OCR Interpretation

Richmond democrat. [volume] (Richmond, Ray County, Mo.) 1873-1906, December 15, 1887, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063662/1887-12-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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"ii-ffT niw rimrri r mimirirr wiw i-aaiawaSjL(t..ai uni iixjlkiii sua eiiaei ia4i i f ain wriMMWrtWtJl ' it nirnriiinTwf aBBsnaiJJattBButJ.a ' "
rVnrttor ( nrkrrll 1ntroiueod M bills
Info the Hfimtc lMt Alomlny. A prettv
pood start.
Siaatuk VT hsintrodiired a bill in
roi res authoriini? the construction
or a oncipi' it rm thn Missouri Hiver
at LfXii.glnn, Missouri.
Tin: iL-niorrnlic party will have all
the jrrrat monopolies and litnd prl-
binp railroad corporation to tight next
year. With bonetr on it aide it i.
nirc to w in.
The (arid will have but littlo to do
with tho luriil contest in Hay cotintv
lirxt yi:tr. There n anther isue here
that ovornhadowthi natinnnl fight
n f:ir Unv count v in concerned.
Why is it don't ceithe Kirhniond
J Mum-rut. Will Hro. Itogip aux
blanc?" ( anit ron Sun.
You ahull have the papt-r every
11 ro. Cross, if wu have to come
fetch it.
The Thiladi lphia Heron! say: The
meaage of President Cleveland i an
nppeal nptinsl vicious, im-puitalile and
linni'Ct'fMiry taxation baed on the idea
of sustaining unprolitnble industries at
the expense of prolitable industries.
Til k bureau of Engineer for river
improvement reports the Wabash,
Western U all way m building a dike at
Camden, in this county, that will en
daper navigation. As the report was
made to Congress, the matter will
doubtless le investigated.
A California doctor ha a device for
making it rain at will. Head all aUmt
it on the fourth p:tgeofthis i-ue. l!
his project proves a sucet'ss there U- no
more extended drouths in this country,
not even if prohibition should reach the
point where it will prohibit.
It is now at-tiled. Mr. IJIaine will
agiiiti be the Republican presidential
candidate. He takes issue with Mr.
Cleveland's message, and ba ru-hed
frantically tothe rescue of the protrac
ted monopolies of eastern at a tea. It is
not the first time Mr. Blaine has made
ft mistake.
It now given out that Hun. J no.
M. Jovcr, a St. Louis member of eon
press, has entered the race for povern
or of Missouri. He ha many strong
friends in that city as well a many
strong enemies and we are not prepar
ed to expreft an opinion on bis candi
Tut lipht net year will be on the
tnrilT reform. The H-publican pnrtv
will e-poiiso the priiw of the m:iniif:tc-ttr-'iiiK
monopolies, while the lemo
' I'arty will take the side of the
people. The Hepubiicaii will have
the mo-d money, but the Uemocrata
will Lave the most rotes and conse
qoeutly will in the contest.
Ed. Corriran, a brutal reflian, made
a cowardly assiilt on lr. M. Munford,
of the Kaunas City Times, on Monday
lut. in which the latter was somewhat
worried, bulnut seriously burt.lt was the
act of a coward, as the attack was made
in a dark stairway by the burly ruffian,
on a man in no way his equal physical
ly. The Doctor should keep hit pun
ready ready fox uth cowardly sneaks.
It is all a mistake to suppose that the
democratic nomination for governor of
the Treat State of Missouri is going to
ofl'er itself to Judge Norton unsolicited.
The fact is that the young democracy
of the state will have something to say
in the matter, and this element want
to see a chief Executive of the slate
who is a "rustier;" a man w ho will
make his intluence felt from Maine to
California. Is Norton such a man?
Soma person has mentioned Y. A.
Yeiiuer, of Stttbolnriy, & a suitable
man for Lieutenant governor on the
democratic ticket. The first time we ev
er saw YYeinier was at the democratic
congressional convention, at Chill jco the
in 173, and we are free to confers tbat
he made just about a unfavorable an
impression on our mind at that time a
It was possible to make. In less Wei
mer hat changed bis practices very
radically, be is no timber for sncb a
Tne republican national convention,
to nominate candidates for president
and vice-president, has been called to
xueet in C hicago, on the l'.Uh day of
June, Ihnh. Several cities, Su Luuir
among the number, made an effort to
(secure the convention, but Chicago
drew the prize. It is pretty well set
tled tbat Mr. ltlaine will again bead
the republican ticket, and the only
contest in the convention will be for
the second place.
The l'reftuyturain ministers of Si.
Louis tteciu to be opposed to takinir an
n.-'.ive part in the Local Option oiitest.
'iu y are of the opinion that theropr
i- in le to save the world. Ceutralia
(LUiI d.
Tut: duse of Christianity would be
i. -n fed everywhere if men, profits
' chri-itain teachers would ail
lime an vfuul amount of faith in the
(iuKpcl of JeusChrist, as that expre----td
by the I'niJibytcnan ministers. Lack
of faith in the power of the Gopel to
aave, ii what causes souie preachers to
want to add a prohibition amendment
to that i;o-.pel.
Mr. Kuiid.tll sas; "'There can be
nui'u cLlargtumil of the free lit and
deductions iu the dutiable schciules as
will mduce the reeuue from custom,
without the least injury, however, to
any of our i-sUhlihhed and useful in
dustries, and without lowering iu the
leat the remuneration now awarded to
latsir. I tniit and believe such wise
counsels will prevail as will secure the
accompJishment of these object. '
A well knoHU man of Ihh place call
ed on a lady friend a few evening
aim, her mother being present. After
a while she was called from the room
for a fl w minulvs. Shu excused ber
alf for retiring, and he readily excused
bur. What young man wouldn't, and
Lope the minute wiM be leiiih' tivd
illto hoilis. She Jefl one Mtliny otilh-
ao:a, tl.e uilier on tht- in. . i w iiun .
whi n -le uiuiiie.l c in t (
SKllie Jcwtlioii. hut li. in".
bad a 1'iir.i h id Ji.nr ..... .
l'(iU .i . ,u . Jl - it
ItU l.' ( ( M ..rlp li
wer- i, . " w
..I i-
lieu in jiiisu.w- i.( .
CVutralift (iuard.
Full and complete Line o( Ladies, Misses nndChildrens CLOAKS, embracing everv varletv of Ln
and Short Wrap in Styles and Prices to suit the Times. Ik. Dr7 oooZTw Zl?t" "Z "ana Coin mZf
rM,l,nSSuIS,ap,0nuiunC, urvuooas, Dress Coods, Notions, Hosleryand Cloves. Also a Complete
Une of Saxony, German. Knitting, Cermantown, Spanish Yarn.and Zephyrs. A largo and well seTecteS
A e" B,vy" ."'I' 'f P0tS nd Shoe- Udle nd Cent8 Furnishlns Coods in a
Stylesand VaneHes. m-alsoki-rpn well selected slock of onocEima at prices tlat .left eo,nm.iii cmo
C PVV lt3 .tlAll U 11111 UUJ1II1 IP(HI.
Gleaned by Telegraph and MaU
It in KciiH'e en the Tlti Mr Flumb of
til Ak-n iiiturt' t'T li)1.n-miion vo hr-lhr
,nv p rn In lt fro (-ii'i n unit of the l-irt-
un'iit irntkititi f Tnnftit in U mnu'ciur
of porp!ium v.U'ur bsd ipphrJ for or it.liiwO
PRlent i-cnnccn-il w ih urh mnniifki-tur1 r.d
prrwnip oul of urb rtjH-nmt tit, whicb
i1opt-fl. Blid ili Si:u- fc:.KurLU....Tb
lli'l til OQ.
