Newspaper Page Text
AsSvwraSSSWJ THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1895. 0 DULL AND SLUGGISH, A IIUAT 1 I.UTl ATi:l AM. It IV, ft.OS IMI lttc I.IMMIIt Kill MAY. Tho Market fur 'nrn ohnwril Might tin proieiiirnt, M ly I Inl'hlngiit. I n-Hc Oats Mere Higher nnd Pniil lull Made lnilll (lulus. Chicago, Jm. 9-Wtieit (lu-lind 1 hzlly to-day between tS anil tivie and wound Up H loner for Ma v. The news was gen erally bullish, but the world's Mlblo ilc rro ie was not up to oippctrttlon nn I on that Iho market finished enss Com doled He higher, oat , higher and provisions' with slb'lit Balm. Wheat opened nlwut ns II hud cloed on tho previous nflnrnooii. Mas brought ", (Idle it tin opening plunge ami Kept be tween thine price" ami 'S'.c for halt nil lionr, ami then m hIp a slight advance limitless In corn sliosud a sllnht improve Went and thp market closed a shade hmh rr for .May thin on Hip da) In fore. Miy opened unchanged nt 47'ic, touched 47"c ond closed at lre The market for oils was not pirthularls prominent for Its netliltSi set a fairly m t lvc session was piied Selling wis scat tprcd and not very urgent. Busing was rood, principals l shorts. A linnet feel Ing was noticeable and pi Ires non' a -had.' firmer. Mav started, nt BP.TiJn'lP, sol I nt roc lip to 3lc and nt noon at 5o".t, dosing nt Sic. There was about half an hour of moder ntcls aitlvo trading In provision. followe-d bv dullness The duj's llucttiutlous were slight, but for the most part above tho price they closed tit j.eterdny. In tho end, pork rented with a Kiln of 2i&e, and a slmllai ndvanee was secured for Hrd and rib The steadiness wns the result of fair bus ing despite liberal hot; rieclpts. 1 rank Mullli Hi cuptitrid. St, Louis, Mo, Jan. 9 Crank Smith nllia John 1 IIon, John Walsh, A S VoIsli, C B Smith, ttc , for whom n. Chi cago dutectlio came to th's cits, nnil who escaped sostprduy with all his m modes, wa-s rcciptutvel last nlglit late In a nearly froen condition He was hidden In u pri vate carriage of thu superintendent of the workhouse. Under the irune of C Ii Drowning thu prisoner wns sent to the Ohio prison In 131 for lobbing n C'liiPlnnitl, Itamllton .1 Das ton train near t'ibina. WASHINGTON CHIT CHAT. The Indian appropriation bill has been neirly completed by the house committee on Indian nifilrs and nnv be reported this week to the house Slight reduction have been made In nearlv all the Items, so tint the totil will be about $20) OK) less than tho npproprlitlons of lint )..ii. The United States consul at the Straits' settlement alls attention to the fict that Russiin petroh uni Is supplanting the American product In thee settlements. He attributes thlH to the superior facilities for stoning and handling used bv the Russians mid suggests that the United States trade, which Is considerable, might be lotalncil bs' the use of tank steamers and the erec tion of storage tanks at the ports of ele Inrkation Secret. irs of Agrli ulture J Sterling Mor ton will leivc Washington the middle of the week for Lincoln Neb , where be goes to attend the meting of the Ne braska State Historical Sonietj, of which he has been the president for a number of j eirs He will be gone nearly two weeks nnd during his abcme Assistant Secretarj Dabnej will be auting secret lry of agriculture. HAPPENINGSJN KANSAS. Dodge Cits-. ICas , Jan a (Spec HI ) Uj the breaking of a side rod on his engine n few miles west of here this morning, En gineer IM Hoblnson of the Santa IV, was hevcrely Injured He was, taken to the La Junta hospital. Ottawa, K is , Jnn 9 (Special ) The Rich mond nnd Cheese Cotnpanj, or this county, issue a tt itcment foi the jear 3"3t which shows Assets, S3Sr,sri, II ibil lliis, islile from stock, l,lbS f9 The amount paid for milk Is (2,rM 52, running pcnses, T4 13 Total disbursements, 11 W, IJ Ottiwa, Kas , Jnn a (Special) At the regulir monthls nieeting ot the bo ml of (duration th" clerk vas Instructed to pre pare a bill to be prci tiled lo the legisla ture empowering the bo ird to levy a 3 mill n 'a provide a fund for the erection of a now building and for gem ill rtpilr. It is estimatid that about JJOCHM will he needed Ottawa, Kas , Jan 9 (Spec 111 ) Two new newspipcrs made their uppeiranei In this city v.atfrdnv The Hornet, Mieil by the Hornet I'ublishlng Compinj. will be Is cued irl-wiklv and It Is understood that the sheet is to be n Populist organ The Kansas U iptlst Union also ippeus as the org in of the liapll't Young People s Union, of Kansas J3r U O He trick Is the editor, and V' H Keith, business manager. BRIEF ITEMS BY WIRE. fhi igo Jan )! ii Mt Mughlln, a pr rninnt bo ird of tride speeul Uor, dr ppt 1 dead in 1.1 Salle street to-daj Jln' .11-- ise is supposed to have caused his death U Wivne, Ind , Jnn 9 The two ehll ebcn of Mi lohn Lorraine, of New Hiven, P x mil s ,ast of this place, were barmd to daih ibis morning bv a Hie which de (ttrovrd the hoiihe, the mother being ub fcent it tho time. Chi ibo Jan. 9 "Major" Sampson the men I r of the notorious "Market street King who U wanted here for complb Itj In thp murder or Oils Colliandei the elec tion 1, rk shot lust leetlon night, is under crrest ir New Oilcans Dmvr Col, Jm 9 The (Itv deteetlvps Jiaie i oncludPd that Alitor Monchamiln and i harles CJuichard alias Lemalre, each of whom aciusiH the other of being the "Mark, t street murderer, are onlv dei oy rs intendtd m divert huspiiton from the real murd, rei New 'ioik, Im 9 rchlo Clordon, a newspaper writer nnd author of a numboi of plus died to-dnj at hi? borne 111 HlPh mori'l State u Island His lejuirtH nf the Ji, echer-Tllton trl il over the signature of "Or Snti" constituted u distinct md notable future of that tumoiis litigation New York Jnn 9 Among the pisengers aboard ih s'. inur Tenionh, whim arrived from Liverpool to laj weie .Jenrj White, formeilj iretarj if the Unitid States rm bnssv it I.jndnn Itan lall remtni.M I',, who brings a nn mortal to President i'levi Janl In favor of ntbitrntlaii of Intern itional ll potes, Uiiliam Waldorf Astor nnt Aine lle Hives CliunUr Chicago, Jan 9 Director JI n. nillott, of the mirliati Itiilwaj Union, hiuren ler.d himself to-day and was taken to Jail In Mcljenrj eouutj to stive Ills sent emu in the strike eontrinpt ias. Ulllott was In l'ennsjlvanla attending the funeral of )il child and was unable to appear jceter diy when nebs nml hU nssoelates were taken Into cutod. Jefferson City, Mo, Jan 9 Tho state roads Improve nun convention convenes in this tltj to-morrow Addresses will be de livered bj Hernial Itoy btone, ehb f of tho olllce oi tnitulrj In the United State's nBrlcultitral department, nnd by tho rail road commissioners, -, W. i'lorea and II, W. Hickman, and nt one of the sessions Governor Stone will speak Toledo, Jan. D Tho safe In tho Mer rhanth' National bank, of Defiance, O , wis Huwii open with dynimltu Mondij night, and about tiXOM stolen The olllclals of the institution were unable to open the vault Tuesday morning, anl there were no tdgns pf unjone having b-en in the bmk tha night before, they thought nothing of Jt, An expert was sent for, nnd when ho opened tha outer door to-dav It was dis covered tho Inner safe had been blown up. The loss will not affect tho standing" of thu bank llerlln, Jin 9, At the parllamentarj re ception held hj Kmpeior William ut Pots dam last evening, tils majesty made a lon,j Fpeech upon naval matters and pointed out the nceesslty of Increasing the strength of tho (itrman Heel, With a map In hand he jhowed those present tha different naval fctatlons and distant seues, especially those of tho war between China and Japan. Aft er supper had been placed before each qf the guests the emperor conversed freely with ull who had assembled, thereat his invitation, C, D. RlltV. ttt't. citt. JToc'i CHICAGO & KANSAS CITY COMMISSION CO, 542 Du"St, Km! Cut, Mo NEGOTIATE COMMERCIAL PAPER, CITY REAL ESTATE LOANS. C::is'ttt It':-! JtrtJ tf C','.lt- BAin :?::, ::a::L, .i"::rAi, cs ccstcsitr ttrrc 1,31 HI, tlTTt tut ITill H,X1A lM,T.Mt fejV l,l. DO "OU WI8M tO DUT OR StlL RtL ESTAttl Ml f:t Ctitt C:tit!:J Sitti (!