Newspaper Page Text
jCmtga 1 p ailg JfimmaL ' 1 VOMLMTC XXXVIIT. NO. 221, WKDNKSDAV, KANSAS CITY, ,TAMrAKY22, lKiffl. VKItt,KSI)AY. J'HK'K TWO TKNTS. I ( M ) " i s ,( ) BEATEN UP BY A THUG tool or tiii: hash aaii.ts wal i.aci: millpu in , BILL ADLER'S LATEST CRIME, a nni.ri.r.i'i:io.i:it atthi: mliicv or a hiunkln mtiTii Matin; Miller lllttorly for III Confession, tlic Desperate Jvnrlh Pml llleetlon lhtcirs irend lonli Into ,1.1 It In tin III111 Up. W.-illftfe O. Mlllr was subjected to a cruel and unprovoked assault nt the Hands cf Hill Adler In the corridor of the seoond floor cf the county Jail yesterday, shortly aft- r the noon hour. Miller was hit a terrific blow oh the left Jaw by the burly ruiUnn, Adlr, nmt tmt for hi nullity In empm down the corridor unit the maud lln rendition of Adler, who was too it rank to follow him successfully, he might have shared the fate of Potollo Inspector Jesse T. McCtiire, who was killed In cotd l)lool by Adlor. In n tlko manner In v.hlrli tic attacked Sillier yesterday, on the nlftht of Ortouer $. 1S0I. Adler. who has 3nt finished, a len nonths' sentence In the ronnly Jill, Im pose 1 upon him by Judge Wofford for the tillllns of MeCIure, culled nt the Jail yes-t-r-1a.i, as li has been dolnic every tiny Flni "hi-v release, ami was admitted under tlu pretense of visiting with tho other I rlsoncrs. In the building, lie was nr (ompinlcit by Charley Moran, n North rnl Mush and bulldozer and hanger-on nt John Mnv's saloon on fifth street, ahd the, two mill spent considerable tlmn In Iho Jail. They hail been drinking freely ami Aitter, who Is a larie, powerful man, with no semblance of civility or lium.ine feeling In his In-art, whatever, was In a particu larly bait mood. Moran was not iniieh tuttir. and though he lacks the courage of Aitlrr, he Is a dangerous man tin lei the Influence of liquor. Their rnnilltlon should have been siilllelent reason for Mar shal Kerhlear to luivu rcfuseil them ad-mlttaiK-e to tho Jail. After tatklm; to their frlenils some little time. Adler anil Moran passed from tho ttilnl to Iho seconil floor, where Miller, who li a smalt man ami entirely unobtrusive In til nature, was leaillm; a book. It Is his a 1 itstomeil hnblt to sit near the grat ing on the seeoinl floor and road white he waits for the supremo court to pass on his sentenee of two years In the peniten tiary for election frauds, received nt tho hnn-'s of nn Independence Jury last No venber. As Adler atnl Moran pattsoil at th head of thn stnlrs.the former turned towards Miller and sald'liello to him. Mill cr returned tho salutntion and went on with his rending. , Then Adlfr, whoso Jirute nature seemed to swell within him its he thought of the damitKO Miller's confiesslnn hail worked In thiTynjjofhls.ftl8nd, the ballot box fCMUxa of urn North end. begun to use vioUnt language towards Miller. Tin- lat ter trbd to pacify him, but it was or no ue, and Adler, becoming more bold with ca'-h venomous cplthtt, started In where .vim-r was sitiiiu. .no run was at in duck an I mulling upproval. Miller half way utoso and closing bis book timidly dr.-w back fim tin- Humm ing thug, lie was not ipilek enough, how en r, as Aider. seeing him alKiut to es rape, drew back bis iovvci-ful right arm, d milled Ills IlKt. "old Hcto." mm he calls It, mid Mlit tt with all the iour he toiild jnuKlir attalnm Miller's 1,-ft jaw. Inataiilly theu was a thud and Miller was on the lrcn floor at the iin-rcy of the ilruukeit . tin- .Moran stood by and lent Ids aiiiuo ballon, llcfnre .dler emild npeiit the blow. Miller was on his feet and w-as runnliiii. lalf ilixed, down the corridor. Adler fol 1'jWi I 1,1m. i-urMliiK at enry step, but Kave VK tic chant whin alHiut half wuy ilunn t)i (Oriiilor. Ik Intf In no coiiillllou to Kjilnt. Miller kept quiet until lie heanl the tlRiial Ktiiinded for Jailer Wilson and the l.ill .loom cici' as Adler and Moi-hii p.tssi I mil. then ho sent word to Maihal ) lib .ir of the assault. The lallcr want ed to I,m p It nulet. but it leaked nut and watt vi riled later hi a reporter lor the Jo'irml. Mllhr's fice U swollen from the forte of Vlb-i's villous blow and ho feels cer tun that tile uhs.iult was premeiliiattd and a i.iiicmI with u hojie of rtsullliiK" serl iiuily fur lilm htH-use he bus turntd state's eii'HUK iiKUliikt the ili'illiill Uisses and ballot bov siuffers of the North end. of wiiim Adler is a nol. There are those wl will belleic Unit the uvsault uikiu Mill- r made with a view of killiiiK idm at I ih. 11 Adler was ilioen to io It N ivue f his terrlllc bittiiw wit. lie w is In prime condition to commit felouioui, ac.i'ilt Iniinnll.iteij aft' r Ix-arliiK of thn at .iiilt on Miller. Marshal Kehle.r UhiliI cr.irs that AUler inuet hereafter be denied thi fn-elom of the Jail corridors under oil (Ircumstantes The k-ihk l very sore nt Miller for turn-In;-- stall's eiden-e in the elettlon c.ieii an 1 would do almost anything to have J-:m foully deult with In or ler that h may 11 u trstlty acalnsi them In tlielr fortheoin. Ins trial I'ioecmlnK Attorney JainiMin ban taken thn inatur up and will piohe. nit- Adler to the full extent of the l.nv f r tin assault on Miller. He U verv in-liij-pmt oier it. as Is every cliiaen of Kan t ,- i'lt not in sjmtiaihy with thu kuub and its dupes. MR. J. J. SQUIER HAS RETIRED. j. i. Knlrton Ilus .Vucrieilcil lllm ak l'rcilileiit of the liiteritato :ttinii:il Hunt:. The Jnt rstate National bank, loeated nt p'o st... k arl.elecii.d lu lurJ of diretora f-r ill- comli'a ir eterda. As wa nu ll Ij'.iti't lu the Journal abuut live weekM ego. Mr. J. J. SouWr retired from tbi-pr- Id. ui y. Here U tl new board uf inn us- J. V. Andrews. S. It. Armour, 1,. IMrk. I'. ilcoJ. U V. Mclvet, U. V. 31 M.1-.I11 K. X. Morrill. l K. lion. J li. Muhaue. J. l. ItolitrWou J. J. sutor, (J. oru V. WUUams. W. II. Uiaaau. 