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[PORT HERE (BEST IN U. S. I FLIERS CLAIM ■browns ville Field Is HMost Up-to-Date HfetHead of Stinson ^B^Joncern Writes I The Brownsville airport fast is re ■B eiving recognition as one of the ^Be»t in the country, nreordinz to ^^P'l'imons expressed bv fliers who HB *»ve landed here and inspected the Hitld. The courteous treatment nc I^Horded visitors also i» remarked on ■B’y pilots of visiting planes. 'SSl Mayor A. B. Cole is in receipt of |||l letter from W. A. Mara, secreta-y Bf the Stinson Aircraft Corporation, gH ho recently flew to this citv, in H^B'hich the airport is described as one Bf the "most up-to-date, best mmn g|Bained airports" the writer had ever ■Been. The letter also rcr.krks on ■She courteous treatment rcceiv<*J. Bn full, it reads: gBI Courteous Treatment '."■■B “About three weeks ago we left ■■•etroit flying a 8tinson Junior to §||SCexleo City. In connection w:th |Hvs flight, we stopped «t Browns ■tlle and not only found the .vr ■ *’< to be moat excellent, but also ^.•JSceived extremely courteous trent H n?nt from Mr. Maulden, the mans ^SB-r of the airport. “I do rot know whether letters of Q^Ehis kind interest you or not. but |^Bthe airport in ’Brownsville struck IsBne as being one of the most up-to JSdate. best maintained airports that |hI have ever seen, and I was particu Hiarly impressed by the spirit of co BHoperation shown by the management ^Bof the airport. “In landing in a great many ^Hniaces, it is necessary to spend much BBtime in attempting to secure service RjBand In obtaining gasoline and oil. I^BErerybody was on the job nt ||BBrownsville and I am passing this IBletter «f appreciation along to you El for whatsver It may be worth. 1 ^■understand that you are about to IBplace contract for additional han SB^'^ and I feel quite certain that Hb V 3hnsville will be the principle B JB of entry for planes heading for ^■xtxlco. I can at least tell you that ^■because of the nice treatment we §B received, all Stinson plane* in the ^■future will travel to Mexico by way IB of Brownsville" W? Beat Field Seen §B Richard H. Depew, Jr., sales en ^Bgineer of the Fairchilds Airplane ^■Manufacturing Corporation, New SBYork, and E. R. Polley, vice presi B dent of the Fairchilds Aerial Sur vcya, Inc., New Tork, who flew here Jrnduy, also expressed their sur prise at the modern field here, de claring it one of tike best they had ever seen. The olticials flew here in a seven passenger, No. 71 cabin mail plane, with a -XJO-horsepnwer Gasp engine. They are on thair way to Tampico to deliver the ship to tne Mexican Avi ation company, to be used in the new Mexico City-Brownsville air mail line. “Brownsville is destined to be come one of the largest internation al airports in the country,’’ said Mr. Depcw. ‘‘The field is one of tnc finest I ever landed on, and the ser vice given is to be commended. The city certainly can bo proud of ita airport.” M. P. Announces Rate to Valley The Missouri Pacific Lines are of fering special Washington birthday rates to the Lower Rio Grande Vhlley from Texas and Louisiana points beb, 21. The rat# will be 73 p#r cent of one way fare for a round trip. The return limit is set at Feb. £6. Reports from New Orleans, Tex arkana, Palestine, Waco, Ft. Worth, San Antonio and Houston are to the effect that large delegationa are ex pected to take opportunity Oi these rates. Rates will apply from all points Missouri Pacific Lines including I. u. N., S. A. t. A G., and Gulf Coast Lines. Chris Craft All-Mahogany Runabouts 14 Models 22 to 38 feet and 8'i te 200 horse power. 30 to 45 miles per hour. 92235.00 to $15,000.00. Runabouts Sedans Commuters Cruisers John N. Merrill 234 Levee Street Brownsville, Texas Phone 567 Lower Rio Grande Valley Representative. Also Oldtown speed boats, wooden boats, yacht tenders, and canoes. Kvinrude and Elto outboard motors. ,t Lvinrude inboard motors and | pumping units. Stroraberg-Carlson Radios. THEIR TALK COMFOUNDS MERE MAN Having d' fcated the eraclc mala debating team of the University of Sydney, Australia, these members of the debating team of the Oklahoma College for Women, Chiekasha, Okla., look for other male speakers to conquer. The girl debaters are Ruth Saye (upper left), and Evelyn Yeager (upper right), both of Dunean. Okla., and Wilma Jo Miller (lower left), of Chiekasha, Okla., and Iris Williford (lower right) oT Oklahoma City. AID IS GIVEN 14 COUNTIES Contracts Aggregating $2,330,000 To Be Awarded At’STIK, Feb. 16.