-Uiccor lo Wm. J. Wolllinn Si Cj ) HUM)-, MOUliN ( OMMIlltt'l tt, IMI'l'.lt. fi5il llplnwarpsl.i Hbiiiis t Itr. Vloj W.J. Anderson. V lfUelwir,'M , limsis City Mn Conimerenl l'afr hlock. nml HomK llevl I tale Loan- '. WRIGHT & GO 5 STOCKS and DONDS. Send for mir eekly Quotation Clrculr-tho only reettllur public itlou of prices ot local llonds and bto. k In this nnrktt ARMOUH BUILDING, 500 DELAWARE ST., K tVs VS CI I V, VII). 1'IN WCIAI,. Thiro wis nothlnp; new In the local monpy mirket jpstcidij It is still quiet The new d mnnii Is not onlv llitht but Rpneral In chiuuiter Hates, however rennlii sleid Still Wis. per cent Ourtencv ship ments to Hip rnunlr) IlKlit Itank clear Inirs, Jl ii71,C7": rime dij list ar, ll.wo, 971, an lnereae of HHmXj, n i?nlii of 7 per cent Cistern (clnii!n scarce and llrm Houston, ribbi ' Co . i xchnnite lirokero, quotu It as follows New V ork, $1 "' pii tnlum Chlcnejo, 7",c premium, St. Louis, i,"c ptetiilum Tho .Metropolitan National bank, at Its nnnuil uieitluir, elected I. K Liurnhim, tiiesideiit, in tin place of It W llorker, listened J. tl, Steirn was re-ele ltd cash ier A t'A pyr cent itiarterl dividend was declared At the Nation il ltnnk of Commerce the in w iilllccis are. W S Woods, ptesldcnt, Hid W A Utile, cashier Houston, Ulble .1 Co are scndlnp out a veiv complete quotation list of Knnas t'ltv sicurltlcs that should be In the h in Is ot evi ry Investor. JIiiiipj nt Home- nml Abrnnil. Now York, Jan 9 Moticj on cull cis nt 1', per eent, last loan Vf- pel rent, clocd l'l pci cent, pi line mi icuntllii piper, -.fM'j pel cent, stelllllK ecliuil(,'e, quiet nml Me idj, Willi actual business In bmk eis' bills nt (i ss-,fi J V, for d. m ind, nnd ut $1 87VFTI S7'4 forslt dies posted rites, Jt SMiVril W cotiiineiclal bills $ s,i...'"i I Si.'i London, Jan. 'I hi laic of discount In the open market for short bills Is 'i-K, per cent the rate of discount In the opi n mai ket for tluco inonlhs' hills Is 9-K! per cent. New Votk. Jan 9 Hank cbailUKs lo ditv. 5"S'iSn,7s0: bilante, $", m'S'Iih, lioston Ian 'i CieaiiiiKS, JII 71,33; bal unccs I'.st.ssl l'hlladelplili, Jan 1 -Clearings, $11,077, OC" bit im ps, Jl ls3,inj Clnelnintl. Jnn ' Monev. St-fTO per cent Now Yoik ech.ini;e, o."c iiicmluin Clenilnirs, J; J.-7 37) Clilcaito, Jin 9 Clenrlncs Jl" S'S.iWl Monpj, i P per cent on call Mb per cunt on time New York exchange ,0c pie mlum 'iterlliiK ennunenlil s7l?flSS St Louis Jan Hink pIciiIiirs to-div, SI 1"h.SH bnliiu.s $inll7 Money, dull, rTi7 pel cent UscliiuiK. on Now Yoik, $1 01) pr, mlum bid New orb mis Jin 9 cipirlncs, $; d7s,io Npw York cmIiiukc liank, p ir; commer cial, $1 TO pi r $1 POi discount Memphis, Tin n i ClcarltiKS, .""1, 201 b ilincps, Ji 'lid Ne w ork uvcliaiiKc, nelllne; par to ?1 "0 pn mlum Silver. London, Jin 9 liar silver, 27 per ounee New York Jin 9 Silver certlilcates, ric bid; bar silver. I0c istute mill (.oi I'riiiiiput HoiiiIn. York. Inn. i Closlnc imitations on mp New York Stock exclinn Be les't- To CvAPinrnent United blntcs Is, iCKistored United Statis s, coupon United States "s rcjtlstt red,. United Stiteh-."s, coupon .. . United St ites 2", reIstcied.. . I'lelfic Cs St ite A) lb una. class A Alabitni class IJ Al lbama el iss C .... Alabama cuirenc , . Loulslau i n, v eontols, is . Noith Caiolina i.s .... Noith Citollna Is South Carolu a non-fund .. Tennessee "s, new settlements Tentuss, "h, in w Mittiements Tennessee Cs. old settlements .. Irctina ti ntuiles . MUsourl Cs day, niy. 11' ut 111 111,', lib", . 97 .100 102 till 9J 113 11(. llC-s 97 100 102 10, lei' 9J" 'iji. & inn CO r.u 100 14 SI ll 1 ro Itiillriiuil llouils. New York Jan 9 Closing quota tlons on me isew iorK atocic exenange: les't. I' rues da. Atchlon -Is fit Atthlon Id A . 17'j Canada Soiithcin 2ds ioi, (.en I'a Itlc lsts of '93 lmHA Denver .V. Illo (Ii anile "s Ill " Duller ,v. Illo Giande Is Ivii'j Ible Jds . ir! l ,. S A fs 97 O , 11 ,V S A 7s loii Houston ,. Teus Centinl Cs ...1031 IlouHton Tpmis Central fis Itiji Mlssnuil, Kiim .W Tens 1st Is twi MIssouil Kas (". Texas 2d ts , 17's, To day. W-i, 17i lit. 100U 113 Ml1! a 9S ll) 10.K4 10fj !7Vs liri mil us S'H-h HV, cs 109 10JIJ ir, 76't 110 Sea., lot 10H, Nf w Jeisej Central generul Ts ilji. Northein Uaciilc lsts . , lip. Noithein Uaililc 2ds S9 " Noilhvvisttin oiihols li:iv. Iltn ,,....,.1.. t, ... M ,. ,m iiuiuiii I moil us , , nix 4VI', Kfl.IlK' , ,-.,,! I, LniB. ., I,, Noithwi st S U debentures, Ds 109 St L . S U Keneiul 5s . .. 10J .. .l.w 7M4 .... !. Ht I'anl POIISOIH, 7 St L ft 1 M Kcnenl Bs Si I ml, C ,. 1' W. te. , Tcu, racitlc lsts T xus Die lilc 2ds Union Uielilc lsts at 'M . West .Slioiu Is S',1 2U 101 .. 1UJ Stupids m,d IliniiW, N"ew Yoik, Jan 9 Ttto-ihlrds of nil the biiflnesi done on the Stoc 1c e m h iniie to-d iv was dtstrlliuted between tluee stocks, Su rni, Chliauo das nnd .St Paul, and one. third was done In raiuir alone At tho opening nnd rturluir the llrst hour tho mar ket was weak but the tridlntr was very llRht anil the losses were met el) fractional except In the uise of I'lttshuic; A- Western preferred, wlilc h lost 1 per cent '1 he KraUK ers panic Ipited freelj In the decline easliiK olf ,"'i and St 1'iul belnif nnd, r pres sure of London, as well as local selllnt: lle fole 1 culoilv the temper of Sn r-ill itloil uiiderwint a i hanite for the better al thouBh tho trading continued light nil the nornlns The bond mirket ruled firm durlncr the d i) and business was of moderato ptopor iloim Sioeks. Tesfd'y, To-d'y Atihlsonll It ,... tt a; Adams llxpnss DO 111 Alton .v. Tenu Haute ,,., Mit :i.-,it Alton .v. 'lerre llaute pref'd,,.. w pjt American Ilxpress ,.111 nt Hlltlmore Ohio i.Hl ui Canadi Uaililc ,. G7'i rii OiuaiU Isouthein L 491! Uentril 1'icifle .. , ...II 11 Chesapeake A. Ohio 17'A 17, ChlciKo llurlliiKton &. Qutlioy.. 11 711 Chlcii,-o A Allon lit nc 1'hltano (lis 7l!s "iJTk Chlcauo m H IlllnoU piefd 91 l ', Con-ollduted ias . ,, ,,1291!, 1 j)!-. (' C,C A. St Loulb u,ij ) t'oloiado I'uel A. lion 2 27 Colirado Vmi A Iron piefd ..."is 70 Colmndo Coil A lion C. ti Cotton Oil (Vrtitlc Hits 2a 23 " Delaware A Hudson .",i. Delaware, l.nk Ji Westem.. ,VA ltd Denver &. lt.o Orande pfi jov. D & It n pref'd M 3.W Distillers A C U Co pai jm' U l. Denver Clulf ul 31J c.eneral Hlutrie 3iJ 311 Urje lo lujj Hrlu pref'd . 2IU 21 (Treat Northern pref'd 10J io3 IlQustuti A 'Dxas Central ij i- Hocklnu Valley icij -inf. Illinois Cential s.' if Kansas A; 'IVx is pref'cl i: .