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Ex-Secretary Ot
Kavv Ed. Denby
isiez at Detroit
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ft'«ft«o#ft ft* OtftooM# *** #Oftt*
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; • rooot# of tft# T *ft#»t |*»mo *ff*r,
■ ****## 4*4' to* #tt*«o#l to #to** **f
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ffto f OfttfO
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of or**•no**«ft*woot# tftot *ot f *4 ft***
t* tfto #*ft»*#t ol flltlKM M0f4»#f,
Mo>o r*«t« *•# 4*o#*o4 (»ol*«•#*(*
to to tfto f*#o4 of Oft *0«*N#0t tftot
MM *r»m tfto oft*ot oil Mo*o* ot
Km pm
(**» of tft# too*# ftOfOtO* 0*00 (too#
•».♦#*• tfttwft## of ftt #•#*'**••*
I'liinimir tnjwftfti. t***ftf *10**11#
e*«»p#*<*4 to ##*-*<* tft* toot*
!*• ■ '■*■»# tft* •••# »* Iff! •* #*of
of It* ##ft **ot otoft* of 4o«***4*4
oft** ffto OftwMOV l*#ftOM> ft>lft»l
«r**t «ftO I*#*#* OtMrft toft *0 tft* **•
fo* oooofttfftof of AlftfH
ft #0*1, foot*#* t'VfOtfto# of ffto 1*
»— 0* am4 tfto of to**., K4*ftH f»o
ft**# *oft Plot*# f mmmt
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tft* ft**#«'##r «# tfto ftfttftt oft t•#*#•##•
O'O* ## <#*f oo4 fo# *fto ft##* toft#fo*tf
iff Mft ftftftftMP.
ft*t o*o r##*4
-Itoft f *•* tofto* tft* **#**ft I mm.
k* «*i4 I* • r»M> *44r*f« *fl#» k«
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*f nf 4*M*«,’*
Inirtii, Innkt't k»m !•**, !•««
*511 r»n*nNf Dnnky'# rtltr* Iran
Wt«lHwfftmfl *ft*f k* k*4 <|titl Ik*
*#*■*#• *llk Ik* f***lp »«4 f»n4«w«*
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‘ «**♦•»(♦# *<n*#«« i«( **4 fc* tk*i*
***#**«•* ft* 4 k* tk*»* «n*4« k**ft*h«
*«m-f**tft **ftfi4*t>*ft In kin*.
t»*»i ft**«*y>*4 In Ik* l»*ftky •*••
•t k* k***4 f«l#fft*ll* »**4* *jH»k*n
ikfti n'*k*. If* *ii km kf»k* 4**n
•k*n ikf** n**mk*r* nf tk* Mftrm*
***** Ik* krftnrk *f Ik* •***!*• In
•k»#fc k» *»|»*f*4 •* • *rl*ftl« ft*4
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(r*ni**i#4 nn *•«• ****** )
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*t fM fM*. *R* MiNNMHMB t* |
IHiiHHi iiwInW Hns »« *t**t
j— .I*. I I * _ _ II I *11 mill * -h A.-.—,
##* fPWWi
*•<** tttSiit ▼***• f»» RN
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#»••*« #* jFtw jMHtfril
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*** W***I*T Hr. f***f •****
***■<• Ff i«*f* Ft** F*«
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Hi V«Pl^rnPPW« »
!**#?***♦ ♦*■“** *ft*HF* F*r**A •
f *% •*** t* «i* #*r****„ «Htf
*****. *M tR* ***** tR**aRF •*,
I Mi.
4»f>f»> f<at Va
jfc. Q 11
”▼ ■WPWw
*b*? mnmstbl Ha a* «i ■ 4H
•BSSwf *# ?*»•■ €•*%►
"-:»» |»y *».
T«M Ha
^f«ii Fin M
’^S|lllHT''f m a #fc
> *%» -n
Yoyfh Found Guilty
Feces Deeth; Will
Appeelj Implicates
Clerk end Fether
tfvrtfrnr. r«iif -r*v s ■ in
| Cnar4« at fW4*n ft#«*rt North
j raft'* n'l ropnrt#! t*4a* that tha
it»*aaml4 Cana4laa. fon*i<-ta4 afj
«Wf*Mft« thrna ho**, h#4 r*p*»tn4!
arrrlwn ptataatanta that tlatta par- i
•**"« fhif haan atafa at feta rhfehan !
