Newspaper Page Text
Cottages or Ukeleles-You Can Reach a Buyer with a ‘For Sale’Ad Below! i y FURNITURE ; THE LAST Of Our Furniture Department Every single piece of furniture i we have left must GO in this •ale . . . We're clearing out the last of our furniture stock «nd prices have been cut re markably low. This is the op portunity of the year to get REALLY GOOD FURNITURE at very low cost. More apace must be had for our constant ly increasing stock of hardware —the furniture MUST MOVE —GET YOURS—TODAY! Dining Room Suit—6 chairs, china closet and buffet.$135.00 Dining Room Suit—6 chairs, china closet and buffet.$185.00 Wicker Center Tables— 36-inches wide. Only four left. each. $11.50 Waiting Desk—of Ma hogany. Beautifully finished. Only one left.$15.00 Maple Dreesscr — with five drawers. A splen did value at . .. $29.00 Wardrobes—Two well made attractive ward robes. . $32.50 - $42.50 Dining Room Table— Just one—for immedi ate clearance at $19.75 Hoosier Kitchen Cab inet — Oak finished. Completely equipped. Price cut to .... $35.00 Settee Set—Table, 3 chairs and settee.$30.00 Chairs — Straight back chairs in two price groups . . $1.15 - $2.50 Rockers — Well made ro'cking chairs. Take ypur choice at... $7.50 ty "# j* i Children's Rockers— At.$1.60 to $2.00 r ' j Hoosier Kitchen Cab j inet — Grey fini s h— completely equipped .$57.50 £ Hoosier Utensil Cup board—A very conve nient piece of kitchen furniture . $7.50 Wicker Baby Buggies— Only two left at the sur prisingly low price of.$7.50 e Inlaid Linoleum — Per square yard .... $1.15 Print Linoleum—An as sortment of colors,, per yard.80c ; RUGS Jpft. 1 Axminstcr Rug, SxlO’s $oG.U0 1 Axminstcr Rug. 9x12.. $26.60 1 jfimlark Rug, 8x10 ... $13.50 2 Rimlark Rugs. 6x9 ... $ 9.60 1 Kimlark Rug. 3x6 .... $ 3.45 1 Kimlark Oval, £ 54"x90" . % 7.25 1 Kimlark Oval 3x6 .... $ 3.85 4 \ Kimlark Oval, 6x9 ... $11.30 3 Kimlark Rugs, j 37"x54“ $ 2.05 I 1 Kimlark Rug, ! 37”x54” $ 2.20 Oval Rag Rugs, j? 24”x36” . $ 2.20 ■ Ra- Rugs. 30"x60‘* .... $ 3.00 pK • RIO GRANDE *\ HARDWARE & MACHINERY CO. T. D. KING, Manager San Benito v W ^patch Our Table of Saturday SPECIALS Every Week *>♦.* % ^ AUTOMOTIVE_AUTOMOTIVE | Buy a Good Used Car No group of used cars in this city offers values equal to these. Every car is in good condition. Every car is a bargain. i Come in and look over the fujl selection. Small down payment. USED BUICKS Used Buicks provide the same qualities that have made new Buicks famous—beauty, comfort, fine performance and great endurance. Buick Master Sedan, 1926 .$750.00 Buick Standard Coach, 1926 . $600.00 Buick Master Roadster, 1926 .......... $550.00 Buick Standard Sedan, 1925 ... $525.00 MISCELLANEOUS MAKES Here’s almost every grade of car at almost every price. And every car we offer is a bargain. Nash 5-Pass. Sedan, 1925 . $225.00 Oldsmobile Sedan, 1926 .$350.00 Chevrolet Cabriolet Coupe, 1927 .$425.00 Ford Touring, 1925 . ... $ 75.00 Essex Coach, 1926 . $150.00 Abbott Buick Company 9th & Washington Phone 1133 High Grade Used Cars 1926 Buick, 7-passenger Sedan.$ 975.00 1927 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 950.00 1927 Buick Sport Convertible Coupe . . $1000.00 1928 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$1200.00 1926 Buick, 4-door Sedan.$ 700.00 1927 Chrysler Sport Roadster.$ 950.00 1926 Buick Sport Touring.$ 550.00 * Packard 4-door, 5-passenger Sedan . . $ 600.00 These cars in first class condition and sold on sales contract guarantee. Compare the above cars with medium price new cars or any used cars in the Valley. TERMS TO SUIT Wells Valley Motor Co. (Service After Sales) Packard Valley Dealers San Benito, Texas Used Car Bargains Your old car as down payment, balance Easy Monthly Payments Dodge 5-passenger Sedan.$ 500.00 Packard 8. Convertible Coupe.$1650.00 Cadillac Custom, 7-passenger Sedan .. $2400.00 Ruick, 5-passenger Master Sedan_$ 825.00 Marmon Coupe, 78.$1225.00 Chrysler, 62 Coupe.$ 925.00 Ford ton truck.$ 165.00 Reo Flying Cloud Sedan.$1050.00 Willys-Knight Sport Roadster.$ 925.00 Chrysler, 70 Sedan.$ 925.00 Hudson, 4-door Brougham.