OCR Interpretation

Kansas City daily journal. [volume] (Kansas City, Mo.) 1892-1897, December 10, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063624/1895-12-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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Ilitii laili fintfttal.
W O w L.
Vf KSI ) A V.
I JjQd Holiday 1
tj(ri$mkkm We want every S flWiL.
I feflmS give a present to call
s Vwofe-TOWSa'Sffif a"" sec our maq-niu-
ilMiPy cent line of
ilr Pottery, I
I lw Lamps
I J iiV B anc !
I , ll Glassware. I
J 4fS ( est stock in town ,6tlyr as!P &S r B
(wvi W sw do claim 1
v Jy vk S&l 'oe iavc ,wo;v ;ry
1 fT d JS. h (.t;',00f& at jj money
awss ia any outer nouse
'I hi Wronght-iron Lamp 53.7.", Kach. in KaUSaS City. ITO FHV (T B fl
Wholesale Prices.
Iirsost Mock of Diamond", Wntchcs.
.Tow dry, Silverware, (.'locks und Optical
Goods,. Como In .mil see our
oisr s-ajlk
At ono-lialf the ropilar retail prlcos. Tlicro
In noililiw made under tli sun and carried
bj llist-tlat.s Jewelry stores that cannot bo
lounu .ii
r:sTAULisHi:n isa
IO!7 PflAOffl ST.
f, Doe's Sanitarium
UUiod IlroiidBaj, iKlhSAU C1TV, 1!0.
la a iinvivlo lioj)ltHl h qnlct nomo foi
tlioiu ninictod w un medlrul und urf;lcul
clUim( ,nnd Is biipjillnl with nil thu reme.
illul Tiicjnsi kuuvvu i tclunco undtbo lutost
lnttruiiu nts icqulrtid In modern turnery,
For ttio uccoramodatlon of patlcnf), to.
Ketlior with our comploto llrace-MnUln
Dupartliirut, makii tfib tlio InrKi'st nnd
oldest and tho only Uioroujhly equipped
Bunltarlum In tlio Weit,
Oid-nitloni for tho euro of Varlcocelo,
I'llrs, htricturo und Fistula aru of dully
A neatly published boot, Illustrated
lliroiuilmut.nhowlUK tlio tvimuulum. -with
IihotORrunha of many patlcuu, which vv HI
io mailed freo to any addreeS,
Tor lurthcr lnfonuat ton rul 1 or addrea
Your fiQiiiiay Want
in choice Wines, Whiskies, Cor
dials, Ueer, AIo and Porter will bo
promptly supplied. Write (or in
formation and shipping instruc
tions. An elegant presmit with evory
purchase of a gallon of liquor.
Wholesale) Whisky ami Wlno Merchant,
l mm i'miin AVI'M i:,
U, A. It. i:M!.ll'.Hl'M' ! I I'ONIU).
Kank.u Depirlnuul Will 3let nt llelolt
.jirll Ml In.tmd of lVhruary "1.
TopckJ, Kas., Dec, 9. (Special ) At the
rccjuibt of citizens of llelolt, tho G, A. It.
couuell of udmlnUtratloii hus postponed
tin state eiu .uuinieiu to be held In that
city fiom Whruury il to Apnl 21. The
iliuuBf wax m,id to tbeapi the rleoious
wijther to be vxpeeted In a winter month.
Genuine Cork Sole Shoes
cmtv JaL2 A Jit? Planked White
jl fcrloves, b-Iores, (riores P
Amtsm op i:vi:uy styi.i: for b
.1 --IT". UU iJJTW.
IttiUKo Vri-gognriVtr, unu u uw v5 ina.u up ui mwi iu ute, aim vuej.
'7 the harrWurls of la caujUj-v. HfltlMM 1 111 Till ltf tlltr """-"r"""""""'
- -w S M
At very tnoder.ite rrlcec.
will sladly exchaiiKO them ntti r tho lioll
da .i.
A dainty box, decorated with llovvera und
ribbon, jrlven
With every $1 purchase. . fi
Louvre Glove Co.,
1010 MAIN ST.
Call and see our fine line
of Triplicate Mirrors to
be appreciated they must be
We also have a very select
assortment of Combination
Pockelboohs that ought not
io be overlooked . e. , -if
you care for style.
Then there is the nezu fad
in paper the French mar
ginal note if ' u want
the latest.
Fine Stat
too Curds loo Willi nuil . Fiom I'lutc.
i02.f and 1026 Walnut St.
A Silver tarier
III one corner of our storo Mtovvs
foinn Ix.iiitltul Klftx for ChilHtmiib
at fMLtlonal p.uts of
A Silver Dollar
That would ph ise tlio
tusto of 11 ii Iliad per
ton moro than t.pvii
blvn nrtlf le
Look it upon our
beautiful assortment
Select now.
Pay later.
You get
A ctioice.
01 rmuuiws Novel, xgsyggr
Ttliplinuii SilKltl. 1(1 l.-jt llth rt.
iilii'Ki:t biuii" mux ;o ruin:.
Tlio Arrested bt, .lo.eph ilrulu Itrokors
DlkilmiKi'd for nut of l.vlileiue.
St, Joseph, Mo., Dee 9.- (Special ) Tho
cases afulnst A, illchael, !'. 1, t'ut
voye, I.. A Wood und K. J Stieet, train
brokers und ulleged operators of bucket
shops, were dismissed In the criminal court
to-day on the ground of Insillllclent evi
dence, This Is tho llrst dellnlto effort to
stop b'ainblintr In wheat in this; city.
Mri. h. It. IIU, or VVebl. City, Dead.