1. A Vil-ntiue. C'llutou Aueiluc, li b. V', I- 1:. Jaiuen- . t,. r thv tVcllou the board net awl el- ti-1 tie mt ullUtrs: J. I). IluWrtMHi ,r -I Knt l.e- C'Urk Ue pre.idenl aud V. I Hiini. i iahir. Mr. ltobertson come fr-im J-will rity and ilr. Ciark trom th -ir-t Nj-.i-mal bank at I'arkunti, Ivan. Mr. II nri- tui. ini htmt.lf. COLORED REPUBLICANS ACTIVE. Will Meet I'rlday Mj;Ut and Ortfaulze tho 1'ltf Colored Jtepub- llruu I.eaKUC. TbroiKh tUe tlifort of the Central Re pi bin at Club, colonsd. club of colored vt r have bifcu oriu!ztsd In the Kirt. S -. on i. iiixtft aiid Seventh, ward, and inettins are to b nW to-nlsht to organize- the Klshth and Ninth, wards. The work is b.-ln done ttuu a. complete oraulia tion niy I; effected, and a. full oto of lb- vlured IttiubUcan he pjlled at thu - mini; eUilion , rt I riday cwuinjr. at No. 559 Oraml avenue, the ii,tiuiii culiiroitteenurn from the ward iluba wdl meet to orsanlxtf tU Kana t'.tj C olor.Vl League, TWO PROPOSITIONS RECEIVED. JJojrU of l'ubllc Works Is Flsurins ou tbo Hook uad Laddtr House at Tuclftli aud lodlsua. Tho board of public -works had before it yesterday two proportions to build a li jk and Udder nous to be ui--d la coa- Juaaion with No. 12 how. wason at Twelfth. uii IsuUiid aunur Taei-ompany haj now si how at the cortluast corner ot uji e-rtet owneo oy Walter J Dales. Mr Kit snule J- propcioltion tJ tne ooara to I oiaie as a4ditfOA W Ujw suutture lirge rnoiiRh t- .I'commo-late tie hook nn-t l-t-der Ills i hanre to be .--' amonth Thebnlli in nonM not confn-n t- th- ptin nn-l spe-111. atlon f tho hwrd, howeier S II lt-ile on the other hand td that he wotiM ro,-t a bull line on th" northwet orner lo r-tnform to the plan and spei l fVitnn and eharire thn same rent. Tho matter was laid over. J K Strone. .v Walrond aveniw. enterr-l a. complaint that P. 1,. nvlatt. who Hies ofpolte hl residence, had torn np the street In order to rmt In a sewer and had not replieed the nsphalt pavement. 'M-dlnnne ip- reeommend'-d to twvo Harrison ttert from Tenth to Twelfth, and Walnut from fWond to Thlid, both with brick BULLET IN HIS ABDOMEN. Ullllim Do I'orest Kennedy fatally Wontiiled liy.tnlin llnberK, Alia "Spire ltlt. llnrlni; a tjnarrl. W'lHUm lw-rorrt Kenne-lr b itylnc at the city hoHtal from a. bullet vvotind III tho ahttamvn. and thfl police nre svnrelt in the town for John Itoberts, nlltw Sptc llbi." Then lm berh I tad blooxl lsMwn t!ol trts snd Kennedy for nrm tlmo. list nlRht, nt nNnit T o'eloek, they met on the sidewalk in front of No. Ill Main street, and tK-itnn ntMrretlncr. Suddenly Itoberts vrhlpiml out a revolver and fired a bullet into Kennedy's body Kennedy fell and Itolwrts ran to Thlrt.enth street and turn eil vT-st. Ho ha not been seen rtnrc. Kenne-ly was taken Immediately to the city boipital. whero It w announced at iniiinicnt mat n, wouhl ille tirolmblv lw- fore mortilmt. All effort to ilnd Huberts faileij. . Itolierts l fnld to le nn Inveternto snenk tiller, rniil nm nou, from the county JJilI a week ago. Where he had len eon- lln,l for stiallnir railroad brne. Ken- nwiy uois not uenr a Rood iioliie record. HE NEEDED REPAIRS. I.owls t.nrlKteltt Arretted After Ainltlnj; ii Miminii nnd llidiii; Severely llenlen by Her fon. White stirrerlmt from demenlla or IntOT Icntlnn Lewis l.rvksteln butted Ills limit through the windows of n hack at Third and llro.nlwny lielnnRlmc to "I'res" Ityan at It o'cloi Is lat tilnlit. I.nler lie went to the home of "Aunt" Mary Wnshlncton, In Iho rear of Nn. ll llroadvrav, broke In tho doors, wru-ked all the furniture mid tried to choke her to death. Her son ran into the room and the men grappled and foucht like liter.". Policeman Klepper was railed and ln arreted Ivoeksteln. At tho station lOi kleln had to be handcuffed to be treated by the surgeon. There was it lone lit In hi nie. hl fare was torn and bleed nir and all hl frmt teeth were mls Imr l.oi-ksteln used to keep the City res taurant on West Hlxth strict. STRONGCASE AGAINST LOHRMAN Chief I'enalnii r.tnmhicr Auderanii Iiteut I. lies a Vnliiable llliim I round lu the Prisoner's l'ii.-esli)ii. Yesterday forenoon Chief Pension Kxam liter C It. Anderson went to polleo head iiuarters nnd identllled th vnlttabln dia mond that was found In the possslon of Carl Iohrmau, who has been under nrrest for four days, as the one- that was stolen from hl salrt front while rlditnr on n caldo train nt Ninth street nnd Orand avenue, ctrly lust Deo-nilwr, Tho diamond cot JITo anl Mr. Anderson d scrllieil It so accurately to Chief Irwin that there was no doubt of the ovvn rshlp. It now looks as IhctlKh the police hnd li slronK ease airalnst Uihrmati for illnmond nipping. A Kil-l vv itch, that was found In l-olirmaiiV lioeseu'lon, has tho nank.- of "Klrby" tn r.ivtu lu the ense, INFORMAL RECEPTION. (ilvrn by l.rndlni; A. P. A.'s tn .1, If. II. Mciein, of t hli;it;ii. Chiilriiiaii of the .Nalloniil Ailvlmiry Itonrit. About lCn of tho lenillmr members of the A. I. A. of the cltj Kiithered lu parlor S of the Midland hotel ,st eveiilmc to tender nn informal rertption to Mr. .1. II. D. Stev ens, of Chli-niro, chairman of the national ii. n inny omir.i. a-liiresses wre made and the evening sent III ple.lMint council over maturi jm rtainlm; to the liiten-st of thai ur-l. r. .Mr. Stevens Ihcii here alKiut ten l.iy In the luteli-st of tho older. DEEP WATER AT GALVESTON. Colonel .1, II. .Smith Niiy m l.iirset Ves sels Can lliitcr the ll.irbor at I.nir Tlilr, Colonil J. n. Smith, formerly of tho Midland hotel, hah returned from n llt to i;,ilvtlon. whtre he went tn InVestln.Ui) the deep water at that port. He is dellKlit. e. with Iho results of tile Jetties put III there