Newspaper Page Text
V*v' ' . ’ ’ ' ; f ■ PUMPING MACHINERY ] BROWNSVILLE BOILER TUBES 1 1-2 to 15 h. p. Fairbanks Morse end _ ’ A ! Kreuger Atlas Oil Engines in stock. ATf ^ Centrifugal Pumps. W ^ WRITE FOR PRICES W. H. FUTEGWAT CO. j CEljE jUjPVfXlXl —— VOL. XXXII, No. 259. ESTABLISHED 1892 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925. 6 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS A COPY - •- % . . _ - DHINGS hapj>ened so fast in the hotel project yesterday afternoon that the boys in The Herald office edi torial rooms ran around like a chicken with its head cut off for a while. Early in the day a story was prepared and put into type to the effect that Percy Tyrrell of San Antonio and his associates had taken under advisement the propositi011 of building a hotel in Brownsville. There was nothing to do but wait for developments. It was thought that story would hold’ for the day. However, the paper had been “tipped •off” earlier that there was another deal afoot which might beat Mr. Tyrrell and gnd his associates to the hotel even though they were willing to build it. But the editors of the paper thought they had “the story on ice” for the next day—today. However it was “busted” at the Rotary Club meeting at 1:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon by Sim Tucker, and a representative of The Herald at the meeting, four miles from town, almost went crazy in bis effort to get into telephone communica tion with the office, tell them to “dump” the earlier story and get at least a bulletin on the fact that the contract for a hotel had been closed. T:mo was short, as The Herald goes f t press at 2 o'clock. Of course, the storv came out on schedule, with the assistance of Mr. Tucker, Mr. James and Mr. Dickinson. WWW Brownsville is fully appreciative of the interest of Percy Tyrrell of San Antonio. H. Josey. also of San An tonio, an<l J. B. Charles of Oklahoma, in coming here to investigate the pos sibilities of a hotel. While these gentlemen d'd not definitely commit themselves, they left the impression among those who talked with them that they looked with favor on the proposi tion. However, things were fast com ing to a head on the hotel project from another direction, Messrs. I,ee B. .Tame-' and A. D. Dickinson, and a deal with th em was closed. The hotel committee ] had accepted the poliev that the first man to make a satisfactory proposition we-ld be dealt with. So we get the hotel. * * * This means the starting ot a $400,000 single building project in Brownsville within the next few months. At the corner of Ninth and Elizabeth streets there is now underway a one story brick building which will have a frontage on Elizabeth street of 200 feet, extending back to the alley a dis tanee of 120 feet. It will cost, about *40 000, is being built by Mr. Cook ot Dallas and is under lease to the Patte son Motor Company, Ford-Lincoln deal ers of Brownsville. Aziz Bros., owners of the building at the southeast corner of Elizabeth and El*" enth streets, have under consid eration a modern two-story building for 4he:r store. Its cost will not be undet $ The crowded condition of the public schools of Brownsville presages the erection of at least one new building and possibly additions to one or two ot hers. There are several homes under con st i"etion posting from $!T00n to $700(1 a”tl one home is being considered which, when completed, will cost about *nr> 000. S'-ores of persons have recent!' >mn"ht building sites in the city, most ly in West Brownsville. It is safe to say that within the next ye->- there will he buildings built ot under construction in Brownsville at a (Continued on page 2.) SIMONSTAKESOATH AS GERMAN LEADER BERLIN. March 12.—Dr. Walter Si mons took the oath today as acting president of the German republic to succeed the late Friedrich Ebert. Like Herr Ebert, Dr. Simons did not add the “so help me God” which is left op tional in the oath as prescribed by tba constitution. | THE WEATHER | Brownsville and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, possibly showers; not much change in tempera ture. East Texas: Partly cloudy tonight and Friday; probably showers in south portion. Moderate easterly to souther ly winds on the coast. Wnathtr Conditions Partly cloudy to cloudy weather pre vailed over most of the country at the morning observation. Light, local pre cipitation occurred in Tennessee. Ken tucky, Missouri. Pennsylvania, and in the New England states since last re port. It was colder in most southern and eastern states this morning, and somewhat warmer throughout the west ern half of the United States. Tem|>era ture readings were below the seasonal average, however, throughout the north ern two-thirds of the country. An other “high" attended by severely cold weather appeared over the Canadian Northwest this morning. The lowest temperature last night at Texas stations ranged from 32 at Ama rillo to 70 «t Corpus Christ!. DR. SUN, CHINA’S NAN OF DESTINY, DIES AT PEKING Leader Was Identified With All Public Life of Country; Opposed Central Government (By The Associated Press.) . PEKING, March 12.