OCR Interpretation

Brownsville herald. [volume] (Brownsville, Tex.) 1910-current, November 16, 1928, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063730/1928-11-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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Grand Prize Will Be
Awarded At Early
Session; Meats to
Be Last Subject
With steadily increasing interest
shewn as The Brownsville Herald
cooking school draws to a close, a
record attendance was expected for
1 riday afternoon, the last session,
which was scheduled to open at 1:30
p. m. because of the football game
Mrs. Myra Oliver Dougan had select
ed meats as her subject for the last
class. The grand award for the
w**k, a Universal in-a-drawer gas
range, given by the Rio (irande Val
'•F g*s company, was also to be
• warded at this time.
About 425 women. the largest
crowd yet in attendance, were pres
ent Thursday afternoon for Mrs.
I Dougan’* class in cake making, “the
millinery of cooking.” as she calls
it. She took up the two types of
standard eake«. the butter rakes, in
cluding the white cake, and the vel
low- cup rake, and the sponge cake,
and gave basic recipes for each,
from which the innumerable varia
tion known to cake-makers every
where. From these she made sev
eral different kinds of fancy cake
on the stage as illustrations, and
suggested novelties, as the un«;de
down cake and the volcano dessert.
Make* fakes
For her white cake, Mrs. Pougan
used the following recipe 3 cups
flour, sifted, 7-8 cup frisco, 2 cups
sugar. 3 level teaspoons baking
powder, 1-4 teaspoon salt, the whites
ef 5 eggs, 1 1-2 cups sweet milk,
and 1 teaspoon flavoring, blended,
1-2 orange and 1-2 lemon. In mix
:ng her cake, she explained and dem
onstrated the proper way to meas
ure the flour and other ingredients,
and the best method of mixing. A
clever method of measuring solid
shortening was shown. Mrs. Pougan
filling a measuring cup half full of
water, then filling with frisco to ob
tain an even 1-2 cun of the fat. She
also advised her audience to use
about 1-8 cup less of the vegetable
fats than of the measurements of
butter called for by a recipe, and to
add 1-4 teaspoon salt to each cup.
The reason for dry cakes. Mrs. Pou
gare said, came from a too-dry hat
ter, ard She told her audience that
all cakes should he mixed with
enough liquid that the hatt»r would
run almost fn a rihbcn from the
heater, regardless of the exact
amount specified in a given recipe.
recommended an oven tempera
ture of about 250 degrees. Instead of
the usual 300 for baking rakes, be
cause of the high heatinv quality of
leca! gns. With the white cake she
made a delicious upside-down cake,
by pouring the hatter on top of a
layer of hrown sugar, nuts, sliced
pineapple and cherries, and haking.
Thik results in a very rich, yet eas
ily made dessert.
Host The> Were Made
Her yellow cup cake she made
from 1-2 cup ( risen, 1 ci-p sugar.
1 3-4 cups flour. 2 teaspoons baking
powder, 1-4 teaspoon salt. 3 whole
•rrs 1 cup milk, and 1 teespnon
“leant help if
[But she could!]
The woman who still Rives in to
painful periods has not heard of
Midol. Non-narcotic. No effect on
the menstrual process. But it stops
the pain. Acts directly on the organs
hffected by menstruation, and takes
effect in five to seven minutes. Fur
thermore. the woman who anticipates
her time and take* a tiny tablet of
Midol beforehand will experience no
pain at all.
Try to realiie what Midol means!
Try to believe that it does really end
all suffering, even discomfort, no
matter how hard a time vou've always
bad! Obtainable at any drugstore, in
♦ rim aluminum case for ROc.
Premier Raymond Poincaire, of
France who is hack at the helm
of the government with a cabinet
; considered weaker than its pre
decessor, has indicated that he
, plans to take an even broader
! part in post-war finance than the
direction which earned hwn the ap
pellation of “savior of the franc.'*
j vanilla flavoring. Ordinary bread
fiour was used for this cake. She
| recommended this for a quick des
i *ert to be made in an emergency,
' and gave a lemon sauce which
would he very good with it, as well
n useful ,^>r many other purposes.
