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I ' ##### ; WESLACO HONOR mother Mrs Harry Ratliff and Mrs. L. T. HUrtoa entertained baturday after yP* »t the Casa de Palma* tn Mc ife. _mth bridge honoring Mra. molher' Mrs. R. L. Holden who ha* been spend . f o T‘nUr k*r* **er daugh «r. Red rose* and the valentine motif made the de< orations. Miss RUzabeth Cowgill won high score. rs. 1 orter Davis won second *nd Miss Marcella Lehman held »ar. Refreshments were served to *rs. Howard Adamson. Mrs. E. L. Bar more. Mrs. Frank bublett, Mrs. Coargin. Miss Elizabeth Cow ff'll. Miss Exa Belle Sublctt and MM.” Maxine Bruce of San Benito; S..rah Haynes of Mercedes; Hri' Harry Ridgeway and Mrs. Mil IVn h'tzgerald of Donna Weslaco ■ Eruests were Mesdanies John Ben ■Kett. W. F. Powell. M. F. Arm ■JPtrong, Jr., John Grave*, Hu! D. ^K>ixon, Gilbert P.amscy. W. \Y. Car ^■other*, Robert Taylor. W. C |B lacksv, Harold Lehman. J. C. Fri BP»y- M. O’Neal. W. S. Rav, Dan Mh;oate, Joe M^son. J. C. Owen*. M. M ■e* fcA- kill, C. Lawton, Arthur Moore. ■•Harold Pugh, Wm. Hughe*, C. M. gB Sherrill. Porter Davis, C. Lester B! Skaggs, T. W. Glass. A. F. Rirhard B?*on. Dar Ratliff, W. H Baxter. Jr.. pE Harry Solether, W. R. Symonds, J. Rw D. Stephens, J. L. Compere, Jr.. John fc A. Knapp. ]’. V. Sidener; Misses C| Marcella Lehman, Glad}* Gibson, Ej Thelma Smith and Manon Haltoway. |J LLANO GRANDE CLUB Mrs. Clell Solether was hostess ■ Friday to the members of the Llano I Grande bridge club. The decora ■ tion consisted of a profusion of 9 yellow flowers. Mrs. Harry Solether [lwon high among the guests and Mrs. IT. W. Glass high among the club -l members. A plate luncheon was <4 served to the Hub member* and the II ffi2°'rinz quests: Mr*. A. E. Rieh I argtson, Mrs. J. C. Owen*. Harold iel Finley, Harry Folether, and H T. Blake Bricknell. i * * * A M1»S THOMPSON ENTERTAINS B Mi** Frankie Thompson enter B tained Thursday evening with two I ‘Gordon9 STYLE 590 at $1.98 the Pair F Lace Clocks ^ In Silk Chiffon Hon f First Arrivals in • the Valley « ! feBflR&ek /2J7 Chsaheth Street i l_ 1 * > I il * SPENCER Beauty and Wave j Shop Formerly $5 Permanent Wur Shop Equipped to care for your i every need in Beauty Work. i Our Specialtv Permanent Wave t | Any (!»C Any I Type Sty!* y.Everinfa and Sunday* by j • , * Appointment Spencer Beauty and Wave Shop IIB5H Elisabeth St. Tel. 13C6 McCiory Blcg. is ■» Ikvr, / • ywr , tables of bridge. Red roses and the valentine motif were used in the decorations. the clever fortunes which each drew caused much mer riment. Prize winners were Miss j Hobby Payne, .Miss Clara Holman, M. t. hingaoury and John Petty. Re | freshments were served. • * • COMPLIMENT MRS. STONE The Loyal Women and toe Loyal ! Amici, two classes of the Christian [ Sunday school, complimented Mrs. ' T. E. Stone with a delightful sur prise shower Friday evenin'** at the home of Mrs. Wm. LeMay. The honoree received many gifts. After several clever contests delicious angel food cake, chicken salad and punch were served. Those present were Mesdames T. E. Stone, T. A. Mauek. H. M. Michel!, E. L. Sugg and daughter Alice Yarbrough, J. C. Mitchell, W. H. Hoge, J. J. Gibson. It. L. liankal, W. J. Klingman, C. A. I.igon, E. A. Kennedy, John Gound, Georg© Palko, Clifford Gibson, W. 1). Hope, I. A. Lawrence, F. O. Rich creek, Rena Holsinger, J. E. Lee, J- E. Montgomery, E. L. Noret, B. W. Langley, Frances King, Mont© Walk er, Eleanor LeMay. Dorothy Seammel!, Vera Langley and the hostess. • • • BRIDGE PARTY Miss Hazel Stone entertained on Thursday evening with two tables of bridge, at which Miss Adel© King t won high score and Miss Jessie King held low. Refreshments were* served to Mrs. Jake Holcomb, Mrs. Gradon