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"" .. =~?a"' ' " " - ■■■jaa ■■ -—===^= ■■■■ =======S=g=Qg=aags==ga==aM A Good Business Investment is to Buy Good Business Property .. — ■— ' CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisement! will be accepted over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other . classified advertising must be ac m companied by cash. LB/'No advertising accepted on an ■TP • til forbid” order. A specified if vamber of insertions must be liven. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclesn or objectionable copy. Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thanks will be taken at the regular classified rate. The publishers are not respon sible for copy, omissions, typo graphical errors of any uninten tional error that may occur, far ther than to correct, in the next issue after it is brought to their attention. All advertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. f* and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. To insure publication same day eopy should be presented not later than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be in not later than 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one insertion 30c 1 Over 20 words, one insertion, per word.1 1-Ze Subsequent insertions run con secutively, per word.Ie By month, per word.25c Minimum for monthly rate, 10 words. No classified advertisement ac cepted for less than.30c LOCAL READER RATES First insertion, per lino.12c Same ad run consecutive days, Ml per line.Sc AUTOMOTIVE §l§|fi?^'' v 'i ’ w • a 'CiZ2SZj9BSm •1 •e \ j — 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan .*465.00 1827 Chevrolet Coach . 345.00 1926 Ford Tudor Sedan. 265.0<t 1926 Essex Coach . 85 00 1926 Essex Coach . 6o.00 Buy With Confidence STEVENSON MOTOR CO., INC. 10th and Adams_Brownsville FOR SALE CHEAP—Used Ford truck, fair condition, license paid. Address N-42 care Herald. N-42 LATE 1927 Ford coupe. Reasonable; leaving. Ask for Ben Hirth, Friend- j 1y Doorway Apts., Olmito._N74. Help Wanted _ — - — WANTED: Efficient housekeeper. Must have good health -ad furnish referenca. Addresa Mrs. A. E. An darson. city._ L-178 WANTED: An elderly white lady who would appreciate a comfortable home and moderate wages to keep | house and cook for an old couple. No washing. Write S. Crosby, La Feria. Texas, or phone H. O. Wyland. N69 MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman with references, wishing home, to assist in housework and care of six months old baby for couple living in modern home, electrically equip ped, in Point Isabel. Moderate wag es. Write Mrs. C. H. Holcomb, Point ; Isabel.N70. WANTED: A housekeeper. Apply to Mrs. Mendenhall, 114 Washington I St_ N71 Situation Wanted EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER deairea permanent position. Best of references can be furnished. Phone Mt M-2P9. TOUNO MAN. 25, wonts job on farm. Keep books or work outsido. Small aalarv. Write Box N-58, Herald. N-58 LADY BOOKKEEPER. 15 years’ ex perience, able to close out books monthly. Best references. Work any place In Valley. Phone S07-J, Harlingen, or Box N-67, Herald. N87 Lost and Found LOSTt Female English Pointer abest 8 months old; lemon and white and ticked. W. A. Ross, phone 904. N68 FINANCIAL I BUY ALL KINDS of mortgages. What have yon? J. Scher, 612 Gun tejyFdg., San Antonio, Texas. N31 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE OR TRADE rea«onahle, food rafa with adjoining hotel rooms upstairs. Best proposition in town. If yon want a real money making bunaees, investigate. Will sell cafe •lone or eafe and hotel together. Doing good business. Reason for selling, want to retire. Address ] ■ N-52, care Herald. N52 EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to en t«T T»dio merchandising of the three outstanding radios on the market to day. n one of the most progressive j Vallay towns. Experienced radio i man now controlling franchises ; wants active partner to invest and i manage finances and store. No j radio experience necessary. For in- ) terview. address Box X-56, Herald. y-56; True* Seeds—Plants FOR SEEDS of all kinds, see Mason Transfer and Grain Co.. 1105 Adams. _M-126 BUDDING ? ! Would like to bud your sour orange seedlings on shares. Will furnish buds. Fleet A. Lents; Mercedes, Texas, phone 9002F11. _ M-2SS. LIVE STOCK—POULTRY —;SACRIFICE 9 German police pup pies. Take your choice and carry one home. See