Newspaper Page Text
BRBBWTWW' : .a-tr t"utrnPmtiil ' ".HUMS" sWMSSr "'w1 '-V" -W "m" ' ."frjrm r-VH-Z. w r S YHti KANSAS CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY; JANUARY 10, 1805. 9 8 ON EVERYBODY'S LIPS hat mr. ukamhti. tititt. unit. HI. 1. 1" .V. SURPRISING STORY OF THE DAUGHTER OF A NOTED PROFESSOR, linn Mir llullnl llm 'itrlnlly if AH Hit I'rlintU. On- of Hie lrst known an. I mot Intrr r iiii mm In tSmokljn, N. V. Is 1'iofrx nr J. M Klwiioil, rrtilillliU nt 11 fntnoll.t Mice! Up i i liol'-il tuliolnr unit piofw tr Hi tlntrnilim iI.iiiKlittr i a yoitttj lmly or tnoit ettlmtiltle ilmrupltT nrnl mts lioy of ft lends evi miliere. Hhc lipi'iiini fpnrhilly hpivoii itml run ilnn n, nml HiIk vui follow ! by n mot f-rvvre iittni'k of rit MtiiK" dunce. Klin i.ivw tvur-o nn.l pli.mlcliiti" totiM noi i utv lur frilie Hit illy irol well, however. li a method vvlilih tutonlslicl rtll tier triere!- "It ufToH me lite wri-HtP"! piMstiro. mid Hi- prnr-MOl, "in flute tliy ildtlKllti t who tvt ft riifferer froln tirr vintners iiiitl Si. Xlttt' il.titii'. Hint who van treated for :iini' iiv piomltient lilil Mclani In llr.mltlt n without lotllt, win rompl'tflv pun 1 ! f '"ur tn IwttlPH of Dr. tlrrelic's Nrtvm i Mo.pcl ami li'TVO JllaS I.LMOOD. Such stronc evidence iti th.'" mint roil vlncp overybodv of tlip Keiuili..' tvoith of this Kre-tt laoillPlni' .Mr r.lwootl'', word ! as irood as Bold. v hi n ho a et ttf input p'uple know tbp .in ibippnil upon it ,lut miipIi tellable I'luteim-nts abutit Dr. (Ireenc's Nit-vtii.t blood and neive temedy arp constantly inif. anil dtp P'ople ever where have the titmoJt eon tlilence In tills wonderful ineilleine. They take It. ami perfect lipullh result. ThP .MKs niwood thinks it 1 In died a wonderful leuipily whin It will are what all Hip skill of ot'.tcr physicians cannot bettPtlt. Why wnstp time In tt.vItiK tmccrtalit anil ltntrlpil rpniPdPi, when liciv is a physi cian's prcMTlplion. a illcut made by the Kipate-'t IKinK sppei.tllst lit ctirltiK liPtvous and chronic dlspjM, Dr. Grcpitp, of 11 West I'ourtppiitli stri'pt. New York city'' If you take this medicine ou can consider yourself under lr iJrccnp's dl tpct ptofpislonal caip. anil toll can con ntlt him or uiltp to hint about your case, freely ind ttltboiit charge This is a Rttnrantep that this lemcdv will chip, jiossosseil by no other niedioiitp In thp world BROKE JAILAT SEDALIA. ihtip rrinoni rn ri iiiiti, ipii out or thp rct- lih (utility .lull and .s.ifply ot Away. Pcilalla. Mo., .Ian. S. (.Special.) Three prisoner.-, tiicliidln? a convicted murderer, tunneled out of the 1'ettl.s county Jail at a orloik tbi.-, motiiln and inade their p i ape Tlie fugitives are -Mike Davis, the Johnson countv nttirdprpr. scnlPiicPtl to be hanged on .l.tuuaiy i"; William O. Wllker soi. tlt.irKitl with biUKlaiy, and Cieotfie Asltton 'baiKPil with forg, ly The thiep men oiMipled the ame cell and used an it on rail from a bed as a chisel and fiotiffpd a hole twelvi- inches squate ihti.uRh the thin lion coverlitK the cell floor 1'roin that point they dug a tttrt-in-1 throtiKh tht' foundation wall Into the jail j aid. Their est ape was not known to ih, sheriff until breakfast was sprved. Sheriff I'ortcr ami a half dozen posses of deputies have bpen seareliliiK for the fu el ics all day. .Mike Dtvls, the convicted nuipiprcr, is a 01M11 of fongresMiiatt J. V foiKrtll, of Ti'.as, and a. letter