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|| Valley Society || j | Phone 7 TUESDAY CALENDAR Hl-Lo with Mr?, Robert Ernst. Mardi with Mra. Frank Brown. Learner* with Mr*. J. L. A\ ort Vnait, 3:30 p. m. • • • Children Give Holiday Program One of the best meetings of the entire school year, both in point of interest ami attendance, was held by the Farcnt-Tcacher association of the grammar school February 14. l>a<ni.y valentine invitations pre pared by the children had been is sued, the text calling to mind Wash ington's and Lincoln’s birthdays, as well as the valentine season. hirst grade pupils of Misses Jos ephine Webb, Maria Castaneda. Jo sefina Castaneda and hna Williams presented the afternoon's program, v,hicn included a welcome recitation hy Pedro Conde; numbers by the hand, and a song. Room 22 gave a valentine song and recitations; Room !”» presented a fiag drill, and Room 24 a valentine song, while Room 2d |-a\e a valentine drill. After the program a very short business meeting was held conduct ed by Mrs. I’carl Xuckols, president. • • • Comings, Goings, Of Local People Mrs. J. A. Graham, who has been away for sometime visiting her mother at Brenham, is expected home Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. Jones returned home Saturday from Palacios. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hagaman, of Ranger, were here over the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Hagaman, who ere making a honeymoon trip hv motor, went from here to Corpus C hrist*, on their way home. Mr. ard Mrs. P. V. Proctor spent • Sunday in Mi sion. Judge and Mrs. A. M. Kent have had as their guc.-ti for several days Judge Kent’s brothers. J. D. Kent, of Des Moines, and Robert Kent, of Roth. Iowa. The Kents left for iheir homes Saturday evening. Mr. Stokely, and son. Laddies, and Jack VVilmot. all of Des Moines, have also been in Brownsville for the past ten days, and made a trip to Monterrey by airplane. HARLINGEN FRIENDSHIP club Mrs. J. H. Coleman was hostess to the Valiev Friendship club February 13, at her home on the Fan Benito highway. Decorations and acces sories carried out the valentine motif. At the close of the five hundred games, which furnished diversion for the afternoon, Mrs. R. F. McCarty held high score and received as a trophy a heart shaped box containing two dainty silk handkerchiefs. Mrs. John Wolthers was presented with a heart shaped box of red candy. A luncheon of sandwiches, chicken a la king, banana eake and coffee wa« served by the hostess. Mrs. A. W. Frank is to entertain the club next. • • • DELPHIAN PROGRAM The Delphian cluh met at the Woman’s huilding Thursday morn ing. for one of the outstanding pro grams of the year. The subject was one of the plays of VA illiam Shakes peare, “As You Like It.” with Mrs. H. G. McCrum, director. A survey was given hy Mrs. W\ H. Hund ley. with the plot of the play pre sented by Mrs. B. D. Kline. Mrs. N. S. Liddell. Mrs. Myron F. Ward. Mrs. R. S. Scroggins. Mrs. McCrum. Character sketches follow-ed hy four members, Rosalind, Mrs. J. Stuart Pearce; Orlando. Mrs. Tyre Brown; Touchstone. Mrs. David W ink; and Jacques, Mrs. Frank Da vis. Mrs. W. R. Carmean. a visitor, Mrs. Will Jones, new memher. Mrs. Sid Berley. one or the character members of this chapter of the Del phias association, were present. • • • WEST WARD ASSEMBLY The program given at the West Ward school, in Mexiquita. was pre sented at the high school auditor ium Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. T. Traylor is the principal of the ward school, ard assisted the music teacher. Miss Bobbie Gathright, in presenting these litCe Spanish speaking children in their program. Two clever childish songs. "Flip pit v Flop” and “Good Morning.” v.e^e sung hy the kindergarten pu pils. Little Aurora Longria cave two p-anologues. accompanied h/ Miss Ida Baker. Several children from th» first grade sang “The Mul berry Bush,'* a reading. “The Three Wise Monkeys,” was given- by Al varo Herrera, from the low second. • • • LAS AMIGAS DANCE Scott Bobo, Trank Mayer and Cut Washman, directors of the Los Ami gas dub, were the reception com mittee for a delightful dancing par ty on Wednesday night. The audi torium of the Woman’s building was beautifully decorated for the event, with festoons of white and purple I crepe paper, sad where they were fastened to the pretty chandeliers, were very large red harts, honoring St. Valntine. Music was furnished by an orchestra from Brownsville. 