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I CLASSIFIED RATES and RULES Advertisements will be accepted over the telephone from telephone ■nbecribers, or from those having regular charge accounts. Other claasified advertising must bo ac companied by cash. No advertising accepted on*® •until forbid” order. A specified number of insertions must be given. The Herald reserves the right to place all advertisements under the proper classification, and reject unclean or objectionable copy. ■H Obituaries, resolutions, and hPk cards of thanks will be taken at M the regular classified rate. If.” The publishers are not respon sible for copy, omissions, typo graphical errors of any uninten tional error that may occur, far ther than to correct in the next issue after it if brought to their i attention. All advertising orders are accepted on this basis only. Telephone No. 8 and dictate your advertisement to an experienced elaiaified writer. To insure publication eopy should be presented not l*t-r than 1C:30 a. ra. Copy for Sunday issues should be in not 1:30 p. m. Saturdays to Insure proper classification. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING V RATES gO words or less, one Insertion 30c I I Over 20 words, one insertion, per word.1 wc Subsequent insertions run con- _ * secutively, per word. t Br month, per vord.. * Minimum for monthly rate, j words. No classified advertisement ac eepted for less than. LOCAL READER RATES First insertion, per line..-1Zc Same ad run consecutive days, per line..8c REAL ESTATE House* For Solo_ BARGAIN for quick tale. Five-room house with gas, hot water *nd g»r ' age. 1410 W. Elisabeth. J. Haiti ner, owner. N'ys WILL SACRIFICE my last two beau tiful homes. Better boray; onlj . two left, b rooms and bath; textone r, two-tone finish; beautiful light fix IfSareii automatic water heaters, -ee U;-l Florence Stafford. owner, Hayoi d 17th streets. Victoria Heights, ^phone 1075-M.*-170 FOR SALE, cheap, 8 Toom house. Inquire 901 Madison or phono 678-J Nile [ BARGAIN FROM OWNER. Musi sell. Two-story house, choice cor ner, citrus trees, paved street. Can be used for apartments or home. 4 Furniture included. P. O. Box 1180. L-127 Lott For Sale THREE BEAUTIFUL terraced lots on Levee street corner One of the best apartment house sights in Brownsville. Must be sold at once. $5,000.00. Owner leaving town. 84f West Washington. Fhone 1398W. N3C SACRIFICE well located Elizabeth street lot, only $2,500, Al*o well located trackage lot on Fronton street, only 81.500. S. C. Graham & Co. phone 179. Brownsville, Texas. N-148 FOR SALE Two lot* in Edinburg; tare* lot* In San Bonlto: 38 lot* In Browns ville; seven lots outside Browns i# villa city limits; twenty per eent cash, balance in one. two. threa and four years; or monthly payments if preferred. B. EL Hinkle?. Bro ' villa. H-60 • FOR SALE—improved 2-3 of lots 9 and 10. block 94, Adams 1111. J. 8. Hoyt, Box 251, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. M-256 RENTALS FOR RENT—Store rooms In Steg man building. Bert Cromack. M56. FOR RENT—-3-room house, 4-room house, 5-room house, 6-room house, a fine apartment on Palm Blvd., and a duplex in West Brownsville. South ern Realty Co., phone 914. N29 FURNISHED HOUSE, every conven ience; on pavement; five rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Also two room house, sleeping porch, garage. Also two single sleeping rooms. Phone 1328-W.N62 WANTED TO RENT—Modern 10 or 12-room house, close in, furnished or unfurnished. Responsible people. Must be reasonable. Address N-156. Herald office N-156 - Apartments FOR RENT—4-rooro apartment, also bedroom; all modern conveniences. Mary D. Collins, 132 W. Levee. N-153 FOR RENT; Two furnished apart ments, 1400 Adams, phona 