and sajs there Is mure than tmnty thiee ftet of w.ilir at low tide. enoiiKh to dual Hie In, ui-t u.i that touches tit that Kjit, He thinks dt et water there will be a tjreat thlim for tho Wist. HELD FOR MURDER. John Aleximlrr, I.lnioln ,lohiinu anil (Ira try .liiliimm Mint Answer to tho Cliarcu or Itllling (li.rlrs I'm. After lietenlnif to the testimony of wit. twae to tha iillliiiu of Charlen Pox, who v, .is khot down by hlKhwaynu-n on Wi-.t Ninth Mreet Iat Saturday nlxht, a toro ner's Jury yeterday recommended that John Alexander be held "s the and I.iru-oln Johnson and (.entry Johnson l,.. luld as areeSi,orien to tlio murder, fu ller th statutes, all threo men are equally liable for the death of Pox. HIIillWAYMPN IIIMT A VICTIM. Kul mil Hill Itefusi-il In Hold Pp Ills Il.iniH autl Was lino. he-.l lluun ami itoltheti. At I o'clock this morning- two hlxhway rotib, n n-et lloland Hill at the cornir of Tliirt-. ntli and Wakhington streets and tuld lilm to hold up IiU lian-U. o refu.-.-.l anl tbey jmuii.W-d him over the head with reioivtid until he fell to th. ground. Th.-u be U4J robbed of Hi and u KMld ualili. The r. bfa. r made tlutr f.uh-. Hill u aa ili.-iioiere.l In u 1-kjI of btooil and taken to Central tatiun, bi injuries vmtc ilrtMsMl. lie is a uoit.r in 31aey' Pulon iveuue rti.iuraut aiul live at TO) West lileveiah ktn-i I. He bell, vis he kuovv tile identity of one of the liUhuav men. ltl'sSIAN HOLOCAUST. I'ire aud I'antc Ciute the I.ovs of at Least Vorly-oloo Lives. St I'etersburi,-, Jan. SI. A dispatch from BkateriaohUv, capital of the government of that luiii, ill South P.usIa, give de. talk of a Ur that occurred in j. tU.-ater thtre, iauiu- Knit Ios of life. The tire vva, dlscoverid while a performance wa 1,-04 1 w en. The nwcutor betaine panic itriikt a and made ix wild rush for till, Fort) -ulu bo-lie3 have already been taken out A uuniBer of perrons known to have bvn In. the theater are t-tili mucins'. CIlINKSi: INt'ITINO TO JIUHllI.'lt. Another Aati-Mlsitouary Proclamation Has Jlrvii Prumult;ated. San Francisco, Jan. M. The steamer Cop Ue. from China. Jauuary 5, Lrina the followinr Another pioclamatlon of the vileot nature iu been posted throughout the iiroviuce of Yunnan Inclllnj; the tieople to murder all mis.-Iouartes, uKalul whom Jliuuu; ami dUruceful clurue are re iterated. The matter U of the gravest imnorsanee and the whole of the lowers ouisht lo iuit upon the punltlimint of the olflclaU or the province. A UKAZIL-ITALV Kl'rrCRU. Trouble Paid to Ue luiuitoeat OitIus to ISrazU's Tardiness lo Paylue Claim. Itlo IJe Janeiro. Jan. 21. It la stated that a rupture between llrazll and Italy is Im minent ovvlns to Brazil's tardiness in tat Ufins Italian claims arbdns out of tue civil war In llrazll. It Is reported the warship llenjainln Constant has started to oitupy the Island of Trinidad. The Con stant is a protected. Brazilian cruiser, 2,70 staot la a protect! toi tUicyger;, GENERAL EWING DEAD ka.vs.w i tnsT ciiii:p .it-ortci: a xr.w YOltK IAIIM: (Alt VICTIM. HIS PART IN KANSAS HISTORY, I'AMi: Wf.ST IN I8,lt AM) WAS PltOMI- i. iiii:Piti:i:Mitt,MitL'titii,i .Member of the Leavenworth Cnnvtltul Convention, nnd for Inn enrs(hlrt Instil e-t.ed the l.leventli llnnsis Urchin lit tn the U'ur lilt "Order Nn. 1 1," New Yotk, Jan. 21 -tlrnerat T!iniii M. llulnir. Jr., rx-member of ermjtrrs from Ohio, and the tlrst chief Jtmtlce of Kan sas. Is Ure.l, (lenrmt tin Inn's ibflth was the result of Injuries r.eelved nrcldentnlly -estenlny. He had left his home Intending to ko dewntonn ly the Ulevatnt roml. As ln rnrhe Third nwnue, a cable ear isisseit nnl he stepjied directly behind It, not no ticing Mmt one from the opisxlte iHrecthm was rlhl iiion him. The corner of the far struck him and threw him Istck sev. iral anls. He landed on hl head. llrnfral liultm, who wns n memlwr of the law llrm of Hwuis, 'hltmnn ft l'.wltisr, of this city, was born In Uinuistcr, (J., lu Ci .") r ' i Tin: i.ati: thomau hwino. jh. 153. He was ndtntttrd to the liar In Clnctn. nntl In ISV, and went to Knnsus during the free soil strueKle. When the state of Kan sas was admitted to the Pnlon he wns ap points chief Justice, but refluned to enter the Pnlon army In the civil war. as ml.inel of the nievenlli reKlment of Kausts. He rose to the rank of brigadier Keneral and iifterwards was breveted major Keneral npd had command of the department of th .MHsourl. He went to Wnsl.lniitoti In 15; as thu nrslstnnt of ex-Secretary of the Interior ISrnwnliiK. He went had; to Ohio In ISTi) and entered politics. He was a member of congress rrom 177 to 1M ami In ls7i rnn for Kov-eiuor on thu licmocratlc tlck.t. but was defmied. In 11 he came to New York to practice law. For manv years he was president of the Ohio Soeltty 1, re. wan nt cue time counsel to lln build. Iiik' dei,irtmint, whl'h iwsltten he reelKitc I on January 1 last. ileiieriil Hwlmr has live children, all h-roi.n up, .Mrs. Hum Is f t III Uvlmr. GENERAL EWINgTn KANSAS. Took an Artltx Part lu the t'rei Mate tru.-;i;le stud I e,l u KitiMu Itesl incut t.. thn Yur. Toneka, Kas , Jan. 21 (Spe. ) Oener- al Thomas Hvvliu; arrived in Leivenuorth, Kas., In N'ov.mlH-r,, brluitlnr with him from her Ohio homo a fair ounx bride, i- 1t hutiK oat IiU shlnule as all ntlor- tuy al law and then planned In hot hat. Into th- free tale .onlllct, then hat row- iiikf the Hastern Kaiuis liord-r. He was Joineil shortly afl-.T by his brallur, who en tered hi law cilice as a partner. Ilw vva a delegate lo (he Lawrence eon. vt-ntUn, whbh ui.t In Dec. tuber, IKVf, and was oii of the thirteen bolter who nom inated Ueoije W, Smith for governor. In illustration of the frti t!ate enthusi asm of jnutiK Hvvlnw, it may le said that by Imrr-iw lnr he malum-.1 to ral- (l.m', every i-nt uf which he ient tn th- lKie It.s t.i.k of trllliK to elect bU ll--k--l. The nlKht liefore the eUctlon Hwlntt urti.inU-. a. e niiuuy of thirty men to e fnlr play at Ktfkaiioo. Ail deserud htm Iwt Ihrte, when it was dineovered that a bloo-ly mind, .il mob was In ,-h.irKe of the vonnK pbic-, but and his .