Newspaper Page Text
..4-iaa. J ' THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1898. MISS HELEN KELLER ADMITTED TO HARVARD. "In Old Virginia. j Deaf, Dumb and Blind Since Baby hood, She Has Just Passed the Entrance Examination at the Age of i6HowShe Studies. i- Mute, sightless visitant: From what uncharted -world Hast voyaged Into life's wide sea, With guidance scant? .As if some bark mysteriously Should hither glide with spars aslant .And sails ail furled! Edmund Clarence Stedman's Ode to Helen Keller. Mr. Stedman's lines com naturally to mind when one begins to write of Helen Keller. Tertians this is because it is so very difficult to put on paper one's own impressions of her. Thousands of Ameri cans, reading this week of her brilliant suc cess in passing the entrance examination of Harvard university, have made an tffort to realize for a moment all that is implied by this achievement of this most wonderful girl of 16. They have recalled that she is deaf and dumb and blind and that she has been so since her babyhood; that she lived for years in an abyss of darkness and silence and loneliness; that she. did not know where she was nor what nor why, until out of the chaos a. human hand was stretched to her, and the apparently hope less work of communicating with her was begun; that to-day she stands where that hand has placed her still deaf, still dumb, but In other respects equal to girls of her age and head and shoulders above the majority of them Intellectually; that her greatest ambition, is to go through college. HELEN and that-thls ambition is about to be real ' Ized7 - The Helen. Keller of To-dny. These are the facts. They are too stu pendous to come home to one with con vincing force until one has seen and talked to Helen Keller herself, and to the mar velous teacher who -went Into the outer darkness after her and brought her back into a human world. Meeting these two for the first time, and looking at them as they stand together, the full consciousness of what lias been done surges on one a great wave of comprehension that seems to sweep one, for a horrible moment, into the blackness from which they emcrfrcd. During this flash of acute comprehension there are half a dozen distinct impressions. One not only realizes all that was meant by that early condition of Isolation, but one follows mentally the slow and painful processes of breaking it the strain, the patience" the self-sacrifice and one turns away, almost sIck at heart, from ,the thoughl of It all. These are not pleasant sensations, but no thinking person can fail to experience them the lirst time Helen Keller's sightless eyes are turned upon him. Fortunately they do jiot last. They can not, with the girl's eager face before one. radiant with interest in all -that is going on. The first trait one notices In her is this desire to be a part of .everything about her. She is absolutely devoid of self-consciousness, and being so she bursts forth into speech the moment she Is Introduced to a stranger. Her evident wish is to get from the new personality all that Is inter esting in it. Her methods in this respect recall Li Hung Chang's characteristic in terviews with American citizens. It should be added at once, however, that her ques tions are never unpleasantly personal; she is thoroughly well-bred. She talks very quickly, bending towards you, with her sightless eyes fixed eagerly on your face, and with every feature alive with interest in what you and she are saying. She is pathetically anxious to show you that she is in touch with the world and the people in it. She brings up subject after subject, and dismisses them with a few terse sen tences which somehow seem to contain the gist of them all. She uses no unnecessary words. She has learned to express her Ideas with wonderful clearness and conciseness. She has a -very keen sense of humor, and responds to the mildest Joke with a girlish laugh that Is very contagious. All these things you notice within five minutes after your meeting with her. Then, as she talks on, you begin to study her more in detail, and this is what you see: How She Looks anil Tnlks. A well-formed, graceful girl of 15, in a perfectly plain dark blue gown that comes to tho top of her shoes inl schoolgirl fash Ion. The shoes are well made and well fitting, with good, thick soles and low, sensible heels. Above them you see an inch of dark blue stockings under the plain, full skirt. The waist of her dress fits loose ly, and there are no suggestions of cor sets or of tight bands about the young girl's waist or neck. The collar of her gown rolls back, leaving her throat bare, and tho little puffed sleeves