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^m I i > ( > < > I I I I < > I > I > I > « ( > I > £ 14 I I > I > wj * 4 (Continued from page three.) D. Cowgill, A. Hcrbst, F. Ludden and Ferguson. • • • STUDY OPERA Opera music was the theme of the program carried out by the Wednes day Morning Music club which met at the home of Mrs. C. D. Cowgill on February Gth. In responding to roll call members gave current events in the musical world. The program was based upon “Madame Butterfly,” Puc cini’s ir»ra. The story of Madame Butterfly v.. strikingly presented in a pap«r by Mrs. Talrh T. Agar. The two musical selections which mem bers then presented were taken from the opera. A cornet solo, “One Fine l>«y" was given by Mrs. F. W. Bur gess while Mrs. Guy Cornett and Mrs. I* A. Barrier sang a duct, “Every Flower.” The nest meeting of the dub will be held at the home of Mrs. Bruco Gentry.. * * * GIRL RESERVES Welcome to new Girl Reserve mem bers comprised of eighth and ninth grade girls, was the outstanding fea ture of fh.- meeting of the local or ganizr'itn Thursday afternoon at the high school building. Margaret Lowe, president, gave a talk to the new ihembers and Miss Lillian Hocking. Y. W. C. A. secretary, led in singing Girl Reserve songs. Program for the afternoon was in charge of Lorraine Siderius. Maud Nosier sang a solo with Miss Lois Franklin giving the piano accompaniment and Miss Si derius led the devotional. Grade At kinson and Mary Elizabeth Phillips took charge of a series of stunts and Miss Siderius led in guessing games. • • o DELPHI A CLUB The Delphian club met with Mrs. W. W. Housewright Wednesday aft ernoon, February 6, with a large number of members present. The subject for the day was developed from a resume of Shakespeare’s “As *You Like Jt." Mrs. T. A. Beniteau as leader gave a very interesting preparatory discussion. Mrs. J. Thompson gave the character sketch of P.osaline and Mrs. Henry Alsmey cr depicted »the character of Touch stone, the court jester; Mrs. Beni tcau gave a resum® of Act 1. Acts 2, Ji. 4 and 5 were reviewed by Mrs. L. W*. Humble. Mrs. Palmer Jones, Mrs. Markham Thompson and Mrs. P. F. Dominy. Mrs. D. Grant W’agner and her house guest, Mrs. Rnddell from Nebraska, were guests. Mrs. Ruddell favored the club members with a reading, “A Western Story." LANTANA CLLB*MEETS The Lantana club met Monday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Olaf Anderson. The program for the aft ernoon featured talks regarding Abraham Lincoln. New members wel comed into the club were Mrs. Lee Banis, Mrs. R. C. Kenny nnd Mrs. J. H. Pekarski. Refreshments en joyed during the afternoon were dainty sandwiches, cookies and tea. Mrs. Harold Anderson will be hostess at the next meeting of the club to be held at her home Monday, Feb. 24, at 2 p. m. Members will give quotations regarding George Wash ington during the program nnd Miss Kate Adcle Hill will give a talk on yard improvement. • • • PERSONALS G. A. Espey returned to Pennsyl vania Wednesday night after a three day stay in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wedegartner are expected to return from San An tonio the first part of the week, after a lengthy stay there where Mr. Wedegartner underwent an operation two months ago. Mrs. N. J. Kendrick has been called to Kansas City by the illness of her mother. EDINBURG STUDY CLUB The Study club held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. O. W. Curry, with Mrs. W. T. Rowley, Mrs. N. E. Tuell and Mrs, Curry as host esses. The program which was de voted to the study of art and was led by Mrs. L. E. West who gave a paper on Art as expressed through ' Architecture. Mrs. A. L. Janzcn, Mrs. L. E. Tinkler and Mrs. L. C. Newman read papers contributary to the subject. Each member brought with them ceramic which were ex hibited by Mrs. O. W. Curry. After the program, a short busi ness session was held and officers for the coming year were elected. They were: Mrs. O. Em Jones, pres ident; Mrs. A. R. Faker, vice-presi dent; Mrs. L. E. West, secretary; Mrs. R. C. Broaddus. treasurer. At the close of the afternoon a delicious luncheon course