front the , uiilulninK $10 for liavki was ic- piv.d ,11 thi jail to-dav. Iiavls left a. let ter ti In- 1 1 II it"liiiR Sheriff I'ortT lo for wari an money that tnicbl b, spi t to t .in t in- father-in-law. Dill Lewis, ai lun . J'.ounr- county, Ark. i'i:N"to,. U I i it t iii. Jan. II Tin: folluwiti ppn- noi li.i'. lu en Branteil: ,Mi-..nri I'liomas (. Walker, Sqtllies, lmiilrt- William II. Youiik:, I'aiileion, t union, llattey Hmlth, llannHwl. .Marlon, t lint es Nn.tlor, Trov, Lincoln; Datid ,1 jlitision, stnilleltl. I'linton: William i:w litK iMltoti ('liaiitoii, James ,1. fljrtim, CMieit'i Slielby, Joseph tSelilrinan, Kt. j.otti St. Louis; John Bw.icl'.hammer, Mia nose, Henry, Titab II. Wind. St. ,oui. M I.ottls; I.tzai'tis IIowpis, Dob moo.i, DoiiKlap; Su-an II. Adams. J.ead Mine. TJallas, Itla tio.-suw. Hi. P"lprs, SI. I harlrs Illinois of Nl hol.w Kill, SI. I.ouls, St l.ouis Katharlna Kiennlii, St. Louis, St l.ouls Kaitsiw rrnni'l Jl. Ilockenbeny, Paola, Miami Ucoi'tfe ('. l'hane linleiiemlencp, MontKoiiu-ry; John Scltmldliorst, National lllitmy liontp, l.eavpuwtirth; .lullits CVa snr Leavenworth, Lpavi-nworth; Daniel H. ?1ooip, Welda, Anilerson; 1s Itftl I) ijonsei. Leaveuwotth, Leuveil wuith. fJiortse .Messkk, Latltain, Ilutler: Jienttewt Hoes, SteillUK, Klce; Iteason t. Cope, namund. lllte: Alexander illulr, DuiliiiKton, t'oftVy, James Dixon, Ittitland, MontKOinetj . Lorcnj'o Itu. k, Valley ('en. ter Kedcwi'i.. Wllliutn in. i man. And. lie, Sedrwbk t'hrisiophiT limn k, i!riel, An iiei on William lllli-, I'niu.i Wmnlsnn, lninart of I'liatl." II .lu-t SvImi. It. no, .Minerva A Mootc W. Ma n i,-i-uii fasRlfeujsiEcic PLUG TOBACCO. ,;rjjif- Consumers of chewing lobacco who are willing lo psj a Ittcle more thau tk price charged for tlie ordinary trade tobaccos, will find te omnd superior to all others BEWARE Of IMITATIONS. temcdl." ? C2fl ,-, 'fa RtVi' "-:.'-' & 'SsM -Hi-1 o j& 0'WJf BEEF SCARE IN LONDON, CiiqlMittieii Are Mill lallttne Atmnl Hi' Itittritittiitii'iils nf tiiiTltiin I .it I It- KIiik. tiOinkiii. .Inn. 0 The imillni, tat "fn HiK or the input mi I "illl" sfPlloii of lite IaiimIoii tlialuber of ommt-n p In AlMitoilnl Irill has tt'tl ' brliitt out h storm n fpltotis abui' In I'Bird Id Alnerlinn Ine-lt and ir.'i'ltan linlnrss niptliods. The D.tilv Telfttraplt ctnlps that Hip AtniTlcan bpef kltiKf. after biilr nilnlinr llrlllsli btisb.imlry, nttw coolly propose to Ih'kp nn nldlthmal inlllloli rrom llrltHi tniders nli'l fontiniei?. Tills fitiltilii'lil. I" tpppnt'sl on all sldt'd. In an Inlet view Willi fhnlriii.iii (oopef, nf the entile et Hon or III" tendon t'liatit. bor of commerce, he Is tinoletl as tstjliip. "If It was merplt n iiipsllon of no nbali incut. IIipip Is no ilniiltt tliM lln- H'lall ertt could Iiiim' (it'PrplPtl Hip slliritloii. Hut It i Mew nil by many tin tn.tikliiB the In -Rlnnttiir of ii spiIpk or oilier tin roitlitm nls of ti'.til". TIip Amerlpfllis Ku mi far iu to siiy not onlt slmll Hip lip deprlpd of the imuiid anil a iti,irlnr nlliwntup In fvt'iy ipiarttr of input hllliPito allowed In oidpf to pomppiifat" rnr Hip loss bt Klnlllk iiKp In trattslt, and in piiIIIiik up. but b' must not nialip such an nllowiitipe to lit" piitiiniPts. This is only Hip llrst step to ! I wards obtnlnlnit control td Hip market, ami whin It Mills their finny to ponipr ItndP "Tlio iiiifons AiiiPrlPtttis liavo obtain' d such n hold on Hip CiikIIhIi