ArTi'R Hi- rending of tho Jonnl and
prfcMTH'Ti of prp-rn M dfpartit r.t the S-d-ute
or. ttir fcih Jj'.iinit-d until M'r.-!ay TU
frl-iiUr In'd W-Iurr tlir Hi-w M-wn. depart
ment r piir nn() i-iiounf l the (n n.:;tee mi
Mil cure liw.iiti-nt pn i for the amend
Dirni c the ru.e pr cfred r,d or-lr-d
f erred to the l or-.Tj'Ttee on R:; when p
pouiit-d. arid the lioutt c-unird oatil Mun-
Tnr S'--niitc mt on hi l.h vhiti lr(r
nunihT ot romn.unirt'rr and) pfTiiinn were
reoettcd and nU rr-d. Mt:y b: i rt aio ib
tnxluied. umonf them one ty Mr. 't. tn-rreituni-
tt,t- i t.; iii to the widow ot O-tersl
F r H.ir. ti Mr Manr.m. rar.'.inf ip-n-imntofiT
MiJ-.cr inc ipi iis:ed ic do lsrir.
and to dependent f '.st'vei of dc,a-i soi4;-r.
ty Mr. Plumb. fi'ih..M;w railroad to offer
pae to anv CotiSTeMnan or ioTer-imeDt em
ploye or for such to sc ept thm. The R-iirher
ot Dili and renlutioti icirrnijoeU T-x Ule
7rrtet numoer f vr or for itr-Juoed
m or.e day. After a trlef et'r-utire tn
SW-naTe s:unted . In iLr Hoa Mr Ppr.nfer
pref&ted the pctitioe of Owen G 0a. who
i lammed to he elected a dflecste frotn the Ter
ntorr of Cimarmti i No-Mac i Lu.d'. Laid
over. Tbe Speaker ea'.ied Mr. Cr.p of Geort-.a
to the chair and listed that at h: itbe Speak
er seat was ooDtf1ed b difl not with to
appoint the Committee on Electifm. A reso'.Q.
tKio y Mr. Ho;man thbt tbe House !ect aucb
committee wu apte4 and the House ad
journed. rrnsoxAL and politicai.
Tna Attoruey-Ociienu oi ";t Soota
has written a long letter tn favor of recip
rocity twlween tba Uoited Biate asd Can
lei complications tn the Cheroke ?a
tlon, owing to tbe deadlock in the (Senate,
were s-imeerbat revoiuttoQanly solved by
the Howmnfr party asscmioff control and
recfifrniztnft itsyea aaCbiaL both paruea
in the luwer bouae arr-fed to this aoiuUoo
aod do trouble wai exiected.
The Republican Nations! Committee met
at Waahujirton urn tbe Mb and Died upoa
Chicago and June lw, as the place and
time of holding tbe Republican tauonai
con vent ion.
A cat'ct s of Democrats of the Wen! a
Assembly was beid on Ui Mb and John 8.
harbour waa notnmatd to eacceed Kiddie
berger. The Kepublicans made do nonuna-
Krv. E. P Ht MPHkEf, one cf the oldat
and most diatinruisbed u. misters the
(South, died recently at Lou units, Ky. He
wm re curded as oue of the ablest mao In
tbe Prebyteriau Church. He waa born at
Fairfield. Conn.. Jauarr a, lsftt.
WtcarTAHT tod Mrs W fanner rare a dm
aer at Washington on theVlh to Hoa. Jo
seph Chambr.io. There were preaerit
Speaker and Wrv Carhaia, Beretary and
Mra. Faircbdd, Secralary ndirtt, Ur.
and Mr. Angeii. Mr. ana Mrs. Putnam,
Secretary bayard, Mr. Mara eater LauKb
kon. Admiral and Mra. Fraxutlia, Sir Lionel
West, Sir Lhariee Tup per, Miss Hunt and
Mrs HitL
It is reported that FntM O.ng, father
of the Emttror of China, is dead.
M OffcLrt icformed Pre dect Camot on
the t h that be was unttuebo form a Minis
try, wbereup' M. Fa.Lf res was ur.pi:wi
to ai;n cnuertaae tbe taaa aod he ac
cepted. M Fii LirRra went to the Eaee oa the
Hub and informed Preaiaetit (.ar&ot tbat
ho had found it impossible to form a Cabi
net oti the basis of a ooi.oebtruoo of tbe
Republican sroupa and had therefore
abandoned the attempt. M- Lkruj and
several other ststesu.es to whom M. r
herea nzade overtures Oacucei to taae
Kelublb advire from Friedencharohe
aay that Pnooe bismark waa aeiied with
a sudueo illness on ut loth. Toe attack
speedily passed off. but his physicians ad-
vtaed rest and aostebtion irom buanaa.
He wae aad to be suffering from indigea-
tioo and nerroas headache.
1 hi Fisheries Ccmsueeuui has adjounied
until January t,.
Ho. Bcnjmi!i Krs PtrnLiT, an aaao
ciaK of WiilisjD Lloyd Garra.o and otner
noted Aboatioi;it, died in Galveston,
Tex., recently, Hed sevcpty-seYco.
Krv. High O. PKTauT recently re
signed his position aa pastor of tbe Belle
ville avenue Congregational Church of
Kewark, K. J. Iiis prominence tn u labor
movantant had estransed bin from eozne
members of hs coLgregation and caused
bis reaignauon.
Ket. Ma. baKHT, of Er.ftui, declined
ths call to Plymouth Church, Bruoaiyn. In
bis letter of regret he sa d the growth of
a broad evangelical feeling in Eogtand
neoeasitated his remaining at heme.
Kzv. L S Ka-Uoch. tne waikLown Kan
aaa preacher and politician. d.d at w hit
corn. V. T., on tbe 11th. He hd been on
tbe Pacific coast for the laat tea years, be
tag eiecd mayor of San Fraiit-isoo in IstV
on toe Working-men's ticket.
pEksoas weh inforuiM) in diplomatte re
lationa aay that negotiations sre peadtDg
between this country and Mex.oo for a
treaty which will provide tnr an interna
tional ooin and silver oertiflcaui or acme
monetary regulation by which the ea
changes betwen the two cuntnes can be
effected with ease and without loss.
Kr5Bta Jt so. one of tbs exiled Nepaulse
(Iodis) Pr:nces. has organ ted a revolu
tionary movetnecL 1 he coun'.ry waa in
c-ined to rise in bis favur aid upset the
Govern men t
A Philadelphia gentleman has received
a letter from John Bright, tne British
aiatesmsn. in wnich he trunk's a world a
pea. congress not practicable at present.
It is auLouncwJ teat Jude Brad ey has
decided to coolest tne t ectK.n of Warren
O- Arnold to Cor.grese from the Second
district of hbode Jsiand on the grounds of
fraud, iLUinidtttioo and bribery.
w lac tLXA k.ot a,
Ah'f'T two thousand prons attended
the Anarchist eotcrta.ouietit in Chicago 00
the lot n.
Fivi men r ktlied at WaddeU's shaft
nar H nitesbarte. Pa . rec'-ntiy, by tbe
cajre fsilintf turtle hundred feet.
The directors of ib Baltiumre ft Ohio,
at Baltimore, Mt, on the loth, fleeted
Samuel hpeueer president of tbe company
at a salary of Jo.uuo. Tae uiajonty of m
tersis eoocentrutd r.u him to suecd
Robert Garrett. No chart if was e peclud
in the maiiaireiiifut as hpeuuer, wuo was
first vice prsidtiii, bad tor s"ine time vir
tually been in control of tbe road.
