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Brownsville Church Services i - _ CHURCP OP THE ADVENT Holy Communion. 7:30 a. w. i Church school and Bibl* class. 1:30 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon. B1 a. ml Litany. 7:80 p. m. Celebration of the holy communion first Sunday in tha month at 11 a. m hnd on Saint’s days at 7:30 a. m. R. O. Mackintosh, Rector. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY (Corner Elizabeth and West 2nd) Christian Science Society of Brownsville, Texas, a branch of The Mother Church, First Church of i Christ, Scientist in Boston. Mass. Sunday school at 9:30. Sunday morning services at 11 •fclock. Subject, “Spirit." A Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8:00 o’clock. Reading room in the church build- i Ing open Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00 to 6:00 p. m. CHURCH OF THE N'AZARENE Victoria Heights Sunday school 9:46 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Evening: N. Y. P. S. 6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Sev. W. T. Parrott will preach. CHRISTIAN UNITY 509 Elizabeth Street Sunday morning service, 9:45 to 10:45. W'ednesday evening 8 o’clock, •tody class and prayer service, “Sci entific Study of Prosperity,” Mrs. C. F. Thomas. Thursday afternoon, office open for consultation from 4 to 5. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Thomas in fcffice for consultation 3 to 12:30. Reading room open Wednesday and Friday afternoons, 1:30-4:30. Hos tesses. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs Murphy. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 a. m.—Bible school, Ewing D. Clark, superintendent. 10:55 a. m.—Morning worship: Prelude, “Canzone" (Harris); offer tory, “Awakening” (Engelmann); an them, “Praise Ye the Father” i Gou nod); sermon by the pastor. “Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians;** post lude, “Fostlude in C" (Hesse). 6:3$ p. m.—Training service (B. Y. P. U.) 7:30 p. m.—Evening wrurship: Pre lude, “Evening Hymn” (Maxfield); offertory, "Solace” (Pease); trio of women’a voices, “Lead Us, Heavenly Father” (Blumenschein - Lynes), Misses Annie Tucker and Gladys Woodrome and Mrs. E. J. Tucker; sermon in honor of the "Boy Scouts: postlude. “Festival March’’ (Wal lace). The evening service will be broadcast over KW'WG. Monday, 3 p. m.—The Woman's Missionary society will meet at the churchin circles for study in “Royal Service.” Monday, 7:30 p. m.—Sunday school workers’ counsel. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting and church conference. Friday. 7:80 p. m.—The Boy Scouts will have “Parents* Night" at the church. We hope the parents will come. E. W. Marshall, pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Elizabeth St. and Palm Boulevard Special meetings — Chaplain J. Stuart Pearce. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Harlingen, will ronduct an eight-day meeting beginning tomorrow. Feb. 10th, and continuing through the week on each evening (except Saturday) at seven forty-fir •• Sunday Serriees • :45 a. in.—Sunday School. Mitt Frances Shive, Director of Religious Education. Cleve Tandy, Supt. 11:00 a. m.—Morni*- worship— Sermon by Chaplain J. Stuart Pearce. Prelude, “Chant Pastorelle” (Ma son); Anthem. “Bless the Lord” (Ashford); Offertory. "Ave Barie” (Clark i; Postlude. “Postlude in E Flat” (Loret). 6:45 p. m.—Presbyterian Young People's League. Topic: “Youth Fac ing the World's Need”, am Lesser, leader. , 7:45 p. m.