Webb City, Mo., Dec. 9. (Special.) Mrs.
S. il Wills, one of the must prominent
women In the city, wife of ex-Collector
and ex-City Clerk Wlllv, died to-iday, ojttor
A loan lUuta.
t uuZS-i
Previous to our Semi-Annual Slock Taking we have
placed on separate tables all Broken Lots and Si.es, Consist
ing of several hundred pairs of
Alen's Pine Cassimere and Worsted
Former Prices $5, $6, $6.50, $7
Ami marked tltcm to ilia one -price of
All our own, inalec, Naw Goods, Seasonable
Wei (j his and tifilisli, I'aitevns.
and IS03 ftJain
mm, seine k co.,
"a p. r
Now at 808 Walnut,
Are serving tlio llnest Cooltetl l'ish anil Oysturs to order in any style. No
liousu in Kansas llty can servo j'ou as vu '
da Cotno anil try our ',
Planked Blue Fish,
wv Clams steamed or halted. Oysters and Clams on thu half shell. We
SK, will cook you L'ibh nnd Oysters in any style Wo curry the largest and
M freshest stock in tlio Weht, receivinp; stock daily by express, l'coplo of
1; ICnnsas City will do well by buying their Oysters und Fish of us to take
MS homo, as wo ljuur.intoe ovory li.sh and oyster to bo fresh.
Remember, -ve arc only running one,
store tn Kansas City.
. X &&.,........
tiyyfyyyyyy 777777777777777777777777777777777777779
A Case
of sivmp; in r lit minus n rase of
h.ivluK ni.iin v on istot cf Slmes; aiul
the It lilt V ensl US the if.srt tlley
cost .MUl We save S."e to $1 per
pah', and we Mill make tho sumo
inone bcciitlM It rusts lis less to
livt' nut lieie on 1 1 rand n'vuiute.
When oll speak
Of Shoes
out our w i tli v all suv do hv
nil iiii.hu vvh.it 'tl "-an nave
lllttlU v , lit
1.(13 Grand Ae.
cvitus m.wkiisk'n iavi: snr.
I'rcsitlenl nf tlm Keflllltt I irnl Nitltiiml, of
.setl ill i, to I ! Irlcd Janum K.
Set ilia. Mo., l'ee. 9. (Special ) The dock
et lor tin- J iniiuiy term of tha 1'cttls
county eilmlnal court was nrrnimed to
iluy, and the til.il of Cjius Nevvkirk, pres
ident of the dt fipiet First National bank,
i sit for January 8. Them are four cases
iiK.ilntt lilui for Kiand larceny, mid It Is
lulleved that lil .ittortieyu can no lomjor
ilel.i) h's lilui, which has been put off
tiom teim to turn on the defendant's plea
of 111 health.
I (IK M. I. (HUS Oltl'IIANS.
Clirlsllau ( I11111I1 uf seilill.i Sniilii 11 Cur
luiid of rriivlnliiiis mid riiitlilm,'!
Sedallit, Mo , Pec. 9. (Special.) The
christian church or this city to-day loail
t I .1 cur with provisions for tho Chris
tian (Indians homo In St. I.oul-i, and It
will hi kliippul tlieio to-morrovv mornlni,-.
fie. of ini-t. by tlu Mtisourl. Kansas, &
Tivu-- lallvvio The donation consists of
il ntjiiiuli. of potatoes, l.wO iiounds of
II ,111 ami a larse assortment of nil kinds
uf fimirlis. clothlmr and Christmas pres
ents for the llttlii foll;s.
it.UI.UU.U) At.KXV 111:1. I IT.
Two Munkeil 3Ien buiur Alinut 7 at
.tloiintiilii View, Mo.
Willow Springs, Mo Dec, 9. Two masked
men held up tho tulltoad ukciiI ut Moun
tain View to-duy, becurliif,' about 70. All
cinplojea but the tiKt-ut wete ut supper at
tho time A posse soon fotmed, who cup.
tilled a Mlspliious patty, but up munoy or
tiny evidence, was tound, This la undoubt
edly the same pair who Invaded J outeer
last week. holtliiiK up a number of citizens,
lobbliiu tile pustuince anil tlio only store
in the town, seciirlmt about iW.
cosvuui:i or miiuiuuv ani ahsox.
Cetirge .Iminermiiii and William llalley
t'uuud liullty ut Topel.u.
Topeka, Kas.. Deo. 9.-(Special.) Oeorso
.Itnmerman and William liailey were found
KUlIty 111 the United Stutes court to-day
of lobbery and liiillilnt- the postolllee ut
Tyner, Sniltti county. J micro Foster at once
mntuiici.il iaih of them to four eais In
inioon. "htu the Mndlct vvus unnouiicul
Mrs. Zlmmiiuian and hir three ihlldreri
made it I'liif In court with their scieams
and prayets for mercy to the husband and
Baking Powdor
tit nitJetlni.-.
and fl Eleventh
Broiled Live Lobsters,
S teamed Oyste rs ,
rrrimurrr Atliertiin. of K.lMr.m, Irj-liic: to
Colli-ct fur st,,i (,r.iln riiinUliiitt lril-
em liiiiiiiTrt l.ut.1 spi-im-,
Topika. K is , Die 9 (Spe11.1l.) ruder
the provisions of the n ed Kraln nil bill
passed bj the IfLilslutiire last winter. In
which JlcW.ii") was apptnprlaled to tho
tnrniers of We.-teru Kansas, it was re
qulied that eountv coiunilssloneis take the
promissory note of eaeli tanner for the
mm In which he w is assisted Tlne
notes fell ilue un December 1, and the
state tre'tsuier Is now semllm; out demands
, upon tin hcVii.ii county tnasurers rot the
iiillielion nntl temltlatice ilium the samr
Not nil of the JluO.Cii.) was tnkiti liv tint
fai nit is. Some of the coiintlt s rt fu-ed
tlii- sums set ap.it t for them and the total
I tuki n only reached JMI.O'I')
ill ism, the It wl-liiture appropriate! I.I.