*a#r ham
th* r*ar4« «**4 Nnrthmtt a«a<n
Imp’ <•••#* 4anfor4 CUrh. Ri« 14*
ft«h*M o#rh*i* an4 fftlt North*
•***♦. §*t fhthap. f« tha alfa#*4 at*f
4 lam aOar « llttla awn than
! nan Shata 4at»har*tfnn faat n(*h* i
f *f %•#*»*,,-rtf* *’**'Of
la**1* |« ffieini wt**tn*. hratfean, I
r**aa-* an-t *n an- »*wtff'#4
yaalfc. Tha ffiWO awVMf tta
| wwowtrn for -towanry. wiah- ■
j a* fi» 4aafh *a*trann# *»aa4ator*
| N*nfhr-»* 9*n » l| ha *antanaa4
| Sh-feypi aaaNNMvnf ha •n«l4 tah* an
Chtftr *rt»-:r»#4 pwfi-i If—af fa
i 4r**gm4 inmr-tar* *-<t** throat*
I a* Ifnrfllnn** ant n>« moth##. Wr*. <
t»n*h |,«r*t«n N*a*%rn#t. ffrw*'
No•**—** *rn* a**4 a* a «MMVM
inf %w r* ">"* ,*!a*% fnm<t
5 ft** t hn* Sft an4 »***>•* «f
I a»-***i# at fhn —an f— fet fta
? mga. tp*#il#*n4 that «*«•
^O'lDi | H| **44<***ra MH* fp***
mw %«#** *4 fgaaifti***
a** a * »•»* (Mwfy fi**>>a4 mi'ttt'p ta
| <«•- •<** * *hv» 4n -fa# f.*a*r
| «*•'# #—•» tw eNHI fipfMtw i
<nw# fa **» ngr > l«!M*i
at** ft traa*
•*t Ifpeei t, *#4 am*-****
*# "%# plan «* a w p«wp»!
1 noo* 9r"*r*-.pi„p r Tfn**P'-*'-r if* t
tm wa «#g -4ia~n a# ft JMR—I #t
#a*,: f'**i aa i"** ^ fhaam—Mmai j
County Agents Not
Due Here Until Late
Hour; Special Trains
Are Delayed
(Rtaff RpeelaM
MIRRION, r#li. *.~Tw« Hour*
lata, III agricultural worker* and
41 trap growing champion* arrived
In Kdlnherg Ihia raernlng In two
•portal train*, for a tour of the
Valloy, tha agricultural worker*
rowing in over tha Reuthegn Pa*
rlflr while »h* rrep rh-impiona earn#
la aver the Mlaanerl Paclfla.
Tha agrirultural worker*. Includ
ing cnunty agent*, heed* of ngri*
euitaral aehaal*. memhare of the
Halted itate* Papartment of K*»^
•Ion. Washington. and far** wrltara.
headad hy Vlrtnr Rchoffelmeyat of
the Palin* New*, earn* dirnrl to the
Valley from tha raavaatlan at Hoe**
ton. Tho ernp growing rh*mp»on*.
who alia attended tha convention,
were gneate on the trip to the Val*
ley of tho Chilean Mltrata company.
Rr*«kfa*t wa« earyad at Kdlnherg
after which abort addiuwaa* war*
mada hy Henry Alemayar, Pewf*1*"
dalgo coanty, both of whom attattd
*d tho Ho««ton maating.