-ominnloiis ytool their ground. In tplte of threats of death. Tb-y told the molt to kill them if they wish-1, but that If they did. all of I. avvnwurtli would lk down illion KUkatxiai like a whill- wlnd. After the polls Hvvlm; are! IiU comiunlons rmle ba k to Leavenworth amidst a shower of rotten cks and pUtoi shots. Later, KuinK wax ai.olnt-d coiu nilssioner to Investigate the ele Hon friiul In PAs, Kwlus was a niemlier of the Leavenworth constitiilionnl eonven. tlon anil active lu its deUit-s, This was thu only territorial oille- U- i-ver held. Pon the adinUtlon of Kansas to the Pnioti, tleueral Kwintr wus elected chief justice of the slate, a the n .miun of th Itenubllcan party. In thi oilUv h rvid with marked distiiicii.a for nearly two y-.irs. wli'-n, on the Ulli diy at .SeinmiU-r, lva, havlnic tHiuitil and ora.mUcd the UI p-tfiroejit, and li.ivlnu leen UFUini mously ltiiiltt 1 by the line olllcers to cciumand it. be led the realm nt to the tudd. C Itlouut was turn awaitluv re cruits at l'-'l Ul-!:e. aud Cut n. 1 i:vvnr burib-l his renluieut to hint, a. dulau. e of ?i m.les. at a speed of mole ilian tueiuy one mil., a da). He took I art with his ie. im ut lu tb battle, of Fort Wayne, Can Hill, Prairie t.rcve aud Van llucu. and was made brluadUr seaeral oa tb- 13tb of Mar-'b, y3, for kuIUim coadu.-t at Piairie Oiove. Later. It- was assigned to the co.-umaDil of the district at ih.- border. With iW exc-ptioa of QuautrvlIV tackiiHf Of l.aMivuec. he stood twivveeii Kansas and all s-rlom raids Polioulni; tjuautreH's rail b- issued the famous order No. 11. which n-arly depipulatel the three border counties-uf Missouri. In consequence of tierce assaults nul ujion him by iwlitical en'-tttlts In Kansas, a neral Kwlng asked for en. ollk-ial Invest! nation of bis administration, but this Pres ident Lincoln refused to order, and at the same time enbiTed his territory by (be ad dition of all of Kansas north of the tfairtv- tdrfluh parallel. In lsCI. b was transferred to the Satheast Missouii dUtrkt, with bcadiqiiarters at St. Louis, anl thus ceased his dlstlimive Kansas connection. Hut General Kvvltu; never lost iotersrst In Kani-us and her leople. lit- pursued the friendships be bad made and uft.n con tributed Interesting Wier upon the early da al Iople, He was all activ- mem Ur of the Kansas Stute Historical Society, and only la-t Sunday morniiiic Secretary Adaia? rc-IveI a lett-T from him eipress. Inte regret at bis Inability to atteud the an nual mectmtf to-uay. A BIT OF EWING'S HISTORY. Colonel 'flicoiloro S. Case Cilvcs a Kerlcvr of Korder War bceue nui Tells of the famous Order Nu. II. Coton-rl Theodore S. Case, who was a member of the staff of Gen ral Thomas Kwlnff. durln? the ilvll war, save a re porter for the Journal some inters stius da ta, resardlns his military life in and about Kansas City, last evening. He sold: -When I first ka?w General Kulns he was pra Ucins law in Leaven-worth, Kas.. ia 1K9, with fcis brotbr-lo-taw, the lite General William T, Sherman. The men. iw sr l .U l.SYTA -P.vUfc -ii. w-ro r- ate.i toRf-UiT l-i Ijin-aster. O.. H li nas the of Gen -rll !'. lne. en 1 lifr G-"ienl Sh ti."i mnrri" I bi- iter He was n m Of Pi. famous Oh.o, Tbomns Kwlnfr, and wns nam -1 for his fath-nr. WTtii Knns w admtt t 1, ho was eleelfil ehtef lustlre ns n. It- -publir an, Imt retgiwd -r to reentli nn I ootnmnr 1 th Uvrtlh Knas cavfllry n lis rilon.l The Intn S-nitor Plmnb, of Kiiwk, wa a ma?- tlr Cobvwl Itwinit and wes promoted td th-- rink of colon-1 whsn Mr Tin lne wns male brigadier en er.ll In cMrmnKMrd Of th bor ler dl trlrt, tn March. I. ' This jMv-o lilm rvjmmin I erf . m n. mostlj Ksnss.s 1 1 Wilis, with headpmtters at Knnsas City. TRi Iwnler district in-.-ln-l-il th ronntle of .lnck-n. Hnte, l'as arsl V'rnon, in MIonri, and a tlko mtm ber of conn tie In Knni. tVmln? lo Kansj t It y. wr ertnbllshivl he.tdii nailers In th- old Prt.-ltlo house, nt fourth nnd D-l-aware sttv-e-t. oeettpylnt. nil of the lirt nn-1 second llore et tlrtt fsmoui oil ht I. I rc-all now orrty Cwtwiel It. n. Hunt wvl Cnlonel ,Ioeph 1.. NoTtnnr. wlx are j.t lt KnnM City, who were .-t that time. Ilk mjseif, memiier! of ilen-tat nn-rnsTs stnrr. "Imrinir thosm ilflys th border district was Infoste-i ith bnshwno-ken. of untold nnmrr. Kspeelally m-r thi y Ist-I In Jackson cotinlv. They w,u 1h,M nnd f-ar-bs, nr.d robbed, 1mm 1 pliinlert nnd klHo-1 with a freedom t-"rr, of asurine-si of safety. Pr.tpisnttv m.-1 would lie l tekl Ktur-oti KitnsAs ry np lmle. p-ndeh o md snlijieteil b mmy lndlm-tb-. while marv of ihm w r- put to ttcnth. At Hint Hid- tf bushwha.kers were com ma n led by (jiMintpslj. ft lriwrence tal-1 fame, an I H-otire To-1-1 Major L. K. Th.iet-.--r an 1 M ijor W. ' It.mison, nln wero th- favorite oillcers undr General KwlliK, were slntloitwl at Weslport, and w.r-' with their force. hpl In n constant state or action, tivnun; ana pursitius tne bushwha-kln- Mtsnourlnns, who would as semble on a day, sttlke a bbiw at Mime un- pro!erte, sot and dlnppear ns mystpr lonsly nml site essfttlly .-. th thid as. s-mbll. I! was ilmost u-.-lesis to try to cop,, with them or tninl'h them, for thlr depreiHtlons, as Ihey w-re farmers; and landholders on this sld of th- llm nn-l wrre nlw.ivs at work and p-ife.