SI11 for seed main under the same pio
vNlon .is to riipavincnt by the t.iiuier.s.
111 that sum lil.tui still reui'iliis due mil
imp lid, and the same piopottlon of full
nit Is expected In the moie ttient lo ill.
In botli lustuiuea iht counties nldtd were
intuited to put tip eountv sillpt In tlm
full amount of tin loans as seiuritj, but
no etfort has ever In 1 tt made by the state
authorities to 1 illicit on this script.
Thlrtj-live 1 ountli s In all took iitlvautiiKo
of the aid bill. Smith county bends tlm
list with ?),I3"i. aim the lowest was Has
kell county, with H"n The amount duo
fiom each cnuntj I as follows' 1'. u ton,
?"i.7.'iii, Cht ji nne JJ.r..' Decatui. A!I- IM
wards. tl.lsi. illlls. !il7: i:ilswoith. tJ.Km:
1 rottl, J.'.lhl: Ciove Jl,(il3; Utah nil Jl,7n;
Clitelev, J.V.I. lla-kell, .Kt,. lltiilc.in.in,
I $i30, Kiowa, JI.I77 Kf.uti, $''-il; l.liiioln,
I U.I"), l.oiraii. Jl til. Noitoti, JS.l.'J, (iliorne,
t.7sj; I'awnee. i-' -"i .' i'liilllps, J.1-.I1. 1'intt,
I.M'll; It.iwlliib, !-' ",l. Itusli, t-'-ol. Honks,
J107J: Ittiisell, Jll'i' Stafford. fJ7i. Smlt.
IKn; Smith. Jii.151 Mimdiin, ?l,Ss7. Sttvins,
I fill : Sheimaii -i."l I Trecro. tl.UiJ. Thom
as I,1M: VV It 1111.1, tia, c au.iee, i,t".i.
The counties whit h still owe on the loan
of IWt ate linatiir. IS irlleid, (Ir.ilinm.
Urielcy, I.okiui, Meade, Itaw litis, S. waul
and Wallace;
Alllv.v:vs.s. HIIIIKU: AT III.At'KlliritN.
Conte.t as to Its lleiiiovul Curried to the
Interim- llepirtmeul.
WashiliBton. Dec 9. (Special.) Joe
Wlsliy, of Cluihrie, spent some time at the
Interior departim nt to-day, Insisting' that
the ilujiai tiildit allow the brldifft across tho
Aikansas at lllaeklmrn, leadhm from Ok
lahoma to the iienire country, to remain
Ak'ent Freeuinn, of tho Osnttcs, has bun
tryliih to havu tho brldiie teniovMl an I
was prevented from eirrjItiB out hU plan
liv injunction pioi tetllnns, now petidlnc; in
the courts, Mr. Wlshy had much to say
alioitt the "Freeman rule" In that counir,
nnd Insists that if Fneman wete not cse.
ly related to some of tho Interior oilit ials
lie would have- been removed loni; ao.
r, W. WurdliaiiBli Drlvlni: I'mm Vjmuuiei,
II, (',, to iluiksoutillv, I n.
Outhlle, O. T, Dee, 9.-(Speclnl.) V. V
Wardbaiiijli, who his been stopping u this
city for several days, to-day started out to
llnlsh 0110 of the lotitftst journeys ever
made by teum on the American continent.
On May 1, HW. in sttirtetl to drive fiom
Vancouver, lltitish Columbia, to Jackson
ville, Fl.i. lie has come this far 011 his
way, ubout 4,u00 miles, lie started with a
dot,-, which ho lost ut tho Kansas line, but
is drlvinir the same team ho slutted with.
He Is u. man ubout i jears old and si.s
ho has enjoyed his experience very much.
Ti'ja ISIrl Avbiibcs the TruusTcr to Anoth
er of Her Lover's Affections.
Sherman, Tex., Dec. 9. (Special.) Youne
Fouler, colored, took a jrlrl to the colored
llapttst church last nlslit. The couple hap
pened to sit down In front of Mairie Jones,
Fowler's foimer bweetheurt. In a lit of
Jealousy, the Jones gill stabbed Fowler
In the back with her hat pin. The plu
penetrated two Inches, curvlhc; around tho
spinal column. Fowler fainted. He was
carried from church and the pin extracted
by a ph sleuth, He U in a critical con-
missoi nt is i.ttdit.v 111 iii:i' 1 in: iti.
rnit.it'tN imnvi:.vi iti.v.
ai.i. 1111: it 1 i. (iin;s Attc, orinit
i.No iiki ini)1ici:vii:ms.
sun rrnnl.ro Will I col on the I'lr.l Itnl"
lull hut Her iili Will lie I.hki-Ij I mil-
plliin'iitiir.t-1 ln;il ( oiite. t Will
rrolnhl.v lie Itetwrin I hi
rngo and s, l.uui..
Wnihltiitloii. Dee. 9. Tho nntloti.il Ite
pnlilliMn committee will meet to-nioirow nt
the Arlington hold to select the time and
place for hottlltii; the mitlotinl cnnventlon
next j ear. As to the time, the committee
rem to he pretty will rir,rf'd that It
should be held some time In June, althouxh
llieio are some advocates of 11 very late
convention nntl a .short, shtrp cntupnlKii.