Tha raynlar program than wa*
followed, tha ageot* ond ogrleultural
evpart* being taken far a toar to
Rharytand, MeAllaa and to tho
pumping plant at Hidalgo, arrlrlng
at Mt**lon at aooa. after which tha
return trip wa* *tartad. «top« being
tebwdalad *t f»onna, Pharr, Ran
iwan and Merced#*, before arrlral
at H*rlloren in tha afternoon
The rl*itoy* wet# ntheduled to at*
rtra in Harlingen about 8 n'rlaek
(Continued on page aavaa.V
Lunacy Charge Filed
Against Confessed
Husband Slayer
fr,tt WftftTW. ft*. a—l#v—tto
—ft*Tf** MCI ftt#4 t#4t# •#****•
Hr*. Mam Ft*#**, *•. •!»«*#
iMtotoM. F#t#r*. M, 4«t4 lt*t
fto* r»**to< tto*»4« *4*
- f—t Hrfiiftfti mart *t* ■
«n#r 4tott». kit «if# *»«
i|«fM •#•% ***4#f H#»to*r. *****
’##1*4 fW*tr4*t Affwrtof Sto
tt* f«*« Kfittt f*# tto l—titf awt*
ySPM t# to a 1*4
to>rt-A« to tto atoff t*l*<P to
gr* fM*** ftotort toft ton* • **#ft
**- »*f to4 **«# —♦*#***>4 f*t'tt It*
— ■ *4 to tto iftiift. ito •# 14 tto
to 4 to* to4 1*4 #l«**4*4
toft to* »• ifttw ito tot4 tto
•to* to* to «*tf.<tofto*- ft**—
tto gto* «t*4 #f 'III* to*
to* mi4 to— PI* toHtotS I*
•** pr*M«4'1»fr to tft— to*.
w-t to»r** to4 t*# to#* *#f*#t*4
** *» • • ♦*#**
Forecast First
Valley Freeze
Since Jan. 1928
For the first time since January
2, 1020. over a year ago, the Lower
Kto Grande Valley faced possible
fretting temperatures Saturday
night, according to the forecast Is
sued Friday by U. 8. Meteorologist
W. J. Schnurbusch.
The weathsr expert saw freesing
or near fretting cold tonight and a
probability of 2 to d degrees below
fretting Sunday morning. The tem
peratures were slated to stay in low
marks thereafter for several days
with a possibility of frost Monday
Precautions with all vegetables
and fruits were urged Saturday
night and Sunday. It was not be
lieved that the temperatures would
wm *—-_
Slayer of Obregon To
Go to Death Early
Saturday; Gil Denies
Announcement «u made today
the! Jaw de I con Toral. atautl*
of President-elect Mhregwn, will
he eaecatcd at aeon tomorrow,
MEXICO t lTY reh.
He Leoa Total. confessed assassin ot
President-elect Alvaro Obregon. spent
what probahlv ta hia last day of life
incommunicado in a cell at the peni
tentiary today.
Barring developments sometime Ke
I fore dawn tomorrow he will he tehen
to n courtyard within the peniten
tiary ground* and shot by a firing
squad, in expiation of hi* crime in a
restaurant at Ban Angel last July It.
An etchange of telegraph message*
between President Portes C»l and
officials of tho federal district waft
ed away what faint hope Toral might
hav# had of life.
Hia attorneys ashed President Por
te* Oil. who was en reate from Ciu
dad Victoria. Tamaulipae, to tho cap
ital. to stay the elocution until he
had time to study a petition for elem
onry filed at the presidential palace.
The president answered with the
granting of a 24-hour stay and re
quest od tho petition for clemency he
wired to him. He received It last
evening at Tampico, and telegraphed
bach denying farther reprieve and
•vocative clemency.
I l* Tka Har*l4t
MIMIOM, r#h. a
ptaattaf «f tka Miaatsa Valantaar
| Pirstaaa** attar tat inn tit K*I4 an
Taaa4ay ait«i aaa kaa4r*4 par cant
mamharahip praaant. Tka rapart af
l». C. Itarkar akaatf at*
fair* at tka nrfsniaalfaa ta ka ia
♦t-» >at aaatlitlaa »Uk ft artira
mamkara. t>«ht #f wkwta ara aa 4atj
a*arp nifht.