1‘unch was served throughout the ' evening, end caps and whistles for tho men and flapper dolls for the women were favors that added to the evening's enjoyment. • • • BRIDGE HOSTESSES Mrs. A. fc. McClendon and Mrs. O. N. Joyner were entertainers on Wed nesday afternoon at the beautiful home of the later, when they gave ! u bridge party of 14 tables, with bouquets of exquisite roses adding to the charm of the living rooms. Mrs. Pope Blythe was the winner of the high score, and the accom panying prize. Second high and the trophy went to Mrs. Richard Lubanks, while Mrs. G. W. Springer won low place. The hostesses serv ed a lovely salad course at the con 1 elusion of the games. • • • STUDY CLl'B The Study club met in regular 1 session on Thursday afternoon at the Women’s building, with Mrs. L. E. Snavely presiding. The large as sembly room presented quite a fes tive appearance, as the attractive decorations of the night past were I still in place. Mrs. B. M. Holland acted as secretary pro tern. As the next meeting will be an open house affair, guests will be ; invited. The Athcanean club had been invited, and accepted. Mrs. A. L. Brooks was leader for ! the day, and gave a sketch of the i life of Wilbur D. Steele, and later read the story of the best one of his works, “For They know Not W hat They Do,” presented by the leader. Mrs. J. M. Green had Irvin Cobb for her subject, giving a sketch of his life and one of his best known stories, “The Snake Doctor.” Added ; to this were uersonal reminiscences of the author, by Mrs. T. S. Herren, ! who knew him in early days. Mrs. W. M. Ellison had as her subject the life of one of the popular writ ers of the day, Zona Gaie. Mrs. Ellison gave a comprehensive sketch of the works of this woman. Mrs. H. A. Hanson sang two beautiful solos. Mrs. B. F. Harden played the accompaniment at the piano. Mrs. Hanson sang “Valley of Slum ber," and “The Brown Bird Sing ing.” Hot coffee and strawberry short cake. with whipped cream, were served after adjonrnment. Mrs. H. A. Hanson of Virginia, Minnesota, was a guest. McALLEN BRIDGE TEA FOR MRS. GREENE An attractive affair of Thursday afte-noon was the bridge tea given by Mrs. Thomas Beels at the Casa de ‘ Palmas tea room, honoring her j mother, Mrs. William Wailce Greene l of Kansas City, and Miss C'rescence Michel of St. Paul, Minn., who are her house guests. 1 The valentine theme was effec tively carried out in the decorations of the tea room. Mrs. Ashley Benson received first .prize and Mrs. Flora Shea second. The honorees were presented with dainty favors. The personnel was composed of seven tables of players. The out-of town guests were Mesdames George E. Chandler of Kansas City, Edwin i Chandler of Edinburg. Ashley Benson of Kansas City. Jerry Harvour of Coleman. Miss Celeste Harp of New ; York City. The hostess was assisted during j the afternoon by Mesdames Rhea Clark. R. E. Russell and Clavton Stokely. • • • CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. P. M. Perkins was hostess Thursday evening to an enjoyable | meeting of the Thursday Night j Bridge club at her home. • • • HOIT-H AMMON D The regular meeting of the Hoit Hammond Industrial club was held Tuesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Harry Bcrset. There were four teen members and two visitors pres | ent. Mrs. Bcrset gave an interesting paper on Lincoln in observance of his birthday anniversary. During the business session Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and Mrs. W. W. Withers were appointed as delegates to attend the meeting held Wednes ; day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clair in Mission. Mr. Westcort of j C. I. A. was present and gave a demonstration on landscaping. , The next meeting of the club wi’l be held at the homo of