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CLASSIFIED «' RATES and RULES Advertisements will be •.eceptsci over the telephone from telephone subscribers, or from those having • regular charge accounts. Other \ classified advertising must be ac t k companied by cash. advertising accepted on an Bul^ 'until forbid” order. A specified number of insertions must be rB IThe Herald reterves the right to place ell advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. I Obituaries, resolutions, and cards of thinks will be taken at the regular classified rate, f The publishers are not respon ; aible for copy, omissions, typo | graphical errors of any uninten \ tional error that may occur, far r ther than to correct in the next II issue after it is brought to their attention. All advertising orders ere accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced classified writer. . To insure publication same day ropy should be presented not Ister than 10:30 a. m. Copy for Sunday issues should be in not later than j lt30 p. m. Saturdays to insure proper classification. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less, one Insertion 30c Over 20 words, one insertion, per word.1 l-2e > Subsequent insertions run con secutively, per woru. "*c By month, oer w’ord.2 c HtfpiBB for monthly rate, 10 woflU. Mo classified advertise pent ac , cepted for less than.3<>c LOCAL READER RATES First insertion, pej line.12c Same ad run consecutive days, per line.*c j AUTOMOTIVE CHRYSLER Sport Roadster: perfect | B condition. Room 111, Del Walt ho-1 I tel. N-101) B "" 0 ^ Used Cars And ■ Trucks For Sale ■ See J. B. PUCKETT B Delta Inveatment Company B Phone 106*. B _ N-102 ! __ ( Help Wanted B --—■ ■ B WANTED: Efficient housekeeper, ft Must java good health 'id furnish m rafarence. Address Mrs. A. E. An Hr daraon, city. _L~178 j j| LOOK UP and down the classified ■ ad columna Instead of walking up V and down the street when you are ! B looking for a place to l;ve. , i WANTED AT ONCE—Experienced j B waitress. Apply Blue Bonnet Gar-1 || dans, Edinburg. Texas. N-100j II W'ANTED- Poy for route Apply Cir culation Dept., The Herald. I = Wanted at Once ■ Two experienced Cater I pillar tractor operators. I Must have car. Apply B #E. M. Ridley,. Browns I ville, Texas. I ‘ Situation Wanted ■ JOB WANTED—Diesel engine man, «' tractor or truck driver, any make. ■ Reference. C. W. Bays, opposite ■ Mop* store, old Point road. M08. K Lost and Found W IF PA^TY WHO FOUND r»'h purse ■ containing fountain pen. ke\«. etc.. ■ In Capitol theater Sunday evening 9 will *return to manager of theater 9 or call Helen Vance, phone 800-W, ^B will nay reward and no questions B asked.__ M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I FOR SALE—Hotel in good town: 9 Mod business, long lease. easy H terms; a real buy. Address Miller 9| Hotel. Mission. Taxas. N 7S H Tree*—Seeds—Plants I FOB REEDS of all kinds. sec Mason ■9iTr*aKfit- and Grain Co.. 1105 Adams V “ _M-126 BUDDING ! ! Would like to hud S^Mrour sour orange seedlirgs on sha rep. ■ Will furnish buds. Fleet A. l.entx. H Mercedes. Texas, phone 9002F11. M-288. ■ for SALE—10 acres citrus orchard, ^■two-year-old trees; frontage on Ar ■ royo Colorado. Rostoffice box 72$, ■ San Benito. Texas. _MOO. ■ LIVE-STOCK—POULTRY B-SACRIFICE 9 German police pup Bp<cs Take your choice and carry ■ one home. Sec Mrs. Florence Staf ■■ ford, Hayes & 17th Streets, next to ■ corner; Victoria Heights. Fhone M1075-M. #1 LOTS OF LOTS are offered for iJlBaala at very reasonable oriers in the , #Bciaaaified Section from day to day. | BULLETS, laying: Rocks and Reds ■■$1.25 each. White Leghorns. II (K> p9e*ch. Also incubator. John Mer it Hri 1L r*«r Gulf Breere Filling St» ‘ Htion, El Jardin. Route 1. N60 BBmTttY CHICKS— Hrtches coming off njBererv Monday nrd Thursday, t us I^Btom hatching a specialty. Writ* for ^■catalogue and price list. Cameron KBCountv Chickeries. Box B. Ls Feria EV«xa>- N57 ■^^MISCELLANEOUS f'■DRES8MAKING wanted: children's lyBclothes a specialty. Rhone 9001F12 ■^ Articles For Sale ■T«gM\KING and plain sewing fc">ase nearest Balm Blvd. or. ■ Bvcsaca Drive in Belvedere, or inquire 5j9t Herald office._M 255 IKFoR^SALE: One 5x7 McCrcy. ore IK, x 7 Viking meat coo'er boxes suit ■mble for dairy or gracery fixture* 9 System, La Faria, Taxas. M£>9! AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE . Buya Good Used Car No group of used cars in this city offers values equal to these. Every car is in good condition. Every car is a bargain. Come in and look over the full selection. Small down payment. USED BUICKS Used Buicks provide the same qualities that have made new Buicks famous—beauty, comfort, fine performance and great endurance. Buick Master Sedan, 1927 .