The place ut which the convention will lie
held is the subject of 11 hard, but wood tin
lured .stniKitle. r.aeli ilvul city has taken
he.idiiintters at the hot. I and Is helm?
boomed with ureal dlllKenee K.tch of
fers to pay on" the debts of 1 he nntlonnl
committee, and, belile, offeti a separate
and sufilor set of iiuitlllli atlotis and ad
v.iiilac,'es, both sentimental, material und
Kcoirruplilrnl. The question of rnnilldiites
doen not appear to enter Into the question
of the choice of the convention city, and
the Itppiibllcmi politicians who sw.nm
nlsiut the corridors . iv the eomnilttie will
lontent Itself with seleetine the place for
the lotiventlon, nnd allow tile convention
to select the candidate.
Amonir tlio.o present nre ome of the
most illstinRiilshPil and powerful lemlers of
the K'puliliian part.v.
( tltlillil tie. to lie lleiril 'lo-ilii.
An nttempt vein mule to cilve the cities
.1 henttnc; to lav but man) of the com
mute! men vv.re ali'-iit. and it was decided
llnallv to pn.ipoiii the httilim's until to
morrow moimni: at 10 o', loik, when each
candidate will b c;iveii 1111 hour to pre
pt nt her ehilms
The question of the bnsq of repie.ptitn
tlon Will, ll will come hefnte the eomilllt
tee, will be refined, proliablv. to the con
vention for "ettliini'nt The 1-aiteis, as 11
inle claim It would be foll to dim ouiai;e
the Southern re proentiitives li t"duelnc
t lit ir basis of repre.eiitailon Jiir. t as th"V
are heKlnntni; to vlinllcate their pretllt Hon
tliat the solid South would tenr awn from
her old alleci nice to the Democratic part).
Cntnniitii iman K"tt lis said to-nlKht that
Ills hope that St Louis would steuie the
convt ntl.Mi had Kl.iun Into nlisolute cou
tl.lni.i Vti illutt was made to secure .1 meeting
of the txtiutive committee to-nltrht, but a
tiuorum was not seeutcd Thoe jirt-sent
uumptid to take m no buslnc-s IhjoihI
the fraunnc of .1 telegram to fiovrnor
ele. t Itr.illtv, of Kentuckv, coiiKi.itulallni.'
him on hi- 1 let Hon. to lie presented to the
full 1 ommlttee to-morrow.
All the Itlv lis Workliic- Hard. ,
This evinlni; the corridors of the Ar-Ilnc-tmi
wen thioticteil. At the heiidqu.ir
i is of tlii four rival cltlis. the t hamilnns
or each wtie dispensing hospltitlity and
puttlnB furth tlulr most firnest argu
ments In behtilf of their respective cities.
The rttthluirj; contingent ilwelt upon Its
loeatlcin is .1 lallroad and teli'Kiaph i inter
and, beside", urtrel as ,1 sentimental n a
s,m the tni t that the liepiiblli .111 party
had not hill 1 lonveiitlon In that city since
Its birth in WO The (Soldi 11 U ite partisans
wire olf 1 Inn almost any In lint mint that
iiilKht be demand, d Some da nitu Ml.
In iiiiuk nnriiMiiiiid that San l'tanclsco
ha 1 tilitalntd a jt, railroad rale from Chl
euito to the coast nnd return To-tilitht tile
I. It nation tleel ! d to offer 11 JV) rate to the
piihlt . 1 fi'i rate to the deli-Kate and flee
ti 111-poi t ition and hosiiltnliiv to the melii
li is of the committee. (It in ral N. I'.
Clilpm.ui and Mr De ) onus will prtsetit
s. in l"i nit i-io's 1 lalins
The Chi, ago dt legation was, perhap-. the
mist mh ne of any Tliej wen dnlnir ef-ftttin-
woik, an 1 while not as restive ti
the others, mm tiled toiifident the Lake t Itv
would 11lti111.il Ix secure the loveted prl7e
Mr ham Alleilun will speak lor Chlt.iKO,
St. I. mils III" Mnt .Vtllle.
l Iouls dlsilacd seiminirly more u"
llvlly than un of the ol'i- 1 ell ller
cotninlttee was evticmelv- em rs,i Hi . nnl
both Mr Kerens and Mi I'llh v tlielar. d
that whin the contest -tttlnl .lnwn 10 Clil-c,m-o
and M I.onis n- thev inslstt d It
would In the end, that the Mound cit
would 1 airy off the prize Mavoi W al
ia itliri ami Sam Keuuard will pi 1 sent Kt.
I..111U' 1 laituH.
'I lie rtt Umls deleu-ntlon held 11 meetlnu
ilutlnir the fmeiioon and uuthoilnl Mr.
Sniiiiiel Kenti.irtl to announce authoiitative
1 tliat (olnrnl ilelesntes to the national
const ntlon would lettlve nm ll j the Mime
act nmmoilatlons, fat littles ami treatment
at the hotels and public plates uh while
dclt-hutes, nntl also to make 11 Kuarantee
that the holi Is would not advance rules
durinii- I lie convention.