she wears end well above the waist to permit free play of her wonderful hands. Those hands de serve a chapter to themselves. Their white uess and delicacy and beauty of shape are delights to the eye, and the extraordinary sensitiveness of their finger-tips cannot be imagined by one who has only the usual sense of touch. These finger-tips, resting lightly on the lips of her friends, carry to Helen Keller's mind the messages from the world in which she lives, unsee ing and unhearing. They do more than this, for they keep her in touch with the intellectual life. She reads German. French and English with her fingers resting on the raited letters of the bjnoks which have been published for her. Her hands are never still for an instant: one of them is usually clasped in that of Miss Sullivan, the teacher, who is no less a marvel than her wonderful pupil. If 3J!ss Sullivan moves away, Helen follows her, and if the teacher's hands are busy, the pupil rests her onn palm lightly on the other's should er or even gathers a fold of her gown be tween her Angers and holds that. If one could not see her eyes or hear her voice, this dependence on Hiss Sullivan would be the only outward trait to distinguish Helen Keller from other girls of her age. But to return to her appearance. ' Her chief beauty, next to her hands, is the mass of short brown curly hair that falls on her shoulders and which is con fined only by a small comb. Looking at the face, you are struck first, of course, by the pathos of the eyes that show all too plainly their affliction. Aside from these, there is nothing to sadden one in Helen Keller's appearance. Her chin is beautifully formed, the mouth and teoth are good, her complexion is clear and healthy and the expression of her face wonderfully attractive in its bright alert ness. Her voice, strangely enough, lacks the usual monotony of the voices of the deaf. It has rising and falling inflections, and even bits of shading occasionally when the subjects under discussion touch her especially. To understand the interest of this it is necessary to recall the fact that she herself has never heard the slightest sound of any kind since she was IS months old. Her speech is" a little thick and at KSLLEH. first It Is hard to understand. After listen ing for a few moments, however, one be gins to follow her. Helen's Views on Politics. They came to me together Thursday noon In the little reception room of Mr. Arthur Gllman's school for young ladles in Cam bridge, Miss Keller is studying there, and not in Radcllffe, as reported last week. She did, it is true, successfully pass an entrance examination in the four branches she undertook English, French, German and history. But this was suggested by Mr. Gilman only as a test of her present scholarship. There is no intention of tax ing the girl's wonderful mind. She will re main in Mr. Gilman's school until it seems best for her to enter Radcliffe, and she will lead there the life of every other pupil In that excellent Institution, except that Miss Sullivan will be with her constantly, sitting by her side in the class room and Interpreting to her the.words of- the class teacher. It would be obviously impracti cable for Helen's fingers to rest on the'lips of that lady during lectures or recitations. They were both full of Interest in the new system as they entered the reception room whero I awaited them. Helen came to me Immediately with her characterlctic, eager, friendly greeting and Interest in a new type a newspaper woman. "You came from New York," said she, "from the New Tork World. I do not read the newspapers very much, but I know the name. ,It is a great name. I love New York. ,1 spent tn o very happy years thPre at school." She was told that the people of New York were very much interested in her success In parsing th college examination. "It is very kind of them," she said; "please thank them for me. Give them all my love, my ambition Is to go through college. I am very happy In my work. I want to fit myself-to help others." She rushed on impetuously. "Do you write politics? I am very much Interested In politics. My politics? Oh, I thing I am a mugwump! Gold or sliver? Well, I should be glad to get as much of either as I -want. But I really believe that gold is the best." ,As she talks she rests the middle finger Of her right hand on the interviewer's nose, her first finger on the lips and her thumb on the throat, thus commanding the entire range of nasal, lip and throat sounds. Tho bell rang and she left for the class room, after another warm grasp of the hand and a laughing "Don't forget to give my love to New York." Mr. Gilman took me there, and we looked at Helen and her teacher, sitting side by side and hand in hand in the front row, the girl's eager face turned towards Miss Sullivan's face. The latter, of course, never speaks aloud to her pupil In the class room, but she forms the words speechlessly with her lips, which is all that is needed for the fingers resting there. Much of the class communication between these two goes on between the hands that are elapsed together, and whose motions are almost Imperceptible to the keenest observer. Helen's Classroom Work. In this class room they sit together from 9 o'olnplf in th mrtrnlnc- tmtn io.a ti. -..