—Dr. Sun Yut Sen, upon whose head the Manchu dynasty fixed a price of $200,000 when Dr. Sun was campaigning for a republic in China, died here today from cancer of the liver. He was *>.'{ years old. Called "China's man of destiny" by many, Dr. Sun was identified with al most every phase of public life in his country. He was first president of the republic created in 11H2, and in recent years he had maintained an administra tion, styled the southern government of China, at Canton. In his declining years he opposed the' central govern ment .at Peking. Dr. Sun was stricken when he arrived here late in January as a delegate to a conference having for its purpose the unification of China, At his death bed Dr. Sun was sur rounded by members of his family and several leaders in the Sun Yut Sen party, who were attracted to Peking by the approaching death of tt.eir leader. "I want to be embalmed like my friend Lenine, the Russian leader," said Dr. Sun just before he died. He asked also that he be buried at Nanking, where he first served as president. The body was sent to the Rockefeller hospital for embalming. Orders have been cabled to Moscow for a casket similar to that used for the burial of Lenine. ROTARY HONORS VALLEY MEMBER Sid Hardin Is District Director; Convention Ends Sid Hardin, of Mission, received the honor of being chosen one of the dis trict governors of the state Rotary: club at the two-day session just con cluded at Galveston. Mr. Hardin being chosen head of District No. 17. one of the three districts into which the old District No. 13 has been divided. Mr. Hardin first gained fame in Ro tary circles at the San Francisco con vention a few years ago when the Mis sion club, of which he was president, was found to have the best attendance record in the United States. Attend ance ha 1 been perfect for more than a year. Election of the district governors who succeeded to the territory presided over last year by Hariy Rogers of Sat Antonio will take place at the 1925 in ternational meeting at Cleveland. Although divided into three groups, the convention went on record as fa voring tri-district meetings each year. Other resolutions adopted favored the suppnit of the campaign now being waged in Texas to reduce grade cross ing casualties and resolutions of thanks to local interests and visiting interna tinnal officers and committee members. The Amarillo club won the Galves ton attendance trophy, for the thin' consecutive time, which makes this cup the permanent property of the club A resolution to place the name of Harry Rogers, district governor, of San Anto nio. in nomination for a national di rectorship was passed at the meeting. SAN ANTONIAN JAILED * * * IN VACCINATION FIGHT IS * * * STILL ON HUNGER STRIKE (By The Associated Press.) SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 12.— Sai\i P. Lemly, fighting a city ordi nance. went into the second day of hiv hunger strike today fully deter mined to forego food until he is re leased fiom jail. He was placed in jail for failure to pay fines, assess ed for sending hm children to school unvae.einated. "No thank you." he replied as lurch was offered him hv the turn key shortly before noon today. For forty hours he has not eaten. Hi.s wife and five little children visited him last night in hi.s cell. Today two of his children, Irene and Stella May, packed their dinner pails and went to school unvacctnat j ed. Leinly’s refusal to submit his [ children to vaccination has caused i city officials to scratch their heads ; for weeks, and now with a mass meeting pl-nned for Friday night in Lemly’s behalf they are in a quandary what to do. MAN HEL D ON POISON CHARGE I l __ | Woman Insured in Fav-| cr of Companion in Kansas City - fRv Th^ Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 12.