Althoui'li each 1 iindtil.ite claims vletoiy
011 the linal ballot, a eaiifnl canvass to
ulKht showed that thev appioxlinately
iiirieetl ill their n suit ol the Hist luillot
This i.inva-s nives ,Sin l'rautlsco l'i, puis,
liiirj,, IJ. St l.ouls and CIiIc.iro, 11 e.n h
All 1 mm pt Sin I'r.incl-io, however ,ii;ree
Hi it the tlrst billot does not Indicate tlin
winner. ltiiorts of alluiuce.s between Sm
rr.intlsco ti tul St IrfiuS und Chlc.iuo mid
1'it Iflmrir wire itbrotnl, but were stien
uouslj denied The shiewilest polltlfl.iiis
aliout the hotel to-nlirht piedlcteil that nn-le-H
San lYtinilsco won mi tlm llrst or sec
ond ballot, her votes would break lo St
Louis nnd Chicago, and tluil the contist
would lie betwem the Like city and the
Mound city,
St, 1,0111s1 Chaiicis the Itc.t,
Chicago, Dec 1 The post's Washington
special sas rhlciiro tiny tret the 1 on
ventlon It would be plea-ant to sav that
she -xx 111 Ret It. but the situation dois not
justify siiiorulne ptetlli tlnns Ai (Ids writ
fni; St. 1 ouls 31 iiinliuly has the be-t ehiincis
of itiriyiui; ofi the pri.e Tin IlKlit so
fur 11s inn be JiuIkciI, lias devtlopnl into
"anylhli kt to beat ciiicni;o." and tin if 1110
dii i ludli nllntis of a cumblnatioii hetweeu
Sin rianeisio. St Louis and Piu-liurt! 10
that end Sail i'1.111, Isni's streuulli is of
tlm coinpllitientars kind, and l'ittslniri! is
delli lent 111 account illations St Louis
makes a Rood showliiK from the mom y
poiut of view and In the matttr of pio.
visions for the convention ciow I Fur
thermore, sliu Is tho set on 1 1 hoi, e for a
&T"""" ",-Lr.N OT H I N G.
.1 o ul ry of
u w u 1 1 urli i s
i..,ll,lc. aililiui.-, WIlllOrrOIIAISdl.'.urlL-
tii! tilll.h, comliiiietl viltlithu urwc.l, nob-
hltit nun moil i it in- mi
Top Measure of Value
slve stales anil 1110
liujer am
HollJay linyei's! Jllijh Tlnio for Action.
We quota from our lluo Art (Intnl.
Marble Hunts,
Vlrnna Plate,
China Clock..
Iteiiutlful Vales, JT
llre.Ucu l.uilip., VJv
Dresden Caudle Stick.,
7) Dresden duivc I I'unkets,
f laqui.lte llruuit..
li c THHrr H EPem tcwl
lj iIAMiH)JPfX rlRpc
r h en ns sTtti k fc-HujrJ
1. . , 11 ii --
1034 lain St.
100 Visiting Cards, tuqiaxed. from plait 01111 aoe.
IfiQ rdill'ia Card. fiaroicJ. wllhjiM only 7Sc
e"el. In
mii.iiilv or lhof who fiver San rnip
1 iiinl riiiiihiirit in Hie pri lliiileuii -I
i-t and most lniort.in of till, iln lln 1
tinli in. i -uretlv nnlni ilihtmo lie
(..il re. iimb ik Mint ililmi is a ll""tll
teirurv icid thiit unr othtf pliii 1 noull b
pn ruabp Pitts-tHirar would be satl.fa, 'm
Inn for the illtoer that that town i
sul'irnli.) wtlh Mi Kinley sentiment Hiinul
1 un uiiv with that dlti'-oveiv irtme the d .
1 lourt. or lack of hotel accommodatlm!
Tluil mil lie sal, I to he the ' linn k .ml
drop" ftoti I'rnnelpeo. Iieltrit U'Oenpl li Hv
Itnprni th aide, I'lileiitif tBupJKMie'llv ho-tih
ntn! IMttsbtir tlariirerous. St. Umls we.
pit ki ti out as the moel neutral iilnt In
slirht. nnd the Iti-ed plav Is belim mudi for
Hint rltv-
I illmli Atitiiiiniiiy or liiilepeitili lire Meril.v
a Matter id I Imt'lti.urc.ntit t'au-
itot He Citiiqui'tnil
T.itniKi, I'la . Doe ! Iirl Wlnslcn Lmn
mil Chun hill a -oil of the late Un 1 It.'in
dolph Chuiehlll. a lleutinntit In the Itrltlfh
nt my. who has Imn with (ittierul allz
In Sinta flam, is in the 1 ity In nn
Interview lo-dni he said 'I think the
situation In cub 1 is si rlous The winter
Hlnpnlmi Is III 't tided to be dcelmxi. Slioulti
the Ssililh fortes mi In ejet Hnir the
revolutloiilts from tin province of Mutan
rn nntl Senna Clam this xx Int. r, the tliclit
will be prolong d Intlillnltels. as In the last
levolullon Ir the stniR-Kle Is prolotltfi d.
the Insm cents will iniln In numbets, on
ni count of the Kem nil dlxonleiit that will
exist, and the irux eminent, ovvln to Hie
onorntotn expin-e Involvisl, will have to
decrease its nimv. ami hold onlv the prlti
elpul Isilnts, while the I'ountiy and Hie
smaller places will lie iilvcn to the Itisut .
p'lits. In Hint i.ise the iiiuntij will oon
lie 111 11 wretth.'tl cnliilltlon anil the peoplt
will brlni: much ptessute to bear iin tin
llimiiKentH lo terinln.ite the striiRKle, vvh l
the t'nlted States In behalf or her clilr n-.'
