OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, February 27, 1928, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1928-02-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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^ w - .
>ggpy« AT PARTY
.;..jmm§ Bernice Henry, Sank Sha
‘WS *M Anna Las Shapiro will ba
tka Brownsville girls to go to
*HJ»ad*® to set on the receiving
^iSsbw Girls at San Ssni
S* ^dar** °* Hop* Chapter oi
• • •
*he have bee** J*“pleton °* DaUas!
£* **«g af Browns villa for the
gflggP yaks, returned to their
Mrs. Gregg returned
1 Wl: **AAL advertisement
«“Mition (» the city of
Wl __ reownsville
•* U* City Com mi s
City of Brownsville, held
i*.**® City Hall oa the ;idrd day of
Tahraaty. IMS, a Rcsolation was
miilMMb Canwggonar Hipp and
Ji citinanahip dTihe
r ite^ desire that
—- ------— of deciding whether
__City should issue t-onda in tha
Mjpraiimate sum af One Hundred
Iy—wd Dollars i$100,000.00) for
jig purpose of stewing and install
■t na Airport sad Psn; and,
M WHEREAS, ia tha iatarast of pub
Ha policy and ia raapaaaa to tha de
Hvsa af many af ths citisens ths
Qmiasioa of said City has pledged
tha eitiseaship of um that before
lh balding of said election it would
iiviM tha public which of the con
••■pbtad sitaa ia its judgment and
iiCWlity most nearly approximated
^WHEREAS, the Airport Committee
at tha Chamber of Commerce has
gade^lataua ivo and extensive survey
Hsaa an four sites located wound
aEd about said city sad has made,
tfcrsagh W. B. Clint, its recommenda
;-y to the City rf the tract of land
i to tbs’study of the problems
Rnalvad and tha sites offered, but
Ena Has guns upon ths ground and
Sms viewed sack of tka sites, and are
Knflsaa sack of them personally
with tka advantages and
«f <he sitaa offered;
etttseas of Browns
that when and if.
at its judgment and
tha City Commis
SSchnas a aits for a
I_Jt and an Airport, provided of
the citinanahip at the oncom
Ktien decides tha funds avail
i hr sneh ynzpase shall ba voted,
sad te that aveat tha said City
A acting oa the recoin -
of tha Airport Committee
r -s
Jamd Eighty Eight
ndradtlu (488.40)
» much thereof as
it is faasibla and
Ear said Park and
H>ut three aad a
i City of Brawns
Chica load, near
echos! Dis
- Hunt,
_ _ Da van
Hit. Matson and E A.
that it Js
* ■_I
Tkis Interesting phots ef lbs. James A. Seed, wife of tke senior
United States senator from Missouri, was taken recently in Ranees
City, Me, where the Roods intend to settle down, unless the senator
wins the' Democratic nomination for the presidency and is elected.
her iwto aad will
time visiting there,
their visit those two guaats
at ainy social affairs
ia Brownsville. Having been visi
tors ia tba city times before they
have a heat of friends hare.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres
byteries church entertained with a
Martha Washington silver tea on
Monday afternoon from t to f as tho
country homo of Mrs. Sinclair Shear
er. Mrs. Frasier aad Mrs. Gilead ia
colonial costume, greeted the guests
as they arrived. Presiding at the
tea table were Mrs. Flynt aad Mrs.
Todd both ia colonial costume.
The harmonica bund under the di
rection of Mrs. Burchfield gave sev
eral patriotic numbers. Little Miss
Maxine Linberg in quaint colonial
garb gave a musical reading. Dorothy
Jane Kieater dressed ns George
Washington and Marion Kennedy as
Martha Washington danced “Tho
Second Minuet.”
o o o
Mr. aad Mr*. W. S. Hammoatroe
entertained on Thursday at aa all
day picnic at Point Isabel ia honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers of Mem
phis, Tean. Those enjoying this hos
pitality were Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Rogers, Mr. aad Mrs. Hannah and
daughter, Anna Louisa, Mr. and Mrs.
Ames Todd and son, Bobbie Burnt,
Mr. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Ham
o q e
A wedding of local interest took
place Tuesday morning when Miss
Clare Schuckenhock became the bride
ex mu toner at Bowling Green, Ho.
Just the immediate families were
gathered together at the St. Clemens
Catholic church for tho ceremony.
Miss Tillie Lauer of this place, sis
ter of the groom, was the maid of
honor. Tho bride is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Schuekenbrock, who lived on tho
North Parker read for many years
prior to their going to Missouri a
short time ago.