Mrs. F. E. Bagby, Februe-'- °*. • • * MRS. EWING HONORS GUEST One of the enjoyable part es of the week was the bridge party given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. John • Ewing at her home honoring Mrs. Rybie of Houston, who is visiting in Donna. The decorations, score rads and tallies were attractively carried cut in the valentine motif. The rersonnel included Mesdames D. W. Dockrv of Cushing. Okla.. Hill \ of Donna. R. E. Horn, H. F. Ferry. H. H. Hamrae, Giberson, John Hock aday, Geo. Gaddy and Misses Burke of Donna, Celeste Harp of New York City and the hostess. Mrs. K. E. Horn received first prize for successful playing and Mrs. Gaddy second. The honoree was pre sented with a dainty favor. • • * HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Persy Herman entertained with a beautifully appointed luncheon Thursday at the Casa de Palmas tea room. Sweet peas and ferns were artis : tically arranged as a centerpiece tor the table. The guest list included Mesdames V. E. Cook, Dunlady of Port Arthur, Texas, R. E. Horn, Celeste Harp ot ; New York City, Mrs. Edward Oppen heimer of Mission, McCanless ol | Louisville, Ky., E. A. McDaniel, Jerry 1 Harvour of Coleman, Texas, Everitt * Moore, Copeland Townsend of New ' York City, Chas. Turner, fctephen Jones, K. M. Bounds, L. Paul Mat thews, H. K. Ferry, T. H. Powell, Flank Crow of Pharr and the hos tess. • • • PARTY FOR CLl B Mrs. Everitt Moore was hostess Wednesday afternoon when she en tertained the members and c number of guests of the Thursday Bridge Luncheon club i:t the Cana de Palmas tea room. After luncheon a number of inter esting games were enjoyed at which i time Mrs. L. Paul Matthews received j the club prize for high score and | Mrs. John Cardwell the guest prize. The guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Copeland Townsend and Miss Cleste Harp both of New York City, Mrs. John Cardwell and Mrs. H. F. Ferry. • • • ORGANIZE CHAPTER The Rio Grande chapter of D. A. R. N. S. met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Maude Jones, at which time the chapter was organized with the twelve required members and four new members. The officers, duly installed are as follows: organizing regent, Mrs. Fred N. Taylor; vice regent, Mrs. E. B. Gibbs; recording secretary Mrs. D. C. Hogan of Pharr: corre sponding secretary. Mrs. Thomas Mahone; treasurer, .Mrs. M. L. Kicid ler; registrar. Miss Maude Jones; li brary historian. Mrcs. Oscar Perkins of Mission; chaplain, Mrs. Y. L. Sher wood. Plans were made during the arter- < noon for a reception of the state re gent Saturday, Feb. 113 at 4 o clock at the Casa de Palmas. • • • LINCOLN P.-T. A. _ The Lincoln P.-T. A. met Wednes day afternoon at three o’clock with i 48 members present out of possible 74. The coal is 100 for March 8 j meeting. Dr. T. H. Harrell addressed ] the meeting on children’s diseases, rupils of Miss Henry’s room enter tained with several stunts. The li brary reported a profit of $30 at a food sale. The hodv voted to give the library $50 to be used in the | purchase of books to be placed in the j, different rooms. • t * HOSTESS TO P. E. O. Mr*. A. B. Cochrum »'»* hostess j Wednesday afternoon at her home to the members of the P. E. O. chapter. Mrs. Fred Knudson was the leader for the program ard reed an inter esting paper on Valley trees and shrubs. Roll call was answered by each member, giving the name of her favorite tree. A spelling contest, using the names of native trees, was held, with Mrs. J. C. Dykes captain of one side and Mrs. Clay Zachry of the other. The guests present for the after noon was Mesdames M. L. Nelson, Kable of Lincoln, Nebr.,. R. C. Stev enson. Ur.gheford, Willie Cochrum and Misses Bessie Richmond and Eu nice Cochrum. BUSINESS SESSION The Woman’s Missionary society of the Methodist church met at the church Thursday afternoon in reg ular business session. Mrs. Gordon Griffin, president, presiding. Mrs. Lane had charge of the devo tional service and Mrs. Jackson led the prayer. The reports were nude of missionary money received and of activities looking toward the exten sion of missionary work and the study of missions. A fruit