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EL JARDIN IS : CELEBRATING Annual Picnic is Being Conducted Today by Community • El Jardin is celebrating today with • big basket picnic, music, speakers, games and all the usual trimmings. This is the annual community cele bration staged by the residents of this tract and the attendance today compares favorably with that of other years. Judge Oscar C. Dancy spoke at 10:$0 o'clock and was followed at 11:15 o'clock by Judge H. L. Yates. Jack Sullivan, heavyweight boxer who has been training in Brownsville, gave a boxing exhibition at noon. The picnicers were scheduled to open their basl^ts at 12:50 o'clock with ice cream and cold drinks fur nished by the picnic committee. The first afternoon address was to be made by Rev. E. S.^ Raker at 2:50 o’clock with Johq Fanning following at S:15 o’clock. Mr. Sheldon, orig inator of the Rotary motto, also was to speak. Athletic events were due to start at 9:45 o’clock. The events scheduled were />oys’ races for al! ages, girls’ ractl for all ages, several men’s races, a ladies’ ball throwing con test, a married women’s bean race, a married women’s nail driving contest, a ladies roping contest and a horse shoe tournament. Prizes were to be awarded in all of the events. New Brick Building E Planned For Alamo (Special to The Herald.) AiJkMO. Tex., June 16.—The two story office building of the C. H Swallow land company here will be completed in a few days, and the land company will move into the building. * Another two story brick building | is being erected here for Mr. Swal low to be u«ed for a newspaper and the postoffice. A loVelyhskin THATS what makes beauty — a lovely skin! A skin perfect in its texture — free from pimples, blackheads or blotches. And how everybody loves to look at beautiful skin! Ilow they ad mire the fresh, clean, healthy ap pearance a perfect skin gives! And do you know what makes skin lovely? Well, it’s healthy, rich, red blood. Healthy blood purifies the system—throws off the impuri ties that cause skin eruptions. And S. S. S., that great blood cleanser and builder helps Nature make rich, red blood. You never have to worry, with embarrassing ■kin blemishes when you keep your blood full of healthy red-blood-cells. Take S. S. S. and have the beau tiful skin that belongs to you. And while it's making your skin lovely, 8. 8. 8. is giving you renewed strength and energy, too—building flrm;9plump flesh — Increasing your appe tite and making you healthy all over. It’s the rich, red blood that 8. 8. S. helps Nature build that does it. Get 8. 8. 8. today. All drug stores •ell It. Get the larger bottle. It’s more economical. ' EU KOENIGSBERG ELECTED MASTER Eli Koenigsberg was elected wor shipful master at a stated meeting of the Rio Grande Lodge No. 81, A. F. A A. M. held on Tuesday night with a large number of members and visit ors present. Other officers elected were A. B. Holliday, senior warden; W. C. Junior •warden; A. E. Munday, treasurer and C. H. Thorn, secretary. Officers appointed were W. Y. Worley, senior deacon; S. D. Brown, Junior deacon; W. J. Vertrees, tiler; H. Weber, senior steward; A. Esca lante. junior steward; J. A. Stogsdall, marshall; Rev. E. P. Day, chaplain. One candidate was elected to re ceive the first degree and another to receive the second. The new officers are to be installed Thursday night. June 24.* About 25 lodge member are going to San Benito Friday night to assist in lodge work there. Giving of the Royal Arch degree Wednesday night was postponed. FORMAL MOUNTING OF GUARD IS HELD Fort Brown held its first formal mounting since the -closing of the target season at Fort Ringgold in which the personnel of the post par ticipated at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday evening. Informal guard mountings are held at this hour daily but once a week a formal mounting, is held with the ad jutant and post band participating. The new guard and band formed in parade and passeed in review before the old an new officers of the day Tuesday. The formal guard mounting, will be continued weekly. OPEN McALLEN OFFICE McALLEN. Texas. June 16—A branch of the First Industrial Fi nance Corporation, of Houston, is to be opened in McAllen this week, ac cording to J. H. Alford representa tive of the concern, who was in Mc Allen recently making arrangements for the branch office. PERSONALS W. W. Vann of Mercedes was in the city Tuesday. S. H. Wood of Point Isabel is in Brownsville. Kd Brady of San Benito, manager of the baseball team and two the aters there, is in Brownsville on business today. R. I. Parks of Mission is in the city. C. F. Harrell is here on business from Donna. Mrs. R. E. Holland and her two ANYTHING YOU WISH In