$ 675.00 Above cars carry a service thirty davs * ^ IT Used car lot across from Post Office Open every* night until 8 P. M. MDermott Motor Colne # * Brownsville, Texas GOODWILL USED CARS . The following listed used cars have been thor oughly reconditioned and therefore we are able to place a Thirty-Day Guarantee on them. CHEVROLET COUPE PONTIAC COUPE OAKLAND COACH OVERLAND COACH BUICK TOURING FORD COUPE FORD TOURING Will take your old car in trade THE ISOM MOTOR C0.. INC. AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE A NEW SERVICE | FOR • | CHEVROLET OWNERS We are in position to give to any responsible Chevrolet owner in the Valley a complete recon ditioning of your car, equip it with new tires, paint with genuine Duco paint, anything and everything your car may need, and ! Nothing to Pay for Thirty Days after receiving your car in first class condition, then a small payment each month. Our labor charges will be the Chevrolet Flat Rate, we use only genuine Chevrolet parts, and all work is absolutely guaranteed. The account will be carried by a local Finance Company, ror a small charge. Our shop is one of the best equipped in South Texas, and our mechanics trained for Chevrolet service. Fix up the old Chevrolet, enjoy a car that runs and looks like new and pay as you ride. SAM FOSTER MOTOR CO. Chevrolet Sales and Service ^ Harlingen, Texas Phone 542 REAITeSTATE REAL ESTATE 12Vt Acres excellent Citrus land. Cleared and under cultivation; well drained, concrete irriga tion ditch, one half mile off paving, and five and half miles from town. Priced right. • 45 Acres, cleared and under cultivation. 5 miles from town on paved road. Will cut to suit pur chaser. This can be bought cheap NOW. i 200 Aort*s, 6 miles from town on paved highway; adjoining beautiful Citrus groves. Now in brush. An excellent opportunity for some one desiring a tract to develop. I Acres, on highway, 3*4 miles from town, over looking beautiful lake. An ideal spot for a coun try home. ROY C. SETHMAN CO., Inc. OPPOSITE EL JARD1N HOTEL 1117 LEVEE STREET PHONE 1166 AUTOMOTIVE CHRYSLER Sport Roadster; perfect condition. Room 111, Del Walt ho tel. N-101 Used Cars And Trucks For Sale See J. B. PUCKETT Delta Investment Company Phone 1066. N-102 WOULD BkInTERESTED in 1928 or 1929 model light sedan car. Mast be a bargain for cash. Phone 50S-J. __ N129. 1928 C hevrolet Touring. New Duco finish. New tires. Mechanical ly O. K.$165.00 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan. Looks like new car. Mechanically O. K. New Duco finish. Good tires ..8450.00 1927 Ford Roadster. New Duco fin ish. Good tires. Good mechan ical condition . 8250.00 STEVENSON MOTOR CO. 10th and Adams. Brownsville. LINCOLN Due to xero weather in north, 1 will return by train, and will sacrifice my Lincoln touring car in next few days; excellent condition with new tires. Mrs. Fred L. O’Hair, Stone wall Jackson hotel, San Benito. Texas. N-131 FOR SALE: 1923 Ford coupe, 830. Call 1166.N158 Help Wanted WANTED: Efficient housekeeper. Must java good health :d furnish reference. Address Mrs. A. E. An darson, city.L-178 .Wanted at Once Two experienced Cater pillar tractor operators. Must have car. Apply E. M. Ridley,, Browns ville, Texas. | k, i ! GET PAY EVERY DAY Distribute 1K0 necessary products to establish users in Brownsville. Ex ‘ tracts. Soaps, Food Products, etc. i Worlds largest Company will back i you with surprising plan. Write The J. R. Watkins Company. 