—Evening, worship— Chaplain Fearee will preach. Prelude “Sabbath Eve Reverie” (Elliott >; Offertory. “Pensee Melodie" (Neus tedt)); Anthem. “Lead On. O’ King Eternal” (Petrie) Postlude, “March Militaire” (Therese'. J. A. Russell, musical director; Mrs. A. B. Niven, organist. Monday, 3:30 p. m.—The woman’s auxiliary will meet as follows: Cir cle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. Cha\in cey Reid; Circle N . 2 with Mrs. Henry Gooden; Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Clyde Tandy. Wednesday, 10:30 a. m.— Personal workers conference at the church. EMMET P. DAY, Pastor FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 — Sunday school. Men's Bible class meet at Queen theater. 10:30 — Morning worship service. Prelude “Salut D* Amour” (Elgar) hymn Apostles, Creed, prayer, hymn, scripture reading. “Gloria Patri” of fertory “Froumeree (Schumann). Anthem “Christian The Morning Breaks Sweet O'er”; sermon by pas tor. Hymn postlude “Gavotte” (Si los). 6:30 p. m. — Epworth Hi and Senior leagues meet. 7:30 p. m. — Evening worship ser vice. Prelude “Cantilena” (Salow), hymn, prayer. Solo by Miss Evelyn Tutt, sermon by the Presiding Elder Rev. O. C. Crow. Hymn, postlude “O’ Sanctissima'*. At the close of the preaching service the Presiding Elder will hold our first quarterly conference for the conference year. 7:30 p. m. — Wednesday evening prayer meeting. J. E. LOVETT, Taster LUTHERAN CHURCH Th re will be no services here Sunday. The laying of the corner stone of the Lutheran church in Mercedes will be at 3 p. m. Sunday. REV. H. L. W1EDERANDERS, Pastor. SACRED HEART CHURCH (October to July.) Sundays: 7:00 a- m.—Holy communion mass. 9:15 a. m.—Sunday school and Bi ble study. 10:00 a. m.—High mass and ser mon. 7:30 p. m.—Vespers and Holy Rosary. 8:00 p. m.—Sermen and benedic tion. Week Days—Mass and holy com munion »v*r» morning at 7 o’clock. First Su . lay—Meeting of the Children oi Mary. Second Suuday—Meeting of the Holy Name society. First Monday—Meeting of the Al tar society. First Friday—Sacred Heart devo tions. FATHER JEAN B. FRIGON. O. M. L, Pastor. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN Corner Fourth and Levee Street* 9:45 a. m.—Bible school, Sher wood Bishop, superintendent. 11:00 a. m.— Morning worship and communion aervice. 6:45 p. m.—Christian Endeavor, Lena May Bassett, leader. 7:30 p. m.—Wednesday. mid week prayer service. Program by Christian Endeavor. George F. Den nis, clerk. SCOUT POLICY I IS CORDED Y'alley Council Given Approval By Dallas Executive Approval of general policies of the executive board of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Roy Scout Council, and of plans and system at Camp Perry was voiced by James J. Fitch, regional scout executive, at a meet ing of the Board at the Cortez Hotel in Weslaco. This is Mr. Fitch's first visit to the \ alley since the Scout Council! was organized early in 1927. and he expressed satisfatcion at the work that had been acocmpilshed by the Council during the last two years. After handling of routine business.1 Mr. Fitch lead a general discussion by the board of plans for future leadership, program and financing of Council. “The consciousness of citizenship responsibilities and character among hoys is built only through their con tact with the men of the community, whose lives they read in the citizen ship and character of those men,” said Mr. Fitch. “Responsibilities of the Council are two-fold, first it must maintain Scouting on such a basis that