the wav of tin or sheet metal work you can have done by us. When you come here, you receive the benefits of a very ex tensive experience, skill ed mechanics and the sat isfaction of knowing that nothing but the very best material is used. Automobile fenders re paired and straightened. Brownsville Sheet Metal Works Nemesis of Swindlers to \isit Brownsville J. FRANK NORFLEET ‘‘I slipped my gun under my hat and turned around. Before he could make the draw, my hat was on the ground and my old forty-five was huggin' his ribs. He grunfed like a hog with the cholera.” One of the dramatic moments in Norfleet's lecture which is to be given at the Junior High school auditorium Saturday night. Invading the Magic valley after a triumphant initial appearance at the Municipal Auditorium in Sun An tonio Saturday night, J. Frank Nor fleet. intrepid Texas ranchman whose exploits filled the front pages of newspaperdom for more than five years is scheduled to arrive in Brownsville Friday to fill a lecture engagement at the Junior High School auditorium Saturday night, June 19th at 8:J0. Mr. Norfleet is known throughout the United States and many foreign countries as the “boomerang sucker.” Swindled out of his life’s savings in Fort Worth by a band of interna tional crooks some years ago, Nor fleet refused to accept defeat with out a struggle. He went back to his Hale county ranch, oiled up his two old-fashioned forty-fives, and started out on a man hunt which carried him to nearly every state in the United States, five points in Canada, and inta Cuba fttul Mexico. The chase lasted more than five years and re sell Ited in the capture, trial and con viction of 70 high-powered confi dence men. The remarkable thing about the unparalleled exploit of Norfleet is the fact that although hi personally arrested his men, he cap tured them all without firing a shot. He *vil| till the story of his five year chase at the Junior High audi torium Saturday night, following a musical prologue by the Norfleet entertained, headed by “Newt” Mc Crary, the singing sowboy, and fore man of the Norfleet ranch. Previous to his lecture in Brownsville, Nor fleet will make a personal appear ance at Hargroves’ Book and Sta tionery store Saturdy afternoon at five o’clock where he will personally autograph copies of his book which tells of his unusual experiences. Other engagements by Mr. Norfleet this week include McAllen Thursday night. children have gone to San Fran cisco, Cal., on a vacation trip. Claribel Schmidt of Mercedes was in Brownsville Tuesday with Martha Tietz of Colfax, Wis. Mias Adi Seidler of Los Angeles, Cal., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam A. Robertson. She will remain here about four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook. Jr., of Dal las, and son, Thomas III, arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dennett and Judge and Mrs. Volney Taylor. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Dennett are sisters of Mr. Cook. Miss Marion Morgan, daughter of Colonel John Morgan, former com manding officer at Fort Brown, is visiting Misses L. C. and Elena Dal zell. Mrs. H. B. Galbraith has returned to Brownsville after a stay of several months in California. Mrs. George McC.onigle has gone to Houston to visit relatives for a few days. I “They buncoed the wrong man." “The most romantic figure in contemporary American ' criminology.” For Five Years The Newspapers of America were □Filled With the Exploits of ORFLCET Diminutive Texas ranchman, swindled out of his life's savings |j by a band of international crooks, and who spent five long years and thousands of dollars in running them to earth. Resides jailing the five men who fleeced him, Norfleet was instrumental in 1 placing 65 other confidence men behind prison bars. He Will Personally Appear m Hargrove’s Stationery & Book Store Saturday, June 19, at 5 p. m. I * And will autograph copies of his book which are purchased , by our customers. , % Hear him at the Junior High School Auditorium, Saturday 8:30 p. m. |’ CITY BRIEFS I i Be Sore and set the bargains at ‘he Used Car Market, 1211 Uvea Street, before buying.—Adv. tf. Buy Now for your present and fu ture needs at the semi-annual sale at the Popular Store.—Adv. 17. John A. Jones, Lawyer, State Na tional Bunk Building. Phone 68.— Adv. 6-3. Change Meeting Place. — The Browsville Kiwanis Club announred today that its regular Thursduy meeting will be held at the Ye Olde College Inn, near the high school at 12:15. The Rotary Club announced today that it also will meet there be-, ginning today. During June, July ami August my office hours will be from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Dr. Sizclan, Dentist, 415 Merchants Bank Bldg.