nmikot Is Unit thpy liaespnt mcil In It iierftftlj re(jnnl 1pss or Hip pilpe at wltlph It was sold This was mei'ply lo cicate a ilctnanil. Hut In so "lolm? they havf praclleally rorced tlit'lr inpnt iiiwu Hip matki'l, and what Is moro. they have forced KiikIMi nieut cloan out of Hip market. "Tlieiv are onlv two sources of innl sup. ply avail ible ror the London innrkpt, p clinllnw, of poiii-p, the froen ?turf. lw Is Amerieti 'ind Hie olhrr Is Scotland. Iln cl.tnd Itsflf is not III It at all. Th" Atnei-li-an Impotlei hnvo Ihelr irhtrni lit Liverpool and at l)eifonl. near London, wbeie their slock Is landed and slauh tei'fd. "What they are almliiK nt iiniloubtpdly is lo drive every one- out of Hip trade thev pan possibly. In onlpr to create a monopoly. Thev ii'iniliitc not only the wholpsnlc. but tlie i.'ttill prices In Ametlca. At oiip tiuip tin faiily cornerctl trade ill New York To ovi rcoittp this Ihts lPKlsluttite was i om pi lb I lo inliodiicp a bill lo the effect that all :n at old 111 New York Mtale must be l.,llttl l-i it." II fptrliiB to Hip cost of meat, Mr. Coop pr -.-tl'I TV' has not to ptv ncarlv so min It for lite piiit'litKo of meat ns the IJn Kllsliman. It costs less to hrlns a ton of beef from Xow York to London than It does tu biiitfr the same quantity Horn Aber deen to London. The native producers are not placed on mi) tlilim like a. fair footlns and the American paitull"ts, ip.iIIzIik,- this, arp making pvciy Pllmt to eonttol the I3n jrlWn nin.ik.-t. Wp, howpvet, feel that they otiltt noi to be allowed to do so without a "iriiKKic. t m.imi.iin tn.u u tno ii.i.n- u,-i ,- renin;, lUUi'lllPI II1CV (Mil oini the Auiirkan linporier. to Ih- old term", b,cau-p their ini-at musi be soil ' GOVERNOR RENFROW'S MESSAGE lie 'Iri'.ils of Oklahoma tl titers i:tliatll ivel.t ami Itpt oiiiint nils .tinny Important Iteroriii-. Clutlirlp, u '1' , Jan n -(Special.) flov cruor Ilenfrow delivered his messaRp to the pt;sntiiio to-day It was a voluminous doeiimtnt. eontalnitiK over 6,0) vvortls, and tn-ated ph ttiMtlvely of the condition of the entile tpnltoiv. The educational In stitutions of the tPtritory aie in line con eondltlon: neiitly lii,0ti.i i hililien aie In the public schools, an Inctease of tn per cent over last ear: Ii.iiik) was tecelved fioni the lease uf st liool lands ilitrlnn Hip past year. The can- of thp int-atie at Jackson vlllp. 111, Is a (stent (inns' to Ibe leiil tory ami Iip tecominpnd- the establishment of an Insane asylum In Oklahoma. He also leeontnietiris the cstnbllshinait of a tern toilal histoileal lniteau moving the iiuar antine ilnn fatther toutlr the proper ickii latlou of the tenltorlal militia the piissat of a law tpoui.'lmr state bunks to make swoin stateittpnts on demand of the rov pnior; making all cotinty bonds pavnble In ten 5 ears and thp collection of a tenltor lal tax of $J00 fiom all liquor seller". Ho showed the weak points 111 (he Australian ballot law, advising a revision and jalir Kestctl ptirthasim,' of louiity supplies by the commissioners from the lowe-t bidder, and abollshltiK the fee syslem. He -poke of the net i slty ot a law compelling all In stil mice companies to pay the lull face of their policies and one PMietltiK a lee from all porpoiatlons dolni? buslnc-s in the ter lltory. He recommended the establishment of a school for the education of toloied students nml teachers, and thai all per lonal pioperty