Newspaper Page Text
"SWiPRW THE KANSAS CITY J OUltNAL. THURSDAY .lANl'AKY 10, I8D.". V n LEWELLING'S ADIEU. Continued I'rtim first t'rnt. etMern Katmis and employment of depu ties, he nays legislation Is. sorely needed to Jirevent or regulate tho creation of prlsnlc armies of deputies. To relievo' the supreme court he ndvo rales a court of appeals whose Jurisdiction It lo bo ilnul In a large class of bases. Ilelleses In t'nxeylsm. Ho advocate the Coxey plan of giving notk on the roads lo tho unemployed, pay ment lo be nude hi local scrip. Defends his famous tramp circular and pays his design was lo enable men to travel In search of work without helng arrested for not having found It. He declares that during the great railroad ptrlke of last summer the federal courts Usurped power and turned loose In Kansas o military subject only lo federal Judiciary and that the governor of Kansas was treat ed with no more consideration than gov ernors of Confederate, states by generals of the Confederate army coming from stibju cation In time of war. The Woodless War. lie gives at length, his story ot the legis lative war of two years ago, In which he declares tho Html adjustment of the trouble ramo through the general solicitor of the Santa Fe railroad, In whom the "governor elected bv the people had finally discovered the chief executive of the revolution uy state government." Ho ended the con tllct of tho people against their masters for a lime. The retiring executive has not changed his opinion as to tho merits of the controversy or the propriety of his own nets nor of tho acts of the supreme court decision. The episode will become historic h the Bunker Hill of the conflict between man ami mammon. Hy history the execu tive Is willing to be Judged, Hm retiring rxccntlve will let posterity Judge his ad ministration. ,, ,, , With the earnest hope, gentlemen, that your acts ut the present session may prove bctiellclal to the whole people and with charity towards all and malice toward none," I bid you adieu. Proceeding In the House. The house was called to order at 2 o clock 1y Speaker Lolnlell. After prayer by the chaplain. In which he sent up a fervent petition for tho speaker, the house dis pensed with the reading of tho Journal, and proceeded at once to the Introduction of hills. Forty-one bills were Introduced, which shows tliat tho house Is not likely to lower tho record of previous legislatures In the number of bills introduced. The following are the most important measures Introduced: House bill No. 1, Introduced by Cubblson, of Wyandotte, Is to prohibit lotteries. It provide that any one engaging In the lot tery business in any form shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction shall be pun ished by Imprisonment in the penitentiary not more than three years. This bill was, on motion of Mr. Cubblson, read a second time and referred to the committee of the whole house. House bill No. 2, Introduced by Cubblson, makes the keeping of a gambling house or table a felony, punishable by imprison ment In the penitentiary. This was also read a second time and referred to commit tee or the whole. , House bill No. :i, Introduced by Cubblson, makes private gambling a felony. House bill No. I, Introduced by Cubblson, makes pool selling n misdemeanor. House bill No. 5, Introduced by Ballinger, of Coffey county, In relation to state print er provides for numerous reductions in tho pi'lces of printing. The prico of folding is reduced one-half, composition Is reduced from SO cents to 73 cents per 1,000. press work, from iiO cents to 23 cents per token, Hlndlng is reduced 20 per cent from, present prices. House bill No. (!, by Seaton, of Atchison, provides for the expenditure of $85,000 for additional buildings and heating equip ment, lighting, workshop, water supply and sewerage at the Soldiers' Orphans' homo at Atchison. ... House bill No. 7 provides for uniform text books, to be selected by a board con-t-lstlns of the chancellor of the university, president or state normal school and super intendent of publlo Instruction. House bill No. S, by Frazler, of Harvey, makes the keeping of a gambling house or liouso of 111-reputo a misdemeanor. House bill No. S, by Frazler, provides that countv treasurers shall furnish the town ship board an ofllclal statement of moneys paid or subjected to order of tho township treasurer. House bill No. 10, by Frazler, provides for reapportionment of Ftute Into congres sional districts. Under this bill the state would be districted as follows: First district, Doniphan, Ilrown, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Jackson, Atchison. Leaven worth it ml Jefferson. Second district Wyandotte, Johnson, Noughts. Miami, Franklin, Anderson and Linn. Third dbttrict Hourbon, Allen, Crawford, Neosho, Wilson, Cherokee, Labette and Montgomery. Fourth dlstifkit Osago, Shawnee, Wa baunsee, Lyon, Morris, Marlon, Chase, Colfey, Woodson and Greenwood. Fifth district Marshall, Washington, fte publlc, 'loiid, Ottawa, Clay, Riley, Geary, Dickinson and Saline. Sixth district Jewell, Smith, Phillips, Norton, Decatur, llawllns, Cheyenne, Sherman, Thomas. Sheridan, Graham, Rooks, Osborne, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ells worth, liussell. Fills, Trego, Gove, Logan and Wallace. Seventh district nice, Barton, Rush, Ness, liiue, Scott, Wichita, Greeley, Ham ilton, Kearney, Finney, Hodgeman, Paw nee, Stafford, Hono, Kingman, Pratt, Kd wards, Kiowa, Ford, Gray, Haskell,, Grant, Ptan'ton, Morton, Stevena, Seward, Meade, Clark, Comanche and Hurber. Eighth district Tho balance of tho coun ties of the state. House bill No. 11, by Frazler, provides for state uniformity of text books. liouso bill No. 12, by Frazler, Is an Ir rigation bill. It provided that any person or corporation who shall maintain u, pond of the area of forty square yards from May 1 lo September 1 mum have a reduc tion In taxes at the rate of CO cents per squaro rod, House bill No. 13, by Frazler, Is for regu. latlng salaries of county commissioners. Under Its provisions commlsloners will re ceive from $100 to $S() per year, according to tho imputation of tho counties. House bill No. H, by Sherman, proposes to repeal tho law creating a board of par dons. House bill No. 15, by Sherman, proposes to do away with tho circuit Court of Shaw nee county. Housa bill No. 16, by Sherman, proposes to dispense with tho sfute veterinary sur geon. House bill No. 17, by Sherman, cuts down th fees charged by telegraph companies. HoubO bill No. IS. by Lupfer, of Pawnee, provides for uniform text books, to bo se lected by a bouril consisting of two per sons appointed by tho governor and the ftate superintendent of public instruc