-. .....C U..LIA ,vit iviiti half an hour's Intermission for rest and recreation. During this intermission Helen mingles with the other girls, and dances with them to the inspiring strains of the 'piano. She not only dances, but she dances i gracefully and in perfect time. She learned easilv. and hv touching- tha crf-i. --ti. i.nK hands as they danced, and getting her Idea of the steps from the bending and swaying of the body. At 12:30 she goes to Howell house, where she boards, and which Is within a short walk of the school. She studies in the afternoon, or walks, reads and plays. Every effort Is made to keep her health in perfect condition, and so far these efforts have been successful. She reads a great deal, and reads French and German One as readily as English. She also speaks German very well" and French also, though not so fluently. She has Just begun the study of Latin, and has already intimated that she is anxious to learn Greek. These hints have been disregarded for the ex cellent reason that the young- student's hands are full. Her course at Mr. Gil man's school includes Latin history, En glish literature, arithmetic and advanced German. A glance at some of the ques tions which she successfully answered last week will glve'fone additional respect for her knowledge. 'Here is one: Where are the following: Arbela, Cor- cyra, Dacia, Lade, Rubicon, Traslmene, and with what famous events is each con nected? Here is another: Explain the following terms: Comltia, Tributa, Delator, Deme, PontiSx, Trireme. In English literature she struggled with and conquered the following: Write a paragraph or two on the charac ter of Silas Marner. On the coming of Eppie. On the death of Gabriel. Tell the story of the "Merchant of Venice," show ing tow many and what stories are inter-! woven in it. . These are but two or three examples. selected at random from Helen's examina tion papers. They might not tax the aver age mature intellect, but they represent a great deal in the case of a girl who Is only IS and who has been deaf, dumb and blind all her life. Helen's tender heart, by the way, is touched by the case of Shy lock, whose "angry passions," strangely enough, she seems to understand. She pities him very much, although, as she puts it, "I'm glad things ended as they old." In this connection It is interesting to glance at the moral effect of Helen Keller's peculiar Isolated position. Naturally, she knows only what it has pleased those about her that she should know. Of the sin and suffering and passion of life she Is abso lutely Ignorant. She has simply existed beautifully, turning naturally to the right and knowing nothing else. No attempt has been made to give her an idea of religion, beyond a few simple talks with her by Phillips Brooks. Until the time of his death the great preacher and Helen Kel ler were close friends. He made an im pression on her at an early age, and one of her conceptions of him Is given in a letter written when she was only 9. "Min isters," she wrote, "are men who talk loud from a book and tell people to be good." She had Just been taken to his church for the first time. Her senses of touch and smell, always phenomenally acute, seem to be growing more so as the years pass. She can follow a scent like a bloodhound, and will recog nize a person months after her first meet ing with him, by that alone. Her power of tuition is almost uncanny. Again and again she surprises Miss Sullivan by an swering an unspoken thought ana by di vining Immediately any change in her teacher's condition of mind. Her First Experience "With Death. Until a few years ago Helen knew noth ing about death, and she probably has a very vague Idea now of what it means. It has Just come home to her heavily, for her father died three weeks ago. He was in Alabama, with her mother, and her grief over the news was very deep. She begged to go to her mother, but was dissuaded by those who have her in charge and who dreaded the effect of continued depression on her impressionable nature. She Is