Mrs. Florence Staf ford, Hayes A 17th Streets, next to center; Victoria Heights. Phone 1075-31. Uj|8 OF LOTS are offered for •fC*! very reasonable trices in the Classified Section from day to day. PULLETS, laying; Rocks and Reds. *1.25 each. White Leghorns. *1.00 eaeb. Also incubator. John Mer rill. near Gulf Breeze Filling Sta tion. El Jardtn. Route i. X60 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call at house nearest Palm Bird, on Resaca Drive in Belvedere, or inquire at Herald office. M-255 Articles For Sale FOR SALE: One 5x7 McCrory, one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suit able for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System, La Feria, Texas. M99 LADIES HOSE mentfed; runt, palls, and anaga. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Eliaabeth.1-19* 500,000 common mud bncka tor sale i. S. Ford, Brownsville. H-164 FOR SALE: $75 gas range for $45; used only a few months. Phone 955-J or call at 1330 W. Washington. N55 PIANOS repossessed like new. $1,350 Baldwin Grand. $400.00 paid; will sacrifice; also used piano and play er bargains. Carl Moeller Music Store, opposite M. P. Depot, Wesla co, Texas. M-216 GOOD cane hay for sale. $15.00 to $20.00 per ton, delivered within 6 miles of Brownsville. J. B. Kee, 1523 West Elizabeth St, Brownsville, Texas. Phone 1393W. M-73. FOR SALE: Contractors buildings and second-hand timber and lumber for sale at La Palma Station of the Central Power and Light Co, San Benito, Texas. See Mr. Cheek at La Palma Station. N76. Buy or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lots or im proved residence property. Address, Owner, P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. WANTED at once: Well located lot. West Brownsville. Must be cheap. Address N-54, care Herald. N54 REAL ESTATE FINE 12-ACRE tract on Banker Road half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and good drainage. $850 per acre. Carlos G. Watson, owner. _M-21 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division. Just ona mile from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin —through the rich farming sec tion of El Jardin—to the mu nicipal airport and on to South point. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Office 14th and Hays Sts, J. J. Dallas, Sales Manager, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-285. FOR SALE 20 acres good Irrigated land In El Jardin Tract, well drained; price 1100.00 per acre, terms. 80 seres Irrigated land In El Jardin tract, all in cultivation and rented; on concrete highway, electric line; price $125.00 per cere, cash. 40 acres all in cultivation and rented; one mile from small town and concrete road; price $150.00 per acre, terms. IT aerss nesr Brownsville, all in cultivation, good house, well and windmill; about 3 acres bearing grove, good citrus land; prica $15,000.00. James-Dickinson Company Corner Travelers Hotel Phone 450 Brownsville, Texas M-162 HAVE EXCLUSIVE salt on 20 acre* LI Jardin district. $300 aera. P .ont 1075-M. L-«4 LAND BARGAINS—152 acres—135 acres—Donna district, cultivated. Nothing better. Priced low. Wire, writs or call—G. H. Swallow, Alamo, Texas. Y-2S5 FIVE ACRES, good houss. resaca land set in tress, tools and atock in* eluded. If you want a bargain from owner, writs P. O. Box 1180. L*127 For Sub-Division 160 Acres Locaied 4 blocks from ths high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusivs Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca running through property offer* ing natural laiko front sites for subdivision. This property is for sals by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lomax A Houston and Brownsville Development Co. FOR SALE—60 acres irrigated land ready lor cultivation; well drained; 4 miles from town, in El Jardin. Must be sold to close estate. In quire L. D. Jones, Glenwood Hotel. M-25C FQR SALE—By owner, 96 3-4 acres fine citrus and truck land adjoining Edeouch and paved road. All culti vated. good drainage, water and Im provement*. Will divide; priced low; no trades. Geo. R. Carter. Ed couck, Texas. M-171 OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good resaca land, irrigated, in cultivatiea. Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cask, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving, Rie Hondo San Benito road. 