was serv ed by the hostesses to the seventeen members present. • • • BLUE BONNET CLUB Another pretty Valentine party ! was held at the homo of Mrs. Henry | Klossner on Friday afternoon when tshc entertained the Blue Bonnet Bridge club. The rooms were at tractive with beautiful bouquets of bougainvillia and mignonette. The Valentine motif was carried cut in the tallies and other table accesso ries. After the delicious two-course luncheon was served the players en joyed four games of bridge. The tro phy lor high score was made by Mrs. John Robinson for the club, and Mrs. A. J. Ross, Jr., for the guests pres ent. The no-trump score was made by Mrs. M. R. Turner. VALENTINE PARTY* Rolert Henry Klossner was host to a group of his friends on Thurs day evening at a Valentino party. Hearts was played aud heart covers and table accessories further car ried out the Valentine theme. Light refreshments, also suggestive of the Valentine season wes served at the close of the games. High (core for the evening was won by Miss May i lenc Robinson. The guests were: Misses Leona Watkins. Evelyn Hauser, Gladys Er win, Mattie Belle Ross, Maylene Robinson, Jewell Morse, Messrs. Bow man Baker, Jack Closner, Everett Braden, D. C. Evans, R. D. Beane, Roy Klossner, Jr., and Robert Henry Klossner. VALENTINE DANCE* Mrs. R. S. Newman and Miss John Petty were hostesses on Saturday evening when the residents of the Faculty club entertained their friends. Bridge and dancing form ed the diversion of the evening. The parlors of the club were galy deco rated with ferns and red hearts fes tooned across the ceiling. Red roses were placed about the rooms in at tractive bouquets. During the evening an interesting program consisting of a vocal solo by Miss Tbelma Lee Jones, an interpre tative dance by Harriet Diuger, a vocal solo by Miss Eleanor Arm strong and a skit called “Tea for Two” by Miss Addie Hughes and Frank Wright. Serpentines and con fetti added to the gayety of the dancing. In the bridge games A1 Pollard won the honor score. The women present received dainty cor sages of sweet peas as favors. De licious refreshments of punch, sand wiches, mints and salted pecans were served fro ma table prettily decorat ed with ferns red hearts and red rose buds. • • • HOME MAKERS CLUB The Home Makers club held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Braden. Mrs. M. Mcll henny assisted JIrs. Braden in the hostess duties. The business meet ing was conducted by the president, Mrs. Cecil Winch. The delegate to the county encampment board was instructed *s to the wishes of the club regarding the program of the meeting which will be held in June. ; The club also voted to enter con ; tests at this June meeting of the ! encampment. A social hour was cn I joyed after the business meeting, and a guessing contest was won at ■ this timo by Mrs. Carl Bishop. At j the close of the social hour, the j hostesses served tea in the dining | room, Mrs. II. J. Maurer pouring. * * * REBEKAIIS MEET 1 The regular business meeting of I the Rebckah lodge was held on Mon | day evening at the I. 0. O. F. hall. I The meeting was conducted by Mrs. A. M. Fairbanks, noble grand. J. D. McWhorter was initiated into the lodge at this meeting. Plans I were made for a box supper to be | held on Thursday evening, February | 14 ,at 8 o’clock at the I. O. 0. F. hall. (The public is invited and all Hidalgo | lodges are invited as guests of this lodge on Thursday evening. The meetingSH RDLL'PDWKDWKD The members also perfected plan* for a rummage sale to be held near | the Model Market and Grocery on ] Saturday. At the close of the busi ness meeting, light refreshments | were served and the members cn I joyed a short social hour. • * • VALENTINE BUNCO Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bibbs entertain j ed with a jolly bunco party on Tues | -lay evening, in celebration of the | birthdays of Mrs. M. McKinney and I Mrs. Bibbs. Valentine decorations | and spring flowers added to the tone | of gayety. Tho Valentine theme was also carried out in the tallies and table accessories. The honorecs received a great ninny nonsensical gifts which added : to the gayety of the affair. In the I games of bunco, the high scores [ were made by Mrs. Marvin Kreuger , :,nd Mrs. J. C. Hall. The consolation f was presented to Mrs. J. C Hall. A salad eourse and coffee was erved at the close of the evening. \ beautiful birthday rake, contain mg all the emblems of fortune was cut and served with the salad | course. Tbe guests v.