won derfully affected by the mental condition of those about her, and can tell Immedi ately upon meeting a person whether that person is happy or the reverse. She may feel any depressing Influences the more keenly because she is used to the bouyant atmosphere of Miss Sullivan that lovely and lovable woman who for nine years has devoted herself day and night to the help less child. To Miss Sullivan alone belongs the credit of Helen Keller's record to-day. What Helen has done is not so wonderful when one recalls the concentration that -was necessarily put Into her work, and the absolute lack of all distracting influences. She' developed mentally because. Imprison ed as she was, 'every Impulse of her na ture helped to push her toward the light. When she enters Radclirfe she will proDa bly carry off all the prizes for the same reason. Her mind to her a kingdom is. There Is no other for her, and can be none. With Miss Sullivan It is different. Life has much to offer her, but she has volun tarily put it all aside for this one duty. Her work from the time she took Helen Keller's little hand in hers and taught her the deaf and dumb alphabet nine years ago has been wholly unselfish and unceas ing. There can be but one reward, and one understands what this is when one sees the two together. Elizabeth G. Jorhan, in New York World. All Had Aces. From the Washington Star. "The most exciting game of poker I ever played," said a reformed gambler to a Star reporter, "was in a salcon in Cincinnati. Accompanied by two friends, I entered the place, and we seated ourselves at a table, upon which lay a deck of cards. I glanced over my hand and found four aces, which, as straights 'were barred, was invincible. I raised the ante, the dealer followed suit, and after several raises the ante alone was a good sized poti I saw that the other two had good. hands and stood pat for fear they would think 'I had four If I drew a card. The others did the. same, and I played one, for a full, the other a flush. "We all had'a good deal of money with us, and betting ran, high and exciting. Fi nally one said: 'I've' got you all beaten,, but I'll have!to raise if only ten for a show down.' "The money went'up and I shouted, 'Four aces. The man to my right "pinned the mon ey to the table with his knife. 'Four aces here.' "And "Sere, shouted the other as he drew a? revolver. " m " 'Shentlemens, dondt shoot, 'called the proprietor. 'Go, on de sldevalk If you vas coin to flgbdt. Vot de dhroubles vas?' " "Somebody's been cheatlnV I cried, 'and it Is not me. Three hands have four aces.' " 'Yah; dat vas von peanuckle deck.' and the saloonkeeper laughed, while we divided the pot." THE BURLINGTON ROUTE, The Best Line to St. Panlu of Joseph Jefferson' Recent Painting. TO SPAN THE MIGHTY OCEAN DETAILS OF THE GIGANTIC SCHEME OF A BROOKLYN INVENTOR. A Chain of Life-Savins Stations Be tween America and Europe Use ful in Times of War and for the Signal Service. From the New York World. Au ocean highway, as perfect as any road on land, is now claimed bv the man who has devised it to be possible, and it may .be established if the plan, which has been submitted to the United States government, is carried out. It is a gigantic project which will close up the rift of six days which comes into the life of every one who now crosses the ocean. This is the plan, of which some mention ha3 been made. Reuben H. Plass. of Brooklyn, Is the inventor. It provides for tho establishment of a chain of stations acrcss the ocean, located at distances and under conditions, the inventor claims, that will easily permit intercourse with every part of the land. Should a merchant wish to communicate with the captain of one of his steamers It would be possible to do so by Intercepting the ship in midocean or elsewhere along the chain of stations. Should a passenger change his mind on the trip over, or for any reason desire to return without completing the voyage, a landing could be effected at one of the stations, a bhip on the return voyage com municated with and the passenger taken off. By constant communication -between land and these ocean stations a dally paper could be printed on each, so giving to ocean passengers each day a record of the world's doings. But these are only minor matters In the Inventor's category of Invaluable results thai, would follow the establishing of his chain of sea stations. The great Idea that Siompted him to work with enthusiasm on is scheme was the humane one of life saving. It will be seen that if the in ventor can carry out an he claims the day3 when shipwrecked sailors were forced to spend weeks of suffering in an open boat while