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas, Phone 302SF11.M264 12 1-2 ACRES near Brownsville, near school, near railroad loading station, near gin and on pavement. All in rultivation and possession at once. Only $2£00.00 A dandy location for s store in connection with farm. Phone 179 or P. O. Box 364, Browna rilie, Texas. 11-291. REAL ESTATE A UNIVERSAL MARKET for every thing—the Classified Section. MUST BE SOLD at sacrifice at once, fifteen acre four year old bearing eitrua grove, four miles from Brownsville, one thousand feet from new hard surface road tj the bank of a beautiful resaca irrigating ditch running through property; electric highline end telephone. Sev en thousand five hundred cash. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398-W. N46 FOR SALE—Grapefruit orchard 2 1-2 acres, with 7-room house on it. On good street adjoining McAllen, $8500. terms. F. G. Collins, Des Moines, Iowa. N53. REVENUE bearing property for sale cheap; small investment; call quick. Box N65, Herald. NOS. Farm* For Sale OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision: also 10 aeres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmito. I need money, the price is right. H. H Parks, phone 6025F11, San Benito, Texas. M263 SACRIFICE FOR CASH Fifty acres finest citrus land, just cleared and plowed. Canale and drainage ready. Rented for pota toes, beans, corn and cotton, but can arrange to plant and care for grove if purchaser desires. Similar !and to trees one year old being sold for $500 to $1,000 per acre. For quick sale, my price for the fifty acres, $15,000. Terms 1-3 cash. Also small home, 20 acres with five acres in 4-year-old grove; concrete canal, tile drained, alj finest of citrus land except about three acres suitable for grasses or pasture only. For sale quick at $8,500; half cash. For ap pointment to inspect land, address Box N-23, care The Herald. N-23 20 ACRES good citrus and truck land, 1-2 mile from highway, all in culti vation, good house and garage. Dis tress cash price on this tract. Upde graff, Ea Feria. Texas. N-41 HAVE EXCLUSIVE sale 4 acres Ebanos Estate. Phone 107S-M. L-64 40 ACRES or less finest Valley land, near San Benito; irrigated; in culti vation; a sacrifice. Owner, Box 1323, Edinburg. N28. 40 ACRES improved citrus fruit land near Harlingen city limits, near paved road to Raymondville, and on road designated to be paved. Only $10,000.00, with $4,000.00 cash and balance easy terms. S. C. Graham, Box 864, Brownsville, Tex. N63. FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen mere farm with eight room house, five end a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from concrete highway. Reasonable price end terms. Address P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. Houses For Sale WILL SACRIFICE my last two beau tiful hornet. Better hurry; only two left, o rooms and bath; textone. two-tone finish; beautiful light fix tures; automatic water heaters. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner. Hayes and 17th streets, Victoria Heights, phone 107S-M.K-170 BARGAIN FROM OWNER. Must sell. Two-story house, choice corner, citrus trees, paved streL Can be used for apartments or home. Fur niture included. P. 0. Box 1180. L-127 FOR SALE: 4 rooms, garage, and bath, on Elisabeth street. West Brownsville. Bargain. Phone 1333-W or address P. O. Box 976._N6 For SALE OR RF.NT: 6-room house. new, never been occupied. Victoria Heights. See Pete Paloehe, Elira beth street. N66 2-ROOM HOUSE for sale, 1264 Mon roe St, Alfonso Gonzales. NTS. Lot* For Sale THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced Fts on Levee street corner. One of the best apartment house sights in Brownsville. Must be sold at on©*. 15.000.00. Owner leaving town. 848 West Washington. Phono 1398W. _ NflO FOR SALE Two lots in Edinburg; three lots in San Bsnito; S3 lota in Browns ville; seven lots outside Browns villa city limits; twenty per cent cash, baiance in one. two, threo and four years; or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley, Bro n. fills. H-60 FOR SALE—Improved 2-3 of lota 9 and 10, block 94, Adams 1111. J. B. I Hoyt, Box 211, Monterrey, N. L., i Mexico. M-266 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Steg man building. Bart Cromack. MSS. STORE BUILDING for lease. Now occupied by the Cloetta Hardware company. 82 feet of beautiful ahow windows on 12th street and 67 feat deep. Suitable for any kind of bus iness. Possession April first. Also store space 16x28 located in the Travelers Hotel building. See Mrs. C H. Mote, Travelers Hotel or phone 122. M267 FOR RENT—3-room house, 4-reom house. 