— •Charfged in a dying statement by Mrs Dr ra Gage, 52, of Atchison. Kansas,' with having given her poison so that he could collect insurance policies which she had assigned to him, Roy M Turn er, 25, was being held here today for investigat ion. Mrs. Gage died at a hospital yester day shortly after she had been found in her hotel room writhing in pain on the floor. Turner, an Atchison real es ; tate dealer and former University oT Kansas football player, who came to Kansas City yesterday with Mrs. Gage was in the room when hotel employes forced an entrance. Before her death -the woman asserted that Turner gave her a bottle which ho told her contain ed corn whiskey. She said he threw the bottle out the1 window after she had swallowed a drink. Mrs. Gage was immediately stricken. i Turner denied to police that he had poisoned Mrs. Gage but he would no^ sign a statement. He said he had two •bottles of corn whiskey yesterday which he bought in St. Joseph, Mo. Both drank from one bottle anil later Mrs Gage drank from the second hot tie, Turner said. She complained the lio tasted bitter, he continued. Sampling the second bottle without swallowing the liquor, Turner said he found it hit ler and threw both bottles out the win dow. Turner said he held $7000 in insurance policies on Mr<. Gage’s life, explaining that lie had sold her a farm and was holding the policies as security for notes she had given him. Turrer was under investigation in 1929 following the drowning of his bride of five months when a canoe i which the two were riding capsized it the Cottonwood river near Vm porta Kansas. There were no witnesses tc the accident. After a hearing the coroner’^ jurv re turned a verdict of »cf'dental death. It was brought out that Turner would v reive SI7.900 in insurance which his wife carried. A ekcmierl analysis of the content' •of Mrs. Gage’s stomach was ordered b> the county coroner. Sen Wrecks Drove Envoy From Service, Wife Says fBy The Associated Press ) NEW YORK, N. Y„ March 12.— Mrs. .John Wallace Riddle, wife of the United States ambassador to Argen tina, whose resignation was accepted yesterday by President Coolidgo, has explained from her home at Farming ton. Conn., how a series of sea mis haps which she experienced was the cause of her husband’s retirement from foreign diplomatic service. M rs. Riddle, then Miss Pope, was a passenger on the Lusitania when it was hit by a German torpedo off the const of Ireland in 1915. Among the 1198 victims of the disaster were her two traveling companions. Mrs. Rid dle was thrown unconscious into the water hul she survived. The shock of the experience disabled her for sev eral months and produced in her mimf a dread of the sea that made ocean travel for her an ordeal. A year after the Lusitania disaster sh.e was married to Mr. Riddle. “Soon after our marriage,” said Mrs. Riddle, “It became necessary for ns to go abroad, in spite of my dis taste for sea voyaging. On the trip from England to Iceland a boiler blew up aboard our ship. On the way back the vessel burned at its pier in Norway. The two experiences, link ed with the Lusitania horror greatly deepened my distrust of the ocean.” However, when Mr. Riddle was ap pointed ambassador to Argentina she (Continued on. Page Two) CHAMBERLAIN GIVES BRITISH SECURITY STAND Provinces Find League Pact Unsuitable Lead-! er Tells Meeting of Powers at Geneva (R'1 The Associated Press) GFNFVA. March 12.—Speaking to a; chamber so closely packed that there i was scarcely breathing space, Austen Chamberlain, British secretary for for-| eign affairs, delivered his long heralded ‘ discourse on the Geneva protocol for! security and disarmament before the' council of the league of nations today. ' One of the most important features i of tiie address, whieh outlined the Brit- j ish objections to the protocol, whs add-! ed at the last minute. It was that tele- i gear 'lie communication with the British ! dominions showed that Canada. Aus- i tralia, New Zealand, the Union of South j Africa and India were also unable to J accept the protocol. Mr. Chamberlain, said he was not vet in possession of the views of the Irish Free State. After emphasizing the sympathy that existed throughout the British empire with any effott to improve the inter national machinery for world peace, the secretary said that successive adminis trations in Great Britain, with the full approval of th<* self governing domin ions not only had in theory favored ar bitration. which was one of the fea tures of the protncl. hut