tion. Housa bill No. 20, by Lupfer, provides for taxation of bonds and mortgages. House bill No. 22, by llutler, provides for tho creation of two courts of appeals. House bill No. 23, by Veule, icgulates the fees of certain ollleers of Shawnee county, House bill No. 23, by Lough, amends the road law and provides for levying a speclnl road tax. Houso bill No. 27, by Cannon, provides for the diversion or water from streams for Irrigation purposes. House bill No. 20, by Gardenhlre, grants the right to eiect mid malutuln dams across the Kansas liver by Ihe Topeka Light Company. Home bill No, SO. by Gardenhlre, provides for a court of appeals. House bill No. 21, by Gaideuhlre, relates to contracts for the conditional bale of street railway equipment. House bill No. 22, by Ourdenhlre, makes the bale of cigarettes to minors a misde meanor. House bill No. 33, by Gardenhlre, prohib its any state, county or municipal oliicer fiom receiving a railroad pas. House bill No. 31, by Gardenhlre, provides fur a levy to complete the building of the state house. Uouso bill No. Ij. by, iUcktUicb, pro- poses to repeal the metropolitan police law. House hill No. X by Howes, of Otark.reg Ulates fees and salaries In Clark county. liouso bill No. 37, by Harklcy. provides that no one shall he eligible In the ollice of county superintendent of publlo In struction unless he has a slate certificate or diploma from slate university, normal school or agricultural college. House bill No. .V), by Haines, makes tho bribery of ofllcluls n felony, House bill No. ff, by Ibilllnger, provides for uniform assessment and taxation. House bill No. lo. by Itemler, provides that every corporation organized under the laws of Kansas shall ha compelled to keep Its general oillces In the state. House bill No, 1.1, by Hopkins, provides for Ihe regulation of sleeping car rales, Under this bill mil over one-half cent per mile can bo charged for distances not ex ceeding 2(0 miles for loner berth and half that amount for upper berth. House bill No. II, by llucklln, provides for the furnishing of seed wheat to Indi gent farmers. House hill No. 43, by Allen, provides Hint tho holding of a government license lo sell Intoxicating liquors shall be prima facie evidence against defendant In cases of prosecution for Illegal pale of liquors. House bill No. 4G, by Pancake, relates to formation of school districts and provides for changing the boundaries thereof. Mr. Henedlct, of Wilson county, objected lo the reference of bills to Committee of the whole without going through the hands of the proper committee. This objection was made to the motion of .Mr. Hopkins that the bill relating to state printing be read a second time and referred to the committee of the whole house. White, of Atchlon. and Trueblood, of Osngc, also entered their objection. The reading of the governor's message occupied some two hours of the time of the house. Tho Republican members lis tened patiently until the clerk reached that part of the message explaining and defending his action during tho legislative troubles of 'M. At this point llutler. of Hourbon, Interrupted. He said he was will ing to listen with respect as long ns the governor kept within proper bounds, but when he went out of his way to criticize and malign the Republican members of that house and state oltlclnls he would listen no longer. He, therefore, moved that the further reading of the message bo Indcllnltcly postponed. Spenker Pio Tern Cubblson, who was In the chair, ruled tho motion out of order. Frazler. of Har vey, wanted to know It the speaker ruled that the house was compelled to sit nnd listen to the messnge. Hopkins entered his objection, but tho chair ordered the reading continued. After the reading Colonel Vealc moved that the message be referred to the proper com mittees of the house and that part referring to tho Dunsmore house be referred to thnt body for consideration. The motion pre vailed. Colonel Wnrner had previously moved that the messnge be printed. The message or the governor was re ceived by the Republican members with mingled ridicule nnd Indignation. A resolution providing for five nddltlonal assistants for the sergeant-at-arms was In troduced by Colonel Vealc. House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow. Sennit Proceedings. Topeka, Kas.. Jan. 9. (Speclnl.) The senate convened at 10 o'clock this morn ing and proceeded at once to the order or business. A letter was read from Senator Price, of Atchison county, announcing his Ill ness, and upon motion an Indefinite leave of absence was granted him. A resolution by Senator Drown provid ing that the senate committees be Increased by the addition of a committee on Irriga tion, to consist of live members, went over under the rule3 for one day. A resolution was adopted providing a prlvato secretary for the president of the senate, as also were resolutions granting use ot the senate chamber for the state printer caucus and for the reception to state ofllcers. McTaggnrt was first on his feet with a bill when that order was reached, and he had launched three before he took his seat. One was amendatory to the crimes statute: one was for the regulation ot fees nnd salaries of county olllcors In Montgomery county, and one provides for the cutting ot hedges at the Intersection of public highways and railroads. Senator Dlllard came next with fourteen rfew bills, catalogued as follows: Act to regulate appellate courts; In referenco to police commissioners In cities; to amend certain sections of law In the civil code ns to admission of attorneys to practice; fix ing fees of county otllcers in Hourbon county: amendment to act fixing sal aries; to amend act apportioning sena torial districts: providing for levy upon and sale of corporate stock; to repeal cer tain sections and provide for the deter mining of tie votes In elections; to protect llsh; to limit time of action on civil con tracts; to remove disabilities ot certain persons; to enforce liabilities of stock holders In corporations. Senator Shearer came next with bills to regulate mutual Insurance companies; In relation to taxation and assessment; to amend acts relating to liens; to amend act providing for printing of election but. lots at publlo expense; to regulate, stock yards; providing for penalties for accept ing bribes. Hy Hi own: To provide for preservation of election returns. Hy Taylor: To prohibit lotteries; to pro hibit gambling; to prevent sale ot llqnor to punish bribery; to prohibit bookmaklnn and poolselliug. Hy Thacher: Defining duties ot reporter of tho supremo court. Hy Cooke: To provide for distribution of ballots; to provide for building reser voirs and creating the otlice of