AsjcaitAM securities were dull with
pru- lower on tii Luodun Eacbauge dur
ing the wee eod.-d bee id her IU. Caua
d inn a slsti wen- di'prt ei The German
boursfs veie t-ait. In Par, not wiih
stumiitJif tue pvlitnal tncerta. titles, prli.t-
Wi-te firm.
returua I r week et;J d
10. ll,U-
ol lj.U
14 I.
V .
u ,t-v
rd an average decrease
Yoi a tLt dcurcase wae
'. . m - i to (i. tin.- suit ol T.
i .v u a l tie Kaiibas wheat
a r.. a.'aiiii I (-e 'I nn t-U-rs' Inauraiice
c i.p ii it. in ..i of ti, pi ami iff.
A Moil i.ii.jt.'d to J neb Thntnas A lieu
u' Lfi ; Ki.. on the lii. i u.iiii of the IHU,
l.t MuadtMiui by the sheriff aud d'puty,
severs hmg wouaacd. AUefi WMVharped
.With a Full
-ft. v laniN & CO., Richmond,
wiih he na tn.pcated in the ktilitifn of
U Fehninrr.
A VfRnrtine rmnk catr'd Atibertin
hit M. Kerry, e 'n m er of Krunee, in Iho
lobby of the (.'Lumber on tho l't!i. Kerry
wouniHl in t'ip client uiul th'irh anj
wm reportnl ii;frr.njf with conmUerablo
fever, with boje ot ret-oreiy. Tne crank
was amsieJ.
TnnrF maket ri-'Mer he!l up trmn on
the He Lcutv Arkanm A Te.t rnilroad
on the D-jrlit of the Vtli, ucar Ti-iiirkaua,
Ark. Thrr were rt'intr-el to h ive c-it
, atotit fM) frvm the xpre, a trothl lti
j of it belonjriftff to the l.oinoiatia lottery.
! A arpRT leirhed Ilun n. 1). T . on the
11th ttmt the farm home nf .Mm tuii-l 11 urn,
; fourteen m 1 from Wfitiit!nn, bad
! burned the previous mirlit, and tlmt the eu
: lire fam Iv of i.ine T.in h p-r tied.
I Thi j'Jrv in th Va-nii vm will.1 pimiipg
. mk at Knoxrilie, I wa, nun ut.utro to
I aiTTee i'tr thirty evn In t' d -hberv
: tJ n and waa disihrg d. Nine were for
i Jt roa Svei u ef thf Wmhtr.ctoD poMo
court, ta nn.-a iorLo . naive;
I Uurant keep-r. fi r roftiin l
co.ored lawver named Hewlett. Harvey
has appea ed.
Thi Jonet r III ) Steel Compury hia
posted up notices that is r- l.iug mdis will
close Itm-mb-r '-3 ird-llni'e.y
the Superior t.'eurt at Harifonl, Conn.,
recently, the application of the Insurance
Commissioner to put the Continental Life
Insurance Companv Into the hands of a re
ceiver waa set deirn fiT hearini. The
sta'ement of th- Commissioner showed
habiln es of '.-.'. 00 and assets of f 1 Jti.t").
He claimed tho deficit was known for some
Eight stores and three bams in Bait '
River. Mich., were burned tbe other dav.
Lsa, 1.(SH; uamsurexl.
Thb creditors of R vJ & Staiwell and
Rod, Maxned & ha'flril. the bankrupt
lumbermen cf Ash land, Wis, expect to
get about ift cnta on the dollar.
ATarw Ei warps coiored, hvirnr near
Mmden. La., was lynched recently by per
sons of his own race, who supposed he was
possessed of voodoo powers. Ed wan! a whs
an old man and was much esteemed by hie
white neighbors.
E. L. HABrca, the defsuitinir cashior of
tbe Fidelity Bank, cf Cincinnati, wua con
victed on the I'-i-h and sentenced to ten
yea's' imprisonment.
Tbuz cScers made a ra;d at Uayton,
near Chattanooga, Tenn., recently on a
gang of outlaws fortified in a cabin. The
gang opened tire on the officers as they ap
proached, but as anon aa the first round waa
fired the cffhTSre charcod the cabin,
knocked down the door and captured three
prisoners, shooting one of them, J. Carna
han, through the heart.
BTacoi itton between freight trains on
a high embankment near Akron. O., the
other oifhtanengineerani bratfeman were
fata.ly Injured and aoiow loss done to roll
leg stock.
Tai Treasury Department has decided
that the wits and daairnuir cf a C hinese
actor now living at Portland, Ore., can not
be allowed to land in the Cm ted Htatee, ex
cept on production of the cert iftuavs re
quired by the Chinese Rstnction act, not
witastanditg their ability to produce other
evidence that tbey are not laborers within
the meaning of tbe law.
Tai aeeu and oil mi: Is at Dnffleld. Eng
land, have been destroyed by fare, causing
r&o.OUb loss.
Breadstttm eiporta from the United
S'.ates during Novemtur pant atrrre
gated In value f. V.'i 7 3 against 112,
ifeMI in November, iwi. For the rleven
morith of the year enie-I Novpmber 3u,
bread BTtffs t,xp -:s r-aCied :4 1W.4I I,
acaicst r.'5 lTT iT4 d'r.r.gthe Corresuuj.
ing period of tbe yeir l-'vi.
PatLps. Iorof & Pr.Mrna ihr ware
bouse, Aaan:t street a Mi Fifth avenue, Cin
cagj, waa uestroyed by liru recently. Tne
i'.-ss waa heavy, the Lu.icitg bautt woitb
;0U,uw; insured.
Ia the S nae, on t:.-: J J; a iijmlr of
new b:i s vt re mtjc-c-d aid reterred.
lb ttii lio.e a ; ufii jer of cicciitvo com
manictions w-re rci.er.ed ai.J the new
Eicitoas CvMimittee chreu by vote.
D Cast no & r . u:wit.g and commis
sion merchants of N.-.v Yjra, have fam-d.
Asaeu and liarn'.i s were r"Uihly esti
tbaed at ;,-M i OA). The bouae had a large
Colombian trau.
Tax mud drum cf the bat erv of boKera
at Swift's Iron and steel woraa at ew
port, Ky., exp o.i-d the other morning,
tearing tbe rof off and causing a general
wreck. One man waa hurt,
Thi canning and pacamg m lis of tbe
Laflin powder woraa at Lahin, Pa., con
taining a ton of powder, exploded recently.
A.J but one woram-ii ecaped.
5aT Kur.SE, a miner, uas caught in a
um -stone cruh.nif machitie at the Calu
met and Hecia mine, at (.aiucuot, Mich., the
otner aay and comp.eu-iy torn to pieces,
both lege be. rig torn off aud the body be
headed and disemboweled.
A BosTo.f firm havu;g petitioned Con
gress for the psa6 of a bid ieq.utrmg
tbat adulierated lara he eutoiped and hav
ing asaed for a hannir. tne bens-.e Com,
mittee on Agriculture baa decided to give
a bearing to a.l interested at some time
about tbe m.dd.e of J. njury.
Ma. Ptse, M P., wuo was barricaded in
LisfJnny caat;e.bis residcnje to County Wa.
lerioid, Irt.aud, resisting tue efforts of tbe
police to arrest him, left the castle early
the otter morning, eluding the police sen-tm-iiaai.d
ieMV.nj for suue uusuovvn p. ace.
Tub convention tf tne NatiOLal Ft d era
uon of Laoor met at Baltimore, Md-t on the
Hesnt B. Jveb, the "Napoleon of
Fmanoe,' was arrrd at No Yor on
ihe Uiu on a warrant sworn out by Julius
bexter, prts d.-ut of t'-e Lincitinti, Hamil
ton & Lrayton railro-d. ciiarg uf him with
grabd larceny. Uo waa held In fAuuu
Ths p:s? in purs-ut of the Arkansas
tra.n ruooera ws n-porud from Little
hoc an ttie IS'h to have bad an encounter
witn lum iu which one of tim robocra and
a deputy iii-irn mi were kuk-d.
