OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, November 04, 1928, AUTOMOBILE, Image 24

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1928-11-04/ed-1/seq-24/

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Surveys Make Sure It
Meets Demands of
All Business
Making the motor truck lit the
transportation requirements of mod
ern business is insured bjr unique
surveys and research constantly car
ried on by the Graham Brothers
Truck division of Dodge Brothers.
completely has the field been cov
ered that the recent addition of a
three-tnn truck to the line brings
the total coverage to more than 9«5
per cent of all commercial hauling.
Six capacities are now available in
handreds of combination tyues made
possible by Interchanging the bodies
and chassis.
An engineering survey which in
volved first hand investigations of
vocational transportation problems
in major cities throughout the
country was recently completed by
the company. Copiposite informa
tion obtained was used as a basis for
the design of units that efficiently
solved the owner’s individual deiir
eyr problems. In addition, the spe
nal equipment division annually
builds hundreds of special bodies on
sketches furnished by the truck op
erator, to fill specifications falling
outside standard equipment.
The motor coach division has car
ried surveys so far as to find out
the average shoulder and hip width
of school children of various ages
itj order to announce correct carry
ing capacities based on actual meas
urements, and insuraning adequate
room for hildren at any designated
tes capacity.
“Coupled with this adaptability to
practcial'.y every transportation
field, the motor truck's dependabili
ty and flexibility are constantly en
larging its scope of operation.” said
Howard E. Sneathen, director of
commercial car and truck sales for
Dodge Brothers. “The future de
velopment rests on the public’s real
ization of the speed and economy
that shipments car. be made by truck.
Four wheel brakes, improved six
cylinder engints, and four-speed
transmissions have brought the per-1
formance of commercial vehicles to
high standards reached by passenger
Caterpillar Club
To • ave Insignia
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.—(.4b—A
gold caterpillar on a gold mulberry
leaf mounted on a gold ring may
soon bo appearing on the hands of
the 64 living members of the Cater
pillar club in this country, the or
ganijation composed of men who
have saved their lives by leaps from
planes or balloons. ^ ^
The material division of the U. S.
arir.v is considering an official in
sign a for the club. It will be mount
ed on a ring owing to the fact that
there is no authority for officers,
flvirg cadets or enlisten men in the
military service to wear ornaments
of this sort on their uniforms.
Attention again has been directed
to the Caterpillar club with the
parachute jump made at Fan Diogo
by Lieut. Roger V. Williams of Sno
kare. who thus saved his life. Wil
liams' leap was the hundredth life
saving jump in this country.
Two Payton. O., newspapermen
and V. H. St. Clair of the parachute
unit at Wright Field are credited
with having originated the cluh at
the time of the enforced jump of
Lieut. Harold Harris in October,
19-2. They got to discussing the
future succe-s of parachute jump
ing and decided a club should be
formed of those men who survived
the stunt.
FAN ANGELO. Ter.. Nov. X—(PPi—
A fozzclizfd bone from the leg of a
giant dinosaur has been found in the
bed of Spring Creek near here by
Samuel Spitz, geologist. The relic
has hecn placed In the Fan Angelo
Tov balloons recently released in
the Isle of Wight have been found
in France and Germany.
Airways Operate
Over 7,000 Miles
CHICAGO. Nov. l.—UPi—There
now are 7,000 miles of lighted air*
ways for mail planes, ard the string
of revolving beacons stretches from
coast to coast and deep into Dixie.
The towers, lighthouses of a new
commerce, are built and operated by
the government, whil the ships that
fly the mail are owned and operated
by private companies. The towers
are 60 feet high. The beacon lights
cost *475. and the lamps, which have
a life of 60 hours, sell for $6.50
Marmon Head States
It Foremost Contri
bution to Auto
What is regarded as one of the
foremost contributions to automo
tive development this year is an
nounced by G. M. Williams, presi
dent of the Marmon Motor Car com
pany, with the perfection of the new
Marmon high frequency oscillating
modulator, designed to completely
eliminate torsional vibration from
Automobile engines. The new de
vice is now being incorporated on
the new series Marmon 68, one of
the company's two lines of straight
eight cars.
The modulator, despite its techni
cal length of name and the import
ant function which it performs, is
remarkable for its simplicity of con
struction and ingenuity of design. It
is the development of Thomas J.
Litle. Jr., chief engineer of Marmon.
and marks his two hundred and
twenty-fifth invention in the auto
n otive field and in the field of gas
eous combustion devices.
Consisting of a relatively light
metal disc, accurately balanced and
mounted on scientifically prepared
rubber discs, al! of which rotate at
high speed, the modulator is mount
ed on the front end of the crank
shaft. At the first indication of
vibration in tho crankshaft, it auto
matically begins an oscillating move
ment which counteracts crankshaft
vibration at an early stage or be
frre it has reached an annoying de
This counteraction of crankshaft
vibration reoccurs at regular inter
vals throughout the entire speed
range of the engine, thus insuring
a remarkable and heretofore unat
tained smoothness of operation, no
matter whether the erg:ne is idling,
operated at moderate speed or run
at its highest speed.
So simple is the construction of
the new Marmon modulator that it
contains no adjustments whatever,
has no wearing parts, springs, bear
ings. friction surfaces or points to
be lubricated. Moreover, the opera
tion of the device is rot affected by
atmospheric or temperature changes.
In emphasizing the importance of
employing means to eliminate tor
sional vibration from automobile en
gines. Mr. Litle pointed out that this
type of vibration is one of the most
disturbing of all types coming from
the power plnnt of the modern mo
tor car.
“Elaborate apparatus, built up in
some of our best equipped research
laboratories, prove conclusively that
torsional vibration is one of the
greatest obstacles against smooth
operation of a gasoline engine.’ the
Marmon chief engineer said. “These
vibrations have been carefully re
corded. both as to their frquency and
magnitude and it was the task of
the automotive onginerirg frater
nity to devise means for counteract
ing the effect of the shaft twisting
urder the load, known in engineer
ing terms as torsional vibration.
“By the employment of a relative
ly light mcti/ di<c, accurately bal
anced and mounted on specially pre
pared rubber roting at high speed,
we, at Marmon, obtained some un
usual results—so satisfactory, in
fact, that we have concluded de
velopment work on what we row
save money
when we
service your
When yoa bring yoor Chew
ier to us for service of »ny kind.
Genuine Chevrolet Parte you not only get a satisfactory
We use genuine Chevrolet parts job but you get it at the lowest
for all replacements because possible cost consistent with
they wear loTfft. F**. good workmanship and quality
install. materials.
2 This is the result of the four
Flat Rate Chargee advantages which we enjov as
We base all our Charges on a flat authorized Chevrolet dealers
rate system worked out by Cbev- and w hich we pass on to our
rotet factory expert* Thus customers in the form of dis*
f,->r first-class workmanship on tinct savings.
every job. We uge only genuine Chevrolet
3 parts. Our mechanics are espe«
Specially Trained Mechanics cially trained todofast. accurate
Our mechanics are specially work on Chevrolets. We have
wwk'^nd every UrV- specialU designed equipment
’ ice operation intelligently. gnd tools that save time and
Furthermore ell work n done to money i and we operate on a
^r!!£nstmVthVn«eMitUy flat rate charge system.
tor re-adjustment. y0 gMur- greatest satisfaction,
4 bring your Chevrolet here for
Specialty Deigned Equip- Service.
Oux shop equipment Is specially
designed for Chevrolet service
work under the direction of
Chevrolet engineers. Every
machine and every tool is built
to do its particular ;ob in the
most effccient manner.