pond com missioner; to complete certain work at the state Industrial school nt Ilelolt. Hy Uakcr: Relating to railroad passes; limiting corporations lit bonding prop erty: pertaining to the state coal mine ut Leavenworth, Hy Carpenter: To prevent trespass In orchard enclosures. Hy Jumper: Fixing railroad rates and preventing reduction from lates llxed by law; regulating salaries of ofllcers in Osage county. Hy .Morgan: Relating to mortgages and amending certain laws. A resolution was Introduced by Senatar Householder proposing an amendment to the constitution. This measure Is for the resubmission of the so-culled woman suf frage amendment. A resolution Introduced by Senator Dll lard provides for the holding of a constitu tional convention. A resolution by Senator Drawn provides (or laws prohibiting ollielals from accept. Ing gifts, This Is probably leveled nt the custom of accepting railroad passes, A resolution by Senator Shearer provides for tho to-called "referendum" system of adopting laws. A resolution by Senator Drown instructs tho United States senators from Kansas to work for an Interstate system of Irrigation and requests the congressmen from Kan-sag to lend Ihe samu uld, The president announced us tho commit tee on rules, Scnutors King, Householder, Dlllard, Thacher and Dennlsoi,, The governor's private secretary appeared with the message of his excellency, and up on'inotlun the reading thereof was proceed ed with. The message consumed two hours of time and (bo presiding oliicer sel a shocking bad example to the body of the senuto by dropping on? to sleep. Several passages were greeted with merriment on the Republican side, and at one or two per orations applause was heard. After passing some resolutions looking o the comfort of the members adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock to-moriuw mom. ''"' STATE PRINTERSHIP SETTLED, Major Hudson Receive tho Caucus .N'ninl. uatlou on the Secoud luilot. Topeka, Kas., Jun. (.-(Special.) The Re publican caucus for the purpose of deter mining upon u candidate for stute printer assembled In the senate chamber to-night and organized by electing Representative W. D. Tucker as chairmun und Representa tive (. II. Tucker as secretary, It was decided unanimously that no uomluutlug speeches bo made. Mcrldlth, ot Reno; Powcri, ( Cowlcyj Karst of GJuae, aud tiHiimiHnniMiiiu tUOLUABlJl PAD CALENDAR Por STrX IRQ A Desk is n necessity most convenient kind ol stot chouse for mcmotamla. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest ol all lull n( dainty silhouettes and pen sketches anil cntett.iininp, thoughts on outdoor exctcise and jnort. Occasionally reminds you ol the supttb quality ol Columbia Ui' cycle and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed lor five 2-ccnt stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFO, CO., M,Btim thl rrrr. Hartford, Conn. Ml Mill I III II II I IHIH Onrdenhlre, of Shawnee, were selected as tellers, and, without even n candidate be Ing named to the caucus, the llrst ballot was taken and resulted ns follows: J, K. Hudson, .11: F.d P. Greer, 17; George W. Crane, 21; A. L. Spouslcr, 10; total vote, 10.". Tho second ballot was nl once taken, with the, following result: Hudson, t',3; Greer, 13; Crane, 2i; Sponsler, B. Upon motion, the nomination of Major Hudson was made unanimous. Upon mo tion, It was decided to reassemble at 8 o'clock on Wednesday, Jnnunry 1(5, for the purpose ot nomlnutlng a United States senator. Levelling tn He Answered. Topeka, Kas., Jan. 9. (Speclnl.) The Re publicans of the house regard the message of Governor Dewelllng ns a political stump speech and beneath the dignity of an oc cupant of the gubernatorial chair. They do not propose to allow It to go unrebuked nnd arrangements are being perfected for a "field day" In the house, when his ex cellency will be answered to a finish. INDEPENDENCE. This City Is Without an Ofllrlnl to rrosc cnto Criminal Cases Relief for Nebraska Sufferers. Since the new salnry law went Into effect Independence lias been without n prosecuting attorney. Mr. A. M. Ott, who held the ollice under Marcy Iv. Brown, retired on January 1, nnd cases of a criminal nature have had to be postponed on that account. It Is under stood that Mr. Hrown.' the present nct ing prosecuting nttnrney. will submit his list of deputies on Friday ot this week, nnd Mr. Ott expects to receive the ap pointment for Independence. A Relief Committee. In response to a call from tho Ne braska sulTerers, Mnyor Orlnter bus named a committee to solicit arid re ceive subscriptions. Tho committee will after securing sufficient money and pro visions forward the same to McCook, .Neb., where there Is grout suffering. The committee named by the mayor nro ns follows: G. I,. Compton,"W. T. Hearne, J. Y. fiercer, C. Jackson, H. F. Lewis, XT. A. Cunningham. A. Ii. McCoy, Thomas James, Knopker nnd Xngle and John "W. Davis. Air T.tno Conductors Remembered. The patrons of the Air nine railroad remembered I. A. Jnckson and Newt Willams, two Air Line conductors, yes-tci-dav. Mr. Jackson and Mr. "Williams are the oldest conductors on tho road. A purse of $10 in gold wiih given each conductor as a testimonial of apprecia tion, nnd the sift was gracefully r-eolv-ed with happy speeches. Miscellaneous. Rev. J. II. riper returned yesterday from Illinois, where he has been the guest of relatives. A marriage license was issued yester day to Riley M. Fine and MKs Tina Taylor, both of Jackson county. Miss A'erelln Mathews, of Tarklo, Mo., is the guest of Miss Sheley, nt her home on North Liberty street. How Ryland Is holding revival services nt the Westminster Presbyterian church. A service Is held in the afternoon at ? o'clock. Miss Mury "Worlej-. of Grandvlew, Is tho guest of Independence friends. The work of harvesting the ice crop was commenced yesterday by Indepen dence dealers. The Ico Is from six to eight Inches thick. A meeting of the Mothers' Club will be held this afternoon nt II o'clock nt tho Ott school building. All ladles nro In vited to attend this meeting. The lakes nt F.ilrmount aud Washing ton parks swarmed with skaters yester day afternoon and evening. Tho union meeting was held last night at the Delaware Street M. K. church. The service to-night will be held nt the Cumberland church. Rev. Mr. Proctor will conduct the service. For the benefit ot Independence resldonts. the Chicago & Alton railroad has arranged to stop all Its trains, both through and local. In both directions, at Independence station. In uddltlnn to this, the Alton has announced a list ot commutation rates In effect between Kansas City and Independ ence, which are extremely liberal. This new move on thp part of the Alton