T. V. PuttbaaLr. h end of the Knights of
Labor, recently hd a a-nous htiurliuge
of the luuifa at his hium Scrauton, Pa
Ihe trial of b -nj-.m n E. Upuiiis, the
a-urond of thtFd my hanh r.n s, com
menced at Ciuc ni ati on tne ld'.h.
Lien hi FawtftTT si.d w.fe, living near
Point PiecSsul, W. Va., Meul to tburch the
ulber nieht, leaving turea tbildren locked
.0 the Lous- Wneo thny rut u mod they
fojud tbe hose Luriitsd djvvu aud the
children d sd
Hami-el W ihlow. Rep'ihlican, was re
eltutid miyor ol U on cs er, Uii , by
1.1 mjOiity. 'J lie c.t went iu favor ot
iitiise by JiJm.jniy in a Vote nf lu,7i
""No Au hi v.s toiivicied in haii
rauciseo rtu: Jy o" tiaffii king m Chine
W UiL-D.
'Jut first m-a age jf Pnad nt Carnot
ws st-nt tot L French Asacuuiy vu the
li.l aid waawed rtcvivta.
fll l'niiliir
Iho "l.-Jui.rl t .li.. , uj una i,t ll.-r i v t-
h lei
g -f
tested .bu'J Ii-ui o t ' k itrn
noon oi. a wai iuni ,i i.i, me
grand l-rc i,y .n..i.- I.. J U . jKt r. prai-d-i.l
of 'h- t 1 1; i ' . 1 1. a 1 1, ll.-un i., i, di luyl in
Kii.lii.-t Cniiiit-.m. 'It,.' i.ii.nu' U anises
Uiul oi.Jul,i;l,. 1 ,,a-li.li H.MV.it l,y the
First Nn. .(,..) k ,,1 t ,u--i-.tiui i, June A,
on fie W, r. .i'...ii.i li.ii.a of Svw
Yoik in tii.- oi.i. r ..1 iiu C in i iniu 1 1, IJiuii.i
lou 4: Uyion itu,ir.;nl otnpuny for 1U,
a'.d iiiU iseu uy F H. riuort, tn usurer
ol ihe cuuipaby, was sio.cu by Umu ti.
For business At
Lino of Mens,' Boys'
Very Respectfully,
Iven. The draft alleged to b the
property of the I metnna! i, Hamilton
Pitylon and ha! tnten ftont to UnnrT
! 8.
vea as trustee of the road, to b turned
over to A. It Keen, presutent of the
lerre Mitute & ludianupolia lUilway Com
pany, in pay iiient of tvo.fciu due to the
lrre Haute railway for stock purchased
t'T the t inetnnatl, llamtltou ft lUvloo.
kea, instead of ii. doming and delirennf
tne draft to the order of MeKeca aa re
q.nii d. it ia aile-d, tr.d iraetl It to the
ot d r of Henry H. Ivea ft Co. and depoalted
It nith the Atnern-nn Kielinne National
Umm of ow ork to the credit of bis Ann.
Ivea was taken to t he police court, where
r una) claumd that ilia case was one for
ttie civil courts and Ivea said be did not
e i poet or ruinal proct d na. He was held
in fiViwo tK.i.d. h a aister furnishing the
A Tuola hfM-makrr's Her Club aat Do'
Torrsi, Kin., Iic. In tbe caae of
U.eNiiiU'uf Kanui vs. H. H. Stand is h,
the Hupreme Ciurt remlered a decision
yesterday tnvolrine another point in the
Prohibition law. Stunlib la a shoemaker
havmff a shue ahnp in Poola. He has been
in the habit of joining wnb aiime frieods
and buying beer by th quantity in Kansas
t it y. the boer being shipped to Paola and
dmnic bv the purchasera In the back room
of standish's shop, he receiving no reconv
!t.o or prollt in the transaction.
Hull waa brought apamst him under
the clause of the law prohibiting the aale,
barter or giving away of Intoxtcatinsr
buuora. The decision is aa follows: 'A
rr" !n lhe lawfuB bona-flde poaaee
aion of int"Xicatiug liquor may use It as he
sees nt, ne mayaruiait himself or give
It away, out he can not, by any shift or de
vice in seillug or giving away, lawfully
evade the provisions of the statute pro
hibiting the manufacture and aale of in
ttxicat ng liquors. A person can not be
convicted under section 10 of the prohibi
tion act of lN-il for keeping in his bouse,
store, or in a wareroom thereof, lntoxioat
irg liquor for his own use, or forgiving the
same away, providing the giving away Is
done honestly and in good faith, and not as
a shift to evade the proviaions of said act,"
An Immense Balloon Dscntts la Kaau
turhy wua ths fcmachsted Hmalna of
a Man.
EvASsvtLLa Ind., Dec W On Saturday
afternooo the citlcana of Owens bora, Ky.,
observed an immense balloon sailing over
the city at a great height. It waa wtthio
view for a long time, but when last seen It
appeared to be rapidly descending. Parties
w ent in aearcb of it yesterday, and during
the afternoon it was found in an old swamp
about ten miles south of Haweeviiie. The
Beat-chine; party were horrified at the dis
covery of tbe emaciated remains of a man
who had been evidently emptied from the
basket several yards from where the air
ship had fallen. It is the theory of those
who found the balloon and the body that
UaurbMulwM al-HMKtw UH rwfn I ha
bailoon reached the eartb, aa bo serious
bruises were found uron his body. Ho
papers er other evidences have been found
to Indicate who tho unfortunate man can
be. The only balloon which has ascended
and disappeared in this section waa one
from Viucennea, Ind., about two months
smoe, but that one was some time after
ward reported found. It is auppoaed that
tne aeronaut in this case lost control of the
a-r shin, which aaoended to a great alti
tude, sod that be met death from want of
food and the extreme coid.
f lilldrcn PerUh la
The Mother and aix
the ri,
Ht-Knv, Dir., jjre. 14. Complete details
Of haturday night a Calamity at Roasing
ton anow that about one o'clock in the
morning Mrs. Harris and her husband were
awaaened ny tire anu amoae and found the
hou-eon tire below. All of them were id
the upper story, which waa in one room.
'1 be futner tried to get down tne stairway,
but was driven baca by fire. Then be went
through a window to the ground below,
caiiioit the mother to throw out the
chi.dreu for him to aave. Ibe youngest
was turowQ but by the mother and
Harris caujrht lu Ha. re, Mrs. Harris
Ljutner, who was Living wnb them,
did not atop to aid hie s.eter, but followed
Harris to tbe grouod, and aodid the largest
boy. Before the mother cou.d toes out an
other child the bouae lelL burying berand
the six children in a fiery grave. One or
two wails from the burning people and all
waa over with them, before help oama ad
who were saved were seriously injured by
the cold, the mercury being' down to la de
grees below, aud the wind blowing bard.
Sunday morning when tbe rema ns were
taWen from the aah heap, there were beads
burned off, feet severed from legs and legs
burned from bodies. It is not known cow
bow the lire started.
Bura-lar Bliot by s Woman
pAHKEKset K(i, W. Va., Deo. 14. Last
night the family of Joseph Mullen, In Car
roll County, below here, were awakened
by noisea at the window. A little girl told
her sister that she thought some men were
trying to gdt In. The next mioute tbe
form of a large negro waa aeen half way
through an upstairs window. Supping out
of the room, the young lady got a revolver.
Keiurome quie'Jy, she watched tbe
uoifro'a aeiious. Hr noise evidently bad
frightened him, for. after getting Into the
room be crawled half way out again, when
the young woman, to frighten him. fired
the revolver. Sue mde a center shot,
however, and tne burgiar tell dead on tbe
porch and rolled tn the ground. An In
vustigiAtion showed that the bullet had en
tered his brain.
Powder I y Taken Kirk.