and vegetable shower for the Valley Institute at Pharr was planned. The society has already paid a thousand dollars toward the new church bai'ding fund and another thousand was unanimously voted for this year. _ _ A It was also voted to give a St. Pat rick’s Day silver tea Friday after noon, March 15, invitations to be is sued later. • • • HOME SEWING CU B Mrs. Fred Saunders was hostess to the Home Sewing club Tuesday. There were ten members present. Mrs. Laura Moore of Hidalgo was accepted into th<* club us a new mem ber and Mrs. Ellen Waller of Los Fresno* was a visitor. Following a social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting of the cluh will he held at the home of Mrs. Stinman in Hamerly Courts Feb. 26. • • • LAS AM1GAS Mrs. George Palmer was hostess I Tuesday afternoon at her apartment t on South Eleventh street to the mem bers and a number of guests of the Las Amigas club. The guests for the afternoon were Mesdames E. E. Ren fro. Niles Esrey, Lula Pollock, and David H. Carson. Mrs. Phelps received the high score prize, M’**. R. W. Gregory the consolation and Mrs. Renfro the guest prize. • • • COMPLIMENTS GUESTS Mrs. E. A. McDaniel entertained with a pretty luncheon Tuesday at the Casa de Palmas tea room, com plimenting her sister, Mrs. Jerry Harvour of Coleman, Texas, Mrs Copeland Townsend of New Yoik City who is a guest of her niece Mrs Everitt Moore and Mrs. William Wallace Greene of Kansas City and Miss Crescenoe Michel of St. Paul. Minn., who are guests of Mrs. Tom Beds. American Beauty roses featuring the valentine motif adorned the table. The personnel included Mesdame* Everitt Moore. Tom Beels. E. M. Card. R. M. Bounds, L. Paul Mat thews. E. E. Phelps. T. M. Seawell, John Cardwell. Stephen Jones. Gail Hart. Fred N. Gantner. O. P. Archer, - .... --. i ■ -- — - i I Percy Herman, T. J. Powell, ( has. Turner and the horonccs. Each of the honorees was presented with a dainty favor. • • • VALENTINE BKIIH.E Mrs. George Gaddy was hostess Tuesday evening at a delightful bridge party at her home, honoring her sister, Mrs. D. W. Dockry ot Gushing, Uxla., who is her guest. The valentine motif was fealuied in the attractive decorations, score pads and tallies. The guest included Biestr. and Mcsuames Lee Green of ban Juan. T. W. Mahonc, William Payne, Paul D. Miller, H. H. Damme, J. A. Frisky, M. L. Krcidler,N. V. Sidener of Wes laco, T. W. Duster, Chas. Turner. John Gatling, J. E. Leslie, John B«*ckenholdt. Sir., Wnit Rovers, Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Jack Stone of Fan Juan. Mrs. Dunlady of Port Arthur, Texas, and Mrs. Ruby DeLong. • • • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Witmore of Watertown, W is., have moved to Mc Allen to make their home and are living on South Tenth street. John Beckenholdt. Jr., left Tuesday for Austin on business. S. J. Purl left Tuesday for Temple, Texas, where he will enter the Scott White Ssnitariun for treatments. He was accompanied by his daughter. Miss Irene Purl. Mrs. Everitt Moore has as her ugests her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland Townsend of New York City. Mrs. F. G. Ctrdts who has been the guest of Mrs. L. S. Sanford, lbft Tuesday night for her home in Chic asha, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Card and Mrs. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Butler of Midland. Tex., were guests at a lun cheon given Wednesday in Mission by Mrs. Joe Card. Mrs. D. H. Ramsey, who has been th" guest of Mrs. Roy Randolph left Sunday for her home in San An tonio. .... Judge and Mrs. T. M. Scawell had rs their guest Wednesday Judge Thotnaa C. Trimb'c of Arkansas, who will visit in the Valley for some lime. Mrs. T. 3. Franklin of Charlotte, North Carolina, will arrive Sunday to be the guest of Mrs. R. II. Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Card had as their dinner guests Tuesday evening BIrs. Marv Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Rutler of Midland. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Card and family of Mis sion, Mr and Mrs. E. A. McDaniel r.rd Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harvour of Coleman. Mrs. J. R. Baldwin is enjoying a visit in San Antonio with relatives and friend*; Btr. and Mrs. H. A. Tate and baby of Fort Worth were week-end guests cf Mr. and Mrs. eCo. Bevil. Thev are now pue'ts of Mr. and Mrs J. E. Pate of Hidden. H. F. Schiffbaurer left Fridav for Temple to be with his wife, who is recovering from a seriou* operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harvour and little grandson. Rob Harvour. who have be«r> the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McDaniel, left Friday for their home in Colemair. Texas. They will *<top en route in Alice for a visit with rnnk Harvick. Mrs. John Ha’hig, who has been the •mest of h« r sister. Mrs. J. C. Ziebell for several weeks, will leave Mon day for her home in Oshkosh, Wis. --!■ . , ■ I, BODY OK YOUTH FOUND SCRANTON, Pa.. Feb. 18.—<>TV Weighted down with rocks, the body of 20-year-old John Lowry, taxicab driver, missing since the night of Feb. 2. was found today in a creek near Scranton. Rocks had been piled on the face and body. Ralph Russell Float is held as Lowry's slayer. JUST AMONG US GIRLS 0-1 — ** * --—i ,r-1-, - m i . ' i — ■ ■■» ■ .i n. mmm ■■ —■ ■ i ■ ^ NWaync «says a Ctrl's focautiful comptocn ft a *TcH\e to a mans eye / *s tyd ,nowadays they both , Come. Prom the drugstore. 1 Cameron Courts I Suits filed in the district court*: Frontier Lumber Co. vs. C. C. Barnes. Foreclosure. C. F. Hawkes vs. Western Union Telegraph Co. Damages. 2STH DISTRICT COURT Hon. A.W. Cunningham. June No orders. 1MRD DISTRICT COURT Hon: A. M. Kent, Judge No orders. COUNTY COURT Hon. O. C. Daney, Judge No suits filed. COUNTY COURT AT LAW Hon. John Kleiher, Judge No final orders. MARRIAGE LICENSES Eleazar Martinez and Ninfa Sala zar. A. O. Conely and Georgia Crain. Patricio Recio and Magdalena Pe rez. Desiderio Martinez and Isabel Es corza. Frederico Reyna and Macedonia Cortinas, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS (Furnished by Valley Abstract Co.) Cameron County Cinda G. Williams to F. W. Mo ran, north 10 acres, block 81, Minn Texas Land & Irrigation Co., La Fe ria grant, $10. G. M. and Margarita Villareal Lo zano to J. B. Lozano, lot 3, block 82, original townsite Harlingen, $10. John Comba and S. I. Jackson to W. E. Moss, lots 3 and 7, block 3, Belvedere Garden* addition, Browns ville, plat 3-7, $10. F. B. Armsrtnog, independent and as trustee for the Skelton Abstract Co., to Ethel V. Lloyd, lot 11, block 8. Third addition. San Benito, $10. Port Isabel Irrigation Co. to V. S. Hillyer. block 3, Bayside Devel opment Co., Box ranch, Santa Isabel grant, containing 11.07 acres, $12,177. Port Isabel Irrigation Co. to V. S. Hillyer, 11.07 acres out of block 5, Bayside Development Co., Box ranch, Santa Isabel grant, $12,177. Port Isabel Co. to J. Albert John son. lot 1, block 120, city of Port Isabel, $2,775. Port Isabel Co. to Margaret Segur. lot 5-A, block 20. Port Isabel, $10. Port Isabel Co. to Mildred H. Rodebaugh. southeast 5 acres of block 13. Port Isabel Irrigation Co.’s subdivision, share 32, unit 2. Bay view Citrus Groves subdivision, $7,125. A. H. Fernandez, trustee, to Nolan Taylor, trustee, lot 34. block 12, unit “A.” townsite of Fresnos, plat 7-48. $78. Nolan Taylor, trustee. to Los Fresnos State bank, all lot 34. block 12. unit “A,” townsite of Fresnos $20,000. Los Ebanos estate, Inc., to R. L Lackner, lot 14, block 7. Los Ebanos addition, Brownsville. $1,008. E. C. Hamill to Nelson Loan Co. south 20 acres, block 101. farm block 120, F.l Jardin subdivision share 27. E. 5?. Grant, and farir block 122. El Jardin subdivision share 32. $10. A. Tamayo et ux to Mrs. Rafael# G. Garcia, one-half lot 12. btock 156 Brownsville. $700. Harry J. Hinklv et al to Harry J Hinkly, south half lot 12. block' 11 Fifth addition, San Benito. $10. Harry J. and Alice L. Hinklv tc Loi* Gibson, lot 7. block 8. Fifth addition, San Benito. $10. Harry J. and Alice L. Hinkly* t< Lots Gibson, lot 11, and south hall r~" " " ^ " lot 12, block 11* Fifth addition, San Benito, $1,260. Harry J. and Alice L. Hinkly to , Lois Gibson, lot 6. block 6, Fifth addition, San Benito, $2,110. Hidalgo County Elsa Townaita