This was composed of 5 egg yolks,
placed in the top of a double boiler
and beaten until thick, with 1-2 cup
sugar an 1-2 cup sweet milk added,
bor flavor she added tho juice of
ore lemon, or 2 tablespoonfuls, the
measurement being given for the
benefit of users of the large and
juicy \ alley lemons. This was then
placed on the fire and cooked until
Among her helpful tips for tho
| < ake haker, Mr*. Dougan told the
listeners to place a crepe paper nap
kin or paper towel on the cake rack
to prevent the cake sticking, and to
grease only the bottom, never the
sides of the pan when baking rakes
for decorating, thus avoiding parti
cles of browned ffour sticking to the
Make* Novelties
Mr*. Dougan made a large angel
food rake for decorating, using the
following recipe: 1 1-2 cup egg
whites, 1 1-2 cup sugar (granulated 1. I
I 1 cup Swansdown cake flour, 1 full
teaspoon of cream of tartar, and a !
blended flavoring of 1-2 teaspoon I
lemon, and J-2 teaspoon almond.
This she cut in slices, replacing the i
slices as layers with a fruit filling;
1 made of the lemon sauce, da'es,
cherries. 1 orange, pineapple and
nuts, chopped fine, after the fruit*
had been carefully drained, and iced
it on the outside with a marshmal
low filling, and decorated it with the
pastry tube. This she calls a filled
angel food, and is an original recipe.
W hilc decorating the cakes, she
made a pretty novelty suitable for
an announcement party, cutling two
hearts from a plain sheet of the
white cake, icing them with the
marshmallow, and decorating dainl-i
ily. To use the scraps left, shf
mixed them with enough of the
lemon same to make them stick, and
rolled them into halls. These she
Hipped into a dark jelly which had
bei n whipped to a liquid, and then
rolled them in chopped nuts, mak
ing a delicious confection. The vol
cano dessert was made of a round of
a round of the plain white cake, on
which w’hs placed a slice of pine
apple. wiped dry, and a half of a
canned pear, all of which was cov
ered with the marshmallow frosting,
forming a cone shape, and topped
with a cherry for the flame.
Many Awards Made
To keep angel food cake from
sticking to the plate, Mrs. Dougan
advised sprinkling the dish with a
little confectioner’s sugar. She also
warned her hearers never to wa-n
a sponge cake pan with soapy water,
and told a questioner that such a
pan should never be greased.
Prizes awarded at the Thursday
session included a set of miniature
cooking vessels from Garr.a's hard
ware. and several hand-painted chi
na pieces given by The Herald. Six
loaves of Real bread were also given,
as well as six pound* of Roseland
butter, four small cans of Calumet
baking powder, a three-pound can of
Crisco. six six-pound sacks of Angel
Food flour, and two 12-pound sacks
of Pioneer flour.
Manufacturers and merchants who 1
are cooperating with The Herald's !
rooking school are: Ainsworth A .
Colgin. Borderland Furniture Co..
Brownsville Bakery, Calumet Bak
ing Powder Co., Champion Gram Co,
F.agle Pharmacy. Kdelstein’s Furni
ture Co., K1 Jardin hotel, Garza
Hardware I <>.. Gebhardt • hili Pow
der Co., Mercedes Creamery. Mistle
toe Creamery Co. of Weslaco, Model I
Laundry. J. C. Penney Co., W. H.
Putegnat ( Kelv inator l, the Proctor j
A- Gamble Co.. Quinn A Derrick. Rio
Grande \ alley Gas Co., Rio Grande ;
Valley Gas Appliance < o. and thi
Texas Building A- Loan Co.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1«. i,7\—1
Justice Jenning* Bailey in District of
Columbia supreme court took under
advisement today a defense motion
in the perjury trial of Robert W.
Stewart, of the Indiana Standard Oil |
company, that he direct a verdict’of
not guilty.