274. M173 LOVELY FURNISHED apartment on paved street; includes garage. Phone 1292, Miss Gentry. N-87 NEBRASKA APARTMENTS — Fur nished. every convenience, frlgidaira, and gas ranges. Jefferson end Four teenth Streets. Phone ILL W-42 FOR RENT—Four-room apartment equipped with gas range, Frigidaire, automatic water heater and modem plumbing. Garage. Apply on prem ises at Fourteenth and Garfield. _M-39 TO ELDERLY COUPLE—Rent of 4 room furnished apartment and ga rage in exchange for giving meals to business woman. Tenant to pay water, lights and gas. Phone 692-W. N-152 ROOMS and apartments. 701 St. Charles. Tsl 1017.K71 FURNISHED apartments and duplex. Phone 351. Y-3. TWO SMALL apartments at twenty dollars and one 4-room apartment at thirty-five. Clean; close in; on paved street. Phone 176. N-39 FURNISHED APARTMENT in new Duplex, 1114 West Elisabeth street. Every convenience and garage. Tala | ’whwne IQlS-W. N-17 FDR RENT to couple: Newly fur nished apartment in dnplex, phone 1278J._N73 NICE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with garage, also 4-room furnished apartment. D. L. Welch, phone 470. N17 A RENTALS Apartments FOR RENT: 2-room apartment and bath, gas and lights. Call at 247 St. Charles or phone 90. N128. NEW APARTMENTS and rooms, ev erything furnished. 1022 West St. Francis, phone 957-J. N121. SWEENEY APARTMENTS —Nice apartment vacant; completely fur nished; modern, cool, electrical re frigeration. garage, maid service. Phone 10S8-W, First and Adams. N-138 SOUTHEAST APARTMENT for four. Gas, hot water; two blocks from postoffice. 1005 St. Charles. Phone 1840-W or 343.N-136 FOR RENT—Apartment, upstairs; private bath; all conveniences. 1517 Madison St. NS8 NICELY FURNISHED three-room apartment, with gas. Garage free. $30. Phone 946-W. N164 FOR RENT; Three room apartment with bath and gas stoves and lights. Phone 90 or call at 247 St. Charles St. NlftS Junkin Apartments Open For Inspection Only two vacancies. One 4-room and one 5 room. Ultra modern— something differ e n t. Large living room, hardwood floors, tub and shower bath, cedar closets, porcelain gas ranges, and COM PLETELY FURNISH ED. Located corner Palm Boulevard and Monroe. Palm Boule vard now open. For in formation phone 1254 W. Furnished Room* BEDROOM with gas, $3.00. Phone 995-J. L162. ROOMS, one block from postoffiee one block from El Jardln hotel; large, southern exposure; reasons ble. Phone 1226W or 1317. M-215 SLEEPING ROOM and apartment 1022 St Charles, phone 928-J. M-189 FOR RENT—One of three big fur nished gooms; gas, electricity, east front, double garage. Call 171-J or 1052-J; 332 Washington or 340 Washington. N-154 FOR RENT—Well furnished sleep ing room; twin beds, meals If de sired; also housekeeping apartment, close in. Pbona 189. —L-45 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. Call at Delta Hotel, 808 1-2 Elisabeth St^ one block from postoffiee. Phone 804. _M-68. FURNISHED ROOM in private fam ily. 442 Levee, phone 578. N114 FURNISHED ROOM with gas. ad joining bathroom. Private home. Garage. Good neighborhood. 233 St. Charles street. Phone 1307-W. __ N-139 House* For Rent HOLLOW TILE and stucco 8 rooms just completed. On West Leveo, near Pita. Phone 825, after 8 p. m. _N-24 MODERN 5-room house with gas, garage. Phone 911._ M28.4 FOR RENT—5-room furnished house. 12th and St Charles. Phone 722. M-251 TO RENT—5-room house, beautiful ly furnished, hot and cold water, gas electric lights, double garage. Has to be seen to be appreciated. Call 703 or 1075M. N26. FOR RENT: 4-room cottage and bath. Apply 709 Fourteenth street. Nlll I 5 ROOM MODERN house with large sleeping porch; hot water, garage, on pavement. 