Flaaaaa* nf tka aaaaaistlaa vara
raaartaf t# ha in |M aaa4ittaa an4
nttrala kifh Taa atta niaaikara
»«ra tahan lain tka arfaniaatian.
f ohart .«h»rJ#Y J»r4an aa4 Harman
A *kaUanf# aa« ia»a#4 kp ram*
paap aamhar an# ta tampan? nam
hat ta# far • rars an4 kaac-ap af
t«Ai la plnft, tka laaara ta far
*);•*» a fa#4 far tka winatra.
Paar aaaka kata kaaa tat aat4a
far pvartlat. tka raca ta ka k*!4
n thm fit# *aak« aftar tka a mp4
• nja tk. t * kk a
mrf^w arf inn rnmvilfVt
PALM ftfAOI. PI* Pah. ».—4^—
f§* Aatkanr ft. Kaaar. mUltaaair*
♦*s-4ant «f BtraarHaafll#. ft. L aal
Fatal ftaarh. 4 *4 t#4af at "La* ta
^ Ik ia — — —^ aM|NM4LAjMaaaaa Wam
t’atnaal Kaaar. aka arm* At yaara
•*4 k*4 kaaa ill far **n»a tUan awl
»*• **»4 t« kar* kaaa «aafta#4 ta
k»« k*4 far aaaarat araaka.
Cataaal Kaaar a a* a a i tartar ta
N raraarattaa* m* his rkiaf kaa
■inaiii aja i it t a ra-a t a m ■ a m 1m • k a a l«Mkft4F4•
KPTa m taT nwnf^ATf^
rat a»4 paar i«4aatn#< *>f Naa
•Ur at It* lowest mark Saturday
night long enough to do much ma
terial damage. The weather bureau,
however, urged precaution with au
tomobile radiators, water lines, etc.
The first part of the cold wave
was to be characterised by cloudy
and unsettled conditions with occa
sional rains. During the latter part,
it was believed that the skies would
clear off. leaving the Valley sus
ceptible to frost.
Schnurbusch stated that should
the temperatures remain below the
freesing point over a long period,
farmers should get in touch with the
county agricultural agent in regard
to pulling citrus from the trees.
This condition may be reached Sun
day morning, according to the fore
The California citrus belt eras hit
by freesing temperatures Thursday
night and it was expected to be
colder tonight, reports from there
Freesing wetaher w*s to be al
most general over Texas Friday
night frith snow in many sections.
A northwest storm warning was
issu'et for the Texas coatf at It a.
m. today.
Valiev radio statioas at Browns
ville act Harlingen war* broadcast
ing warnings to tkia section Friday.
< By Tho Associated Press i
North Texas today straggled la
the grip *f the severest cold wave
of the season. Many sections wore
blanketed in anavr an i iee while tem
peratures dropped ia a few iastanees
as lew as seem Telegraph.c com
munications weeo hampered foe
short periods, and saaw loss of livo
atoch was foarod. South Texas sUU
(Ceattaned on Pago Xiao.)
Aviation Committee to
Plan For Opening
Of Airport
Praiiaiaaiy plan* far tto tato
brattaa ta mark iMtnratin of tto
BmwnaetUa. Max ice iat*rmai;e*al aur
liaa wilt to M<wid«rR| at a aieating
to tto ctombae to aaaamnrm acia
tiea centa%.tie* at 2:3* aeleek Ftt~
4*v aftcraaaa at tto ~*fmVnr
This cam mitt**, to wbkb C bar Inn
Bnrtaa ta rtaitwaa. toa a anas* to
nrmngaaiente ta tab* «iv aceWiag
t» O. C. Riebar4a*a. manager to tto
ebamtor af rtaatrr* S* many
problem* iaektaatal ta tto ealabr*
tiaa bar* aria#* that tto cammtttaa
ta in 4a*gar to bate* *wamp#4.
Tto as»i»taa«* at all tint* ctab*
af Brawaaviiia will b* n*«a»aar> aa4
raaaarattaa af baaia**s man will to
HiMtial If a • ****** fa l relabratiaa
<• h*)4. Rtrtor4»aa u l la* ia
t«aa ta att*n4 tto ralnfcratian bava
baa* aant ©at ta vatiaaa officials to
tbia goearnSMent a* wll aa that af
Maura aa4 ana to tto largaat
crowd* rear gitk*r*4 tora i# aa
pat** 4.