$975.00 Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .$750.00 Buick Master Sport Touring, 1926 .$475.00 Buick Standard coach, 1926 .$600.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1925 .$575.00 Buick Master Roadster, 1926 .$550.00 *• MISCELLANEOUS MAKES Here’s almost every grade of car at almost every price. And every car we offer is a bargain. Nash 7-Pass. Sedan, 1926 .$550,000 Nash 5-Pass. Sedan, 1925 .$175.00 Oldsmobile Sedan, 1926 .$350.00 Chevrolet Cabriolet Coupe, 1927 .$425.00 Ford Coupe, 1925 .$100.00 Ford Touring, 1925 .$125.00 Abbott Buick Company 9th & Washington Phone 1133 MISCELLANEOUS Articles For Sale LADIES BOSE menSed; runs, pulls, and snags. Valiev Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 1-19*. 500,000 common mud bricks for sale J. S. Eerd. Brownsville. R-164 PIANOS repossessed like new. $1,350 Baldwin Grand. $400.00 paid; will sacrifice; also used piano and play er bargains. Carl Moeller Music Store, opposite M. P. Depot, Wesla co, Texas. M-216 GOOD enne hay for sale. $15.00 to $20.00 per ton, delivered within 6 miles of Brownsville. J. B. Kee, 1523 West Elizabeth St^ Brownsville, Texas. Phone 1J93W’. M-73. FOR SALE: Contractors buildings and second-hand timber and lumber for sale at La Palma Station of the Central Power and Light Co., San Benito, Texas. See Mr. Cheek at La Palma Station. N76. Buy or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lots or im proved residence property. Address, Owner, f. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. WILL EXCHANGE — First class painting or decorating work for good used car. Box 58; Brownsville. _ N105. _REAL ESTATE FINE 12-ACRE tract on Banker Road half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and good drainage. $850 per acre. Carlos G. Watson, owner. _M-21 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division. Just one mile from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the busy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning#basin —through the rich farming sec tion of El Jardin—to the mu nicipal airport and on to South foint. Easy terms. Investigate ODAY. Office 14th and Hays Sts.. J. J. Dallas, Sales Manager, phono 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-285. « FOR SALE £0 acres good irrigated land in El Jardin Tract, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, terms. 60 acres irrigated land in El Jardin tract, all in cultivation and rented; on concrete highway, eleetrie line; price $125.00 per tcre, cash. «n* _____ 40 acres all in cultivation and rented; one mite from small town and concrete road; price $150.00 per acre, terms. 17 acres near Brownsville, all in cultivation, good house, well and windmill; about S acres bearing grove, good citrus land; price $15,000.00. James-Dickinson Company Comer Travelers Hotel Phone 460 Brownsville, Tests M-162 FOR SALE—55-acre beating orchard. with fine improvements, close in. l-l mile from highway. Offered at half value. Inspect if you want wonder ful bargain. Cpdegraff, La Feria. Texas. N-9J LAND BARGAINS—162 acres—«» acres—Donns district, cultivated Nothing better. Priced low. Wire write or call—C. II. Swallow. Alamo. Texas. Y-2S5 HAVE EXCLUSIVE sals on 20 acres *-l Jardin district. $200 acre. T one 1075-11. L-S4 REAL ESTATE ! *"™~——— - ' " For Sub-Division 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca rjnnmg through property offer ing natural lake front sites for subdivision. • This property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-Lomax & Houston and Brownsville Development Co. FIVE ACHES, good house, resaca land set in trees, tools and stock in cluded. If you want a bargain from owner, write P. O. Box 1180. L-127 FOR SALE—60 acres irrigated land ready*for cultivation; well drained; 4 miles from town, in El Jardin. Must be sold to close estate. In quire L. D. Jones, Glenwood Hotel. M-g&g OWNER WILL SELL SO acres good resaca land, irrigated, in cultivation. Harlingen district, only $75 an acre, cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving, Ri-» Hondo San Benito road, 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks. San Benito, Texas, phone 6025F11. M234 .^UNIVERSAL MARKET for every thing—the Classified Section. MUST BE SOLD at sacrifice at once, fifteen acre four year old bearing citrus grove, four miles from Brownsville, one thousand feet from new hard surface road tu the bank of a beautiful resaca irrigating ditch running through property; electric highline and telephone. Sev en thousand five hundred cash. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398-W. N46 FOR SAI.F—Grapefruit orchard 2 1-2 acres, with 7-room house on it. On good street adjoining McAllen. $8500, terms. F. G. Collins, Des Moines, N53. P.EVENUE hearing property for sale cheap; small investment; call qufek. Box N6S, Herald.N6o. Trade For Small Orchard Or Citrus Land Attractive fill ing station rent ing for $50.00 during winter. Large rental in summer. Good location in San Benito. P. O. Box 2, Browns ville, Texas. Farms For Sale OWNE R OFFERS 10 seres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two acres planted to citrus, at Olmito. I need money, the price is right. H. H Parks, phone 602SF11. San Benito. Texas. HAVE EXCLUSIVE sale 4 aern* Ebacos Estate. Phoce 1075-M. L-44, * REAL ESTATE JUST A NICE SEVEN-ACRE TRACT ALL IN TREES .Located in the heart of the Valley, just 1 1-2 miles from Pharr, on the main paved highway; 5-room house, with {lectrie lights and running wa ter. Other improvements good. Good income from the orchard • ext year. Part of the trees six years old. Best buy in Valley. Write me for particulars. 0. R. Eby, Har lingen, Texas. N-97 FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beautiful Valley home, ten acres; 2 1-2 acres in 12 year old citrus trees; modem 7-room dwelling; 1-2 mile from con crete highway and one mile of good town. In the midst of good neigh bors. Orchard alone will yield an nually 10 per cent of sale price. Ad dress box 488, La Feria, Texas. N112 FOR SALE BY OWNER, one ten acre tract of resaca citrus land; or chards on both sides; only three miles from Brownsville on paved highway. Box N-lll, Herald. Kill $3000 CASH and $2000 easy terms will buy or.e of best 40 acre tracts in Val ley; cultivated; irrigited;; fine soil. Owner, Box 1323 Edinburg. N-79 FOR SALE BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight room house, five and a fraction miles from Brownsville, near good school, about 200 yards from concrete highway. Reasonable price and terms. Address P. O. Box 831, Brownsville, Texas. N64. 40 ACRES improved citrus fruit lard near Harlingen city limits, near paved road to Raymondville. and on road designated to be paved. Onlv 310.000.00. with 54.000.00 cash and baianc** easv terms. S. C. Graham. Box P64, Brownsville, Tex. N63. Fine Citrus Land Ten acres, all in cultivation, located near “Nigger Bridge,” fronting on concrete highway and resaca; beau tiful tearing grove which was sold tiful bearing grove whihc was sold at a much higher price than I am asking for my land. OWNER, P. O. Box 4G3, Brownsville, Texas. N107. Houses For Sale WILL SACRIFICE my last two beau tiful homes. Better hurry; only two left o rooms and bath; textone. two-tone finish; beautify, light fix tures; automatic water beaters. See Mrs. Florence Stafford, owner, Layes and 17th streets. Victoria Heights, phone 1075-M. K-170 NOTHING STIMULATES ambition as much as regular reading of the classified ads. BARGAIN for quick sale. Five-room house with gas, hot water and gar age. 1410 W. Elizabeth. J. Haiti ncr, owner. N-98 FOR SALE OR RENT—6-ro m house, new, never been occupied Victoria Heights. See Pete Paloche. at the Borderland. N-GG FOR SALE, cheap, 8 room house, j Inquire 901 Madison or phone 675-J. N116 Lots For Sale THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced U*» on Levee street comer One of the Hest apartment house sights in Brownsville. Must be sold at once. So,000.00. Owner leaving town. 848 West Washington. Phone 1S98W. __N30 FOR SALE Tv.o lota In Edinburg; three lot* in San Benito; 33 lots in Browns ville; seven lots outside Browns ville city limit*; twenty per cent ash. balance in one. two three and four years: or monthly payments if preferred. B. E. Hinkley. Bro - _ R-«*l FOR SALE—Improved 2-3 of lot* 9 and 10. block 94. Adams 1111. J. B Hoyt. Box 251, Monterrey, N. L, Mexico. M-256 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms in Steg man building. Bert Cromack. M66. DON’T WAIT for opportunity to knock. Meet It In the calsaified ads. STORE BUILDING for lease. Now occupied by the Cloetta Hardware company. 82 feet of beautiful show windows on 12th street and 57 feet deep. Suitable for any kind of bua ines*. Possession April first. Also store space 16x28 located in the Travelers Hotel building. Sue Mrs. C. H. More, Travelers Hotel or phone 172. M267 FOR RENT—3-room house, 4-room i ' house. 