*re: Messrs, and J. C. Hall, VV. H. Snd lor, Marvin K-eugor, M. McKinney. [ .Misses Emma Potter, i’.ratrice Rey nolds. Maud Prn'her. Mrs. Nora Brr | Hard and Roy Roberts. * • » DINNER PARTY Dr. and Mrs; If. O. Fchnlebcn were ao ts at a dinner party oil .Monday evening, in celebration of the doc t- rV- birthday. The guests were soat I at small tables attractive with Valentine place-card and nut cups, fhc four eourse dinner was servod ! et style from a large table een t.M-cd with red carnations and red .••pc rs. Red and white roses and red tapers were also used about the ooms. A social evening was en : .i«>yed following the dinner. The nest- included: Messrs, and Mcs bincs H. E. Wilcox. K. M. Smith. J. i Sinnctte, Amos Robins,,,f San I bu n. Mr*. D. R. Handley. A. G. laigh. Miss Lvons, Mr. Gcfrcorcr. • * • PROFESSIONAL WOMEN Th« Business and Professional 'Aomen's club hold their regular | WediMsday luncheon hour at the Blue l’onuet Gardens. Plans were discussed and perfected for a ban quet to be given by tbe local club at the Blue Bonnet Gardens on Thursday. Feb. 21. This will be the regular meeting of the Valley Fcd rretion of Business Women’s clubs, and ih" i-uest of honor for the even '"g will be Mis Ruth Rich, who is the field secretary of the national federation, and who is coining to the Valley particularly for this meeting. There was no social prog rim at this meeting, although the members sang several songs before the meeting adjourned. e • • CHILDREN’S PARTV Mrs. Watt Tinkler entertained for her little daughter, Charlotte Elaine, on Wednesday afternoon with a charming Valentino party. The rooms in which the little girls played games were attractively decorated with bright red hearts and other symbols of the Valentine season. Several interesting Valentine games and contests were played during the afternoon, the one which the child ren particularly enjoyed being call ed “pinning an arrow on the heart.” This was done correctly by Justine Miller and Charlotte Elaine Tinkler and both received little kewpie dolls as prizes. Later in the day, the children were seated in the dining room for refreshments. Lighted red tapers on the dining table spread a soft glow over the darkened rooms and light ed the pretty table. Two large heart shaped cakes were centered with tiny cupids, and garlands of red crepe paper with the red tapers made the table most attractive, fcach place was marked by a valentine and a red all-day sucker. Jello and whip ped cream and cake was served to the twenty-four little girls who were present. e e • SENIOR BRIDGE CLUB The Senior Bridge club was en tertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. E. S. Hearne. Tea was served in the dining room at a large table centered with a bowl of pink radi ance roses. 31 rs. L. E. Tinkler pour ed the coffee. Dainty sandwiches, salted nuts and coffee wera served. The flower motif, suggestive of spring, was repeated in the tallies, which were little baskets of spring flowers. • • • WERHLER BRIDGE CLUB The Wehrlcr Bridge club mambers enjoyed a jolly meeting on Thursday exening at the home of Miss Peggy Ewing in Harlingen. The Valentine motif was cleverly carried out in the decorations, tallica and table acces sories. A delicious luncheon conrs* consisting of a salad, eandwiehes, wafers and punch wan served after the bridge games had been played. In the scoring Mist Kathleen Haley was high and received a dainty prize. Tho consolation prize was presenetd to Miss Thelma Lawrence. SEBASTIAN PARENT-TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION 1 The Parent-Teachers* association met Tuesday evening for its regu lar business meeting. The meeting was called to order by the presi dent. Mrs. B. C. Stallings. Mrs. Ralph Lanier gave a report from the committee selected to arrange for the banquet in honor of the bas ketball teams, stating that it would be given March 1 in a room in the high school building. The quilt which nas been pieced by the women in the organisation will soon l>c completed and ready for embroidery. Mrs. Maude Borland, music teach er, asked that the P.