6-room house. 6-room house, a fine apartment on Palm Blvd„ and a duplex in West Brownsville. South ern Realty Co- phone 914. N29 FURNISHED HOUSE, every conven ience; on pavement; five rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Alto two single sleeping rooms. Phone 1228-W, N62 Apartments FOR RENT: Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phone 274. KITS RENTALS Apartments NEBRASKA APAltrMENTh — Fur nished, every convenience, /rlgidsire, end gas ranges. Jefferson and Four teenth Streets. Phone lli.4. W-42 FOR RENT—Four-room apartment equipped with raa range. Frigidair*. automatic water heater and modern plumbing. Garage. Apply on prem ises at Fourteenth and Garfield. M-39 ROOMS and apartments. 701 St Charles. Tei. 1017. E7i FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 351. Y-3. TWO SMALL apartments at twenty dollars and one 4-room apartment at thirty-five. Clean; close in; on paved street. Phone 175. N-39 NICELY FURNISHED 1-room apart ment with gas. Garage furnished. *10. Telephone 946-W. N51 FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; private bath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison St. N-38 FURNISHED APARTMENT in new Duplex, 1114 West Elizabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tele phone 1013-W. N-37 NICE ROUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N-17 FURNISHED APARTMENT, gas. ga rage, pavement. $30. 1248 W. Wash ington street, phone 820-J. N61 FOR RENT to couple: Newly fur nished apartment in duplex, phone 1273J. NTS. Furnished Rooms FOR RENT—Well furnished sleep ing room; twin beds, meals if de sired; also housekeeping apartment, cloae in. Phone 189. —L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Call at Delta Hotel. 808 1-2 Elizabeth St„ one block from postoffice. Phone 804. __ M-68. BEDROOM with gaa. $3.00. Phone 995-J. L-162 ROOMS, one block from poatoffi:e one block from El Jardin hotel; large, aouthern exposure; reasons bl*. Phone 1226W or 1317. M-215 FOR RENT: Large bedroom ad oin ing bath, hot nnd cold water, gas. Ill Elizabeth street. MHO SLF.EP1NG ROOM and apartment. 1022 St Charles, phone 928-J. _M-159 Furnished Room* BEDROOMS, gas, heat, 1023 St. Charles. M-75. BEDROOM in private family. 904 Adams St., $2.50 per week. N23. THREE FURNISHED modern rooms, east front, good location, gas and electricity. Phone 171-J or 10.52-J or call at 332 or 340 Washington street._ N50 Houses For Rent HOLLOW TILE and stucco 6 rooms just completed. On West ]>ree, near Tits. Phone 325, after 6 p. m. _ N-24 MODERN 5-room house with gas, garage. Phone 911. M28.4 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house. 12th and St Charles. Phone 722. _M-251 REAL REAL ESTATE bargains may be found among the classified ads. _RENTALS Houses TO RENT—6-room boost, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gas electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Call 703 er 1075M. N26. FURNISHED MODERN apartments in San Benito, private bath*. Also furnished tourist cottages. Phillips Store. San Benito. N75. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole, Mayor, so until 10:00 a. m. March 1, 1929. for the laving of monolithic concrete floor at the Airport. Speei ficatins are on file at the City Manager's office. A certified check to the amount of 2 per cent of the bid will be re quired. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. A. E. MU NT) AT. City Secretary. 2-9 to lR-10t-3327 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until 10:00 a. m., March 1, 1929, for 1200 sacks of cement de livered to the Municipal Airport. A certified check of 2 per cent of the amount will be required. The City reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. A. E. MUNPAY. City Secretary. 