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[Radio Bridge Analysis Being a Report of Bidding and Play Over * the Air from KWWG Soma of tha fine points of pity in I Section were Illustrated in the game iroadca.n Tuesday from Station CWWG, with E. E. Denison of Port and. Me., and John C. Gardner, of | Jrooklyn, N. Y., making up the table with ^?r. Whitehead and Mr. Work. Thaae were the hands: Mr. Den ton,... Dealer South: Spades. A. 8. 5; fcarts, Q, 10, 8, 2; Diamonds. Q. J. 4; -luba, A, Q. 10. Mr. Gardner, West; | SpadeK T, 2; Hearts, 9. 7. 4. 3; Dia- ; pondt, 8, 7, 5; Clubs. K, J, 6, 2. Mr.! Whitehead North: Spades, K. 4. 3; learta. A. 8; Diamonds. A, 10. 9. 8. 2; Clubs, 9. Z, 3- Mr. Work, East; Spacer, Q, J,*10, 9, 6: Hearts, K, J, 8; Dia monds, K, 3; Clubs, 8, A, 4. Mr; Denison, the Dealer with ail four suits stopped, opened the bidding with ‘one No Trump. Mr. Gardner, Waak *nd Mr. Whitehead, North, MOmL* Mr. Work, East, bid two Spadgs to indicate a lead in ease Mr. Denison, South, secured the contract. Mr. Denison, holding hut one stop per qi Spades, passed, as a rebid of No Trump was not ssfc unless his partner showed some supporting atreagtfc. Mr. Denison was ready to go o9 with his No Trumps in care his parlor made any free bid of three. Mr. Gardner. West, passed; and Mr. Dent&en’s partner, Mr. Whitehead, said ..three Diamonds. Mr. Work. East£3»atsed. Mr. Denison b’d three No T*rumps. He interpreted his part ner^ free bid of three diamonds to indicate possibly 3 solid Are-King five-eard suit in Diamond» (with Mr Denipon's own Queen and Jack), or •lae aide strength to jurtify Mr. Den ison's going on with his No Trump if holding a stopper in Spades. All passed the three No Trump bid; therefore Mr. Denison became De clarer. Mr. Gsidner, West, opened the play with the 7 of Spades, his top card in his partner’s suit. Mr. Whitehead’s hand became Dummy, and from it Mr. Denison, Declarer, played low, the 3 of Spades, in order to win the trick in his own hand for a Diamond finesse. Mr. Work played the 9 of Spades, the lowest card of his sequence, and Declarer won with the Ace. Mr. Denison then led the Queen of Diamonds, losing the finesse to Mr. Work’s King. Mr. Gardner, West, and Dummy playing the 5 and 2. respec tively. Mr. Work led the Queen of Spaces, the top card of his sequence; Mr. Denison played the 5; Mr. Gard ner the 2; Dummy the King, since it was apparent to Declarer that Mr Gardner was out of Spades, inas much rs Mr. Work, East.'must have held five originally to warrant his bid. Therefore there was no reason for Dummy to hold off with his King, since Mr. Gardner could not make a Spade lead to Mr. Work’s established suit. Dummv then led the <1 of Dia , monds; Mr. Work played the 3; Dc i clarer the Jack; Mr. Gardner the 7. i Declarer continued with the 4 of Diamonds: Mr. Gardner played the 8; Dummy the 9; and Mr. Work dis carded the 8 of Hearts, indicating strength in that suit. Dummy led j the Ace of Diamond*: Mr. Work dis carded the 1 of Clubs; Declarer the [2 of Hearts; Mr. Gardner the 2 of j Hearts Dummy led hi* last Dia < mond, the 10; Mr. Work discarded the S of Clubs; Declarer the 6 of Hearts; Mr. Gardner the 4 of Hearts. Mr. Denison, the Declarer, at this point could read Mr. Work’s remain ing cards as consisting of three good Spades, with probably the guarded King of Hearts and a singleton Club. If Mr. Work had the King of Hearts twice guarded, he must be void of Clubs. In any event he had but one Club, which, if held, Mr. Denison pro ceeded to take, leading the 3 of Clubs from Dummy. Mr. Work played the 8; Declarer the Ace, as a finesse was needless, if he had read Mr. Work's holding correctly. Mr. Gardner plhycd the 2. Mr. Denison then led the 8 of Spades, prepared to lost three Spade tricks in order to assure himself of two Heart tricks after Spades were exhausted. Mr. Gardner discarded the 6 of Clubs; Dummy played the 4 of Spades; Mr. Work the 10 of Spades. Mr. Work proceeded to take his two good Spades—the Jack and 8— Mr. Denison discarding the 10 and Queen of Clubs; Mr. Gardner the Jack of Clubs and 7 of Hearts; and Dummy the 7 and 9 of Clubs. Then, as Mr. Denison had deduced. Mr. Work was obliged to lead either hit King or Jack of Hearts, either of which gave the last two tricka to Mr. Denison, bolding Queen-Ten in his hand, rod Ace in Dummy. Mr. Denison, therefore, held the adver saries to three Spade tricks and one Diamond trfck, while he himself made game. 30 points, at No Trump, and 40 for four Acca divided. The most de j lightful feature of Mr. Denison's handling of the deal was that when ! his Diamond finesse lost, he forced I discards from Mr. Work, East, until i he found out whether East's side strength, in addition to the King of i Diamonds, to justify his Spede bid. was the King of Hearts or the King I of Clube. Mr. Denison then was able to manage his play accordingly. The Contract bidding of this hand, according to Mr. Work, would be somewhat different from its Auction bidding. South, with four suits stopped and a count of 1< (4 for th« Ace of Spades, 2 for tha Queen of Hearts, 3 for the Queen-Jack of Dia monds. 