held on the Indian teseiva tlons he made t.tMtblp lu adjai put , ountlos. He sttoiiRly favored Immedlatp staiehood and urKi'd the assembly to memoilallze coitRrcss for th" passaKe ot an act Krant lnpr statehood to the tetrltoiv. with as much of the Indian Tetritory itdd, d ah It was pos-lble to sei arc. GOOD RESULT OF THEELECTION Tim llnti-p Is It.ipltll) I'Ii.hirIni; Its Alti tude Toward', I'liv.tlti I'i itsliiii II1II-. AVashinston, Jan ! - A m.irlted thaiiKP from tin attitude ol the houic last session toward private pen-ion bills has Item Ifpsti'd In the Klltlm; Hils month. rmrliiK the last term special Friday nlBht sitting" weip held fot the lonsldoia tion of this tlii of legislation, but so fur as results were concerned they vvere ntactlcallv I'i uiilet-s. There was never a quorum In the bouse on l'rltluy night; th Impossibility of pasin hills was soon made tipiurent, so that the sittiiiRS be. tame mere toimnlitles, at vvhlclt niPtnliprs made sport with the rules and tied the houso into parliamentary knots, to tlio manifest aiiiuseuient of the galleries. Pension legislation hns been titkcn up lu a dlffeient spirit this winter. Two l''riday night sittings have been held and by means of a new system thlny bills having been reported from committees of Hip whole lo Hip house. At the 111 st sit ting sixteen bills were reported to tho house and llfteen have been passfd; tho tetond sitting leportcd fourteen bills. This pt obi ess has been mnclo possible by the adoption of a new plan somewhat rei lp rocal In Its features. Tho toll of mcmbPis Is called and each member present, at the call of bis name, is permitted to brins up ono bill In vvhlclt lie Is Inter- tted, which U voted upon after the house has listened to his explanation of Us merits and dis cussed It tliern Is any tleslro to do so. The pressure upon the pensions commit tee to secure LkIsI ttlon Is becumiut; very lamorous, as It alwus does when the ,-iul of a congress apptoaches and many i lutiiMiits Hud their deslies still uiitullilled LABOR ARBITRATION BILL. 'Hit rn SteiiiH tn Itu ,i (iin.' J.iiki'tiiirnt. nt'k ('him rriilttt; tltu llitti.i' t til 1. Wnt-liinalnn. Jan. '.' Disappointment m cvtii. ot by iiii'inberH c,f tlio bouo who i.tvur Hit iirbitiiitltin bill ovt-r the lit. K "T liii'rii,t inuiilti'itt'il by the p.titlt alti'tvil by II IIlIiiid the holi.l.u h uivii.t liuim ivtrc sent to m.tny pionilntnt l.tbur Kuikr.-,. olIU la Is of inllioail ort,'.uiUiitlims, anil innnniiU's to prinni their vltivs tu the euininlttce mi l.tbur Nu le pone hu t-t bten rocelvocl irom nn oiin of tlit-sv nun, to that thi- In-iirliio vthit'h vvere tu have begun till:, v,t-elv nml wete i-Jtioctti Id be IntereMhitf unil valua ble n-hfllonn '.till piob.ibly be ubtuUoneil Chairman Mi (liinu will brlntf the bill up m toiiiinltlte fur u vote, however, unil obtain uu i-siirenslot) upon It. ilr Mo (laim hi) 8 HiR'lt labor lt-mleni as he has tnl'KCil with are nut strongly In favor of the ini-aturi' 'fliey exprtst illstrust nf two fiaturci of it, the establishment of a pet. manenl eoinnilkBioii nntl the authority KlMit tho totirbs to enforce the Juilismi'iifJ uf the tuimnlhslun. tlbjietlou tu tht. I list pioyblou U tliaf tal.u lo.l cotnmluilonera may llml It more to their Interujitii lo favor I all load corporations limit the working men utnl may become; biust-.l b i nu eir-cmnstaniei- The power Slv-n tu . coiuts Is haltl