OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, July 15, 1928, SOCIETY, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1928-07-15/ed-1/seq-17/

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Thumbnail for Five

A number of the members of tne
younger set spent an enjoyable e>e
ning in the home of Mrs. D. A.
Blackwell on Wednesday, when Tom
Blackwell and Irvin Smith enter
tained a few friends.
The evening was spent in games
and contests. In the advertisement
contest, Joe Brennan, who is visiting
here from Florida, won the prize.
Juanita Blanchard was given the con
x solution. ..
The home interior was pretty in a
w color scheme of red and green. A re
freshment course was served later in
the evening. , . .
Those present included M.sses v ir- ,
ginia Trott, Helen Irby, Mary An
drew,. Maud Tullis. Amy McManus, |
Juanita and Dogmar l
Verna B. Allen and Donald and Rob- j
ert Barton. Leroy Irby. Billie Rob
inson. Billie Barton, Joe Brennan. ,
Harrv Polk, Wilbur Council, Kenneth
Johnson, John McKinney and the two
hosts.- . „ ,
The Five Hundred club, a ncw‘J |
organized card club, had for h°st®** j
on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ben
Drew at ther home north of M«
ppd08 Mrs R. R- Talbert made the
interesting* score. After the, game,
a tempting refreshment course was
^The guests named were Mrs. Eric I
Green Mrs. Paul Shotwell, *
W..i« Kr.m.r M„ Bob La.tar Mr.
L. Smith and Mrt; R; R- ralberl"
I ^Announcement has been^uade^ of
the marriage of Miss Aline ^
Harlingen and CMijon ^ w t*
t Smith a former «««<l«■ J
“.V,’ V,°Ve,rredte,.B i - i -.
Edinburg. ...
».■ Vina Miller was elected as
. delegate from the Progressive
club to** the A. A M. -hoU course at
the regular meeting of that ®iu
this week. Which was held at Lake
C\ThC o« Present answered to ^oll
call with a one-minute talk whicn
proved quite interesting
P Those in attendance were Mrs.
Rov Miller, Mrs. Karl Pleasant, Mrs.
L. Benbow,’ Mrs. W. M Moore Mrs.
G. H. Reagh. Mrs. M. T, MP. T.
Peters. Mrs. F. G. Richmond Mrs.
C. L. Simpkins, Mrs. A. I- bright,
Mrs. J. A. Hess, Mrs. I. G- Dyer, Mrs
L. L. Hill. Mrs. J-A. Judd. Miss
Miller and Miss Melba M right.
The members of the Worth *'hil
club met at the home of Mrs. B.
Utter on Thursday in celebration ot
the birthday of Mrs. J. Osborne, one
a, of the club members.
The morning was spent in chatting:
and the exchange of ideas. At the
noon hour a sumptuous repast was
had. each lady bringing a well fillet.
basket. „ . .
Routine business was discussed in
the afternoon. . _ ...
Those enjoying this hospitality
were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Link and chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osgood and;
eon. Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Bristol and
daughter, Ruby. Mrs. 0. D. ' ard,
Mrs. M. Beauchamp. A. W. Arnett
and children. L. Hanson and chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. B. Utter and
daughter. Helen. Mrs. C. V. Griffin
and children and Mrs. Osborne.
• • •
I The Busy Bee Service club held
their regular meeting this week with
Mr*. Arnold Krause at her home
south of Mercedes.
Sewing formed the diversion for
the afternoon with a refreshment
couise following.
The guests included Mrs. Arthur
Decker, Mrs. M. E. Borche'* Mrs.
Julies Schupp, Mrs. Ernest Bart
ling. Miss Ella Borchelt and Miss
Esther Marose of St. Louis.
• • •
The B. Y. P. U. class of the Bap
tist Sunday school, whose instruc
.. tors are C. E. Blankenship and Mrs.
W' E. Shankle. enjoyed a swimming
party Thursday evening at the Cas
cade Plunge at McAllen.
The members of the class present
were -Misses Sara Francis Loving.
Margaret Parks. Marjorie Lister
Maudine Blankenship. Mary Eliza
beth Harralson. Helen and Evan
Shankle. Charles Sweeney. Arbc
Alexander. Stuart Lentz and Paul
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Scott and daugh
ters. Joan and Bettie, left by auto
mobile Thursday morning for Hous
ton where they will visit for a few
days. From there Miss Bettie will go
to Little Rock, Ark., where she will
visit Mr. Scott's mother. Mr. and
Mrs. Scott and Joar. will then go to
Galveston where they will visit Mrs.
Scott’s sister, Mrs. G. W akciield. and
Mrs. W. McDonald and Mrs. H. E.
Sugg left Wednesday morning for a
visit of several days in San Antonio.
