes. Gems. Colfce. LUNCH. Oysters In Chafing Dish. Brown Bread. Cold Shew. Coffee. Baked Bunan is Orange Sauce. DINNHn. S ilslfj- Soup. Cnlt's Liver, Brown Sauce. Stowed Turnips, Spinach. String Bcnn Snlnd. Wafers. Club House Cheese. Crenm Tapioca. Coffee 'Ihe use ot Hngllsli Ivy can not be too strongly recommended us a decointlon for our rooms during tho winter season. A lad) noted for the beauty .and freshness of her Ivies was .asked the secret of her suc cess, which was slmpl) putting a smull piece of beefsteak at the roots of tho plants eveiy spring and full It is also cl limed that to lightly rub each lent on both sides with HWcet oil will preserve a. fresh, vigorous appe.unnce of Ivies, In splto of furnace hcut and gis, usu illy so Injur ious to house plants These simple meas ures uio well worth tr)lng. The prevailing fashion of separnte waists nnd skirts hns decided economlcul advnnt nges. It goes without snjlng that the Idea, halls from Trance, the very center ot econoni) as of fashion. Por m in) years It his been the custom among modistes thero to make two waists to each skirt, and as ever) woman knows a skirt will generally outwear at lc 1st two waists. If tho gown Is for street wen, a fincy waist Is de vised to be slipped on when Its owner comes in, which saves the trouble ot an en tire change of costume, If tnc gown Is in tended for the house, both a low and a. high bodice are provided for var)lng oc casions. Mabel "Sunrise In tho Alps'" Why, it looks about noon time. I wonder where It was painted? Hortenso (consulting catalogue) Phila delphia. Life. What more precious offering can be laid upon tho altar of u man's heart than tho llrst love of a pure, earnest and affection ate girl, with an undivided Interest in twenty well tenanted houses? Roceleaf. New- York Weekly: Mrs. Lakeside "The 'atrocities of Russian t)r.anny arc perfectly aw fill." Priend "What have )ou learned?" Mrs Lakeside "I saw In u paper this morning that lu Russia no one is peimltted to marry moie than live times." n't..,.. ...& mi.ei lmun nil nf thn small de tails looked after boots and shoes for this and that occasion, velvet collirs anil belts for plain costumes, blocle und g)iuiiii8lum suits and such lingerie until It Is no marvel that the tea, and the crowd, and tho wardrobe, almost turn her )ouns head. A good deal has been written lately con cerning tho exact position occupied by "Lj President!'," tho wlfo of the chief of tho state In Piance, An exchange sa)s: "Tho fact seems to be that she hns nc recognized olllelal situation whatever, and Is merely the hostess of the HI) see, hut, of couise, she takes jueccdenco of nil othei ladles as the wife of the president, although she has really no right to the title of presldente, which Is given her cx-olllelo. It was lemurked by all thoso pusenl at the servleo held at the Greek church, on the day of the czar's funeral, that Princess Mathlldo mado way for her at the door, and nNo that Mine Cnshnlr Perler hesitated and looked somewhit con fused, and would have fallen luck nnd given the princess tho pas, only the latter insisted nn Incident which had a sequel, for on tho following d ly Mine, Cnslmlr Perler went to call on Princess Mnthllde, It Is the llrst tlma thnt there has been any Interchange of clvlltles between Ihe IJIysee and this member of tho Bonaparte f-,tnfli At Ilutte, Mont . n )oung lmiy applied for permission io kill her tialtor love'i. Tha com t said that, while It might bo desirable ,to wipe; out such a sxnundirl, It had no power to older It to bu done except by oidluury legul means. ' 4 ' Thei Russian gui land. bids fair to super- 8fnii","? "-r-JVr.u l'l''" shower bouquet fpr bride suialds' usei, 'limy are slung over y.!'sU!,,.VumJ W". 'f ,h0 bin" of tlmskrt Those thus rarrlcil at a. recent wcddinir wcio of entwined lose? and buds ad hung from ii band' of losi'-satln ribbon which, rested ou (ho arm In i butterfly New York Commercial Advertiser Plain has remarked that ufie'r all men und unim,.n ure n,ot e 'llfcient. Lord Chester. Held has niaiki u slmlhii statement The. Shi In,le.i.wh0 ,1,lnk otherwliS .A small pi of S .the lounger sister or two ijJS I brotheis, luought up with seriiriillous car, and whut Is conshli'ied proper letafd tor ' "l.lte J!1. 'er..'y valle.1 her' broiher ..,.,. .v.. iuui j ins was, on her nart purely fraternal common cation (hat iho occasion seemed to Justify. In the famllv t.1"! ' 6a'.eJ. ' have. .e"ploUana''5 elered disconsolately among tie i, ' feel" iuc herself unhurt I..,, e.".J Jilv1? eeh S?V;! !t ."'."J!-. ji&AZ - "w'as WW lshment could hiv i. ...JJi511 Pun- !.,, W,. ' vJVlu ollVr a'll thcT prlcc-sho ,,'ald fu'r"' heS brfer'mS,' 'Tar.,y Jo' h8 '"l In dl-harg?n,h2r 'y I" two words, buch are the iiecesslrj and salutary lessons of a b'lrfa Ufe, ii r7t3kim.mrm r. m mtf .s jtagiWi i - p- ,ffi-MC ..3ai' j. J.,i4 vtscjRiriL -THA-J3S5?' TgajTgWtlgjfgsa--ww