-T. A. buy Vic trola records for the music mmeory contest. Her request was granted. | A report from Lewis Woodson, chairman of the social committee stated that the social meeting will he held Tuesday evening, Feb. 19, at the M. 11. Bonrne home. • • • BIRD CLUB The Bird club, a small organiza-1 tion of intermediate girls, held their] first social meeting Thursday, when i they had a Valentine box. Refresh-1 ments were served in the school I room of their sponsor, Miss Juanita I Day. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. .T. R. Sprouse of San I’orlita spent Saturday night here at th« home of their daughter, Mrs. Marshal Baume. leaving early Sun day morning for Raymondville. ae-j I coinpanied by their daughter, Neile and Mr. and 3Irs. Baume. vej ere they met Arthur Sprou'e. Arthur is attending college in Kingsville, but spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kortman and son. Billy, pf Kingsville, were week end guests at the home of Mr. Fort man’s sister. Mrs. J. D. Wilson. Mr. and Mr*. S. S. Caldwell and i daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Crum, accom panied bv R. L. Smith, spent Thurs dnv in Brownsville visiting friends. Mrs. John Baldwin of I.yford was a caller at the home of Mrs. B. C. j Stallings Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman of Santa Rosa have moved into one of the j Bourne tourist cottages. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Stallings had as their all-day guests Sunday Mr. nn<| Mrs. Starr and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Gray and family of Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Stallings and guests spent the afternoon see in" the sights of Mntnmoros. J. D. Wilson and W. J. Fortmau wer« Mission visitors Monday. Mrs. Nancy Wilson xvas an all-day gu*st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd of Lyford Sunday. Mrs. Karl II. Duddlestcin and daughter, Julia Alice, were all-day i meats at the home of Mrs. Nancy Wilson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Butler and children and Mrs. B. N. King and children of Freer have been visiting nt the Madison Woods and Johnnie Lxniphicr homes. B. O. Bourne of Santa Rosa has b'en looking after business intcr ! e:;t- here this veek. Mr. nn«| Mrs. Ralph Lanier, Mrs. R. L. Smith. J. R. Hargrove. Miss Wile-Sprouse and Mr. Lewis Wood » son drove to Raymondville Frida; aftrrnoon to '•ee the Sebastian-Rfy mondville basketball game. MISSION • ; HONOR GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Strong were hosts .to a party of friends at an j evening of bridge Tuesday, with a four table personnel. Mr*. Florence M. Hayes was high score winner, ilonier Smith high for men, with a dainty prize given to each of the honor guests, Mrs. Geo. W. Hardy of Shreveport. Ta.. and Miss Helen McC'andless of Louisville. Ky. • oo OROINKI CLUB The Oroinki Bridge club held the a regular session of bridge at the home of Mrs. Franklin Ewers on Wednesday, with three tables of players. Mrs. T. R. Card, Mrs. E. V. tiprowi and Mrs. Jack Lair were out ot club guests, with Mrs. Sprowl as high score holder, Mrs. Card low. » a • FAMILY DINNER Mrs. J. A. Card was hostess at a family dinner at her home Wednes day, naving as guests Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Butler, his mother, Mrs. Mary Butler, Mrs. E. M. Card of McAllen and Mrs. Yawter of this city. • • • WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. T. B. Sammons was hostess to the Wednesday Bridge club thia week, entertaining with a three-table personnel. Beside the club members these were the guests: Mrs. Geo. W. Hardy of Shreveport, La., Mrs. John Reuss, Miss Mabel Nicholson and Mia Helen McCandless, the latter from Louisville, Ky. • m • FEDERATION MEETS The local federated clubs met for their usual monthly