Newspaper Page Text
■ Sait* ftlad In tha district courts: No. 8369, Rodolfo Lopet vs. Clara 8. Lopes, divorce. No. 8870, W. R. Schussler et el vs. Joaquin Trevir.o et al, rescission and cancellation. 18TH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. W. Cunningham, Judge No orders. - 19JRD DISTRICT COURT Hon. A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. O. C. Dancy, Judge outts filed: None. COUNTY COURT AT LA* Hon. John Kleiber, Judge No. :;980. E. A. Murphy et al vs. A. A. Benavides, judgment for plain tiff. MARRIAGE LICENSE Elena Ramirez and Ma. do los Santoi Martinet. 9IRD DISTRHT COURT (Hidalgo County) ETo. 7039. Amer. Co. vs. L. W. Tate* et aL farm tract 804. West T ract. No. Oatie L. Hasson vs. T. M. Hartman. lot 12. blk. 31. N. McAllen. I No. 3038, Amer. Co. vs. Mary Bly ton et al, lots 9, 10, blk. 39, tapi aallo. ! No. 7043. Amer. (o. v*. Toby Adams, et .a!, ft. 136. West Trart. No. 7032* C has. E. Thompson el *1 vs. J. A. Pollard et al. SW 1-4 ol NW 1-4 of sec. 15. blk. 5. Ward Co No. 7036. A. Y. Faker vs. Harry Kiefer, W. 20 acres of lot 4, Curry No. 1. No. TOSS, Albert Reis vs. Hidalgo Co, Water Dist. No. 1, S. 1-2 of lot j 159, Hoit Tract. No. 7026. First Natl. Barit ts. Gao. ] H. Borne, lots 11, 8. 10 and 2, blk. 25. lot 1, blk. 14, all in San Juan sabd., lot 241, porcion 89-70. No. 7040, Amer. Co. vs. L. W. Yates et al, farm tract 559, West Tract. No. 7030, Dr. J. C. Whitley to S. W. Batson et al, lot 18. containing 40 acres of porcion 89-70. No. 741, Amer. Co. vs. !,. W. Yates et al. E. 35.88 acres of Ft. 377, West Tract. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER* t Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.l Cameron County J. L. Perry. Jr., subd. trustee. C. G. Thornton et ux, by sub. trustee to Natl. Loan and I. Co., lot 4, blk, 151, ong. tonrnsite Harlingen, 12, 500. John W. Woodford to Lon Tumlin son. lots 9. 10, 11. blk. 25; lots 8 11, ine., b!V. 24; lot 8. blk. 9; lot 10. blk. 28, Boulevard Heights addn., San Benito. $10 etc. Valley Dev. Inc., to C. B. Jen kins. 20 acres out of survey 110, $12,000. O. E. Stuart et ox to Clarence B. Bankson et ux, 8.35 acses out of survey 305, and 11.23 acres out of survey 298. Stuart Tlace subd.. $19. 580. The American Land Co. of Texas to A. L. Danton, south one-half of north 20 acres blk. 2. survey 138, Stuart Place subd., $7,ono. N. H. Windsor et ux to E. E. Hitchcock, lot 20. blk. 5. Windsor ■ Placn addn., Harlingen, $800. Port Isabel Co. to Edwin L. Eck ert. lot 12, blk. 49, Port Isabel, $!, 000. Hidalgo County Nick Doffing to Soren F. Metrsh, et ux. W. 1-2 of E. 1-2 of lot S, blk. SO. Alamo Tract, flO etc. W. R. Hansen to Geo. E. Rueb’e, S. 5.46 acres lot 29, Bell Woods subd. C, S10. C. I. Haven to Gulf Coast Sec. C«, X. 10.44 acres lot 7, see. 250, Tex. Mex, 410. John H. Shary to Eugene F. Bel linger, 8. 