-tly Innocent Whin-m-cwlnl liy the t'nl-m troops. "This stnto of thliiKB mil lit. sncklnc by (Jtittitrell of laiwrence, Kis, August lU. Where tienrlv S") men and wntnetl Were mtlrdetod In cold blnoil, intiseil Gen eral Hwlmr to issue the famous Rcnetnl order No II, which pffpf tmill) put nn end to Kitettllla wnrrnre lu thi- two states. The order was In three sections, the tlrst or which lead: 'All persons Ihlriic In Jackson, Cass and Hates lomill-- nn-1 that part of Vernon couiiiy Inelud. d In this ulsfrii-t except those llvlnif within one mile of Iho limits of Ittdepotidoni-o, tllrkmnn's Mill, l'l-n.s.itit Hill utid ll.irrlsniivllle, nnd except those Uv line In Kn lownshlp. Jack son eminiv porth of thi-, itn-k and west of the lllir nine embracltut Kansas City and Wcstp'irt. are hereb) iird.-r.-d to leave th-lr pines or resldenii- within llfteen davs bi-rnif.' The other provisions staled this would not apply to t-i rsnns taUlm; tho mill of allettlame to the Pnll'-d Slates and i-atl-!flnn the commntidlnK ulllcers that Ihev would live up In It and that nil liny nnd k nil u must bo tumid over to tho of llcrs or the n.arest posts. "Tho effects of the ord, r been me npinr elit Imm. illntely. Genei-.l Scholletd, if paMinent comtnander, with whose sstirtlon th" older was Iseu.-'l. earn- up a few dais liter from St. Louis and In lomixmy vvltti G. neral Hwlns;, Major Hunt and mvsclf made a detour of the eiiiinundlmc couiitiy In nolo Us effects, Kviri where people were on the move niul tie- roads were lined with people. They nil i?nve t.stlmony of the benefits! resultliiB from the order. Once we net the iveople out of tho mulct brush we wire nnblcil in sift them Uu-k nnlv nfier thev had sworn to support tho eaueo of the I'nlnti. It it a stot. to the bushw-bni-klmr business, .is there was very little or II lifter that.' Colonel Case has n rt"-l etmravlmc (if flenrice C lllnhnm'n fain a picture Imscit nn this older and tbe n. s It inured. It Is a wniiderfullv I.K eiiHravlme nnd ortiays G.nei-ul Kit In,- nslrido a war horso, elvltiK orders, t'uionet ciiss says tho lssuiiticn of nnlsr No 11 defeutid Gen eral Kwlnir In bis rnr. far Kovemor of oldo In after veHrs, t.s . was u.l ns earn-li-ilKti material nu.iinst him. Ho descrllH-s the iicnernl as iielmr . hiiiidniiio man of i; fe.-t nnd 1 In--In . mMIi llowliiK black hair and brunl IS JUSTICE FIELD TO RETIRE? A llrporl Tint Wsi Mill Give War to .Indue I'rkluo .11. I.'os., of Ci.l- Ifnrnl i, ChleaRo, Jan St. -pclal to the Pally Neiv-t fioiu W.ishl n-tiin savs: Associate Justice rield has i. I.I- -1 to the lou stand Inn desire of I'r-i-ibiit Cleveland and agreed to retire, lie will 'jo upon the re. tired list at the .Im--- of this term of the supreme court. If h- k-eps the promise be in ide recently lo the president and S'i:utor While, of California. The senator i authority for the above statement and for il- iiif jrmatinn that the name or Justin- Pieht'm successor tin b.-en pnicllcnlly 8Ki- I upon in tlw per son of Jmle Krskln- M lls, whom Pr. blent Clei.lan-I, In h - tlrst term, usVnt. e.l lo the Pnlteil Slat- circuit bench ill the state of Callfor.iii WusltinuM Ian. 21 When Justice Field was nked to-day re- n llnir the reirt that be will lellre. Iih s.ii i "No sueh. slate, nieiit lias Is en Hillli -i i.:ed by 111--. If my health should nut p i IH to attend t li. duties easily, 1 s.i uld not hesitate to have tle b-iiehl but - Inn ns I can at t.nd to the dulks with ease, I have no ,i. teniiou of lelirllllt." It is Kemrallv uml rtond that Justic Plebi is ambitious I - , xcee, ihe term of ervlc- of Chltf Mi.tsball, whose thirty-four niiu r.-i in jers on ine so. pieliw lierch oiiktitui- the biiiicest lenn of sirvlee 111 the hislerv of Ihe court. Jilt lice Field was app "trsl by i'resident Lincoln in March, l".: CONVENTION TICKETS. Persons Goln to M. I.ouls Will Have to Ilepeud Ppon Iho l)elei;al-8 From 1 In Ir Districts. St. I.ouls. Jan. !' 1 'in national Itepith- Ik-an ttiwmtttee sub- niuinlttee on lonv.n- tlon, ufP-r a two das .-ess'ou here. Iiuall completed Its laisiu- s- slsned the contr.i'-t with the Hu.lncss M-n's League fur thi care of the Itepubli- m conventual tn be held June U, an 1 adjourned sim.- die lit.. ..I ninr. The- citizens of St I uis are to bear the cutire rii use atitn-lns the uwiventiou. As t te tuattei m tickets, it was de cUied that vUitlnj: lb puUUmiw vouU h.ivv to bwl; to the ,1, b.ies from their re spective districts for i IihUjsIbu lo thi- ioii v.utlou. This was li' -i!lt best by the committee, fur the m i.iU-rs liau r... iv.-l s many requests f- i isersan ii aduussuiu thu they launut l-jok after them. Tbr- thousand tU-kets ar- till to lime beeu , sisned to St lawi.-. TUe SIM admission n kets set apart for the Grand Army "f the ltejaiblir are to be turmd M.r to tn- in- mbers of the ,ouu cil of admiaistratiuii t that orKanisatKiu. for distribution ou th- lusis of iiumU-rshi. of the oitfauuattou i tacu statu ana i-r-ritory. FREIGHT YVASJOO SWIFT. Overtook and Itau luto a I'at.ciiccr train I'll ;liicor aid Two Tramps Killed No !'at,iu;rr Injured. GeorKotown, Tea, , Jan. 21. A north bound International i Great Norlberu sunk train. runulUK ou a special siliedul overtook the regular St Luuls pass, la,;, r train which was a l- w minutes b. bind schedule lime just as it was U-uvim; llutio Station. The engine of the Hisk train ploughed Its way uu-I. r th rear Pulluiau sleeper and stupiied. 