aesaion at the city hall W ednesday morning. Mrs. Edward Oppenheimer, tha president, was in charge of the busi ness session, one of the main ob jects being the appointment of the president of each club as a nominat ing committee. Thia committee is to report their choice for officers for tfc> coming year previoua to the second Wednesday in March, when the officers will be elected. The president notified the club of the in tention of the State Federation News to publish a “Valley issue” next month and data was requested from the federated clubs for this issue. e e e FIREMEN’S AUXILIARY Mrs. Roes Marcus was hostess to the Firemen's Auxiliary Monday evening, with Mrs. R. E. Kreuger presiding. Two new members were taken into this organization, Mrs. J. H. Williamson and Mrs. Ira Gobble, these to be initiated at the next meeting. The auxiliary is planning a Saint Patrick's day party for the firemen, and committees were ap pointed for thia affair, • • a TUESDAY AFTERNOON CLUB Tho Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club met at tha home of Mrs. C. P. Wright this week for an afternoon of play. Mesdames H. C. Jeffries, H. Melch, R. J. Rome and T. R. Bur nett were among the guests. • • • DRAMATIC RECITAL The members of the dramatic clasa under Miss Mabel Nicholson gave a splendid recital on Friday after noon to the mothers and friends at the Wilson school auditorium. This class has been at work only a month, and some of the young speakers hive been studying for only two weeks, ao the excellent program they presented was somewhat in the na ture of a surprise to the audience. The program consisted of readings, diotogues, playlets and musical read ings. Blisses Helen Eppright and Anna Fay Butler were piano accom panists. • * • CABINET MEETING The Girl Reserves held the regu lar cabinet meeting Thursday, with Miss Rosalie McAllister hostess. An na Fay Butler suggested that each member bring her kodak to school tha first sunshiny morning, propos ing to take pictures of the local or ganization, which will ba made into a scrapbook and sent to Girl Re serves in foreign lands. These girls are very ambitious to excell in all matters pertaining to the organization to which they be long, and among other objects, have voted to hold a "recognition” serv ice on February 14. They will meet next with the ring chairman, Miss Zillah Martin. DELPHIAN C1IAPTE*R A very interesting and most edu cational session of the local Del phian chapter was held last Friday at the home of Mr*. Florence M. Hayes, with Mrs. John Gattling giv ing a resume of the preceedfng les son. The hostess was the leader of the lesson study for the day. on the topic. “Italian Literature of the Late Renaissance.” The leader was as sisted by the Mesdames Hill, Agnew, Nichols and T. B. Waite. Mrs. S. Bf. Duffie was in charge of the discus sion of the Delphian quarterly. 000 COMPLIMENT GUEST Honoring Mrs. Geo. A. Brown of Alpine, now on a visit in the Valley, Mrs. Dade Hiester was hostess at her homa on Saturday afternoon for a season of the popular game of bridge. The theme of both the dec orations and refreshments was fea tured in the St. Valentine motif. Mrs. Henry Hargrove was high score holder and Mrs. S. M. Duffie low. The personnel of the party includ ed the honor truest, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mesdames S. M. Duffie, Heathe May, H. B. Hargrove. Bl. Meleh. C. Harris, S. A. McHenry. C. R. Peterson. Raj Brooks. the Blisses Cora Whittley, Helen Melch and Gertrude Schaloben. the latter from Edinburg. TUESDAY CLUB Mrs. L. G. Pyler was hostess to the Woman's Tuesday club at her home on San Francism avenue this | week, with Mrs. S. M. Duffie lead : er. the topie being “The Cherry Or I chard” by the Russian author Tehe i kov, one of the strong writers of the drama in the late part of the l«Kh century. The biography of the au i ther was given hy Bfr*. J. A. Card, i with Mrs. W. A. Wolverton giving t “The Importance of the Dialogue in | the Play.” followed hy a general dis* i cussion by the Huh members. • • • ST PAUL’S P. T. 4. The members of St. Paul's P. T. A. held their monthly businecs session on Thursday