1524 West Elizabeth street. Call any morning. $45.00 per month. N170 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole, Mayor, up until 10:00 a. m., March 1, 1929, for 1200 seeks of cement de livered to the Municipal Airport. A certified check of 2 per cent of the amount will be required. The City reserves the right to reject env end ell bids. A. E. MUNDAY. City Secretery. 9 to IS inc. 10t-3326 NOTICE™TO~CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received ad dressed to the Honorable A. B. Cole. Mayor. up until 10:00 e. m. Mercb 1, 1929, for the leying of monolithic concrete floor et the Airport. Speci ficatins ere on file at the City Manager’s office. A certified check to the amount of 2 per cent of the bid will be re auired. The city reserves the right to re ject any end ell bids. City Secretary. A. E. MUNDAY, WESLACO ENTERTAIN WITH VALENTINE BRIDGE Mrs. H. L. Bonnycastle and Mrs. George E. Buchenan jointly enter tained et the former’s home Tuesday afternoon with a Valentine bridge party. Gradiolus. fern and carna tions made the lovely decorations. A delicious salad coarse was served. Mrs. L. F. Barnett, won high score, Mrs. J. Wier of Edinburg won sec ond high and Mrs. M. Giese of Elsa held low. Enjoying the afternoon of inter esting games were: Mesdames J. C Friday, L. F. Barnett, H. Raymond Mills, L. Durby, J. B. Kinder, R. L. Ralston, W. S. Ray, W. K. Long, C. Lester Skaggs. A. E. Richardson, T. H. G. Cook, Gilbert Ramsey, Fred Pepper, W. H. Baxter, Jr. and Miss Elizabeth Cussort of Weslaco; Mrs. Ben Wood and Mrs. J. Anderson of Pharr. Mrs. C. H. Gregory and Mrs. J. S. Budiong of McAllen; Mrs. W\ E. Dixon, Mrs. W. F. Murray and Mrs. J. Wier of Edinburg; Miss Olson. Mrs, Sellers and Mrs. W. G. Weaver of Donna and the latter’s guest. Miss Gates of New York; Mrs. M. Giase and Mrs. Willism George of Elsa; Mrs. J.- C. Bauer and Mrs. Frank Hall of Mercedes. a a a CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY The Christian Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon at tha home of Mrs. B. K. Traylor with members of circle number one in charge of the interesting program and Mrs. J. E. Montgomery the leader. Mias Dorothy Scammell gave a paper of, “Meeting the Present Crisis in Mexico"; Mrs. Montgomery gave “A Message from a Young Man from South America" and Mrs. Der Ratliff dismissed, “Unen listed Women." The scripture les son was read by Mrs. W. H. Friend. Mrs. Friend, Mrs. R. L. Hankal and Mrs. I. A. Lawrence joined the so ciety. e e e DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith enter tained Tuesday evening with dinner. The lovely table decorations were cut flowers from the warden. The guests were Rev. and Mrs. Wm. LeMay and daughter, Miss Eleanor. e e • MI88 SCHUELER GIVES PARTY Miss Kathryn Schueler entertained Tuesday evening with Valentine bridge at which Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wimberly were winners of both high scores. The Valentine idea was used in the deliciona refresh ments, the tally cards, the prises and the decorations. Those enjoying the evening were Messrs, and Mesdames Fted Pepper, A .B. Wren. Everett Ballard, Nelson P. Wimberly; Misses Alam Reeves, Joana Pope, Mary Heller, Louise Douthit. and Messrs. M. C. Mackay, H. Nutting, Luther Hughes and S. N. McWhorter. e e e PLAY “84” Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith enter tained Monday evening with a table of “84”. The Valentine motif was used in the decorating. Nasturtiums and roses made lovely floral decor ations. The guests were Messrs, and Mesdames T. A. Mauck. J. J. Gibson, A. C. Duke and Mrs. Dar Ratliff, e e e ENTERTAIN STAFF Editor and Mrs.. Santford Hardy entertained with a delightful three course dinner Tuesday evening for members of the offiee force of the Weslaco News.' The clever place cards were in newspaper vernacular and comic Valentines afforded ranch merriment. After the delicious chick en dinner the party attend ike Rita theater where they saw Lon Chaney in “While the City Sleeps.’