The goom is tho soa of Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Laaer, well known of this
place aad owns a garage in SL
Clemens, Me. A beaut: ful reception
and dance wore held for tho happy
couple on Tuesday evening. They
will make their home at Bowling
Green, Me.
Mr. end Mrs. Sinclair Shearer were
dinner guests Sunday of friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lear and Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Schuekenbrock wero
dinner guests Tuesday of Mr. and
Mrs. Yrotzinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Blackburn of
Mission who are leaving shortly for
Louisiana to make their home, spent
Sunday in the T. Y. Flynt home.
The P. E. 0. sisterhood met at the
home of Mrs. T. R- Burnett on Fri
day, with Mrs. Barnett and Mrs. B.
ML Strong as hostesses.
The topic for tho day was a book
review on tho “Giants of tho Earth,”
a novel of South Dakota pioneering
days. Tkis book written by the Nor
wegian author, Ola Edvart Rolaag,
has bean received by reviewers aad
critics everywhere as a new nets ia
American literature. Mrs. A. M. A.
Pickier was chosen ns leader for the
day and gave aa axcnllaat review
of the bees.
Gouveuor Stephens and A. J. Moon
wero bare from Harlingen over the
week-end visiting their home folks.
R. C. Lowry hat beta ia Dallas
the peat week.
M. Madsea has returned tram a
visit to tho home of his parents ia
Mr. aad Mis. Herbert Trahe of
Brownsville spent the week-end here.
Abe Boyd and wife are in San An
tonie visiting relatives.
T. B. Sammons was in Edinburg
Wednesday aa a business trip.
Miss Mary Alien RoteUe of Oar
Lady of tho Lake college at Saa An
tonio spent tho week-end with her
uncle and aaat, Mr. aad Mrs. John
H- Shary.
Mr. aad Mrs. Sheldon Smith and
Joe Huffman and wife have been
visiting la Corpus Chrjsti tkis week.
Mr. aad Mrs. Harold Pugh of Wes
laco have been hi Mission visiting
at the homo of Mr*. Pugh’s grand
mother, Mr*. H. C. Rankin.
■KGAGamrr a-vnoitncid
The announcement of the ap
proaching marriage of Mias Daisy
Martin to William Coo, Jr, has bean
made, Mm marriage to toko place
Saturday, March i, at the homo of
tho bridal brother, P. O. Martin,
in Texas.
circle of friends of hath Miss* Mar
tin and Mr. Coe who sro one of
codas Ugh school for ths past
five year* and daring that tuna lmd
not only —da a host of friends in
Mercedes, bat throughout tha Valley.
Mr. Coe is connected with the
Texas Producers anion and has lived
near Mercedes for a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Cos srill continue to
—he Mercedes their heme.
Federation Music
Prizes Announced
Mrs. J. W. Hoit of Mission, chair
man of the music department of the
Rio Grande Valley Federation of
Women’s clubs, has announced tha
opening of the second prise compe
tition for composers of music in the
Valley. A prise of $10 is offered for
the host piano composition and $5
offered for the beat Song written.
Rules governing the competition
this year any that the competitors
must be living ip the Valley and in
land to mate it their home. The
compositions must ba original aad
shall never have boon published.
All titles aad words most be in Eng
lish to be considered among the man
Another precaution states that
manuscripts must be anonymous but
signed by tha composer with a mark
of identification. The composer
mast send with his work a sealed en
velope containing his name, address,
and n mark of identification the
same as on the outside of the en
velope. Manuscripts must be well
written in ink and be sent in before
April 1.
Assurance has bean given that tha
judges srill be musicians of ability
aad srill make a decision on the
works in time for the announcement
to bo made at ths May meeting of
the federation.
BjM Issue Voted
'Sy RaymondviUe
(Special to The Herald.)
election here Saturday to determine
whether the city of RaymondviUe
would issue $75,000 in municipal
bonds carried by about 4 to 1, the
vote standing 122 in favor of the
proposition to 27 against it. The
bonds srill bo used for the purpose
of improving the city water plant,
completing the sewer system, and re
funding certain outstanding city srar
rants. Each of the propositions car
ried by practically the rime vote.
Lyford School
Bonds Are Voted
•lection m held in Lyford Saturday
to determine whether the Lyford
sehool district would issue bends in
the sum of $40,000 for the purpose
of building • new school house, and
carried by a rote of 114 in favor of
the proposition to 17 against it.