6 for the Ace-Queen of Clubs, and 1 for two Tens) would be tempted to bid two No Trumps. As a matter of fact, it would not be a serious overbid, as a count of just one more (17), would fully justify the declar ation. However, it would not matter whether South bid one or two No Trump*: North would jump the one No Trump to two. or the two No Trumps to three. If the former case —that of North jumping to two— South, having bid with much more than a minimum, would jump to three. Spades to insert his lead di rector. and it is very doubtful if any player, under the same circumstances in a Contract game, would do so. The Spade bid by East not being made, the play in Contract would be quite different from the Auction hand. West's initial lehd wou d be a Club up to South's double tenace. so that Declarer, without any dificuUy. would make a minimum of two Spades, one Heart, four Diamonds and two Clubs. Doubtless he would be able to make another trick, but that would be the trick immaterial. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ~THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Cameron county, greeting: Jose Anzaldua, guardian of the estate of Anpelita Zamora. Maria Zamora. Gil herto Zamora. Jose Zamora. Refugio Zamora. Adolfo Zamora, Olivia Za mora, Eustolia Zamora, and Beatrix Zamora, minors, having filed in our county court his final account of [ the condition of the estate of said | Angelita Zamora. Maria Zamora. Gil | feerto Zamora. Jose Zamora. Refugio I Zamora. Adolfo Zamora, Olivia Za 1 mora. Eustolia Zamora, and Beatrix LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Zara ora, minora, numbered $67 on tfco probat* docket of Caraeron county, together with an application to be discharged from said guard ianship. You are hereby commanded, that by publicatin of this Writ for twenty days, in a newspaper print ed in the county of Camera, you give duo notice to all persons in terested in the account for final settlement of said estate, to appear and contest the same if they see prooer so to do, on or before the April term, 1929, of said county court, commencing and to be holden at the court house of said county, | In the city of Brownsville, Texas, on j the first Monday in April. A. b. 1 1929. when said account and applica- ! tion will he acted upon by said ( court. Given under my hand and teal j of said court, at my office in the! city of Brownsville. Texas, this 11th! day of February, A. D. 1929. H. D. SEAGO, Clerk. County Court. Cameron County, Te..-. By O. F. BRENNER. Deputy. 2-13-20-27-3t-3334 THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff or any Constable of Camaron county, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to cause to be published once each week for a perid of ten daya before tne return day hereof, in a news-1 paper of general circulation, which j has been continuously and regularly , published for a period of not less than one year in said Cameron county, a copy of the following no tice: THE STATE OF TEXAS To all persons interested in the welfare of Haxel Ross Deputy, a minor, O. D. Deputy was by the , LKAL AD V ERT1SBMF dT County Court of Cameron County, Texas, on tha 9th day of February, A. D. 1929, duly appointed Tempo rary Guardian of tho person and estat^ of said minor, which ap pointment will be made permanent unless the same shall be success fully contested at the next teim of said court, commencing on the fitst Monday in April. A. D, 1929, the same being the first day of April, A. D. 1929, at the Court House there of. in Brownsville, Texas, at which time all persons interested in the welfare of said minor may appear and contest such appointment if they so desire. Herein fail not. but have you be fore said court, on the said first day of the next term thereof, this writ with your return thereon, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and the seal | of said court, at office in Browns ville, Texas, this the Ilth day of February. A. I). 