* Those enjoying this pleasant evening were: Mr. end Mrs. Owen Langssth, Mrs. Monte Walker. Pat Cowan of Har lingen, W. Ai Hunt and Neal Rober son. e o o GIVES DINNERS Miss Mary Lovely entertained Sun day with noon and evening dinners complimenting N. G. Hargett on his birthday and as a farewell to George Hoefer who left Wednesday evaning for a month’s stay in New York City. Roses made the lovely table decor ations. Enjoyigg this delightful mi fsir were: Messrs, and Mesdames George Hoefer, N. G. Hargett, Rhodes Asbury and daughter, Dorothy, of Harlingen, Mrs. Jake Holcomb and Carl Early. e o o NEW BRIDGE CLUB Miss Bobby Payne entertained “The Pals," a new brieje club, Wed nesday evening. Miss i.ia Lee Board won high scort, Miss Erma Ander sen second and Alias Frarkfe Thomp son low. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in the dec orations and the lovely refreshments of sandwiches and salad. The mem bers are: Misses Clara Holman, Frankie Thompson, Juanita Sijler, Mary Loveless, Julia Lee Board, Erma Andersen, Julian Thompson of Harlingen and Bobby Payne. The next meeting will be in two weeks with Misses Clara Holman and Miss Julia Lee Beard entertaining. • • • MOTHERS’ CLUB The Mothers* Club held their regular monthly mooting Wednesday afternoon at the Stephen F. Austin school with Mrs. Joe Daney presid ing. An interesting program was given with Miss Gertie Whitehurst speaking of the “Influence of Music on Childlifs”; Miss Helen McPherson speaking of “Influence of Literature on the Child'* and Miss Ewing speak ing on the “Influence of Pictures on child life." Principal F. C. McCon nell showed the moving picture, “Marketing of Lumber" to the club on the new motion picture machine. During the business session it was decided to sell hackberry trees to raise funds to meet future payments on the machine. e e e PERSONALS F. O. Richcreek is in New Mexico and northern Texas on a business trip. , _ Mr. and Mrs. Burl Stugard of San Juan wero Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hoefer. Mr. Hoefer left later thta evening for a month’s stsy in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Perkins left Wed nesday for Rotan. They sold their home here to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Schwindler from Indiara. Mr. Franks of San Antonio has been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. E. Thompson, here. RAYMONDVILLE valentine party Wednesday evening the renior class of the high school was enter tained at the home of Mrs. C. H. Swayte with a Valentine party. The Valentine motif was carried cut in the decorations, with red hearts strung along the windows and over the doors. A Dan Cupid was sta tioned at the fireplace, shooting hearts with his little arrows. The evening was spent playing bridge, bunco, and forty-two. At the close of the games, each one was given a heart with his fortune written on It. A plate luncheon was served. Thosa present were Rose EarL*. Mary Lee Stephens, Dorothy Marsh. Mamie Williams, Hazel Archbald. Josephine Swayze, Eunice Robinson Geraldine Richmond, Katie Swayze, Gladys Shoquist, Mabel Nelson. Fos ter Crowell. Herschel Hill, Chic • Northcutt. Bill Nash. Lee Bucy an I Frank Sexton. * * • WOMAN’S CLUB Members of the Raymondvil1' W’oman’s rlub held a Valentine' Day program on their regular meal ing day on Febrnarv 19. at whir time a playlet. “Willy Willy,” wil' be presented, in addition to sevei*' vocal solos and musical numberr Roll call was answered to "Proposa1 I Have Had," which brought on* many secrets from the member * The