Pqii.a bci.Pit i a, Le.i-, id Inf urination was
received yesterday morning at the Koigbbs
of Labor headquartera in this city U) the ef
fect that Grand Master Workman Powder
ly had been stricken with a severe
hemorrhage of the lungs at bis home
In Hcrantou. The news came over a pri
vate wire from Sr ran ton to tbe Broad
street palace, and was received by John
W. Hayes, secretary of tne general execu
tive board. It created a great deal of ex
citement among powderiy's fneuds and
the uierks at the beviquartera, but every
body about the esiabiianmeat was in
strut ted to keep tbe mutter a secret and
the greatest precaution ws taken to pre
vent the news fiotn reaching the outaiuo.
Nut m Mifctil Lrt.
Ptewartsville, I. KsH. County, was the
fftm a few days a f oof a sensation which
.book the quint town to its foundation,
and cauai-d almost a sus)usioo of busi
ness for the time biug. It was the clue
injr of the doirs of the well -known Stew
nitavills hank of Buck & MeCroaky, and
tlirt aiiiioniK'eiiient of ths total collapse of
tint hunk ah a LuiiiAns iiutitutfon. It waa
1 ....v-f-d ti ut the llrui of Buck ft Mo-
jt rn-ky disaolti-d partiitrhip oq Novero
ltr a' d that t htr f a. I was not ravsaJed
to any ouu until the uews of the failure
I an to he cireuJatfd upot) tbe
nMents. As It Is aiwavi euatomary
tofive puMic notice of the d ssol ut ion of
a partifi- h p at hooii id it tak'ia piece,
I fin fuel tim i u Mat. not dons in tins in
kiance es'ioeil ui n b surprise. The aa
UKne, J. din W. Coherlv. is a well-known
riin-u of ht. Jouph. Mr. Cctwly is a
L.-uvy lo-r. 'Ihe eiu'iie went to the
bank foi ilia pnri'ose of opening tbe vault
and soe nK bow much money was left for
Us vict.wi. Jill lurpnaa may b tf.e
and Childrens'
fned when, npon opening ths safe, not a
ngle nickel was discovered to gladden
his eyes. All of the merchants and many
farmers are victims to a greater or lea
extent, aod much sufferins: will be cansed.
A number of St. Joseph people suffered
by tbe fail are, and tbe probabilities are
tbat the affair will create long litigation.
Ml erst b Items.
The recent rains bare been of rreat hen.
(It so the growinir wheat. Much of the
crop that was considered dead and ru
ined now presents a heallby apearanee
ine free i dsn t has reconir.ed Frdrich
Meier as Coniul of the German empire
at St, Ixmis, for Arkansas, Colors i i. In
dian Territory, Kansas Missouri. New
Me-tfen, Tannsssae ami St. Clair. Madison
and Monroe counties, Llinnit.
An unknown man. supposed to be named
fan Hajfer, a German lalwrr, Jumped
Into the Missouri river at St. Josenh a
few days ago, and was drowned. He
wa'k-Mi deliberately to the bank, and, art
mg, lurtiT-! In with only a red un
dershirt on. Bystanders threw r-'pss and
boards to him, but he refused to take
them, and was drowned. Hazer was
thirtv-ftve years old, and no cause waa
known for tbe act.
A warm fljrht Is rotna on In the St. Jo
seph School Board over a change in the
yitem of drawing lesson.
Poat-omoss in M tnn l burs heendls-
eontinnM a follows: Empin Prairie, An
drew County; mail to Flax Sprinzs: Pad
gett, Charlton Conntv; mail to Mendon;
Wilmott, Ray Conntv; Mad to Fox.
Kansaa City bricklayers demand re
duced time and Increased pay from Janu
ary L
Hundreds of eases of scarlet fever are
reported at St, Joseph, and tip to the
present time the city aothoritf-s seem to
have made no effort to prevent tbe spread
of tbe disease.
Wm, Gorss, an old tterman lahorer from
Ballna, Kaa., was robbed of y all tbe
money he bad In the world, at Kama
City a few days ago, by a confidence man
whom be met on the train en routs to the
city, the old $t,000-bill trick being played
on him. The poor fellow parted with his
last penny to the alleged friend.
Among tbe pleas In tbe St. Loots Crim
inal Court recently was that of Annie
Raymond, alias Kansaa Annie, charged
with murder in tbe second degree, stab
bing Jane Cartby, alias Jennie Kniirht,
on Angast IT, from the effects of which
she died. She pleaded guilty to man-
slaughter In tbe sec op d degree, and waa
sentenced so lour year In tbSDonlten.
Two women were arrested in a Rt. fnia
dry goods house a few days ago for at
tempting to pick a pocket book from a
young lady's pocket. They had been shop,
lifting gloves. It Is alleged, just before
they were err-wted for tbe attempt on the
poeket-book. When taken tn o,. v .
Courts tbey were recognised by the Chief
of Detectives as Cora Cannon and Mary
Church, well known, in polios circles.
w vt-r trvunan or Kansas raty as
eent special meeting to take srir, nn
the charges against Alderman Looney of
violating his pledge of office, in partici
pating in public contracts, autatned
Alderman Looney by a vote of 9 to 8,
amid oonsiderabie excitement.
Shadderlck Brier a. colored, was .-.-
d by the United Htates Ma-ahal at New
Haven, a few daya ago on a charge of
making a false affidavit as to a claim for
pension made by Channa Root the
negrees whq was herself arrested a few
weeks ago. Brigga made amdant that
Mra, Rout waa the person she represented
herself to be. He was taken to jail.
Tbe eltiseni of St. Joseph are making
preparations to boom the town on an ex
tensive scale.
Mr. William A, Price, for fifty years a
resident of Savannah, Andrew Conntv,
died a few days since. In his death North
west Missouri loses one of tbe earliest and
best-known eitisens. He was born in
pa chess County, 5. Y., September 80,
and was tbe sm of a Presbyterian
minister. He leaves a wife end seven
children, two of them residing In St.
Joseph, Mrs. R. W. Potter and Mrs. A. N.
Schuster, wife of Colonel A. N. Schuster,
Postmaster Hyde of St. Louts receives
Inquiries almost every day frm people In
tbe country asking bim to write the names
of St, Louis firms, the lines of business fn
whioh men are engaged there, and for
changes In address of peopl who have
moved to other t arts of the oity. Tbey
alto ask him to changs the yellow labels
On their newspapers, to send their mail to
new addresses and like questions. There
la a big waste pile of sncb unheard-of re
quests from people who seem to th nk that
the postmaster of St. Luts has nothing to
do bt answer fool's q jettjou.
Tbe ordinance recently passed by the
Kansas City council prohibiting tbe sale
of liquors and keeping open of saloons
on Sunday has become a law, but the
mayor has taken do action oa It whatso
ever. It provides for the revoking of
licenses at the flrat offense and a fine of
1'4 to fbou, Tbe ordinance was introduced
by Alderman Cox and baoked by a peti
tion signed by 40) persons, many of them
prominent ladies. Social clubs are in
e nded la the prohibition, and on this
there wl 1 probably be a fight.
Kansas City is corraling her gamblers,
Tbe Independsnoe Natural Gas and
Coal Company struck gas at a depth of
five hundred feet, two and one-half miles
southwest of Independence, In the heart
Oi their l,6A)-eere lease of lode for coal,
natural gas and other mineral privileges.
The tow tana far ia moderate, burning for
twenty feet above the surface of the
James MeOovern, a Bt Louis laborer,
tried to eommlt suioide a few days ago by
first backing himself with aa old pocket
knife and then throwing himself Into
the River Dee Peres. He waa rescued
and taken to the hospital In a critical
The St Louis printers' strike Is ended.
It cost them defeat and about $JO,00u,
MAitKiirr KEFuitm
ajrata nasi rrnslstestsv
Bt in 1 a Dee. ta.
ruTTs-Bteady: XX. Iftfts 4; XXX. fc)
Q o; family bCt.H, enoice. ItMma.tM.