Inti'iest, will Hlmllnrlv pnss Salti, and Hi
tesult will be Hint Cuba will miln complt te
iiutonotnv and Spain will tint loie her tol
onv. Should Hie Insui iretit. maintain their
In)ltloti this, winter in Hie provinces, then
the result l nearer ami mote ptotnlslnc to
"The Sp.inlnids do not quite irrnsp their
wavof tli,-htltiK-. and the Culmiis. who thor
ough!) under. laud the wood", hnve the u,
v intake Out-I.le of P.imlati.l. 1 do not In -llcve
thete Is nnnllii Countrv which could
succe-sfitllv sttpptiKsi tliat n volution Thete
nre now .ijtKH tiw bilntr run Into Cuba,
and utile,, tliose in 1 omnium! have 111
imuk'iI .1 verv brilllnnt 1 oup I cannot see
where these additional Hoops will help the
situation mitt h "
Without liemeillil Mimuiliil 1 ,.KU illmi It
Is Alliicelher I'rtilnclili. Within a
I evv Vlonths,
Washlncton, Dec. 9 The statement made
by ptr-ons who are atnoni; those lu-t
qiialllled to JiitlKe tliat In the absence of
ieirlslaiion to telleve tile tlminelal sltim
tliin titiiillter bund Issue is alloKi'lhet piob.
able within the next few mouths, at th"
faithest. The pre-elit condition or the 1 x
iliatiire 111.11 ket. and the lommerilal sltua
Hon. It Is said, point iiiunlstakulilv to rui
thei iarire wlthdiawals or cold, and with
out someililtiK I" done to prevent Hit nsn il
lit avy ex pons tliiiini-.iiiiui irv nnd !"cluu.
ar, which roi the la-t two vcirs have
forced Hie is-ue of tionds to t. . oup Hie ,e.
pleted koIiI leseive. 11 slmll.it situation
will cnurioiit the treasurv before the new
vear Is far advanced The available cash
balance In the treasury to-dax, Im IuiIIiik
the reserve, is approximate!) -M7" Tun,! do, an I
a- the t'ovcrnment has leallyed fiom Its
three Doml Issues about tlX'J.ei.Mi"! ll ap
peals that but for these issues ttle liov
ennuent would now lie without one dollar
In Hit tiiasiiiv, and. In addition, wiull
have outstaudlnir obligations umoutithif; to
about Jii.',iiiNin In Hie nienutiuit Hie ex
cess of t xpt nditurt s over lecclpis aulount
to about l.t'i.ioiMjuo
Western KuiisihuiiiI ol.lalinioa lltiukn Itn
I111; Vietlii.leil lo -loll tic ills I'ajllblii
to (Inn (Ii t.ii;e I llwoiiil.
Wh hlta. Kn Die 9-(SpicIal) Aim. 1
ilniirne, 1 usliii 1 of the Clti.tns' Stutt
bank, of Harper, wiltts to-nlKht. coii,ilaiu
lltp; of an tslinsive swiiitlle pi.utlietl un
the count r) lianks of Wc.-ttin Kansas and
Oklahoma As iiiuiiv as a doen vlitlms
have alitady ripoitel, each one losing tttui
and Hie) an teh araplilUK nil ov. 1 n.astti
till 11 tile wlien aliout or one (.coie,. :j(
wood. The swindle Is pi 1 roi mod bv means
oT diafts made pnvtthlo to l'.llwood, all ,r
them puiimrtlin; to orltiimite tiom a luink
at .lamalen la It if thought that Mllwood
has .1 1 nnti It late at J.ima! 1 Tin . I r uts
are Issued it uiilail), and t t in lo l . 1
nine inn w hi 11 the banks s, ,i,) Hunt to
Inmali a tin) an eet no h iiistiu tlmi limn
tin n Thev un slmplv itott-ttil and s, nt
lnck without t xphiuatiiiu.
KllisleC Ciiutldlte tor I'ntTei's I'lne
'I llllllis "V unr I 11. I.t Ct I Us" llm ltlilit
XI 111 in tlm lili;lit rinrc.
Topeka. Kas. lie,. 1 (Spec hil.) The re
bellion ncalllft Cv Ltlind ilia -n't iippnir to
be makini; mui h In idvvav down In tho
Seventh distilkt J111I1.1 S W. Van Divert,
of KInhle), who Is hi omliiK prominent a- a
candidate fur I'lutnl Mitts .-ciuiioi - it 1
to a it pui tit tu-iiU:ht "1 huve jtt to -, e
a Itepiiblli nn lu m iiorllon of the Mate
who iippiovts the tluht tin la I ind Tin v
think Cv l-i land is 4h" ilcht man foi tin
plat 1 , and it Is bid politic s to turn a man
down who biouKht vlitoi) to Hie pane
I'nr 1111 1 If. I am fur 'v Li land 1 was
for him 101 fulled Slatts sen Hoc. mil 1
will he lor him for an) 1 him? he wants. I
think he showed lilnis, If to Ii, a spit 11 lid
manager In the la-t -late campaign, aim
he Is a man who alw cs wotk- haitl and
1 null llnitt k llbeially to the siippoit of thu
lender of the (1 1111: W lib Ii Itulilii'il two
ltuillui;iili '1 ruin. Nual st .lii-upli
(,ets 'Ihr.ii Veils lu PrUou,
St. Joseph, Mo, D.e ! -cSpci lul.) Pit
Clowe tit, notollnlls st If-i olllt sSt d J lil
Ine.ikii. illauioud thu r and tialu mbls r,
was pi'imlttcd to plea I uuiltv to .1 tliiiue
ol Ki.in I hiitinv in tin iiimliiil 1 ouii this
moruiti, and his puiu-huiiui was ii-m hmv!