Is very welcome to Independence people, and will usslst materially In enhancing tho value of property In the vicinity of the Alton de pot for residence purposes. Ask nt any of the. following ticket ptllces for tbu little commutation rate and timo table: Grand Junction ticket olllco. Union depot. Grand avenue" depot, or No. 103s Union avenue, Kansas City. Mo., or Independenestatlon. aen'l Ag't. Pass. Hep't. Kansas City. II. O. 8TIDHAM. Ae't. Independence. Kansas City, Mo., January 518'jj. l.!Ulh Hospitality, noston Gazette: "Ho euro you let me know If you ever como to -" said a pret ty little Western woman, who had received a good deal ot attention In New York, to her various ncoualntunces when she bade them udleu. So when Mrs. 7, decided to go to California for the winter und con cluded to tuko en route, she enlarged considerably to her party akin her friend ship with Mrs. S , "I um sure Mollle will do everything she can to make it pleasant for us," she said again and again. "It Is so nlco to have someone you know well when you go to a strange place." Ho Immediately on her arrival she sent a note to her friend, who arrived piomptly next morning aud gave her a most effuirive meeting, "Shall you be hern long?'' she hundred. "Over Sunday? How delightful! How many are there In your party? Four? Oh, that is Just a pleasant number, isn't ll? 1 want ou all lo some," and us Mrs, , - listened expectantly for an Invitation tu a dinner, or some sort of festlvily, she continued, "to our pew at St, O.'a Sunday morning. Jt Is very large and there is Plenty of room for you all." Poor Mrs. A has not yet heard the last of (he great udyautugt) ot knowing her friend Mollle S . Tlio Opera tu Chicago. Chicago Tribune: Romantlcus "Ah, thu days when a man could order Ids coach and four have gone, never more to return." Piactlcallcus "yes, alas. It Is now a eje of coach und five. At least, that Is whut I have to pay every time I take a giu to the opera, or dance-' ' v CS:-',p : v. ;?l , You IM 'MiflH ' Need 1SIJP I It. ' I LIKE MY WIFE TO I Use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder because, it 1 Improves her looks snd li as Iraqrant as violets. I ii iimwiil iwmm in 'i ii, mi imiwliiiwiiiilHl !! OF INTEREST TO STOCKMEN llll'.DINO WIIHAT TO STOCK IIOCs NOT AI.W.WK PltllVi: S.tTIII'ACTOItY. II Is Itencllrlut In Voting and limiting Animals, but Due Not 1'iillru Ihe Ma turing Ones .Many I'm lie .Smv Coming llrrel'rnin .Mitlro. Wheat feeding In slock In KiinsnR Is not giving satisfaction lit nil cus-s. Td, of Ottawa county, who wan hoi-o with hugs yestetday, miy It has been pretty generally fed In his1 county, und thnt tvlillu It will do for young and growing stock, It Is n disappointing feed for older nml maturing unliuuR Ha re ports but 10,000 cutlle mi feed lit the county this winter, while ordinarily (he county cat ties 25,nou cattle. Hogs nro pretty well shipped out. Mexican cattle shipments seem lo bo a regular tiling now. Shoemaker & Tutlle hud In another train yesterday from Chlliuahun, anil they were pretty good grnss cuttle. There were Ml steers, which iiverngcd J.M pounds, und were sold by the Zeli F, Crlder Commission Company nt In tho Armour Puck lug Company, equal to Jlil.M por head, a price that must encourage the trade between hcle nnd Mexico, as the cuttle In that country u:e very cheap. There were several lots of choice ex port entile In yesterday. G. M. Ousev, of Henry county. Mo., was here with twelve rancy Shorthorn steers of his own feeding averaging 1,3(17 pounds. They were sold by Soiling & Tumblvn at J.'.on, the highest price of the day. There were forty-three cars of cuttle taken here Tuesday for New York and tho export trade. Mat'nck ,t Slnybaok, Schell City, Mo., were In yesterday with cattle and hogs. II. S. Hlshop, Tnngunoxle. Kns came In with cattle and hogs yesterday. O. J. Hess, Halifax, Kus., wns In yes terday with cattle. J. N. Stewart, McCunc, Kas., had In cattle yestcrdus. A. II. Shaffer, Fulton, Kas., came In yesterdny with cattle. J. W. , Fulton & Son, Dennlsnn, Kas., were in yesterdny with cattle. Leonard Nelson, Kacklcy, Kas., was hero yesterday with cattle and hogs. Hose & Noel, Ohlowa, Neb., wore at the. yards yesterday with cattle and hogs. O. C. Dart, Southwest City, .Mo., was In yesterday with hogs. T. S. I.ongstreet, Colony, Kus., had In cattle and hogs yesterday. P.. L. Wilson, Atlanta. Kas., was on the yards yesterday with cattle and hogs. D. MePherson, Provo, t. T was here yesterday with three loads of cattle. They were alfalfa fed and In good feeder condition. Tho twenty-five steers aver aged 1,014 pounds and were sold by Duke. Lennon & Harrington ut $3.00. and the forty-four yearlings averaged r".G pounds and brought J2.M. Temple Hros., Springer, N. M had in cattle yesterday. Carson & Osliorne. Kmporla, ICns., came In yesterday with cattle. W. J. Coleman. Golden City, Mo., was nl the v.irds yesterday with cattle AVhetder & Hlgglns. A. T. Lustle, F. M. Falkner and Ileyser Hros., Amnrillo, Tex., were up yesterday with cattle. Colonel W. L. Tnmblyn. of Chicago, was here yesterday visiting his son, George Tamblyii. Hrockway & llunniin. Wollsvlllo, Kau., had in cattle yesterday. John Gorman, Fulton. Kas., was In yesterday with cattle and hogs. A. W. Hostwlck, A'un Huron, Ark., was at tho yards yesterday with cattle. G. W. Jenkins, Nora, Kas., had In hogs yesterday. Simpson ,fc Ilnsenyngor, Long Island. Kas., came in yesterday with cattle and hogs. Hill & Rrinknian, Stafford, Kas., were at the yards yesterday, with hogs. I'. Hulger, Keelvllle, Kas., was here yesterday with hogs. George DeCow. Meade, Kas., came In yesterday with bogs. The Short Cut. Figaro: The Suez canal Is only eighty eight miles long, but It reduces the dis tance from Kngland to India by sea nearly 1,000 miles. I.o Angclcb Through Car. Commencing Sunday, January 13, the Union Pacific will place In service a mngnllleent vestibuled Pullman palace sleeping ear, lighted with Plutsrh gas and heated hy steam, to run through from Kansas City lo Los Angeles every day In the year.Ieaingon the California fust train al 9:30 a. in. This car passes through Denver. Cheyenne, Ogden, Sue rumentn, nrrlvliii? in Los Angeles atS:30 u. m. Splendid scenery; only Pullman palace dining car mute to Los Angeles. Ofllces 1000 Main sti.-et. 103S Union live., and Union station. Telephones 1103 nnd 10S. pi'iitsn.VAL. Sol Smith Russell is at the Coates. H. M. Christian, St. Paul, is nt the Coates. 