—Adv. 6-30. Toyo Panamas for sale at Amaya’s shop. Come and see them.—Adv. 16. The Popular Store opens their semi-annual sale Thursday.—Adv. 17. Working on Lines—F. J. Jerker is heading a group of telephone men who have arrived in the city to string new wires. Two Choice lx»ts on corner of St. Charles and Sterling streets. Fine high lots and fine location. Also have choice lot on Ia*vec St. These lots are priced to sell. Daugherty & Moothart, Realtors.—Adv. 17. In the Panhandle.—Col. R. B. Creagcr of Brownsville, republican national committeeman from Texas, is on a political voyafce into the Pan handle, according to his offices here. Accompanied by T. I\ Lee of Hous ton, member of the state executive committee, Leonard Withington of Fort Worth, manager of party head quarters, and Orville Hullington, vice state chairman, he will visit most of the important towns in that part of < the state. ■ Quarterly Banquet of Rrownsville Scottish Rite Club will be held at Harper's Cafe at 8 p. m. Thursday. June 17th, 1926. Good speakers from San Antonio will be present. All Scottish Rite Masons are requested to attend. Send reservations to A. Ruff. L. \V. King, President^-— Adv. 17. Start* Thursday—The semi-annual sale at the Popular Store. Adv. 17. Water Blister* on hands or feet will disappear after a few appli cations of Imperial Eczema Remedy. All druggists are authorized to re fund your money if .it fails.—Adv. Using New Barge—The Browns ville Ferry company is using a new barge for a landing at the American side while the old one is being re paired and painted. The i.ew barge has no top and is an emergency landing while the two in regular use have tops. Dickey's Old Reliable Eye Water Red folding box. All druggists.— jAdv. (71 Semi-annual Sale—Starts Thurs day. June 17, at the Popular Store.— Adv. 17. MARRIAGE LICENSE Ernesto Iharro and Tomasa Mire’es. COAL LEGISLATION POSTPONED WASHINGTON. D. C.. June 16.— Action on all coal legislation was postponed today by the house com merce committee until December. WEATHJF.R BULLETIN First figures, highest temperature yesterday; second, lowest last night; third, precipitation in last 24 hours., Amarillo .94 58 .00 Atlanta ...86 64 .00 Brownsville .89 77 .00 Charleston .91 78 .00 Chicago .58 .50 .00 Corpus fhristi .88 78 .00 Dallas .98 76 .00 Denver .76 56 .00 Dodge City .90 70 .00 El Paso .— 72 .00 Galveston .86 78 .00 Helena ..54 44 .10 Kansas City.74 64 .04 Louisville .64 60 .00 ■Memphis .84 .68 .00 Miami ..86 80 .00 New Orleans .92 78 .02 New York .84 54 .00 Noith Platte.72 54 1.36 Oklahoma City .94 72 .10 St. Louie .72 60 .00 St! Paul .70 54 .00 San Antonio .96 76 .00 Shreveport .94 74 .00 Washington .84 58 .00 Williston ...60 46 .58 River Bulletin The first column of figures repre sents flood stage c.n the Rio Grande at the various stations; the second the river stage at 8 a. m. today and the third the change since the read ing yesterday, a plus sign represent ing a rise and a minus sign a fall. The fourth column gives the rainfall the past 24 hours. Del Rio • .... — f— — .00 Eagle Pass .16 3.5 -0.4 .00 Laredo .27 0.3 0.0 .00 Rio Grande City ...15 0.5 -1.0 — Mission .24 6.4* -0.7 .00 San Benito ....21 11.4 -0.6 .00 Brownsvyllo...— — — .00 River Forecast There will be a slow fall in the river from Rio Grande City down. I _ _ill» aiiii - .■ j PLAN RACES AT JULY 4 AFFAIR Fort Ringgold Jockey Club Plans to En ter Horses — (Special to The Herald.) SAN BENITO, Tex., June 16.—Pos sibility of having a number of run ning races at the Fourth of July celebrution here was considered good early this week, following receipt of a communication from the Fort Ringgold Athletic and Jockey Club expressing desire to enter horses in • the races. Most of the races which have al ready been staged for the celebra tion are harness events, according to C. M. Stanley, im charge of the racing. The communication from Fort Ringgold, where cavalry forces of the Twelfth Cavalry are stationed, is from Lieui. F. L. Hamilton, sec retary of the athletic club there. The San Benito race track is being 1 put in shape for the celebration events, ar.d local men owning horses plan to continue the racing during the winter months, holding a regu lar winter racing progiant here. NEW CONCERNS TO OPEN, HARLINGEN •HARLINGEN. June Id.