Stevenson Motor Co., Inc.
10th and Adams — PHONE 1111 — Brownsville
quality at low cost
This diagram illustrates design of six-brake system of new Model A
Ford car. All six brakes operate on wheels of car, service brake* on
all four wheels ant parking or emergency brakes on the two rear
wheels. Dak brake rods in the diagram show servire brake system, while
the light ones indiiate emergency system. Inset shows rut-away ser
tion close-up of a rear brake, showing two separate bands on a two-in
one drum, one for service brakes and one for emergency.
term the Marmon high frequency
oscillating modulator.
‘‘The new Marmon device operates
on an entirely different principle
from that of the friction type vi
bration dampenr and therefore is
krov^n as an oscillating in"du!ntor.
It requires a surprising small to op
erate properly, the disc itself weigh
ing but a small fraction of the to
tal weight of the crankshaft.
‘‘.Most important of all, is the fact
that thfl new Marmon modulator is
more than a single purpose device,
since it counteracts more than one
period of vibration because the fre
quency of both the crankshaft ard
the modulator remain constant at all
speeds and consequently for all per
iods of vibration. It is interesting to
note that some of these periods of
vibration are so slight as to be
scarcely discernible even to the most
delicate recording instrument, but
these, as well cs more apparent and
annoying one*, are eliminated by the
new Marnion device.”
In spite of recent copious rains,
Jamaica is suffering from the ef
fects of the prolonged summer
Eighteen thousand people attend
ed the recent Highland games at
Aboyne, Scotland.
^. jac*. *
Knight Engined Six
Is Favorite Among
With the coming of the fall \
months and its inclement weather,
dealers in Falcon-Knight sixes
throughout the country reported a
marked demand for the Falcon
Knight coupe model. Reports to
sales executives of the Falcon Mo
tors corporation indicated that there
is a noticeable trend to the Falcon
Knight six coupe by doctors and
ccmmercial men because of the out
standing advantages of this model
which is equipped with a six-cylinde*
Knight sleeve-valve engine.
This coupe model is said to be ar.
ideal type for doctors and commer
cial travelers who^employ a motor
car. The striking'"advantage of the
Falcon-Knight six lies in its sleeve
valve power plant noted for its long
er period of life and its outstanding
ability to give continuous service
over a long period of years without
the necessity of occasional layups
for repairs.
The Falcon-Knight coupe has an
especially roomy front seat with a
large ledge at the rear of the .eat. 1
Into the rear deck is built a roomy,
luggage compartment which affords
ample rpace for sizeable baggage.
The Falcon-Knight products oc
cupy n conspicuous position in the,
motor car field with the manufac-.
turers making the announcement
that the entire car and its power
plant have been so designed that
the owner may reasonably expect )
long years of trouble-free service)
over and above that usually obtain
ed from automobiles using a differ
• W|
| Tires and Tubes
9 Our Sales on Cooper Tires
9 Are Constantly Increasing _