70-5# West Iowa Ave. Memphis, Tenn. Applica tions also invited from hustlers in Weslaco, Harlingen, McAllen, Hi dalgo^_N-168 NEWS THAT IS VITAL to you is tc be found in the classified ads. Help Wanted LARGEST FIRM of its kind in the Valley wants young man for office work; must be able to use type writer. Address N-159, care Herald. _ N-159 LADIES if you can do plain sewing • lyring your spare time, send ad dressed envelope for instructions, no selling. Restful Pajama Co.. 39-12 Academy Street, Long Island, City, N, Y- N-13 WANTED Two Automobile Salesmen. If you can sell cars and want to work, see us Sunday or Monday. Brownsville Hudson-Essex Co. Brownsville, Texas. N-173 WANTED—Man who knows farm life to travel in country. Steady work. Good profits. McConnon & Co., Dept B-297. Memphis. Tenn J-51 Salesmen — Agents BIG Ohio Corporation seeks manager for unoccupied territory. $50 weekly commission. Earnings start immedi ately. Good for $5,000 yearly. We furnish everything, deliver and col lect. Capital or experience unneces sary. Fyr-Fyter Co., 1868 Fyr-Fvtcr Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. N-3 AGENTS — Complete vest pocket radio. Sells fast et >3.50. Big prof>ts. Experience unnecessary. Send for introductory offer. Pocket Radio Radio Corp., Des Moines, Iowa. N-163 WANTED — Ambitious, industrious person to introduce and supply the demand for Rawleigh Household Products in McAllen. Mercedes. Har | lingen, San Benito and Brownsville, 1 and other near-by towns or rural dis tricts; $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh methods get business everywhere. No selling ex perience required. We supply prod : ucts, outfit, sales and service meth i ods—everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices, best values, most complete service. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. TX-6022, , Memphis, Tenn. ! Unusual Position Open Ohio Manufacturer wants man 25 years old or older with first-class references who has had business and selling experience, to take complete charge of this territory on exclusive basis, look after business, supervise salesmen and sales office. Position good for $10,000 a year or more if you work with big organixation back of you. Company established 16 years, highly rated, listed on Stock Exchange. Product Nationally ad vertised and used by thousands of leading concerns in this and foreign countries. Give full particulars about yourself. All replies treated confi dentially. C. R. Coppock, Manager of Sales Dept. 118, Box 983, Dayton, Ohio. N-7 SITUATIONS WANTED" WANTED — Agricultural college graduate desires employment in the Valley. Experienced, industrious and capable. Nine years county agent experience. Best references. Age 40. W. E. Hart, Harlingen, Texas, general delivery. N-141 SPECIALTY SALESMAN'—Now era ployed, producer, thoroughly expe rienced and capable, desires connec tion with local concern. Best ol reference. Box N-130, Herald. _ N-13C • YOUNG LADY experienced in book keeping and office work, desires po sition. Phone 830. N-13i SITUATIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPER Situation wanted by thoroughly ex perienced bookkeeper, auditor, cashier, and office executive. Can handle your trial balance, financial statements, neatly, accurately, anU quickly. Do not use intoxicants nor smoke. Want to locate in Valley; small sets of bboks considered and appreciated. Address N-169, care Herald.N-169 WANTED—Position by lady book keeper and stenographer combined, five years experience, good refer ences furnished. Remington Book keeping Machine experience. Address GES, Alanio. Texas. N-171 Business Notices I HAVE sold my store, known as La I India Grocery, and will not ' be responsible for any debts I contracted after February 9. Also, all accounts receivable up to t'tat date are to be paid to me. Georgs A. Covacevieh. N-142 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—Hotel in good town; good business, long lease, easy terms; a real buy. Address Miller Hotel. Mission. Texas. N-78 FOR SALE—Fixtures and stock of a cafe. Cheap. Good location. Big business. Owners leaving town. Call at Black Diamond Cafe. N-157 PERSONAL ~ LADIES WISHING to reduce with out diet, The Savage Health .Motor, at a private home. Phone 531, San Benito, for prices and appointments. N-144 LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE in ten lessons from unofficial bridge cham pion of Princeton university. Inquire Apt. 5, 739 Madison 6treet. N-14J PAST, PRESENT and future— trouble, about business worries, health, wealth, happiness, or love af fairs, visit these gifted ladies: Mcs dames Rosetta and Lotos at The Cameron Hotel. Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. N-172 Lost and Found REWARD—Will person who picked up an engineer’s level instrument about 2 miles east of Brownsville on 14th street please return to The Herald office? Reward. N-146 LOST—Qnc lady’s ear drop Thurs tla\ night at or near Elks’ hall. Finder kindly phone 1238-W. _ N-119 LOST — On Highway between Brownsville and Olniito. reinforced canvas cover for truck. Reward. Valley Sanitary Milk Co., 433 Tenth street, Brownsville. LIVE ~TOCK—POULTRY FOR SALE—Pure-bred German po lice pups from prize winning stock, priced right. See Paul Lane, 1 mile south of the Stuart Place, 2 miles west of Harlingen. N-140 A BARGAIN—One fine young hay mart and saddle. See her at El Jar din First Lift pumping plant. N-133 IF YOU WANT fine Barred Rock pullets, egg strain, good breed, see Fred R. Bohlen at El Jardin First Lift pumping plant. N-132 PULLETS, laying; Rocks and Reds, $1.25 each. White Leghorns. $1.00 each. Also incubator. John Mer rill, near Gulf Breeze Filling Sta tion, El Jardin. Route 1. NGO SACRIFICING 800 English White Leghorn laying pullets, 700 pullets 2 months old. Baby chicks. Texas Poultry Co., 328 University, San Antonio. Texas. N22 CERTIFIED CHICKS—From 200 eg cockerels: bloodtested; leading va rieties: prices within read of ail. Live delivery. Catalog free. Dixie Poultry Farms, Box 104, Brenham. Texas. 1-216 BABY CHICKS—Hatches coming off every Monday and Thursday. Cus tom hatching a specialty. Write for catalogue and price list. Cameron County Chicktrics, Box B, La Foria Texas. N57 BABY • HICKS— New booking orders . foi early delivery. Reds, Rocks. Leg horns. Hatch every Wednesday. Bring your custom hatching eggs every Monday. Roy E. Clark Seed Co.. San ! Benito. Texas. M-137 ! _______ __ _____ Trees — Seeds — Plants > — .-.—. -- . | FOR SEEDS of all kinds, sec Mason Transfer and Crain Co„ 1105 Adam.'. I M-126 j BUDDING ! ! Would like to bud j your sour orange seedlings on shares. V* ill xurnish buds. Fleet A. Lentz, I Mercedes. Texas, phone 9002F11. M-288. j FOR SALE—10 acres citrus orchard, two-year-old trees; frontage on Ar-J | royo Colorado. Postoffiee box 728. San Benito, Texas. N109. FOR SALE: Louisiana Pink Tomato plants. Phone 1296-R or 394. Paul R. Dye. N47. FOR SALE—800 Marsh seedless grapefruit and some orange tress, inch calibre, 3-year root, raised by San Benito Nursery. Non-resident owner cannot get down here to use them, so authorizes me. agent, to sell same at bargain. Fred Hector, 276 North Bougham Avs., San Benito. M-218 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING wanted; children's clothes a specialty. Phone 9001F12. N110 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call at house nearest Palm Blvd. on Resaca Drive in Belvedere, or inquire at Herald office. M-255 Articles For Sale FOR SALE: One 6x7 McCrory. one 5x7 Viking meat cooler boxes suit able for dairy or grocery fixtures. M. System. La Feria, Texas. M99 LADIES HOSE mended; runs, pulls, and anags. Valley Hose Mending Co. 745 Elizabeth. 500,000 common mud bricks for sale J. S. Ford, Brownsville. 8-164 PIANOS repossessed like new. $1,356 Baldwin Grand. $400.00 paid: will sacrifice: also used piano and play er bargains. Carl Moeller Music Store, opposite M. P. Depot. Wesla co. Texas. K-216 GOOD cane hay for sale. $15.00 to $20.00 per ton. delivered within 6 miles of Brownsville. J. B. Kee, 1523 West Elisabeth St., 8rown«**lle. Texas Phona I898W. M <3. - • J y\ * I. Articles For Sale 600 lb ice box for sale, cheap. Moo sees Cash Grocery, Colonia Victoria. _ N128. FOR SAI.E—Gas range in good con dition. Call 1149-R._N-135 LARGE bleached fiour sacks, 2 to 5 dozen delivered Valley points, *1.20 dozen. Phone 650-J. Valley Sack Exchange, 105 St. Charles St., Brownsville. N167 Buy or Excnange for EXCHANGE—Sixteen ^ farm, fair improvements, 6 1-2 nules from Brownsville near good school and pavement. Want residence in Brownsville or Olmito. Phone 842. N120. FOR EXCHANGE: Small farm less than six miles from Brownsville near good school and concrete road. Will exchange for vacant lota