Co. to W. H. Moore, lots 11, 12. block 84. Elsa, $10. Nick Doffing to W. A. Hall, west 10 acres of lot 15, block 50, Alamo tract. $10. Guadalupe Barton et vir to Refu gio Beravides, lot 7, block 159, Edin burg, $10. John H. Snary to E. J. Schiller, north 9.96 acres of lot 33-1, West addition. $10. John Koelleet ux to Clara Hoclle, 120.46 acres, lot 513, Sharyland, $10. McAllen Development Co. to Mitchell Brown et ux, lot 77-78, U. E. Horn’s addition to McAllen, first division, Grove. • C. C. Swingel to Harold E. Hill, lot 6 of Bell Woods Co. subdivision “A.” $10. Raymond Banks et ux to J. T. Ito ' gers, lot 12, block 53, McAllen, $10. i H. A. White and Mary E. White to W. A. Harding, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. block 34, Mo-Tex. $10. George E. Rippert etux to A. F. Twcnhafcl, acre block 158, Mercedes. $10. J. D. Kinney to J. I.. Love, north 12.07 acres of south half of lot 12, block 8, portion 71, 72. $1. W. T. Sargeant to W. M. Clowers, lot 5. block 191. Edinburg, $10. J. H. Chambers et ux to Ernest Frederick, lot 12, block 18, Edcouch, $fo. Donato Lopez to Crispin Villareal, I lot 1. block 50, Hammond addition, McAllen, $1. McAllin Development Co. to A. R. Adams, et ux. lot 34. containing 7.61 , acres of McAllen first subdivision ! Citrus Groves, $10. Maria Martinez to Guadalupe v de ; Barton, lot 1, block 210, Edinburg, ' $10. Fred Bennett et ux to George C. Jones, lot 11, block 19, Weslaco, $10. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gist, all of St. Louis, Mo., arc stopping at the El Jardin while spending a short vacation in the Valley. Mrs. V\ H. Chambers of San *An toiio is registered at the El Jardin. i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stercki are here from San Antonio for a few days. Mrs. K. Andersen of the El Jar din district, is spending the week- | end in town, and is staying at the El Jardin. Lee Lightfoot, of Tampico, is stop ping at the Travelers. A party from Kansas City, Mo., nnde up of Mr. and Mrs- J- A. Cook, Mrs. J. R. Wilhite and Mrs. A. P. Moston are at the Travelers during their stay in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Lynch, of Ken edy, arc among those registered at the Travelers. CALL TRADE CONFERENCE KAN SAS CITY, Feb. 18.——A southwest foreign and domestic trade conference, conducted by ex perts of the United States depart ment of commerce, will open here Monday. The conference, calculated to point a way to a larger volume of export ’ business for merchants of the southwestern states, will close Wed nesday night with an address by Governor Arthur J. Weaver of Ne braska. >fenus </de Day By MRS. ALEXANDER GEORGE i Dinner On a Busy Day Oyster Stew Crackera Dill Pickle. Baked Potatoes Buttered Becta _ , Brcad Plum Jelly Tokay Grapes Cheesed Wafers Coffee Oyster Stew, Serving Six (Thickened a little) 1-2 pints small oysters; 4 tablespoons butter; 4 tablespoons flour; - San Marcos Dean To Hold Position SAN MARCOS, Tex., Fob. 1<*.—T>¥*> —Students of the Southwest Texas Slat? Teachers college will be given more freedom, but Miss Mary C. Brogden, dean of women, will retain her official position, it was decided Sonday as an aftermath of threats of rebellion unless the rules were soft ened. The students protested what they claimed were unreasonable restric tions and petitioned the school au thorities to ask for Miss Brogden's resignation. Pr. C. E. Evans, president of the college, in refusing to dismiss the dean said to do so “would give rise to frequent insubordinations and would not be the best for the school in the future.” It was announced the restrictions complained of would be modified. Sibson Mayor At Santa Rosa SANTA ROSA, Feb. 18.—After a day of strenuous campaigning the question of incorporation for the town of Santa Rosa was settled by the people of the townsite and a mayor and two cimmissioners elected. The incorporation was carried hy a vote of 33 to 0 and in the race for mayor, Tom R. Sibson, the “father and mother” of the community, de feated his nearest competitor Sam Nixon by 36 to 4. For the office of commissioner T. Ben Washburn was high man with 30 votes, Joe Wood second with 10 and W. E. Scott third with 18 bal lots in his favor. The election was conducted by Ralph Sibson, judge; Mrs. W. E. Scott and Mrs. Sam Nix on. clerks. The first case for consideration by the newly elected city fathers was the claim against the chief execu tive for payment of his printing and bill-posting bill in connection with his elaborate campaigning. The office of fire marshal was awarded R. M. McCraney. 