-, Lake Krlc A Western ,.. JWJ p; L i: A. piefd I... 70 7K. Luke Shoie . , ,., 13.; '17 - la-id Trust At, 1,3 LuLlsvill. A Nashville ,. jjiJ rS Iulsvilk- A. New Albany 1 s Manhattan Consolidated lop. inii. Jllnnesota A. St. louls in " V,'" Mb hlfciiu Central , , M h -Mobile A. Ohio ,, it, u: Missouri JV Illo , jaaj i,ni Memphis A: Charleston ., ,,. 10 j0 Noithw stern pref'd ,,.,,,,,111 11.1 .-sauonai i-oniage ,.,, ,. 74 75 National Cordaue iiref'il K 111' Natlot I Linseed Oil Co .,... wl IJ. New Jer-e Central ,,,,, ,,, mn y' Ii'cw XQilt Ctutrai ,, ,ig jgij M, D. Attn, psesT. Houston, FiblBs Go,, Is'i ,:;; r, r, 1i"s ?, Ml 111 21 IM id'". CIS Wn 117s, ,32V, Isii 71 1 n ir; 1.' in1 40 I-1 13-, 10, s?l, , CI .. I . 17 . 12J4 .. n'i .1 " .: 1? ..1M'4 .. n'l .. r , 2 .. IO, II " P'LJ 4. f'.Vi . 117 .. 32 "'. .. cJ'l, .. 1. ;:li .. 1 Tule Jo St Louis ft K Til' 111 M 1 ,c. K C I n Ion t ipUIp .. C pref'd . c, . 114 1J . lo'i . 10 . ft-n in 10-, . 7 t tilted Stains Uvprpis WhPe'lnj; ft Lnke Uric ,. .. W .t L i: prefd . . ., Wibish, sst i.ouli. ft Uaelilc Wnb ih Ht L A- 1" iiret'd Wpll-lari-o Uxtiress Western Union Telecripli C. I. I KI.NCII I'res. (' V. JIOSSTreis. BSTv.r-IjISI-111313 1S7S, FRENCH BROS. COMMISSION CO. OnWsrxeiiitcd for luturo ileliierjr of Grain and rrovlslons liooms"! si nnrtlS. Ilxrliingp Hide rrliato wiles to Chlcajo, New York anil St Loul. run chain .MAitivnr. In slore Wheat, J,"7.0T3 buhels; corn, 213 rot bushels, oatt, 313,oi,0 bushels, and lie, ",(CJ bushels IIUAT llecelpts r.OOO Sune time last eir 7,200 The market continues slow, but values steidv and best samples lather 111 111 under the Inllueme ot the llcht arrivals No Tin Key haul coming In, the olTitlnss bclin? conllnid to ellon ltulan. which Is nl was slow ik sample, on 11 irk, on the lusls of Mississippi river (local Cc per bushel less): No .' haul, C71ir,'ic, No. 3 hard, Sil i ",7c; No I h ird, Wfi.'jjo; rejecled, ", No 2 reel, 1 cir nt r.7e, 1 eir nt tSc, 2 cirs locil nt i"2'-e and IJ cats locil nt 52'(c, No, J red, 65 1 tir'j'tc, and Nn I red, fil'u.Vio COltN-ltecelpts MCUWYY V COItN ltccilpts 21 hours (. 1,2i) Sune time last vear JiJlO 'ery little conilnir in nnd prices held Hteudv, tlemaml, however. IlKbt and con tlned to one and two car lots, lly snmple, on track hero at Kansis Citi, No 2 mixed, r, cars nt Ilc nnd (, c irs at ll',c No :i mixed, 2 c irs at 40i3"i No 2 white, ll'iifil.'c, and No 3 white. lOV.iii Ilc. OATS Itcce ipts .'I hours 2,000 Simp time list jeir 7fJ0) Maikct quiet, but under the Influence of the veri Unlit nrrlvils prices rem tin steidv What demand hid tnnlnl fiom the local tiade 111 sample, on track here at Kan sis Cltv, No 2 mixed. SWill'tc is to bllllncr; No 3 mixed, JUi'i iOKe; No 1 mixed, 27111 29c, No 2 white SJftSIc No 3 white, Slip 32c, and No 4 white, 2"Vfi3ik. HY13 ltecelpts 21 llollls Sune time list jear l,'."i None on sale Hen ce no mirket I'rlcis nominal Hi simple on tt ick heie nt Kan sis Cltv No J lfi"-'c and No. l'ifJ30c ULOUIt hellini; dowlv but lirlces steady. Soft wheat, per 100 pound sack, pitcnts, Jl 2",fi1 fi, exti 1 fines, fl l"i fanes, Willi SI 00 choice, "Vfi7c h ird wheat per ii pound sm k pitents $1 SOTil 10, sttalglits, Jl Till JO biltets s",ii90c; low grades, c3ii TV rs, Jl wi 10 COItN MIJAIj 1'Iim, but quiet. . Quoted at SSc tier cwt bulk COItN CHOP Steady, but slow sale v, e quote it 77c tier c iv t , sacked ULAX SIJi:i) Steidv ind In fair de mind We quote at $1 2-ifJl 10 per bushel, upon the biis of pure is to billing. CLOVUlt SUUD Steidj', but slow sale. Quoted ut ." tOTiS 2", pel w t TIMOTHY SHi;n Quiet but unchanged. Quoted 111 Jl J"'i"iirt p"t ;wt Mll.LLT Slow sile, but steady Com mon J1iU'ill3 Oermin, Jl IWil 13 per cwt. l'.IlAN In Kood demand ind llnner. Sac kid 70. bull 67c pi r cwt ,m , HAN Iticelpts 21 hours 1 tons Pime tinn list seir . . , 11) tons Mniket falrlv 1. thi foi priirp nnd nther flnn but tlmothv slow Pile Quoted' I'rilrie upland tamj, Wm per ten pholi , 7",0'iisnn No 1. Jt, wri.M No 2, MWiTIVi lowlind iholcc $C 7)1i" Oil, No 1, v.iMiiiw No 2 $1 O0T, r, 00 tininthv famv Mull) t1 Ptl il P SS SU'tl'MJO, -0 1, ,-C! iiirtf tfi. '..". 114 4 VI r" Z31 ! cloves, timothy. X. O. XP"E3P"3jfJi.I:tX, 1W0-11U2 I 1 Imi Avo, Kansas City, Mo. itA-WT. &ia-n..T-v: - N pslerdnj's CbleiiKii Mtirkcl As furnislieel bj Trem h Hms Commission Co . looms 20, 21 nnd 22 Uxelnnge building. "" Options I Open HUh J Low. Close 1 When, Jnn Mas .... July Com, Jan . May . .. July Oils, Jnn ... May . .. Uoik Jan ... May L ird, Jan SIiiv S ltlbs, Jim May Norfolk A Western pref'ci., . North Annrlcin Co., , Northwest, rn , ,,...,, , , Nashville ft Chnttnnooiti ..... North l'i HI North l'i lilc pref'd New iolk A IS'ew UnKlind 1., Oniario ft Wetprn ,. . On iron A Nnvluntlon i () S lift U, N orfRon Improvement Uo I'a lilc Mill S. S Co IVorli, Decatur ft nvansvllle.. I'lll'htiri; Pullman t'alicc Car Co II adinu . ,.,. ,, ,,,..,., HI htnond Termlnnl Ci Id 1 ' md 'I utinnnl Co tiref d Illo clrniulp ft Western.. ,.,,,, Itio otnnde a Wp-brn pref'd lli k Hand ft l'aclllo ,...... i I'tul ,,. Si I'.ul piefd . ., St Paul ft Otnilta St 1 mil A- omnni iiref'il . ... 'uiilurii 1'ncine Sue ir Iteiliiprv 'o , T A A. A N' M T tnipssep Coil ,1 Iron I xa I'.iclilc Toledo ft O C tiref'd SI 10(1 No " 57 ' I' is no A SPECIALTY GaA83 Ml I LLET &. -tee rpa rn-?v fi AKD VS$nB E?".-! JJi r w v&jy u a-" - i niit? f.7s r,s'. IHs Wit "S . r. 17" 47' LS'. 11 11 1,71 J 11 '-. I, 00 7 07". C HI (i 07'A ii". 17'h jsi. Ml I 11 U 11 W. 1, 00 7 02'. r. on c or. WIIUAT Cash N'o. 2 ted. Tile No. , led, r.2'.fr,l'.c. No. 2 bald, M'.c, No. J bald, """t'OIlN Cash No. 2 mixed, Ka, and No. 2 OATH I'asb N'o. 2 mixed, 23',c, and No. 2 wblto, 31c UKilmatid receipts for to-day Wheat, SI eaidi corn, 210 curs, o its, 115 c.u.s. Oral,, Notes. Warmer vienther, followed by colder. Is ptndlciid fot tho Southwest Tho lour All mtlc purth cleared for ex lioit vestirdaj !)"i,07i'i luisluls 01 whinl, J,', 7l pickaxes nf Hour, H.noO liuslicls of coin mill 2J.200 busbels uf oils. Ovei a tboiisand votes wem cist at the CIiIcuko biuret ot trade election, and there w is no louteht foi the pnsldinc either, W T. Hiker neeliiiiK OK votes. U II I'euvcs, of MliiiuiipoUs, sas- ."I luo Just neilveil the lollowiiiK cable fiom Hie Auieikan mlnlstiu ut Huinos Asiis '1'ieseiit eiop conditions iudicale peieeiitnge ot il.cleaso In vleld will ho lu to 20 pei cent.' " liiudstieet's vieckly leport of ifialn htoeks IsHiuel jestpi.lns, showed a il" citaso or r.7Sik) biHlies otwheat 1 ast of the Itoekles, a die lease of biishcH west, n iIlciciso of ivoou luisluls In 1:11 inpu and alio it, mnkllic," a di crease ut ci3l -W) bushels In the woild's visible suppls Corn iiiiieusid 1,'UOi"") bushels, nits ilu eteaf.esl 5,11 (J bushels. Thoinan's npoit, whlih villi bo nut to. day, will, It Is said, show 2u7 Wrt (hm bushels of wluat lu Hum in-ities Jumiais I, iiKiiln-st it.'