10 acres of N. 2533 acres of lot 382. Sharyland. Marvin Evans to C. C. Hermes, S. 1-2 of N 1-2 and 8 1-2 of lot 48. -tewart addition to Conway Gar dens, 410 etc. Ralph and Dollie Alice Hughes to arl E. Lang. E. 9J> acres lot 15, ;iec. 259, Tex.-Max, 410 etc. Martias Garza to Lazare Anzaleue, 3 acres o fland in Graneno ranch in perrion SB, 410 etc. F.m. Goodwm to Flossie Bowke*. lot 50, blk. 3, Goodwin tract, subd. 1. 110 etc. Lee and Addle. Wilson to F. L. Myatt. S. 1-2 of ‘lot 6 and T, Toor ba-jghs addn, McAllen, 41 etc. Lloyd M. Bentsen to W. R. Han sen. E- 5 acres of lot 15, Bell Woods subd. “B.” 410 etc. Will and Lena A. Gardner to Or ril V. Huntley, W. 5 acres of E. 1-2 lot 12, blk. 29, Alamo tract, 410 etc. J. E. Leslie to Matt Pierca, 1 acre out of lot 124, porcion 69-70, $10 etc. Jno. W. Kirkpatrick et ux to Matt Pieros, lot 11 and 22, por. 69-70, |10 I etc. Llovd M. Bentsen to A. W. Irons, lot 21. 24-25, Bell Woods Co, subd. 1 "B.” 410 etc. Lloyd M. Bentsen to W. R. Hasen. 34-7 acres out of lot 30-12, West | addition, 410 etc. j Lloyd M. Bentsen to L. R. Bell, part of lot 52-6, West addi, lot 28, Boll Woods Co. subd. “B". 410 etc. V. M. Sutphen to Caroline Sehlitz kus, lots 1 and 2, blk. 65, Hargil, $10 etc. J. L. Erwin to Nicholas Schrep- i ferman, lot 5, Terrell subd., $10 eve.! \ Progreso Dev. Co. to D. ft. Rcb- { eru, 3.3d acres in lot 17 and W. 11.77 acres of lot 28, Llano Grand* subd.. $10 etc. Citizens St- Bank, Donna to R. D. Mackintosh. N. 10 acres of E. 20 acres of ft 668, West Tract, $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to F. J. Lim beck, 4.62 acres of W. 12.12 acres of ! lot 65, Llano Grande subd., $10 etc. McAllen Dev. Co. to Louise P. Grassie, lot 46. 47, 48. 41*. addition to McAUen first subd- Citrus Groves, $10 etc. Billie Wood to Opal K. Smith, 16.16 acres cf lot 1T4, Holt tract. $10 etc. G. M. Terrell to J. L. Erwin. N. 11.01 acres cf W. 22.12 acres of lot, 2, blk. 2, Hammond addn.. $10 etc. McAllen Dev. Co. to Mrs. Louis* P. Gracsle. lot 35. containing 6.34 acres of McAllen First Subd., Cit-, rus Groves subd., $10 etc. L. L. Watkins et ux to W'. E. Dix on. lot 8. blk. 1<*\ Edinburg, $1100. J. C. Eng'lm:: . Jr. to Geo. F. Lucas, blk. 71. Lu Blanca, $10 etc. John J. Con*va, to Elizabeth Hein er, lot 73. lion Tract, $10 etc. The Citizens State Bank. Donna, to C. C. Brown, farm tract 668, W est j Tract. Gulf Coast Sec. Co. Inc, to Geo. Mounsey, W*. 5 of E. 30 acres of lot 11. Curry No. 4, $10 etc. Amer. o. to Paul Sokol, et ux, F. T. 2040, North Capisallo, $10 etc. Jno. C. Groover to Fred T. Ben nett, part of lot 2, blk. 135. La Blanca, $10 etc. N. M. Hester to John C. Groove et ux, 5 acres of lot 2, blk. 135. La Blanca. $10 etc. James Gardener to L. L. Jenkz, 30.24 acres bcinx frac. lot 4, blk. 64, Alamo Tract, $10 etc. Harry J. Lawson to H. Hartman, Jot 1, blk. 2, Queen City annex, Mar-j cedes, $10 ate. Heriberto de