toiling to reach land would be but memories for novelists to make cap ital of. The Life Savlne Plan. The life saving, plan provides for the es tablishment ,6 small floating lighthouses placed at intervals of a mile, unslnkable, lighted by'bcabons that would burn by au tomatic means and require attention but once in four or six months, and provided with foghorns that would sound their warning notes in fierce blasts by means of compressed air, stored automatically by tho rocking motion of the buoy. This au tomatic foghorn would be heard a dis tance of five miles, and the' lost mariner would merely have to steer In the direc tion of the sound to find safety from the waves in an unslnkable. floating Island of the ocean. From the surface of the water ladders would be placed to enable the shipwrecked travelers to reach the deck of the buoy, and from the deck, by open ing a keyless door, admittance would be gained to the interior of the buoy. The opening of the door would send an alarm ringing down the chain of buoys until the call for help would reach a station where willing hands would be ready to dispatch instant aid to the castaways. Meanwhile they -would have exchanged the terrors of life in an open boat miles from, land for the warm interior of the unslnk able life buoy, where food would await them and where they could rest in perfect contentment, knowing that succor would come as fast as human hands could bring It. This assistance would come from a cen tral station placed at Intervals along tho life saving chain. This central station, ac cording to the Inventor, would be a double turreted structure, provided with sleeping, living and cooking quarters, well supplied with stores, equipped with a life boat and life raft and manned by three men. Should a call for help be received from the life buoy along the chain the life boat would immediately be dispatched to bring the lost crew to where food could be provided and the sick, if any, cared for. Meanwhile word would be telephoned to a still larger station that the Inventor pro peses to provide on his wonderful chain. Every hundred miles along the line of buoys would be placed unslnkable, detach able lightships provided with steam power or sails and manned by an officer and a crew of eight or twelve men. The equip ment of these llehtshlps would Include two ursmkable naphtha or steam launches. It would be part of the dally duty of the crew of the lightship to board the launch ana patrol up ana aown tne line or sta tions from lightship to lightship. Vessels in distress would receive aid from these benevolent prowlers of the sea, castaways would be taken away from the life buovs and communication would be had dally with the crews of the smaller stations, so that the work of the telephone would be supplemented by a human patrol. After a storm at sea these life saving" launches would cruise the ocean for miles around on the lookout for wrecks. Should one be sighted nnd life be still left aboard, the lulng would be taken off and the dere lict destroyed to sink the dangerous ob stacle from the ocean pathway. A careful lookout would be kept for ieeberss, and the location of these terrors to sea cap tains would be noted and tho news tele phoned along-the line. More Interesting; Claims. So much for the humane side of the in ventor's gigantic scheme. The useful side is scarcely less interesting. Upon the tur reted deck of each buoy would be placed a series of independent gauges, connected with an automatic, instrument, which would record continuously, day and night, the temperature of the ocean, the velocity of the current, the direction of the cur rent, the rainfall in inches, the barometric pressure and the velocity and direction pf th wind. The' scheme would provide for the estab lishment of a series of signals by means of the beacon lights and the foghorns, and by these the Identity of the buoy would be known to the ocean traveler. The inventor claims that by this means the skipper who carried with him a chart of the sta tions would be able to ascertain his exact location without recourse to the trouble some instruments now used for the purpose Each station would be numbered, and the signal .of the automatic beacon flash, or siren blast, would accord with this num ber. F,or Instance, he proposes that the signal of the life saving station No. Ii3 should be arranged so that It should sound one blast by day; then, after an Interval, two more, and, succeeding another interval, three more. At night the flashlight would be seen once, then would be obscured again to flash out twice and then three times quickly. By referring to his chart the skipper would then