with an rvcell-nt at | ‘endance present. Mrs. Sheldon l Smith officiated as chairman. The business for the afternoon included ; th* discussion of wavs and means for raising of funds. The members are planning first rf all for the payment of a *1400 debt on their school, aft er which they will proceed with the building of a new edifice of learning. A food sale is on the program in the near future. Assistant hostesses were: Mesdtmes J. Bf. Nash and Rig ler, with Mrs. John Roberts as host ess for the day. • e e BRIDGE HOSTESS Miss Helen Melch was a charming hostess at tho home of her brother and sister, BIr. and Mrs. Herbert Melch on East Tenth street Friday evening, the appointments of both home and table carrying out the Valentine motif, with a red and white color scheme, and handsome bou quets of rad carnation for the four tables at which the players were seated. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wim berly were lucky high score holders, with Mrs. Dade Heister low. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wimberly of Weslaco, Miss Gertrude Schaleben of Edinburg, Blessrs. and Bfesdames Dade Heister, H. B. Har grove, H. Melch. Misses Lou Saucier. Laura Mae Gray, Dr. L. Brasher, Claud Kellam, Roger Ray, Walter Scoggins, who, with the hostess, en joyed a happy evening of play. s • • ENTERTAIN CLUBS Mesdames T. M. Thies and W'. R, Parrish wera hostesjes at the beau tiful new home of the former on Dougherty avenue Friday afternoon to the members of the Orolnki and | Tuesday Afternoon Bridg** clubs. I with a four table affair, in which I the decorations were on the Valen tin* order, with the red colors pre dominating in table and room trim mings. High scores for the play were Mesdames John Waite and Ru dolph Rome, with the personnel of the guests as follows: Mesdames T. B. Waite. If. H. Rankin. K. Krcuger, G. F. Dohru, J. F. Ewers, M. F. Arm strong J. A. Gillett. E. V. Sprowl, H. C. Jeffries, 11. Melch. T. A. Hums son, A1 V«ds, T. R. Burnett. W. O. Brown, R. Rome, with the two host esses who joined in the play. ELSA MRS. SCHMIDT ENTERTAINS On Friday evening Mrs. J. Schmidt entertained with a bridge party in her home, honoring Miss Semiels of New York. Those enjoy ing the evening were Messrs, and Meadames D. Graham. C. D. Adam son, Byron Kelley, J .Giese, and Mel vin Gles*. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mra. Seiban of New York City end J. C. Sommons of EdcoucN. Mrs. Graham carried high score for the evening for women, and Mr. Sammons of Edcouch carried high ■core for the men. PERSONALS Mrs. Keilitf Belbo and Mrs. Fannio Lyl* of Cado, Okla., accom panied by Mr. Charles Osberghaus of St. Louis, Mo., aro visitors in Elsa this week. Mrs. Lyle owns property in this vieinity and is here looking after it. J. J. Gibson of Weslaco has been in Elsa several days the past week looking after the remodling of one of his building*. Mrs. Becklew and Mra. Miller, lo cal teachers, attended th* Rural Teachers association in Edinburg last Saturday morning. Miss Loreno Scoggins of McAl len it visiting her father, G. 9. Scoggins of tho Elsa Drug Store and is assisting in tha atoro. Mrs. J. H. Sims of Lasara was in Elsa shopping Tuesday. Mrs. Lena Holmes were Elea shop pers Tuesday. Mr. end Mra, G. H. Stokes and children, Josa and Lydia of W’eslaco wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stokes Thursday evening. Mist Gertrud* Harris of Weslarn spent th* week end at th* J. W. McQuay homo. Mra. Pike end Mis* Harris of Wes laco visited at th* J. W. McQuay Nome Wednesday afternoon. W. Moore returned to San Antonie Tuesday morning. Mr. Moor* cam* to Elsa with his brother and family Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Moor* of North Carolina, who have located in Elen Mr. Moore expects to dispose of hi* a■ ■■■■■n ■ ■■■« ~sT~ ■I business in San Antonio anil return to Elsa to make his home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moor* and daughter Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore o£ Weslaco visit ed Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Moore this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Giese were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Derlcya of Weslaco Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Laney and little son Jack of Edcouch visited Mrs. Tur ner Thursday. DALLAS, Tex., l*eb. 16.