had practiced it. 1 hey had not onlv preached dis armament hut had actually disarmed to the limi|t of national safety. They had takpn a full share in creat ing and supporting the league of na tions and permanent cout^ of interna tional justice, while the immense sac-' "ices they had made in the cause of general security were matters of re cent history. it, therefore. continued Mr. Chamber lain, after consulting her dominions and India, England saw insuperable oh jections to signing and ratifying the protocol in its present share, this was not because she felt herself out of harmony with the purposes the protocol was intended to serve or was opposed in principle to plans for clarifying the meaning of the league of nations or strengthening its provisions. “Amendment and interpretations may in themselves he desirable,” added the British foreign secretary, “hut his majesty’s government cannot believe that, the protocol as it stands provider a suitable method of attempting that j task." COURT BILL TO BE BROUGHT UP TODAY The court bill providing for a separ ate district civil court for Cameron and Willacy counties is scheduled to come up in the house this afternoon, accord ing to Halbert Davenport, local attor ney who is a member of .the committee appointed to arrange for passage of the billl.. The measure was expected to be brought up yesterday on the floor of the house, but was put off until today. According to reports from Austin, where J. K. Wells, local attorney, and A. M. Kent, county attorne.y are at the present time in the interest of the bill, Mr. Kent is being boosted for ihc position as district judge. The ap pointment of a district judge will be made by ^Governor Ferguson, in case the bill passes the house as it is ex pected to do. Anti-Fascist Paper In Italy Suppressed (Rv The Associated Press.) ROME, March 12.—The new voice of opposition to the fascist regime in Italy, the Risorgimento, a newcomer in Rome’s if’wSpape’r ’field, was stifled by the watchful government censor before its fiist accents had a chance to reach the public ear. The 'newspaper, which claimed to he a continuation of the Journal of the same name founded by favour in 1848 and which had been widely advertised, was suppressed by the censor and all copies seized before they got to the news stands this morn ing. American Who Saved Bandit Victims, Dies - • PEKING, March 12.—Roy Anderson, an American who distinguished himself bv negotiating with Chinese bandits for the release of 27 foreigners, who were kidnapped for ransom at Suchow on May 6, 1923, died here today of pneu monia. He was formerly manager for the Standard Oil company here. f--: Hotel Important Step In Development Here Fernandez Points Out HOTEL PROSPECT PLEASES CORPUS Corpus ( hristi is happy with Brownsville over the prospects for a fire hotel here as evidenced by the following editorial from the Caller: flood News For Us Too Biownsville, who has looked w'th soni" degree of envy at Cor pus Christi hotels, is all enthused over the prospect of a new hotel there. From all accounts, Browns ville needs it. We can all feel elated if sh" g'ds it. Hotels are pretty accurate ba rometers of progress. The town ‘ of modern, a iequate hotdls is likely to Ire a town that's getting some place, and getting there in a hurry. One of the best evidences of Coipus f'hristi’s new lease on life is the activity being shown by hotel o-vnc:.;, who are greatly increasing their f:ic lities to meet a demand that i suro to come, and, at the same time, to hasten t! at demand. A new, up-to-date hotel at Brownsville won’t hurt Corpus ( hristi in the least. If more visit ors come to Brownsville—and a new hotel will help to attract them—make no mistake about it, more visitors will come to Cor pus (hristi. There’s plenty of room for all of us to grow. HOUSE DELAYS AMNESTY VOTE . ! Amendment Offered to Defeat Object of Bill; Loom Oiv The Associated Press.) AUSTIN', Texas, March 12.—A move td amend the amnesty bill, so that it “shall not condone, vindicate or act as a justification of any acts heretofore committed” by an impeached governor, was made today when the hill came up for final passage in the house. The amendment was offered by Rep resentative J. M. Purdue of Gilmer and immediately Representative Ruben Loft in of Tfenrietta, floor manager of the proponents of amnesty, raised the point of order. Speaker Satterwhite announced h° would pass the point of order to the house for decision, but Mr. Loftin with drew his point of order, and moved to table the amendment. Even then consideration of the hill Was delayed, for 1 just as Mr. Purdue prepared to speak in defense of h'S amendment., he was interrupted for a ioint legislative session to hear Mrs. 0. 