5-room house, 6-room house, a j fine apartment on Palm Blvd, and j a duplex in West Brownsville. Sonth- i ern Realty Co, phone 914. N29 FURNISHED HOUSE, every conven ience; on pavement; five rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. ! Also two single sleeping rooms. Phone 1828-W. N62 WANTED BY COUPLE: Sms!! apart-' ment in private home, furnished or unfurnished. Call 932. N115 Aoarfrnenta FOR RENT: Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phone 274. _M173 LOVELY FURNISHED apartment on paved street: Includes garage. Phone 1292. Miss Gentry. N-17 NEBRASKA APARTMENTS — Fur nished. every convenience, ftigMaire. and gas ranges. Jefferses and Four teenth Streets. Phene 1U4. W-42 FOR KENT—Four-room apartment equipped with gas range. Frigidaire. automatic water heater and modem plumbing. Garage. Apply on prem ises at Fourteenth and Garfield. M49 ROOMS mad apartments. 701 St. Charles Tei 1017.E71 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phon* 351. Y-J. TWO SMALL apartments at twenty dollars and one 4-reom apartment at thirty-five. Clean; close in; on paved street. Phene 175. N-#9 FURNISHED APARTMENT in rew Duplex, 1114 West Elisabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tele phone 1013-W, N*37 RENTALS Apartment* I OS RENT to couple: Newly fur nished apartment in duplex, phone 12~3J-_ N~3. NICE FOUR - ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage, also 4-room furnished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N17 Furnished Rooms ROOMS, one block from postoffice one block from El Jardin hotel; targe, southern exposure; reasons ble. Phone 1226W or 1317. M-215 FOR RENT; Large bedroom ad oln ing bath, hot and cold water, gas. Ill Elizabeth street. M140 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment 1022 St. Charles, phone 92S-J. M-159 BEDROOM in private family. 904 Adams St., $2.50 per week. N25. FOP. RENT—Well furnished sleep tng room; twin beds, meals if de sired; also housekeeping apartment, close in. Phone 199. —L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Call at Delta Hotel, 80S 1-2 Elizabeth SL, one block from postoffice. Phono 804. M-68. FIRN'ISHED ROOM in private fam ily. 442 Levee, phone 578. N114 Houses For Rent HOLLOW TILE and stucco 6 rooms just completed. On West Levee, near Pita. Phone 325, after 6 p. m. _N-24 MODERN 5-room house with gas, garage. Phone 911. M28.4 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house. 12th and St. Charles. Phone 722. M-251 REAL REAL ESTATE bargains may bs found among the classified ads. TO RENT—5-room house, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gas electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to fce appreciated. Call 703 I or 10~5M. N28, | FOR RENT: 4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth street. __N118 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Staled bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until 10:00 a. m., March 1. 1929. for 1200 sacks of cement de livered to the Municipal Airport. A certified check of 2 per cent of the amount will be required. The City reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretary. 9 to IS inc. lOt-3326 OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Port of Brownsville, Texas, January 30, 1929. Notice is hereby given that on January 28. 1929, there was seized near San Be nito, Texas, from unknown parties, for violation of Section 593 Tariff Act 1922 and Section 3082 R. S.. One Ford Touring automobile, motor No. 11128642. and one Ford Touring Auto mobile. Motor No. A 52030. Any one claiming these automobiles must ap pear and file his claim with me with in twenty (201 days from the date of this notice, otherwise I will sell the automobiles at public auction at the U. S. Customhouse, Brownsville, Tex as, on Wednesday, February 20, 1929. at 10 o’clock A. M.—Wm. Neale, Dy. Collector. 1 -30-G-13—3t—3320. BOARD OF INSURANCE COM MISSIONERS State of Texas R. B. Cousins, Jr.. Chairman of the Board Austin, Texas, January l. 1929. No. 130 To All Whom It May Concern: This is to certify, that the Rio Grande Nstional Life Insurance Com pany, Harlingen, Texas, has in all respects fully complied with the laws ef Texas as conditions precedent to its doing business this State, and I have issued to said Company a Cer tificate of Authority from this office entitling it to do business In this State for the year ending the 28th dav February, 1930. Given under my hand and my seal of office at Austin, Texas, th* date first above written. R. B. COUSINS, Jr., Chairman of the Board. 