Whs at-Derlined; No. red, rash, Wc
December, -4c; January, tlCfrslo; May,
Ckji-Lower; No. t ml id cash, Hfftteo;
Deeembet; 4su; January, staei May, 4Uu
4 Hi
Oats-DuU and lower; caan, 'sic; May,
81 sc.
Mra Firm and steady; No. f, 6V bid.
Biaui-f irm and suady; Wisoonsm, Mia
nesoia, Nebraska, ya and fancy ranguig from
P o docb Batter, firmer; choice to fancy
eree-nsrv. tetta bid ctioice to fsuty dairy, IS
so. Citsa steady and Bnu at lUo.
PaovisiuHS-rork irregular new, 114 50:
standard meat. 11900. Lara, steady; prime
steam, tT IS. Hum meats, dry sL umats
boifid shoulders S,,7T,as w7; long clears, f, Osl
(dtfflTSt; clear nbs. t?nT'i-t7;5; short elear,
fc s-7haou. Ilaius in.vrauM
fVuisar- Disiu.ers fJuuh- d guoda at fl tt
CiYTlM Mrunger; i-t.umi lu-svy itailvs
tsers. 4 Oj. fair to good, u tSiu,4.j
luN:lirs H lOu.4 ill
Heeep-ir-jru; (air to fancy. W iu4 lu; lambs,
Hiioa Active and blither; choice heavy and
buu tiers' arise nous, It a.0.ii. packing ft s3
ruica-Quiet: cboioe to fsnt-y winter pa- rder, but the dealer iu liquid refresh
teats. 4 -44 1)1 tfcoios taao eouUiera wm- ment aubu.itU.li Without ft muriUUf.
WfiBAT f owrr: No. spring, not
No. I sprintr. 'sk-; No. K red. Two.
Conn ! rimed; No t 4 ',e.
Oats W; k: No. ai'tc.
Krs-No. a. oic.
Bahi.kv No. . rJdTr.
Pmipccs Hutter. Miilt and stendy; fsnry
creamery. S;;.tJc, fancy dmr, asau-,
Arm st i'l'itirio,
Fho vision 4 Pork, mess, 114 !Vail TS. Lsrd.
7 ,v Jtv Phort rib sides 100-.0, ;.rx. Dry
Balled shoulders, bo led, A r45.lM; short Clear
Sides boxed. t7.S.'a.i tH.
WnWKV OUtinura flnlsliwd ffrwids i 1(
CATTIJI Steady; shipping s triers, t7if.!);
Btot'kers and ferdifrs. l iki - UV
SftRltr Ktmnir; nnltv.-s. IS kj j,4.Tr; western,
S;l..'.i44 15; hiinbs. ttiO rrO.
HtMM-I.'"vT tor heavy; mined, tl.Js143.-B;
heavy. lD.tMu5.4a.
Nrw Your rec 11
v; rt,infiKr in (f(Knl a-fs
Fira-t."''S a-ii
em and atalu, So.l.
J i3.(W; to ihoiee Uo,
Whs vr Spot lnts
lions l'i ',1 !", N-i. 1
sjirititi. ii I.Vhk' ; iiiin
re t. nthn,i'c: l''r',
iKtViV'1"; My, Vt.S
hvlln.d t'.M'Jc and
sprtn.i'ie; unHi'iuh-d
ih-d n-.i TW .cOk'; No. ll
t iV ,c; January,
Ci'HK Lower and henvy; utirniiled. C1a
rxc; no. a.nie; 4-,o. w. w-, fGj,-; Dcct-mbcr,
61c. January. 61 c ; M iv. tlC'.fd.'Vr
Oats Iiwer and dull; iniXt-J Kt-niern,
Phovisionh l'.irK. si- ad V and nulot:
I IM.Hiicft 14.75 for two years old; ll.V .Txttl.V.'iii for
I one year old. urn im-nts quiet: ptrklnl hamn,
i IOVj; pickled beiltes. 7;i.; Sc; pickled should-
I ers, L.nr.t. moderately activu; Western
Biesm apov s, . ; riiy stram.
CATTi.K-uiet but hlirhnr; very common to
cry cuwii-e nsiive siirs, taio.5i.
BHsar-Firm and higher; sheep, a.ao23 50;
tamos, tc "ioit7.'J0.
Hims Nominally steady for live hogs at tt.15
Kansas t?rrT. Dee. is,
nnrR-Very firm; XX, tiio: XXX. all.iNj;
family, fl. !. 1 -ji. ohoirr, fl 4."ittl.M; luucy,
II fii,t tW; eitra fam-y, l.?ft 1.7-V
Wheat V-8k; N-. 4 soft winter, January,
73 ic bid; May. Ttfe bid. anki-d.
Own-Quiet; No. tf, cah nnd December.
r-c asked; January. Vi'ic asked: May. 4wo.
Oat No H. cah. bid. atc askr-d; Decem
ber, txc aaked: Mav. Slc bid, 82c asked.
Kvb No bids nor offerings.
PaooccB-Bmi-jr, steady; oroamerx faney,
ifte: gooil o; fine dmey, V: store packed,
choice, luMa Rugs, stealy at )o.
PnuvunDNs-Hnms nuH.it cim-d Ihoi
hreakfasi bacon, luo; dried beef. g; ciear
nb sides (smoked 1. ii; long elear sides,
18.10; shoulders, LSti short -ienr sides, fe
mess pork, lls-n; ueroe lard, 17.1ft
CATTi.B-ateady; eows, fl.Hfji.50; buteb
sr Saioa-KH; ahlDpers, Bfl.iB4.ai.
Shbbi- In good demand; sales of naailum
Buttons at fS.TO.
hoos Unchanged; pack log and
W-aiua.Wi light, fa.jjueu,
"r. N,il Campbell Blown Ihto The Air From
Th, Bottom ol Well.
Kntlior an oxoitinir aouident l.f,.l
Mr. .Noil Campbull, aomo day, ao,
front M.h bt. ..u frum ..riou.lii.
jury, if nt dt-ath, ,nm miraiMilnua.
With another man he was engaged
in diguing a well at tho Starr school
house, in tliu Odeua neitjhborliood.
When a depth of twenty feet was
reached a cai tridgo and fuse wns put
in, for the purpose of blowing out sumo
dirt and stone. As the explosion did
not take place, Mr.t'ampliell w.s low
ered into tho well, to relight the fine,
it being thought that it had been extin
guished. As Aoon as he reached the
bottom he saw that ' ho fuse was burn
ing, and fearing the explosion might
occur before he could reach the top, he
called out to be raised up. Almost in
stantly the explosion took place, and
Mr. Campbell was sent skyward, as
cending to a bight of some six feet a-
bove the surface, and on his descent
fell back Into the well. Ho caught the
rope winca was attached to tho wind
lass, however, which broke bis till.
tie angriieti on his feet, and save a few
slight pruises was unhurt. In a few
moments he was hauled to the top by
the niau at the windlass, who was also
seriously shocked by the explosion,
and the well-digging was abandoned
for the day. Lexington Register.
Good Rulu For Winter.
Jiever go to bed with cold or damn
Never lean with the back upon any
theigthat is colli.
Never begin a journey until the break
fast has been eatem.
Never take warm drinks and then
immediately go out Into the cold.
Never omit regular bathing, for,
unless the skin is lu active condition,
the cold will close the pores and favor
congestion or other diseases.
Alter exercise of any kind never ride
in an open carriage or near the window
of a car for a niouientj it ia dangerous
to health or even life.
When hoarse, speak as little as pnsi
ble until the hoar.ness is removed, else
tho voice may be permanently lust, or
ditlicullies of the throat be produced.
Merely warm the back by the tire,
and never continue keeping the back
exposed to the beat after it has become
comfortably warm. Xo do otherwise
is debilitating.