boys will want to become members, and create and maintain conditions whereby the big men of the commun ity will be chalengcd to give lead ership to the boys of the community. The poorest excuse that men offer for failing to do their duty is that they haven’t time. Men a ways find time to do the things in which they are interested. Witness the crowd ed condition of our golf links. “Modern conditions aro such that communities can no longer be inter ested only in their own problems, but must take cognisance of the prob lem of their neighbors. The boy problem of Brownsville for instance, can be transported to Mission in two hours* time. Therefore Mission is interested in the sort of leader ship the men of Brownsville arc giv ing Brownsville boys.'* Mr. Fitch also commented on Camp Perry, which he visited yesterday, tailing the Board that the Lower Rio Grande Valley Council had the most difficult camp site as far as situa tion is concerned, and that the build ings and the plans for future devel opment and activities at Camp Perry would stand out as the finest camp accomplishment in the South. Fol lowing the meeting, Mr. Fitch left! for San Antonio. Present at the Board meeting were: , Jim Fitch, regional executive of Dallas; O E. Van Berg, president , of the council, of Mercedes: F.rnest Potent. Mercedes; Dr. R. E. Utley. Harlingen; B. M. Holland. Harlingen; Owen Washington, Browsville; Dr. J. R. Mahore. Edinburg; J. H. Thompson, Weslaco; Frank Ludden, San Benito; John Nicholson. Wesla co; Royce F.erd, La Feria; Virgil Thompson, Weslaco; Raymond Mills. Weslaco; Owen Langset, Weslaco: Tom Murray, Scout executive, and R. L. Lyon, assistant executive, Ed inburg. REFEREE SEES RED ELGIN, 111.—When Frank Davis, armed here from Chicago to referee a basketball game he found a woman had switched suitcases with him. leaving him one containing a red even;ng dross, red stockings and red shoos. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — A Lucky Sale —“1 'eeroiss. I [•_» Cr- -TV*IS MORNiNCr- { 15 4HMU.O/ ®«.T Ti m tr- ! -3H€.vK. LOhCSO^C. -»tTCl» VOtTWOOT ON HANK. *!**« — -- if ANK ChJJtu^ WK m?* Wtrt.AT -rs to t-*€0. —* -—* HAOTVitaS, » a * ©AW5 jggg a<to arw^Hcc ‘-fc * ^ W£ ♦ - - Ft *40 Ot.dNC. HlFA C*t*T T>0> NCr* UMC. ON HI5 nothing. -sroFF Ht^cs. bskimo voe. Find **■*«*=. Pthi. out c^omci*. •SeLUNtr • ■— f*eAnors M> 0 W—• _ _ —Swan i i ETTA KETT —Oh No! It Wasn’t Her! WwtrmnEvev&cv- -y._ _U 11 T* slkpwg *«*« fORQOH'.f^G 'M'So VATfc-\NON DtQ * HQyi WE roONO —Sidney Smith THE GUMPS — Man Wanted MUfcfcY OlRLS— 'N / WE MAYE SO KUCM To I *"! ( DO - ALL MARY'S \ UNENlS TO SELECT- I \ C,0WNS - SPORT OUTFITS-, _ 1 -HATS and shoes — -!ig \ , ACCESSORIES - l AMD I WANT YOU TO ) V MAVE A SMART / & <9 ( RIDING WAB'T— / Ik — YES MARY- \ REALLY ^4. vkAN'r You Yo wave: \ YfRAP— AMO 1 \ TMINK YOU / VWOULD WAVE A SILVER *OK i —Paul Robinson i I - i GOOFEY MOVIE-~ —Neher - - - ■ - - -- - - —- - - 8 Wttuaki Ai~u-STAQ rn CAST iWCUJOiNJG Pi-uu M STCOOG eQEO. TME U s»QBfsJ OF TWE5CPEEM H INJ A TENJSfe OOAMA 9 'vOU'uu T.AUK ABOUT 9 POP .MOUTHS*,.PWL 9 PLAVS TME RAPT OP. B g0^T(^Ar 100010 ” HsmnA kace avjo buuu 1 I CAkj>kje PuAYThE MOST I ® M ^ S^ .vc CC-DQcv'„ COuES OP TMEift ' ~ CACEEaSujWENJ THtEV we s T-ME CV-'- .'OCtQAV the fidCTS* OP — 8ur SVKjfc.7«A. .^.GOLLV x KJEAQUV IOQUL0 8« -i*«aJKlG SPiUUEO THE e&AKAS* \ ^ry>^,..,ir- pTUtrr nwg, D»OmV x-? ’ _ ^ _ _ % «-4|^ . PASTS' DOKJT M£\T ^ A'TEQQ FiC LCVS ADVCMTUCB OF TWE Sw3-^ECO ?OMS _ UJITU MOCE TMClU-S THANi “ * NOOft FICS“-r. UOU-V POP. tux oouo cATcwvrrogr^uiro Today’s Radio Features l] k. Sunday. F«b. 10 y (Central Standard rime) S OS—Band Parade; Ail bous* Program—WEAK WGT WTAll t*-u*» n.