P.amirex to Charlaa j Codoy, lot 4, blk. 41, N. McAllen, $10 | etc. C. S. Hale et al to NtlH* Hale, lot 1, 2, blk. 4, Hammond addn., $1 etc. • Nellie Halo to C. X. Hale, lots I, 2, blk. 4, portion 61 to 64, $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to Daniel Bar ron. W. 6.55 acres of lot 120, Llano Grande subd., $10 etc. Progreso Dev. Co. to Sylvester Al- j !en, S. 5.53 acres of tot 26-B, Llano Grande subd., $10 etc. Luther M. Livingston to Ralph L. Tolies. W. 40 acres of blk. 114, Hill Halbert. $1 etc. j W. L. Christie to Phillip C. Changny, F. 10 acres of lot 15, blk. ' 46, Capisallo, $10 etc. C. C. Brown to F. J. Matteson. 5 ; acres of Ft. West Tract, $3 412.50. The Citizen* St. Bank of Donna i to F. J. Matteson, lot 6, of re-subd. f of Bank Land, $10 etc. S. H. and Mrs. Edyth Emersonto : G. F,. McLelland, lot It. blk. 66, Cap- , isallo. $10 etr. Geo. M. Stephenson to C. M. Flinn, lot 4, blk. 15. N. McAllen, $10 etc. E. M. Goodwin to Mr*. Wm. A. Nickels, lot 55. blk. 3. Goodwin Tr. i subd., containing 3.53 acre*. $10 etc. ! Hardware Store Is Remodeled WESLACO. Feb. 16.—Extensive re : modeling has just been completed ! on the Rio Grande Hardware and Machinery store of this city. Tho store now occupies an area of approximately 45x70 feet. Plate glass windows, display case*, coun ters, tables and new merchandise have been added. Kiwanis to Give Talks at School (Special to Tha Herald) PHARR. Feb. 10.—The committee on vocational guidance m the Pharr Kiwanis club has formulated three programs for the high school. These programs will be one hour each to 9;4o a. m.) which will av erage about twenty minutes for each speaker. At least one additional program will likely be arranged Ut- ; er. The speakers and dates follow: March 6: Tom Hartley, law; Roy | Klcssner, clerical and P. S. Devine.; engineering. March 2SV: E. L. Greene, insur anee; Archie Reed, social and reli gious work, and W. B. Sellers, hank ing. April 10: K. J. Scott, medicine; E. C. White, transportation and com munication, and D„ U. Buckner, teaching. The vocational committee is com posed of J. Lee Stambaugh, C. M. Epps and A. M. Kelley. MRS. F. J. DIXON LAID TO REST AT CORPUS At the rectory of St. Matthews church, Kenedy, Tex., the residence of her son, the Rev. J. H. S. Dixon. Mrs. Francis J. Dixon, daughter of Lady Georgina Keppe4 Hill and Capt. Edward Hill of England, passed to her eternal rest. She was born in Chepalonie, Greece, Oct. 10, 1834. The body was taken to Corpus Christi where it lay in state in the Church of the Good Shepherd. Services were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Sykes, at the church and at Rose Hill ceme I tery. -- Today’s Radio Features ! \| Saturday, Fab. 1* (Central Standard Tima) »:•*—<V*Wman Band: Concert Variety—WJZ KDKA WJR WLW KTW £"1* SK£5S *7*’J WUAS "SM WMC WSB WKAA KPRC WOA1 uM n LoC KwTP I M—S%mphony Orcheatra; Walter Damroach, Conductor—WEAF WgT !SIdMJlWJ KSD W,1° WOW WDAK WTMJ KOA W HAS WMC JnKWKoKa'r "KT "EBC KSL "Ls Kro KO° I Jt—Tanas of Broadway; Danca Tones-WE AF WGT WTAM WWJ WGN KSD WHO WOW WDAF KVOO WFAA KPRC WOA! IUi<1 WSH WTMJ KSTr KOA KSL* KPO KGO KM KGW KOMO KHu wky v,iti ▼ALLEY RADIO EWWG—Valley Radio Station _ BrownstitTo 4:N-£:U p m.