to!' eoniiulw.ry ui lallun, ivhlt'li Is neni't.illy tuipopuliii i" iwnlk-lli'-inen ulllionuh tliu le it , - ,. ilU bo iiiforeeil but lur it bltort tun, Tlicie is a posbiblllty that tit. I ' will lie eportij to tnc House Hi an amended form, "rr run u- I IJLJU The Ever vS) JLCIIW 71 T A "ff U t UT ITv T" X C c wol"ll advise our out of town customers to order these goods at Vl Ail If & S f U BT OI,cc Wc kccP a thoroughly organized force in our Mail Order De- X V ia K JL4 V flxJL- B-M mrJ partment, and all orders with which you favor us will be executed with utmost care and attention. If for any reason the goods arc not entirely satisfactory when you receive them at your house they may be returned to us at once and we will refund money or exchange for goods, as you instruct. Lot No. i. (3'ic V c 83,'C 10c or 5c Yard. Cambric, Xnlnsook uiul Swiss IMrom, vctrilt i;i,f. 7!i s l-3c and 10c. will b Mold at ono pi Ice, 5c Per Yard. Lot No. 3. 10c 12'ic 15c For 31c Yard. Cambiic, N'nliisook ami Swiss IMkp", from the ntrrowesi t 2 linhes tvldf. worth inc. LI'lc nud IBo. Tin' lutti'tns nrn all new ami pretty. Your choice of the lot 8ac Per Yard. Lot No. 3. 12!ic 15c 19c Cambric. Nainsook and Swis ICiIkIurs ami Insertions in this lot worth ia'..c, 15c ami l!)c ihe best valuer wo have ever olfereil f..r Hit? inonoy. 10c Per Yard. ;xactly Half Beginning this morning zve zviU bcin a Clearing Out Sale of cverv Cloth Jacket and Coat on the third floor. These annens are every one neiu (his season. The styles arc the best, the cut and finish the latest, and there s not a one but that is desirable and not a one but that is worth more than tzuice as much as is asked. They are lo be sold at exactly one half the actual former retail price. This selection embraces Ladies', Misses' and Children s Short Jackets and Long Coats, Ladies' Lone; Coats That were $iooo will be. That were i 2. so will be. That were That were That were That were Tl;at were That were That were That were That were 1 3.50 will be 1 ;.oo will be 1S.00 will be 19 00 will be 20.00 will be 23 00 will be 25.00 will be 3S.00 will be Ladies' That were $ 1 1 .50 will be That were 1 5.00 will be That were That were 20.00 will be 25 00 will be Infants' Caps. livery White Silk Cap that we have in this department will be sold at Exactly Half former Retail price. o. 39 Caps will be $ . 'iO . 75 Caps will be V 1.25 Caps will be (Hi 1.50 Caps will be 7? 3. 50 Caps will be . J. . 7 J .j. 00 Caps will be 12.00 WW IIHIIMIIMMI I.I '""''W Ill ! !! I .ami P m i I i IWM W M..M.M i I i ASK FOR A I j?8SSMf? ...I I T t. V -, ,' X "h.m - . V. x . i vv li .-rt,.., " V-S' ,.v' . 1,1 ,. EXACT SIZE FtKltjO! TIidMKIJCANTILE IS TIIR FAVORITE TEX CENT (JI(JW. For sale uv ail I'lrtt-class Iirnieik. ManurautnrtM by the V. It. IIU'15 3li:ill).Nln,K CIC.AIt i, 1'actors Nu 301 ht, l.ouls, Mo. Ciua. V I.AMit, Wcttcrn Atjt. Wl I.ytlln Ave, K'aj. City ljlitKiriollSt 1) V I'reslclont ' UiMtvC KUMIT, Vlcu 1'rej- Foreign J)ml'ts Issued on YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEANLY," IF YOU USE SA Daily Journal WHITE EVENT!" Greatest of All Annual Sales ROIDERIES Hold Here Will M. IHVO Jt--V w. 1 Mini is. Lot No. 4. IJFor I2lc Yard. fi2ic Per Yard. Lot No. 5. 22 r For 18 Cents. !25c 29c Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss IMces .mil Insertions, worth "2'2c. 2Tr nntl !c, nil new, pretty patterns Tills la one ciC the finest lots lu the sale. I8c Per Yard. Lot No. 6. 