.imiuuu bushels u mr iiki Tills nuilios a suiplus uf 170,uoO,(iO bushels above what Is lot bteid nnd tied In this couniij lur s months The icpott sass not 11101 1 than 10 (hiO.iiiii) bushels of wheat bus been teil to Illo stuck since July 1, It Is giild that Thoman's leport, on which lih( tinders In wheat havn Hun opeiutlUK fur two 'last will show il.tmi ucxj luibhels ifioio wluat In lainieis' hands than list sun, that fi ink uninunts to luss than r0,0U0000 bublu I and that th" nop Is ubiivo .in) previous estimate except tin, I'llni Cuiuiits, which makes it on f),- l"),(l' bllblll Is Car lot receipts of wheat: K C. Chi Ht.L. Mpl, Dlth, Tot Yesterday 10 M b 171 I 'M AweekiiKO 18 ul 1. Ill 1W 4j, A eai uko .11 1,1 '.ii JM SJ JM Car lot reielpts of .' 1 C. Chi. St,L. Tot. Yesterday i -Ui 2S :m A week uko ,i &; is ut) A jear uko . N JIS lii 171 A lcttei riom lilies 1 ny, N v.. sass: "Heielpts of wluat h. ic have stojipeil cpmpbtils tin 10 has mn I .fell fiuO busluls huulcd into town Sim 1 liuutry l.aud thu mill, wbUh has stall, d aualu, Is hauling wluat from mm eif ilu, . invators In oidei to keep riiniiliii, Some I y of oui lit at funnels buvt, a lllil. w at to sell, hut hasu foimed u combination, and inoposo to have thu mill pas, uks a bushel fur It beforo It sets It " Lo'uii A. Co , of Chicago wired W. W, C'uvvlii jesUrday Th buyliiB for Uienih aciount tho past tbicodass lias bteti very (rood, und their marluts have ruled stroim una lilylivr, Uut; to uaUjaiton; tltclr last 1$ ".I1 $ r.p4 -,s , r.x's r.s' 4", I7'j 17", 17' 17 JS's Slj !0, II 11 0', 11 t,7'i- 11 a.'". 11 U7' ii so ft :i I 7 ul. 1 10 r, M C 0) ll ft'l '1 111 ' ciop vvns over isllmnted Conditions In this country continue lo shnpo for belter prices, tho onlv iltnwbntk tielnc the con tinued llRht spi ctllatloh 0 Im llev e senlp Ini till lonir sdu the sife plij nt present, bit only modi inte iluituatlons can bo ex ppi led until speculation lnerinps." 1 Twelve memberships In the UIiIp.iro 1 br trd of trndp wefe fin felted for noti-pav nn nt this .Venr, the satn1 number of fot felturps ns Inst e ir. As It Is asunipl 1 tin re nto 3H .mpnibprs too tunny nn Hip I boaul It will tnke nbnut thirty cars to illinlnntt, the surplus bv Ibn slow process ot ntintml rorfpllurps, of course n mptn berslilp Is never forfi lied utilrss the clnlms uKiillist tho cprllllcntn mnke It ueles for 1 the owner to continue to pay Huts, I Tho trustees ,' the cstnto of Senator Unit llnd themselves In possession ot 1 '00,000 bushels or wluat, nnd the mi 1 nciimcement Is tnnclp Hut It will not bo for silo 1 xcept nt 20 cents blither ptlccs thnli piesent. The slntctnent Is nn absurd one. The truslpps will prnbahl do In reitnrd to I his sppculatlvp holillni; of wheat ns the tlustpps or estrttes nlwnvs do llqilldnto the spiiutor's sliecuhitlvp Imprests ns sieeeilly ns possible without undue sncrl I tin". Ttusties nnd pxtcuitirs of cstntcs do not stiind In the shoe's nf a decpused J perFOtt to enntlniic Ills spectilntlunp, 1 Tho nvcrnuc jleM of oits In (Irint llrlt , alii the present jiur Wns ll.iil bushels per in re, the largest Jbld of nnv rivent venr, The nvetuuu Meld In the I'tiltisl States for tho ten vents ptidpil 111 lvn Was 27 btlslipls, tho hlfthpsl vltlil bclntc 2n 1iulicln The telnlil ril lilftnl I 11 si tinn II f. l,liotmli) , IV . I vr. ( " ", j v " ( I) 1 TJ Ull" U1 IF IJ I. 11 1 IT-if. whlln tho avertiitc .vleld In Iho I'nlteii Elites wns icportpil 11 s only 2.' 3 bushels Tho vleld ppr ncrc of wheat was 30 fl bush, els, while the nvprniro J leld In the Unltpd States was repoited nt onlv 12.2 bushels. Juditlni! fiom stiili telurns thero Is plenty nf room for Imp! moment In American ngrlctiltmc. I'ltODbCH MAllKKT. Qnolntlons below nre for Job lots On small lots hlRher prices nre nketl and ob tained, cnoui h belnn asked to cover ex tra cost for carliiK foi nnd lllllng them I he parties 111 ikltiK smnll outside orders want the best goods nnd selections. Deal ers prefer to handle the poods In Job lots In straight consignments as received HUTTUn The market Is steidv- nnd de mand fair for all eholce tible goods, but low grndes dull, QtiotPd Crenmc rv, lilgh ist made separator, 22c: finest gathered creim 20c: line fiesn, good flnror, I"e: fair to good, l!c. Dairies Uatipy farm, bV; fair to good lilies. Si. Count! 1 store picked Panes', lie, fresh nnd swept picking, Sc. r.oll-f'holce, Kip, fair, Sc, poor. 7'fce. UtltiS ltecelpts good Uresh, loc 111 Tl I'ltLN'L Ctiiuneri grades. In 21 to d) pound tubs, solid, 1SVc per pound; dnlry grades, lu :.", to CO pound tubs, solid, lS'4o per pound. Rolls, prints or bricks, 3 pounds, In 10 pound tubs ' c higher thnn tollds. nnd 1 pound, lc hieher than solids, CHL'USIJ Quiet. Herkimer countv, N i . cheddais, 13o per pound, Cinwford counts, J'a . Cheddars, 13e per pound, he bosgan. Wis, twins, 12c. Shebojgin. M'ls , Young America. 12'sc, .Missouri nnd Kan sas full cri ini so. LIVi: I'OULTHY Market steady and de mand fair. We quote as follows. liens, r.c. rooster?, 1,1 , ip- ng-, c. firkeys, hens, 5e; turkils icms 4c, ducks cVaCj gepvp, r.c : pigeon 7"c per dozen; veal, eholce SO to 10n lb l r DIlUSSUD I'Ot LTlt Plrm under light oiTc rings ind demind good for nil nice stoik Chickens, O'.c, turkiss, Cc, geese, u'li din ks, t.c, (JAM! Dull, but steidi Ducks Teal, pet do?e n, Jl i0, mixed, per doz , tl 23, mallird, pr 1I07 2.7i: pralrte chickens, dark, J3 00. light, JJ73; beir, pan iss, Northern It'll' i Southern, Ufa1 lac. wild ttirke'SS, 7ise squlircls, per doz, f.0c; ribblts, undrawn, per do7 , roc, drawn, pet doz, 00c, jack per doz t,0I(75c, venlon, saddles pi r lb, lOeillc, i arciss, per lb. 7c, frogs extri large, per doz, $125, medium. .", 4uc smnll. CfiSc UOT VTOllS Not nnny c omlng In, but old stocks good and mark, t bill Home gtown an I Northern. lOIMt in the tride, Utah and Colotado, choice, CSiUic. and common, 43 0"e CAHHAOn A good nianj' on sale, but prices are steadi Quoted' Home grown, 00T7V per cwt, ind Mi hlgin, SOviiOOo. SWLP.T rOTAfoLS Stonily, but very slow s ile Quoted It, U, 2oji20c. and j ellow, SOSlOe per bushel from glowers. Al'I'LKri Still dull, but uncbinged. Mixed vailetlei 40. per bushel. Willow Twig, Spy and Hen Divls, tjc, Wlneap, 77 difSi, fancy Wagon, 1 and Jonathan, Si' '.Oi- per bushel. Si indird packed range from iU to $100 p r birrel; others, J2.J0 W, bum tings, $lr,o',2 23 UllUl'lS Steads, but dull. Wo qtiole: Haninas, Jumbo per bunch, JJDOijSOO; medium to large Jl 7',Ii2 00; lemons, fancy Messma, WK J4 00 lemons Malaga, Jl 00; oranges, Klorldaa p r box. $3 00fT3M; Mex Icm. J3 00fi12"i, rinboriles. Capo Cod, ?10 Gil per barrel lers, j, JIO'UO'O BllOOM COItN -We quote' Hurled green, S'CJc per ponn I green, self-working in iri'AC red tbr'd spir-worklng, 3n4c: coinmon, solf in rklng,3QJ'c. crooked, half prb e, divaif 1 c rnATIlI'Il' i'rlme geese, 3 per pound: dark and soil' I 30c: mixed and old V,i 30e, 1 per cent t ire on Binall neks, and i per cent on l.u- HUHSWAX-No 1 amber. 22c per pound; No 2 ISc HONU.Y 1 pmnd comb, v hlte. lie; fall 1 pound enint 1 ullc: 2 pound comb, Call fornl 1, whit, ' ,17c, 2 pound comb. Cali fornia dark 1- '13c; extracted, in cans. 03 7c extrnte 1 n barrels, GfiGt GlliiLND I INSU.UD CAKU-Car lots, si.ked. nt J- per ton 2 OuO pounds at S2IO0 1,000 ii 1 1 is at 513 00, less quantities, Jl to per 100 1 111 Is M.iill'l VI I I s Jobbing prices: Henns, nivy, Calif mi 1, per bushel, J2 10i(215' New Yoik n 11 J220. Cclers, California, 70,is.V pi r bun Ii. NUTS Jobl in prices- Cocoinuts, per li, J100 1'ei mis Missouri per pound, 3n.c; 'lex IS 1' 'in ije-c-iiiis. iioiisrieit, JilitOi 1'cnnnts Mil- "1 1, white, law, ppr pound, 4i-.ifi"ic. Tenni - p, raw, 4U!"ii roosted, 7SJ Sc" Kansas, i Hlckors nuts small per bushel Jl 1, luce, Jl M Hazelnuts JSJc per pound, an 1 chestnuts, OftlOc per pound DlllUD rnuiTR-Sunclrlec'. Apples, choice. 