1. avln the Pullman ou the top of Ihe ensiu.. KajMurer lleuty Mauuis was killed, al-o two trampiv, who werw rtJlttj; in a ur m xt to the tilsiu. Tue Ureman estap. d by Jumplut. Tte liassetuiers sufferid only a seuerul shak Juif up ami a few bruise. The vviatber was very fw?y aud tl sucldVut vvu uot flora any fault of iu. railway employes. ijuliide ut M. .buepb. St. Joseph. Ma.. Jaa , l. (Special) Uob ert Morrison, an. expeit brWKe builder, of CVii. ai0. was found iu a dymjf conaitUui to-lay at bin hotel. A Kas Jet was fwuad oiko iu the loom. Morrison was hi the employ of tbf Cblcigo Great Western rail way. He lias a wife and four .bJblr-a fcomevvhere In Canala. It is thought to be a .ase of suk ide. Kama Wcslyau's Orator. Sallna. Ka.. Jan. 21 -(Special.) The an nual oratorical contest of the Kansas vv cs Jeyan university was hell Iat nluht. There were three contestants, li. B. Illolr, C. M. Deardorff and J. U. Tuthill. Tuthlll was awarded flrs' plat anl lilalr seioad. Toe winnieri oration was v-ttUtled "Liberty the TrtiQ Law." THE LAWYER'S DUTY. chap.mlv m. i)i:Pi:iv s.wi n is io MAKi: WAIt IMI'OSIIH.I INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION, Tin: rivn.i7.i:i mi:.n roit m:ttmmi iippii. iii:twi:i:n nation. Iliet'iiltrd Slates, m the .llost Powerful Nation In the Mor'.d, fan AfTnrd to laltn the ItilO tllve Puwrlinuic Poolhllltles .if Mn n roe Hoc- trine t'liforrement. Albany. N. V.. Jan. 21.-Tbe annual se. slon of the Slnto Itnr AssiH-lntlon opene-l to-nlnht n Odd IVllnns ball. In Ihe pros, em-e of a lirye numlxr of aiidllors. The nitilrr! of the evenlnB was delivered by Hon. Chnitneev M. Dertcw. on "lMlrlotlsm nd Jlnproim: the Iiwjer's Imty," Never dtirins; Iho sevent.en ells of our existence has our meetlu been held nt isiflod so IhtercsllhsT and at the Mine --w. 5wx.Kv!. UNCLE tlmn so frnusht with lnner. ours Is rv lawyers' government. It was the aallalioit by the patriotic meniliers of the profession which brought mi the revolutionary war. It was the .oiiserviltlvo wisdom of the Iiwyers which frnmiil Ihe constitution of the Pulled Slate. Twenty of our twenty, four presidents haie been, as were twenty. four of the llfiy.fntir signer or the declination of Independence ami thltty ot the ilfty-llve member nf the tonventloii which framed Ihe tonstltiilloii of the I nit- ed States. a i , uuLd-iiv r iiu nwmixni f hAih bouses of collar. s uml both bouses of tho legislatures of the several lutes have al ways been and still are members ot th piofe!loii The clucks ami safeguards against revo lutionary actum whb-lt distinguish tho In el tutlotis cf the I'nttcd States from those of other demoeru. Ie uro the fruits of tho wli'-lom and foresight ot great min-ls trained to the law. tih ttes-t ovklence of healthy public i-n. Ilm.nt, or rather of Christian civilization and . nlljhfenineiit in the law, is that to. day the man who loses taste In the duel is not be wha refuses, but ho who ofeal- lengt. lu Advance .if Nitlonv, While this healthful a-lvail'-e In elv!. laatlon, ami this tiinloubte.l pnhli,- senti ment supiMrtlng ll, mirk the ti-w reli tlous tatwecu iuilivlduaU, there has been Utile, if any, progress In the peaceful ami lawful and ordtrly settlement of luterua-tl.-nal disputes, luvolvllKC lommuuities. The lkirluirous, murderous and umertaiu mt-ili o,U of the niuieiit ami medieval is-riod- )!rHB, jirMjl, uii n,e Pulled States, out still prevail. The alarms of war agitate ..f this present -HlU-uliy to evolve u, irlbu tbe world. The lolumns of our dally i. nalof Inurnatlocal liw and jusiln- whi. h ,-r. are ii.1.,1 with cables and telegram, antvoiiBcIng the rage of nations and the im- ot ineir iiying ai ea.u oilier s throats. The Uittb- whl.-h Is ike in. herit.ince of (he ages is all line for light. Only one sivver keeiis tlte nations of Huioiie from instantly de. l.irlng war. Tho banktrs and business men nuw bevoaio the arbiters lietwcen uatlons. The ouly two nations which may be s.ud I le fret? from thw thrallom, Iwc.iuse of wealth, their lomiuer,'.- all 1 ieit, are tie. l'nlte.1 .Stales and HnKbiud, uu.1 the events ot the "Hist lew weeks nave -li-uionstrate.l abostb-s and preachers of n.-a e. TiiL-r.' art o. lasious w hi n war is liolb right and neet-ssarv, ami a natUui must em bark upuu it without countiuu the touse nu. tsc , bi't the iisue of battle is never i.rtalu, nor does the urbitramitu of war always end in rbjbt or justice. Au Opportunity fur l-auyrr. Now is the time for the profession to urfotin a great work upon the lines of he law vers of the century iu promoilu; International arbitration. The pilnijpa: dispute belweeu IaiKlish Slieaklng racert which Is agitatinir the world colls for iMith pruuical wisdom ami legal acutaeii for Its solution. Tbeie is no dls-nt lu Ibis louutry from the Monroe doctrlnv as tiromulj;uti-d bv 1'reslduit Munrov anil In terpreted by Ji-ffeisou. Madison. Wbst-r ami Calhoun. Vet uuone who studlts the Monroe dw-tilne will see bow lu lucb in dividual case, exctpt where there l a. IIi graut violation. UWs- tin- I-'remb iuva.-Ion of Mexico, the applicable iuteruietatioji of ll should bi- the subje, t of Judicial dt-ttr- ml nation. The president's message to congress: pre sents a iHivel view of ihe priucUde If th- re Is a dispute us to boundary Hue be- Un-u a Soulli American repuuilc ami en r.urupeuu liovvt-r. uo matter how iutlgtiiti iant the teriitory involved or how dis tantly H ant-is me lunepemience oi tm country or how remotely It may luieust iia in. rfiiiBl ,lhm:inil tliat Ibf. lun itovmiii. m ,iv np Ima- nTmieslv it iiuv lrii...i..r fTivPnmst dimamiliat ttewo Lovii.i i us, i- mill uemanu iiut in iwo hoveiu- at. u-- evei our ovV.i wmT V g. atr.Uiu ' Kt the Uvv .ww i "the ,H Zt great, - uf wai. r ou the ru , ilalome m" the s.2"e slu tb clill 1 b' r-lH. Cbristlou tea. hmgs aud , At 1.3 Wedn. -d. ' lir.uuus. wlr vvb uiT.irer for uiitle ' vulntiou of Z.eott ears. and tb. sfiv. U- ". s. uiug Ithimhait M.lUr i The great. t MLli-rsjil lea.Urs ut brlous .levWpuient of th, pr.u. ipies ei I tak-eu lu t J.diu s h.-l-lial. Ills ,- . 