«„ KSL. WOW WDAF KVOO WFAA KPttC WUAI XVHAS w**( kSTP KOA WHO WMC Ab '*8M ^TMJ 5 30—Anglo-Perstans; Oriental Music-WJZ KDKA WLV wjd — komo"khwS WTMJ KSTI' WatC KOA KSL Kro MJO in SSZ S:1S—A. K Hour: ilif l a \v:;aK WOT TITAM WWi ffrlvM H WFAA kPItC^W.MI IVSM W SB WTM I KSTP Vr- ll i. KOA ki O Ki.ii Ml k’»\> KOJii > i» .<.» WHO KsL ^VUC PALLET RADIO 3 SWWfi—Valley Radio Station I Crowns vTTT* 1 4:00-5:55 p. m.—Associate ’ Pr«»» dispatches and Valley newi from I The Brownsville Hera'd. followed by musical numbers. J 5:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. J 6:00-7:00—Musical numbers. I SUNDAY 11:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties 11:00-11:30— Popular and serai-ciassicai selections from ths Capitol theater organ by remote control. 11:55-12:00—Local i.nd general weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. —, , ! . -- II I |_____ IN YOUR CONFIDENCE LIES OUR STRENGTH The strength of bank is not truly measured by the time-locks that safeguards its depositors' fund?—but by the confidence of those it serves. For thirty-eight years this institution has been a consist ed builder of confidence. Your confidence too, will be justified, if you will make the fullest use of our complete modern * * service. Your requirements wi!l be met with prompt, m ~4eous attention by every officer and employ *. || Interest Compounded Semi-Annual! vf || I Paid on Savings Accounts / First National Bank'l Brownsville, Texas # I “THE FRIENDLY BANK” I Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley I La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED I MISSION. TEXAS BOX 554 I General Welding I Radiator SpaetaJiat ffl L.\WN MOWER EXPERT T. J. Rommer *1 Phone 111 11 Rear Millar Hotel |i J. S. FORD & SONS M “fiMSfcW INSURANCE I RENTALS . LOANS I Brownsville, Texas I Dependable Promnt ll BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY I Brownsville a Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron I _i_County, Texas I ^——i—I GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY ]| Certified Public Accountants I Brownsville San Antonio Washington I (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Camera II A Company) |fl Real Estate Investment} II CHARLES > 'I Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth I PERRY L. KING & CO. “ i AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING fl INCOME TAX EER’' IC^ 8;ilrai, Organisation and Statistical Report • Beef nee* Control ■ Travis Building Nixon Building Saa Antonio. Texna. Corpus Christ!. Texas. I _ J*""" " ' " "*■■ 111 " ^ ..— —i ■■■ ■- * M — i I, A CORDIAL INVITATION I It extended to the public to vitit our plant and Inspect the careful ■ and thorough texting methods in use which nature only pipe of the Jg highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. I Per complete information address Owen SI. Combe. S District Sales Manager ■ GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. 9 P. O. Box INI—Brownsville, Texas. I Plant located at Blalack Switch on Highway. The Pieneer Concrete Pipe M an u facts rcra ef Texas. - ' I Concrete Pipe *er Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. H Valley Abstract Co. I PROMPT TITLE SERVICE.* I BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG I Opposite Courthouse E. Harrimtn Blvd. 1 Phone 1184 Phone 98 1