When going from a warm atmos
phere into a cooler one, keep tho mouth
almost closed, so that the air may be
warmed by its passage the nose ere it
reaches the lungs.
Never stand still in old weather,
especially after having taken a slight
degree of exercise and always avoid
standing on ice or snow, w here the
where tne person is exposed to the cold
Keep the back, especially between
tbe shoulders, well covered; ulso the
chest well protected. In sleeping iu
a cold room, establish the habit of
breathing through the nose, and never
wilb tbemouth open.
It ia said that 1,0"0 sheep kept on a
piece of ground uuo year will make tbe
soil capable of yielding grain enough
over and above the capacity of the soil
without tho sheep munure to support
l.O..'j sheep an entire year.
At the local option election In Henry
county, lifit Tuesday, the Mnyor "f
( Iiiitou ordered the, saloons flowed, and
ulo for hid flee lunch a tin da to influ
ence volcra. lie luoULMit down on his
head the anathemas
thai aeotiuu for the
This is to announce tbat his highness SANTA :
CLAUS has appointed us his Special Agent forth! i
sale of l
InObedleneo to
spection A Larero AHHortmontof Dleasincr
Suitable for old or
Can be decided quickly by a visit
Ji Ci
Special Agents of SANTA OLAUS for the distri
bution of Fine Clothing, Cloaks, .Overcoats, Gents
furnishings, Groceries and Glueensware at Rich
mond Mo.
I " auasaviaia - - , , ,. ., . ,
If. 1. 1. McDOMLD & SOUS, 1
our IVieiHls and .leqiiaintanees, who buy floods in
ItiehmoiHl, to eall early and allow us to show you
through, as we propose to let
The Goods and the Prices Talk.
In our stoch are the Newest Xovcuiw In woolen Dress Goods
liVi k Vfi vfts Flushes, TMMMIM.S, Buttons, IIkaidm, and
biSiM i rt Via Dry (Wis store.
V 1
Short Wraps, Raglans, Jackets, Misses and Ch
drens Cloaks at Lowest Living Prices,
Please Call Earlyl
TIim following I. oflfarnd a. ft oura for
tattlers: Take one pound of gum still
tonguo, one pound of root called think
twice, one pound of speak once week,
and a sprig of let-alouo-other-pcople'e
business, and a sufliclent of fluid ex
tract of discretion, steep the whole in a
pot of modesty, and it ia ready for use.
Dose: One teasiioonful just before
speaking of your neighbors. It ran be
used by ladies in any condition of health 1 n, ...e.iy. V'""Vi'ri.r J. J.''
without the slightest injury. Would I J,- "'.'nu Vn't'uujr'.. 'i tunun. requ rrd
be a gooil idea lo sprinkle your hand-1 u, m.ki kiu.iucs: ui m.n couaou on u. lj
kerelnei ami put a lew urops on your
conscience jiiHt beiure visiting jour
neighbor. It works like a charm, ami
can du had at old Peace-maker's or at
Mini 11 ni Snft-hpeeches'. 1. is. If you
are a iluwnriirht liar take a done ul
arsenic. Fulton Telegraph.
Aunt Nancy Honaker of Layncsville,
Ky., who is 7b' years old, has a mule
that she knows is over CO years old
It caiuu from Virginia sixty years r.go,
and how old It was then she doesn't
know. It still earns Its living under
the suddlo and before a btiggy.
Is Coming1!
We will give away until all
are gone one of tbe Celebrated
Waterbury Watches with ev
ery Cash purchase of $12 or
more out of his Boys' and
Children's Dep't. (Now read
carefully, for we alway do ex
actly as we say): In our Boy's
Dep't you can buy Overcoats.
Suits, Pants, Underwear, Col
ored White Shirls, Shirt
Waists Combination Suits of
Underwear and the best and
Cheapest llasiery for Boys
and Children in this city.
We begin giving away
Watches to.day, and as long
as they last; first come, first
served. Now don't make
any mistake; neither be dis
appointed should you wait and
find thorn all gone- They'll
not last long tbe Watches.
Boy's aed Children's Debsrt.
- ir!-lcilic2-Tratl-T5lI.r:-
i i OOOIHJ i -
ulit down 011 his j
"IrriCa ciijM Co.
Cur. Maiu md SUtb fit,
Special Appointments
Ids commands We liave ready for your In
young1. Tho All Absorbing Question of the Day ia t
What Shall We Give
to our mammoitn store rooms
Merchantile Co.
The farmer who never roada the pa
per, an.l inMn at twoK Innul-aB: nl
improvementa. alwaye has a leaky roof
poor stock, broken down fencea. and
always complains of bad seasons.
I ft.nirm.nt Twk-t of the Proi-.i Cocri for
A mm a. Ex or Cc
DsvH T Ilsl'l
JoiM-'H ltllli-U
th .111 A Horn
.1 U loncli
Jeae 11 I'offtaaa
t A A K 11 Bstes silrn'
(I, iiilcT Knrtot fc.ct,
l V 11,, x a ma Ka,ct.
1 lionise H KirSiiatrick
Marv i. cniuaa
J H H mil too
Ja J Clark
Phlllpi Clark J K Hamiitia
J l ci-atira i al. H 1-ry n
John L hillsni ! K llanoltua
T A H'tjurt et aJ. KM r.inllr
Kossfc VaiiKhi t M fe.nas.vy
Msrv(.rfItU -IK Hsniiltoo
Arrh Hsvttr Tn-... ,s- Haxter
W J Hen .ei"a llun rlt HujfMI
Job H f" J J U aaiui.loa
Wlllisra a Hroari Burueu Uugfeea
W llliaiu lljrwn
W C U t sit
Ilrr-n Mason
.1 ItiUbk
Uoiusr Crowley
ieo rt Ilrnlrsoa
W A hmwn
I on.ftt Hogbea
3 D Jscols
kanuis fc Li-a
ilioiua 1 W uutlaul
-janc ary "in.
jsniM m Crowley
A i MoUll
li ,1 Mtutfee
J .ui rat A Hmirt
JHK'S U Jacobs
r wii
Aadi-aw MrKotierts
N uMk loUtui
.lassie WariDiT
fc.lwin Meil
Msiiah I'sncrtltlil
.'liis A f J Hartcifield
a i rue
v alter i i rics
W M A I.izsi I'suistoo J 1 I'enuwa
fcmms Ke i st al. Joaa U Ka is
Jeans D K"Wlani 1- Mowiaau
IsHtl-S 11 Qllllin nuii'i-
Dr. NcaiMuittt somissu.ib
s'ti..i A- M n Rt.arlock llclt-r rtuurlock
Hubs k ttcott
JoMpli TlttlS
Dsvxl Wbltuwr
l aarlrs S W a cult
J.,bo Warrell
LU MU Keavis
Amtrutc i ouust
1 1 1 1 A Tsrwaur
C-d TtiuruluB
O W reusrsoa
'1 nuiuan Turner
Jotta W S but well
Uiais K W.li'U
Juiiaf arnll
l'riuna L Weaver
uul oung
.crn.iali V Clark
lleur)' Uiles
it x iiiukis
l WeaidorB extit in thousanils of
Miul tns.bui are sui.'ssssu nj tuf ant.
or inventions, liws. Uo ars la nred
of protUabls wra Uiat eao be Uwbc
while living at home mhould at oace aend their
sd-iress to tlsiiMt a. iu.,
rscrivs irss, lull mlormatioa bow eilbar i
oi all ages, can saru .roa S U - usy
wards wiisrsvx wvy
You are started
lr. LmiilLsJ UUl relUirS'- win. aa,T "'---
otsrlUinaswglsday at ID is suu.