ut lime )eats In slit,'- piisou ('lowe'H
aitlon 111 pli adlnc- cuiltv iteated no niir
pi ise annum1 the tilinin.il conn olllrtts and
11III1 lals or Hie K uisas I'll). St Joseph ,v
Coiin. II IllulTs r.illloail louipiii), who aru
at all familiar with tin- .a-t. Ciowe led
the 1,1111; that lull up and loiitml two llnr
llnloii ti .litis mar lieie two )turs a-o.
hlaiim: iiiitiiiiit riti.vi. iili.ii.v,
SiMTiiniti (.ranted and III, Hi iruo Will lie
'Irled Hi -I,
Ilnwllnir (lieen. Mo, Dec 9 The Ilearne
murlii trial Ikkuii lure to-du), JudKe It
1, Ho) on Hi, bent Ii Tin Hi ft prodc'llnk'
ill 1 ouit was a motion h) the deft use foi a
seveiatii e, will' h was maiitid Then after
arxutiitul, it was tli'lded to ti) Dr. Ifcurnc
llrsi, and the wurk of lmpatlelinK a jury
was in cull
It will lie reiolleitu! that Mrs. ileanie
w is Hit wife of A. J Stillwell. at Hannibal,
at the time of his murdu, and it Is ixpecicd
that some sensation il te-tlinuii) will be
bluimht out duiHlf," the HIjI
'I hn Pllll.M of st. I... ui. I .till.
St. Louis, Mo, D.e 9 -lknjamln S. Lev),
Wlio lectiitly opt in d a lirne (lollilnu, hat
and i.iti and tiiinlshluu soods store at 7J'i
ami 7--' Olive strut, undt r the iiaiuu of
"Tim I'nlon," assigned to- la to Attorney
Chalks IJrd, for the lieiu lit ol his creditors
The liabilities, almost wholl) In Chicago
und New York, arc about iitUtma, and tlio
assets trom). Mr In V) came here fiom
ChlcaKo, where lie was In tho clathluc
Will I He Its Charier I o-iniirrow.
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 9. Tlie Ilm'kport i
Northern lailioad will hie its chuiter to.
mm row and the cnuiueers will go Into the
Held next week. This load wilt be one
of Impoitance as It will cive un outlet
thtoiiiih Texas to the utilf. The load will
run fiom llockport to Smlthvllle. 113 mdis,
und connect with the Missouri, Kansas
& Texus iullw.1) It will lie built b) llal
tlmore .X New York capitalists ut a cost
of j,ixm,(xj.
yiuo DUcuvrr) Near Mrxlvo, 91o.
Mexico, Mo., Dec. 9. (Special ) C. C.
Davis, a prominent citizen of Mexico, who
owns and operates a coal mine near this
clt), has re villi) found zinc ore in con
siderable ciuaiititbs lu some of the coal
mine drifts Uxperls pronounce the ore
to be unusually line uud Mr Davis In
tends to begin prospecting on a Urtu scale
nxt sununtn'.
K iMsin Cltv M Urr I') i
Ti'liir l)t fur (V i(vj"i ft 1
ltmt ituM yestt Utj Wlnf-mi'ti 3 i
mum it
.l-St'i 5.V7S .'iiitl 5 (.no for S1.08.
ffl C5
' J !- 1 tx. V
Thin tnornlnR we will put
Dent -72 white frlnK. d
ale Lin tt
11,. a 1
3 yards Ioiik. with U dovl
n , it. Ii
reirulnr prln
nnd Slio,
I" r c!
of these nt- J 1, J
)our choice r i"
'' Si.yS
What Weill I make a more n
than ,1 ill, e .-it of table linen"
rui pis ut
China Dcpt.
If von w.nil I . t an Xm.1t present for
Voiit wife . -t. r, i hlld, c oul I oii I k ono
inori -ni aide than fiom tin I in i Dcpt
J.".,', "i ll.ivll.in.t Co. Dlnm r S-t f r Jl xrt
K''"l Dllllli I Si ts To f a)
Jltisi Dlnn i Sits for - 'J
J.-noi lilnmr Sits fur 1-0
JlUHH Meat Set for Ii"
J-sii.i I'lsh Sets for 7 VI
Jl'ioi l'lh Sets for I ) 0
jfiii mi tlaiiie Set for J I i
il."..l (iamc Sets for 5- S
Jl.'ml (iamc Sets for p. 1
j.iloi Ice Cream Sets for . .. 5 ' i
$r.' oi I, e Cream Sets for H 1
5I7.VI Soup Sets "or i "ci
MO ( -loup Sets ror )
J.'7.Vi Soup Sets ror J'i j)
tlnoi ftti-pleee Tea Sets for ... I S
Jl !'s tVepb Ten S. Ik for ... J 'S
JI7i Salad Sets for I H
Jl-Oti Salad Sets for Jl. n
Wo 1'iiddlnK Dlshps ror ... J7 .)
7"i I'u.ldltiK Dishes ror .... J ')
ll "il PuddliiK Dl-lus for n .1
JI7 ni Chamber S. ts for t'" W
ttv. l'i iii Dl-h for Jl a
jsmi lllith ". u . lo. k Ti is ror J." is
J.' i Tulili Limps ror .... Jl IX
J I "'I Tublt L'inips for fl OS
Games! Games ! !
Tills d pirimtu, I- i p l.iilv complete.
All tin nt w an 1 populir eaims at pin 1
Hi VI t -il low
Tov id "in Firth titior.
Books forTlen.
ppt.ipt I He ai'l aiiiptabli as Christmas
I'll - nit - lll-totli s
Motli c s Ill-torlt s.