7o per lb ; apples gooi Cp; npples, poor, De, 111 1 li - peeled h lives, g, pc 10I1 es, unpecled iiilve3, ie, pi aehi s, unpeeled quarters, new Pc Hmpoiated Apilcots, Cillfornli. j' Hi cured, 10i . nppln, ciIOco barrels fce. 11 pb s, poor, In bni, i, 7., ap. pies, poor in birrels, Oc, 1,1 1, kberrles, B'laie, prtini? Cnlitornl 1, (ijS , plums, Callfornl t pitted. 5f?7c, peacbes ( nlitornln, peeled. lli'ilJi peacnes, Cillfornli un peeled, 1T1IO1; prunes, Ore(,on miSc; plums, Oiegon pitted. ffT7e, pi iches, "Oie gon. ncebl in 1 12c, peuhes, Oiei,on, mi ne, led. "'" 10 p lies, Cillloillli iiniieelccl. TfjlOe pi u I -. T. nnes-i ". peole 1 7fT 10c; peaches, nniiie, peeled, fif10- peuhes, na, liie nun bd, de, peaches Arkansas, pet led, lOulJt peaches Arkansas, un peeled, CIi'Jc, raspberries, native. 20c. VI mil, Hide and l'i Us. WOOL Mniket dull and we ilc We quote: MIssouil and ttmllai-Pini siloo, line me dium. lOlllJc. lilt Hum, 1.1-1 Hi , COIIllilliK. u 15c, coirse. HilJe Kansas, Nebiaska und Inillin Terrliors 1 Inc. 75ilOo, line me. Hum, tvUUc; mulliim. lOiilJe, combing, uy 14c, coarse, Ucille. Color ido I'lne. 75il0c; line medium, ib He; medium. lOeil-'c. and caipet, I'ctlOc; cxtta heavy and bandy, Hi7c. TALLOW We quote: No. 1, 4iie, Qna ' HIDU.s AND I'HL'IS-S.lling fairly nnd prim stents. Quoted til ecu Milted, ficeof biands, No 1, Die per pound, No J. S,p, green 1-iltnl, bulls and st igs. No. 1, JV,c, No 2 J'iC, green salted, butt brand, ed, No 1, l'i No .', u',i , green bllted, sldo hi inded, No 1, JV,e-. No. 1 JV . glee 11 salted, kips, U, to 2"i piiutid, No 1, 5i,c , No 2, l',e, green b ilted, 1 alf, S to 15 pounds, NV 1, "c, No i, t'.i , nun silted hides, Nos. 1 and 2, and butt bunded, nruitnd 4e; green uniuied, No 1 3' e, No 2, 2'.e, dty Hint hides, No 1 5'i.c ! No 2. U,e, diy p tic lildis. No 1, Die' No. i, a,c, , bhitp pelts, fcinii rml dis, lOulo , drj, 4i,5i pci puund ri'llh llneeOOII, JoTliOe , bkllllk lOcSiJloo, mink, 10t75e. oposbUin 5ltii, muskrat, a tule . fox, grns, lirgi, 7ril 00 red, huge, 70i,iluo, wuir uiountalli. Iirge, JIXu2i1, wolf, nrilile. laige. 75o, wlldeut. huge, 40o, be iv 111. Inrte. J7U0. medium, JIM, ninll. tlu0it2 00 badge! IiUcSiJIOo. otter, prime lurgi, J'j0iii7 00 medium 5I0UUI50, umall, t.'iiu2M b 111 J15U0 duiin St Louli. Ian 0 WOOL Quiet and steiily Mioiuj and Illinois, medium, lUf 15. , In aid and low 12ii!b , Kntieus and Ne btaski, in. ilium lOiiil.'i, btald and low, Mf 10c , Te xus und Viknus.iH, medium, Wtljej braid and low Siilooj Teritor, medium, 10(il.', braid and low, SJilOi. I'nil IhIiiiim. A drill mirket continues to be had for most bog prodin 1 Thu movement, how evei is light, as packers Hie modciato billets. svvi at lull prliua, which bujtrs nre slow lo pas save foi tucli Juts as need id for theli Immediate trade, Wm quote OltUUN MUVTd Shouldeis, JI62&per cwt . bums J7I21. , 8. 1". MIlATti Hams, cash, J7.7a, und shouldeis, $17 1, . LAItD-Cifh 60, and iunuaiy, $QC0. D S MUATb partly cuipd)- Slioulders, casli, Jl 7j pc rut short lib tides, 1 ish, Ji bo, long bar n les, 5Su, and bhoit clear bides, JJiXWiclo fl, J, GILLESPIE 1 1 i oilir.I'.ifl & CO,, J J. U, (JlLLKsi'it; Commission Merch its, Kaum City Stock yd. ., ow. 4Uk LlburaladraneiiiTii-idA coDivrtiosfeedlafilock. Iluylng feeding cu il w. order a pcUlyr, Cerropouaeuct icusltci TtUptwo Wo. 154 JlAltltUTS n" TUI.UllItAI'll. SVvv York, Jnn. 9 ULOUH-Hpcelpts, 1, It") hnrtels, exporti", ll,9iJ barrels, sales, lo.Si"! packnges. Market .sleaily, demand nt present Is empty HIIcil with flour soil to art Iv e and now coming forward, Spring pitents moving only fairly well Quoted. City mill patents, siUiKMIfi, winter pat. ent, .' Mfl j u; city mill dears, J3 33, win. tjr sI'nlKhts. J2 37JI2.75; Minnesota patent", JJOOfiliO, winter extra, J1.!W,2 40, Mlnne jiiln bikers', J2(g3C0, winter low grades, J1i0172.1i, sptlng low grades, J1.7tV31 Wl Pprlng extrns Ji.wnj a. ( OltN MUAL-Actlvp, bit lower; rales, ll1","' ,,,,.,'r,,, 3-l"0 sacks, iellow Western, Jl Hi'tl IS per cwt. ..V "."AT Hccelptn, 700 btisbcls; extioits, .MOO btishela, dnles, 2,175 tiKJ bushels fut ures, ,,,(1(10 bushels spot. Spot stendy; No 2 r'd, stoio ntrd elevator, nl,c, alio it, C3W M'ii1, f. o b, Mjjc nllont Options ad vniiced during the forenoon on llrm cu i1p, rorelgn imslng nnd ptedlctlons or a a go lUctcas,, m Hradstreel's bulletin, later on a disappointing reduction nnd rtt mors of n bearish Tbomim's ctop report, II111 ilenlnl of which, lalei', togetliPr with Irm olosliig tables, eaused a full ncovety, but llnalls prlcis were worked off ngnln, closing unchatigcil. No 2 red, January, !.l0i0!U,i.,tc.!.,.J',r,mt'" UospcI H'.ci March. CJ e-ir.TICJ 13-lCc, ilcspd 02'ijc; Mas', (i:Sfp .li'-Ri-P? n,,1. trici ',ll,u'- cl0,wl cinci JlilS'. SSItaiiC, clospd (.1c. ...,-,.,iN';,t.,'ct'l,t!,. 'VOI bushels; expottn, SI.J hiishe s; snips, lo.",(ion litinlit Is futurps W bushels spot. Spot market quiet: No. 7"i4V 'legator, sellow, 45150; Nn. 3, t!Vf 4ic. Op Ions opened steads', advanced with wheat, hut ruled dull with a small tango 'b;', closing nt i,c advance. Jnnuars'. J',1i,T1.', ??'"" Pcbruarv, clos.d, r,Jc; May. 61'iifi'il 11-lCC, clospd Ct'.c. .iiATS-llPielpts, r.2il bushels; exports, '.V,l1!iJ,,,,,'',,,i H"u"' "",""1 bushels futures, 103 001) bushels spot. Spot enslpr; No 2, MI)3i!c: No, 2 delivered, Kie; No ,1, ."BHc: Nt',.2 V.1.1"' "-'-c. No 3 white. 30V,Ci tincls ".''I10 W",('"1' ai'sWH'tei track white stnte, 3i'IIHc. Options dull, but geuer nlly sti.ii.v nil dns'. closing unchanged to ,e ndvnncp Jnnuars', closed 31c: Uebru titv, ,1itfl3U.c, closed 3l'jC, Muv, 3l"c. HAY Dull l'ltoVlSIONS-Cilt mrnts, quiet; plcklod shoulders, ijfiP,c. J'.'i'i'.'rS1''111"1'1 Wcslern steim closed ?.?"" ".''' city nt C10, Jiinuntv', closeil J, 2., nominal, Mus J7.45 nominal. Heslned itr.ulv. .,I,C1I-D,l,l! "PW """'. S12 7i"ffn2",; fnm llv, fl.'fkHjli'.); shott clenr, JlloOnicno HUTTUIt-Hasler, Westpru d Urv, lOiiblo; VVpstPin ptenmors', 1",'i20p; Western fac tory. IO'JPc, Ulgliis. y,c CIIi:i:Si:-Qnlct large, nfille: small n'l 12c: part skims, 3'fife, full ikinis, 2pic LOOS V ciker; Western fresh, 23HC. Itecelpt', 0 2C3 p ickages COTTONSUIiD OII--Moilernti1v nctlvo In small lot wavi nuntntiniia wIiViimi, im portant change, prime crude, 2U721'c: off summer sellow, 177l'c St. LotlK Jan 9 Ur.OUIt necelpts, ."000 birrels nnd shipments I Coo birrels Slendi. Patents Jjwitu CO extra fnncv. J2 20fiJ3", fnncv Jl i-n2(i3, rholcp Jl 10171 1.,n-TT,I!,,,cc'!l".''' r''m bushels nnd ship ments 2., mil bushels. Dull but llrm. with 1 little nervouness ovpr the Thornin te port, closing ip up. No 2 ml eih, f2c', Jnnunrv. rji4c. .M is W,c: Juh , iWc COItN lteci Ipts 1S(M bushels and ship ments none Speeul itlon was light, with 11 stilt rally tow ird thp close which was "ie up No 2 nilvcd pash, 42e; Iinuirv, 42' c; Ucbrtnrv 42i,c. Mas ir.e; Julv, ll"ic OATS Itei elpts 14 000 bushels nnd ship ments sens) btihp Ulrm Cash and Jnn uarv. 30c, nnd Mns, SOV4C HltAN steidv nnd llrm, selling on cist track at C3e, s icked. HAY Unchanged Prime to choice tlm otln J10W3H (), prime to choice prairie, JSflftii'iiiO UPTTlin Sleadv. Creimerj-, 20f?2Jc anil .lnlrv 17J7tp HOC.' Steidv. Presh, lf'c. cnp.N MTJAL iAiwer. Quoted nt $1 O'lff 2 00 per b u rel PItOVIS!ONi Stnndml mess Jobbing, .12 00 L ird Prime steam, JH SO: pholce, I'd Wi Div Flit melts Itoxed shoulders, JI7". lonc-s, S"7" Plnr 1 lbs, J.'