1). A. Hray. City of .Mexico, Is at the Coates. I). Goodlunder, Rockford, Is at the Coates. T. J. Cnlrns, Minneapolis, Is ot the Coates. L. D, Parker, Rock Island, Is at the Coates. C. Ii. Sexton, St. Louis, Is at the Coates. M. Meller, Kngland, Is at the Coates. T. M. Hrlggs, San Antonio, Is nt the Coates. J. P. Hrown, New York, is at the Coates. Georgo Lay, St. Louis, Is at the Hotel Victoria. Fied Hoffmlster. St. Louis, Is at the Hotel Victoria. .Mrs. C. W. Wlnteis, Fort Worth, Is nt tho Hotel Victoria. L. F. Sheldon, Sndullu, Mo is at the Hotel Victoria. P. C. .lonsen, Albert Lee, Wis,, Is nt the Hotel Victoria. F. A. Fuller, Pittsburg, Kas., Is at the Hotel Victoria. Mr, Churles lllood Smith and Mr. J. W. diced, of Topeka, were in the city yester day to attend tho funeral ot J. Kirk John ston, C. W. Dunaway. of Hutchinson, Kas., Ii ut tho New Albany. J, S. Smith, ot llushong, Kas., Is at the New Albany. H, S. Onley, of Rcutrlce, Nub,, Is at the New Albany, Georgo Stlllwell, of Osawatomle, Kas., was at the New Albany yesterday. J, " lloyd, of llutler, Mo., Is ut the New Alb&y, d RETAINS RUPTURE WHEN ALU OTHERS FAIL. Tbe Dr. Ilarver Human Hand Truss. JUST UKE US1NQ YOUR FINGERS tOO KNOW HOW THAI 131 For DcJCTt!?e Circular AdJrosl It, I. PKAUSO.M ,l CO., gone iUx'ru.. Kuito iiuiuiit'. Kansas car, mo. PILES ITCHING PILES WAYNE'S OINTMENT AESOHrrELT CURB. TUITSSim-Uil.tlirel Utcfu Itehlu ana w.vjl MDtlsuv tumor form una protrude lEStf UfcifWMrtU ItlfcUUtt tor-.ttWrtllHl Stji Nfrtnniwi ?L. CI.ASMI'IHH AlVi:itllsi:Mi:M" in the Journal nte rhitmcil nt "limit- ol 10 renin per line. Ml sronU siMtnltr initio- n 1 tup. Thin I'hnruc l tor clnmll1cntlttn esprpl "l'eriunl" nnd "t'lnlrvoj nntft," ublcli nro in itiiI tier line. tllM'r,AVi:t AHVHH OMt.MI In Hie rlnnsllled I'liliinilin, If, cints per Hue, unllit iinitlc niciiKtirp, .No cutis InUrti. WANTKU-MAI.n HUM. w'vw Nyv'N .-.,- WANTKD-Tr.ivfllnn: salesmen lo can. vuim the undo In Iowa. Indiana and Illi nois for it No. I nollliu; article as u fide line: jells llielf on slKht; -'" per cent com nilMlnn, KiiinplcH ftee. Addicts the Ad Jimtnlile Shade llaiiBer MfK. Co., Chamber of Commerce bldii., Kntisun City, Ku. WANTHD-Immedlntely: three news iirent' on railroad. Call on Southern Hall way News Company, 101S Union nve. WANTHD-2 ynllntr mens IlKhl ttotk: J10 weekly. 9 West Ath t. I iium l. WANTKD 3 young men nf pood, sober linbltSi $12 per week, fill) .Main at. WANTKD-fiii team?. M. M. DKNNINO, No, S Grand ttve. WANTKtl AliK.M'ff. WANTHI) Mottled electricity for catarrh nnd pain; want agents, Maynaid &. Co., Cincinnati, O. to nn.T nottsKs. TO HKN'T A nice three loom dwelllni:, only four blocks from .Minnesota and within one block or two street car lines. Call at the Journal blanch ollice. In tho Chamber of Commerce bids. TO HUNT The very pretty (5 room cot taRc, No. 310; Hnberti St.; rent, $11 por month. Apply to I,. .Mnlse, at the Journal ollice. Telephone No. 2."0. TO IlKNT IIOOJU. TO HI3NT One decant olllco room and one suite In the Journal bide Hent rea sonable. Apply to the Journal Co. MOMSY TO LOAil. MONRY TO LOAN City Improved loans made, 6 to C per cunt Interest, accordliiK to klze. I'arm loans nt higher rates, an nual Interest, within 100 miles, promptly closed. James L. Lombard, Heist bide. B AND 6 IMHt CI3KT money on huslness, residence nml farm property; unusually fa vorable terms. Apply to Homer Heed or Theo.Nnsh.100G Hroadwny, op. Coates house. LOANS made on good Improved city property, business or residence, at reason able rates. .Money on band. K. 13. Holmes & Co., f.07 New KiiKland bldR. THANSI.'KU COMIW.VIE33. cdLs7TTrowi jhnTiTtowx President. Vice President. K. L. HARRIS, Secretary. MIDLAND TRANSFER CO. Frelnht and haKfraKo trauferrcd to and from all depots, l'-urnltnre moved and packed by experts. W and 40!) Wyandotto St., Kan sas City. -Mo. Tel. 1517. 91 MX ICO. 1 IIAVK unusual racllllies for furnishing reliable information about laud, laws, taxes, patents, mines und general nffnlrs for .Mexico, Central Ameilca nnd West In dies. Correspondence solicited. Tel. 2023 day, or .1.T evenings for engagements. Hilward II. Young, Exchange building. BUSIMOSS CHAXCES. FORTUNES made dally by speculation; markets low; grasp this opportunity to in crease your Income by successful specula tion in grain, stock, provisions: our latest manual mailed free. J. S. Level, banker and broker. 2U Ilialtn, Chicago. FOIl KAI.E-HEA1, II.STATC. FOR SALE !)-room modern liriek In Dundee place, on Foiost avenue; corner lot, fi0xl.r.() ft.; east front; price, $7.fHO; a very desirable louailou and a great bargain. SLOAN fc TRL'ITT. 12 East 9lh st. CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. L. JA.MES, the well know clnir voyant und trance medium, may be con sulted at 1203 Grand ave.; parlors 59 and 40. HAKES. SAFES opened and repaired, bought anil sold. Combination locks cleaned and changed. IS. IIARRICAN, Expert, Telephone 1281. 103 East Tenth st. TO ItCXT JIISCELLAXUOUS. TO RENT Elegant oillces In the Journal bldg. at reasonable rates. Apply to the Journal Co. IIESTAUIIAXTS. IF YOU wan cood. old-fashion butter. milk or cream, go to McCllntock's restau rant, H20 Walnut street. HOUSES AND VEHICLES. HORSES wintered S5 per month, sent for and returned. MARK S. SALISUURY, Independence, ilo. ELECTRICAL MMJCIAI.TIE.S. ELECTRIC Telephones, Door Rolls, Bur glar Alarms. J. W. Mason. 527 Delaware. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. NORMAN & ROIIERTSON.proprlntoraot abstracts and cxamintiH of laud titles, No, hi East Sixteenth street, furnish dally the trnnstLMs of real estate lllcd In tho record er's ollice at KniiMis City, .Mo. Notice All transfeis appearing in our dully i epulis contain covenants of general warranty unless otherwise stated. January 3. Hattle E. Weaver and husband to T. Jl. Weaver; lot lu, (Julmby's addi tion $1,000 David Kaufman und wife to W. C. Mlilillettm! Inr 1IMI. lklnek I r-rmt. .t Wlttlch'x addition Same to same; lot S'.i, Home Park K. A. Fussell und wir to F. E. I toff. man; lots 21 and tu, South Windsor.. A. Turgeon and wife to S. H. Turgeon; part lot pl. John Harris addition.... Emma .M. H.ildridge and husband to S. A, Fns; lots 1 anil S, block ii, Troost Plateau F. It. Hunter to Susan A. Heaeli: lot 2! and part ot 23, block 1, Hunter Place QIMTCLAl.u DEEDS. B. C. Taylor to C. A. Swentzel; lot 37. Deacon Hill Park L. l', Ferree nnd wife to Mary J. Re gan; lot 17, Andrews' llrst addition... J, C. Gates to E. A. I'tibsell; lots 21 and 02, South WliuLor TIU'STEES' DEEDS. W II. Jones to Majors Investment Company; lot 22, block 2, Prospect Summit ."