—Office quarters for the Valley Cotton Mill 1 recently announced for Harlingen [ have been located at 110 South For- i dyce Stieet with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. l*a>ne, formerly of San Antonio in i charge of preliminary operations, j The I*uncan Supply Co., whole- , salers of ice cream cones, bottles and [ fountain supplies, formerly of Hal- ; la*,, have secured quarter* at 610 j Madison Stieet here and will dis-i tribute their products over the Vnl- : ley from Harlingen. Moacrief A Lenoir, wholesale I plumbing supplies, Houston, have leased trackage space from the Gulf Coast Lines and will establish a branen house at this point. Valley PIMPLES AND BUMPS ARE AWFUL PESTS -- Girl* and women of the most even disposition* are quick to resent di rect attacks on their character, ®i bold advance-. But it Is tiaT ly ex plainable why these same folks tol erate disfiguring pimples, blotches, bump-, “breaking out.*' etc., which are even worse pests than that. These sain diseases quit annoying people quickly after first few appli cation* of the wonderful Black and White Ointment, and the regular use of Black and White Saop. The uo*t is so small none *need hesitate be cause they “can't afford it." The MIc size of the Ointment contains three times a* much as tne liberal 25c size. All dealer* have both Black ard White Soap, and Ointment. Adv. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES For Fast Dyeing For Tinting Beautiful permanent colors obtained bj boiling. Delicate tints by dipping. Nc rubbing or messy handling of mass dyt substance. Silk, wool, linen and mi* tures all dyed or tinted in one operation For 30 years the most successful house hold dyes. Complete directions in eset 15-cent package at your dealer's. Us, Putnam So-kolor Bleach to remove coloi and stains. Attractive Booklet: "too Ways of Beautifying the Home and Wardrobe.” tent for 10 cents to cover handling. We u-ill Include FREE a sample package of dye. Specify coior. Address Dept. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. QUINCY. ILL WEAK, RESTLESS Tennessee Lady Had So Little Strength She “Couldn't Get Around." Took Cardui With Benefit. Gassaway, Tenn.—“I wasn’t able to do any of my work, and it seem ed like I had so little strength I just couldn't get around,” says Mrs. Frank Murphy, who lives near here. “My mother knew of the good Cardui could do, so she told me to take it. I sent and got a bottle, and seemed like all the time I grew stronger. “I had oeen suffering with pains in my sides all the time, and Cardui helped this wonderfully. I needed a tonic for female trouble, and Car dui just fitted the need. 1 was awful ly restless and could not sleep at night, but after taking two bottles of Cardui 1 could sleep ’like a top*. I got along all right, and 1 know it was due to Cardui. I can certainly recommend it to women suffering from women’s troubles. *‘My present health is just fine.** Thousands of women have written to tell how Cardui relieved them of aain and suffering, and helped them to improve in health and strength. Cardui is perfectly harmless, be ing an extract of mild-acting herbs, and contains no dangerous drugs or harmful ingredients. . Sold everywhere. NC-174 trade will be nerved from Harlingen an noon as the branch huune Is in operation. M’ALLEN MINISTER RESIGNS CHARGE McALLEN, Texas, June 16.—Hcv. W. H. Foster, for the past four years pastor of the Presbyterian church here, has resigned. He will go to Detroit for a short time, and from there will go to New York to take post-graduate work in Bible study and music. His successor has not been named. The church hoard ix expect#^V> • in a few days. -> .- j- ■>' AMBITIOUS DUCK > SO HAM. Eng.—.An Aylesburg duel1 laid an egg weighing 6 1-2 ounce*, & inches long and 7* inches in ciresm ference. American Telephone A Telegraph C*. | Bell System | 147th Dividend | There regular quarterly dividend of 1 « Two ladlar* and Twenty-Five Cettla j 12.25) per xharc will Ik* paid on Thur*- f day, July 15. 192*. to atockhnldera of I record at the clone of hutinews on Sat- X urday. June 19, 192*. < II. BLAIK-SMITil. Tream M ... r ..v...__:_J Our Aim— I t To keep The First National Bank, in the / front ranks of the financial institutions of / Southwest Texas, and to continue to build a business that will never know completion. £ ^ To satisfactorily serve every person with f ' whom we have relations. f To create a personality that will always be known for it’s fairness, honesty, strength and friendliness. n. Jfj LET US SERVE YOU / The First National Bank Brownsville, Texas ' “THE FRIENDLY BANK” Candies Cigars Tobaccos A complete line of S MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS for the motorist Before going on your next outing trip come in and look over our line Add a box of our delicious c^Id * chocolates to your list and you will have a real treat. Three convenient stores to serve you Harry’s Cigar Stores Home of John Ruskin, the big 5c Cigar LA JOYA GRAVEL J COMPANY, Inc. MISSION, TEXAS HOX 554 All sizes Screend Gravel, Unscreened Gravel, Screenings - DELIVERY TO YOUR 1 HOME DAILY || COURTEOUS SERVICE VALLEY ELECTRIC ICE COMPANY