1 luilTl-Ter uu"! th-gelt. Jull.e and the m-IgUM-ol b prouf ,K-maml , ? " ', a," ii:' . h"'J t''ifc V lswhotatlSlTlUHuoVbLaudwa ' & J&w "i'S of TS'i.i vl. tutb-s were la our civil strlfe-Hraut atvl tulk7nTt iisst't' l "at aid KT 't K2UIVY oft-Vi g, ...iir Si. ih. ot?S,Sit"r1:w1.rUrrA-,w'er"'i """'U "' b " nuuts arbitrate the Hue. and If they te- ' Hf' 'om?i?litee vi tuse. we must tiud out as best wv aui!K"ita which line is correct and enforce It by , f'1 V'lnThj If. however, peudiw; our Inuulrv. tu " "JU- the two turtles agree, we have no fuither itbls or duties. This seems to surrender the doctrine, if Venesuclu or llrazll chooses tr, r. II a norlion of iti, lands. A slight .extension of the principle com- pets us to assume a proiei LojtiLe over an .UUSV .WUUUS. ,J,. u.,..,M.a ni ,4, troled and caTrTd on byvmVricans. E5- U J Jungle will result in niaklnK uwas thrce'hours before tne are wa? uu clisb Germans. French and Itullans. Their tb nutuUon ihe b. ! tiiulpped la thv der lontrob When the building could be covefements are in utmost perpetual revo- wcrl-i in the Unes of mammala which, aa-c entered the search for the dead began, with lmion, sad the enl'l'ffrj dictator al Its roUIe' bto.enxji; ts-Ocvt. i tee result eX flmllng Uutts tsilse hour oonfl'it properlv rlithl iln-t left eiuept thnt nf fitinis ir h- lonld r, ll uj-i n the I nit. .1 St. tfs to protpi t lilm. bo would treat th- lives and properly of the Germans, Hnsjllsh, Itnlbins and French tilth the same Impartial approptii tlon ns he does trios.- nf hl ittnnlrjmen These nation wouM .cmin-1 reparation and tedress. This would Invotte the c.d lei Hon of Kntistnntlat ilnmnsjes, and - would lie in a m.-siire l.onn-I In imn the ituat-tel. We rnlnh'. at th.- whim or n -ce'sltrM nf the uri esrn mllltnrv di-tn- tor ot v ettetneia or ArRintine or iirani or 1 toll vis: of Pftraminy or p. ru. of Tim Inn nr Honduras, of ("bill or Holivls, lie Involved In frennent wars wiih the pomrrs nf i:nrore Thlt woul.l reouire nn immeps,. navy and lars stsiidlns- atmj. iipreiiitiey nf Iho t'nlled vfales. The Pnlled Slates Is the only hntlnn so "Ittmled that It mn !th honor and surety move upon the palhwai of pe.i-e lot an In lertisjtlotml i ourt of nrbltraiton Wo haio no fenr of the rountibs to the South nr North of its, ami It I S.wsi miles sjrross the nres.ii to tire m-nrrst senport of any Knropertn mver. So (rtiat has b. n mir prosperity, Isrtause nf lej yenrs of pose. and only rive of nnr: so rree have e twn from the strifes wbl.h have exhausted Ihe resoutie or Itiitopo. that the tnxfnir prtver of Ihe s;ovrtiment has not yet toucheil fat- any purpose the real and per sonal prnpertv reprrsente.1 in this JTu.W!, Wf of Hccumntnteil wealth. Aecordln to the . nsus or Isso, we bnve 9.3W," flTltlnt mn. The experience of tho civil war hits slmwn that from them could be drafted, mobilised ntid Instructed In three months. 8.fiin.nxj oldlers All the trnnsimrts ntnt nnvies nf the world could tmt land tipnti our shores an nrmy which cimtd nmrcli ion miles from Ihe seaeniist, or ever return to their ships. With nil tho world In nrnm smalnst u. the vast In terior of our continent, i.xirpt lti lis In- SAJr - ''0VERTOPS 'EM ALL, lustital and economic phtiscs, wouM know nothluK ot the troutdi'. anl ih-w-i- me a forelKii uniform, ixpl on a prison, r of war. Secure In our Isolation, supr. mo In our lesourees, II T.,. mi t,- I In our reset ves, and fr-e from damternus tiiirliliiirs, v,e .Ki-upy uuioiiK ihe nations of Ihe globe a i.islton so esalled ami safe that to .ompnr,- us with other countries would absurd. The statesman or the politician who really fuirs for the s.ifity or his -ountrv is a fool. The statesman or who lies not rear inecnuse knows ueiiert and who y.-t preuclu of our weiikn-. and our vulnerublbtj . Is a demuifuKii -, and In- twill the IntelliKeme, uf th American ! IMlllile, I nis gr-ai res. rvoir or r-irco ior an pur-i--stn Anierlcnu repuldi this might est engine of war, this most l-n'liceni p-.w-.r f-ir pence on the fa-e f Ihe glolie, can ext. nd Hie right band of fellowship t warring lu.tlir.u n-ross the Atlantic and promule.Ho with honor an. I dignity a scheme lor an international tribunal and b-ad in the movement. Iiiterinll'in il Court of Arbitration, Had there been an tnu rnallonal court of arbitration In Hi, V- mallei-, Salisbury euul I not have ub-a.1, I thai there .i a (Hiun-lurj line itibru.-inK t rrttory so long and un.iuetiioiiabi held lx the Hritlsli that th - mil I i.ot iu honor sub. mil the ipirsllon of (heir title to the court. Hoth the Kualish and the Am rleans have U n .-..u.ap.) to lulb ve that though ali -hi. ty may m. ke a .-Uini upn any prop- rty, the i ourt isn be upon lo dis miss Hie lomplalnt if it Is uuworlhi of le-Mlg entertain, d, or dis.ivvW Jurlsll. tlun Should there be any doubt, or. if it can sldtrs the tuatier, in adjust it upon the eternal pnn 'it-us or justm- un-i rmnt. 'die lira ot .--unng, r un earlv date. an international court. r presriitiug ami embracing a'l the nations of Kurou- and of Nor Hi and South Anuria, is pr.tbubli. && ,, Jct." i 3Rr&'i i nianlty shall re.-.ive such r-oi v.,m, ," ." " .,-.w... ..., .,..., ,.- a i srs.wDuss igulty snail reesitw suen re.oulilun aii.j ubusi iitHitalioii shall Is- so great that acb naiUwi . un subuaii to It an.v ipisliitu In dispute and bow to its decree with safe ty and honor. We. Ihe UwyefS of the t'lllUl Stal.-S. anl uur brethren, th- a,rs of lliltulu. talthful to the iiajJulous ot our proftssiuu au-1 th high culling of our or .. r. -an agitate and i-lmjlv fur the crej. tiuii of tWs gr-at ,ourt We ruall that rVfU iu Ike davs of almost UBiv.-rsai as. suit t the diviue authoritj of kino. Jus. tUe Coke oull bolily ihalb-ug uud 'che.