• •
• Because
® Cooper tir e s
^ out- perform
;• any other tire
({& on the road . .
4§i where con
3tant perform
er} ance is the
^ judge.

_ «
Reason f
For this rea- j||
son we do not
have to resort ^
to “trie k**
sales plans or ^
special deals. ^
I A1 X
a •
• •
| We Of fer You Quality Merchant $
S dise At A Price Within Reason S
• •
0 And. 0
0 Our Tire Service Is Always g
• Prompt—Dependable—Courteous Jo
: :
iAlexander Tire Co.!
m &
R. B. (Bob) Schwarz Under New Ownership S. E. (Johnny) Vauter
^ 1121 Levee Street Brownsville, Texas Phone 990 £
# Call Bob & Johnny -990- or Snappy Tire Service 0
»nt type of power plant. It ia a
notable faet In tha automobila in
dustry that the Knight aleevo-valvc
engine, such as ia used in the Fal
:on-Knight six, is often cited as th-e
ideal type of power plant because
of its smoothness and economy of
operation, its long life and its free
dom from wear and tear as in other
Executives of the Falcon-Knight
organization state that the sales vol
ume is highly satisfactory and that
they look forward to the saint heal
thy business in the closing months
of the year as they experienced in
the earlier period.
MOSCOW Nov. 3.—^-The rapid
development of commercial flying in
Russia gives special importance to
an announcement by Soviet air offi
cials that the government’s aerial
lines have had no accidents during
1927 and 1928.
One Russian company is working
on six new lines totaling about ft.000
miles. Another organisation oper
ates a service extending into Persia
and covering 2400 miles. a third ;
group, combining both German and
Russian interests, is nlannin* to i'I
open aerial communications over th# 1
Moscow-Berlin and Leningrad-Rlt- l;
routes. •* r|
tfffff rf.***-*-ffii tt)(
A* urney at Law
;! President Hidalgo Guarantee
Abstract Company
I; Edinburg State Bank Bldg,
i|| Edinburg. Co.. Seat flidilgo Co, j
MMM rffri--rf 111(||^
Do your brakes
, to the DUN of (traffic ?.
... Drive a new Century Hupmobile and note the
difference • • . Silence is so much a from 10 to 15 per cent. In addition, tha
built^n feature of steeldraulicbrakes, first adopt- special moulded asbestos lining of Century
ed by Hupmobile a year ago, that the contrast brakes has three times the life of ordinary
is startling with other cars. Thousands who are brake lining. Cara have been drvten for If
driving their first Hupmobiles tell us that no*’, months without a single brake adjustment,
for the first time, they enjoy positive brake These are facts you should know in selecting
action without trace of squeak or chatter. Hup- your next car. They will lead you straight
mobile brake* have 6 times the clearance of to Hupmobile for the finest of mechanical
average brakes. Dragging or brake friction is qualities as well as undisputed leadership in
thus eliminated and effective power increased style and beauty.
Forty-tno body and equipment combinations, standard and custom on
each line. Six of the Century list prices:$l345 to $1645, plus delivery ^ i
charges. CenturyEightlistprices:$1825to$2125,plusdeliverycharges.
-- f!
Citizens Auto Company, Inc.
Mercedes, Texas—Phone 274 \ .
. .... — '■■■ " m
• ^
Real Comfort
for all three...
the most pleasing seating arrangement of any
car in the world . . . another reason for the
sweeping demand for the New Buick!
Not only in beauty, performance, luxury and completeness of
fittings ... but in comfort, too, the Silver Anniversary Buick with
Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher is winning enthusiastic preference
as the great car of the world!
Every Buick model accommodates in complete comfort the full
number of passengers it is built to carry. There’s ample room in
Buick's wide seats for three full-grourt adults!
This vital comfort feature, in addition to extra-width seats and
comfortably-located arm-rests . . . the wonderful new adjustable
front seat, twin-blade electric windshield wiper, and marvelously
simplified operation, due to fingertip steering and accessible
controls . . . insures in this new Buick a degree of comfort abso*
lutely unparalleled in any other car in the world!
Abb tt Buick Co.
Brownsville Harlingen San Benito McAlleri

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