1 For 221 Gents. Cambtlc, Nainsook and Swiss IMfjes and Insertion?-. Some v-prv ilnlnty (mil lino patterns as well as the very showy one" Worth 23c, 2i)c j:;c ami :13c. Your choice, 22ic Per Yard. $ .7. 00 (. 4 7 -JO S.JO fKOO u.fjo .10.00 JJ.;70 JX.oO 17. JO Jackets ' $ J. 7 J 7. JO J 0.00 , I'i. JO Cambric, Nnlnsook nml Swiss IMrcs j cmnliilc, Nnlnook nml Swiss I-Mrpm nntl IiiPiiUins. The KtlRliiBln the lot ami JtisprtloiiH In 11 very law lamrc ot tun Iroin ' to a Inches wide; all vn.V ow pattenis, pome very novel designs. slKhtly patterns; sniiie wilh cxlr.i wide nml vvtirtli S.V, !lilc and He. I'tico In this matglii. Choice ot the lot , opening' Mile, NATIOIAL BANK New York Life BuiUlinjr. It IJ. f visaroN, I'.iahler U A. MrKiuiien i )l Kvup. II J, Uucke, S. ,S. btii-M all Parts of tho Old World. POLSO !5c Week. INCLUDING SUNDAY TODAY! Lot No. 7. 1 For 25 Gents. 25c Per Yard, Lot No. 8. 40c 45c 50c IFor 33 Cents. Cainbtlc, Nainsook ainl Swiss KiIkcs nntl Insertions, very handsome patterns nntl excellent valti". worth 10c, ljc anil DOc. OpenliiK sale price, 33c Per Yard. Lot No. 9. I For 45 Gents, Cambric. Xain.'-ook anil Swiss IMkch nml Insertions, new dainty patterns, never shown before this season Wotth I'-c, 51c nntl C9c. OpenliiK sale price, 45c Per Yard. Children's and Misses' Long Coats That were $ 6. 50 will be $ 3.2 'J That were S, 00 will be J-. OO That were 9. 75 will be .87 That were 1 2, 00 will be 0.00 That were 25.00 will be J.2.J0 Children's and Misses' Jackets That were $ 5. 50 will be .$. 7 That were 6. 50 will be ,"?. 'iJ That were 7. 50 will be 3. 7 That were 9. 00 will be at. JO That were 1 1.00 will be J.JO That were 1 2, 00 will be O. OO w te Our usual White Goods Sale will not take place until the latter part of this month. Our preparations for this sale have been the most extensive for many years. Furniture Solid Oak ItcdriKJin Suits, SV.'.aO, for. Snlitl Oak Iteilroom Suits, Ma. (Ml, for Curly Hire h lletlrtnini Stilts, sl7."i, for Ilirtl s Ilye Maple lledrouin suit, Ssjt for Mahii'fanj' llctlroutn Suits, $17.1, for i. piece I'. trior Suits. $l'i.oo. for .. , .' laiii-v Kalian Chairs, SI" W. for 1 .iiicv White antl liolil l'r.imc Kuslt liottom I ancy Hilt Itci-uptiou Chairs, M5, for Iiiitl f K.yo .Maple l)ruser, $ti7,,Mi, for Mahogany China Cabinet, 450, for )ul I nimi Cabinet, S'.'O, for Carpet Department. lieiiinants of All Wool Two-ply (. arpets, worth 75c antl SSe yard, your for, yartl , A 11 Wool '1 v o-ply Carpets, worth 7,"e, for Tapestry l!ru.ssels Carpots, worth sac, for SVien's Underwear. The interesting sale of Men's Underwear still progresses idea ol prices: Men'h Derby l'lbbccl Merino rntlervvcar, was 7.1c, now Men's Derby l!tliht-tl Merino .Shirts anil Drawers, were SI, now , Kino rcgulur iiiado All Wool antl Merino Underwear, was S'.'.SO, now.. Doctor Henderson ,- nr.,1 in i WkI ifa Tha )I1 JtfllabUi Ilin'tor. f)ilet III Ar,; f.iinKeiic I.iinlti'il. A ItepulM M tirailu.ito in .MiMlUlnr. Ovtr :n Year hpei'lal I'litctlie. 2A Authorlzca by tlio State to treat CHUOIIC. NCRVOUScm! SFCOIAL DISUSES. Ciirs W fruTiiunteitl of inouty ltlumlcj. All nieillilnea Mrnl-heil n-uily for ue. No tlcien- Jv r,A. .