—Associate * Press dispatches and Valley news from The Brownsville Herald, followed by musical numbers. ™ 5:55-6:00—W orld Bookman, popular radio feature. 6:00-7:00—'Musical numbers. SUNDAY 11:00-110 a. m.—Musical numbers and studio specialties. 11:00-11:50—Popular and sami-ciassicai selections from ths Capitol theater oryan by remote control. 11:65-12:00—Local and central weather forecast and bulletin on Rio Grand**. — , —‘nS—sagggaBfr-- ■: .r: ^sssssaEEL I IN YOUR CONFIDENCE LIES OUR STRENGTH j The strength of 1‘ bank is not truly measured by the time-locks that safeguards its depositors’ funds—-but by the confidence of those it serves. For thirty-eight years this instittuion has been a consist ent builder of confidence. Your confidence too, will be justified, if you will make the fullest use of uur complete modern service. Your requirements will be met with prompt, •’•teous attention by every officer and employ \ 4% Interest Compounded Semi-Annually, IP aid on Savings Accounts | First National Bank 1/ Brownsville, Texas I “THE FRIENDLY BANK” S Oldest Bank in the Rio Grande Valley > La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED I MISSION, TEXAS BOX 664 I I HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Allaboard for Palm BeachNow —Swan I roti cnsv.N ojr looo, Pen= _ we i?e_ I5SOWEO IK-NO lOONOer* iwe. AinT J 6e.TTin' iso co^Tonefts "fti* TU«=V CAN'T C.C.T IN’1 pis<josTeo w<th -tho Wtit TSE>;t<l .MAKE A^V r\OHEV HE^£- VOWTfca A»hT HE\-V>tri<r 30StHEY> AHV- 1 WISH I WAS OOWN t* FLCttt^A, WHERE WA PoHT H*FT* ERE-E7.e. vr V* GCrrh *5lEEP WWW NOT, HANK- *VoO COOLPOPCN <JP A HOT-tOcy and PoP -STAKD ONTH' DC AcA DOUN-THetTC- TPATS WHERE PCoPlE. <30 IN VNlNTeO-, AHO MX>LL MAKE ^AAAEL. OF MoHtW_ VOHOOTtt*. V I LL -5tLL-T^I^ TOINT7 PND WE’LL <30 DOWN 1© PALCO T3C.ACW NE'tT VOEElC M.U a I THE GUMPS — Gifts For the Bride —Sidney Smith /OU.SlS-\ /--V / look at The * ' f now A Gorgeous crystal Kucm do GOHLYS YMAT 1 DAN and MAKGE l EALLOW SENT-/ £ /"this BEAUTIFUL X/AND WHOS this PRO*'/ /on LOOK AT TME BEAUT ifuL\I PAIR OF MARBLE 1 / A PEWTER TEA SET- // pA|R oP VENETIAN GLASS \ and bronze ) ( from tme hoskins- / perfume bottles- \ CANDLE-STICK \ IT'LL TAKE A / \ TMEYLL 8E SO SMART ON TOUR HOLDERS FROM \ WARE MOUSE TO j \ DRESSiwf TaBlF — THE FlFlELDS — A V STORE ALL THIS-/ \ ID GET MARRIED — UsMl THtYS~*?) -\0UST W• PfcR0E«?^ 1 , HEP* AM VOUO IKeO t *TAV AU_ riGcRtD cxjt- wC&hWt' "tHE Air CKC TMWH 10 CV- TWt'i VcO j WIM —A*40tHE-N VlHAT MEAH 'tOO®t I SA'f 1b a ’Srtbv^ ? ,\ L iv;i?bo<*ri: l A, ___ V X T*-iE TRACKS’ \J TWE SsJOuU TKECE MUST 9* 5X5MEOW'S else ©SMtJuO the SnjOwU BAvjic. ©EDT ©uCTSAfi;? fS A0OUT TO pnjo out:. 