...iv":".: Samu to same; lot 21, block 2, same.. Samo to S. I', l-'rary; lot 23, block !, A. W. Conger i.nil wire Vo State' iieal'ty Company; part nt lots ll ami K. Idock li, Hanson & Talley's addi tion . Same to same; part sanie Same to same: part Huni.... C. It. ngt'lhoff to W, W. Page; p.ut of jots 5 and I, !', N. Smth's addl- io, 2,000 3,M0 1,500 600 1,300 1 1 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,000 ro p il, Caldwell lu Carile A, Swentzel; lot 37 lieaeou Hill pall; ii T 'liugley to W, Akvw; lot M, Lloel: 2, East Dundee ii.jirge A. Taylor and wife lo J. . Kwfer: part of lot" 9. P. A- 1'ied- erVi-r.Vecond addition Same to fame: same " UIEU. morning at 9:3" o'clock. Solemn icqulem muss at 10 o'clock ut the Ciiuicli of Our Lady of Good Counsel, WcMpoit, Rev, J. T. WaUh, lelebiant, assisted by the Jte dcmptorUt Father und Father Zcchcnler. Interment at .Mo-im St. Mao's. Ar:n.cit:s. CANADtAN K.MPI.nV.MHN'T OPKICR. IMlt 11. 12th, cor. Wnlnut. Tel. 1173. Tho hcBt place In K. C. .Mo., to find help or sit tintlou. male or female; II years' experi ence. Correspondence tiollclted. H.-f. Omaha Nat, bank. Omaha; Citizens' bank. K. C. KeTtiTr i'r. Jinny Relter passed away Juiluu y S. At his Utu residence. No. :: Wyundotte street, ut the ago of as ytaic. fiom the residence Thuisday LEIIAL .MtrtCEo. ..TIllSIELH SALE -Whcleai, Jam.- N tlnodnlti, by his .erlaln dred of, trust, dated Mirih the Mh, IS??, mid tiled for let old and recordid nil tlv r.lh day ot .Maieb, ivi.t, tu Hie olllco or the rd ord r nf deeds for Jnckson county, Mlsourl, at Kntisns City, tu book II Ml, nt pint- fll. I'unipypil lu (he umleislRued trustee the folliinliig UcHctlhcd real estate, ultuntnl In the rnuiity of Jackson, stale or .Miy sour), lo-ult: Lot numbered nine (ill, in block numbered twenty-two (221. In Ash- uiuiiun iiiniiitou 10 Hie t liy Ol j,iii-.i-j , now Uuns.iR cits, as the same Is marked ! and designated on the recorded, plat ther. - of, now on llle in the ollice of the tei.ird.r i ;i ucens lor said jnekson county, .sii-oiiii, In tltist to M'ctire tiie payment ot one prin cipal note ubd foui Interest notes, nil of which mild notes ale fully di scribed In said trust deed; und, whereas, there has been der.iult in tbe Interest note falllnt; due, elglitcdi months nttcr the 3d day of March, isjj. and, whereas, there la also default In tV payinrnt of the city taxes lor the years l.v.w an. I .:ll, nnd. also cer tain state und countv taxes, nnd aln de fault lu the payment or certain special taxes nnd nit iptnaln due and unpaid, and, whereas, said deed of Host proxldes ir default be made lu the payment ofithy Interest notes or any taxes, general or special when due, the trustee named In mild deed of trust may ptocced to sell said property; now, therefore, public notice Is hereby given that, tit the request uf the local holder and owner of said nole and interest notes, and by virtue of the power nnd authority In me vested by said Uetd or trust, 1, the undersigned trustee, will on the Kill day of January. INI.., between the houts of iilliu o'clock In the forenoon and live o'clock tn the after noon or that day, sell the above described real estate at public vendue lo the high est bidder, ror cash, at the west door ot the t'nltej States custom house, In Kan sas City, Jackson county, .MIsonrl; said sale to be made tor tbe purpose of paying the amount or said notes nnd Interest duu thereon, toeether with all unpaid taxes and tho costs nnd expenses of executing this trust. c. E. MOSS. Trustee. Ilunkncr. Itlrd & Lake. Attorneys. mi rcctirucu in iiouK II No. 212, nt page -i.', in me oiuce or the recorder or uc-.ii.-i of Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas Lily, conveyed to me, Waller A. Hunker, trustee, the rollowlng described lands and tenements, situate In Jackson county. Mis souri, namely. All of lota numbered thll'v nine (30) ami forty (t'0. In block ten (lo). Hunker bill, as marked and designated on pint lllcd In the olllco urorcsald, In trust to secure the note In said deed de scribed; and, whereas, default has been made In performance of the conditions or snli deed, and the same have been brok en by reason of non-paym, nt of said note; now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that, as requested by the legal holder ot said nole, I, s.iid Walter A. Hunker, trus tee, will proceed to sell, and will sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, the said lands nnd tenements, on the 2lt day of January, A. D. lM. between the hours of nine o'clock a. in. and live o'clock p. m., ut the west front door of the United Stales custom house, lu Kansas City, tn said Jackson county, Missouri, to nay said Indebtedness and expenses of sale. WALTER A. ni'NKEll, Trustee. Cook i-i- Clossett. Ally's. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, llrron D. Morris, grantor, b bis certain deed or trust dated the 15th day ot April, A. I). 1SV7, tiled for reeoid on the 2.M day or April, A. 1). l.Vi7, and leeorded In book 11 No. 200 at page 200, In the ollice of the recorder of deeds or Jackson county, Missouri, at Kansas C.ty, conveyed to me. Waller A. Hunker, trustee, the rollowlng described lands and tenement's situate in Jnckson county. Mis souri, namely: Lots numbered forty-tlvc (C) and forty-six (10), In block Jium bered thiee (3), Hunker hill, as the same are marked and designated on plat tiled in the ollice aforesaid, lu trust to secuie the note lu said deed described: and, whereas, default has been made In per formance of the conditions of said deed, and the same have been bioken by rea son of non-payment of said note, now, therefoie, notice is hereby given that, as requested by tbe legal holder of said nole, I. Walter A. Hunker, snld trustee, will pio cced to f-ell, and will sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, the said lands and tenements, on the 21st day of ,f.itiuai-y, A. I). Uy'i, between the hours of nine o'clock a. in. and live o'clock p. m , at the west Iront door or the CnRed States custom house, in Kansas City, in said Jackson county, Missouri, to pay said Indebtedness and expenses or sale. WALTER A. IH'XKBII, Trustee, Cook ,vt Cossett, Atty's. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Whercas. Mary V. Steele and Charles Steele, her husband, gr.iuini-;, by their i'i rtaln deed or trust dated the fourth day ot May, A. D LSi. tiled for record on the 11th day of May. A. D. 1.V.7, and recorded in book 11 No. 200, at page 375, lu the of. In e or the ic-oider ot deeds or Jackson county, Missouri, at Kanns City, con veyed to me, Walter A. Hunker, trustee, the rollowlng described lands and tene ments situate In Jackson county, Mis souri, namely: All ol lots numbered nine ill) ami ten (10), In block numbered two (2, Hun ker Hill, as the same are marked and desiK nated on plat tiled In the olllco aforesaid, lu trust to secure the note In snld deed described: nnd, whereas, default has been made 111 pciformunce or the conditions o( said deed, and the same have been broken by leason of non-payment of said note; now thererore, notice Is heieby given that, as requested by the legal holder of said note, 1, W'alter A. Hunker, said trustee, will p;o ceed to sell, and will sell, at publlo vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, the said lands and tern menti. on the firth day of February, A. 1. iiiij. between the boms or nine o'clock a m. and live o'clock p. m., at the west front door of the Hulled Slates custom house. In Kansas City, lu aid Jackson county, Missouri, to pay said indebtedness and expenses of sale. WALTER A. HUNKER, Trustee. Cook & Oossett. Ally's. VOTICl or TRUSTEE'S hai ... Wheieas, Join. II. Thompson Blat. or, by his certain deed ot tiust dated the second day of heiitPiuber, A. D. 1W, tiled -.,.. ......nv.l on llle 17U1 llav ot S!in...l.u.. . " ':."'