Mra. J. E. Blythe of McAllen, a
former Mercedes resident, spent the
past few days here with Mrs. J. R.
Paul Chcdick has returned to his
home in Tampico, after spending sev
( eral weeks in the states visiting his
brothers. W. D. and Frank Chadick of
Mercedes and attending the demo
cratic convention.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pennell and
daughter, Mary Louise, have returned
to Mercedes from an overland trip
through north and cast Texas.
W*. B. Glasscock and J. M. Frazier
of Austin, spent the past week here
in the home of Mr. Glasscock’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Glasscock.
Curt Conrad has returned from a
month’s trip, having visited in the
middle west cities, including Kansas
City during the republican conven
tion. Milwaukee and Minneapolis.
Charles Eliff of Fan Antonio, a
former Mercedes resident, spent the
past week here transacting business.
While here he was a guest ip the
home of Dr. C. B. Buck.
Mrs. W. W. Vann and daughters.
Misses Gabeille, Estelle and Eliza
beth. have returned to Mercedes from
Galveston where Mrs. Vann and
Misses Estelle and Elizabeth have
been since May, when thev attended
the graduating exercises of the Ball
school from which Miss Gaheill* re
ceived her diploma. Since that time
they have been visiting relatives
there. . _ _ ....
Mrs. Jack Mart’n of Brownsville u
a guest here of her mother, Mrs. Fred
Miss Ettie Ivy left the first of the
week for Winters, Texas, where she
was called by the death of her lather.
Miss Mary Glasscock of this city
was named as an honor student for
the spring term at the University of
Mrs. S. C. Bates and son, Charles,
left Thursday morning for San An
tonio to spend several days with
Mrs. Bates' daughter, Mrs. Glen Met
calf. Upon their return they will be
accompanied by Mrs. Metcalf’s little
son, Glen, Jr., and Miss Nan Fran
ces Bates, who has been visiting Mrs.
Metcalf for several weeks.
Miss Marie Saunders of Harlingen
was a guest here of Rev. and Mrs.
D. G. Wagner during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hupp are en
tertaining as their guest this week,
Hugh F. Flusher of Kansas City.
Mrs. Yolney Roberts and son, Vol
mer, Jr., have returned to San Benito
after a visit here in the home of
Mrs. Roberts’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Rouse.
Mrs. G. C. Sorrick arrived from
California this week for an extended
visit with her daughter, Mrs. John
C. Jones.
Mrs. D. A. Blackwell spent sev
eral days during the past week with
her son, David Blackwell and fam
ily, in Falfurrias.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and
children left Saturday for Dallas and
Paris, Texas, where they will visit
Mrs. Effie Jewell Shekell has re
turned from a several weeks' trip
through North and Central Texas
and Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Irby left
Thursday morning for their home in
El Paso after a week’s visit here with
Mr. Irby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Irby.
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Moody have
returned to Mercedes after a several
months’ visit in Mission with Mrs.
Moody’s father, Willard Ferguson,
while Mrs. Ferguson was out of
Miss Peggy Williams and Miss
Inex Bullington of Little Rock, Ar
kansas, who have spent three weeks
in the Valley, guests of Mrs. H. C.
Alston and Mrs. Alan Hvistendahl of
this city, and Miss Irma Wattson of
La Feria, left Friday for Sat^ An
gelo enroute home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown have
returned to Mercedes after having
lived the past three months in Har
Mrs. Neal Robinson returned to
Mercedes Thursday from a three
weeks' visit in Houston with her par
Miss Bettie Ammons of Kenedy is
here to spend the week-end with her
sister, Mrs. Bob obinson.
Those attending the Methodist
fish fry at Holly Beach from Mer
cedes were ev. and Mrs. R. S. Pierce,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carison, Mr. and
Mrs. C. P.. Wood, Mrs. E. G. Smith,
Mrs. R. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Day, J. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Pirtle, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Herring
and sons, Edmund and Byron, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Gaddy and daughter,
Miss Mary. Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Henry, Mrs. M. Betels, Mrs. O. R.
Glasscock and son, Cecil, and Ray
burne Brown.
Mrs. D. Q. Squyrcs entertained
Tuesday night with five tables of I
•‘eighty-four’* in honor of her sister
and her sister’s husband. Dr. and
Mrs. J. F. Gaines of Coleman. The^
home was beautifully decorated with
cut flowers.
After several games of “84” were
played, a two-course luncheon was
served on hand-embroidered lunch
eon covers. The first course con
sisted of a salad and the second ice
cream and angel food cake. All
through Hk evening smokes and can
dies were passed. Music was fur
nished by the Cannon brothers and
Miss Mattielee Squyres.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Stephens, John Lester, J. W.