.S7'ii, short pleir JO fi liipon PiokPd shouldprs, $7 77 in". i7, longs CCiTJ1-.., clear ribs, JC73; short cleir, SGS?1.. Chicago Jnn 1 rLOUTt Receipts, S 000 Inn i Is md shipments 3 000 birrels Un clmngi'l M'lnter pitents, J2 50?f2n, straights J2 251i2i. spring patents, J3 101T W. , s -lRht, 2 10152 SO, baiters' grades, lli TTI7It-Qulet. Crcamerv, 12f?2.7c; dllr le 111, Up UCOS Ulrmer Quoted nt 131720c. New Orlcin Jnn. 0 PHOVISIONS Quiet Pork 12'j; Lird Itellned. Tc lloxed meats Drs snlt shoulders 47,,c, sides Xp llacon Sldi s C-'iC. Hams Cliolce sugar cured sijj?,ite HICK Steidv ordinary to good. 31,W4'p UIX1UR Extra fines', $2 CHS .'.70, patents, J2 ooiil on COHV MPAl, Steidv; $217 lUtW Dull 77'-.fiSOc per cwt COItN No 2 Ficked nnd No 2 white 47ri4Sc mlNPil rTT"lc; vellow, r.Jif.1c. o TS steadv, No. 2 sacked, VYestern r717' p, Texas, "Op HAY' PIrm prime tlmoth', S13 E0CT1 1 TO, choice $17 0011C0O Liverpool Jnn WHUAT Spot steids rtpmind poor No 2 red winter 4s 0' d No J red spilng 5s "d No 1 hard Minltoba, Cs 11 No 1 Cillfornli, 5s 21 Putures nnened steads with near mil dlst-int posi tions 1 fnihlng higher, closed steidv, 1 firthlng higher for both neir nnd distant positions business ibriut equallv dlstrllw utid lanurv 4s ot,d Pebnnrv, Is 101: Nlanh 4s 10i,d; April, 4s lid; Jlas', 4s ll'.d, June tv ll'.d fOIlN Spot steadi American mixed new. Is Id Putures opened siendv, with neir and dlstint positions 1 farthing high er closed firm, with neir positions 1172 firtblngs hlcher' distant positions 2 farth ings higher' business heaviest on earls po sitions, .lannarv Is 2d' Pebinarv, 4s 21, March 4s 2id; April, 4s 2'-d; Mas, Is 2'.id, June 4s 23,il PLOUIt Steads ; St Louis fanes" winter, Cs 11 BACON Stendi dpm ind moderate- Cum lirrlind out 2STi.10 lbs IJs, short ribs, J 11 o2 lonif cleir light, TSUI", lbs, 32s long cleir. heal , Vi lbs, 32s; short cleir birks. light, IS lbs 31s- bhort clear middles, luaiy 5"i lbs, 3Js, cleat bellies, H3T1G lbs, 3Js SIIOPLnnilS Squire 12171S lbs 27s. t M1-Shpit cut, H'llB lbs 12s Cd q' VLI OW Pine, nomlnnl, 2s. H13i:P Uxtn India moss, 72s Cd; prim ms ios PORK Prime mess, fine Western, to nne Western medium, Ms '.'1 l,ltn Stenilv inline mess, V.Vcstorn, 3Gs Cd; refined. In palls, 30s 3d Cnfli-p mill !iiKiir. New York Jan 0 COPPP.H-Optlons opened istiaily at r. points ibelnn to : points ndsanee ruled generallv (lrm on foreign 01 dors nnd loeul cnveilngs. closed sleidi nt 1017 JO points net ndinnio SiiIps, 2J700 bigs, Im biding lannarv u s'lffll i)c IN briuiry 13 7oi March, H r,Vfil.170e: Mas 13 101711 ro September, 13 3",lil3 15c, Octo ber, Ti 40Ti 1 : Wi- Spot cotfee Illo stindy No 7. Ve. NIHd Oulet Cotdovn. IS'ifilOe, Siloa lato vpstprelas'. l.W") bags ltlo No 7 spot at 1Vc. 7J0 bags ltlo No 7 plus 13 spot at r.'tei, noo bags ltlo No S spot nt 14o: 1,000 bags Smlos Nos "j to 7 alio it at P,'lc Sils to-d iv. 1.0m) bags Santos No C spot nt b,' e- 1,m1 bigs ltlo No 7 nt U'i.c, and r.00 bnits Hnntos Nos f. nnd 7 nllont nt Wc riXI bags Mnrncnlbo r.',0 bags Central Amer ican, and ".20 packages Jamaica p t, and 1,000 mats Java at 2.7c Santos Ulim. good average Sintos n. rw ltecelpts, 12,000 bags, stock, tll.OoO bars Humburg Hirelv sleidy; prices un changed to 'b pfg. lilgher. Siles, ll.OoO bags Havre Closed steady nt I'lfWif. net ad vance Total sales. ISOOi) bigs ltlo Weak No 7 ltlo, 13,'JV) Uxchnnce, imjil ltecelpts, 7,WO bags; cleared for Iho United Slates, 8O1O bags cleared for Ilu ropo, none stock 210 OW bags Warehouse dells ei lis fiom Now Yoilc yesterdav 1J.21S bags New- York stock to ilay, I12i,7 bugs United Slates Ktnck, 210,. MS bags; alloit for thn United States 'J.7ii,. M) bags total vlslblo for tho United Rtntes. 40C.89S bags, ngalnst 1,13,837 bags lust sear SUOAlt Ttavv, quiet; ralr refining, 2Jic: pintilfugal 'hi lest, 3o. Itelued, dull, crushed 4 7-1WII"s.p- powdered, 1 l-jcgi'le, granul ited, 3 n-lClT4c. Now- Orleans Jan 9 -COPPUII Quiet, ltlo ordinary 10 fair, HAifJU'iC SPOAlt-Steidv; open kettle, strictly prime, 2 n-1'.o; fair 10 fitly fnlr. 2 l.lMjJ 3-lCo, common to good common, 1 15-lCJiJc; Inreilor. n.KHTic Centrifugal choice while, 3 B-KiillV'. off whlln. 3'ifiV'nt gray white, 3 11 to- choice Jellow clarilled 2 r.-lCc, nrlinci sellow elarllled 2 U-lC'727c; off vellow elarllled, 2 7-lG2),o; seconds, 2Vi2 O-lfip NIOLAS-tPS-Steady; open kettle, strictly prime, 2ilff22o; good prime, lGl717ct prime, llfll'c; fair to good fair, llfilic. (Vntrl. fugnl. atilctlv prime, Ho: (food prime, 81? Ooj prime, r,lJ7o; fair good, 5'tJCc: common to good common, IflSc. SYltlU'-Ufl ISc I, en. I nml Zinc, New York Jan 9 Lead Oulet Domes tic J3 00. Spelter Still dull. Domestic. J3 27. St Louis Jan 9 Lead Higher Spot. 2!J'J. Spelter-Still dull. Spot, JJ 03. ' , rinsed dull ut steady; i -COTTON-Futurea sales. 103.700 bales. Jaiiuury. Bto. Re,,.. Anrll r rtr. 1,.v KTIn Imiia f. 7-i leiiruars. 0 ose; diarell, i..u r. m, .i,-n. ?;,,,,,,.,!. n..' r'cc.! October 5 9 e ' ' ' ' New Orleans, Jan. 9. Cfaf-tfuturcs steady; sales, 42,ono 1ilis. Jnnuarj-, 6151T Bjftc; rcbruary. S2Sfl29c: March, S37U Bsec; April, r. 10JT5 tic; May, 51i.f,".47c; June, r.fJtnAs: Jul-, SMilSWci August, 5M7I5GIC! September, BCSii3.70c October, 5 73ff5.71e. Ityp nnil Seed. Chicago, Jan. 9 lts-e No 2, cali, 4140 j Mn', r.Jc. Plarsecd No. 1, cash, Jl.l); May, Jl.l"). Timothy seed-Cash, t-VCOIlfi 5. SL Louis, Jan. 9 Itjc No. 2, cash, fd'ic Plaxseed Cash, $1.35. Clover seed Cash, $ mills to. Timothy seed Jl 73f& 23 Toledo, 0 Jnn 9 Clover scpcI Wenkerj prlmn cash nnd Jntmnrs'i J5f". Farmers, Feeders, Shippers, ' CONMtlN YODlt CATTLE, JI0GS mill SHEEP to Ben L. Welch & Go, ( tiMutssiu.Y jii nniA.s ri. STOCK YARDS - - - KANSAS CITf. M0 iloripl llrtt.irls 1'iirnUlieil. Write IT. l.IVU MOCK .VIAIlltUr. ltecelpts nt Chlcngo, St. I.otils, Omaha nnd Kansas City seterdiy were: Cattle, 27 JiJO, hogs, 77,4ml, und sheep, 20, VK). Hamn dav fast scan Cattle, 2S,2uu; hogs, 31,000, and sheep, 12,300 Now York, Jan. 0 Uuropean cables quoto American stects nt llsid2c, dressed weights: rnfr'getator beef at UJitllOJuC No exports to-day. CAITLU .Movements for tho pnst 21 hours; Cattle. Calves. ltecelpts.., 4.23.1 ISS Shipments 1YUI Drlie-otils 3.HS Eli There was but lltllo rhatigo lu thn mar ket scstctdas'. Tho run was light, nnd markets east ot its steads- nnd strong. Thero iveto n good many fed nulls o steers In, nnd buseis at tho opening tried to buy them a little lower, but as thu day ad vniiced this weukmss wns recovered, nnd tho lato sales wcro much tho snnio us Tiicsilas'. Some fanes export sti era brought $-7 0077i 03. Cows, in sjmputhy Willi steel s, were weak, but tho light offer ings prevented any nctuil decline. Stock ers und feelers, when good, sold vers" well and bi ought llrm prices but common start dull Itiingo cattle sold very renins', und showed a llttlo more sttength Milch cows dull nt old prices. Common, $13 00ffl7 00: medium to fair, JtSOOgjIW, and good to choice, JJ3 0oa3.". 