be able to ascer tain his exact location. Nor is this all that the sanguine Inventor claims for the chain of life saving sta tions. The business of destroying life, as well as sax-inn- it pnfprs Into hta calcu lations. In time of war, he asserts, the life buoys could be armed with rapid firing ordnance and manned to resist a light at tack. In thMr advanced nosttlnn thp pnaBt 1 buoys would constitute outposts from which the news of an enemy's approach and movements could be Immediately tele phoned ashore and the land forces warned or notified where to direct offensive move ments. ' FREAKS OF WATCHES. Queer Diseases of Your Timepiece Ac counted For. From the New York Journal. To mest people the whims and caprices of a watch are a deep mystery. The many parts of the timepiece apparently enter in to a conspiracy to the end that the owner may miss trains, ferries and business ap pointments. When a fairly good watch leaves the hands of a reputable watch maker It Is always in a first-class condi tion, and If It does not behave itself after ward It Is generally the fault ot the man or woman who Is wearing it. One very common cause of the watch gaining or losing is the disposition that is made. of it at night. If you wear a watch next to your body during the day and put it on a cold marble mantelpiece at night, or. In fact, anywhere in a cold room, the watch is sure to either gain or lose. Cold causes contraction of the metals compos ing the balance wheel and its parts, and the watch consequently gains. When the parts expand under the heat of the body the pivots, bearings, etc., tighten up and the watch loses. As a consequence your watch is slow when you retire and fast when you get up. It will vary according to the temperature in which It is running. An expensive watch which has a compensating balance is, of course, not affected by changes of temper ature. Some metals expand in cold and others contract, and the compensating bal ance is made of metals of both kinds, so that the contraction of one balances the expansion of the other. Everybody knows that the proximity of a dynamo will magnetize tho steel parts of a watch and ruin it for the time being. A watch may be affected by electricity without the owner having been near a dynamo. The amount of electricity in some people Is so great that It can seriously affect the steel parts of a watch. A down town watchmaker told a Sunday Journal reporter that he often had examined watches which were very slightly magnet ized. . He used to demagnetize them and return them, at the same time cautioning tho wearers not to go near a dynamo. When a man has the same trouble with his watch continually it is a proof that the static electricity in his body has af fected the watch. The watchmaker also said that dark peo ple are more likely to affect their watches in this way, and women more so than men. The amount of electricity in the body lls, of course, very slight, but very little is re quired to affect the delicate works of a watch. Persons of high electric organiza tion should wear a watch with a steel case If they hope to have an accurate time piece. A watch should never he laid horizontal ly at night, but should always be hung upon a nail. Change of position will not affect a mechanically perfect watch, but such a watch is yet to be made. Should the pivot of the balance wheel be in the least worn the change of position will make the watch gain or lose. The Jewel on the under side of the balance wheel is known as the cap Jewel, and the pivot does not go through It. Unless the pivot fits right up against this cap jewel a change In position will make the watch lose. Therefore, always keep your watch In the same position night and day. It Is well known that a watch will stop for some unexpected reason and go on again all right if it is given a slight Jolt. The same trouble may not occur again for years. This Is an accident to which all watches are liable when carried around on the person. It Is due to the delicate hair spring catching in the hairspring stud or in the regulator pins. The cause Is a sud den jump or quick movement, such as get ting on a moving car. A Jolt is given to the balance wheel and hairspring and this renders 'the catching possible. The Jolt must come at a particular fraction of a second during the revolution of the bal ance wheel, otherwise the spring will not catch. The odds against tfcls happening, of course, are very great. Considering the number of half revolutions a balance wheel takes In a year and' the number of quick movements made by the wearer, the odds against must be many thousands to one. If a watch stops in this way very fre