playlet was under the directi.v of Miss Louemma Re her. At the last meeting of the elub. petition from the RaymondviUr Chamber of Commerce asking ti *> the county commissioners court o' Willacy county apnoint a home dem onstration agent for the county r* reived the unanimous endorses* of the members present. • • • TO STAGE PLAY The Business and Professions’ Women’s club of Raymondville arc preparing to put on a play. "Here Comes Arabella,” which will be giver the latter part of the present month The cast of characters include Mnr jorie Sue Grayson. Mary Lee Sts nhens. AUeee Lewis, Katie Swayze. Dorothy Sutton, Rose Earl, Anna Dreyer, Sarah Fay Wheeler. Sammle Lee Kinser, Aileen Curry, Mabel Nel son, Dorothy Marsh. Mrs. E. L. Bull. Mrs. B. E. Duffield. Amend Pies*. Phil Shrade. George B. Calder and P. K. Gibhardt. There will also bo a chorus of eight girls, with Mrs. R. H. Fackelman as accompanist. e • • PLAY BRIDGE Mrs. Joe Keepers entertained with one table of bridge Thursday after noon in her home on Nintn street Those present were Mrs. W. A. Fox. Mrs. R. H. Fackelman and Mrs. W E. McCharen, Jr. Mrs. Keepers served delicious sandwiches, hot tea and cake. • • • PERSONALS Miss Margaret Hays of HarPncer spent Sunday here with her sister Mrs. Eddie Root, who rfcent.v moved to Raymondville from San Benito. Hubert Koonce. principal of the | Sinton schools, was a Raymondville visitor Sunday. Charles Atkinson of Abilene was a guest at the R. L. Root home here Sunday. Miss Cola B. Ramsey, home e**o i nomics teacher in the Ravmondville schools, returned Saturday nigh* from San Antonio, where she attend ed a home economics meetinr. Jesse Robins, clerk at the l«eal oostoffice, spent Sunday in Riviera, the guest of his parents. Miss Opal Snavelv spent Sunday in Harlingen with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Larson and daughter. Ruth, were guests Sundav nftsrnnon of Mrs. G. E. Berv in Har lirven. Ranger Light Townsend retur"**-’ to Wharton Monday, afttr snendir a few davs here with hit familv. Mrs. W. H. Harding returned Wed nesday from Austin, where she had spent several davs with her hus band. who is ip Austin on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Crossland of Harlingen were Sunder afternoon visitors at the home #f Mr. Cress land’s parents. Me. end Mrs. T. S Cr«ssland. Mrs. Albert Flshsr returned to her home in Weslaco Friday, after a visit here with her son. Mr. snd Mrs. F»-*is E. F’'her. M-s. Leo Turner and son. Leo. Jr. of San Antinio, ars the guests of her aunt, Mr*. J. P. Braqnar ami family. Mias Ruth Greason of Pharr spent Monday avaning here with Mrs. F. P. Mooro. Mrs- Henry Rogers has returned from a visit with relatives in Mis sissippi. Mrs. A. R. Steele and son, Reed, of Mexia, arrived Saturday to visit her brother. Frank L. Wilson mndfamily. Mrs. Ike West of Vanderbilt it the ?uest of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Parr and amily. Homer Jones of Savannah, Ga., is here on basincss for a few days. Mrs. L. D. Carson and daughter, Miss Dawn, Mrs. Georgo R. Loehrie ard Percy were Edinburg visitors Saturday. Miss Clara Jane Johnson of Or ange, Texas. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson of La sara. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huff and son, Dean, left Wednesday morning fur San Antonio, where Mr. Huff has a position with the B. F. Avery Imple ment company. Ed Starr left Sunday morning for a few days’ visit in San Antonio. Mrs. H. S. Aurand and son, Hsnry, of Colunbus, Ohio, »r« the guests of Mrs. Aursnd’s father, Davis E. Decker. Dr. C. C. Conley has left for Frederick, Okie., where he will spend a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rankle and daughter, Jean, of Edinburg, were guests of their daughter. Miss Roth Rankle, here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Woods were Brownsville visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Holatun have left for points in Louisiana on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Gill attended a banquet Tuesday evening Kings ville, given by the faculty of the South Texas State Teachers’ col lege. Mr. Gill was one of the speak ers for the occasion. OLMITO BIBLE The Home-Makers Bible class was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Box Saturday evening with a delightful party, which inaugurated the new resolution of holding a busi ness and social meeting once a month, meeting alphabetically at the homes representeo. The minutes were read by the sec retary, Mrs. Box, after which, all of the officers were caled upon t* render their respective reports. The program rendered consisted of sev eral contests, Miss Ethel Gammon winning first prise and Mr. De Zim nir.ak receiving the consolation prixe. The class has been divided into two sides to win members to the Sunday school. The side winning the most new members will be entertained with a banouet by the opposing side in May. Mr. Williams and Mr. Willis were selected as the two cap tains. Several selections were rendered on the violin and piano by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. Williams playing the violin and Mrs. Williams accom panying. • a a PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leggatt and daughter, Mies Elfis •£ Mk Dakota, Mr. ud Mrs. Gaaiaaoa and Mis* Ethel Gammon warn entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Dan Rubbing. An Oyster dinnar was served. Miss Estelle Willis ef Pharr-San Joan spent the week end with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Canderhelf ef Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiters ef Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lemert of Cedar Vatu, Bans., Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McKee of El Jardia were din ner guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Ssn borns Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bennett and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sara Ban nett of Brpwnsrille were gnests ef Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fannings Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Waddington cf Fort Brown were visitore of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Custavi Kabitski hare bought the Friday place in Olmito Gardens No. 3, where they are now living. Mra. Hugh Wilbenka and Mrs. Carloa Do Zimnisak were in Browns rill# Wednesday. Mr|. Lloyd Parker and mother, Mrs. S. H. Leery entertained the Olmlte social club Wednesday after , noon at Mrs. Parker's home. Mr. and Mrs. Gammon, Miss Ethel Gammon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leggett and daughter, Misa Elfis, spent Sun day in Point Isabel. Mr. and Mrs. Leggett and Miss Elfis are here from South Dakota. SAN JUAN MRS. KIDDER BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. H. H. Kidder was hostess on Saturday afternoon to four tables of bridge. Beautiful roses vrere placed here and there in the living room, where the guests were seated for the games. Mrs. B. C. King was lueky high, Mrs. L. F. Kruse second and Mra. J. B. Chalk low. Lovely refreshments w«rs served to Mesdamts Fred Milton, L. F. Kruse, U. J. Boehnke, L. C. Lemen. J. R. Lemen. W. H. Gossage. Lee M. Green, J. L. Stone. J. B. Chalk. J. Lee Stambaugh. A. G. Thornton. B. C. King, L. D. Salter and Jackson of San Juan; Mrs. Jerry Stugsrd of Alamo, and Miss Florence MeGregor of Pharr. • • • VALENTINE BRIDGE Mrs. W. Houston Gossage enter tained with several tables of bridge at her home Friday