Arguing the motion, defense coun
sel contended the government bad
failed to support its charge that
Stewart had falsely sworn before a
senate committee that he had no
knowledge of the hond transactions
of the Continental Trading company,
involved in the Teapot Dome oil case. I
As the last witne*s. Senator Nye.
of North Dakota, testified the oil .
man had sworn to the senate public
lands committee last February that
“he had never received personally”
any of the bonds of the Continental
(Trading company.
Discussing the propriety of the i
public lands committee meetings last '
February, before which the oil mm
is charged with having sworn falsely
that he know nothing about bonds of
the Continental Trading company. |
Frank J. Hogan dwelt particularly on
the lark of a quorum when Stewart
Rov J. Barnett, tax commiui«iier
for Stewart’s company, completed his 1
testimony about the trust agreement
made between him and the oil man in
November. 1921. hr wh’^h h<* took
custody over the *?*>!».dhfl in Conti
nental honds assigned to Stewart
toco t&at company's profits, ‘
‘Naughty Marietta’
Charms Audience;
Musical Numbers
"Naughty Marietta.” Victor Her
bert’s opera comique. presented at
the Capitol theater here Thursday
matinee and evening, was crammed
to overflowing with beautiful mel
odies sung by excellent voices and
played by an orchestra that seemed
inspired with the spirit of the late
"Master of Melody.”
Nothing, in fact.•was lacking in
this presentation which was by far
the finest ever to appear this far
south on the mainland of the United
States and those persons who failed
to attend either of the two shows
missed a rare treat in entertainment.
The play is being presented in the
municipal auditorium in Harlingen
Although the matinee played to a
scattered ragged house, the night
show had an audience that practic
ally filled the theater and responded
with whole hearted applause after
each special musical number or dance.
To attempt to pick an outstanding
star from among the leads would be
as difficult as attempting to find the
proverbial needle in the haystack.
From the leads to the most minor
parts, the play was well rounded and
presented a finish unknown to the
usual run of road attractions.
The highest flaunted words of
praise beggar a description of the
"slave dance” as presented by Eliza
beth Arens and Vaughn Atkinson.
These two young people have reached
the peak in the dancing field. Miss
Arens is the personification of grace
while her partner is past master of
the art of muscular control.
In reviewing the musical numbers
presented, there were at least four
that will remain long in the memory
of those attending. Thev were not
new to the music lovers of this city,
perhaps, for "Naughty Marietta
made its premier many years ago.
“’Neath the Southern Moon.” sung
by Adah, a quadroon slave, (Julia de
Bevueltasi; "The Dream Melody.
Captain Dick Warrington. (Ferdi
nand Zegeh; "Naughty Marietta,”
Marietta DAltena (Era Briggs)
and “I’m Falling in Love with Some
one.” Capt. Dick Warrington, (Fer
dinand Zcgel), were the four lilting
numbers that reached out across the
footlights to find a permanent place
in the memories of music lovers who
attended the light opera.
The singing and acting of the four
leads which included Era Briggs as
"Marietta." Ferdinand Zegel as “(’apt.
Dick Warrington, Julia de Re\ uelta?
as "Ada. the quadroon slave,” and
James Blaine as "Ktienne Grandet,”!
left nothing to the imagination.
Their voices were beautiful and their
acting excellent.
Voices of the chorus were far
above the average and blended per- I
Hat* off to the ladies of the
These domely young ladies that ;
composed the hack ground of the en- j
tertainment lacked nothing, and how-. ■
Each was a beauty winner in her I
own right and their dancing was
graceful even to the nth degree.
Taken all in all, Brownsville
theater goers have never had the op-,
port unity of seeing a better show.
The entire presentation was art in ]
its finest sense.
• redit for bringing such a presen
tation here must go to John Fan- ,
ning. Brownsville amusement man ]
and city booster.
Gem Lost In Air
Mail Not Found
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 1«.—(**>—-A
diamond valued at $IS,fi40, the lar
gest and most valuable gem lost in
the wrecking of an airmail plane
near Polk. Ta., last month, still is
missing, according to Postal Inspec
tor Wm. H. Tafel.