Murse, N. G. Carter, A. P. Hill,
Ghent Pettit, C. M. Adkins, Paul
Voigt, Homer Dyche, E. D. Stephens.
R. R. HUl, Mr. H. D. Niday, Fred
Robertson, H. G. Hart, Fred Adkins,
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Baker, Misses
Edith and Sadie Lester, Mr. and Mrs. I
C. A. Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Baylor!
Bledsoe of Edinburg, Dr. and Mrs.
Gaines of Coleman, Mr. and Mrs.
D. y. Squyres.
• e e
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore of
Valley Mills, Texas, Mrs. Liza Gil
breth and son, J. B. spent last week
end with their cousin, D. Q. Squyres.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dyche were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Crenshaw.
Rev. J. E. Norman and daughter,
Bettie, of McAllen were in Edcouch
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Carter spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bay
lor Bledsoe in Ed*nbuig.
Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Walls of Edin
burg were visiting Mr. and Mr. and
Mrs. John Needhart Tuesday eve
Mrs. Walker of iTargill was visit
ing her son Carl f|( Edcouch Wed
E. h. King od tawa Park has come
to Edcouch to hay cotton this sea
I son. He U> stopping at the Commer
cial hotel.
D. y. Squyres and family, Dr. J.
F. Gaines jjnd family spent Sunday
at Point Isabel and San Pedro
H. D. Niday made a business trio
i to Edinburg last Wednesday.
-Mr. and .Mrs. Homer Dyche spent
Tuesday in Mercedes.
Gaford Skidmore and Abe Pierson
spent Thursday and Friday in Cor
pus Christi attending to business.
| Mr. and Mrs. John Medhart were
guest of l)r. and Mrs. A. II. Walls
of Edinburg last Sunday.
Jack Howell returned home last
Friday, after a short visit in Charco.
Mrs. Eddie Breiger has gone on
a visit in Charco for some time.
Mrs. Breiger left last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lester called
on Mr. and Mrs. J. Dudley last Sun
A. J. Stephen spent Saturday and
Wednesday with Mrs. Burton Kel
ley of Elsa.
Rev. M. F. Dreery of Harlingen
will hold services during the ab
sence of Rev. Roy Baldwin, who left
last Monday on an extended visit to
Oklahoma and Louisiana.
Mrs. Ethel Bell and Carl Walker
motored to Mercedes Monday.
Miss Sadie Lester transacted busi
ness in Mercedes Wednesday.
Miss Gertrude Self and Grace Gu
bervilie were shopping in Edcouch
Tuesday afternoon.
Joe Burns left last Saturday for
an extended visit in New York.
Mrs. E. B. Baker returned home
last Tuesday, after a visit in Gates
ville with friends.
Ed See of La Feria was »n Ed
couch Tuesday on business.
Mrs. A. J. Stephens and son Jer
ald were shopping in McAllen last
The Oroinki Bridge club met with
Mrs. Hollis H. Rankin on Wednes
day at her home on Lomita boule
vard. Three tables of players en
gaged in the game, with Mrs. C. M.
Heard obtaining high score on the
opt-of-town guests’ part, Mrs. G. F.
Dohrn being high score holder for
the membership. Out-of-town club
guests were Mexdamca W. 0. Browu,
l. M. Heard, C. D. Haw kina, W. u.
Roberts and Miss Berda Poindexter
of Sherman.
• • •
Mrs. T. M. Me.den was hostess to
the Wednesday Bridge club devotees {
this week at her home in North
Sharyland, with but two tables of
players, due to the absence of many
of the club members :n other parts
of the state. Miss Nellie Conway
of Los Angeles, Calif., was the only
out-of-club guest.
• • •
Dr. and Mr*. Wallace Ralston are
here from Houston visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shary.
Mayor G. F. Dohrn and Glenn Ab- 1
ney left Thursday morning overland j
for San Antonio.
Marvin Goodwin and R. E. Har
man chief developers of the J8,000
acre Goodwin tract west of Mission
are in Kansas City on business.
The two little daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Ollie Bridges have been
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Low
rie in Pharr this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith of
Sharyland have gone to points in
North Texas to spend the remainder
of the summer.
Mrs. Emma Ewers, mother of J.
F. Ewers has returned from her visit
to San Juan.
Miss Elizabeth Card was in Point
Isabel Sunday, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M Card of McAllen.
Mrs. J. M. Ragland and daughter,
Miss Evelyn, are home from a vaca
tion spent in St. Louis, Mo., and Des
Moines, Iot'a.
Mrs. T. W. Thies spent one day in
Harlingen, the guest of Mrs. J. V.
Mts. B. S. Jan ad returned to
Houston after having enjoyed a vlelt
here with her mother, Mrs. D. F.
Fielder and her other relatives here.