1). Oliphant. national president of the Auxiliary of the American Legion. BORGLUM, ENEMIES PLAN PEACE PACT WILMINGTON. N. C., March 12.— Gutzon Iiorglum. formerly directing sculptor of the Stone mountain Con federate memorial today announced he would confer tonight or tomorrow with a comwmittee from Atlanta with a view to arranging a resumption of work on the monument. "The signing of the contract for the | erection in Brownsville of a tourist hotel by Lee B. James and A. D. Dickinson is next to the coming here 20 years ago of the railroad, the most im port .ait event that has taken place in connection with the Brownsville of the future.” This opinion was expressed today by John G. Fernandez, member of the cit izens’ committee that had in charge the matter of securing the hotel for Brownsville. “The next move is, of course, to be the collection of the bonus of $65,000, and this work will commence at once,” Mr. Fernandez said. The citizens committee is composed of John Gregg, S. C. Tucker, A. B. Cole, W. B. Clint, J. B. Lindsey, A. Wayne Wood, R. B. Creager, J. B. Scott, and Mr. Fernandez. The bonus was raised about a year ago and was in the amount of $65,000. The amount is understood to be in the form of notes, which are made payable within 30 days of demand. A committee consisting of E. J. Tucker, J. B. Lindsey and A. II. Fernandez has been formed on the collection matters, and letters notifying the contributors to the fund that the contract has been made for erection of a hotel of 150 rooms and that the notes are now payable, are to be in the mails tonight. James and Dickinson have deposited the sum of $10,000 as an evidence of good faith, and in addition they will, within 60 days, supply a bond in satis factory amount to further insure the carrying out of the contract, it was an nounced today. “We have not yet considered th(? matter of a site for the hotel,” Mr. James said. "This will come up in good time. We are going to build the finest hotel possible, and the plans will be made with an eye to beauty and attrac tiveness as well as to comfort for the guests. Mr. Dickinson and myself are of the opinion that it will not cost any more to erect a building of architectural beauty than to erect a plain building. "Our architect is a man who has made a specialtv of nlanning attractive build ings. and he will have ample opportunity to test his craftsmanship on this struc ture. He will leave for Florida in a few days. We will follow the best ideas of that state, which has some of the finest tourist hotel structures in Am erica. •'The next important thing is a first class road to the coast." Mr. James said, “ft, is mv opinion that this same com mittee that has acted in the hotel mat ter should take up this matter. It is important that we make it easv for visitors to reach the beaches in the Golf." Mr. Janies said that if everythin** moves along as expected, t^o hotel should be ready for opening within an other year. Wood Reported on Way From Spain to Florida (By The Associated Press.) PARIS, March 12.-—An agency dis patch from Cadiz, Spain, says that Os borne C. Wood, former American army officer who left Paris and Biarritz last month for Spain and whose financial affairs and travel have been followed with much interest, has sailed on the steamer West C'hetac bound for Tampa, Florida. WHEElER CASE SET GREAT FALLS, Montana. March 12. —The case of the United States against Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, charged in grand jury indictment wltn having accepted employment in a mat-, ter in which the United States held interest after his election as United States senator, was set down by Judge C. N. Pray today for trial in the United States court here April 16. Houghton Statement on German Monarch Derided (By The Associated Press.) BERLIN, March 12.