-..t. ,:.7. ,. . Ji.,t,Lj t. .. ,ll .,....., tr,.nl, Itvmnll utat.ivi re. Ml'tttclnel mittttn-vvlieri ',VoJroiOBaMor'urcal:aao. C'lii.r;' lo. OYiravmo pases cuml. Apuuti Mpcricucouiiiliiiporttiiitr t.tatoyoiircaoauiit,uiltortcrms, Cousultatloa H'fruB nnU codU- .i :..i I niti,..,.,l.ll .tilut l.ilrr i SeminarwSnkriesTiind Sexual Debility, SS?B5 E uiauliooil, acit rocIticuiBlO'i'iei.iilinnle'iamlblQti.'hfiiintliorafe.rmuesoii'iouiiio ueau, paiui in uu, mu n.cdiawsuu.lfomcttulni.a.bashtulucsis. uvemion tu hoticty, losj fit fcexuat povrer, loss ot booiL &c . i'urt dfer life. Ic.iijhUipuUn,''nWiii't. lefcioroio mi'iiiaiiitT,ii-iiwmBtii brala power, caUr0"i uutlhUouBlbea ,cau parts uuU laaUo you lit lorumr.lutv. C,,-.I,:i:c tlnttcrrlblotUscaso, iitiUitsDCf.:rt-nre permanently rurcn witaoui byplllHS, orH nml ftaifcs eurril fur33LriCLUI t. laUbli., ruitlns, bouglM or lire. Hloo.1 1'olscinlntr. Skin 1)1 ensf , Ulcers 8 founcls. Ku lnln, no csposuie. l'atieu, caa r'i""?,',;"...1, ;,..u.;J,,.,Ii,i..Aiu,.iiri..i ,.r!m .i:.- 'riio Great ti nmevrVfuadT'd "u"" '-""-' 5'Oi.t-y rtiu uut-u. , n.i,i,im, 1" Bum.mi, V"V,' -",---; I llfe-lll:o moduU oiul wax ilguros deepl Impress CiJ?MKSffly53UA,'Anfci.fc tch I h. w. wciodwakh- T. A. l-CMO!.' wt.-v true to lite, vitii jun tiebcnptuiH a iuiiuui-) c. iv,u. Mu b,.v,.-..-.i abova dlcaies tho ehectu ami cure, sent bpabifewtlosis removo fever oml pain In joints t J liltlUooUumluuserU3Cornutlon3. h.JtUMainp for circular. 1 ,,cUui.'B. Pros Miiceum of Aliatomv S"r"? 'sHS aT.-. WOODWARD, FAXON & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, iHCAlEKH IS PAIXTS, OILS ASlt miASa. 1206 and 1200 Union Ave. (Near Union Dtpt), Kansas City, Mfc of Lot No. 10. For 50 Cents, 59c 65c 75c Cambric, Nainsook nml Swiss IMrcj nntl Insertions. The best value ever of fered by lis. AVorth Me, 63c ami 75c. I'i Ice In this opening sale, 50c Per Yard. Lot No. 11. Thousands of y.ittls ot llntchoft Sots in Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss, In dainty patterns for Infants nntl Chll tlien, and In the more elaborate tlcslfrns for Misses nntl Ladles, some beautiful novelties In Matched Sets entirely new this season, all nt special prices for this opening sale. Lot No. 12. A full and complete lino of Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss, all over embroid ery, In pretty, ilnlnty patterns, all 22 inches wide, and excellent valups at l.'c, C5C,' 7Gc, 51.00, $1.25, tl.CO and $2.00 per yard. Goods. Offerings. S 14.00 . 37.50 . 125.00 . 50.00 . 115.00 . 29.50 10.00 II.OO . 22.50 , 55.00 . 35.00 . 75.0O , . . . . Chair, S30, for.. choj ce ,37'jc ...5Sc -62'jC -here's an 50c 69c ...S2.00 nth Street. Kansas Cltv. Mo. 'l'lto Great TurltlsU 8 KI1CU ItlUUWI I jtUonuiatlti Cure. A Sfciitii'. !tii!U. Tho freatcst dlsi-nterv In tb -.:, . . - .T7ill "n.,.. .1... t,. a ;nltof, ,. tho uiladj a tcbuol of lu- j suntfjy 10 to 13. l'l forfeit Ar bS.c. .., Mat . FAXUN. J. a MORTON. tf iiiiiiiiiiiuh WE MAKE Our own prices on Pianos we sell. We buy for cash and get price concessions not obtained by other houses.There fore it's a reasona ble proposition that we sell Pianos lower than anyone. Come and see compari son shows it plainly. J. W. aT t- Br- rf- 7 H m rm m m m m m m M m M mm. M MM a. T : 921 C -u-. H MAIN ST. Z5Ca5B niiici jfttiic ;futc in fwninis run. tflgmaimriigmiimrimmm Oldest and Original NO CURB, NO PAY! DR.WHITTIER io West Ninth St., Kansas City.Alo. Lraclluii nml Successful Specialist In fllood, Nervottt antl Urinary Dlteatos, M:iloi)- i)i;itll.l : V, with Its many Iglnomy svinptotns. cttretl, l.ttM' vriAi.HY