0e caqbpul, es?T» So/ after boyC-> all any long udedding presents continue to pour in, ^Ihe Golds me oVer-iDhdmedj oP the donors ~ yjmonq Ike qifts 1 complete cel op lableiDare m solid gold, sent \Dilh ms Unable pnd? bif the grooms father ~ also a doyen service plates to match - INHAT A DISPLAY THEY ARE-GOING 7D MAKE" EDO ThE appraising f>£ OP ENViCuS NEIGHBORS* ■ ETTA KETT — A Trick That Didn’t Click! - —Paul Robinson 4Hrs a dar--n<;/ - AnO I'M GtlTiHvi SO OSEO <o hav.n£ Win aoqcmo ru. ^ Hik KOV< YrtAf" MK AU_ •lUPcccrt vj'.'m Dads iw I KHOVl f I1X CUMat TWIE riCUPiS m Tm «^c^r 1 IVtH VfcU HANt 16 T>0 .. - (\£6ostSvi^ 1 tS AU. riALUEO UP*Bits <Jot A V(£tV<^ 'WORK' Gw ir \et —mu B^\ I VjAhST TO VUU v\\» A 9 y '—J—’ t and utten -lUPr Report f has-to at -«d "rest shy*./ \ So voo cam that MOVIE DATS or Of "toor ^HEAD O0»CK"‘ ETTA KETT Dolls FREE £' 3H children Mho liKC to dress * paper dons can Octihrec pretty poses oF ’ETTA/ write to Paul rogihsoh m careoP this ‘ " '— newspaper/ send tvo cent stamp please/ WRITE NOW ! " ~mm~ — 11,1 ... IGOOFEY MOVIE *• • - —r-——vi- ' —— .— ■ ■ -i » — ■ ■ ■ ‘"H t' 1 ...*'* ■ m ■■■■■■'■ a mm-m . ■ rwmw »■■■ ) I Ll cCic PT A^c? S"££ «S J T^ece isr ^usJVTwiwa J S INiSiOe ^ J TweSs 15“ SOMSOKjE ifsiSioe! UUWO I S' IT “9 VCXJLU PTKjO OUT IK) PACT SEVEN) . MOVIE FANS! UJPlTB A STOPS' OP "SOUQ. OOJW fUC QOOPEY Mcvier....ure Awycp OJft PA\40US STAGS NOU VJITW...A PPl2E ITOPFEOED R5p EACH Owe ACCEPTED. MAIL "to GOOPB/ACUfer,: j ^rpTuts: P-*Pe<2.__ “-! J. S. FORD & SONS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS Brownsville, Texas Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands In Cameron County, Texas I GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY | Certified Public Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro A Company) Real Estate Investments I CHARLES REID L Seabury-George-Taylor Bldg. 9th and Elizabeth PERRY L. KING & CO. AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX EERVICT System*. Organization and Statistical Reports Business Control Travis Building Nixon Building Sea Antonio. Trias. Corpus Christ I. Trias. A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the public to visit oor plant and Inspect the careful and thorough tasting methods in u»e which assure only pip* of ths highest quality being delivered to the purchaser. For com plat# Information add ipsa Owes M. Combe, District Sales Msasger GULF CONCRETE PIPE CO. P. O. Box 1051—.Brownsville, Taxes. Plant located at Bialsek Switch oa Highway. 1Tb# Pioneer Concrete Pipe Manufacturers of Texas. Concrete Pip* *or Irrigation, Drainage and Sewer Systems. Valley Abstract Co. PROMPT TITLE SERVICE BROWNSVILLE EDINBURG ® Opposite Courthouse E. Harriman Blvd. Phone 1184 Phone 98