00 ItUl'ltUSllNTATIVH SALP.q, No Ai.Wt. Prlce. No. Av.Wt. l'rlce. DHESSHD nUUP AN4D nXPOUT STEDItS 12 irr,7..,.J C 03 40 1333....$ 5 00 IS P.37.... 4 97 10 1I2S..,. i (u 11 IM ... 4 CO 31 1271.... I 17 1-3 1131.... 140 19 nJX.... ISO 2J 1001.... 4 10 21 1111... 4 1". IS 11X3.... 10i 22 HO.... 4 03 33 11",J ... 100 22 1171.... 3 97 21 Hi0.... 3 97 12 1117..,. 3 90 'J! 1273.... 3 SO 1C 1100.... 3 77 19 1130 1ST SllfS.lOSS.... 3 07 20 .... 1013. .. 4 77 20 1311.... 4 33 20 1111.... I TO K I'll1).... 147 11 121)... 4 TO CI 12IS.... 123 22 1"2'1 ... 4 iO 11 1.00.... 4 20 CS .... 1217.... 110 11 11'iS,... 4 00 41 1121 ... I 01 3.1 11S.1 ... 4 00 17 1017.... '170 2S 1212.... 3 10 17 1207... 3 SO 20 1177.... 3 M) 21 lum .. 3 73 2t! 1003.... J C3 11 922.... 3 K COWS. 2 $23.... 1 00 2 1070.... 2 10 2 .... 10S0 ... 2 27 2 1123 ... 2 30 11 790... 2 CO 12 1117 ... 2 C3 II S2J.... 2 27 3 100.. 2(13 S 1077.... 2 77 9 Mil.... 2 77 7 "28.... 2 S3 1 877.... 2 .S3 1 1030.... 2 00 20 1070.... 3 00 3 11.V, ... .110 1 12C0.... 3 17 II .... 11 3 ... 3 JO 11 1110. ... .123 12 '123.... 3 10 2 W0.... 170 1 llJ0.... 171 3 713.... 2 10 I 1012 .. 2 21 3 SM.,.. 2 30 11 lttlil ... 2 30 11 RIL... 2 0". IJ 1010.... 2 70 19 930.... 2 73 S 0CJ.... 2 71 13 000.... 2 SO 7 'WI..., 2 83 4 1127.... 2 8T, 3 9f,S.... 3 00 20 SIC... 3 10 S 1097.... 3.'0 2 11W.... 3 40 3 1130.... J 30 HULLS. 1 1110.... 130 1 1200.... 2 77 i 1.. .POO... 2 77 1 1JX0.... 3 23 1 17M).... 2 SO 1 1170.... 2 63 1 1320. .. 1 27 4 1012.... 2 17 4 .... 1330.... 2 70 2 1203. .. 2 23 1 810 ... 00 1 10l0.. 1 80 2 . .. Ill) .. 2 10 2 7100 ... 2 10 1 .... 1110 ... 2 77 1 1S20.... .111 1 110... 2"0 1 1JJ0.... 2 10 2 11C3.... 1 00 iinirnrts. 10 .. . 007 ... 3 23 I 21 0f2 ... 3 0(1 21 stk 719.... 2 30 0 820.... 3 00 3 C20.... J 27 I calvus. 10 a.... co) I t .... coo 13 .... 7J3 I OXI7N. 13 ... I'M . 2 V, I STOCKHRS AND rEEDHnS. 10 .970... 2 30 22 OiS ... 3 C3 CI Mtn F'll) .. 2 07 3s 831... 3 07 17 ... .1011 ... 3 87 14 1HS.... 3 70 11 SIL... 3 33 11 (770.... 2 SO Pi! fill. .. 3 11 10 . ... 971.... 3 rn 20 . ... 777 ... 2 30 CJ 1001.... 3 83 2". 1017... 3 00 32 759.... 3 10 23 &SJ .. 3 JO RANGE CATTLE TEXAS AND INDIAN STEERS. 21cm 100J ... 3 80 27 cm 971.... 3 CO 21... 1120 .. 2 71 31 .. 870.... 3 00 23 1071... 3 17 41 cm 1121... 3 83 II 8i,7 ... .163 4Sc f ,10bS.... a 30 2S1 Kill .. SCO 101 670.... 273 27... 81S . 2 70 TEXAS AND INDIAN COWS. 2 .. . 710 . J 23 I 10 .. 1.88.... 1 71 40 .. .. S70 2 10 L-) . S70.... 1 75 ARKANSAS STEERS 23 HOC J 90 I 1.0 773.... 2 90 MEXICAN STEERS. 301 S.70 2 37 I WESTPRN STEERS 16 ... .IOC! . 2 i"i) I 2 Hs7 ... 3 30 NEW MEXICO STEERS. 13 CSS 2 40 I 10 stk (.71.... 2 C3 NEW MEXICO COWS 40 S19 . 2 10 1101... (Th... 180 NEW MEXICO HULLS. 3 1220 . 1 80 I 2 1010.... 1 73 1 10 HI . . 1 27 I NEW MEXICO CALVES. 30 (il .. 10 00 5.. .. l . . 4 00 HOOS Movements for tho na-st 21 hours Receipts 12.121 Shipments 2.00J Drlic-outs 11 fM Thero was moro life to tho market vps. terdas It opened a little firmer, tint after the best off, rllii,s were disposed of, Ixvame a little weaker, nnd the i lose was dull Packers pritts- much contt oiled tho mar ket, there being no outside demand pnio a few outers from New York Extreme range, J-lnKiITi bulk of uales, S3 "out 25. REI'HESENTATIVE SALES. No Bli. Av I'rlce.No. Sh. Av, Price. (V. .. SR J7 23 M .. HI $3 40 33 .. IOC 2 50 1.1) ,, 101 3 M 1,1 ., 11; 3 30 HI ..133 3 (3 0 ..111 1 70 ' W 20 14S 3 73 70 ..179 S 90 a 120 193 3 Si 71 120 22C 3 'tl 87 1U) 197 S 90 HO ll 197 J 93 tl 40 223 4 () l.l 1WI JnJ 4 IO 47 40 H13 4 00 80 .. L01 I 00 1 40 213 4 im; II) 110 271 (lli 77 .. 2i 4 0", 4i'. .. 2J7 4(1 87 le 232 4 0.3 9J 210 210 4 03 170 3l,0 2tl 4 10 71 Id) 21S 4 10 7J .. 217 4 10 77 80 2J1 4 19 107 80 21S 4 12'S 7 40 241 4 12's M .. ill 4 17 " 71 .. ill 4 13 7) ,, 217 4 15 71 .. 211 4 20 71 ., 217 4 20 IS 80 292 4 JO ffi .. 3u7 4 20 Tl 120 S0J (Ji 03 80 SiM 4 27 77 ,, 2i',2 4 23 M 80 SO 4 30 fj . ?J0 4 37 fl ., 2S3 4 37 II CO 1J9 3 41 IJ ,. 107 3 50 7S .. 101 3 70 I) 40 ia 3 70 fl 40 K.7 3 73 97 20 113 3 77 31 40 101 1 80 91 Is) J79 3 83 3.1 . 180 3 SO 70 IS) 197 3 811 7'1 400 21 1 3 )) 81 40 191 3 tf,) 70 . 19J 3 97 CJ 0 2u0 3 93 7S SO 2J0 3 93 7S ., 201 4 00 On SO 217 4 () 87 .. 222 4 ft", 92 120 212 4 07 57 .. 2)1 4 0.7 M 40 Sit 4 03 fl ,. 22 4 (11 (.7 .. 2JI 4 03 81 211 4 10 17 ... 21 4 10 SI .. 2J3 4 10 RO 120 211 4 10 f I 120 271 4 11 rt 80 217 4 13 M .. 211 4 15 37 .. 241 4 20 n 40 211 4 174 3S 40 201 4 17H 79 23S 4 20 7J 233 4 22V$ Wl 271 4 11 CI .. SM 4 23 07 .. 2S2 4 23 CI ,, SSI 4 21 70 80 ISS 4 33 41 371 I J.7 KI1EEP Movements for tha naat i Iiouih; ltecelpts , , ,,,, 1,193 Shipments ,,,.,. ..,..,.,.,,,,..,, Drive-outs ......'..,....,..,,1073 'lliero was hardly so much life to the market sesterday. Hut while tnlea were less active, there was fair trading, and prices wero genernlly steady. REPRESENTATIVE SALFS. No Av W, Price. 2J millions,,,.,,,, ,,,,.,,,,,,.,,101 Jl r, '.'17 muttons,,,, ,,,,,,, 90 283 I) muttons ,,.,, 91 2 1.7 119 muttons ,,,,,,,,,, .... SJ 275 101 muttons. , ,, ,.,.,.,,,.89 277 119 muttons..,. ,,...,.,. ,,,87 3(a) 130 teeders ,.,,,... 1,9 2 23 22 lambs ,....,. 1.1 3 30 21.1 New Mexican tails 7i 1 50 HOltbUS AND MULES-Movemints foi tbei past 21 hours; Receipts ,,., ,., 1G7 Shipments , .,,.,.,, 87 Drlie-outB , , 3 Xtiurci waa moru ll'u to too markut Xor this dns of stock yesterday thnn for som time. Horses and mules botli mcetlnir with a vers' good demand. A number of buyers were In from tho South, nnd there was an Improved demand for good drivers and toachcrn for Eastern sblpment. Therfi have been more nbod horses here this week thnn for sotno time, which helped tho mnrkot. Tho miction snips by tho Rtock sards horse and mulo market Tues day and jestprdny were! 31 fair to good Southern mares and geldings at $2l33! 20 light sttifl) nnd plugs nt Jlli?20 .10 strecters, $334"! IB drnft, J52 305ICO: 37 fnlr to good drivers, $l,50illi 10 carriage, horsos and conchers, $77fMtO: the bitter for a cholpvs aiilmnl. Privately: CO mules, IB to llty Hands, nt $35031, 20 tnnlps, 11 to 13 hnnds. nt $30; 21 mules, 13 to 15 hnnds, nt $13, aim 21 mules, 11 to U'i hands, at $13. We quote' Mules, 11 to H'4 hands..., $10 OOfs 40 00 Mules, 13 to 11's hands...! 50 00W 00 00 Mules, 10 to 16'i hands,,.., 63 00,1100 01 Horses Southern , 13 WW 33 00 Horses Strecters . 4 33 IWf 47 (1) Drivers .,., , ffl(H',il Drnft 1 40 llO'if S3 00 HORSES! SOLD AT AUCTION Tuesday, M pilnesd it and Thurttlsr of Each Meek at the lCmiftas City Stock Yards Horse and Mule Dept. W. K. TOtKIII mix, Jinn igPM. Hu nilreds of all clne of Horses sold at pri vate sale and at auction evu day. All slocK miit lie is re presented or no mlc Livii stuck tiv Tci.naiiAi'11. St. Louis, .Ton. OCATTLE Receipts, 3,000! shipments, 200. Market fairly active, steads'. Native stcirs, 1,000 pounds, JloOj 1,211 to l,li) pounds, $4.10'iT4aJ! light to nipdlum, J,!iV,i,3 9o: cows, Jloo Texas steers, fed, J3 30ij4.10! grass, JiloiiSIO! feil eows. JJS0fiJ25i native stockers anil feod ero. $l.s7fi1j3. IIOOS Reiplpts. . 