The diamond was a part of the
ship's $125,0(10 registered mail car
go. More than seven hundred other
stones have been recovered.
The plane crashed on October 1$.
The pilot, Wm. ('. Hopson, was killed.
How to banish pimples, blotches and
other skin irritation* is no longer a
problem, even in stubborn cases of long
Go to your druggist, ask for Black
and White Ointment, use it according
to directions and a clear, smooth com
plexion will soon result. It is pleasant
to use. highly beneficial and scientifical
ly safe
For best results use Black and White
Skin Soap with Black and Wnite Oint
ment. All dealers sell them at small cost.
— Bargain Nite —
10c Each
“Modern Mothers”
Helen Chadwick
“The Crash”
— Also —
If Yob Have anything to haul or
store, phone 278.—Valley Bonded
Warehouse A Storage Co.—Adv. tf.
Dress and Hat for 12*—The dress
es are values to $28.75 and the hats
are >6.75 values. You buy both at
; Gimble's Saturday for only *20.
All Kinds of feed at hardtime pric
es.—Valley Bonded Warehouse A
Storage Co.—Adv. tf.
< ourt in Session—A quorum of the
commissioners' court was held Fri
day morning and some routine busi
ness disposed of. The court adjourn
ed until Saturday morning when the
hearing on the Brownsville naviga
tion district is scheduled.
Yon Call 278. We haul.— Valley
Bonded Warehouse A Storage Co.—
Ydv. tf.
Professor R. H. Knight, famous
American palmist is now in Browns
ville, Palm Courts, Apt. No. 19 Con
sult him for palm and crystal read
ings. Prof. Knight will he here
one week only. This is the last time
until December, 1929. —Adv. 17.
Big Fall Clearance Sale now on at
the Popular Store.—(Advt.)
Grower Visits Valley—Dr. Otto
Rogers, of Eagle Lake, one of the
large potato growers of that section,
arrived in Brownsville Friday morn
ing to look over the spring potato
situation in the Valley. He report
ed the acreage in the F.agle L*ke
Wharton district w>*ld he cut this
year approximately 40 per cent.
Rent the Johnston's Electric Floor
Waxer, >2 per day with one ran
Johnston's Wax, at Cloetta's. Phone
Buy your needs for half price at j
fall clearance sale now at the Popu
lar Store. (Advt.)
Fresh Sea Foods arriving daily.!
Best meat to he had at Sanitary Fish
and Meat Market, 9th and Elizabeth.
We deliver, phone 1370.—adv. 20.
Spanish, Mexican or Ba.bcr’s Itch
—On* bottle of Imperial Eczema
itemedy is guaranteed to ho enough
for any case, of nny kind. Alt drug
gists are authorized to refund your
mor.ey if it fails.—Adv. (6)
All prices greatly reduced during
fall sale at the Popular Store.—adv.
Dickey’s Old Reliable Eye Water
code, heals and etrengthens sore,
weak, tired eyes. All druggists 25c.
Adv. <«)
Dress and Hat for >15—The dress I
is regularly priced at $18.75 and the
hat at $■'>. You get both for Si5
at Gimble's Saturday—advertisement.
Returns to Office—Dr. M. K. Cook,
after being at home ill for several
days, has returned to her office.
VV. O. W. to Meet—All members
of the Woodmen Circle are requested j
to meet at the W. O. W. hall up- j
stairs in the old Herald building at j
2:30 p. m., Saturday, the 17th. San j
Benito and McAllen lodges will meet '
with us.
Mrs. D. P. Gay, Jr.
Guardian Loral Lodge.
LONDON Nov. 16.—i.Vi—'The Ger
man steamer Smyra which rescued
the crew of the Latvian freighter
Alice during a terrific storm yester
day was in difficulties herself today
although of a legal character. A
Lloyd’s dispatch from Flushing said
that in passin gthrnugh the locks
there she seriously damaged the
locks. I
Valley Control System
May Supply Ideas
For Mississippi
That the Lower Rio Grande's flood
control system was indicated in the
visit here of Major Dan B. Sultan,
Washington, aide to General Edwin
Jadwin, chief of the board of engi
neers of the United States army.