Itoll.ll- IlistciM
Ilium'- Ulster),
diet n' Hi- nre
N.ipol. ouit lli-loiv,
W all, i S utt's Novel.
Washington Irvine- ffmlti
.Mirk Twain's liniments Abt ill
l'iul. is Holland
D'Atnleis Spain
Shakespeare's A complete n--ortment of
nil the dilfiient editions
We llave the above In the least expensive
and In the best bindings.
Attractively bound dalntv i i lv
Rood uiithors, at trllllllK cesi
in, Hue of KOld-stuniptel, Ilium
Rood pi int. good paper, iibui i ' s
i ac h
"Th Poets," cloth bltidliic ' iri
each '
Ano'htir line of "The Poet- . I .
blndlnt! each ... 'I'
Choice "elections from tin I. .mi
half I. ither. each . .
(lift books In prose and pn, n I oil
llllllllllK . uh . ,,v
Tn i voliiini t- box. I, i lo t il. h t
Hi lion x i lleui p ip i in I t J r1
A ! itli l lint 1 T. a h I- 1.1 1 r $' )i
Ill I.I.I VI', M'lllltl . CM I It -i ,V ( (1.
l. 11(11 II 11(11 s s.
lwelll)-ouo ( omit e I'rovldeil lot ami
(omit) -ials I iveil 'Ire.itli s Willi tlm
I illics VI, located I ami- In He M
luttuil ami tlie llalnnu -ol.t
Washinston. Dee. 9-(Sp i i s. o.ir
Berry and ltepn sunt.tt ive I nt n
sns. intiodiiied a dupl.i'ate till' a
nnd house to-ilay to piovid, i i .ry
kok rnnit nt for tlm livi -i is
cciuntrv, the iitopesid tt rilini i ' u wo
as ' lii'llam.la." This is th ' n
territorial bill that hus uii '
subjut in this coiikii'ss, in I j
thut i will be made the ba-i- . u
on tht subject.
The usual ixecutivi1 olllcirs .i t" ' I
for. ttiKetliei with u Ii-Blsltttui ' i i
pnsiil that tin tountiy shall I' 1 n o-o
tWetlt)-tjne lolllltlis, With itiuii c s i s .1
follows, South McAI.-ui. i' K. oak
Lode, Tallhin c, Wlinlock, An i Ttsh
OUllUKU, SiOlleWlllI, Aldllliili, Wi w id.
Duncuii, chl'-kasha, Nutvuta, nijn,
V'lnltii, Tahlequab, Muklrow. .M ikci
Sii'Ulpa, Wewoki and cimoMh o i i ts
uisu piovidul that tile count) - . s nuj at
an) time is' chanued b) the tur i ai 1 k
llsf.iturv. The town of South M i er s
made the tiinporaty capital it I i ttrr
tot), it Is piovidul thut t'uru alull b
a supreme conn, consisting or a n if Jus
tlct iill'l two u -sin lite Jits i. i - riielo H
to bu one I'ltUnl States attoin, one mar
shal and nil' ili ! nan- lo uui s Ir B
piuvidud that all ireatle hi r, iHre mad I
b) tin- I'nited Mates with tin n lu of
Indians now InhabltiiiB th. ttnliori n ime
ly. The Clniokus, Muscinj. ,-, or ri oil ,
Choi taws. Chick iivv and i ill 'lis 14.
cept so far as tn-ilti'S nliti tt, a I atfi t
tile title of tile ill hails to tile I 11 i ill.
eyid undi r 1 he piovl-lon of th irni ,
.lie ubroijatid und I k ,cl. .1, ;uid all govt in
iit,tlts hiiietotuit tst 1l1U.sh.il and lOiiuu t
nl li ullies ate abolished, tx t-pt thut
such iOVt-iuiiK-nis sli ill inntlnui pi exer
cise the tiowir of imiHtrlnj r di of pet
sous eiititlid to shaie in allrnent of
lauds and distribution of iuoiic).s and of
iippolntini; dt legates, ugeilts or eomiuls.
siotis ill tin allotuit ut of lends allioin; the
numbers of tiilns, and In arraiig.ni; lor tip
sale- 01 disposition of lands not allotted
to me Indians for huuustiud, uiU other
matters alleillng tluir Interests.
The trilK-s 111 glvtn permission to pre
pale torrect lolls, showing: who m.i) bo
entilltd to shaie In their loniinon propert),
the rolls to be delivered to 11 I'lulnl S'.it s
commission to be appointed This commis
sion Is empowered to allot ICO n its 10 e n h
Indian uppearuu; on the corre t- 1 101I-,
and the n malnliii,- lauds aru to bt sold to
the highest bidder, not more than iw a r' s
lo an) one man. and ho procccJs to be
given to tin Indians.
Coal, mineral and tow unites are to be dis.
voed of in a manner to be designated ly
cougiess. The sum of !),ni is uppiopilal
id to tarry out the provisions of the bill
Piuuthit'iil Wiirren.liur I Itlieu Held
Wnrreiihburi?, Mo Dee. 9. (Special.) A,
M, Zlmmtrmau; aged 79. u wealth) unci
proniltieni citizen, went for his eustomaiy
morning drive to-day. Short l ufterward,
the Jiorse returned to Its stable, uud later
Mr .Immeimait was found dead in thf.
road east uf town. His death was douL
less caused by upoplex).
There are all sorts of Suits uud (
coats selling tor (10. but the very bestrOVP
ure told about iu Tins Model's ud on l .;.,
Ol tills Usud, ,of.,ev"

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