1929. H. D. SF.AGO. Clerk County Court. Cameron County. Tex. By O. F. BRENNER, Deputy. 2-13-20-2t-3333 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole. Mayor, un until 10:00 a. m. March 1. 1929. for the layinr of monolithic concrete floor at the Airport. Speci ficstins are on f:!e at the City Manager's office. A certified »heck t* the amount of 2 ner cent of the bid will be re quired. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all b ds. A. E. M UN DAY. City Secretary. 2-9 to lS-10t-3327 I HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Crippled I* Right —Swan 4 I I THE GUMPS — In Luxury’s Lap ~ —Sidney Smith wSh ighd aPler ruqht-' a mad whirl oPnleasure ~JJhea Iqrs — IT j ^ ana Jus bride-io-be—^_ Mnghh l and the alluring 0 shrams cL i. JW I m m I I EJTA KETT — Careful the Tax Expert Don’t Over Tax Himself! —Paul Robinson I NOO 7 T>AD ^-•-\ I A V%S \HQOME *TAV - • tmv VOO»JD^ DO \T- L I / *TO at KfePr A ‘StCRt'r- SO I tA&D lO OJA I T ^TWtOtO 4ITMF ' YAX trPlCT'TO _ I 1 -TO Vjof^v ON --WiC> iro«“—( > )LW rr* mc 1_ 1 I TXmQ* ~ H6U«Wi AftC OJ'oT / DAOCHtEG A <3000 J 1 To^aitV* ■ v M''C*A _J tDoCATlON AND YvAA r~^ VntTH V00»^ TRCO&Lc-o . - - - --- \\t GcY TXtKTt Cf W CMH.' .-j f SWEMAT NC*“ f \E5. 1UKE ^ ■ \NOPKVl»m fi 60QK -~~7) rr- ITS VEQ.'f ROT 'Srtf LoPt “ITAK CW,I StMPlY / inTEftESTiHC ! PwioQE TO fetr Cur ADOftET | --- MAfpteMArcs/ [ / II # * * 1 I GOOFEY MOVIE ~ 0EMEMB5C JU5”r AS 0ECT IOAS -A0OCT TD SWTEff THE ISJW.TUJ© SNOTS UOEQE wEACOAm0 SOMETM'.kj0 ikj Q~AQk. OAQTeO OUT OP THE OOOQ.. SV TAE TQACicS iM the SNJOUJ.TWAT 'SOMETMIVJ3* MUST WUlNJE POJfl PEET... /tp x oomt uose TM-es^ tpac>cs,x'i.u get a j I PEEK AT TWAT POOQ-UEQ3EC? AMUAt VET 0UT^ WOUJ CAV V* S'UOOT A QUMv. ..TKATJ LO^AT X j n [jumpin’J i4< jeliyrsh! UJWAT IS rr?' UjMA-rc?rr? UJ» MOTtM __ OUT 0/ -CVOQ5QOU)1 ^aa_MHaMaMBaai^^I£^£^ ■ -. *fk ~2~* 3 ■ =aaggsrc===—: ' .rajasi mnv.A Today’s Radio ’eatures Thursday. Fab. 1« [Central Standard Time) • •0—Sinters: Radio Symphony—WEAK WGT WTAM WWJ KTW^K5B WHO WOW WDHT WTFJLn KPRC TOAS WSM FW WTMJ KSTP KOA KFO RGO KFI ROW KOMO KHQ WMC KYW |M—House Concert: Versatile Procnun—WJS KPKA WJR KYW A WTMJ KSD 1*HO WOW ROAR KPRC WHAS WSM WSB KSTP WKBC KOA WRAP __„ ___ V t.#«—Faetflc Coast Symphony—KJR WABC WADC WKRC WGHP WBBM », WOWO KMOX KMBO KOTL WSPD WHK RLE KDYL jOTTR KYA # KOA WLAO WOOD WREC KLSA KFJF KRLI> KVSA TTDSU 1 wisx webj wane . «J VALLEY RADIO ' ’ ' IWWC—Valley Radio Station Bfowasemo 4:06-5:55 p. m.—Associate• Piesa dispatches and Valley news from • Tha Brownseiil# Herald, followed by musical numbers. 6:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:00— Musical numbers. M THURSDAY A. M. It:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. ‘ 11:00-11:30—Popular and semi-classtcai selections from tha Capitol theater oryan by remote control. 11:66-12:00—Local and ceneral weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grande. I IN YOUR CONFIDENCE LIES OUR STRENGTH The strength of 1 bank is not truly measured by the time-locks that safeguards its depositors’ funds—-but by the confidence of those it serves. For thirty-eight years this instittuion has been a consist ent builder of confidence. Your confidence too. will be justified, if you will make the fullest use or our complete modern brnkfA7 service. - Your requirements will be met with prompt, "Icous attention by every officer and employe \ 4%' Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, I . Paid on Savings Accounts # I First National Bank , Brownsville, [Texas “THE FRIENDLY BANK” r | Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 I Ride the POINT ISABEL BUS LINE Yon Are Insured Leaves Brownsville Black Diamond Bee Station •:tt — 12: ft — 4:tt Leaves Point Isabel lftff — lift — f;tt J. S. FORD & SONS I REALESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt i BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands In Cameron County, Texas * • GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Wash inf too (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Caraeiro & Company) aemmmmmamm—— Real Estate Investments CHARLES REID Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth PERRY La KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE Systran Orpaalsatloa .it Statistical Reports Bos) nr m Control Trim Building Nixon Building ■ Sea Aatoata. Texas. Cor pas Christ l. Ten* I Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. I Phone 1184 Phone 93