—The statement of Alanson B. Houghton, former Amer ican ambassador at Berlin and recent ly appointed ambassador to the court of St. Janies to the effect, as report ed in dispatches from New York, that the monarchial question will not be an issue in Germany for the next ten or 20 years, elicits much comment in Gorman political circles. A noted leader of the German nationalists ex pressed the nationalist viewpoint as follows: 1 ' “We are extraordinarily grateful to Ambassador Houghton for dispos ing of the monarchial myth. We frankly admit we are monarchists, but we do not believe a monarchy thinkable at this moment. Our pre sent aim is the consolidation of Ger many internally and a monarchy is our only final goal, realizable years hence. “We hope that the presidential sit uation may so develop as to create conditions by which stepping over into monarchist form will cause as little comment as a monarchy in Eng gland or Belgium causes today. The German people absolutely want some one with authority at the head, to whom they can look up. No matter how great the power of the president may be he will never satisfy the sen timent of the German people for a crown-ed head with a certain halo about him." RANCHERS TOH HELD FOR DEATH OF RICH INDIANS .. Mysterious Deaths o f Several Osages Near Pawhuska, Okla., Are Probed by U. S. (By The Associated Press.) PAWHUSKA, Okla., March 12.—With subpoenas issued for a dozen persons to appear before a court of inquiry today to offer testimony in connection , with the death of several Osage Indians and a white lawyer in the fall and sum mer of 11:22, officers said they expected arrests of several prominent ranchers to follow within 24 hours. A half dozen conferences were held here yesterday by J. Berry King, assist ant state attorney general, who with the assistance of Eustice Smith, a repre sentative of the department of justice, is conducting the investigation. Court sessions will be private. Several deaths of wealthy Osage In dians in 1922 led officers to believe that a “gang" was responsible for the mur ders. Anna Brown, said to be a wealthy Indian girl, was found shot to death in the spring of 1922. A short time later Henry Roan, another Indian, said to be related to Anna Brown, was killed. Later the home of W. E. Smith, Osage Indian, was dynamited and Smith, his wife and a maid were killed. Smith was also said to be a relative of Anna Brown. A doctor living near Smith was shot and killed shortly after the dyna miting. Charles Whitehorse and an Indian girl were slain later and an attorney, W. W. Vaughn, was killed in a mysteri ous fall from the back of a train while enroute to Pawhuska on business in con nection with an Osage Indian estate. WARREN’S NAME RETURNED TO SENATE (By The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C., March 12.— President C’oolidge threw down the gauntlet to his opponents in the senate today by again submitting the nomi nation of Charles B. Warren to be at torney general. Senator Walsh, a democrat, Montana, said today he questioned the legality of again bringing the Warren nomination to the senate. He predicted that the democrats would vote solidly against confirmation and said he was prepared to continue his fight against it on the floor. Big Increase in Wool Clip Shown in Report —» ■■ ■ *.— (Bv The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C., March 12.—The 1924 mohair clip in six states which produced 96 per cent of the United tSates supply totalled 10,043,000 pounds, the department of agriculture estimtaed today. In 1923 the clip was 8,651,000 pounds. Texas which produces about 80 per cent of the country’s crop clipped 8,471, 000 pounds or an increase of 1,371,000 pounds. Truck Markets Ta/| 0.7 Via Naval Radio 1 UU <Xy Fort Brown (Texas Warehouse and Markets Department) AUSTIN', Texas, March 12.—Carlot shipments of fruits and vegetables— pinach, Texas. 47; Virginia, 6; South Carolina. 3; others, 5; cabbage, Texas, 63; loridFa. 61; South Carolina, 5; New York, 26; Wisconsin, 0; others. 8; mix ed vegetables, Texas, 53; others, 63; total 116; lettuce Texas. 1; total, 36; beets, Texas, 1; carrots, Texas, 10; mix ed beets and carrots Texas, 24; grape fruit. Texas, 7; total. 128; onions, Tex as, 2; total, 56. . Shipments by districts or origin, Tex as—Beets. Lower Valley, 1 ; cabbage, •Lower Valley, 62; Winter Garden, 1; carrots, Lower Valley, 10; spinach, La redo. 24; upper coast 5; Winter1 Gar den 29; mixed beets and carrots, Lower Valley, 24. Shipping point information—Spinach, unsettled. 30 to 40 cents cash track; 40 to 50 cents terms; cabbage, weaker, agonloadws to growers, $6 to $10 ton according to quality; cash track, car loads. $8 to $10 ton; usual terms. $10 to $12; beets and carrots, unchanged. Cabbage—Kansas City, five Texas, 12 track, steady, $2.00; Chicago, seven Texas, 16 others, 49 track, steady, $2.00 (Continued on Page Two)