Gamble, Miss Firms Ander sen, Miss Evelyn Nevil, Miss Na dine Weaver, Misses Jessie and Adele King. • • • BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. W. A. Schueler and daugh ter, Kathryn, entertained Friday evening with a turkey dinner hon oring Mr. Schueler on his fifty fourth birthday. The valentine mo tif was used in the decorations, (lever verses were written‘on the place cards. Guests were W. F. Anderson. C. M. Mackey, V. M. Sut pben. Judge M. L. Dew. Harry Rat liff, Claude Kidder and J. Black. • • • GIF.SE PARTY Mrs. John Giese and Mrs. M. Giese entertained Friday evening with bridge at the M. Giese home. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kelly of Elsa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rese mover of Edcouch. Mr. and Mrs. B. George of Fllsa, Mrs. John Schmidt, Miss Reimes of New York City. Miss Evelyn Schmidt and Carolyn Schmidt and J. Swannons of Fdcouch. • • • PERSONALS Mrs. M. L. Dew entertained Sun day with a chicken dinner for her little grandson, Pascal Page, who celebrated his fifth birthday. Lit tle guests were Anna Marie and Joe Neely and Ted Cresnner. Mrs. D. W .Iford and Mrs. T. H. Cook were Weslaco guests attend ing the seventeen-table bridge given in Mercedes Saturday afternoon by Mesdames John Rouse and Kathryn Chaddick at the American Legion building. Mr*. Charles Cohen and son will arrive Wednesday from Elyria Ohio, to spend the remainder of the win ter with her aunt. Mrs. R. L. Ral ston. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hindahl ar rived Thursday from Mason City, III., and will spend several weeks here. They were Friday guests at the E. W. Langley home. C. W. took and daughter Miss La \ ern returned Friday from several davs* trip to Cotulla. Miss Gertrude Worm of Harlingen spent the week-end with Miss Frankie Thompson. Miss Lucille Stoker will leave this week for Mission where she will be employed at the W'estern Union. Mrs. J C. Cook and Mrs. T. F.. Stone and Mrs. R. Henehment were Wednesday shoppers in McAllen. Mrs. V. C. Thompson will leave soon for Austin to attend school. Mrs. K. M. Anderson and dau.'V ter Miss Mary Louise, and Mrs. P P. Doss returned Friday from sev eral day** trip to Fan Antonio. Mr. and Mr*. J. Scott Robertson of San Benito spent Fund*! here. Mir^es Jewell Watson and Paulin# McC alip wh are attending Bavlo* Re'ton spent the week-end with their parents here. Leo Aibritten. who is in school at Georgetown spent tb» week-end here with bis rarent*. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Aibritten. ITARLIXC.EN VISIT VALLEY *~ Mr. end Mrs. C. J Van Keuren and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Keuren of San An tonio arrived here Thursday and were guests of Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Water man. After visiting places of inter est in the Valley, icy left hy auto mobile Tuesda> for San An tonio. f BRIDGE ( l.l P f Mrs. M. I. OLon was hostess to the Harlingen Bridge club at Stuart ! Place recently. Before the game a '• poem entitled “Roses.” was read. A. L. Brooks composed the lines in 1 compliment to roses sent him during hi* recent illness. High club score *nd prize went to Mrs. A. E. McClen don and second high to Mr*. H. H. Hurchard. Mrs. Frank Chastain won the high guest prize and a special guest gift was presented Mrs. S. A. Thompson. She is leaving shortly for her new home near San Antonio. The hostess served a two course lun cheon. Guests at this occasion were Mesdames A. H. Weller. C. W. Let rerkh. (4. N. Joyner. H. H. Rurchard. W. T. Hodge. A. Goldammer. Her man Goetzk#. J. C. Atchison, A. E Mc Clendon. Frank Chastain. J. R Chalks and S. A. Thompson. • • • t M.FNTINE DANA E A Valentine dance will be he!d «oon