quently, it Is probably due to want of oil. A watch should ,be oiled every eighteen months, because no oil can be made which will not dry in that time. A watch will often run many years without oiling, but the wear and tear on a. watch In which the oil is dried up Is much greater than when it is kept In proper condition. Downtown watchmakers derive many dollar from watches brought In for repair which merely require winding. They al ways take out the balance wheel, tinker around a little, put the wheel back, wind up the watch and hand it back to the cus tomer. In examining a, watch brought in to be fixed up the watchmakers nearly all fol low the same course. First, they examine the hands to see If they are caught, then they take, out the balance wheel, then look at the pivots and the ruby pin. Next they let down the mainspring and examine the wheels. The last part to be looked at is the escapement, which is almost always In good order.. Sometimes a watchmaker will puzzle for "days over an Irregular watch. One of the most puzzling faults to find is a little burr on the tooth of a wheel. This rare ly happens, but when it does it causes a good deal of trouble. All watchmakers are glad of the advent of the new I woman. The new woman is likely to wear 'a watch. Women and watches do not agree. In proportion to the number sold there are twice 'as many watches repaired for women as for men. Women rarely wind a watch up regularly. A watch should always be wound every morning, so that the spring shall be at its strongest tension during the day, when the watch will be Jolted more or less. At night the comparatively weak spring has noth ing to disturb It. Xfay THE MICHIGAN STOVE COMPANY. Urges! Makers o) Stores and Ranges In Ihe World. ,SS8 FOB S'.A.T-iEJ BY mClACU Don 1309-1311 Grand Ave. LUk1li.ll UIIUuii Kaiuat ttty. Mo. Doctor- Henderson "X i io i West pth Street, Kansas City, Mo. Tha OH BelUble Doctor. Oldest In Age, Longest Located. A Ransa Graduato 'In Heulclne. Orer 27 Yean Special Practice AnthorlzeeTbvtheState to treat CHRONIC. NERVOUS ami SPECIAL DISEASES. Cures) guarantee", or mosey refunded. All medicines furnished ready for use. No deten tion from business. Patient3 nt a distance treaVcd by mail and express.. Medicines) 8enieverywhere.frc6froiagazoorbreatase, Charges low. Over 30.000 cases cureC Aye aid. experience are important. State your case and (.end lor terms. Consultation, is Xrea ana coaa dentlal, either personally or by letter. . . Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility, (fSSTSSy? producing losses, pimples and blotches oa tho face, rushes of blood to head, pains In bacic. eo used ideas and forzetfulness, basnlulsess aversion to society, loss of sexual power, loss of manhood, &c cured for life- I can stop ell sight losses, restore lost sexual power, restore nerra ana oram power, enlarge ana sireugxaeu wciut Cmhilic that terrible disease. In all its J OYJIII1I3 forms and stages cured fori Hie. JJlOOa 0130milg. DRIB xuscsana, uiwi Swellings. Sores, Gonorrhoea and Gleet, andall forms of Private Diseases positively cured ox money refunded. Rintr for both sexes, M pares, 27 pictures. EMJUIV true UIe wta Jufl description ot above diseases, the effects and cure, sent seal td in plain wrapperfor 3c. in stamps. Rend this Uttt book and answer list of Questions. - air A J. rree museum Ot tvnaiumy thotuanoaot curiosities. Thel 8 a.m. to 8p.m life-like models and wax Azures deeply topxess tha jalad;- school of lt-l Sunjagt 79 te Hi Itrnctionn. urmiffl without words. t RtMrnaSOadaOMltM in th tank SjAcS i lluy out that WILL! Latour's Restor ative HAIR TONIC If. restore grey hair to " '" its natural color with out dye. quickly where all others fall. Ufjlt stop the falling off ot " '"the hair with tha first application and will mike hair grow oa bald places quickly, It used rlg&U Will render the hair soft. ww in guijy an(i glossy, and dispose It to remain In curl. Adds QnUb and dressing: to the finest suit ot hair. mm nnprsr.hllk'l Prirf on I'oafa Bettoratlre IlKlr Tonic Sl.OO Six. 69n lSOCrSlUUK. t-riCC Get lt mt Doenchnk'. Big Dear Store, X301 Graad Afi? Corner 12th street. Kansas City, Bio. Mall Ordsri Filled at OOc CONSULT THE and receive the candid opinion of the leading and most successful physician In. the West. JVo prombeM maae Out caaaot be fulflljwd. NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST MANHOOD, Pain In Back. Lack of Development. Quickness, Defective Memory and all other symptoms re sulting from errors or excesses perttcUy cund. Blank free. CVDUII 1C ana a11 BIood Diseases, causing sore throat, falling hair. W I rnlklV pain la bones, &c, &a, pcrmMaeotlr curwd without mcr any. Blank tree. VlRlftflfiFI F?,r Enlarged Veins of Scrotum, causing Spermatorrhea. Lost Vitality, IHIUWUUEki; Emissions, ic., eared without an operation Full particulars Fras. URINARY DISEASES quickly cured. PILES and Fistula cured or nopay. Booktrtc Book of Facta for men only sent sealed for 8 cents to prepay. Medicines sent any whero secure from observation. Call, or address in confidence. DR.H.J.WHITTIER, Photographed trans Ufa, Positively Restores Vitality. B 2 3 3 1st day letb. day, ... 