Major Sultan attended the Intra
Coastal Canal convention at Baton
Rouge last weke, and learning of the
Valley flood control system, decided
to visit this section. He was accom
panied by Major Milo P. Fox, district
engineer, with headquarters at Gal
The visitors left Brownsville at
8 o'clock Thursday morning, in the
chamber of commerce car, which was
driven by G. C. Richardson, manager.
Being particularly interested in
the flood control system, ttfiey visit
ed Rio Hondo, and then drove on up
the Valley as far as Mission. At the
latter point they were joined by
John H. Shary. who accompanied them
on a tour of the Shary developments
and a visit to the citrus packing
plant of the Texas Citrus Fruit Grow
ers’ Exchange. •
They were then directed to the
head of the flood control system, in
the Gran Jeno district, and visited
points along the river.
The party arrived back in Browns
ville at 8:15 o'clock Thursday night,
in time to catch a train for Galves
ton, Major Sultan slating that he
was in a hurry to get back to Wash
Major Fox is expected hack in the
Valley next week to conduct the
hearing in Brownsville on the mat
ter of the proposed Brownsville nav-'
igation district.
Party Flying To
Meet of Valley
Press Tonight
‘Hold everything—we’re coming
as fast as plane, rail and boat can
bring us.”
That was the message sent by E.
H. McReynolds of St. Louis to H. A.
Shannon. Donna, secretary of the In
ternational Press club, which will
hold its regular monthly meeting
at Reynosa tonight.
McReynolds, publicity director fur
the Missouri Pacific Lines, tele
graphed from San Anto nio. Shannon
said, saying that he and his party
would arrive at Reynosa at 9:30 to
Shannon said he expected a large
attendance at tonight's session.
Gonioulsorv retirement of public
officials at the age of 85 is being
adopted by cities of Scotland.
i "
Folders and Booklets
Skillfully Executed
This Agency, with a staff of skilled
workers, artists and printers at its
command, is in a position to prepare
for you. folders and booklets of the
first quality. Anything from small
"flyers” or letter inserts to artistir
booklets and foldera of the highest
quality and workmanship. We will
he glad to submit “dummy” and
plans for your approval. No obliga
tion of course. James Advertising
Agency, Inc.. Hidalgo Bank Bldg.,
M»r< "de*. Phone 30!*.
* * *
* * *
SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. —
Spiritual singers have crooned their
way into the heart and poekctbook
’of John J. Raskob, chairman of the
democratic national executive com
After hearing the Georgia State
Industrial (negroes) singers last
night, the manager of Governor
Alfred K. Smith’* campaign gave
$500 to the institution.
Gov. Alfred F. Smith, en route to
Biloxi, Miss., was in the audience.
Volunteers Wait
1 Body Disposition
Officers of the Volunteers of
America were awaiting word at noon j
Friday fiom California for disposi-!
tion of the body of Charles William
I son, 55. who died at their home earl
ier in the day.
Williamson who was said to have
farmed in El Jardin at one time,
came to the Volunteers here about a
week ago from Mexico. He had been
in poor health for some time and was
thought to be improving at the time
of his death.
No inquest was made.
The elderly man had been resid
ing in the interior of Mexico for
some time. His mother resides in
Hollywood, Calif.
CORSICANA, Tex, Nov. 16.- ./Pi
Selection of a jury for the trial of
Bell White Sr., manager of a recre
ational club, for the slaying of Andy
Autrey, cement contractor, began
here today. Questions indicated a
probable plea of self-defense.
Stung on the eyelid by an insect,
M. Joseph Comignon, n botanist of
Perpignan. France, died recently.
“Code of the
Greatest Picture of the Screen's
Greatest Cowboy Star
Also J
Admission — 19c — 25c
Rudolph Schildkraut
Louise Dresser
Also Comedy
Paramount News
Keep Tour Car in Condition
\ KnOckleSS A motor that's powerful and
Powerful Motor
trade-in value ar.J gives greatest driving pleasure.