has rvvulu.toniaM.-il ths world
luriua ils la i ba f century
itl traal UUotig lbs Woula.s ul
lavcuuvs urugiaaM u a ttisiiuxl
. sv.a.m r.r work that can bm ierrurnied al
.u.r il tv.unirr itauut svoaraiius ths work-
rslroui Uicir h lues. a lil.ra ; any unseat
.1. rl.- ii lira ! tulliar aX . ViUutf Of UI'll no tU-
tai aUilit) le-jyired. cajJiU' laol utaj-U-lf you
a s sit-.l li.. cut lti out muU rsaarn u u
sul Will send )uu Jit, somsthiog ol great
value a d in n It c lu you, tbal will svari
you iu Imsiiat., BUioh wuibnua )JU is aiors
utoi.e) rignt aaay, lun suyUima else lu ihe
Mutiu, ora.U ijuint lias iojess tiw
Ou , auguala, Msu.s. --m
a.,.l turu aoti lUsy wm "
. s uiiou..t tbat wnl laoi iaae
.as -ia troiu
The pruflts are large aod aur for everv Itvlua
inoua ptrsoti, in.ny have lusde ami are Dow
l .. u , .i l.iilnll a-li (lollaU-m a IlllJtlltl. II IS
t-asj lor any oue make .i sud ui wards bar
fi... ahu is SH IM U Moik- c.iUier -
yuii. g or oldi napjlsl not uea ,ej; w- siart Jul
kserv ili.tiat aeW . -So sttSKial ability rtilii
v..u rruitr. uaa do It aa wi aa auy one.
r l to us al ou-'fr tsni oar,iculsrs, whioa
ws tual ins, Addisas biiuaue Co,, rurt
lauU, Mains.
11 i.ra.liv uivt-ii u all uredllurs and ulliors lu
IvresUMl Hi Uie fttal ot
Irt-n-asfd, tbat tli uud-r!i:iH-d, Administrator
of said i stat. Intend to inke nual s-lll uiiut
bi-retd al tbe uesl U-rm ul ibe 'n-laU) Court ul
Kav county, M to be Im-cuii and b-ia at tbr
oourt huse In ths city A Kicbuiotid, la said
oouii'f.ouaiWMcm January .tiu, Isss.
Nil J.iA.UAAUi,lU.S,.'alJ, 'b.
nnd useful PltESKXTS
Do a general Farm and Household
Insurance business in the county
For further information Call on either
of tbe officers or the agent, John L.
JLiarnson, itictimouu Mo.
. M. ENDS LEV, President.
W H FITCH, ISecretary
County Agent,
6 V ENiibiiEl
Administrator's Sale of Land
NOTICE is hereby given that the utidersfgn
eil, Administrator of Hid t-sluit of Uuiuol
it-L-garileu, Uecaei will wil at Tubllo aU-,
by virtue uf an ordt ol the J'robaln court ol
uay county, Missouri, unute at ilin Juiy ltru,
al tne south ibror ol Lot! Court llun In ii
city ol Uicbuiuud, on
Ueiween the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m miri a
o'cloek' p. in., uf tbul Ui.y, ami during ill H
ting ul ibo 1'rubalu Conn ol iu cotuity, Mi-ou-
ri, all tue rinl, Ulie and luteit-al ul Uu- saiU
vid lemaruen. det eaabil. in ami tn liu inii.iu imr
liftCTIbetl rt-Ml i-aUilit. iiumlH in i.ul i.ii.uii
Missouri, to wit;
1 be nurtb east uuarter of the north cn.t .me.
lrol sevtiou six, ioj township iiity-ibicc-, ii
range twiily-eibi. ia; alo ibat oan ol iuo
soutueast uiuu-ia-r ul lue soulu eaai. oimrter of
aeciiou thirty -one, JIJ toMUbip buy lour, t'4
raujie taeuty-eigut, is. wiiicui.es t-asi ol tnv
via Unuit'b. uoiiiaiuiliu lr iu-ih mom or It: ami
all Uialpart uf tue aoum east iimrl?rol tbv soiuu
nasi guarUr ul section ibirly-oiu-. Jl) lownmp
flliy-loor. (M) range iWHiuy -eialit, ts) that lies
stMjiii of Kurd ltrauch. coulaimuar ft lai-reM ilium
ur lens, or so muoli Uiereol as may be iieuusiary
for lbs paymeiii of tbe debts uue by said estate,
jimuurBAU; Ussb lu baiiU.
SOU jAMKa M. LOVU. Adrn'r.
County ol Hav. I
la the Circuit
Court, Ot lobar leriu, 107,
la uie nay circuit Court, Saturday, October
ttth, A. li., Iw7,
Klizauetb Dobbins, flalatlff.
v M
Zachsrtah Dobbins, and Bobegt J. J
Wtillains, Administrator ul s- Defendant.
taie ul WUuaut Dobuius, deu U, )
Now at this dav ruinins tha olalnt itr h.r.u k-
her attorney, aud It appearing hi tli sstisfau
ilou ol Uie court that tbs sal i deleiuluut, '.mill
arlsb lHbblus, Is a non-resident oi Uiu Htt of
Missouri aud wauiiot be auiuiuoued in tins ni-
Wnercuuon It laonlsrad bv thetvurt r
thai said dsisudaut bs noliUsd by pubnoatiou
UuU piaiutifl lias Oouiiuuum1 a suit agaiusl bim
lu u.u oourt lbs object aud general nature ut
mcu w wutasiu a jinmsiu.ui aud decies of
us court, rslurinlng aud correcting a certain
aod, dst-d ou or about Hie ait 11 unv i,r a ..r.i
A, l., lBBU, convey uig to Wnlieiu UobbiusT ibe
(olio wing ueavrlbed real uai. aiiu.i., 1, n...
oounly uiliay, iu uie slats ul Missouri, twit
lwenly M) acres tt ui Uis ea.l half ol Uia
so tn saat (piartur of tus uorlb east uuaiicr uf
euuon eigUb, is; luwushiu Uit-tu, wij laLiit
tweet? eigui. taU), aud gmy (eo an;., iH
west nau o tu uurm wis ijuiur ul icllua
aius Ji towiiiuip Ulty-.wu l.uj lanuu laeuty
cufDl. and diat. lUu Litlti 10 .... . r . ......
oe divested out ul aald Vtiiiiaiu Isobnius au
uis heirs, aud be tenaJ lu tbe p.aiutiii, luny
nd uuliillet as If Ui saiua Uiau mu.nv
dovded bo plaiuuil.
And tbat uu.eS tba said dela-inlnni 7.u.i,UPi,.i.
Oobtims, bs and appeal at Unstouil,. ibu UUi
term ibersot. to be ucguuanuuojdiuai iiie cuuri
UUUH IU UIS t-Ul Ol n.!!!..!!..,!.,! ... . ...1
uu tlie tilb uay ut iooiua.y, ucaI. and btUia
die sulb day of siu utui, u ibe leriu sb.tu ou
luna couiiuus, aua II not ibuu ou oi beioiu iuo
,at uay ut ni utui, ui answer or ul..l u, i
peUUuU in said csuh, Uis aius B ill be Ukeu
eoBiessea ado JuO.Uieui Hui b ituiuereu a
uordingiy. -w
Auu u is lui i.er onlered that a copy hereof
Us iublibi.d acuuidlng to law iu Uie uti;(lHuitU
UfcSuCkAl, a UeWsiiauur Ul lUUU mm nun. .....!
scxirdiug lolaWtiu twiuuuioud, iu oounly
iauauuri, anil mis uaunv is c .uliuued.
tiao. u uitasJi.cucuHcterk.
Witness Uiy uauu aiu Li. . t
DsaL f Uie Cnuuil Court, ul IUj cuuuiy ih a
t i L U
JUUi daj ui oVelub-ir, a it laij
s.Jis, Circuit LUik.
U X. Oarusy A ttoii, i'iuUa i A')s,

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