1- 30-6-13-3t—2319. THE STATE OF TEXAS No. 1659 To th* Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County—Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a period of ten days before the return day hereof, in a newspaper of general circulation, which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year | in said Cameron' County, a copy of the following notice: THE STATE OF TEXAS To all persons interested in the m-elfare of Emmett Waters and Clif ford Waters, Minors, Mr*. D. W. Water* has filed in the County Court ; of Cameron County, an application for Letter* ef Guardianship upon the persons and Estate of said Minors, which said application will be heard at the next term of ssid Court, eem mencing on the first Monday in April A. D. 1929, the same being the first day of April A. D. 1929. at the Court House thereof, in Brownsville. Texas, at which time all persons interested j in the welfare of such Minor, may appear and contest said application, i if they see proper to do so. Herein fail not, but have you | before said Court on the said ! first day of the next term I thereof this W’rit, with your return | theiTon. showing how you have exe • cuted the same. Given under ray hand and the seal of said Conrt, at office in Browns ville, Texas, this the 11th day of Feb ruary. A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D SEAGO. clerk. County Court, Cameron County, Texas. By O. F. Bienner, Deputy. 2- 13-30—21—3335. TIE STATE OF TEXAS To th* Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron County. Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a period of ten days before the return day hereof, in a newspaper e< general circulation, which has been continuously and rerularly published for a period of not less thair ooe year in said Cameron County, a copy of the following notice: THE STATE OF TEXAS To all Persons Interested in the Welfare of Lawrence E. Friebel*. a person of unsound mind. J. R. Fri ebel*. was by the County Court of Caaeron County, Texas, on th* 2! day of January A. D. 1929, duly ap LEGAL ADVEKi litMENl pointed Temporary Guardian ef the person and estate of said person of unsound mind, which appointment will be made permanent unless the same shall be successfully contested at the next term of said Court, com mencing on the first Monday in ! first day of April A. D. 1929, at thq | Court House thereof, in Brownsville. 1 Texrs, et which time all persons in terested in the welfare of said person of unsound mind may appear and con test such appointment if they so de sire. Herein fail not, but have you before j said Court, on the said first day of next term thereof, this writ with I your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the *eal of said Court, at office in Browns ville, Texas, this the 11th dsy of February, A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D. SEAGO. Clerk. County Court Cameron County, Texas. By O. F. Brenner, Deputy. 2-13-20—2t—3336. THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff of Cameron County, Greeting: You are hereby c-mmanded to post for ten full days prior to the 27th day of February, A. D. 1929, in three public places whh n the bounds of the defined dhttiet in Cameron County, Texas, proposed to be es tablished under cht name of “Cam eron County Water Improvement District Number Fifteen,” (the boun daries of which are shown in the pe tition for the establishment thereof on file with the Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court of Cameron County. Texal), and »t the Court House Door of said County, or on the, bulletin board used for public notices] at the said County Court House, true copies of the following notice: THE STATE OF TEXAS To all persons interested in and whose lands are included in and would be affected by the creation of “Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number Fifteen”: Notice is hereby given that there has been presented to the Commis sioners’ Court of Cameron County, Texas, a petition in due form and properly and sufficiently signed, asking that said Court establish a Water Improvement District in Cam eron County, Texas, to be known a* “Cameron County Water Improve ment District Number Fifteen,” un der the metes and bounds set out in scid petition, (and all persons inter ested shall take notice of the boun daries of said district as set out in said petition, and may inspect same by examining the same in the office of the Clerk of said Court), and that said Commissioners’ Court has, at a Regular Session, set said petition for hearing at a Special Session of said Court on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1929, at the Court House in the City of Brownsville, Cameron Coun ty. Texas, at which hearing any per son whose lands are included in and would be affected by the creation of such district may appear before said court and contest the creation of such district, or contend