at the Woman’s Building under the auspices of the Los Amigos club, one of the newest organization* of this city. Good music is planned. Of ficers for the year are L, R. Raker, president; Jack Little, vice president; Roe Davenport, maste*’ of cere monies: C. A. Wa**"man. sergeant: Fcott Bobo. Frank Mayer, directors; and Ogden Horne, reporter. • • • LEE-BANKS A wedding occurred at the M. T., Olson hom* «n Friday n ght. The marri'g* of M' s Clyde I.c«, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lee of Nacogdoches. Tex., and Bruce Eu bank!. ion of Mr j. M. T. Olion. w»i solemn ijed at 8:3© o'clock. Far. M. 0 Ewinsr. pastor of the Christian chu-ch. conducted th« service in front of rn alter formed o' p’nk rr.r*s. 0« eiibep fide wore tall basket* DIM with orange blossoms. The pretty Kride was attired in a costume of grey -un_ri u-j-L-u-i_ri_ - « - ■■ - — mmm i — i.. JUST AMONG US GIRLS « , N cJadk ft rrvaton^ a la<? suoces*? writing* fICnoN 9 ' I always ihou^Vit Vie would Jud<^in<£ Prom i>ic love leUcers V\c used io wnU. .me/ ^ • \ . — —— ^rf., , • — , , - ■■ ■■■ crepe remains combined with rose trimmings. All features of her cos tume were matched. She carried an arm bouquet of choice pink roses. A reception followed after which the couple left for Corpus Christi. They will live in Harlingen where Mr. Piuhanks is engaged in business. Pres ent were Clzudc Lee, brother of the bride and Mrs. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Reu ben Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Ross An glin. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Tom Roberts and Miss Edith Potts. • • • SILV ER TEA The annual Silver Tea. given by the Icdies of St. Alban's guild on Mon day afternoon was a creditable affair, although the attendance was not as large as usual due to cold weather. The auditorium of the Women’s Build ing was warm and cheery with bou quets of red roses and bunches of trmarack. The tea table was dec orated with lace scarf, green candle sticks, tall red tapers, a green bowl filled with red rose buds, gleaming silver, and a dish of red mints. Mrs. W. R. Carmcan, president of the guild, and Mrs. J. T. Thompson poured tea. Mrs. J. B. Kelsey had charge of the registration book. Mrs. J. S. Speed planned the program. Two humorous readings were given by Miss Vera LeUerich. A series of piano solos by Miss Nancy Jen nings were well received. Mrs. Jack Cary sang “Indian Love Song,’’ “Sally of my Dreams" and “Cloe." Mrs. S. R. Jennings accompanied at the piano. Mrs. Maurice Dace, violinist, gave “Adoration” by Rarowsky end “Spring Song" by Barnes. Mrs. Floyd Smith was at the piano. Little Margaret Ann Smith gave two read ings and was heartily apnlauded. Refreshments were served through out. • • • NEW CLUB A new study club was organized Monday afternoon at a meeting bald at the Women's Building. Mrs. P. G. Greenwood acting as chairman, pro tern, afterward was elected president. Mrs. J. L. Fuller, elected correspond ing secretary. Meetings will he held on the second and fourth Mondays at 3 p. m. at the Woman’s Building. Jl Flashes of Life (P? The Associated Press) ♦ By The Associated Press). BELGRADE, Jugoslavia. — Arctic weather means nothing to Spyridion Polychroniades. minister from Greece. Pedestrians tried to rescue him from among the ice cakes of the Sava riv e"I have done this for the last 40 years," he exclaimed. “Leave me alone." After an hour's swim he walked to the legation hatlcss and costless. NEW YORK.—Football eminence is only a bubble. This on no less an authority than the Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell, president of the Univer sity of Notre Dame. He so remark ed in a speech here deploring the ex cessive and almost exclusive emi nence given the university by the game. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Mr. George Herman Ruth. having straightened out his hooks and slices, is taking golf very seriously, and warns his friends not to be funny with him about it. He qualified in a tournament with a 79. third place. PARIS.—The police are finding it almost impossible to enforce a sec tion of the code Napoleon forbidding women to wear trousers without a permit. So they have decided not to try unless excessive attention is at tracted. And they arc doing nothing about the case of Mile. Violette Mor ris, athlete specializing in the discus throw, who wears them constantly. Millions of Families Depend on Dr. Caldwell’s Prescription Whtn Df. Paid** 11 lurted to prao- i lice medicine, hark in 1875. the j needs for a laxative were not v > great as they are today. People lived normal, quiei lives.'mte plain, wholesome food, and got plenty of I fresh air and sunshine. But even lhat early there were drastic physics and purges for lhe relief of consti pation which Dr. Caldwell did not believe were good for human heings to put into their systems. So he wrote a prescription for a laxative to . j be used by his patients. The prescription for constipation | that he tiled early m hit practice, j nod which he put in drug stores in j JSP2 under the name of Dr. Cold- ' Well’s Syrup Pepsin, i* a liquid vegetable remedy intended for wo men. children and elderly people, and they need juet such a mild. safe, gentle bowel stimulant as fynip repain. Under successful management this prescription has proven its worth i and is now the largest selling liquid ! laxative in the world. The fart that | Millions of bottles at* used a year j ..rove* that it has won the coni iience of people who needed H to get rtlief from headaches, bdimiaaeaa. flatulence, indigration. loss of appe tite and sleep, had breath, dyspepsia, -olds and fevers. Million# of families are now ortrr wtUwiat Dr. UW»tli» Syn»p ftp me AT AOB U sin, and if you will one* start using it you will also always bar* a hottla bandy for etnerj^ncies. it is particularly pleating to know that the most of it is bought by mothers for themselves and the chil dren. though Syrup Pepsin ia just as valuable for elderly people. All drug stores have the generous bot tle*. A trial is Mire u> convince any hou»f!ho1d of tb* aicfm til this famous prescription. m . • • fLiJsSi ," i ' > ~ u Amazing Values in | KITCHEN CABINETS I $41.50 to $69.95 Ward's offer you urequ-.ied values in kitchen | cabinets—representative of the most splendid effi- 0 • I r:«ncy, perfect construction *nd utility. Finished in | *he new colors. There is a size for your personal ron'enience. See th^m today! Jf t R Jm*. Ik^^^HHHRRHHRRP A Great Value in a Quality S9-LB. MATTRESS ' $7.75 There's extra weight and extra comfort in this wonderful bargain mattress! Very specially priced for the February sales. Built layer upon layer of j| felled cotton and covered with dainty art ticking, deeply tufted with rolled edge. ^ FEATHER I | PILLOWS I $1.35 each \ £ jj Filled with choice white /■ i rj|7 duck and goose feathers, * l«VCi and covered with attrac- TIMF tivo floral art 1 * sateen ticking. oPREADS -j ^ Perfect com- f, fort — assured Cl VL rest! e«#tl •» nthe? In quaint eolo- I , « , , a! atrip* pattern. Blue, || 3 >old and Rose. COTTON PI-AID 0 FLEECYDOWN I BLANKETS R.. $3.19 I , IVn serviceable staple cotton blankets with gay snd pastel plaid design. Sixo 68*80 inches. | | Fine Bleached I Soft Sheets $1.05 I M Delightfully soft, fine quality in torn sixc*.. Site 81x94 inches I jj MONTGIIMERYWARD 6 CQ I 127-129 North 1st Street til S HOURS 8 to 6 • Harlingen, Texas. PHONE 434 H |gp * • > . |