.-" ..i't ...-. "-.: .r.-.'"".'-:-. lOlllliy, aiisam..., .i..,...-.). an or lots. numbered one (1), and two (21, In block numbered tlx, ). Hunker mil. !ls ,ho baine are, ujai n.rn mei on pat tllnl In Hie ollice uforesald, In trust to ' tecure the note In said deed described; i aid, wheieas, default has been made In, XtOl'il'HTO SsT.R'KllOl.UKltS-Tuo annual i. iiiiHUiugol Hie Mo. UUoulei oj ilia Mr. cliaulsNatloual bauu U Kansas Cliy. Missouri, will I ludd In ItH onli v in III New York l.lio buildlug Kausabt'ltj Mo. oil Sviuuday.ibv :.'nd day of February. 16'J.V between tlie hours ot 9 a lu.atul3p in , lor Hie duciloa o!U!uuui"i uuu tiausactluu of auy uiucr biulutu that may legally tome bufoie tlienireliug. VY H I'l.AKKH. Pte.ldeut NOTICE Is htieby given that the an nual meeting of the blockboldeis uf the Kansas Cit and Southern Lumber Co. will be held lu room 521. Keith & Perry buildlng, southwest corner of 9th and Wal nut streets, Kansas l'lty. Mo., on Monday. January lllh. 1W3. at 9 o clock u. m.. lor the purpose of electing a board of direct ors tor the ensuing year and consider any other business of interest to the company, B. N. CULVER. SH.. President. EDGAR W. CULViat. Secretary, ' XnTtf-l.' I'll.. ,'!,.(j.,ti.'u uf.l- hereas, Patrick U'Toole, grantor, by Ids certain deed of trust dated the 22d day ot August, A. D. 1SS7, tiled rr tec ord on the --nth day ot August, A. I). POT. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, Elizabeth A. Iluuibciger (single) grantor, by her certain deed ol trust dated the 17th day of August, A. D. I.y,7, tiled for record on the : SOth day of August. A. D. 1SS". and lerorded In bonk II No 212, at page 2.',:s, 111 tho ollice uf the re corder f deeds ol Jackson county. .Mis souri, at Iinsns City, conveyed tn me. Walter A. Hunker, trustee, the rollowlng described lands and tenements situate in Jackson county, Misouri, namely All of-lots numbered seen (1) and eight (Si, In block numbered four (4). Hunker hill, as the same arc marked and deslsuatiii on the plat lllcd in, the olllco aforesaid In trust to secure the note in snld deed described: and. whereas, dcrault lias been made in performance of the conditions of said deed, and the came been broken by reason of non-payment ot s iM note; now, thcrelore, notice is hereb i;hen thut, as 'Sted hy ihe legal hijldt r of said note, I, Walter A. Honker, said trustee, will pro ceed to sell, and w 11 sell, ai publlo vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, the said lands and tenements, on the 21st day .of Junuary. A. I. It-, between the hours nf nine o'clock a. m. and live o'clock p. m., at the west front door or the United States custom house, lu Kansas L'lty, In said Jackson county. Mlsruiiri, to pay said indebtedness nil) wnwii ur sale. WALTER A. Ill NlvWIt, Trusteo. Cook ft (Jossett. Ally . ltl lui tie...--- - -' , ---- ........ ui b.iiu deed, ruul the same have been broken by icason ot non-payment of said note; now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, aa requested bs , the ega I holder of oaldiiote. l, eaiu ..iiv. ... ,',',""v,' . 'v wot pro ceed to sell, and will sell, at pu ilic vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, tho said lands and tenein.n Is, on the 21st day of January. -V '. 1W, between tho hours ot nine o'.lock a. in. and list- o'clock p. in., nt the west Hunt door of the United States custom house, uil.aiib.-iil Cltj, lu said Jacksun county. Mlvbuuil. lo pay said Indebtedness and expense. 0f 'u ' WALTER A Hl'NKEII. Trustee Cook Oossett. Ally's. K. ( Mo. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD tMhehosttoCllll'.Mltt, OMAHA, hT. I.OIJI, in:.Nr:n, nt. i'Aui. lid. MINNEAPOLIS. Chnlr Cnra Froo, Dining Car. Ticket omc, sniuta St. and 1011 Union Av. Ad.lros H (i tlllli. A. (1. P. A., KnssCltr. InstructionsAll trains dally unless marked! "V except auniUyt "s." . Sunday oulyi ',". cepl .Saturday "jr." excstit Monday: "1." Sat urday oulr. 1 trst column, leave; second column. hi i lie. HA.SMIIAL.t.KT. JO 11 lt.-llurllngtnn Itoiit Trains Leave. Arrive). K. (' Jl llrooHlleltl ex. ,,, xl.oopm xl0:M,im Atlantic cxptcss , riiUnm S:5Apm ihleaco fast train Ell .. (:Mpm S:o0 tn St Louis express filSpm silOam 11 .IM If It l.V NEHIIASIvA-llurlltlgtou ItoUtS Denver A It c es:., Lin. coin, miliums fr Ptiael smi ml I0:.'dn riMn.-u It C. ST. JOE A COUNCIL HLUI'i' It It nmaliaJl.SL P. fust mail. ILOtlani 'CMnm Imvn express Miajim 'ICrlOam Omaha exptcss I' 'SMOara mvainali.. T.SOam Muxipnt Iienvor ex. (a new train), lo.soam :.", pm Connections Between Loarenworth aud Kan sat CIt.r. ClllCAUO. IlOCIt ISLAND ,t PAClt'IO It. It Tialns Last of Missouri lllver. F r.!K" ,",''! , xi'.wam x:pm ihlcago limited StOpm lOiWum .. ,. ... J,""" """ of Missouri River IInlrh..Wlrniia,-uW rtn loi.'siam IMMpm icnver, CoLs-p. j. 1'tielilu cnlinm WJcliltn I. T. ,t I't Worilt r. (i.uupm v 7:45 am MISSOURI PACIFIC It It-Trains 13a" Mall and express T:iia m 7:apm t"'.'. I;"11s ilav express.... lo-nn,,,,, 6:pm Lllnlte.l iilglit express. .. r::Mpin 7:00m I ast niallpasseiiuer CiWtim I0::am I.esltigt'liA .s-.lallatiass. C::;im 7:Mpm Trains West, forfeyr P.t Colorado.... Coileyvllle.t Wichita...,. Di'Alpm 7;il)aia , ., .. .. Trams South. .Jopl n, Ft. Scott & W'la.. 11:3,1pm .on n A Texas ex !0:Wam ft:30pra JopllnJt To.vasex 7:00pm flU'am t . , . . Trains North. Omaba.l.ln .l.Veli.L'ltypx oilapm CiTOam Omaha & Cen. Ur. day x 7::tJ u in 8:00 p nt li ,: AlrU'n accoiu. ex xisunintn r:3.lnin K. t. & st. .itHcph ox. .. liuioam Ml.ipm K.t.. A tch. A si. Jos. ex. C:.V, pm :.V)am KANSAS CITY NORTH WESTERN ft It s",1,f.1';A.l.,',',,rl0"',,:'. Ttaitim ft:i-1nm Till. U AHASII KAtLltOAl) COMPANY. St. Louis ,. Chicago ex. .. K:00am 7:10pm '' '' N' Llm ex... xl0:00am x6:0Dpiu St L . Dus M & St P. x fM p m 7:00 a in Is. t. & Chlcacuex 6:20pm 8:20am CillCAtJO AND A LION. Ch cago.t St. Loutsox... inula m n:30pm t lilcagollmlted C:(Mnm B:30am St. I.ouls.t ciilcacoex. .. HISiiiu 7:15am h.A.NSA.S CITY. FORT SCOTT Si MKMP1US RY lorida i-.tsi .si.iu 10:30am h:(wnm iiati'isniiviiin .vuunion.. xlo:uua m 5:0U n m 10:45 am 10:ib.i m 7:.Vi a in DeoDWater. 