4 cups milk; 9 1 teaspoon salt; fi 1-4 teaspoon popper; 9 1-4 teaspoon celery salt. fjf Place the oystera in an aluminum 9 pan. heat slowly uatil well plumped. II Melt the butter and add the fiour^H Blend and acid the milk and until a creamy sauce forms. 9K9 all the rest of the ingredientsJ^^Bj eluding the oysters. Cook for 1 min-9 ute, stirring constantly. Serve in 9 hot cups or bowls. ■ If there is oyster juice with the 9 oysters, strain it and substitute for 9 part of the milk in the sauce. Cheesed Wafers g§ 12 salted wafers; 9 3 tablespoons soft butter; 9 1-3 cup cheese, cut fine; 9 1-8 teaspoon salt; 9 1-4 teaspoon paprika. 91 Mix the butter, cheese, salt an<^9 paprika and spread on the salte^B wafers. Place in a shallow bakinj^9 sheet and hake in a moderate ove^9 until light brown. Served warm, these are very tasty9j and are good for dessert with a hot9 beverage. 9 Valentine Menu Suggestions 9 Heart shaped cutters may be u*ed9 for cutting cakes, cookies, sand-9 wiches, gelatin and croquette m;x-9 9 Snuill paper patterns may be use<^9 for tracing on beets, jelly or pimen^9 9 Red jelly beans, gum drops. cand'9f strings, patties or hard candies mav9 bo used for decorating cakes, cook9| ies or desserts. 9g Hove is a popular flavor used i9| red candies or frost,ngs for servin^B at Valentine season. ^9 Menu for Sunday Tea 9 Creamed Chopped Cooked Meat ^B Toast Bars 9 Head Lettuce and Relish Prcs»ing9f Hot Biscuits Rnsberry Pxeser\es Chocolate Cake Tea 9 PNEUMONIA I Call a physician. Then besinB “emergency” treatment whhfl VICKS] ▼ VapoRubI _Q«r 17 Million Jar» Uttd Yamrly _ Ml laidsv 9NIT13S i$3DHV1 3 HI NIHIdSV^Wtf s.qdasofjg Aflfl NYO A3N0PAI SV w»(f S V A Strength-building Food For Feeble People SCOTT’S EMULSION □ Rich In All Cod-liver Oil Vitamins i , 8c®tt ft Bowne. Bloomfield. K. J. w tk-K I 2SonBcestor25^ j i Guaranteed j Pure 1 use less than cf high priced brands j MILLIONS rsf POUND3 USED I ^^BirrHE GOVERNMENT ^ SPENCER Beauty and Wave Shop formerly $5 Permanent Wave Shop Equipped to care for your every need in Beauty Work. Our Special!? Permanent Wave Any QCT Any Type Slylc Evenings and Sunday's by Appointment Spencer Beauty and Wave Shop 11051, Elizabeth St. Tel. 132d McCrory In Coughs from colds may lead to se rious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomuision. an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomuision is a medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and in hibits germ growth. Of all known drugs creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for coughs from colds and bronchial Irritations. Creomuision contains, in addition to creosote, other healing Have Beautiful Hair and healthy scalp U*« Valley Flowers Hair OI1 and Brilliantine. Well kept, beautiful hair is a personal attraction and a per* sonal satisfaction. If you need a good scalp food try VALLEY FLOWERS HAIR OIL. It not only is a food bat keeps the hair in place. Valley Flowers Brilliantine is in paste and liquid form and is excellent to keep the hair look* ing well dressed. Both products delightfully per* fumed. All leading druggists, Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors. Valley Flower* Brilliantine, 40c Valley Flowers , Hair Oil, 25c A THREE DAYS’ COUGH IS YOUR DANGER SIGNAL elements which soothe and heal tho inflamed membranes and stop the ir ritation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed imo tho blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of coughs from colds, bronchitis and minor forms of bronchial irritations, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded If not re lieved after taking according to direc tions. Ask your druggist, (adv.) CREOMULSION FOR THE COUGH FROM COLDS THAT HANG ON I ■ ■