9 to 1R Inc. 10t-3326 NOTICE OF HEARING TO APPRO PRIATE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS—No. 1188. Notice is hereby given, to whom concerned, that A. E. Jones, the postoffice address of whom is Brownsville, Texas, did on the 23rd day of January, A. D. 1929, file his application in the office of the . Board of Water Engineers for the ' State of Texas, in which he applies j for a permit to appropriate of the unappropriated waters of the State of Texas, from the Rio Grande in Cameron County, Texas, sufficient water for the irrigation of not to exceed 2200 acres of land, said unap propriated water to be pumped from the Rio Grande into the two reser voirs located on land belonging to the said A. R. Jones, the pumping plant to be located at a point which bears North 58 deg. 13 min. East 12,559 ; feet from the Southwest corner of ! the San Martin Grant on the left bank of the Rio Grande, in Cameron County. Texas, and is distant in an easterly direction from Brownsville, Texas, about ten miles. You are hereby further notified that the said A. R. Jones proposes to increase the storage capacity of two reservoirs previously authorized to be constructed under application. No. 1162, in the name of A. R. Jones, from 13,000 acre-feet to 17,500 acre feet, creating an additional storage capacity of 2500 acre-feet. The said A. R. Jones proposes to pump the 1 unappropriated water from the Rio Grande, by means of three pumping plants, each with two Centrifugal pumps, operated by three, 150 horse power electric motors, having a height of lift of 12 and 14 feet, into the reservoir above mentioned, for the irrigation of not to exceed 2200 acres of land. A hearing on the application of ths said A. R. Jones, will he held by the Board of Water Engineers for the State of Texas, in the office of the B^ard at Austin, Texas, on Mon day, February 25, A. D. 1929, begin ning at ten o’clock A. M. at which time and place all parties interested may appear and be heard. Such hearing will be continued from time to time, and from place to place, if necessary until such determination has been made relative to said ap LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT plication at tho said Board of Water Engineers may deem right, equitable and proper. Given cnder and by virtue of an order of the Board of Water Engi neers for the State of Texas, at the office of the said Board, at Austin, Texas, this the 23rd day of January, 1929. [(Seal), JNO. A. MORRIS, C. S. CLARK. A H. DUNLAP, Board of Water Engineers. Attest: A. W. McDonald, Secretary. (1-26-2-9-16—It—3316.) SHERIFF'S SALE Real Estate THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF C AMERON ) !, By virtue of an execution and or der of sale issued out of the Honor able District Court of Bexar county, 73rd Judicial District of Texas, on the 5th day of February, 1929, by the clerk thereof, in the case of B. F. Dittmar Company vs. L. S. Tor rans et al. No. B-52, 03, snd to me as Sheriff directed and delivered. I will proceed to sell to the highest i bidder, for cash, between the hours of 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m.. March 5, 1929, it being the first Tuesday in said month, at the Court House door of Cameron county, Texas, in ■ tho dity of Brownsville, the follow ing described reel estate: to-wit. Lot number three (3) in block number four (4) of the Taylor Sub division to the city of Harlingen, being a subdivision of block number thirty-nine (39) of the Harlingen Land and Water company’s subdivi sion, Cameron county, Texas, situ ated in the city of Harlingen, Cam eron county. Texas: Levied on the 7th day of Febru ary, 1929, and to be sold to satisfy a judgment dated January 24. 1929, and recorded in the minute* of said court in volume 23, pages 405-40*, in favor of B. F. Dittmar company, a corporation, against defendant, Hallie Torrans, for the sum of three thousand five hundred fifty-seven and 67-100 dollars ($3,557.57) with interest et the rate of ten per cent (10 per cent) per annum from Janu ary 24, 1929, until paid and all costs of suit, and the further costs of sale, together with a foreclosure of a deed of trust lien on the shove described reel estnt# as said lien existed on the 20th day of Bfnrch, 1928, against defendants, L. S. Tor rans, Hallie Torrans. Sam B. Willis, W. K. Henderson. C. W. Brown, E. R. Ratcliff and L. G. Braden, the said L. G. Braden Individually and as trustee for W. K. Henderson, C. W. Brown and E. R. Ratcliff. Given under mv hand this 7th day of February. 1929 W. F. BROWN. Sheriff. Cameron County, Texas. 2-9-16-23-3t-3328 - | Flashes of Life ; C?7 Tbs Associated Preaa) ;1 I CHICAGO.—A new variety of tiles is expected by tome experts to make possible the erection of build ings more than 100 stories high. Professor George A. Bole told the American Ceramic Society of ex periments with it. Compared with that in general use. it is lightsr and offers more resistence to fire and has greater durability. NEW YORK.