M. B. Coppic spent several days
in San Antonio on a business trip
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Douglass are
here from San Antonio, visiting
Mr. Douglass’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Perkins and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
i'erkins of Newton, Kans., returned
Monday from a trip to Galveston,
Houston and other points of inter- i
est. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Perkins
and daughter, Miss Ruby, are leav-!
ing the middle of the week fot their
home in the state of Kansas.
Msr. F. M. Harrington and son
Richard left Wednesday evening for
their home in Des Moines, Iowa, aft
er Bpending two weeks here with
Mrs. Harrington’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shary and
their guests. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace
of Houston are spending the week
end at the Point Isabel Yacht club, i
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Sprowl return-!
cd Tuesday from a two-months’ stay
in the hills of central Texas, going
from there to the old home in Ken-!
Mrs. R. N. Grater and small so*
are here from Dallas visiting with
her mother, Mrs. Amelia Wood and
her brothers and sisters.
Misses Zillah Martin and Melrose
Stoops will go to the Y. W. C. A.
camp at Campo del Arroyo on Mon
day morning, these young ladies!
having been chosen by the local |
Lions club in recognition of the
merits of the Girl Reserve work and ^
as a token of the interest taken by
the Lions club in the good work
dor.e by the Y. W. C.A. in the Valley.
These young women's expenses will
be paid by the Lions cluo, thus giv
ing them a week’s vacation at no ex-j
perse to them. Miss Mildred Bur
roon left for the camp the middle
of the week, she being chosen to act
ns councillor for the juniors the
rest of the vn-ationirg period. Miss
es Clyde Wilson. Ruth Stewart. (
Alice Jackson and Flizabeth Sam-|
mons are also planning on attend-j
Bootiers to the Stars
Leatrice Joy
wearing Hollywood
Screen Star Slipper?
• •
— ■' .- ■ .—. .... ■ ..—
fashion’s ^Newest Genter
If you would be chic ... look
today to the screen ... and Hollywood.
The screen capital wields the sceptre of
Fashion creating fonts artists styles in
advance of the rest of the world.
It is now possible for you to know and
possess these styles, even before they appear
on the screen and months ahead of any
other Fashion center .. with Hollywood
Screen Star Slippers fashioned for you in
Hollywood, the new style center
of the world.
( txduuvtly hj }
Chase’s Bootery
San Benito, Texas
Opportunity knocks but once and there will be only this one op
portunity to buy your gas needs at such savings as we offer
now.The people of the Valley are indeed fortunate to have
this sale within their reach for
Before the Very Appliance That You
Want is Sold Out
Roper Ranges Rezaor Heaters
These Roper Ranges are
almost a gift at the prices
quoted. If you are ever
going to us& a gas range,
you can well afford to bor
row the money to buy a
Roper at this time.
Gas Steam
H off
Heater and Mantel
Beautiful Walnut finished,
bronze trimmed gas
mantel for new or old
homes. Easily heats 2 to
3 rooms in coldest weath
Noted for their beautiful
appearance and economic
al operation. Below are
listed some values that the
far sighted individual will
take advantage of at once.
No. 710—Most attractive
in appearance and a de
pendable heater. Was
$50.00. Now—
No. 605—Reflector type.
Will servo many years.
Regular price 88.50—
! No. 513—Reflector type.
An excellent office heater.
Regular price $11.00—
No. 2610—Fireplace in
sert. A beautiful addi
tion to any Living Room.
Regular price $45.00—
900RIV Roper, black with
white trim, $65 value—
Now $32.50
001R2T Roper, three quar
ters enamel, with oven
control—$106 value—
Now $61.00
901R3T Roper, full enam
el with oven control, $115
Now $70.00
901R3T Roper, full enam
eled with oven control,
canopy top with warming
over.—$153 value—
Now $76.00
Restaurant and Hotel Owners
We still have some phenomenally low
priced restaurant and cafe ranges
Read These Prices
No. 44-22 Garland, four- C09 AA
burners, 22-inch oven.JJOj.Uu
No. 916-00 Garland open C4A AA
top, short order stove.«JrlU.0U
No. 25 Garland, heavy duty, C1C TA
three-burner hot plate .... «J1D.DU
Many other values in proportion—
Come in and feast on our
boiled down prices
Graceful in line,
powerful in per
formance. Just
the heater for
bed room or
breakfast room.
Formerly—Sale Price
No. 209 $11.50 $5.75
No. 302 $ 6.25 $3.00
No. 505 $11.75 $5.50
No. 512 $ 6.25 $3.00
No. 514 $ 7.25 $3.50
We promise you that our doors will soon be closed. When this
stock is sold bargains like this will be gone forever. We cannot
possibly make further reduction. DON t PUT IT OFF ANY

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