Atsitteaaa to saMtar* at Part,
Brown ta ma total a ar4*r at tto ftal4
probably wilt to r**«*at*4. aa it ta
*4 pai ring af tto ft»l4 4ar*
ing tba celebration wilt prae# a bag
MISSION. PeV t— Bailing par
mil* far Janaary, 1M9 in Miaaiaa
fatal tllJ2». a« aaraaat traatar
than tba e*m|4to4 total* fat Jaan
ary aa4 IWgary to !**». accatomg
ta figure. c«m?tl*4 at tba rtty toll.
Pigara* far tto twa a«atu af )MR
am wanted ta tt£4&.
m larraaaa it totoa to i»4kato
tto deralcpteggl t* 4*nat
tto p«at yaar. Tto taraiti taeta+a
• baagalaw far V raw a Bill. a«l a
rattaga fat Mr*. Caorgia Kctoto.
opposes wool wrrr
position ta any me rente ta tto to
ne* on raw weal *u *aic*4 bafara
Mrs. M. S. Hudson of Hale
Center, Trxas. is the first wom
an to be named director of the
Texas Farm Bureau Federation.
Everything Prepared
For Event Being'
Staged With Mid
Winter Tourney
Wtik tk rncftiM «f tmnl af
Mimi effKtn fiaa Part Ktacr^W.
ttvnUitf «»* ia iMraparedaeea Fri
day i*m far tk -»xm krw ik«
mr p'armai at Pert Bream wkick
.» te yet s:kr n)
far «flu-arm, rmbaaa.
^mrrr* mad taWeU I ataa. U. Pi
milk Wwtaty am mad a car l<w
kertet «mn4 kart Tkacmdaj
Fact t»
ikw Mm Mi la
tk SHMraaw aakt
aadar *ij at Fait Bream.
aCfttaaa mad aialfeesm frai Fact,
_ Fact
lltk ca’ra.'rj. 5tk
Oed EkI'i
tka Fait
arajerat^i ^
Defaulting Head of
Church Board To
ATLANTA, ©a, FW, tr-Ofr-Cfe.
tea S» Canm. f'Vrt W traaaatar at
Cwa. after te ted »fe« faby
tajNw «f tVMtf teKrttefU ««mt
Defendant Says Part
Of Fund Put Up By
Senator’s Brot her
For Fatal Wager
DALLAS. Tex., Feb. 8.—nPY—Sen
ator Earle B. Mayfield's brother.
Maurise, gave Ben C. Richard*. Jr.,
$200 to bet on the outcome of the
democratic primary in which Tout
Connally defeated Mayfield. Richard*
testified today in bis trial for ferg
That $200, Richards said, was added
to $800 provided by "a man named
Wynn** and bet against $1,000 posted
by V. Ray Adams and W. T. Ramsey,
Jr. It was that $2,000 bet stake wkick
led to the slaying of Orville L.
Mathews, hank clerk and stake hold
er, and Adams’ trial for slaying
Mathews. Adams jury failed to
Richards. It is charged, forged •»*
doraements on the two chocks for
$1,000 each as well as credentials
which enabled “Clyde R. Vest" U col
lect the het money ofter it had been
shown Senator Mayfield was de
Richards Denies Crabb Testimony
A. A. Crash, testifying ley the
state, had charged that Richards pro
vided him with credentials so he
| could get the $2,000, and then gave
I Crabb two $50 bills as paymeata fer
hi* part in the transaction. Richards
said today that he waa acquainted
with Crabb, sad that be did net k*»w
tbe "Vest* who collected the $2,000
Farther, Richards deaied specific
ally that he get say portion of tke
;bet moaev; that he had plotted with
< nkb to get tbe money; that be pre
prepared. a letter of authority or an
affidavit identifying Crabb as “Teat”
—nil of which charges Crabb
mnd* in his |
the trial'*# V Ray
own shay, and BSeiardu* \_
tugnthiii wnk A. A. Crabb. fur
f.5 ■1"''...IS.■ 11i©! mu|
S? ■ «,• sait liii