—h?*)—Fourteen counties short in contracts aggre gating f2.nuo.Out) for about 136 miles of road construction to be awarded by tt e state highway com mission Monday and Tuesday. In addition there will be delegations from a number of counties asking aid, designations and relocations. Among contracts advertised for letting: Childress county: 13.42 miles grading and drainage Highway 5. Hardeman county: 14.80 miles concrete pavement Highway 6. Randall county: 13.73 miles con crete pavement Highway 33. Hudspeth county: 3.22 miles grad ing, drainage and concrete pave ment, highway 1. Kinney county: 0.17 miles grad ing and drainage Highway 131. Jim Wells county: 9.78 miles Limestone surface course highway 12 A. Refugio county: Steel truss over Aransas river, steel truss over Mission river, and 7.61 miles grad ing, drainage and caliche base, all on Highway 128. Motley county: 13.60 miles grad ing and drainage highway 28. Taylor county: 17.89 miles con crete pavement, highway 80. Cottle county: Concrete overpass highway 28. t Find No Traces Alleged Slayer VERNON, Tex.. Fob? 1«.-(JD—Of ficers tonight admitted they were without a clue to the whereabouts of Osye Jeffrey, one of three men charged with murder yesterday aft er the body of Herman Walden. 21, was found near Hilltop, oil town. Walden, missing since Sunday, was shot to death. Rawl Williams, one of the men ar rested, was transferred to the Qua nah jail today. Vernon Donohue wgs held here. Both denied knowledge of Jeffrey's whereabouts. RIO HONDO VALENTINE HOSTESSES Mesdames Fox and Rounds enter tained with a delightful Valentine party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Douglas Rounds. The afternoon was spent in visiting and about 5 o’clock a buffet luncheon was served to the following: Mesdames Morris Houghtling, Wilsey, Horace Johnson, Pearly, F. Webster, Mercer. John T. Ehlers, Garnet, Spears, El mer, Seizer, Robert Bough, Reece, Ed Fox. Douglas Rounds and Miss Leona Kaatz. • • • t LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY Lincoln’* birthday was celebrated by the community church Tuesday evening at the junior high school building. A short program was ren dered followed by an old-fashionad spelling match, the words were ehos en from the four gospels. Doughnuts and cake were served by the Ladies’ Aid. • • e LADIES AID MEETS The Ladies' Aid met Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Joe Yoe man. Refreshments of coffee and cake were served at the close of the meeting. • e e GIVE PLAYS Two one-act plays were given In the auditorium entitled “Her Crown ing Glories” and "But This la Dif ferent.” Between acts Miss Julia Wlekey danced “East Side Jig," Mrs. Freshour gave a reading. Mr. Willow by gave a few guitar selections. Mr. Werner and Mias Woodside enter tained. About forty dollars was taken in. • • • PERSONALS Joe Yoeman left on business for Houston Saturday, Mrs. Woodside left Thqndir for Austin where she will undergo an >pe ration. M. and Mrs. Jasper Tueker and wo children of Brownsville, Minn., ire visitign Mr. Jasper’e silter, Mrs. Henry Ulrich. ||||i I LADIES If I ^ We have a useful kitchen match II R ) box which we will be glad to I M give you if you will call at our of- I'; I; ROOFING |j ■j; Be sure and see our HEXIGON II ■' ^ shingle before reroofing your R‘ _ I home. We guarantee this shingle R> — for a longer life than any other II I shingle on the market. | | If || MAILBOXES II I v?|| You will shortly want a mail box IE 1 JT II for your home and we want you l|V ■ f/ II to see our new boxes. Postman II I | II drops your mail in from the out- llsl * I side and you receive it on the in- 11 1 \ II 8id.e obviatin8 the necessity of [hK-|| going out on the porch for your II if/ || mail. Ring 872 and we will send MmiJ j 11 a box out for your inspection. | X ||frontierlumberc?