-Alfred E. Smith is now entitled to receivo $5,100.51 an nually from the state of New York. | He hag been sent a certificate based on service of 25 year* and ten days .Automatic telegraph transmission has replaced the -s-i-o-w hand sending dav This is an ewspaper | JP means TrulktoU interesting, in city, county and state officaa. While in office he contributed to the retirement fund. LOS ANGELES.—Ruth Roland of the screen is to bs a Valentine’s day bride. She is to marry Ben Bard, motion picture producer. MIDDLETOWN. Conn. — There’s euphony in this name. In fact Miss Sonia Osius was voted to have the post euphonins of the 250 girls at tending the Wesleyan prom. She is a student at Bryn Mawr. SLEEPING SICKNESS KILLS 63 VIENNA.—Death has claimed 63 victims of sleeping sickness in Aus tria during 1928, most of them boys | and girls under 18. < SOCIAL SCIENCE MEN TO MEET AT TEXAS U. AUSTIN. Texas. Fab. Members , of the Southwestern Political and Social Science association will toC the guests of the University of Tex as department of political and social science at the next annual conven tion, to be held in Austin March 29 and SO, according to Charles A. Timm, associate professor of gov ernment at the university and sec retary of the association. Approximately 125 delegates rep resenting the leading colleges - nd universities of the southwest will attend the meeting. The program will be in charge of Dr. J. A. Fits gerald, dean of the University School of Business Administration. I Classified Business Directory Architects BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects — Engineers 208 Merchants Sank. Bldg. Phone 617 Brownsville. Texas. E. G. HOLUDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texaa A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 41/ Merchants Bank Bu i ML. g Brow* ville, Texas Bu il ders—Contractors G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. 0. Address R. P. D. No. 1, San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 H-59 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 Cash Registers NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. Register* bought, sold *nd exchanged. W. E. Sander*. Representative, r'hone 29 Harlingen Tease Bos 906 Dray—1 ranxter Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light end Heavy Healing. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adam*. Phone iS9. AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO, Phone* 421 and 619 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points. Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinborg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leave* Brownsville 11:16 Dally Florist* THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth SL Phone 1388 BOWYER THS FLORIST, flower* sad funeral designs. *8. Charles sad Pita streets. Phase 7T1. HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Feaees far Ua Cooking—I mmaculacy and Service The popular place for business lunches ISth between E1t«y»o*h sad Washing!** Hotel Hollingsworth American Style. Day, Week or Moathly Sate. ^ 08 4 * J • McDonald-Howard Agency Loses - Insurance - Real Estate Booms 1 and L Arcade Bldg. Insurance W. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS ' 208-9 Merchants National Bank rHONE6 — Mattress Kenovatiag Let Us Renovate | Your Mattress W* make maurestaa to order. All repair work guaranteed. SOMMERS 12th *and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL' FILING Equipment Maverick-Clarke Lit ho Co. <08 Merchant# National Bask Phono 617—Brown#villa o Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE’S STATIONERY A BOOK STORE Brownavillt, Teaaa.* Funeral Directors Hinkley Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phonea 128—800 St Charles and Eleventh Street -- __ DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange, (Brownsville’* Typewriter Bouse) Distributors, New L. C. Smith “Si* writers. Also sell Royal* P*o rubles and “Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elisabeth St* JFOODSTm^ TYPEWRITER j Phene I0S—Herbages S»IS PROFESSIONAL ■ i ■ i—i—.ini. .. MWMwewewssmmmamam Attorneys at Law 1 207-303 ^Merchants National Baal , H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. J. T. Caaalos C. 8. Cidaaa, Ja CANALES AND flDMAN Attorneys at Law ^Beal Estate ^a Specialty BrewesviUet Tosaa ^ Brownsville, Teaa#^^* ;jl| r ii fwnPR aPTPT 1 ft.Matip HffrllA 1 *UtBrownsvin*BTasaa** f b#o m0rgwg>TU<f* ^^Fk### w® 1 _ qm a I flT4PTA^FV *.7 j. Y A*\ C* Y** T*A A ATjeb *i 2U0 «*0 nil ttfBll JlSiftaKcklA* mm ■ ^g ■ ^K0 w