-WV-A former convict was captured in the act of robbing an all station last night by two Dallas policemen. The i lobber waa scuffling with the sta tion attendant as the officers drove by and saw the trouble. .... ^ TT-. _ ..™ W/fir ! ^ Have Beautiful Hair and healthy scalp Use Valley Flowers Ilalr Oil and Brilliantine. Well kept, beautiful balr Is • personal attraction and a per sonal satisfaction. If you need a good scalp food try VALLEY FLOWERS HAIR OIL. It not only is a food but keeps the hair in place. Valley Flowers Brilliantine Is in paste and liquid form and is excellent to keep the hair look ing well dressed. Both products delightfully per fumed. All leading druggists, Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors. Valley Flower* Brilliantine, 40c Valley Flower* Hair Oil, 25c Smart New Spring Millinery Right at the beginning of the season we are offer ing unusual values in Smart Spring Hats. Straws — Braids — Felts in all the new spring colors. Wide and narrow brims — you’re sure to find just what you have been looking for. green’s jj llth and Elizabeth Correct Footwear For You Spring Costume The footwear fashions of Spring are simple in de sign. Our models follow Fashion’s dictates, yet find many ways of being individual, and beautiful. As you view the new garment fashions, be sure to see the shoes we have to wear with them. International Shoe Store MRS. ELSIE C. BARRED A, Manatee #99 Twelfth St. — Brownsville niiimminjiTiri|-Mirm-ni i n.rn k-~ x LADIES is your e v ening dress ready for the next occasion? Sauber iO Phone | *■ KT" Not How Cheap But How Good j Pleating and Repleating done to your entire satisfaction -- - - * --1 Tho 5ktta££ Store DUSKA I (Little Soul) Dusks Face Towdcr is a triumph of modern chemistry and the Perfumer’s Art! Pre pared so that it permits the evaporation of moisture and i thus prevents shine. Dusks Face Powder produces a transparent radiance, the charm of a youthful com plexion. Fxflusireiy aold by CISNEROS j Drug Stores ■ ■ —— Menu for Sunday Breakfast Oranges Wheat Cereal and Cream Toached Eggs Broiled Bacon Coffee Dinner Roast Veal and Browned Totatoea Buttered Carrots Bread Currant Jelly Cabbage. Salad Cranberry Pie Coffee Suziper Sliced Veal Sandwiches Sweet Tickles Asparagus Salad Vingarctte Yellow Cake and Orange Frosting Tea Cranberry Meringue Tie Filling 2 cups cranberries; 1 cup water; 1 cup sugar; 2 tablespoons flour; 1-4 teaspoon salt; 2 egg yolks; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Look over thtf berries and add th water. Cook in a covered pan unt the berries are soft. Mix the »u^> ard flour, add with the salt to berry mixture. Stir well and for 2 minutes, stirring const;. Add the egg yolks and vanilla, w*> mixed. Pour into a baked pie she! Cover with Meringue. Meringue 2 egg whites; 3 tablespoons sugar. Heat tho erg whites until stii; Add the sugar and beat for 1 nm ute. Roughly pile on the cranium mixture and bake in a slow ov* for 2 minutes. Asparagus Salad. Vingarette (Serving Six) 6 lettuce cups; 18 stalks canned or fresh aspat; gus; 1 cup diced celery; 1-2 teaspoon salt; 1-4 teaspoon paprika; 1-2 cup stiff mayonnaise; 6 green pepper rings; 1-4 cup chopped sweet pickle rt ish. Chill all tho Ingredients. Wh ready to servo arrange tho lettu cups on salad plates, add portioi of the asparagus. celery, salt a paprika. Top with the mayonnai and place the green pepper rings top of tho mayonnaise. Place po tionx of the piekl# relish in the re ter of the green pepper rings. Ser at once. — ; THE NEW LACE CLOCKS ■ “(Jordon” at $1.98 and in ‘‘Claussner” at $3 and $3.50 Also see the new Claussncr Black IIccls at $3.00 „ Are Newly Received at 1 FULL LINE OF fl NEW SPRING ■ STYLES P SHOWN AT OUR 1 THREE 5H0P5 | HflRUN3SN-3P0UN5VlLLE ^B l fit FILL EH YOUR a INSPECTION ■ IS INVITED B saH T>y B JSU^fR SttAVS H Sbooa L/tfh Perien«|il/ _1 r iHR L H1GE M - BR OWNS YILU.' Bi ’ . M-HLLEK' |K