-k kisull Slid guide for the ;!.,. lb of its bu- uianiiis-s. so i lus prestrvaiiou gnu. ln.r petUlty of livlUxatioti. ii'iimcv) ci. i ip -io i mii:, llccblc.l Vcster.lay ut M. Louis to 1'urui a Mato I'eder.itlou. St. Louis. Jau. SI At a couveuttaB of pfomiiK ut vvouku from different itki tl the stati-, who asM-mbled U-ie, it was voted to form a federalism et women's clues at MUsourl Mrs. William L. Ilure, of St. Louis; Mrs. Jehu H-ur Hopkuis. ut St. Jwiik, Mrs. i:tteu M. llenrollu. UfesJ.U Ut of III.. O.-iurr. al b.i-rallou of Wuiueu's Clubs of ausr na: airs laiura e.. biauuuiai. or K .,n. . City, and ilrv K. C Cushajau made ad- dress. at lu-da.v s metlag. The .ouveu- tlun U1 mmt io-mortu. wlua the re- trts on cousaituUou aud uouiluaium W I li-rl(.HriJ. t - hvarJ Third IJlslrlcr Coiinulll-e -Me3ln. Hxci Islor Spriuj;. Mo.. Jau. SI (Speilul ) Tb-re prooibx-s to be a full atuudaiu Im. to-uuuiovv of the w. uilsrs of tSr Third eutigj-rssloual district KeajbJUan eouuuitlee. lloil. K. S. (luruey. of KUkltr, ll ' '- ' i"er. w nusMuii. seirelary " COIlUgitU e. are already here. It & .,., t,.i ,,,, .h- i,k i.n.ina if., i ui im ioai oj aeciuiug vvneii oogresstomtl convention is Museum KxpeUltlou to Central Africa. Chltago. Jan. 21 1'rofefi-or Daniel a. KlUott. lu .ompan wuh C. K. Akrley, ta.xiderniist.wiil hortly sail for C-atral Af. rl- a to hunt wilil tieats tor tne i t-li Col- -n " i,fkm I V... .,.1... eill. i .-I ullb el... .......... ' thi if itlirii-il i (Jlliriul A. J.llti UI t ., uy S,V1UB lo ,a,, IkVnil,... .hi;, r, k UWU. un musculo. 11 l inai v ,h ,0.nri-M u-n i-.-iiie,i in md soono nni FIVE FIREMEN DEAD. nis.STitois in:-pi.r tip A i tin- il. I.Ol 1- LAM MOllT. IN FOUR BURIED IN THE RUINS. roi I LOOK OP A lOPIt-MOItV III 11.11 INO I I LL II.MO TIIL.M. Plllli Irtltn .'ulToc-.tted nnd I'nt P-illy lo tho lire, Mhleh Mas nt lift llroul- iny Prnj ert Loss omenbere Near lll.i)mi .ximiy I Iro Conip.mlis Culled Out. St. Louis. Jm SI -As the rr l'l ct A Are In Ihe bulldinK nt II Hroi-Iw.o t nteht five lin-men ate borlo-i In H r .rt nnd one Is dead nt Mere) hosplt.n 1- . of the men In the ruins are thoimhl li Li dend, ns nothlnst run lie seen or h ir 1 c ' them, while the fifth, Ithlnetmrt Mill r, cf snlrns-o corps No. 1, ran lie benr-t anl Is hoped to re no him alive. Owin II it., foreman of trmk No. (, who w.i tak n BY JINGO!" from the bumlmr Imlldltig soon nfi tire start, d, badly sutfucated and - while Ixlng taken to Mercy hosp. an nmbulaiice. The dead are: (iweti nines, foreman truck N I'nplalu llUnvllle, salvage corps N James KIuhI.Ii, salvage mrps N- MIHuii Curly, salvage corps N ' Captain Staunton, chemical comp.u. S I. The total loss caus.d by fire anl w li estimated at tam.un fully iimui' i ,V Co. place their loss at about i ami It Is IhouHhl tin- lues on lh- I will amount lo 5,ii, Sevirat H dollars' damage was done to th, m i Jordan a Co., a cutlery tlrm ut P7 l war. The ftre, wbb-li was one of H ' stubliorii I hat the &, lotuls tin ilit-nt tuts bad to tuntend with (- tlm', broke out at o'ebx-k l n -1 the basement uf Ihe four-story bmi Hi Oroadway, o.-iupbd by Alio, .v. balers In uplbal, surglml unl el siruiuei.ts. ll-foi,- ih,- arrival i u nipurini in. I no lire worK'u up to the lisif. hreaking Ibroi t ilir-i.teuliig adjoining lull lings. All thu lire cumpatins in th.- I u.rtlou of luvtu Were sik-ii IUii lames and by str. mens trToris s III conttnillg lllein to Albii's bull-In immense untiuuit of water was tin. the Un. whl'h !m ill gutti i control and tirttall miIi-jii.I. v t. P lluur i.iiu In und 1,11 lliroui lirst IbHjr. pinning duwn live tin in rfr at wolk there All Ih- tilm i able were put la the work f ri s.v.ral stn aius r-- turn, a un I Inu iu-ap, from svhblt could Is- b cries for help, finally, all the v ou.- wre stlllid. Wbethvr the rlni: ivucbeil the other lour ami enl agoutis is not t certainly ,u ilailv tliirinif the i-rogttss ut n IMsnr) J I lues, of truck Xn. 6. wn- i from the sccowi Mtior, bully cut i glass and suffocated b smoke. II lukfu la ihv iltv hosi'ttul. dl li.a - The lire 1-ll worked liu-.-s..ull ' ue their entomb"! comi -les. bit uual'le to reach them up to 1 o'cb k It wv thought foui of the meu . I d.s-1. as natbiug coull U.- .-e,u .. of It-cm. Tb. liftb. Ithliuhart M uouibir of salvage .-orps No .' v pinu.'d ilomi on t-p of a sh. It. i iu I b his llMMJll-1 but lll'-.V . 41111-1 !i rl him yet. is- ur men are ui.isn "or to k.ep the liau). - trom ACETYLINE GAS EXPLODES. Oue -lllii Itlovrii to .Ituin. and Two Others lluruvd lo Heath in the lira Which t'ollous. New Haven, Conu . Jau. SI A tr to i ilous rxidosiou of a el line gas o. - urr I ' .bay ha the factory of Frank Pllegar A. i , lu ate. 1 iu the buikliiig of Kughsh & M - rt' k. on 1'r.juu strett at the foot Of " ' str't. aud uear the .-orntr of LittK- nr street. Oile HIS II WOs killed b th- I - J - . sau. two uiners tost lueir uves in in- u 1 U-.. ,1. f.iM.iii 1 Tbw lilLlllb. .in 1 , - ttr. ........ ., ..... .... .11,.,.l u.i.l . I......2 rt t H..i,..i rhe di are 'Joseph C. Ilausir. ma M". u. s killed hi the explosion. In i ly frigitiiunaiugftHl TtouMToof a,., i ... tfJjTO W deitT. IlarboaTstev..; Si. bo y . t . i auriui.i wus TU- ,-xulosiuu occurred without vvamlrs and was felt throughout the city Tr ihuder of a gas regulator, lOStainln j, gaseous tluld, with wlu.b vxprrlui-ui v Ulutt male, blew out. with u report tin;.. lur to that of a teu-pouader. Th. r- t '. tore tlirougb the roof. J. IIamr i -eblulst. atteuditus the regulator, wa- bl , to atoms. , , At the time of the explosion th. re w v in the buildbu: forty persons. A- -in the reiiort was b-ard. the workni.u n -r 1 for tb-lr Uvis. Iu sxx instant the tu-l-l was tilled with smok--. steam and du-t i- t the tlauies burst out with great violer In a trice the liauics communicated tj tli whole buibllns. At that lime it was thousht the loss of lite must bi apiialling. No v .nulil enter the building, ovvlug to the n- at. The entire tire department, together with