or ini nroved residence property. Address, i Owner, P. O. Box 831. Brownsville. Texas._N64. FOR EXCHANGE — San Antonio apartment house for Brownsville propeity. J, S. Ford & Sons. N-147 REAL ESTATE FINE 12-ACRE tract on Barker Road half mile from Brownsville. Con crete canal and good drainage. **50 per acre. Carlos G. Watson, owner. _ _ M 21 SUMMIT PLACE Brownsville’s new business and residential sub-division. Just one mile from Elizabeth Street, on Fourteenth Street—the huzy thor oughfare leading to the proposed ship channel and turning basin i —through the rich farming sec tion of El Jardin —to the mu nicipal airport and on to South point. Easy terms. Investigate TODAY. Office 14th and Hays Sts., J. J. Dallas, Sales Vsnager, phone 336, Brownsville, Texas. M-2&5. LAND BARGAINS—162 acres-235 acres—Donna district, cultivated Nothing better. Priced low. Wire write or eall-C. H. Swallow Alamo Tow-_ Y'ab OWNER WILL SELL 30 acres good rcsaca land, irrigated, in cultivation. Harlingen district only *75 an acre cash, balance easy. Need money. Also 10 acres at paving. RH Hondo San Benito road. 5 acres citrus. H. H. Parks, San Benito, Texas, phone 6025F11. M264 FOR SALE 18 acre* on paved highway newly planted to citrus, for sale at $350 per acre. 7 acre* in 6 and 3 year old citrus. 6-room house, on main highway. Bargain at $6000. 1700 acre colonization tract under all cemented irrigation system; on main paved high way and railroid. Worth more than $250,000. Terms and release clauses. DANLEY-WARDEN COMPANY 1590 Broadway McAllen Phone 611 N12 For Sale or Trade We have a client who has two good faims in central Iowa; want* to trade equity for good Valley land. Another client has good inconib pronerty Tulsa, Oklahoma to trade equity for Valley lard. Have another client hrs good used touring car w,l| trade on iots or residence anywhere tn the Valley. Phone or write us what you have to offer—jour price must bo right. Golden Rule Credit Adjustment Service 909 Baxter Bldg Phone 907 HARLINGEN. TEXAS. N'160 REVENUE bearing property fur sale cheap; small investment; call quick. Box N65, Herald. N65. FOR SALE 20 acres good irrigated land in El Jardin Tract, well drained; price $100.00 per acre, terms. 60 acres irrigated land n El Jardin tract, all in cultivation and rented; on concrete highway, electric line; price $125.00 per sere, cash.. 40 acre# all In cultivation and rented; one mile from small town and concrete road; price $160.00 per acre, terms. 17 acres near Brownsville, all in cultivation, good house, well and windmill; about 8 acres bearing grove, good citrus land; price $15,000.00. James-Dickinson Company Corner Traveler* Hotel Thone 450 Brownsville. Texas M-i«: FOR SALE—60 acres irisgated lam reedy for cultivation; well drained 4 miles from town, in El Jardin Must be sold to close estate. In quire L. D. Jones. Gienwood Hotel 11-25: IT’S SO EASY to pick up your tele phone and talk to a classified ad taker. REAL ESTATE For Sub-Division ! 160 Acres Located 4 blocks from the high school and closer to Brownsville than the exclusive Los Ebanos Subdivision. Winding resaca t* * ruaaing through property offer- * mg natural lake front sites fer subdivision. This property is for sale by owners and can be bought at a very attractive price. Henson-I^oniax A Houston and Brownsville Development Co. j SEVEN HOUSES AND LOTS Duplex, tri plex and tri-plex garage with apartments above. Modern m every way. Will trade for property, farm, lands or citrus land anywhere in Cameron county. I can and do handle property anywhere in the United States. D. B. MEADOWS CO. Baker Bldg. Harlingen, Texas. * K*1M MIST BE SOLD at sacrifice at once, filteen acre four year old bearing citrus grove, four miles from Brownsville, one thousand feet from new hard surface road tu the bank of a beautiful resaca irrigating d.ich running through property; electric highline and telephone. Sev en thousand five hundred cash. 848 West Washington. Phone 1398-W. _N4S FOB SALE OR TRADE: 20 tcret tend near Wctlato, prtc« 5J50 p«r •ere. 10 acres, 2 miles Harlingen, $225 acre, f 1-2 acres. 