LONDON.—Wetch la being kept at
all ports for five American safe
blowers supposed to be coming to
1 • %L. ft' 1 - "f v-J;- SI
l « . . | ||
should tornado public aot lste*tk«
must bo issued <0 dajra bsforTi^
mission has failed to accede to tba
Valley’s pica for a redaction of too
tetato minimum it will bo necessary
impossible ’to* load can to tba SM00
pobmds minimum, as too
would spoil la transit.
^ la a letter to^J. ^_
SuiSif Coamsona, Ssaator Mar
"l aaaaza you ft was Indeed •
pleasure to file my protest with too
Interstate Commerce Commissi on
eruasod minimum waight on bow po
tatoes will moan to tbs potato
growers of the Volley.
“The postponing of too effective
date of the order wi^iot place aa
additional harden upon the potato
growers this year, but we must get
nady to protest most vigorously
against the patting into affect of
this increased minimum at anytime
I arm yen to have your ease pro
pared most thoroughly in the form
of a brief to be prated to tbe
Interstate Commerce Commission
showing what aa injuriour offset
this increased minimum on potatoes
will have noon the potato growers
of the Rio Grande Valley."
In The Matter of Jackson A Jackson
Grocery Co.
C. M. Jackson. Bankrupts.
No. 214, In Banknotes.
To The Creditors Of Said Bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that oa the
24th day of February. 1928, the said
Jackson Grocery company of Edin
burg, Hidalgo County, Texas, was
duly adjudged a bankrupt, and the
first meeting of his creditors will
be held at tbe office of Ira Webster,
Referee In Bankruptcy, in the Stag
man Building. Brownsville, Testa,
on the 14th day of March. A. D. 192S.
at Eleven ill) o’clock in the fore
noon, at which time and place the
creditors of the said Jackson Grocery
Companv, bankrupt, may appear,
prove their claims, elect a trustee,
examine the bankrupt and transact
aaeh ether business as may properly
come before such meeting.
Dated February 26th. 192S.
Ira Webster.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
Persistent coughs anil colds lead to
serious trouble. You can stop them aew
with Creomolsion, aa cmnkifind creo
sote that is pleasant to take. Creonml
aiou is a new medical discovery with
tsro-fold action; it soothes and heals
the inflamed membranes and inhibits
gem growth.
Of all known drags, creosote is rec
ognised by high medical authorities as
me of the greatest healing agencies for
persistent coughs and colds and other
forms of throat troubles. Creomolsion
contains, in addition to creosote, ether
sealing elements which soothe and heal
the infected membranes and stop the
irritation and inflammation, while the
creosote goes on to the stomach, is ab
sorbed into the blood, attacks the seat
of the trouble and the growth
of the aerms
Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfae
tory la the treatment of persistent
coughs and colds, bronchial —rinya,
bronchitis and other forms of respira
ory diseases, and is excellent for build
ing op the system after colds or .As.
money refunded If any cough or cold is !
net relieved after taking according to
directions. Ask voqr druggist. (adv.)
=■»■ ■ '=====»I
Phone 348 San Benito I
Dr. J. A. Roy
Palmer Graduate
Hollinc.wartli Bid*. East Robnuoa St I
San Benito I
Office Hoorn Evenings
a to 12 — 1:30 to S By Appointment I
High Price Store for
^ Stare Everybody
Appearance notwit h*
standing, Manaut a u's
wall not be a store
for the “four hundred”
bat for the Mfoar mil*
lion**! On the other
hand, we shall carry a
stocky ^ ^dependable
enough to meet the
needs and fit the parses
of people in every class
and every station of life.
At to tli it, you may al
ready judge for your
•elm. We believe that,
at a building, the new
Maaautou store might
be placed on any lead
ing street in any city in
Texas without having
to offer apology to its
Tb# new Manautou's
will not be tha highest
priced; nor will it be
the cheapest. In the
treat middle field be
tween these extremes,
however, Manautou's
will offer goods of
proven dependability,
style and value at inter
estingly low prices.
ferny, Style, Quality
and Value, Manauiou’a
invite, ike frisorfihip
ni unity. We will cater
not to any particular
cl am—hiah or low—
we believe that when
they view our offerings
everyone will he inter*
Again, Let Us Emphasize That the New Manautou’s Will Feature
Popular and Payable Prices
Reliable Merchandise.Smart Styles.Unmistakable Value
i— -Mr. L Manautou-1
will return to Brownsville tomorrow from a
three weeks’ buying trip in eastern markets.
Upon his return, definite announcement will
be made of the program and date for the open
ing of the new store.

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