'tu dax. TU POWKRFtJI. "Dr. DeLao's New Tonic Pills" P?5dUI??JeJlbove re8UIt to DATS NO LONGER! It acts powerfully and quickly. Cured, ethers, will cure you. Toung- nen will retain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor. It quickly and positively cures NERVOUSNESS, caused from excess, use at tobacco or other stimulants. Restores LOST POWER AND VITALITY. IMPO TENCY. NIGHTLY EMISSIONS. FAILING MEMORY. WASTING DIS EASES and ALL effects of self-abuse or excesa and indiscretion, which un fits one for marriage, business or study. It not anly cures by striking at the seat of the disease, but lt Is a great NERVE TONIC and BLOOD PURIFIER. It brings back the PINK GLOW TO PALE CHEEKS, and re stores tha FIRE OF YOUTH. Insist en your druggist giving you "DE LAP'S" no other is equal, as It is prepared from the prescription of DR. DE LAP. the great French physi cian, who has had thirty years' practice, hospital and office. In Paris, on Nervous Diseases. Can be carried in vest pocket. Sent by mall (aealed), postage paid, tl.00 package, or SIX PACKAGES FOR JS.OO, WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO POSI TIVELY CURE OR REJTJND THE MONEY. For sale a? JOHNSO.. BROS., Druggists. UtT Main street, Kansas City. Mo. STOPSTHIN AFEWHOURS t O Cures Within a Few Days... Use the Famous ParUkm Remedy for Gonorrhoea, or Olctt, De Lap's Sure Thing. PRICE SI.OO. Complete treatment sent by mall sealed) on receipt of price, OncDollar. TOR SALI BT JOHNSON BROS., DRUGGISTS. 1107 Main St. - Eanaas City, Ha Hr JAsBB,aaj a V.V J BE. 2 " MMk ? x JrV 2 a ilAjftuLL uilUdii Eaiiui City, Has. far is uuu iuo j uu ui, iu. ucMb. Q-f ! it tv permanently cured without ouiblUlC caustic, cutting, bougtos or sounds. No pain, so exposure Patient cam nse the treatment at home. Rheumatism So 4"? SURE CURE. Tha greatest discorery in tha annals of medicine. Ou dose gires relief; few doses remove lever and'paln in Joints; cure in a few days. Send statement ot case, with stamp ior circular. FarHtasOalr.Itenletewithl omcxmocxai vA firlttt for abet Oluot fact t I Will eradicate dandruff. ww in cleanse and Impart health to tha scalp Latour's the Tonic That WilL Based on tha latest chem ical research regarding the nourishment ot the hair. F.r sale by druggists. Price ILoa Inaltt on hav ing It Take no other. Ihe La GreTB Chemical Co-, New York and landou. PIONEER SPECIALIST 10 WEST NINTH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. WhatlsThyroinV.V. VAWLECr; frniNTERi AMcrrr.rt Oosa:fWMfta1UM5tBBSsa It Is the ACTIVE PRINCIPLE of tha Thyroid Gland, made la the form of tablet and powder. THYROIN V. V. may be used with great oenent. wnen au other remedies have failed. In any of tha following CHRONIC SKIN DISEASES GLANDULAR ENLARGEMENTS. MORBID AND BENIGN TUMORS. PURIFYING CONSTIPATION. BLOOD. NEKVK AND UKI GLANDULAR EN- DISEASED LARGEMENTS. BRAIN AND KID- BEMORRHAGB OF NEY TROUBLES. UTERUS. TUMORS. GOITRE. MENSTRUATION. INDIGESTION. IMPOTENCE. NEURALGIA. TUBERCIILOSISt ZC7.EMA. MYXOEDEMA. CRETINISM. DEBILITY. LUPUS. RHEUMATISM. LOSS OF 'APPE TITE. Pop IMPROVING THE COMPLEXION And many other troubles that flesh la heir to. Its curative powers are wonderful. It may be employed Successfully la all catarrhal diseases. In Many Nervous Diseases, especially ta NERVE EXHAUSTION. LOSS OF VIRILE POWER, IMPAIRMENT OF THE MEMORY, LOSS OF THE OTHER MENTAL FACULTIES. Tbyroln V. V. (so called to distinguish It from other preparations) is a powerful stimulant to- the vital forces and la used aa a rejuvenating agent to prolong Ufa. Physicians prescribe Tbyroln V. V. The best results are obtained In begin ning the treatment with small doses and gradually increasing them. For example, two tablets a day for the first week, thraa tablets a day for tha second week, and so on. The medicine Is not a manufactured drug, but Is Nature's remedy, prepared taj Nature's own laboratory. PRICE ONi DOLLAR PER 10TTL2. Manufactured by jj VAN VLECK & MINTER. OX, SB and test Xelaarn BaUdinav kajtsas crrr. mo. For sale by an druggists. 8 IT twce-Msxt l I - fciB " 1 ill . 4 .-.., ..-.... - i.'giBj j. t r . V 1 1- If I- VrTriVif,afa3yk.5'i