tunnancntlv restorml. SVI'll I Lttreil Itirllre vvttliout mercury. UlllNAICV lIsi;Asi:s cured quickly ana tliorotiRhly. viii: all o mints i'aii. consult Dr. H. ,T. Wltlttlcr and receive tho candid opinion ot a physician or experience, sltlll aim Integrity. So nrotnlbi's made that cannot be ulllllcd. .mi:du;im:s tnrnlshed at small cost, and sent anywhere healed. Treatment NliVlUt M;xr r'. o. I). J'Jtin: consultation and urinary analysis. rjlTTnii1 to health and emerRenclos, sealed, JJXUVJ for ti c I'tits tliiinps. Ulaahs Tree. Call or address In contldonco Dr. H. J. WHITTIER, lOIVcst Ninth St., KANSAS CITV, M( IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KINO. CORDOVAN. rRENCHACJAMtUED CAIF. '4.35? Fine CHJ&KANCARoa 3.sppoLICE,3 SOLES. ?-' EXTRA r INC- '- S2.l7BOYS'SCHMtSH0Ei LADIES. . FUnFoncATAior.iir WL-DOUGLA3, DROCKTOHJUVSS. Over One Million People wear tbo W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They kIvc the best vnluo for tho money. They equal custom Shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities ere- unsurno6eed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From $ to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply j ou no can. Sold by ".". A. AltllNIls, inil Minnesota Ave. .IM.Ii:.N i:.(il.K, -. VV. ir. Ilth nml Main. 11. T. lltlA'l , .". Ill Vl.iln SI. '. M. IIAII.N. ir,',':i(irunil Ave. ItOlTsCII llltds.. l:t:i:i innnl Ave. I'lii:l I'KIH",, lill'.l'j prliif.-llilil Ave. THE DEPOT PHONE Carriage and Baggage IS3 OR 132?, cowspArJV', bevcntli nntl ltro.itltv.iy, KA.NbAS Cll V, MO. The Vultl J'irslcluss tilultlrs In lite VtlJ. i:.M, I'tlWIUls, OI'K.V DAY AX1) NIGHT. Ptetlilom and Manager. No Extra Charge for Night Work, Always call us up when In need of a Carriage or a l.iRi;ago Wagon. DR. GIBBS' Specif! CUm I 'ui'-a set nlttlii, Ccrmn RU. I. unit uIIIiIikmI nml .klnillii'iics fisu'i; isi.ok. W.L.E jpca-jji ii . ijjN 8S5r"r"tj c!H I m-Jmmi eJ5oB 7bbI till Cnor-illr- Mn 9 n'itr.s i:iiiriv umi all SpeCIIIG nO, Ci Atlitxoiih iiisI:.vsi:n. I 5 fjtit'i: si.oo. - Specifl f Nn 3 UUltlW tVm.ilr U'rul. w ... unil uiul illhi'iifci-K nf vtouitli, ficici: i.tio. Medicines sent to all points sn-urely (.ctletl, on receipt of ntieo, tilvuiill sjiiiptoms vvlier. ordtrini; uv mull, t'ttrrt'ttpoutlt'iito Cuullileif tlal, sciuihtumt for botiUlet, CONSULTATION FREE AND INVITED, Ofllco hours!) to 5; 7 to 8. .Sunday 10 to L PILES CURED OR NO PAY, XH. GIBBS cfe OO,, 10 Went Ninth St.. KANSAS CITY, -M(, DR. McCREW H TUB OM.V SPECIALIST Will) 'IIIK.VT.S PRIVATE DISEASES, Wiaknosutul Din orders of MEN ONLY llwry Curo Cuarantct'l, -c )fr'expHrifmi. Uuuw fki:k: a.W Cur.'JihiV MlIfi tti, ut it) jiui Iltiy your I'laim dlret-t from the manufacturer and have dealer's jitollt. lle-,1 UuulliiiS 1'lagsat tliu fnlluulni; very low prices; U. b. KegtiUtlou I'Ijus-SIl, f.'raeaclt; Uft, UU.; 7 It., WtW: b ft, lluo. 10 ft.,14W. U ft. 1475; II ft.. i75; itl ft., ilu.75. Larttsr Uoi tjluu proportion. Addtesi C J. JIAKBIt, 101 W. THIRD ST. KANSAS OITV MO. EUUOA'riOJKAU EistWio. t V.iogH. Y, LifeSld?.. KANSAS OIl'Y. MO. rannv. Uanltik Kfum-Si.. Mn,t tv... " " " T. . ri::: r ------, , .u. TWENTY-NINTH YEAR, "''"'""""'' sVOiviVlM.A v.tsat.'tsrv lorucaei, uoacra LanifMgM, etc.. it Catalogao free' Telephote 1174. J, J. f. SFALDIKQ, A.JB., Fiidwt. loeititea, Vy and Xlulit Acioaf. n )'l i .M i (i m i ! t i ysi 1 iA I ") li V M 1 '.! ( I H .t-, i .rrw" tV