12,000; shipments, l.non. Mnrkot netlve, irreg-ilarly f.TjIOc lower. Oooil to cholc heavy, $ I ."Oft 4 13! fair to good medium ai'd ml ted, $1 lOftl 23! com mon to indliury li,M, J1s04.uoi pigs, $3 50 yl iO SHEEP P.ecclpls. l,9i! shipments, 110110. JIatket active. P,r(2iv higher. Lambs, f 4 00 C1I2.1, shipp and lambs, $3 40, nitlip mlxnl sheep, J2.C05i3O3; Southwestern mixed, $2 23. Omnln, Jan. 9.-CATTLE Receipts, 3,000. Ileal y steers, particularly If n. trllle conrse, were a trllle slow of sale and weak. Hatch ers and earners' eows met with a good ac tive demand at full, strong prices. Veal ciliea avenged up steidy and the market for bulls, stags nnd rough Mock genernllv tiled Mini. Reeves, $1007127; stockcrs and feeders J 00 1 00; cow s, $1 001 1 00. HOGS Receipts, 9 000. Rushers were after the hogs with weight and quality, paving from $1.10 up to J4 .13 for fair to choleo heavv and medium weight loads, or very neirly stendy prices. Light and light mixed stuff ruled nbout 5c. lower than sesteu-dnv on nn avernge, with sales at from J3 73 up to $1 lo for poor to choice stun. Pigs and Yorkers sold unevenly and unsatisfactorily nt around $2,751(3110 The close was rather firmer on good hogs and nn early clenr nnco mnde the bulk of the dcsltiblo londs go nt $1 OOff IJ10, the same as on vcstcrclas'. SHEEP Receipts-, 1,000. Demand was good for desirable start and on such tho market was active nnd firm. Common nnd stock sheep were still low anil weak. Nn tlve mixed. $323, native ewes, $300; natlvo lambs, $3 73 Chicago. Jan. 9. CATTLE Receipts. 13, 000 The run was below expectations. That fact and the adiance of 'fcc In tho London mirket hid a atimul itlng effect on the de mand mid checked nns- tendencs to weak ness. Prices were ngiln strong for butch ers nnil c mnci-s' stock nnd fnlrls steady for Meers, Cows helfer3 and bulls sold prin cipally nt JJ 2351.123 and the bulk of tho diessed beef and shipping steers changed hinds at $3 T" ffi Ti 00 There were several trades at $3 J.lfi.", 70, nnd a few at still bet ter llgures Extra heifers and bulls sold around $1 00 and a few scala.w.1' cows wero closed out at $1 301(1 73 HOOS Receipts. 43 iKVS Thero was com parative steadiness lu the mniket. Light hogs sold stronger and there wns a pretty general willlngncsft to pay sesterdiv's price for medium nnd heavy weights. Tho supply was large, but there were not moro good hogs than the mnrket demind called for. Prom J3 73 to $1.10 win. pild for 1707!) 200 pound hogs, nnd Jl J374 70 wns the rango for 2"07330 pounds. Almost the entire sup ply changed bands at $IOeffi4fO Sales at better than $4 CO wero scattering; prlmo heivv bogs being scarce SHEEP Receipts. 15 000. Nothing remiln cd unsold of scsterdas's 9.000, and bus'ers were ready for the 10,000 rpecived to-tliy. The market was steadv all ells' and prlcei remained unchanged. Thpnngp of quota tions for sheep wis from $1.5053 75, tho bulk sellnu nt $2 233 27 LAMBS Brought a 2350, tho bulk of sales being at $1 301 1 33. NEW PASSENGER SERVICE. rrom ICniiinn City Vlu tho llurllnirton Ilontc. "DENVER SPECIAL" leaves Kansas City dalls 10 50 a m , solid train; arrives Dpnver 7 20 a m. "HURLINGTON NEW LINE. VIA BIL LINOS," for l'uget Sound nnd Pacltlo Coast from Kulibaa City, leaves at 10 5i) a. m. dally. This lino gives patrons on opportunity to Hot Springs, South Dakota, Blade Hills and Yellowstone Park nnd It Is tha short line between Kansas Cltv and Hel ena bv 3S5 mlle-b. Hutto 315 miles, ispokano 474 miles, Seattle 140 mile, and Tacoma 145 miles. This Is the roost marvelous scenic routo nnd perhaps the most Interesting across tho continent. Round trip tickets to all Pacific Coast points via this lire. For full Information address n. C. Orr. Burlington Routo. ICansna Cits'. Mo. DAILY AND SUNDAY JOURNAL. JL 1'niiDlur Paper ut 11 Popular' Price. Teluplinnc U50. LKGXL M) TICKS. (First publication Jnnuuiy 10, 1893) NOTICE OF TltliaTISirrs SALE hute ns. on April J7th, 1SS9, Junius O'Nell and Ella O'Nell made, tuccctiti it uul deilieitnl their deed of trust for thu nuipoao ot se curing tho pasme-nt of two bonds, 01111 for thu cum uf $l'i,00iL tho other for tho sum of $3,000, in eald deed of trust dcscilbed, which last mentioned bund has been puld, wherein they conveyed to thu undersigned, David H. Ettien, truste-e, tho follow Intf eles.crlbed real ebtnte, sltlinteel lu thu Counts- of Jackson, und Stutu of Missouri, to. wit: The nmt one bundled (100 feet of lot number twelvo (12). of block number Miven (7), In Rico's addition to tho City of Kaunas (now Kansia City), .MIssouil, ac cording to u retorded plut thoieof, to gether with ull thu Improvements them unto tielotufinBj and whuraiH, on tho 27th day of April, 1889, at 3,40 o'clock 11. 111 , raid dood of trust was duly reoorilod In Hook H No. J37, ut pnq 3JS, of tho rtic-ortls of tald JaekKon counts-, Missouri; and, whereas, t,id deed of trust pi 01 Ides that upon non-payment of tho debt seemed by tsald deed of trust hy thu makors thortKif, tho property therein described may bo bold by thu trustee lor tliu ptirriotiQ of mUlns the monev to pay tho diilit tbnnhy he. cured, und, whetrcas. ruld bond for $19000 Is tioir past duu and unpuld, now, then. fore, public nutlctj Is huiuby glim that I. tha uniiersiaiKd, David II. Ettien, tint tnrsteo t.imeil In tald dee-il of ti nut. undet and by vlituu of thu uutjiorlty vustud In mo by Slid deed of ttust, ut tho lenuest of thu ovvnvrs of said bond. wli plnL,ed to mil tho ubovo described real estate, at puMlo vendue, to tho highest bidder, for ,",ash' ' ot tho fiont door of O10 building In tho Cltv of Knnsas (now Kansas Cits), Missouri, In which tho circuit court of tsald Jackson count v Is held, on Saturday, tha -nil iju of Pibruury, 1893. between tha liours of 9 o'clock in tho fotennon und B o clock In the afteinoon of snld day for tho purposo of riilslng tho money to pay tho uinouut of raid Indebtedness, with In teres; and costs of executing this trust DAVID 11, ETTIEN. Trustee mnUY & SMALL. Attnri,eV: ru8,eo- TRPSTEIT-S 8ALE-VJ,ereas, default has been made In the payment of the T two cer! tain iiPLrnti.-elilp ,.i.n,ljun. .. ...:..:. v. scr ,'el er. tils wile. .Ht..,i 1-.1. ,;,. "?.i"-' liien tor record In the oflleo of ilia recorder of deeds In unit for Jatkson county silt. ourl, nt Kansas City, MIwouil IVuriiirJ 9th, 1847, and recorded a book ll ny m at page 181.. I will, aworuance. wi.h xVl ... . - .. -. vuiuui.v 01 11 nml terms pt said Heed of trust, at the feiiueil M'nunn.l ..1 ' All of the couth half of the southwest' Quaf. terof section twenty-four (JO, In townshn forty-nlnu (19). In rango thlrty-thre H S Jackson county (except that portion there!! of takm and eonvejed for railway tracks ,rt hmiu.. .1 .. the City of Kansas (now Kansas city vis! fcourl), being the touth front door or tha J ickspn county court house, In KansSa City, In the county of Jaekson statcafore. S.llil for l Ilh ilti litau, nt l?.i .T.T "! 189a between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon und tlvt) o'c ock in tha after noon of that day, to sutisfy und pay Vald notes and nterest and tho tost of ecutii 2 tbia ttuat. UWUX K, E6S, Twtca M .mUtf..M'.w. visjji. sa i,i4a.,jis - ;.r.a .t4fts?iMiii iiiiiiim'tiiTi ffr- sSI&mmmm