Keep it »o bv osing Magnolia Anti-Knock. Gasoline,
a apeciallv refined fuel that gives your motor ease and
strength for every driving condition.
Speedy, with There's speed in event drop
Oiiirk V,Ptawav ef Nb8no11* Anti Knock
WU1CK uetaw aj Gasoline—speed for the open
spaces and speed for the bills. Quick acceleration.,
quick getaway—thc«c are yours wirb Magnolia Anti
Knock Gasaline. A speedy car has high trade-in
Unlabored Throttle down to a crawl in traf
v f’c j*nis»—Magnolia Anti-Knock I
*™HC Gasoline delivers smooth operation
withoot hesitancy. You'll appreciate unlabored per
formance—you'll drive without tiring. Saving your
ear from strain and frequent gear shifting. Magnolia
Anti-Knock Gasoline preserves its life and trade-in value.
Minor adjustments, replacements of
worn parts, brake and born inspec- 1
tien. periodic change of oil. regular
greasing, carburetor adjusrment for winter driving—
these keep your car in tiptop condition. Magnolia
Anti-Knock Gasoline keeps a motor tuned to brilliant
Magnolia ANTI-KNOCK Gasoline
Magnolia product* include a full line of ga*o
lines, kerosenes, aviation fuels and the many
Magnolene lubricating oils and greases Consult
your dealer for the right grade of Magnolene
lubricants for your car. Crank case service free.
Obtainable at all Magnolia Stations and Dealtrt
Petroleum Company
Agencies Throughout the Southwest
Magnolia Products for Sale by the Following Dealers::
Courthouse Garage Patton & Berry
Post Office Service Station Antonio Cisneros 4l Bros. ;
1 • '/ r,. S _ r.^
Missing Since Nov. 3
In Blizzard On
‘Barren Lands'
PRINCE ALBERT, Sask., Nov. 16.
—{£**—■ A party of seven men, miss
ing since November 3 when they left
for Fort Churchill for the terminus
of the Hudson Bay Railway Line, are I
believed to have perished in a bliz
xard which swept the "barren lands"
of Northern Manitoba shortly after
they started their 100 mile journey.
Word cf the blizzard was brought
here by A. Johnstone who with a
party of eleven left Fort Churchill
November 2, arriving at the railroad
terminus November 5.
Johnstone said he and his party
took the most frequented trail, the
one along the Deer river, and then
counted themselves luck to arrive
safe, as they were without shelter
tents and had little food. The other
party was no better equipped and
Johnstone believed they could not
have survived this long.
An unsuccessful search by men in
airplanes and Indian guides with dog
teams has been carried on for the
men since November 5.
At the clo»e of the year's business
you will want to file and safeguard
documents, ledgers, letter files, etc.,
in GF Allsteel Transfer Cases. We
also have a complete stock of filing
folders and guides. Just call us col
lect. Phone .">22. Delta Office Fur
niture Co., Harlingen. (16)
- —-- ---—
Same Price
for aver
38 years
25 ounces for 35 cents
Guaranteed Pure
and Healthful
Millions of pounds use^
by the Government W
Peach Blossom *
. ' .
for a Aew Day
Teach Blossom Face Powder w as created to
meet the needs to the vigorous, active, mod
ern girl. She needed a new' face powder.
One that blended perfectly with her natural
coloring. One so finely textured that it
would cling for hours and not need renew
Teach Blossom is a modern face powder...
supreme in fineness and delicate shadings,
l aden with a gay fragrance it comes *o you
in a modish black and gold package ... the
vogue of TODAY.
F<« *< IWtuMi Fki Powder Mr
P'ach Hwm OtaMiCno t St
Perth Bleuoai Tmm Crua tg
Al AU Modern Drug Store* i
pn» * J
Municipal Auditorium 1
Harlingen I
1 “ I
o . ’j^gutihilly Staged and Gostiutud
Special Marietta Orchestra zt MagnificentSinging Ensemble |
U. ' W ^ erection oP ,)
Adult* — 50c — $1.00 — $1.50 — $2.00
j| Get Tickets at Auditorium

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