2 12 miles Harlingen. $300. All above land in h'gh state of cultivation and irri gated. Cash, trade or terns. iOO acres near Waco, Texas, SHI per cent tillable, r.ear oil production, price $2,000, terms. Two fire ttsi- f dencu lots in Weslaco, price ffr.%0. . Two-apartment house in Heriir.gen. cAj close in on paved s»*cct. Income $240 month, price $!C,000, tetms. no trades. Wilson. 220 North First St., Harlingen N'153 FOR SALE—raying income property, 1 7-10 acres, 9 furnished colleger, city conveniences, 30 bearing citrus trees. Price $6000 cash, come terms. Box 435, San Benito, Texas K16i BEST BARGAIN in America: 10 acre grapefruit and orange grove in city limits. Fort Myers, Florida; most , protected from frost. Section 12 years old, facing Florida's best highway; perfect condition. Sacrifice price, $10,000. Pox 79. Topena, Kansas. Nl«6 A BARGAIN—1000 or less acres of land located 11 miles due north of Mercedes. 6 miles west of Sebastian; inrludes Panchita Ranch, sweet water wells, flood protected, non-irrigated, hut can be watered. Come see me. Fred L. Johnston, owner, Panchita Ranch, Mercedes, Texas. N-88 Farms For Sale FOR SALE: 40 acres on the main highway between Edinburg and Pharr. All in cultivation and irri gates perfectly. Choice fruit land. Price $285.00 per acre. You can't beat it. Good six-room house, elec tric lights and telephone service. Water rate $1.00 per acre. Not a foot of waste land. OWNER. Miss C. M. Flinn. 2055 N. 14th St., McAll-n, Texas. Phone 105.N126. OWNER OFFERS 10 acres west of Brownsville on Military paving, ripe for subdivision; also 10 acres, two ; acres planted to citrus, at Olmito. | I need money, the pries is right. H. M Parks, phone 6025F11, San Benito, Texas. _M262 i JUST A NICE SEVEN-ACRE TRACT ALL IN TREES Located in the heart of the Way. I just 11-2 miles from Pharr, on the | main paved high-vay; 5-room h< u*e. i with tlectrie lights cr.d runnii.g wa ter. Other improvements gcod I Good income from the orchard • *.xt I year. Pr.rt of the trees six v**ars ! old. Pest buy in Valley. 17 <u ; me for varticciars. 0. R. Ebjr. N«r I 'linger., Texas. N-S? ; FOR SALE BY OWNER, one ten acre tract of resaca citrus lane; or j chard* on both sides; only Pure* I mile* from Brownsville on paved I highway. Box N-lll, Herald. Nlll I for" sale" BY OWNER—Sixteen acre farm with eight teem fcccse. j five and a fraction mile* fret : Brownsville, mar good school, about 200 yards from concrete high wav. Reasonable pr*ce and terms. Address P. O- Box 831. Brownsville, Texa*. i i r N$4h(* Fine Citrus Land Ten acres, all in cultivation, located near “Nigger Bridge,” fronting on concrete highway and re«sca; beau tiful building s;te, adjoining beau tiful bearing grove which was sold at a murn higher pt’ce than I am asking for my lar.d. OWNER, P. O Box 463, Brownsville. Texas. NUT. FOR SALE- By owner, 96 3 4 acre« fine irrigated citrus and truck land adjoining Edcouch and paved road. All cultivated, good drainage, wa ter and improvements. Will divide; priced low; no trades. Geo. R. ' at tar, Edcouch, Texas. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Beautiful Valley home, ten acres; 2 1-2 acres in 12 vear »bl citrus tiees; oodern 7-room dwelling: 1-2 mile f-*;n con 1 creta highway and one mile of good town. In the midst of good neigh bcr*. Orehsrd alon# will yield an nually 10 per cent of tale price. Ad dress box 488, La Faria, Texas. Nli* FOR SALE—South SO aeraa of block 12, Chi <*go Garden, adjacent to paved boulevard and Municipal Airport, un der irrigation, half cleared. J. F McKeel. Ada, Oicla. M-227 20 ACRES fin*’ citrus soil. 15 acr* ! 3-year-old trees bearing: 1-2 m !*• from paved highway. Priced to r*II quick. L- L. Zenor & Co~ San Rc i nite. N-»'»‘ FOUR SECTIONS agricultural lar ■ r . northwest of Mission. $12 per • Wt«• . 160-320-1800 aero* highest type elf . rus land, al! connecting, four eoun ! ty roads, one proposed paved: go* ■ line, where farmers make good, $33 • ner acre; terms. G. Helbir. Resl • Estate, 23 years in Valley. Del-TVa.* Hotel. Brownsville. N-12 *■;* . i