1 renin 5: 25 n m t bcroken uccom Stibm ban passenger .. JoiUn ,t Nbw Orleans M1SSOUIII. KANSAS Texas mall SSpin ,. x 0:00 pm . 10:00 pm 7:05 am & TEXAS RAILWAY loi.Sam fuiCipm 0 (ft ll In ?:"Ji a lit isxasexnivss U.MUN l'Ai:il'-IU RAILWAY. Paclllc Coast limited. ... luninm 5:00pm Denver ,t Cal ex 7:3'ipm s:N)to ATCHISON. TOPHItA Jt SANTA FP, RY. i:.i-t of Missouri Hlver. riilcigolliulteil S:2Upm S:30am Columbian express 5:30pm l:3dpni Atlimic express 0:30am C-.Wpm Fort Madison local x":50 a m xb:o0Dtn West of Missouri Ittver. Texas express s:lftam 4:20pm Sotitliern Kansas pass. .. I':10am 5:20pm Ciilorado.t Utah lliu. ... P:(am f:0)pm Calllornla Itin HMiDin 5:0Upm Mexico & Caliroml.i ex.. 2.00pm 6:10am Emporia pansi'nger xCJOpm xlL'JUm Toeeuaevpress 4::pm IUI0 m Panhandle express 0:10pm 6:25am Ukla. & Uotlgo City ex.. . (i:2Up:u 5:lam CRAKD CENTRAL DEPOT. 2nd anil Wnanditti ClIICAdO CHEAT WESTERN RAILWAY Chi., st Paul & Mlun.... 10:00am Mpiti St. Jo, lies M. A. Chicago 7:00pm Mam M. .In. lies M .1 Chicago 11:40 pm KANSAS CITY, OSCEOLA U. SOUTHERN. Clinton (c Osceola ox 5:00pm 10:20 a m KANSAS PITY. PITTSHUKO JtCULFKY. I'lttsb'e, Joplin, Neosho. IhWam 1:11 pnt Accoinmodatlon India in e;30pm Acrnuimouatlon x 7:0) p in x6:00am Leave. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday Arrlro .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays CH AHO AVENUE DEPOT. 22nd St CHICAOO, MILWAUKEE .t ST. PAUL RY Chicago Passenger xU:0i)am 8:15pm Chllllcottie Express n5:00pm 10:15am IvititHM City .V Independent' Air I. lap. Depots 2nd and Wyandotte and 2nd andWalntll Kaunas Oily & lmlepnlpiii-i Rapid Transit Railway (,'tiinpauy. Depots-I5t3 S"eet Station. 12th Street Station, 9ih Stieel Station LEGAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, A. II. Coyle und -Mniy A. Coyle, his wlte, by their, deed of trust, dated the tlrst day of March. A. D. Ik'JO, tiled lor record the 7th day of Maich, 1590, and recorded In the ofllce ot lecordi r of deeds for Jnckson county, Mls souil In book li No. 3,i2. page .'.. conveyed to the undersigned trustee certain real es tute lying and being situate In the county of Jin kson, lu tho state or Missouri, anil described as follows, to-wlt: All of loc two (2), In A. 11. Coyle's Highland Sprlnir addition, tin addition to the city of Kansai I'liy, Mlssoutl, as the same is of record lit the recorder's ollice, ot said county, which said deed of trust was made to secure thu payment or a certain promissory nnt therein described, and, whereas, tnc prin cipal and Interest or said note have be tome due nnd now- remain unpaid; now, Ihcrofoie. notice is lieieby given that 1. the uiidei signed trustee, will by virtue ot the powers lu me vested by said need and. in accot dance with the terms and provis ions theieor, nnd nt the request of tba le-iil holder and owner or said nole, pro cVed to sell the real esttitu therein de scribed at public vendue to the highest bidder ror cash, at tho south front door ot tho county sourt house tn the city of Kan sas City Jnckson county, Missouri, on tho ii.t, ,iny of January. A. D. ISM, between ihe hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon mill live o'clock In the afternoon of said iv to pay off and satisfy said note with Interest, together with the costs and ex tenses ot executing this trust 'ins L. TRADER, Trustee. Wnlter V,r. Davis, Attorney. TRUSTEE'S SALE Wheieas, Stewart and James A. Stewart, Amy R. her hus- unpaid; Uiereluie, lu consequencu of ihj dcrault of the payment of said principal iiole ut the request of the legal holder and owner of the said nole, I, D, C. Howeu, trusteo ns aforesaid by virtue of the pow ers given, me by bald deed of trust, will proceed lo sell the above described real estate, at public miction, to the highest bidder, tor cash, between tho hours of 9 o'clock In the forenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday, the 22J day ot Jan uary, A. l, Wi, at Ihe west front door of the United States custom house tu Kan sas City, In tho county of Jackson. In tha state of Missouri, to satisfy the said In. debtedness and the costs of executing this trust. D. C, ROWEN, Trustee. Dated December 1st, 18M. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Amer ican Electric Light Company: You will please take notice that the annual meeting uf tho shareholders of the American Elec trl. Light Company, of Kansas City, MIs souil. I'cr the election of directors for tho tabuing year and to net upon a proposition to sell thu company's plant und prop erty, und for thu transaction ot any other business which may properly coma beforo said meeting, will be held at ihe or. ..... 9 .1. n, ,.,,.. K'n 11C Sir. .......... .- Ullll. ..,.. ... ..... ....... i. llintllt l.V Kansas City, S!o!, January'3, 1803. ilia ivccihi t"t ,f5i inin w"- ttie urm. I'lm business hcretofoie carried on by tho lim will be continued by J, A. Hachmuii it the same place. .1. A., J. D. NEAlt, Kansas City, Ma Jan'y l, -,. NOTICE TO STOClvHOLDKRS-The an nual meeting of the stockholders of tha New Yoik und London Electiio Associa tion, for the puipose of electing thiee til. lectors for the ensuing year and thu trans action of such other business as may legally come before Ihe meeting, will bo held al Ihe otllcc of the association. HIS Walnut bt.. Kansas City Mo.. Mondy, January Hth. 1M5. 10 o'clock a. m. 'll. II. HHLER3, Vice resident, J. O'DHIAN, Secretary, luill l llllir ttiiuni i..i. ui uiini ui.ti'i. Hi" ll h day of December. WJ. and tiled, for record on the 10th Uay of December. A. I) 15S0 and recorded iu book "H" number ::'l al page ITw. In the ollice of the recorder of deeds In jacusoii louuiy, at ivunsan City Missouri, conveyed to the undersigned, trus'teh all of lot twenty-two (22). E. Chcllls' fsursey ;f f'bellls und Dudley's lisi addition to tin; City of Kansas City, Jackson county. Missouri, and now sltu iiteil'in the present corporate limits of tins pity it Wcslport. In said county of Jack ton tu secuie the payment of one prlncl ti il promissory note nml Inteiest notes hsj hi said deed of trust described, and, whero :.', uia Mriiichial note Is now past due and NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART. iicrhlp-Thti partnership heretofore exist, lug between ihe undeislgned, under tha name of J. A, lUchnuin .t Co.. whose bust, pes lias been cariied on ut No. 511 Dela. ware tt.. Kansas City, Mo., has been thu day dissolved by mutual consent. Each of the undel signed Is authoilzeq lo recelvu j