for the creation thereof, and may offer testimony to show that such district is or is not necessary, and would or would not be of public utility, and that the cre ation of such district would or would not be feasible or practicable. * This notice is issued in compliance with an order of said Commission ers’ Court of date February 11th. A. D. 1929, setting said petition for hearing, ar.d the following is a true copy of said Order, viz: “In the Matter of The Establishment of Cameron County Water Improve ment Distort Number Fifteen. On this the 11th day of February A. D. 1929, at a Regular Session of the Honorable Commissioners’ Court of Cameron County, Texrs, there was presented to this Court and came on to be considered the petition of S. Finley Eying, and other*, praying for the establishment of a Water Im provement District, lying wholly within Cameron County, Texas, to be known as “Cameron County W ater Improvement District Number Fif teen," and setting forth therein the boundaries of said District, same con taining 1828.01 acres in Cameron County Surveys Nos. 273, 274, and 275, same to be created and to oper ate under Section 59 of Article 16. of the Constitution of Texas, for the purpose of irrigating the land therein included, and of furnishing water for domestic, power and commercial pur poses, in which petition it embraced an application for authority for the issuance of the notes of such district when organized, to the maximum amount permitted by law, based upon the sum of 1180,000.00 estimated and Proposed cost of the improvements to e made in said district, namely: an irrigation system therein. And, the court, after examining said petition and finding that same is in due and legal form and is signed by a majority in number of the hold er* of title to the lands situated within the proposed district and rep resenting a majority in value of the lands therein, as indicated by the County tax rolls, and that said peti tion sets forth a necessity, public utility, feasibility and a benefit to the lands included in said district, and tha proposed boundaries of said district and designates a name for such district, to-wit: “Cameron County Water Improvement District Number Fifteen.” which includes the name of Cameron County. i» of the opinion that same should be set down for hearing. It is, therefore, now here by the Court ordered that said petition be, and the same is, set for hearing be fore this Court at a Special Session of this Court to be held at the Coun ty Court House in the City of Brownsville, in Cameron County, Texas, on the 27th day of February. A. D. 1929, at which time and place any person whose lands are included in and would be affected by the cre ation of said district may appear be fore this Court and contest the cre ation of said District, or contend for the creation of said district, and may offer testimony to show that said district is or is not necessary *nd would or would not be of sny public utility, and that the creation of such district would or would not be feas ible or practicable, and at which time and piece this Court wit! adjudge and determine all contests and ob jections to the creation of said Dis trict, and all matter* pertaining to the same." And, it is further ordered that the Clerk ef this Court forthwith issue due notice of said hearing, and that sane be posted and publishad by the Sheriff of Cameron County, Texas, as required by law." You are further commanded to cause to be published said notice in a newpaper of general circulation in Cameron County, Texas, one time and at least five days prior to the date of such hearing, vix: February 27. 1929. Herein fail not, but make due re turn of a true copy of this notice to the Clerk of the County Commisaion ers* Court of Ctmeron County, Texas, on or before the said 27th day of Febnury, A. D. 1929, showing the * LEGAL AUV EKf laLMKNT time when end the placet where such notice wet posted and published. Witness my hand %nd seal of said Court at office in Brownsville, Texas, this llth day of February, A. D. 1929. (SEAL) H. D. SEAGO, Clerk of the County Court, and Ex-officio Clerk of the County Commissioners* Court of Cam eron County, Texas. 2-13—It—3332. -.— 3 PROSPECTORS BURN TO DEATH IN CABIN SIX LOOKOUT. Man.. Feb. 13.—(JP) —Trapped by flames in their cabin at Narrow Woman Lake. Porta**. 1 three prospectors were horned to I death. Four dogs, chained to tho M building, also perished. 