afternoon. Val entine theme was expressed in the beautiful decorations of the rooms and in the game accessories. Red verbenas clustered in vases, giving floral charm. Mrs. U. J. Boehnke was found to hold high score. After the games a delicious salad course was served to the following members: U. J. Boehnke. J. B, Chalk, Lee M. Green, Floyd Hstnek. L. F. Kruse. L. C. Lemen. Clark Mellenbruch. Banks L. Miller. Sam L. Miller. J. Lee Stambaugh. Chas. Starlin. J. L. Store. J. A. Waite. L. C. Warner. J. E. Wilkins, and Mrs. M. A. Green of La Fens. • e e I SURPRISE PARTY • Mrs. J. Lee Stambaugh entertained J[U,, * .IS , ■ V, B B^ BBBIB ffOBI tl,B SSufTEJS: son. Thomas, Haves, Peering. Willi*. Hill, Crofoot. Hooper, Middleton. Cham ness, Mra. Mainer of Phair; Misses Pierce, Winters. Robinson. Mrs. Good and Mrs. Carter ef Sen Joan; Mist Martha Griffith of Alamo and Mist Rena Stambaafh of Donna, o * * JUNIOR LEAGUE PASTY The Jnnior League of the Meth* odist church gave a party at the heme of Mra. F. T. Livingston Tues day. Many games pertaining te val entine were played. Refreshments ef cakes, pep earn and tiny heart shaped candies wove serred. Those present wire: Velma and Opal Scott. Charloa and Ease Agnes Curtis. Marjeria and I setts Pitfefc earn, Wyane, Lysle and Wilma Muir, Francis Bell, Merle Young Jennette, Thelma Lee. Kenneth, and Berner* Galbreath. Winona. Gertrude and Roberta Livingston. e e o MORIN-CAMARILLO Last Friday noon in the heme ef her father, Simon Camarillo and in the presence of a few relatives aad friends. Miss Amada Camarilla was joined In matrimony te Severiano Merin. The bridegroom, employed at I he Cities Service station, oast of Kan Juan and tha bride are both well known in San Juan. e o e SERNABRAVO About seven o'clock Monday eve ning. several care filled with yoang people of San Juan drove to Mercedes to witness the marriage ef Artar* Serpa and Mist Manuella Brave, daughter of Gabine Bravo, which waa solemnised at th» personate ef the Lutheran paster. Rev. fm. Dorkop e# that city. After the ceremony, all returned te tha new home of tho bride end groom whore more friends were waiting far ^ them with open h«u«e and ntasfe. Lehman Funeral Services Soday rSpecin' to The Herald* HARLINGEN. Feb. If.—1Funeral services will be held at the Thomp .t Cha-t here Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock for William Lawrence Leh i an. manager of the Valley Business j College, who died Friday afternoon. Rev.. J Stuart Pearce will ba in ( ~e of tho services. The body will be rent to Princeton. Indiana, far bn rial, leaving hare Sunday night. 1 I w Classified Business Directory Architects BEN V. PROCTER ENGINEERING CO. Architects — Engineers 208 Merchants Dank. Bidg. Phene 61? Brownsville. Texas. t E. G. HOLLIDAY Architect and Builder 409 State Nat. Rank Bldg. Phone 906 R. NEWELL WATERS Architect 9*12 Security State Bank Building Weslaco. Texas A. A. Callaway & Co. Architects and Engineers 41' Merchants Bank Buildi..g Brow: ville, Texas Builders—Contractors G. E. Miller TILE DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER P. O. Address R. P. D. No. 1. San Benito Telephone 600S F 12 H-62 PROCTER & DUDLEY General Contractors 628 Washington St. Brownsville, Texas Phone 627 Cash Registers NATIONAL CASH REU18TER GO.. Registers bought, sold snd exchanged. W. E. Sanders Representative. Phone 29 Harlingen Texas Box 905 Dray—Transfer Mason Transfer & Grain Co. BONDED WAREHOUSE SEEDS OF ALL RINDS Light and Heavy Hauling. WE MOVE ANYTHING 1105 Adams. Phone i39. AUSTIN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO Phones 421 and 519 •' 1126 Washington St. Jones Transfer & Storage Co. Storing, moving, crating and shipping. Local and long dis tance hauling. Daily motor freight