|| .V II BUILDING'MATERIAL IK 11- M. ACTION ASKED ON RIVER BILL # New Mexico Governor Requested Outline His Attitude WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 — (£*» — The attitude cf Gov. Dillon, Now Mexico, on three house bills to grant congressional consent to agreements between New Mexico and other states for division of the waters of six rivers was asked in a telegram 3ent to him today by Representative ( Morrow, democrat. New Mexico. Morrow pointed out to the gover- ; | nor that toe bills had been passed I by the house had been amended by tnr state at the request of the New Mexico state water commissioner, and the amendment had not been concurred in by the house. The bills relate to compacts be tween New Mexico and Arisona over waters of the Gila and San Francisco rivers; between New Mexico, Okla homa and Texas, over the waters of the Rio Grande, Pecos and Canadian or Red rivers; and between New Mexico and Oklahoma over the Ci marron river. “Do you favor the compacts here tofore sent you upon the rivers of New Mexico?" reed Morrow's tele gram. “These bills were amended in the senate at the request of your water commissioner by amendment inserted by Senator Phipps of Colo rado. “To this amendment the house has refused to concur. This legislation is important to the state of New Mexico and has had my attention for six years, and in which the mem bers from Oklahoma and Texas have ail concurred. The legislation would have been signed by the president and would now be a law if the in terference of your commissioner had not requested this change. “With this amendment it appears the legislation will fail.” The amendment referred to would take away the power of the depart ment of the interior to participate in the negotiations and to make a report to congress. The same tele gram was sent to Senator-elect Bron son M. Cutting of New Mexico. Resolution Of Sympathy Whereas. It has pleased the Heavenly Father to call to his home ; above the spirit of Mrs. C. F. Hurst, who departed this life on February 6, and though we must ho resigned to this fate, we are deeply grieved and keenly feel the loss of this wonderful Christian character. As a member of the Centrsl Christian church and its various organisa tions. she was an untiring worker. For the welfare of her church and | community, no task seemed too i greet for solution and no detail too ! small for earnest consideration. Through Christian loyalty and devotion she endeared herself to us end her life to us was a blessing and an inspiration. Therefore, he it resolved that the members of the Central Christfan church of Brownsville denlore the !o*s of this noble, Christian eblf actcr and ertend to the grief-strl<*k rn husband, parents and ether rela tives oar deepest sympathy; and that a cony of these resolution* he •nrend unon the minutes of the church records, and a copy he sent to th« femilv and to The Browns sillo HeraM for publication. Signed. MBB. MATTIF CFNTBT. 'IBB. .T. TT AMTTTTEWB, MRS. R. ROT Rt’FF. Committee. SANTA MARTA -.- — PFRfiONAI S Mr. and Mr*. T. R. Fh^n'c of Lib- I -rty, Mo., wore visitor* of Mr. and | Mr*. H. F. Kniser Fridav. Mr. and Mr*. Truett Shipl-v of L« Feria spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mr*. P. M. Shipley. Mr. and Mr*. B. F. Leak o* Mc Allen visited Mr. and Mrs. H. F. | K*l*«r Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. J. C. Davi* vi-ited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klurk of Santa Rosa Sunday evening . Mr*. R. H Fmlthof Mercedes visit- | eJ Mrs. H. F. Kaiser Friday. The Methodist Missionary met !] with Mrs. H. F. Kaiser Monday aft- f ernoon. Mrs. Mock led the Bible study. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Benge of Harlingen h»ve moved back to their farm. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Stockinr via- j Ited Mrs. Curry of Raymondville i Monday. Mesdames Fansom, MeCannon, Mock, Washington and Pavia attend ed the W. M. U. meeting at La Feria Tuesday afternoon. B. Thomas of Raymondville spent the week end with Mr. and Mra. Walter Stocking. j Wallace Harperter of Raymond ville spent the week end with hia | parents. Miss Opel Gilstrap. supervisor from the state department of educa- I tion visited the school Wednesday. » Mr. and Mrs. Rowe entertained : the younger set with a party Sat urday vening. _ Eat a Real Gama Dinner at The Matamoros Cafe Mra. Emma Leonard A. TAMfT) Blue Printing and Supplies Harlingen. Texas Wood & Dodd I I Insurance I Bonds and Loans PHONE 100 I Spivey-Kowalski BMff. Brownsville, Texa» OF I 25-FINE RESIDENCE LOTS-25 , IN * m "\ Quee City Annex The Only High Grade Restricted Subdivision at | MERCEDES, TEXAS Commencing on the Grounds 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY, FEB 19 Queen City Annex is a fine, high-grade residence addition with all conveniences such as water, gas, electricity, paved and graveled streets. It is the fastest growing subdivision I in the entire Rio Grande Valley—Some thirty new homes have already been erected in Queen City Annex, with seven more homes to be started at an early date, which goes I to indicate and prove that in a short time it will be an addition of highly developed fine new homes, making for the homeseeker an ideal residence and a rapid growing in vestment for the speculator and investor. It is conveniently located and one of the most | desirable developments in the whole Valley region. Each and every lot will be sold, | POSITIVELY, AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION, REGARDLESS OF PRICE, AT YOUR a OWN PRICE. I I NEW Ford Auto FREE and $200 Cash An opportun ity for every person on the around*. You need not be a buyer to participate in the presenta tion of sifts. nr MERCEDES Mercedes, termed the “Queen City of the Valley” well deserves this name as it is located in the exact center and is the premier shipping point for vegetables and fruit. It is a thriving city of some 8,000 people, and headquarters for the largest privately owned irrigation company in tho world, from whose system more than one third of the entire Valley tonnage is ship ped. The school system is second to none, with beautiful high school, junior high school, and grammar schools. Beautiful churches afford the people of practically every denomination places of worship. • There are three beautiful parks here. Two are located in Mercedes proper and one in the Quern City Annex. Paved high ways lead north, south, east and west. A new international bridge is located just six miles south of the city. Mercedes has never had a real estate boom because all of the development here has been made with Mercedes capital and consequently it has steadily grown without over development. Real estate prices con stantly show a marked increase. GOOD REASONS WHY I YOU SHOULD BUY I THIS PROPERTY I BECAUSE, Queen City An nex is the fastest growing high-grade residential addi tion in the Valley. BECAUSE, the property is a high grade restricted prop erty. BECAUSE, of the many mod ern improvements, such as ‘ water, gas, electricity, pav ed and graveled streets. | BECAUSE, an abstract will 9 be furnished with each lot. BECAUSE, you can buy on very easy terms at your own price. BECAUSE, lot purchasers in Queen City Annex will be financed in building their homes. This sale warr mti the attention of every contractor, homeseeker. and investor. Every lot that goes under the hammer v *1 be sold, REGARDLESS OF PRICE, by Colonel F. F. Hilmer, a nationally known auctioneer. The location of this property, together with the opportunity you have of buying at whatever price you think the lots are worth, assures you of an exceptionally good investment. Profit By Buying At Your Own Price J YOU MAKE THE PRICE AND WE MAKE THE DEED — TERMS, V, CASH, BALANCE 6, 12 AND 18 MONTHS, WITH INTEREST AT 6% — A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH % I j Try to be there when the first lot is sold, as the first lot to self may be the one you want. The magic that brings you a quick profit at our sales is “Your Making of the Price” HARRY J. LAWSON Owner BIG FREE BAND CONCERT If you have property to sell, see, call or wire HILMER & DUNCANSON Moore Hotel, Harlingen HILMER AND 1 DUNCANSON J ORGANIZATION I SPRING VALLEY, MINN. I Auctioneers |