1 News of the tragedy waa brought ^B here by an airplane. Tho harks of Ji the terrified dogs roused R. F. Dynes. sleeping in a shack soma distance, j away, but he was unable to rescue V f either the men or tho dogs. 1 The victims were Tony Tyrrell and I men named Gougan and Voigt. I I A. TAMM || Blue Printing and I Supplies | Harlingen, Texas 1 Classified Business Directory ^ Architects BEN V. PROCTER . ENGINEERING CO. Architect* — Engineer* 208 Merchants Dank. Bldg. Phone 61/ Brownsville. Terse. E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Bolder 409 State Nat. Rank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9-12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco, Texaa A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 41* Merchants Bank Building Brow; ville, Texas Builders—Contractors G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTE ACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. F. D. No. L San Benito Telephone 6005 F 12 H-69 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors E28 Washington St. Brownsville. Texas Phone 627 Cash Registers NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Registers bought, sold and sac banged. Wr E. Sanders Representative. Phone 29 Harlingen Texas Box 906 Dray—T ransfer Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS Light and Heavy Hauling. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone 129. AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO, Phone* 421 and 619 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight servica between ail Valley point*. Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Track leave* Brownsville 11:80 Daily Florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BOWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral design*. Ft. Charles and Pita streets. Phone 77L HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Famone for its Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The pepainr place for business leaches 12th between Elisabeth and Washington Hotel Hollingsworth American Style. Day, Wash or Monthly Rata. Phono 1C87-J. Insurance McDonald-Howard Agency Loans - Insurance -'Real Estate * Rooms 1 and 2, Arcade Bldg. . _ - Phone 1090 E ' N2 IP IT'S “Year Move Next/ /oa will find that good draymeg and espert mover* offer tgeiv aerri«et through ^h# classified ada. Insurance \V. B. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS '.j 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 Ju Mattress Renovating —... ■■■■.—I. ■ ——— Let Us Renovate i Your Mattress VCa make mattreasas to order. AH 4j repair work guaranteed. SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 .. J OFFICE EQUIPMENT J . ART METAL j FILING Equipment MarerickClark* Litho Co. 203 Merchants National Bask Phona 617— Brownsville „ ,'ll _ "*• q ... 1 - - ———* Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE S STATIONERY A BOOK STORE Brownerllle. Teats. Funeral Directors t Hinkley Mortuary | Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St. Charles and Eleventh Street '‘•si Typewriters DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange, (Brownsrille'* Type writer House) n Distributors, New L C. Smith “Si lent" 8 end Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and "Factory” Rebuilt*—all makes. We repair all makes typewriter and adding machine*. 1112 Elisabeth St, Phone 1105. ** WOODSTOCE TYPEWRITER SALES CO. , Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phone 506—Harlingen E*1S PROFESSIONAL if. Attorney* Da ran port, West sad Ransoms Attorney* at Law <07-308 Merchants National Baak Brownsville. Taxa* •** H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchant* National Bank Bldg. Brownsrille. Taxaa. ■«■■*■* 1% f . J. T. Canale* C. S. Eidmarn. la CANALES AND E1DMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estate a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank _Browner Ills. Taxaa_ ^ H. L. YATES~ Attorney at Law Stete National Back Bldg. — Browniriile. Taxaa Chiropodistj FOOT BPEC1ALI8T 7 * Dr. E. Hillingar oa highway between ” San Benito and Harliagen Ail feat -m troubles treated. D-168 Chiropractor -•-: # M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACTCr Nerr-O-Mettr Serrica State Nattoaal Bank Bldg. Brownsrille. Taxaa Room 40ft Phene TW EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED »t DR. a RAKZELL Chiropractic—Electro—Tbamfy Mati*g« and Bath Cromsck Bldg. Browner ilia. M-ilf. - REAL ESTATE « LOS EBANOS Brownarilla's Supreme Reside*Hal.* District, carefully restricted. «em- **, plauly improved. Home sites fro* / $1200.00, easy terms, Jaaee-Dickia-r •on Co. Realtor*, corner rite*!*:’ Hotel Bldg. Brownsville. K-* —WEARING APPAREI . BETTIN’S Tailoring and Hsherdashcty The Horn* af# Bench Mads Cletkes. 1210 Elisabeth Phone «*• * % ✓ w « .i* • **