service between all Valley points. Harlingen, Brownsville, Edinburg. Office 1259 Levee Phone 787 Truck leaves Brownsville 11:30 Daily Florists THE FLOWER SHOP Cut flowers, pot plants, funeral designs and bouquets 1254 Elizabeth St. Phone 1388 BOWYER THE FLORIST, flowers and funeral designs. St. Chari as and Pita streets. Phone 771. HOTELS—CAFES WHITE KITCHEN Femone for ita Cooking—Immaculacy and Service The popular place far business Innchss 12th between Elisabeth and Washington Hotel Hollingsworth American Style. Day, Week or Monthly Rate. Phone 1037-J. Insurance McDonald-Howard Agency Loans - Insurance - Real Estate Rooms 1 and 2, Arcade Bldg. • Phone 1090 N2 IP IT’S “Your Move Next," you will find that good draymen and expert movers offer their services through the classified ads. Insurance » W. E. CLINT INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 208-9 Merchants National Bank PHONE 6 Mattress Renovating Let Us Renovate Your Mattress We make mattresses to order. All repair work guaranteed. SOMMERS 12th and Adams Phone 674 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ART METAL FILING Equipment Maverick-Clerks Litho Co. 208 Merchants Natldhal Bank Phone 617—Brownivilla Office Equipment and Supplies HARGROVE'S STATIONERY A BOOK 8TORE Brownsville. Texas. Funeral Directors % Hinkley Mortuary Complete Funeral Service Phones 123—300 St Charles and Eleventh Street Typewriters DAVENPORT Typewriter Exchange (Brownsville’s Typewriter House} Distributors. New L. C. Smith “Si lent” 8 end Late Corona 4 type writers. Also sell Royal Portables and “Factory" Rebuilt*—ell makes We repair all make* typewriter and adding machines. 1112 Elisabeth St. Phone 1105. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER SALES CO. Typewriters—Adding Machines Supplies—Repairs Phona 606—Harlingen Z-lt PROFESSIONAL Attorneys Davenport. West and Kanaome Attorneys at Law 207-208 Merchants National Banh Brownsvllla. Texas H. B. GALBRAITH Attorney at Law Merchants National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Taxss. J. T. Canties C. S. Eidman it CANALES AND E1DMAN Attorneys at Law Real Estata a Specialty 303 Merchants National Bank Brownsville. Taxaa H. L. YATES Attorney at Law Stats National Back Bldg. Brownsvillt. Texas Chiropodist FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. E. Hillmger on highway between San Benito and Harlingen. All foot troubles treated. 0-168 Chiropractor M. Cook, D. C. CHIROPRACT'T Nerv-O-Meter Service State National Bank Bldg. Brownsville. Texas Room 406 Phone 708 EL VIBRA SYSTEM USED DR. C. RANZELL Chiropractic—Electro—Therapy Massage and Bath Cromack Bldg. Brownsvllla. M-212. REAL ESTATE LOS EBANOS Brownsville’s Supreme Residential District, carefully restricted, com pletely improved. Home sites from 81200.00, easy terms. James-Dickin son Co., Realtors, corner Travelers Hotel Bldg.. Brownsville. f-1 WEARING APPAREL BETTIN'S Tailoring and Haberdashery The Home of Bench Made Clothes. 1210 Elisabeth Phone 626 N1 I Realtors Have Learned That Want Ads Pay | I I TTN OLD DAYS the auction block' was the common ® B I method of barter and exchange. Today classified | JL advertising reaches a group of people who are inter-* gl I ested in the thing advertised. You do not have to K , I shout to a surly mob—many without funds; you talk to 8 | a select audience that is looking for investment oppor- | tunities. In this simple manner a score of realtors have 1 increased their profits many fold. In this way agents | I have garnered in “leads” that never could have been ob- I tained in any other manner. Try it. and prove that it | never fails! Homeseekers look to Herald Want Ad f? •g columns for news of the greatest values! I | | Bnmmsufllf Heralfl fc, | Phone 8 |